Gi Part1 PDF
Gi Part1 PDF
Gi Part1 PDF
Vector Space:
For example,
F =x+y
There are also vector spaces with scalar multiplication by complex number,
rational number.
From the linear algebra point of view, vector spaces are characterised by their
dimension. Dimension is defined as the number of independent directions in
If we record one seismic trace, one second in length at a sample rate of 1000
samples per second, and let each sample be defined by one byte, then we can
put these 1000 bytes of information in 1000
Hilbert space:
Hilbert space is names after David Hilbert. A Hilbert space is an abstract vector
space possessing the structure of an inner product that allows length and angle
to be measured. One of the most familiar examples of Hilbert space is the
Euclidean space consisting of three- dimensional vectors, defined by R3,
equipped with the dot product.
The dot product takes two vectors x & y and produces a real number x .y
(2). It is linear in its first arguments (i.e. (ax1 + bx2) y = ax1. y + bx2. y ; where a,
b are the scalars and x1 , y1 are the vectors)
(3). It is positive defined for all vectors x ; x ≥ 0 with equality if and only if
Dot product satisfies these three properties is known as a inner product. Every
finite – dimensional inner product space is also a Hilbert space.
A norm is a function form the space of vectors onto the scalar, defined by ‖•‖
satisfying the following properties for any two vectors
u & v and any scalar α
(2). ‖ α v ‖ = | α | ‖ v ‖
x = ∑ x
l p i =1 i
A matrix norm that is not induced by any vector norm is the Frobenius norm
defined for all A ε Rn*m
m n 2
= ∑∑ Aij2
i =1 j =1
Which p is best for optimization????
It is observed that p values near 1 are more stable than p- values near 2. In
inversion, if our data have say, Gaussian distribution, the l2 is optimal. If our
data have double- exponential distribution, the lp is optimal.
− 1 x − x0
1− 1
ρ p ( x) = exp
2σ p Γ ( 1 ) p (σ p ) p
Γ = Gamma function
ρ(x) = Probability density
σp = Dispersion
∞ p
(σ p ) ≡ ∫ x − x0 ρ ( x ) dx
The dimension of vector space V is the cardinality (ie. number of vector / size
of the sets) of a basis of V.
Basis is a set of linearly independent vector which can represent every vector in
a given space / (or in coordinate system)
In physics / mathematics the dimension of a space is defined as the minimum
number of co- ordinate needed to specify any point without Gaussian
1 (d − d )2
P(d ) = σ exp −
2π 2σ 2
d = variable and <d> is the mean variable.
A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expression, arranged in
rows and columns, the individual items in a matrix are called its elements or
2 5
3 8
1 0
The components are denoted by Aij. The transpose of a matrix, denoted by AT
2 3 1
AT =
5 8 0
Symmetric matrix:
A matrix which equals its transpose i.e. AT = A is said to be symmetric.
Skew – symmetric:
If AT = -A, the matrix is said to be skew- symmetric.
Split / Partition:
Any square matrix A can be portioned into a sum of a symmetric and a skew-
symmetric part via
A + AT +
A − AT ( )
Hermitian matrix:
Hermitian matrix is a square matrix with complex entries such that
Aij = Aji
3 + i 5 − 2i
2 − 2i i − 7 − 13i
3 + 2i 2 − 2i
AT =
5 i
− 2i − 7 − 13i
3 − i 2 + 2i
A orA H
= −i
2i − 7 + 13i
Hermitian: A = A*
Skew- Hermitian: A = -A*
Normal: A*A = AA*
Unitary: A* = A-1
Orthogonal matrix:
AT = A-1
i.e. ATA = AAT = I
I = identity matrix
Diagonal matrix:
If all entries outside the main diagonal are zero, A is called diagonal matrix.
a11 0 0
0 a22 0
0 0 a33
Square matrix:
Square matrix is matrix with same number of rows and columns.
Lower triangular matrix:
Entries above the main diagonal are zero.
a11 0 0
a21 a22 0
a31 a32 a33
Upper triangular matrix:
Entries below the main diagonal are zero.
a11 a12 a13
0 a22 a23
0 0 a33
Invertible matrix:
A square matrix a is called invertible or non- singular if there exists a matrix B
such that AB = BA = In
If B exists, it is unique and is called the inverse matrix of A, denoted by A-1.
