Space Shuttle Fact Sheet 1972

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The space shuttle will be a manned reusable space

vehicle which will carry out various space missions in
Earth orbit. It will consist of two stages. The first
stage booster will be an unmanned liquid-or solid-fueled rocket,
The second stage orbiter will look like a delta-winged
airplane and will be piloted by two men who will fly it
back" to Earth for an airplane-like landing.

On the launch pad the orbiter will be mounted to the

booster, which will launch the orbiter to an altitude of
about 55 to 65 kilometers (approximately 35 to 40 miles).
The orbiter with its payload and crew will detach and
continue into Earth orbit for missions lasting about seven
days, or possibly as long as 30 days.
The man-operated space shuttle orbiter will deploy in
Earth orbit all types of scientific and applications satellites
weighing up to 29,500 kilograms (65,000 pounds) and thereby
replace most of the expendable launch vehicles currently

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration plans

to develop the space shuttle over the next six years at a
total cost of approximately $5.5 billion. Test flights are
to begin in 1976, manned orbital test flights in 1978, and
the complete space shuttle vehicle is to be operational before
President Nixon's Endorsement
On Jan. 5, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon stated that
"the United States should proceed at once with the develop-
ment of an entirely new type of space transportation system
designed to help transform the space frontier of the 1970s
into familiar territory, easily accessible for human endeavor
in the 1980s and 90s."


February 8, 1972

The President stated further that:

...."In the scientific arena, the past decade of

experience has taught us that spacecraft are an irreplaceable
tool for learning about our near-earth space environment, the
moon, and the planets, besides being an important aid to
our studies of the sun and stars. In utilizing space to
meet needs on earth, we have seen the tremendous potential
of satellites for intercontinental communications and
world-wide weather forecasting. We are gaining the
capability to use satellites as tools in global monitoring
and management of natural resources, in agricultural
applications, and in pollution control. We can foresee their
use in guiding airliners across the oceans and in bringing
televised education to wide areas of the world."

President Nixon concluded by saying,

...."The continued pre-eminence of America and American
industry in the aerospace field will be an important part
of the shuttle's 'payload'.

"Views of the earth from space have shown us how small

and fragile our home planet truly is. We are learning the
imperatives of universal brotherhood and global ecology —
learning to think and act as guardians of one tiny blue
and green island in the trackless oceans of the universe.
This new program will give more people more access to the
liberating perspectives of space, even as it extends our
ability to cope with physical challenges of earth and
broadens our opportunities for international cooperation
in low-cost, multi-purpose space missions.

"'We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes

against it,1 said Oliver Wendell Holmes, 'but we must sail,
and not drift, nor lie at anchor.' So with man's epic
voyage into space — a voyage the United States of America
has led and still shall lead."

Importance of the Shuttle

Four main reasons why the space shuttle is the import-

ant and the right next step in manned space flight and the
U.S. space program were stated by Dr. James C. Fletcher,
NASA Administrator.

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First, the shuttle is the only meaningful new manned

space program which can be accomplished on a modest budget.
Man has worked hard to achieve — and has indeed achieved —
the freedom of mobility on land, the freedom of sailing on
his oceans, and the freedom of flying in the atmosphere.
And now, within the last dozen years, man has discovered
that he can also have the freedom of space. Man has learned
to fly in space, and man will continue to fly in space.
Given this fact, the United States cannot forego its
responsibility — to itself and to the free world — to
have a part in manned space flight. And the space shuttle
is cleajrly the meaningful and useful new manned space program
for the coming decade.
Second, the space shuttle is needed to make space
operations less complex and less costly. Today we have to
mount an enormous effor t every time we launch a manned
vehicle, or even a large unmanned mission. The reusable
space shuttle gives us a way to avoid this. This airplane-
like spacecraft makes a launch into orbit an almost routine
event. This is possible by not throwing everything away
after we have used it just once — just as we don't throw
away an airplane after its first trip from Washington to
Los Angeles.

