Prsu 18-19ma

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The curriculum frame – work is as under.



I Experimental and Cognitive Psychology 100 3 hours
II Social and Cultural Psychology 100 3 hours
III Research Methodology and Statistics 100 3 hours
IV Psychopathology and Health Psychology 100 3 hours
V Practicum 100 4 hours
Total Marks 500

M.M. - 100
NOTE : This paper consists of five units. From each unit minimum two questions will be set
and candidates will have to answer one question from each unit.

UNIT – I Attentional and Perceptual Processes:

Attention: selective attention and its theories, Biological basis. Motivation:
Perception: Nature, Principles of perceptual organization, Picture perception,
and Determinants.

UNIT – II Memory & forgetting: Memory process: Encoding, Storage, Retrieval: stages of
memory: Sensory. STM, LTM Episodic, Memory improvement Meta-
Cognition, Tip of the tongue Phenomenon, Meta memory.
Theories of forgetting: Interference, decay.

UNIT – III Thinking & Problem solving: Theories of thought Process, Reasoning, Problem
solving: Problem solving approaches strategies, Role of Concepts in thinking.
Decision-making: Algorithms and heuristics.

UNIT – IV Learning: Nature and Types, Classical Conditioning Instrumental learning,

Verbal learning, reinforcement.

UNIT – V Creativity and Reasoning

Creativity: Nature and Measurement, Factors affecting creativity.
Reasoning: Types and errors in reasoning process: deductive and inductive.

1. Snodgrass, J. Gray. Et. Al (1985) Human experimental psychology, New York : Oxford
University Press.
2. Galott, K. M. (1999) Cognitive psychology in and outside laboratory, Mumbai : Thompson
3. D. Amato M.R. (1970) Experimental Psychology, New York, Mc. Graw Hill.
4. Sen Anima : Attention & Destraction New Delhi.
M.M. - 100
NOTE : This paper consists of five units. From each unit minimum two questions will be set
and candidates will have to answer one question from each unit.

UNIT – I Historical Background & Theoretical perspective: Growth of social psychology,

Methods of social psychology. Theoretical perspective: Cognitive dissonance,
Social comparison, Attribution, Field Psychoanalytic, Socio-biology.

UNIT – II Social cognition and Influence Processes : Social and Person perception,
impression management.
Attitude : Nature and Characteristics, Development and change.
Leadership : Meaning and nature, function, styles of leadership, effectiveness.

UNIT – III Understanding Relationship and Group Processes: Social Motivations,

Pre-social Behaviour.
Aggression and Violence.
Group Dynamics and cohesiveness: Group Dynamics: meanings, formation,
decision making, group level behaviour.

UNIT – IV Applied Social Psychology: National character.

Poverty, Grader and Population Issues.
Social tension and group conflict.
Problems of social change

UNIT – V Culture and Behaviour: Culture and Cognition.

Culture and Organisation.
Culture and Personality.
Culture and Health.
Prejudice and discrimination.


1. Billing, M. (1976) Social Psychology and inter group relations, NY: Academic Press
Lindsey, G. & Aronson, E (Eds) (1985) The Handbook of social psychology. NY :
Random House.
2. Mishra, G. (1990) Applied social psychology in India ND: Sage
3. Eiser, J.R. (1986) Social Psychology, London : Cambridge University Press.
4. Dalal, A.K. (1989) Attribution theory and research ND wiley limited .
5. Feldman R.S. (1985) Social Psychology, New York, Mc Graw hill.
6. Baran A.B. & Byre, D (1991) Social Psychology, - Boston allyn & Bacon.
7. Pandey, J. (1988) Psychology in India; the state – 7 the art Vol – 2 ND. Sage.
M.M. - 100
NOTE : This paper consists of five units. From each unit minimum two questions will be set
and candidates will have to answer one question from each unit.

UNIT – I Nature of scientific research in behavioural sciences. Experimentation in

psychology Variables: Nature and types. Techniques of experimental
manipulation, control in experiment. Sources of bias. Ethical issues in
psychological research, Research Process: Consideration of research problem
and hypothesis.

UNIT – II Sampling: probability and nonprobability sampling. Research report writing

(APA style). Normal Probability Curve, its properties and utility in inferential
statistics, Null hypothesis, Type I and Type II errors, Levels of significance.

UNIT – III Method of Collecting data: Observation, Questionnaire, Interview. Case Study,
Psychological tests and Content - Analysis.

