Evaluation of Integrated Fish-Rice Farming in The Nile Irrigation and Drainage Project Areas, South Gonder, Ethiopia

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International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2015; 3(1): 05-08 

ISSN: 2347-5129
(ICV-Poland) Impact Value: 5.62
(GIF) Impact Factor: 0.352 Evaluation of integrated fish-rice farming in the Nile
IJFAS 2015; 3(1): 05-08
© 2015 IJFAS irrigation and drainage project areas, south Gonder,
Received: 03-06-2015 Ethiopia
Accepted: 06-07-2015

Mohammed oumer Mohammed oumer, Dereje Tewabe, Erkie Asmare

Bahir dar Fisheries and other
Aquatic Life Research Center
Ethiopia. Abstract
Rice–fish culture is an integrated approach to food production and can increase food and income. This
Dereje Tewabe system can be practiced with little investment and can maximize the use of existing resources. It is one
Bahir dar Fisheries and other way to increase the economic benefits from rice fields and at the same time develops freshwater fisheries.
Aquatic Life Research Center Rice–fish culture has been practiced in 28 countries on six continents. Egypt is the largest rice producer
Ethiopia. among Middle Eastern and African countries, and Egyptian rice yields are some of the highest in the
Erkie Asmare
Bahir dar Fisheries and other The study area is known as the Fogera Plains and used to be a livestock production area until recently.
Aquatic Life Research Center The area gets flooded during the wet season and is not accessible. Farmers along the coasts of Lake Tana
Ethiopia. are also fishermen and use traditional way of fishing using papyrus boats. Rice production has been
introduced some five years ago in the Fogera plains and currently about 4,516 ha of land is under rice
cultivation using the X-Jigna variety.
In relation to above synthesis, rice-fish integrated field experiments were performed at the Fogera Plains
from July 2014-December2014. Rearing fish fry and growing until they attained a weight of 50 grams
and more. Stocking Nile Tilapia fish fingerlings, at a rate of 2 fish/m2. The results showed that on the two
rice filed 720kg/ha and 1500kg/ha can be harvested through integrated rice and fish culture. The physical
parameters showed good environment for fish survival and growth.

Keywords: Rice-Fish integrated farming, water quality, Nile Tilapia.

1. Introduction
Integrated rice-fish farming is thought to have been practiced in Thailand more than 200 years.
In Japan and Indonesia, rice-fish farming was developed in the mid-1800s. An early review on
rice-fish culture showed that by the mid-1900s it was practiced in 28 countries on six
continents: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America (Matthias et
al., 2004) [4].
Common carp was then the most popular species, followed by the Mozambique tilapia
(Oreochromis mossambicus). In Malaysia the snakeskin gouramy (Trichogaster pectoralis)
was favored, and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) was used in Egypt. Other species
mentioned include buffalo fish (Ictiobus cyprinellus), the Carassius (Carassius auratus),
milkfish (Chanos chanos), mullets (Mugil spp.), gobies (family Gobiidae), eels, murrels or
snakeheads (Channa spp.), catfish (Clarias batrachus), gouramy (Trichogaster pectoralis) as
well as penaeid shrimps (Penaeus spp.) (Matthias et al., 2004) [4].
Risk elements in rice production in low lands can be eliminated by diversifying the system
through introduction of fish culture. In the rainfed ecosystems of India rice-fish farming
system is the best farming option considering the available resources and food habit of people.
Rice and fish are grown in pond area and fruit crops like banana and papaya are grown in
Rainfed shallow water can be utilised rice crop sequence may be followed. Rice as nurseries
for fresh water fish and prawn seed varieties like Jaladhi-1, Jaladhi-2, Jalmagna, production.
Rainfed intermediate (0-50 em) and Utkal Prabha, Manika, Mahalaxmi, Panidhan, semi-deep
Mohammed oumer water ecologies (50 to 100 em water FR-13A, Jal Lahri, Jal Nidhi, Jal Priya etc. may depth)
Bahir dar Fisheries and other are suitable for rice-fish farming. Fresh be taken (Sukanta et al., 2004) [5].
Aquatic Life Research Center Rice–fish culture is an integrated approach to food production and can increase food and
income. This system can be practiced with little investment and can maximize the use of
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International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies  
existing resources. It is one way to increase the economic 3.1. Fish density vs. size experiments
benefits from rice fields and at the same time develops Site selection were done with the woreta agriculture office
freshwater fisheries. Rice–fish culture has been practiced in 28 experts to prepare the experimental rice field at four farmers.
countries on six continents. Egypt is the largest rice producer Each study sites have semi-deep water ecologies ranging from
among Middle Eastern and African countries, and Egyptian 125m2-350 m2 and they were located at about 1787-1812m
rice yields are some of the highest in the world. Nigeria has above from the sea level. After the water flow direction
large and expansive areas of swampy landscapes and regularly identified, Slight modification of rice field were made and
flooded lowland areas that are suitable for rice–fish culture. In fencing on the out flow side. Rearing fish fry and growing
Nigeria, the extensive style of growing rice and raising fish until they attained a weight of 50 grams and more and
simultaneously in the same field for the period of rice culture Stocking tilapia fish fingerlings, at a rate of 2 fish/m2 (Table1).
is gaining ground and attention in the swampy floodplains, and
is contributing significantly to the diets and economic Table1: Sites and No of fish stocked
livelihoods of coastal (lowland) inhabitants (Akegbejo,2010) [1]. Fish Deep
Rice-fish integrated farming systems are well known as No of fish Fish size Total
Sites length in water
environment friendly and one of the best options to increase stocked in gm area
cm area
fish production from limited water resources. This type of Site A 350 50-60 13-14 200m2 0.015ha
culture is less expensive where the energy resources are Site B 217 50-70 13-14.5 125m2
recycled in a sustainable manner stated that there exists a Site C 217 50-65 13.5-14 125m2
mutually beneficial relationship between rice and fish, so Site D 600 50-70 13-15 350 m2 0.2ha
farmers have a higher rice yield, since fish devour pests that
attack rice and control the growth of weed plants (Lemma et 3.2. Rice–Fish Systems
al., 2014) [3]. In this study rice fish integration were done at open rice field
Although the fish rice integrated system has been which had naturally semi-deep water ecologies. Only slight
demonstrated to provide necessary additional income and high modification were done and the out flow direction closed by
quality protein, it is still in an exploratory stage in Ethiopia. In wire mesh net and bamboo. It was assumed that fish graze at
this context the present experiment was carried out to evaluate open area of rice field and back to semi-deep water ecologies
the integration of fish-rice farming in the Nile irrigation and when the water level decreases.
drainage project areas, at south Gonder of Ethiopia.
4. Result and discussion
2. Objectives 4.1. Fish Adaptation
 Evaluate the adaptation and growth performance of fish in 51.4% and 63.3% of the fish adapted from the stocked site A
rice-fish integrated farming. and site D respectively. Among the study area site A was dry
 To create and strengthen linkage among main actors, early around at October (Fig 1). Two of the sites (Band C)
especially the farmers, extension workers, researchers and were destroyed during high flood occurrence.
market chain actors.

