Svuyvupgcet-2013: Syllabus Test-33: PSYCHOLOGY: Section-A
Svuyvupgcet-2013: Syllabus Test-33: PSYCHOLOGY: Section-A
Svuyvupgcet-2013: Syllabus Test-33: PSYCHOLOGY: Section-A
General Psychology 1. Introduction: The nature of modern Psychology, psychological conceptions of main-areas of Psychology methods of Psychology and measurement in Psychology. 2.Biological basis of behavior: a) Nervous system and its organization-the structure of neuron-central nervous system-brain and the spinal cord-localisation of brain functions-autonomic nervous system. b) Hormonal basis of behavior-the major endocrine glands and their functions. c) Mechanisms of hereditychromosomes and genes. Influence of heredity and environment on behavior. 3.Sensation and perception: a) Sensory processes-vision, audition, some thesis, chemical senses, sense of equilibrium and kinesthetic sense. b) Perceptual processes: Principles of perceptual organization-attention and perception of movement-perceptual constancies - illusions. 4.Motivation: Psychological motives-psycho-social motives-unconscious motivation - Masllows theory of motivation. 5.Emotion: Primary emotion-development of emotion-psychological changes in emotion-theories of emotionsJames-Lange, Cannon-Bard and sahachter. 6.Learning: Conditioning-classical conditioning and operant conditioning-cognitive learning - motivation and learning-transfer of training. 7.Memory and Forgetting: Kinds of retention-retrieval process- nature of forgetting-improving memory. 8.Thinking: Concept formation reasoning and problem-solving-creative thinking. SECTION-B Child and Adolescent Psychology Nature and Importance of Developmental Psychology: Growth and Development; stages; Methods of Studying human development. Early Stages of Development:- Prenatal period; Infancy; Babyhood, Characteristics Physical development. Puberty: - Characteristics; developmental tasks ; body changes ; effects of pubertal changes. Adolescence:- Characteristics ; Developmental tasks: physical , Emotional and social changes; Personality development. SECTION-C SOCIAL PSYHOLOGY Chapter - I: Nature and scope of Social Psychology Definition, Nature and Scope. Methods of Social Psychology Observation method. Survey method, Correlational method, Field study and Experimental method Chapter- II: Social Perception Understanding Others Attribution Errors in Attribution Fundamental Attribution Error, Actor Observer effect, Self Serving Bias Chapter III: Communication Definition, nature and types of communication. Barriers to effective communication. Rumors and propaganda. Chapter IV: Attitudes Definition Distinctive features of Attitudes, Formation of Attitudes, Measurement of Attitudes Likert method of Summated ratings, Bogardus method of Social Distance, Thurstones Equal appearing intervals method. Chapter V: Prejudice Prejudice and Discrimination Nature and Origin of Prejudice, Techniques of reducing Prejudice Chapter VI: Aggression Definition, Determinants of Human Aggression Social, Personal, and Situational factors- Prevention and Control of Aggression. Chapter VII: Groups and Individuals Definition and Types of Groups, Group functions Roles, Status, Norms, Cohesiveness and Conformity. Chapter VIII: Leadership Defintion Traits of a Leader, Types of Leaders Autocratic, Democratic and Charismatic Leaders. References: 1. Baron, R.A & Byrne, D. Social Psychology 2. R.A. Lippa. Social Psyschology 3. Hilgard & Atkinson Introducation to Psychology. 4. Elizabeth Hurlock Developmental Psychology. -oOo-