UNIT – IV Experimental Design : Single Factor, Ranomized block, 2X2 factorial design,
Repeated measures (on one factor) Design : Graceo Latin – Square Design,
t-test, NOVA : one – way and two – way : Newman - Keul tests.

UNIT – V Cross sectional and longitudinal designs. Measures of relationships: Multiple

regression, factor analysis: the centroid method, calculation of factors, content


1. Kerlinger D & Katz L. : Foundation of behavioural research (2nd ed) Surjeet

Publication, Kamlanagr, Delhi, 1983
2. Kothari C.R.: Research methodology : methods and techniques. Wiley eastern Ltd.
New Delhi 1986
3. Broota, K.D. : Experimental design in behavioural research Wiley eastern Ltd. New
Delhi 1992
4. Black T.R. : Quantative research designs for social sciences thousand oaks: sage 1988
5. Winer, B.J. : Stastical principles in experimental design, New York, Mc graw hill, 1971
6. Edwards, A.K.: Experimental designs in psychological research. New York Holt 1976
7. Mason, J. : Qualitative Researching, thousand oaks: sage 1997.
M.M. - 100
NOTE : This paper consists of five units. From each unit minimum two questions will be set
and candidates will have to answer one question from each unit.

UNIT – I Classification systems in psychopathology: W.H.O. (ICD-10) and multiaxial

systems (DSM-IV TR): Evaluation of classification system. Theoretical
background, approaches to psychopathology (1) Psychodynamic;
(2) Behavioural; (3) Cognitive; (4) Phenomenological; (5) Biological (6) Socio-
cultural approach Diagnosis – purposes of diagnosis, Method of diagnostic

UNIT – II Intervention models and Psychotherapies Psychodynamic, Behavioural,

Biological, Behavioural medicine socio-cultural, Phenomenological and
spiritual approach to therapy.

UNIT – III Theories and models of Anxiety disorder: (a) Panic, Phobic, OCD Post –
Traumatic. Stress disorders, Generalized Anxiety Disorders, (b) somatoform
disorders, Impulse control disorder, eating disorder and Sleep disorder.

UNIT – IV Schizophrenia Mood disorder. Mental Retardation and Personality disorder

(cluster categories and problems), types & symptoms substance related

UNIT – V Psychophysiological disorder, Theories of Personality-dispositions, coronary

heart desease (CHD), Asthma, Allergy, Eczema Itching, Rheumatoid, Arthritis,
Peptic. Ulcer, Diabetes and Menstrual disorders, sexual and gender identity
disorder. Mental Health Promotion and Maintenance.


1. Aboud, T.D.: Health psychology in global perspective. Thousand oaks, C.A: Sage (1988).
2. Page, J.D.: PSYCHOPATHOLOGY : The Science of understanding Deviance. (2nd ed.)
3. Carson, C.R., Butcher J. N. : Abnormal psychology and modern life (9th ed) Harper
Collins publisher. (1992).
4. Adams, H.E. & Sutkar. P.B. : comprehensive handbook of psychopathology New York,
Plenum Press.
5. Prokap, C.R. & Bradly, L.A.: Medical psychology: Contribution to Behavioural medicine,
Academic press, (1991)
6. Davison G.C. and Neal J.N. Abnormal Psychology – 8th Ed. Wiely Publishers, 2000.
M.M. 100
This paper consists of the laboratory (experimental and testing) and field – work done
throughout the academic session and will be evaluated at the time of annual examination along
with the other papers. Distribution of marks would be as under:
A. Record of lab practical and field work 25
B. Evaluation of one lab. Experiment of be conducted in the examination 25
C. One test to be administered in the examination 25
D. Viva-Voce on practicum 25

Note : No candidate would be allowed to appear in the practical examination unless his/ her
day-to-day practical work and report are found satisfactory.

List of Practicum : (Any five experiments four tests and one field study)

1) Experiments :-

1. Meaningfulness and selective attention.

2. Effect of types of information on impression formation.
3. Memory improvement.
4. Episodic memory
5. Chunking
6. Proactive inhibition
7. Problem solving
8. Retroactive inhibition
9. Meaningfulness in verbal learning
10. Feedback in verbal learing.

Tests :-

1. E.P.Q.
2. Locus of control
3. Picture frustration
4. Intelligence test (performance/non-verbal)
5. Thinking style
6. Cognitive style
7. Trait-state anxiety
8. Projective test.