3. Materials and Methods

The study was conducted on farmer's field at Fogera Wereda
which is found in Amhara Regional State in South Gondar
Zone. It is situated at11 °58 latitude and 37 °41 longitude.
Woreta is the capital city of the Woreda and is found 625 Km
from Addis Ababa and 55 Km from the Regional capital, Bahir
The study area were geographically located at 11 °54.4'46.3''N
to 11 °57'03.0''N and 37 °41'23.9''E to 37 °42'32.2'' E at
elevation 1787-1812m. The area gets flooded during the wet
season and is not accessible. Farmers along the coasts of Lake
Tana are also fishermen and use traditional way of fishing
Fig1: Fish stocked and adapted from all sites
using papyrus boats. Rice production has been introduced
some five years ago in the Fogera plains and currently about
4.2. Fish stocked and harvested
4,516 ha of land is under rice cultivation using the X-Jigna
At all site those fingerlings stocked sized between 55-60g (13-
variety (Fogera PLS, 2005) [2].
14.5cm) shows 80-150g (15-19cm) at harvesting time. Growth
Training were given to farmers and woreda experts to rise
increment ware 25.2% and 58.3% for site A and Site D
awareness about integrated fish-rice farming system. Different
respectively. During harvesting time much number of
sized plastic buckets and fish boxes were used to place fish
fingerlings were caught at site D.
during sampling and perform total harvest. GPS was used to
know geographical location of the study area. Table 2: Percentage of increment of fish stocked
Weighing balance and measuring board were used to measure
the growth of fish. Physico parameter were done to check the Fish Harvested
Sites % increment
water quality of the fish rice field. Field research was Stocked (g) Fish (g)
conducted for a period of six months “between” July 2014 to Site A (50-60g) 19,250 14,400 25.2
December 2014. Site D (50-70 g) 36,000 57,000 58.3

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International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies  
2010) [1]. The total fish production contributed from weeds,
plankton, insects, organic detritus etc. is estimated to be about
250 kg ha-l in rice field (Sukanta et al., 2004) [5]. The results
showed that despite of 3-5% loss of the rice cultivating area
due to "trench" as fish hiding place, rice yield increased up to
9% in addition of 529 kg ha-1 fish from rice-fish integrated
farming than cultivating rice alone