The shuttle even looks like an airplane, but it has

rocket engines instead of jet engines. It is launched
vertically, flies into orbit under its own power, stays
there as long as it is needed, then glides back into the
atmosphere and lands on a runway, ready for its next use.
With the shuttle, space operations will indeed become routine.

Third, the space shuttle is needed to do useful things.

There are many areas — in science, in civilian applications,
and in military applications — where we can see now that
the shuttle is needed; and there will be many more by the
time routine shuttle services are actually available.

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Take, for example, civilian space applications. We

have already seen the great value of communications and
weather satellites. The space shuttle will make it possible,
in the future, to routinely launch communications and
weather satellites with vastly improved capabilities -- to
bring education via television to remote areas, and to
improve our ability to predict the weather. Soon, also, we
will have satellites that will allow us to monitor, and help
us husband, our natural resources — water, minerals, and
our agriculture. And perhaps with routine space operations,
one could develop a global environmental monitoring system,
international in scope, to help control our environment
here on earth.
Fourth, the shuttle will encourage far^grej±er_inter-
national participation in space flight. In his address
to the United Nations in September 1969, the President
promised that the United States will take positive, con-
crete steps "toward internationalizing man's epic venture
into space — an adventure that belongs not to one nation
but to all mankind." With the shuttle's low cost to orbit
and inherent flexibility, the rest of the world -- the free
world at least -- can work with us to launch many of their
space experiments, and share with us some of the expense of
space exploration. With the shuttle's easy and routine
access to space, scientists and astronauts of many nations
could be taken into orbit -- with their experiments —
to join at first hand in space studies. We are also
discussing compatible docking systems with the Soviet
Union so that their spacecraft and ours can join in space.
Perhaps ultimately men of all nations will work together in
space — in joint experiments, joint environmental monitoring,
or perhaps even other joint enterprises — and through these
activities help humanity unite in peace on its planet earth.
The Space Shuttle will be the only manned space program
after 1973, Dr. Fletcher said. Without it, space will be
occupied by the only other great power with the will and
determination to occupy it — the USSR.

The Shuttle also provides the basis for greater progress

in international cooperation, the NASA Administrator pointed
out. Working with the Soviet Union and other foreign nations
depends on our strength. "Space cooperation could lead to
cooperation in other fields and greatly facilitate the
President's efforts to achieve an era of lasting peace for
the world," Dr. Fletcher said.
- more -

Extensive engineering, design, and cost analysis
studies of a space shuttle have been the major future
planning effort of NASA's Office of Manned Space Flight
for the past two years. These included concepts of both a
fully reusable manned booster and orbiter and the unmanned
booster and manned orbiter. Earlier emphasis was placed
on a fully reusable manned system powered by throttleable,
high pressure rocket; engines using liquid hydrogen and
liquid oxygen propellants.
In July 1971, Rocketdyne Division of North American
Rockwell Corp., Canoga Park, Calif, was selected to develop
the high pressure space shuttle main engine and is proceeding
under an interim contract.
During the course of the space shuttle system studies,
information developed which led to a decision in June 1971
to extend the study effort to obtain additional data on
a system employing an unmanned rocket booster and manned
reusable orbiter. It was concluded that this configuration,
an unmanned rocket booster and manned reusable orbiter,
could be developed for about half the cost of a fully
reusable manned system and have equal operational capability
in space.

Space Shuttle Configuration

Booster - Two different kinds of boosters are under considera-
tion, a liquid-fueled recoverable and reusable rocket or
expendable solid-fueled rockets. One will be selected in
March 1972.
Liquid-fueled booster - The liquid-fueled booster would
be powered by new pressure fed engines. In a series burn
configuration, it would launch the manned orbiter to an
altitude of about 55 to 65 kilometers (35 to 40 miles),
jettison, descend into the ocean by parachutes, be recovered
and reused. The engine's propellants, kerosene and liquid
oxygen or propane and liquid oxygen would be fed into the
combustion chamber by 300 pounds of pressure in the tanks.
Six engines of about 1 million pounds thrust each would be
Solid-fueled booster - This booster could be twin solid-
fueled rockets, clusters of three meters or 3.9 (1/tn inches)
or 156 inches) which would burn in parallel with the orbiter.
Both booster and orbiter engines would ignite and burn
simultaneously at launch, the booster would jettison at an
altitude of about 55 kilometers (35 miles) while the orbiter
engines continue burning to carry it into space.
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Two other booster configurations under consideration