Field Work :
1. Person perception 2. Impression management
3. Attitude measurement 4. Group conformity
5. Value judgement 6. Identity crisis
7. Gender discrimination 8. Communal tension
9. Interpersonal interaction 10. Pro-social behaviour
11. Social loafing.

Note : Field study Workshop on topics would be allotted by the departmental committee.
The curriculum frame – work is as under.


No.of Paper Name of Paper Marks Hours
(vi) Life Span Development 100 3 hours
and Personality Psychology
(vii) Psychological Assessment 100 3 hours
Optional Papers : Two papers from any one of the
three groups
Group A : Psychology of Management
(viii) Organizational Behaviour Management 100 3 hours
(ix) Human Resource Development and Management 100 3 hours
Group B : Psychology of Education
(viii) Educational and Instructional Psychology 100 3 hours
(ix) Guidance and Counselling Psychology 100 3 hours
Group C : Clinical Psychology
(viii) Clinical Diagnosis and Community Mental Health 100 3 hours
(ix) Psychotherapeutic Counselling 100 3 hours
(x) Practicum 100 4 hours

M.M. - 100
NOTE : This paper consists of five units. From each unit minimum two questions will be set
and candidates will have to answer one question from each unit.

UNIT – I Scope, Nature and Principles of development, Factors influencing

development: Heredity, Environment, Motivation, Learning. Methods; Cross-
sectional, longitudinal approach, Research strategies: Correlation,
Experimental and other sequential techniques. The Developmental tasks and
theories of Development.

UNIT – II How life begins, Infancy, baby hood and childhood. Characteristics,
adjustment, hazards and Physical, Emotional, Social and Personality

UNIT – III Adolescence, Adulthood, Middle and Old age- Characteristics. Physical,
Social, Cognitive and Spiritual development psychosocial Changes and

UNIT – IV Personality Meaning and Concept of Mature Personality,

Theories of Personality, Psychodynamic: Approch Freud, Erikson, Adler.
Trait: Approch Allpert, Cattell and Eysenck, Cognitive: Approch Kelly,
Behavioural Approch Bandura.

UNIT – V Humanistic approach: Maslow & Rogers,

Indigenous concept and Models of Personality – Yogic, Sankhya and
Buddhist View. Structure, Dynamics, Development and Current Researches in
the field of Personality.


1. Baltes, P.B. & Brim O.G. (1978): Life span development behaviour, N. Y. Academic
2. Thomas, M. R. (2000): Recent theories of Human Development, thousand Oaks: sage
3. Zanden, J.W. & Vander (1997): Human Development (7th Ed.) New York: Mc Graw
4. Elizabeth B. Hurlock (1977): Development Psychology. A life span approach, (5th
5. Jere E. Brothy & Sherry L. Willis (1981): Human Development and Behaviour, St.
Maitins Press, NY.
6. Liebert, R.M. & Spiegler, M.P. (1993): Person aligy: Strategies & issues, P.C.
California Books Cole Pub. Co.
7. Hall C.S. and Lindsey, G. (1996) theories of Personality N.Y.J. Wiley & Sons.
8. Pervin L.A. (1975): Psychology of personality readings in theory, Chigos. Rand
Meznally College Lab.
9. Sinha J.N. (1969) : Indian Psychology, Calcutta.
10. Mukkopadhyay, Swami Niranjanand Saraswati Yoga Darshan Munger : Bihar School
of Yoga.
M.M.- 100
NOTE: This paper consist of five units. From each unit minimum two questions will
be set and candidates will have to be answer one question from each unit.

UNIT – 1 Nature of Psychological Assessment, Differences between Physical &

psychological assessment. Problems in Psychological Assessment., Levels of

UNIT – II Scaling: Unidimensional and Multidimensional. Scale construction

techniques. Difference among tests, scales, questionnaire and schedule.
Characteristics of a good psychometric test. Difference between psychometric
and projective technique.

UNIT – III Construction of Psychometric tools: Step in test construction. Item writing,
Pretry out, item difficulty level, discrimination power Reliability; Concept,
type, method of determining reliability, Validity: Factors affecting reliability
and validity. Norms: Types, uses and method to determine various types of

UNIT – IV Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Tests

(a) Major Tests of Intelligence, Aptitude and Achievement developed under
Western and Indian Cultural Setup.
(b) Projective and Psychometric tests of Personality, adjustment, Values
Interest, Stress and Anxiety developed under Indian and Western
(c) Psycho-Physical and Neuro-Psychological test.

