Managing Global HRM MCQ
Managing Global HRM MCQ
Managing Global HRM MCQ
MCQ: Financial payments, above and over a regular base pay for employees are called
A. ethnocentric allowances
B. mobility premiums
C. hardship allowances
D. Foreign Service premiums
A. ethnocentric
B. polycentric
C. geocentric
D. expat-centric
A. expatriates
B. subordinates
C. coordinates
D. none of above
Specific procedure according to which 'employees of company has legal rights to take
part in policy designing' is classified as
A. sub-determination
B. sub-ordination
C. co-ordination
D. codetermination
A. polycentric
B. geocentric
C. ethnocentric
D. expat-centric
A. adaptability screening
B. ethnocentric screening
C. polycentric screening
D. geocentric screening
Lump sum payments given to employees, who move from one assignment to another are
classified as
A. ethnocentric allowances
B. mobility premiums
C. hardship allowances
United States executives, who are working in Australian branch of United Kingdom
multinational bank are an example of
A. expatriates
B. Second country nationals
C. home country nationals
D. both a and c
A. polycentric
B. geocentric
C. ethnocentric
D. all of above
A. personnel plans
B. production plans
C. compensation plans
D. training and development plans
Supply of services by outside vendors that are done previously by in-house employees is
A. outsourcing
B. off shoring
C. alternative staffing
D. none of above
Jin Yoon of Korea has been sent by Hyundai to the US to head their R&D department. He is:
a foreign assignment.
a host-country national.
an expatriate.
Martians Co. of the UK has expanded to 7 countries in South America. All its managers are UK citizens. The
company relies on:
host-country nationals.
third-country nationals.
home-country nationals.
A young MNE is more likely to use __________ for managing their foreign operations.
foreign expatriates
host-country nationals
home-country nationals
third-country nationals
MNEs from _________ are more likely to rely on home-country managers for senior positions.
Which of the following is not a reason why a firm might choose a host-country manager over a home-
country manager?
Language differences.
Which of the following will be the least likely to receive a foreign assignment?
An individual who joined the company after fulfilling an internship in Africa with a development of
A man whose partner is the president of a home-based University and with whom he is raising two
young children.
There is no general agreement as to the level of education that international managers should have.
A family situation is not as important as the age of the potential manager when choosing an
international manager.
their new position in the home country typically lacks the level of authority of their previous
the MNE appreciates their success and they receive a high-level home country assignment.
all of the above.
Which of the following is the most common selection procedure for choosing an international
Resume examinations.
The amount of salary an individual receives in the home-country becomes the ________ when
calculating compensation.
base salary
non-negotiable salary
original allowance
Which of the following countries has the lowest percentage of the labor force unionized?
Healthcare costs.
Democratic representation.
Worker determination.
Democratic determination.
Work councils.