are twin liquid-fueled rockets which would burn in parallel
with the orbiter at launch and a series burn solid rocket.
Orbiter - The manned orbiter will be powered by three high
pressure engines with 470,000 pounds thrust each in space.
The orbiter will be approximately 36 meters (120 feet)
long and have a wing spread of 23 meters (75 feet). The
cargo compartment, or payload bay, will be approximately
4.5 meters (15 feet) in diameter and 14 to 18 meters
(45 to 60 feet) long. Payload capability will be up to
29,500 kilograms (65,000 pounds). External propellant tanks
will be attached to the orbiter and will be jettisoned in
orbit. The tanks would be deorbited by retro-rockets and
landed in remote ocean areas.
The crew will consist of two pilots and two flight
engineers. The engineers' duties will include checking
out the unmanned satellite payloads and deploying them in
A special pressurized sortie module can be carried in
the payload bay to accommodate up to 12 persons, or passen-
gers who are not astronauts. Scientists and engineers will
have an opportunity to accompany their experiments into
space for the first time.
The shuttle orbiter will have a maximum of 3 G forces
during launch and reentry and a cross-range maneuvering
capability of 1,760 kilometers (1,100 miles).
Unlike previous manned spacecraft the shuttle orbiter
will have reusable external insulation. Each vehicle is
to be capable of carrying out 100 space missions.
Space Shuttle Missions - It will be used to carry into space
virtually all of the nation's civilian and military payloads,
manned and unmanned. It will also accommodate the future
need of commercial users and foreign governments.
These will include all the automated scientific space
probes, Earth orbiting solar and astronomical observatories.
Applications payloads will be Earth resources sensing,
communications, meteorological and geodetic satellites.
- more -

Normal manned missions will be up to seven days

duration in which scientists and engineers will conduct
investigations in space aboard a pressurized module in the
payload compartment. Man may also repair satellites in
space, retrieve them and return them to Earth if necessary.

A smaller powered vehicle, called a space tug, can be

deployed from the shuttle for manned or unmanned space
operations such as boosting a communication satellite to
higher altitudes including synchronous orbit and retrieving
payloads from high orbits.

It is estimated the shuttle will carry out 30 to 40

space missions per year. Approximately 30 percent of
the missions will be for the Department of Defense. About
80 percent of the total flights will be deploying and servicing
automated satellite payloads.

Costs - Development costs are estimated at $5.5 billion over

the next six years. This includes all research, development
and test, and evaluation expenses of two flight test orbiters
and two boosters.
In addition, initial operational facilities will cost
about $300 million. Each added orbiter is estimated at
$250 million, and each added booster $50 million.
Cost of a shuttle launch is estimated to be $7.7 million
with a liquid-fueled booster and $10 to $13 million with a
solid-fueled booster. However, development of the liquid-
fueled booster will be more expensive than a solid-fueled
booster development.

The shuttle can be developed over the next six years

at the present level of the NASA budget, $3.2 billion and
with no reduction of the space science, applications, aeronautics
and technology programs.