UNIT – V (a) Adaptation of tests.

(b) Test taking Response Styles: Social desirability, Acquiescence and Faking.
(c) Psychological testing in Applied Field of Life: Diagnosis, Psychotherapy,
Education, Occupations and Organizations.


1. Anastasi, A. (1988) Psychological Testing London: Mc Millan Publishing Co.

Crowback. L.J. Essentials of Psychological Testing.
2. Rreeman F. Theory and Practice of Psychological Testing.
3. Gheselli Theory of Psychological Measurement New Delhi Tata HeGraw Hill
4. Guilford, J.P. Psychometric Methods. New Delhi Tata Mc Graw Hill.
5. Nunally, J.C. Introduction to Psychological Measurement, Tokyo: Mc Graw Hill.
6. Nunally, J.C. Psychometuric Theory, New Delhi: Tata Mc.Graw Hill Publishing Co.

M.M. - 100
NOTE : This paper consists of five units. From each unit minimum two questions will be set
and candidates will have to answer one question from each unit.

UNIT – I Historical overview of the field Old and Emerging forms of organizations,
Psychological processes in organizations: person, learning principles
perceptions and motivation.

UNIT – II Organizations Processes: Influence and power in organization leadership:

Nature and theories of communication. Barriers, effectiveness, current issues,
role of T.A. in communication decision making, nature of rational process of
decision-making. Group decision-making, techniques of good DM.

UNIT – III Interpersonal Processes in organizations: Group dynamics and team work in
organization, conflict, decision Making negotiation in organization, Union
Management interface, TQM, bench marking, Re-engineering, changing
organizational culture.

UNIT – IV Marketing Research: Nature and function: consumer behavior, sales

promotion strategies.

UNIT – V Organizational change and development: Managing the OD process,

OD approaches and techniques, theoretical development and emerging
OD technique, organization change, process and models.


1. Udai Pareek: Organizational learning R. Gibson (1997) Rethink the future London
Nicholas Brealey Publishing.

2. Luthans Fred: Organizational Behaviour (1995) Mc Graw Hill international Edition.

3. Stephens P. Robbins: Organizational behaviour (9th edition) (2000) Prentie Hall India,
New Delhi 110001.

4. Jerald Greenbery, Robert, A aburon: Behaviour in organization (1999) PrentieHall of

India. New Delhi 110001.

M.M. - 100

NOTE : This paper consists of five units. From each unit minimum two questions will be set
and candidates will have to answer one question from each unit.

UNIT – I Some assumptions about HRM, Structure and Role of HRM. The Indian
Contest of HRM Models of HRM. Current and future Challenges to HRM.

UNIT – II Human Resource Planning: Steps and stages in manpower planning. Structure
of manpower planning HRD in India. Job analysis and job design.
Recruitment and selection. Job and Careers in HRM

UNIT – III Performance appraisal, Factors distorting appraisal and how to improve
appraisals. Type of appraisal system., wage and salary administration.
Employment incentive.

UNIT – IV Human Resource policies and practices, changing trends in work

environment, developing the human resource, the employment relationship.
Professional bodies.

UNIT – V Maintaining Human Resource: Safety and Health Stress Management, Labour
Relations and Collective Bargaining. Employee involvement, Employee


1. Human Resource Management. A contemporary perspective I. Board Well & Holden.

2. Personnel Human Resource Management. D.A. centre & S.P. Robbins.

3. Designing and Management. Human Resources Systems U. Pareek & T.V. Rao.

4. Human Resource Management. Fisher. Scheenfeldt and show.


M.M. - 100
NOTE : This paper consists of five units. From each unit minimum two questions will be set
and candidates will have to answer one question from each unit.

UNIT – I Conceptual and theoretical perspectives in Educational Psychology. Theories,

Behaviouristic, Social learning and Piaget and their application in teaching.
Information processing Models, Instructional Medels, Programmed learning
concept, Characteristics and models.

UNIT – II Human diversity and education.

Learning styles: Nature, approaches to learning style, measurement of
learning styles, attempt to modify learning styles.
Individual and group differences in intelligence. Theories of intelligence,
multiple intelligence, Gender differences issues in the classroom.
Multilingualism and minority language issues in education, tongue education,
bilingual or multilingual education.