A matrix is invertible if and only if its determinant is non- zero.
a b
det = ad − bc
c d
Rank of a matrix:
The rank of a matrix A is the maximum number of linearly independent row
vectors of the matrix, which same as the maximum number of linearly in
dependent column vectors.
1 2 2
A = −
− 2 −3 1
3 5 0
Rank = 2
First two rows are linearly independent. So that the rank is at least 2 but all
three rows are linearly dependent. (First is equal to the sum of the second &
rank must be less than 3).
1 1 0 2
− 1 −1 0 − 2
Has rank 1.
− 2 3 3 x1
= 0
4 − 2 3 x2
Geophysical Inversion:
In the geophysical and the related science, experiments are performed under
controlled conditions (ie. in a systematic manner), the outcome may be
numerical values: that represent our observations at fixed (predetermined
intervals) say, so the observation of the some physical properties of the physical
world are commonly referred to as the experimental / observational data. In
order to explain the observational data, it is required to understand the
relationship between the distribution of properties of the physical system under
study (e.g. earth) and observable geophysical response.
Geophysical Processes:
Seismic and EM wave propagation through the earth & current or fluid flow (in
porous) rocks.
Geophysical systems:
(1). Density distribution within the Earth.
(2). Velocity distribution within the Earth.
(3). Temperature distribution within the Earth.
(4). Resistivity distribution within the Earth.
(5). Distribution radioactive materials within the Earth.
(6). Magnetic susceptibility variation within the Earth.
Gathering data
Field experiment:
Controlled excitation Unknown earth system Observed response
(e.g. inductive excitation) (e.g. resistive data)
Laboratory experiment:
Systematic input Known physical scaled model Observed response
(e.g. seismic model) (Seismic data)
di sample drawn from a set of equally likely events / values.
Experiment Outcome may vary
Under some condition
Instrument error Human error
We have to find
(i). Mean of the data.
(ii). STD / uncertainty.
(iii). Modelling of lithosphere’s response to loading / strain rate variations in
sedimentary basins.
(iv). Well (pump) test analysis in hydrology.
(v). Factor analysis in geology.
(vi). Geochronology determination & geomagnetic reversal data.
(vii). Satellite navigation.
(viii). Optimal control of engineering system
(ix). Medical tomography.
(x). Decisions making / operational research in management and mineral
n n
s= ∑ ei2 =
i =1
i =1
i − axi2 − bxi + c )
∂s ∂s ∂s
= 0, = 0, =0
∂a ∂b ∂c
(2). Digital filter design / deconvolution of seismogram:
Let two signals a(t) & b(t) they may be related by a filter function f(t)
a (t ) = f (t ) ∗ b(t ) = ∫ f (τ )b(t − τ ) dτ
t= ∫ v( x, z )dt
Mathematical description & physical system refer to Forward Theory.
Forward theory has been developed to predict the data or observed response that
we would record over a hypothetical Earth- type structure. These data are
therefore variously called Synthetic or predicted data.
Discretization & Linearization:
In many case earth model is continuous function of depth or radius consider, for
example, the mass and moment of inertia of the earth. Both are related to
density within the earth by the formula
Mass = 4π ∫ r 2 ρ ( r ) dr.............(1.3a )
MI = ∫r ρ ( r ) dr............(1.3b)
3 0
Where R is the earth’s radius and ρ(r) corresponds to p(z) in eq. (1.1) and is the
density at radial distance r.eqn (1.3a & 1.3b) may be combined to give the
general expression
di = ∫ k (r ) ρ (r )dr.............(1.4)
Notice that travel time is not directly proportional to the model parameter v but
to its inverse. The relation is said to be non-linear in v.
However if we define c = 1/v, where c is the slowness of the seismic wave then
t = .∑ Lij c j ..........(1.7)
j =1
L = AB/2 , J1 first order Basel
K(λ) is the function of ρ1, ρ2 , t and λ is integration variable.
− K12 exp( −2λt )
K (λ ) = ....(1.9)
1 + K12 exp( −2λt )
ρ1 − ρ 2
K12 = ....( 2.0)
ρ1 + ρ 2
1 −1 0 . . . 0 m1
0 1 −1 0 . . 0 2
0 0 1 −1 0 . 0 m3
l = . . . . . 0 . . = D1m
. 0 . . . . . .