Savings^ - When the shuttle becomes operational, the cost

savings to the nation over a twelve-year period beginning
about 1980 will total $12 to $13 billion. Launch costs
savings with the reusable shuttle will be about $5 billion.
However, the bigger savings will be $7 to $8 billion in
payload costs. With the shuttle, automated satellites can
be repaired or serviced by men in space, or returned to
Earth for refurbishment and reuse. The size and weight-carrying
capacity of the orbiter will free designers from constraints
which made design more difficult and costly. This will make
it possible to use relatively inexpensive standard laboratory
equipment in place of specially constructed, highly miniaturized
equipment which is expensive to develop and test.
- more -

To date, Congress has appropriated $198.5 million for
the space shuttle, $80 million in Fiscal Year 1971 and $118.5
in Fiscal Year 1972. The request this year, Fiscal Year
1973, is $227.9 million, $200 million for research and
development and $27.9 million for construction of facilities.
NASA Space Shuttle Program Management
Overall funding responsibilities and principal require-
ments will be under the Space Shuttle Program Office, Office
of Manned Space Flight in Washington, B.C. The Manned Space-
craft Center, Houston,has been designated the lead center
with program management responsibility, overall engineering and
systems integration, basic performance requirements for the
shuttle, and development of the orbiter stage. Marshall Space
Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, has been given responsibility -
for development of the booster stage and the space shuttle
engines. Kennedy Space Center, Florida,will be responsible
for design of launch and recovery facilities. All other NASA
centers will contribute by providing technical knowhow and support.

1972 Milestones
NASA Plans to request proposals from the aerospace
industry for development of all major flight hardware in
March. This includes the booster, orbiter, and pressure
fed engine if the liquid-fueled booster concept is chosen.
Contractor selection will be made during the summer.
A space shuttle launch and recovery site will be selected
by the NASA Administrator.



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January 7, 1972



Secretary Seamans said today that the President's

decision to proceed with the space shuttle development

initiates a program which holds great promise for

scientific and technical advances in the interest of

the nation and all mankind. We are also interested in

its potential as a means for performing our military

mission more effectively and economically. The Air Force

role in the program is to provide NASA data to help assure

that the shuttle will be of maximum utility to the DOD

and we are pleased that the proposed vehicle is configured

to meet potential DOD needs.

We will continue our close coordination with NASA

as their development program proceeds.

- o -

- more -



1. Justification

The justification of the space shuttle is not based on

the details of space shuttle economics alone. It is a fact
that the shuttle, is a good investment and will make possible
significant savings in future space operations. But the
fundamental reason for developing the space shuttle is the
necessity to have a means for routine, quick reaction, and
economical access to space and return to earth in order to
achieve the benefits of the scientific, civil, and military
uses of space that will be important in the decade of the
1980's and beyond. The space shuttle program is also the
lowest cost approach for providing a continuing useful capa-
bility for manned space flight and for maintaining a clear
U.S. presence in space.
2. Funding Requirements
a. The development cost for the space shuttle is
estimated to be $5.5 billion.
b. The additional investment cost for procurement of
production flight "hardware and facilities is estimated at
$1.5 billion, on the reasonable assumption that the initial
inventory will include: 3 production orbiters, 2 refurbished
orbiters, and 4 production boosters (plus 2 development
boosters if not expended during development).
c. The total investment, therefore, required to develop
the shuttle and procure flight hardware and provide facilities
will be approximately $7 billion.
3. Implied Future Commitments
a. The full development of the shuttle, the initial invest-
ment required, and its subsequent operation, together with a
continuing well-balanced program in science, applications, and
aeronautics, can be supported at an essentially constant total
NASA budget level, i.e., about $3.4 billion in 1971 dollars.
- more -