UNIT – III Effective Teaching and Classroom Management

Planning and setting objectives for Teaching, Taxonomy of objectives. Types
of objectives and their utility, characteristics of effective teachers. Teaching
methods instruction lecturing and explaining, questioning, aptitude –
treatment interaction, student centred teaching, individualized instruction,
class room management and teaching in small groups: The discussion method
and cooperative learning, computer-assisted instruction.

UNIT – IV Exceptionality and social education:

Categories of exceptionality, labeling and educational relevance Physically
disabled students, students with cognitive disabilities, brain dysfunction and
communication disorders.
Students with emotional and behavior disorder. Attention deficit disorder
(Add), attentional deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), Gifted and talented
students. Intervention and special education for various forms of
exceptionality, mainstreaming.

UNIT – V Educational Assessment

Measurement and evaluation (Norm reference and criteria referenced tests),
Test scores- meaning and types, standardized test: Meaning Types and
interpretation Classroom assessment and grading: Techniques of Class room
evaluation. Observation, questionnaire.

1. De Secco, J.P. & Croford, W.R. : The Psychology of Learning and Instruction, New
Delhi. Prentice Hall.
2. Ellis, R.S.: Educational Psychology, A Problem approaches affiliated, New Delhi,
ease West Press.
3. Bruce & Marshvell : Models of Teaching (2nd Ed.) 1980.
4. Travers, J.F. : Educational Psychology (2nd Ed.) 1979.

M.M. - 100
NOTE : This paper consists of five units. From each unit minimum two questions will be set
and candidates will have to answer one question from each unit.

UNIT – I Definition, Nature, Need and Functions of Guidance and Counselling.

Counselling and Psychotherapy. Intervention, Goal and objectives of

UNIT – II Techniques of Appraising the client: Standardized and Non-Standardized

Techniques, Intelligence, Personality, Aptitude and Interest. Observation,
Auto biography, Case study, interview, Rating scales.

UNIT – III Approaches of Counselling: Directive, Non-directive, Eclectic. Individual and

group counselling. Evaluation of counselling. Follow up and placement

UNIT – IV Characteristics of a good Counsellor. Counsellors, Training Organization of

guidance program in educational institution. Relevance of guidance under
10+2+3 educational pattern. Issues and trends in guidance and counselling.
Ethical standards.

UNIT – V Special areas of Guidance and Counselling: Vocational, Marital, Educational,

Family. Counselling for the pre-school and elementary school children


1. Lewis, E.C. (1970): Counselling Psychology, New York, Holt Rinehart and Winster,
2. Harson, J.C. (1978): Counselling Processes and Procedures. New York, McMillan
Publishing Co. Inc.
3. Narayan Rao. S. (1981): Counselling Psychology, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Kemp. C.G. (1970): Foundations of group counselling., New York, McGraw Hill.
5. Steffler, B.(Ed.) 1965. Theories of counselling, New York, McGraw Hill Book Co.
6. Warters, J. (1964): Techniques of counselling, New York, McGraw Hill Book Co.
7. Rappaport, D. Gill, M.M. and Schafer, R. (1968): Diagnostic Psychological testing.
(Revised edition, edited by Holt, R.R.) New York, International Universities Press.
8. Anastasi, Z. (1992): Psychological Testing (Seventh Ed.) New York, McMillan.

M.M. - 100

NOTE : This paper consists of five units. From each unit minimum two questions will be set
and candidates will have to answer one question from each unit.

UNIT – I History and current trends. Approaches: Psychodynamic, Behaviouristic,

Humanistic, Cognitive and Socio-cultural.

UNIT – II Clinical diagnosis: Symptomatic vs. dynamic. Symptomatic diagnosis:

ICD-10, DSM-IV (R). Dynamic diagnosis: Observation, Case history and

UNIT – III Clinical Assessment : Basic principles, Psychometric tests: MMPI, WAIS &
WISC. Projective tests: Rorschach & TAT.

UNIT – IV Impressionistic approach of diagnosis: Informal assessment, Psycho-

Physiological Assessment: EEG, ECG, and PGR, Blood pressure, Pulse-rate;
Neuro-Psychological testing. Clinical report writing.

UNIT – IV Community Psychology: Perspectives of Community Psychology, Social

Interventions: Methods and Strategies.


1. Iscope, I.; Block B.L. and Spielberger, C.D. (eds) Community psychology:
Perspectives in training and research. NY: Appleton, 1977.