0 0 . . . −1 1 .
Where D1 = flatness / roughness matrix.
So, solution roughness can be quantified by the second derivative,
1 −2 1 0 . . 0
1 −2 1 0 . .
. . . . . . 0
D2 = . . . . . . .
0 . . . . 1 2
0 . . . . . 1
L = l T l = [Dm] [Dm] = mT DT Dm = mT wm m
Where wm = DTD can be interpreted as weighting factor.
The generalised solution,
L = m − m2 ]
wm m − m 2 ]
Where we denotes the relative contribution of each individual error to the total
prediction error.
= 0 − 0 − G T we d + G T weGm = 0
G T weGm = G T we d
m est = G T weG )−1
G T we d
L = (m T
wm − m w )(m − m )
= mT wm m − mT wm m 2 − m 2 wm m + m 2 wm m 2
Let , mT = m & m 2 = m 2
= mT wm mT − mT wm m 2 − m 2 wm mT + m 2 wm m 2
q = L + λ[d − G (m)]
= 2 wm mT − wm m 2 − m 2 wm +0 − λG = 0
λ 1
mT = m 2 + G×
2 wm
1 GT λ
∴, m = m + 2
2 wm
d = Gm
2 GT λ
m + 2w
d = G
λGG T λ −1
d = Gm +
= Gm 2 + .Gwm GT
2 wm 2
λ = 2(Gwm−1G T )(d − Gm 2 )
1 GT λ
m est = m 2 + .
m est = m 2 +
1 −1 T
wm G .2 Gwm −1
( d − Gm 2 )
If the equation
E + β2 L.
m est = m 2 + G T weG + β 2 wm ]−1
G T we d − Gm 2 ]
Which is equivalent to
m est = m 2 + G wm G T + β 2 we−1 ] [d − Gm ]
−1 2
In both instance, one must take care to ascertain whether the inverse actually
information may be or may not have been added to damp the indeterminacy.
Inverse Problem
T(z) = a + bz
The linear problem is posed in a matrix form d = Gm. We now want to solve for
m = G-1 d
However gauss (1809) suggested that due to experimental errors, practical data
The best way to get unique solution for the model parameters is to minimize the
= d T d − d T Gm − mT G T d + mT G T Gm ]
or ,− d T G − G T d + G T Gm + mT G T G = 0
2G T Gm = 2G T d
(Unconstraint solution)
m2 = GT G[ ]−1
GT d
m2 = GT G + β 2 I ] −1
GT d
Alternative (method):
q = (d − Gm ) ( d − Gm)
= d T d − d T Gm − mT G T d + mT G T Gm
= 0 − 0 − G T d + G T Gm = 0
∂m T
G T Gm = G T d
m 2 = (G T G ) −1 G T d
the alternative.
are two orthogonal matrixes, containing respectively the data space / parameter
condition r ≤ m. These diagonal entities in matrix Q (α1, α2, .........αp) are called
singular value G.
∆m = G T G + β 2 I )−1
G T ∆d
( ) LQU
∆m = LQ 2 L + β 2 I
−1 T
Now, (LQ L + β I )
2 T 2
= (Ldiag {α }L + β I )
T 2
= Ldiag (α + β )L 2
2 T
( )
Ldiag α 2j + β 2 LT = Ldiag 2
+ β
∆m = Ldiag 2 2
L .LQU T ∆d
α j + β
∆m = Ldiag 2 j 2 U T ∆d
α j + β
Forward modelling:
ρa ( s) = s ∫ T (λ ) J (λs )λdλ .........(1)
S = AB/2, J1 is the first order Bessel function and λ is the integration variable.
T(λ) Resistivity transfer function.
Ti +1 (λ ) + ρi tanh(λhi )
Ti (λ ) = .......( 2)
Ti +1 (λ ) tanh(λhi )
n= no. of layer
∆m = G T G + β 2 I )−1
G T ∆d
Using SVD:
∆m = Ldiag 2 j 2 U T ∆d
α j + β
Initially damping factor is said to be large positive value while making the full
factor is multiplied by a factor less than unity so that least square method
cr −1 − cr
∆cr =
cr −1
w= Test number.