b. The peak annual total funding level required for the

shuttle during the development period is estimated at $1.3
billion. As stated above, this will not require an increase
over the current total NASA budget leviTi
4. Relation of Shuttle Funding to Other Space Program Funding
a. There has been some confusion on funding levels re-
quired for the shuttle because some people have incorrectly
counted the cost of future satellites and other payloads and
mission support in future years as a part of the development
or investment costs of the space shuttle system. In this way,
figures of $10 billion or more have been arrived at as the
"true" cost of the shuttle system. This line of reasoning
seems to assume that future satellites and payloads would
be put in space only because we will have a shuttle, or would
be put in space at a rate which is unreasonably high because
we have the shuttle, thereby leading to annual budget levels
far greater than current levels.
b. The facts are:
(1) The decision to develop the shuttle does not en-
tail an increased level of future expenditures for the
satellites and payloads it will carry or for conducting shuttle
(2) The scientific and civil and military applications
missions the shuttle will perform will be the same ones that
would otherwise be launched by expendable boosters, although
the additional capabilities of the shuttle will mean that many
missions will be performed differently and more effectively.
(3) After development, the cost of performing these
missions will be less with the shuttle than without, because
the shuttle will be a more economical launch vehicle and be-
cause payload costs can be reduced by reuse and redesign.
(4) Economical use of the shuttle including mission
costs is achievable with total annual budgets for space at
substantially the current levels. Numbers of the order of
$10 billion or more,if correct at all, relate to expenditures
that would be spread over a long period of time and which need
not exceed the present annual levels.
- more -

5. Illustration of Expected Economies through Use of the

• Shuttle
a. A conservative combined mission model for NASA, DOD,
and other users that has been studied calls for some 500
missions over a 12-year period (1979-1990), a rate of less
than 50 missions per year. This model is not a plan, but
provides a realistic set of assumptions used to test the
reasonableness of developing the space shuttle from an eco-
nomic standpoint.
b. In this model, launch costs using existing conventional
vehicles would be some $11.0 billion over those 12 years.
Using the shuttle, the total launch costs, including procure-
ment of replacement boosters, drop to about $5.8 billion, an
economy of some $5.2 billion.
c. The payload development and procurement costs for the
500 missions would, for conventional launches, run about
$29.8 billion over these 12 years divided between NASA, DOD,
and other agencies. Because of payload reusability, design
simplification, and lower risk factors, those same 500 missions
using the shuttle would have payload costs of about $22.6
billion. This is an economy of another $7.2 billion.
d. Therefore, the assumed 12-year flight program can be
carried out with the shuttle $12.4 billion cheaper than without,
an average saving of over $1 billion per year.
e. The average total annual cost for launch and payloads
in the assumed mission model is $3.4 billion without the shuttle
and slightly below $2.4 billion with the shuttle. These levels
are compatible with the current levels of the total space budgets
for NASA, DOD, and other agencies.
6. Shuttle Amortization over 500 Missions in 12 Years
a. Investment in space shuttle, based on
pressure-fed reusable booster, including
initial inventory, as in Item 2 above
(details shown below): $7.0 billion
(1) Development, test, and procure-
ment of 2 orbiters and 2 boosters (5.5)
(2) Refurbish 2 orbiters and procure
3 more, including engines (.9)
(3) Procurement of 4 boosters, including
engines (.3)


(4) Facilities for development, test,

and launch capability C.3)

b. Additional investments required to fly

mission model assumed in Item 5 above: 1.3 billion
c. Total development and investment 1972-
1990 (sum of Items 6a and 6b): 8.3 billion
d. Net reduction in cost of 500 missions
because of shuttle operations, as in
Item 5d above: 12.4 billion
e. Twelve-year benefit saving realized from
shuttle investment (Item 6d minus 6c): 4.1 billion

f. Thus, even if the space programs of NASA,

DOD, and other agencies terminated in 1990,
the shuttle would have more than paid for
itself by then.

7. Additional Points
a. The specific missions that justify the shuttle are those
that could and would otherwise be justified on their own merits
with conventional launch vehicles; the shuttle makes them more
effective and less expensive.
b. The shuttle is self-sufficient; it does not require a
space station in order to meet the good investment criterion,
or to conduct useful manned missions in Earth orbit.

c. Without the shuttle, the U.S. will have no program of

manned space flight after 1973.

8. Conclusion
Even though the primary justification for the space shuttle
is not economics, for mission models similar to those now in
effect the shuttle investment will be returned with billions
to spare. If, as is likely, new useful and economically bene-
ficial mission possibilities open up during the 1980's because
of the routine and quick access to space the shuttle provides,
the investment will be returned many times over.

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