2. Mann. A.P.; Community Psychology: Concepts and applications. Free Press, 1978.

3. Rapaport, J. Community Psychology: Values, Research and action. NY : Holt

Rinehart. 1977.

4. Korchin, S.Modern Clinical Psychology. Harper and Row, 1978.

5. Wolman, B.B. (ed) Handbook of Clinical Psychology, Mc Graw Hills, 1972.


M.M. - 100
NOTE : This paper consists of five units. From each unit minimum two questions will be set
and candidates will have to answer one question from each unit.

UNIT – I Psychotherapeutic Counselling: Psychoanalytic Technique, Behavioural.

Technique, Client centered technique, Community interventions and Group
therapeutic techniques.

UNIT – II Methods for Altering Maladaptive Behavioural deficits: Shyness,

delinquency, depression, speech and sexual dysfunctions.

UNIT – III Methods for altering maladaptive behavioural excesses: Excessive smoking,
alcoholism, drug addiction and temper-out burst, physical aggression.

UNIT – IV Methods of altering inappropriate behaviour: Marital maladjustment, child-

misbehaviour, homosexuality, and exhibitionism.

UNIT – V Methods for altering fears and anxiety and treating psychophysiological
disorders: test-anxiety, generalized anxiety, stress, school phobia, snake
phobia, combination of fears, CHD, asthama and peptic ulcer.


1. Carson & Butcher : Abnormal Psychology and modern life.

2. Wolpe, R. & Dryden, W. (eds) (1996) : Handbook of counselling psychology, New Delhi
3. Woolberg, L.R. (1998) : The Techniques of Psychotherapy, Barcour Brace : Groune
and stration.
4. Toukimarian, S.G. & Rennie D.C. (1992): Psychotherapy Process and Research, Sage
5. Gelso; C.J. and Fretz, B.R. (1995): Counselling Psychology, Bangalore, Prism Books
6. Abate, L. & Milan, M.A. (ed.) (1985) : Handbook of social skill training & Research,
New York: John Wiley & Sons.
7. Gorey, G (1986)Theory and Practices of Counselling and Psychotherapy, Montery
California, books coley publishing.
8. Adelson, D. & Kalis, B.L. (1970) : Community Psychology and Mental Health.
Perspectives Seanto.
9. Mann. A.P. (1978): Community Psychology : Concepts and applications, Free Press.
10. Iscoe. I. Block, B.L. & Spielberger, C.D. (eds.) (1977): Community Psychology :
Perspectives in training and research N.Y. : Appleton.

M.M. - 100
Note :- This Paper Consists of two parts: Part –I and Part – II


(Any five of the following to be completed in the Laboratory training.)

1. Knowledge of results.
2. Effect of social support on conformity.
3. Attribution of achievement outcomes.
4. Zeigarnik effect.
5. Level of aspiration as a function of success or failure.
6. Reminiscence in motor learning.
7. Short Term Memory.
8. Effect of group on individual judgement.


This part of the practical paper comprises of completion of two field studies,
one (I) from the area of compulsory papers and another (II) from the area of
optional papers of the specialization group.

(I) Any one of the areas given below from the compulsory papers be
selected by the candidate and its field studies be completed under
supervision of the departmental supervisor.


1. Childhood
2. Adolescence
3. Adulthood
4. Old age
5. Home environment


1. Leadership Styles
2. Matured Personality
3. Personality type ‘A’ and ‘B’
4. Neuroticism
5. Psychopathic personality
(II) candidate is required to complete one field study from the optional
group under supervision of a concern teacher. The optional group
prescribed along with the areas of specialization is given below:

Optional Group ‘A” Psychology of Management: Any one of the following:

1. Study of Job Analysis

2. Communication Network
3. Organizational Structures
4. Management Style
5. Role Stress

OR Optional Group ‘A” Psychology of Education: Any one of the following:

1. Test Anxiety
2. Exceptional Children
3. Teaching Style
4. Educational Guidance
5. Vocational Guidance

OR Optional Group ‘A” Psychology of Mental Health: Any one of the following:

1. Neuro-Psychological evaluation of a stroke patient.

2. Identification of stressors
3. Drug abuse
4. Study of faith healers
5. Study of yoga or Vipashyana

The distribution of marks of Paper X (Practical) will be as under:

1. Conduction of Laboratory experiments. : 30

2. Completion of Field Study Reports
(a) Compulsory area : 20
(b) Optional area : 20
3. Viva – Voce on Practical : 30

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