Table 3: comparison of Fish yield (kg/ha) at rice fish integration

Fish yield Fertilized/non
No Researchers
(kg/ha) fertilized
1 720-1500 No fertilized Present study
2 833.475 fertilized Lemma et al. 2014 [3]
Fig 2: Fish stocked and harvested from sites A and D. 3 2215-2500 fertilized Akegbejo, 2010 [1]
4 250 No fertilized Sukanta et al., 2004 [5]
According to this paper it was possible to produce more than T.B. Gurung et al.,
5 529 fertilized
15 kg of fish/ 100m2 from deep water area (Table 2). 7.2kg of 2005
fish/100 m2 also produced at the early dry site. During
harvesting time we caught much fingerlings. Therefore in this 4.3. Physical parameters
study it was possible to harvest 720-1500kg of fish/ha. The The water quality data were taken monthly for all experimental
total weight of fish harvested was 33.339 kg (Table 3) from site, but due to high flood occurrence and escape of fish
the trenches and it was estimated at 833.475 kg per hectare physical data were not taken for site B and C. The third site
(Lemma et al., 2014) [3]. was taken physical data until the area became dry (Table 4).
Integrated rice–fish production analysis of five farms in Ondo The range of temperature, pH value, DO and Cond. values
state Fish yield (kg/ha) 2500 2410 2435 2320 2215 (Akegbejo, were observed is suitable for the growth of Tilapia.

Table 4: physico parameters of the study area.

SITE T0 DO DO% TDS PH Cond. Sp. con
SITE A 25±1.49 4.98±0.76 63.5±3.33 0.067±0.077 6.8±0.353 0.1±0.131 0.103±0.0112
SITE B 26.8 8 93 0.23 7.2 0.3 0.278
SITE C 27 7.5 89 0.24 7 0.201 0.2
SITE D 19.03±2.72 5.7±1.26 68±12.5 0.071±0.076 6.8±0.36 0.11±0.111 0.102±0.0966

4.4. Socio economic value 6. Recommendations

Attitudes and perception of farmers about the technology and  During site selection water logged areas that are waiting at
marketability of fish price data were collected. The owners of least for 6months and the correct out flow direction should
site A and site D were sold their harvested fish at woreta hotels be selected carefully.
with 25birr/kg and they got 300birr and 1125birr respectively.  Interaction between rice production and fish production
In addition to the marketable size much of fingerlings were (fertilizer, pesticides, soil quality, etc.) should be scaled
sold for horticulture farms which is found in Bahir Dar and up in a wider scale
220 fingerlings were sold with 50cents/fingerling, he has got  Monosex (male tilapia) should be stocked
110birr.  Fencing materials should be hard and durable
According to their attitude they are very happy with the  The trial should be tested with supplemental feed
technology and egger to continue fish farming, the neighbor of  The integration of rice fish should be tested with clarias
those farmers also aimed to start rice fish farming for the gariepinus species
coming rainy season.
7. References
5. Conclusion and Recommendation 1. Akegbejo-Samsons. Rice–fish production strategies in the
5.1. Conclusions coastal floodplains of Ondo State, Nigeria University of
 In developing countries like Ethiopia with substantial Agriculture, Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries
water logged areas, rice-fish culture may contribute to Management, P.M.B. 2240, Abeokuta, Nigeria, 2010.
solve food insecurity issues and poverty alleviation. 2. Fogera. Woreda Pilot Learning Site Diagnosis and
 The enormous resources available in the Fogera flood Program Design, 2005.
plain areas could be used for the development of 3. Lemma Desta L, Prabha Devi V, Sreenivasa Tilahun
integrated rice-fish cultures which can assure the food Amede. Studies on the ecology of the paddy and fish co–
insecurity of the country. The present results indicate that culture system at Dembi Gobu microwater shed at Bako,
integrated rice fish culture is highly profitable for small Ethiopia International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic
scale farmers. Studies. 2014; 1(3):49-53.
 Based on this study, 7.2 kg of fish/100m2-15 kg of 4. Matthias Halwart, Modadugu Gupta V. Culture of fish in
fish/100m2 or 720-1500kg of fish/ha can be produced at rice fields, Published by FAO, Viale delle Terme di
the Fogera water logged areas Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy and the World Fish Center,
 The range of temperature, pH value, Do, TDS and Cond PO Box 500 GPO, 10670 Penang, Malaysia, 2004.
value were observed suitable for the growth of Tilapia 5. Sukanta Kumar Sarangi HC, Sharma, Govind Sharma.
 During Harvesting time much of fingerlings were found, Rice-Ash Farming System - A Review, Department of
due to mixed sex stocked
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International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies  
Agronomy, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Bana~as
Hindu University, Varanasi - 221005, India, Agric. Rev.
2004; 25(1):49-56.
6. Gurung TB, Wagle SK. Revisiting Underlying Ecological
Principles of Rice Fish Integrated Farming for
Environmental, Economical and Social benefits, Nepal
Agriculture Research Council (NARC),Fisheries Research
Station, Pokhara Lake Side, Baidam, Nepal, Our Nature
2006; 3:1-12.

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