Α = Parameter eigen value.
cr = Misfit value at current iteration.
cr-1 = Misfit value at previous iteration.
Year 1760 – 1810.
Boscovich & Laplace: Minimizing the sum of the values of the misfit function.
Least – absolute – values method.
Legendre & Gauss: Minimizing the sum of the squared values of misfits.
Least square method.
Two methods follow two different hypothesis statistical distribution of error in
data follows.
Laplacian distribution
f ( x ) ≈ exp(− x )
Gaussian distribution
f ( x ) ≈ exp − x 2 )
Over whelming popularity of least square method is due to the use of linear
It is widely recognized that the least absolute criteria is less sensitive than the
called robustness).
Inverse problem may be posed optimization problem
min ∆x − y
It can be shown that for the lp family of norms, if this optimization problem has
a solution, then it is unique, provided the matrix has full column rank and p > 1.
lp error function
E p ( x) = x − 1
+ λp x
Key questions:
7. What are the confidence limits of the solution? Can it be appraised by other
However, owing to the fact that some of the solutions are inherently non-
our data or a suite of extreme models that define a particular aspect of the model
or even the model space rather a single model for the subsurface.
A linear inverse problem can be posed as optimization problem where the cost
Will have single minima with respect to the model parameter if the second order
Though the negative gradient provides the direction of the maximum decrease
in the cost function if does not provide the step size. One way to keep the step
size constant. However larger step size may miss the minimum point, so the
by computing the first order derivative with respect to the step size and equating
to zero.
Initial model (m0)
Compute gradient
Convergence Yes
Search direction = -gradient achieved? Exit
Update model
mk+1 = mk+ αs
1. Given m0
2. Set k ← 0
5. If Sk = 0 then
6. End if
7.α k ← min f ( m k + αs k ) +1 ← m k + α k s k
9.k ← k + 1
10. end while.
q = ( d − Gm)T ( d − Gm) ≈ d − f ( m)
∂q ∂f ( m)
∆m = − k = − k − 2(d − f ( m) ).
∂m ∂m
∂q ∂f ( m)
= −2(d − f ( m) ). ≡ −2G T (d − f ( m) )
∂m ∂m
{ }
∆m = − k . − 2G (d − f ( m) ) = [2k ].G T (d − f ( m) )
m k +1 = m m + ∆m
Where k= constant.
is a quadratic equation of m.
positive definite. Such vectors therefore form a complete, but non- orthogonal,
basis set in parameter space. Say, we are starting from some point m0, we wish
to get to the minimum m1 of the function. The difference between vectors m0 &
m1 can be written
m1 − m0 = ∑ α S ............(6)
j =1
i i
j −1
m j = m0 + ∑ α i Si ............(7)
i =1
S ( d − Gm0 )
αi = j
S Tj GSi
S Gm j = S Gm0 ...........(11)
Let SjT G Si = 0 ; i ≠ j
S Tj d − S Tj Gm0 S Tj d − S Tj Gm j S Tj (d − Gm j ) S Tj ∇f
αj = = = =−
S Tj GSi S Tj GSi S Tj GSi S Tj GSi
For general kth iteration we can write
S kT ∇f k
α k= − T ...........(13)
S k GS k
S0T ∇f 0
α0 = − .............(14)
Where β1 = scalar is chosen such that the search direction S1 & previous search
direction S0 are conjugate implying S0T G S1 = 0
Multiply S0T G in both sides
S0T GS1 = S0T G{−∇f ( m1 ) + β1S0 } = 0
m1 = m0 + α 0 S 0
m1 − m0
S0 =
m1 − m0
GS1 = S0T G (− ∇f ( m1 ) + β1S0 ) = 0
∇f ( m1 ) − ∇f ( m0 ) = G ( m1 − m0 )
We can write,
{∇f ( m1 ) − ∇f ( m0 )}{∇f ( m1 ) − β1S0 } = 0
∇f ( m1 )T ∇f ( m1 ) − ∇f ( m1 )T β1S0 − ∇f ( m0 )T ∇f ( m1 ) + ∇f ( m0 )T β1S0
β1 × {∇f ( m0 )T S0 − ∇f ( m1 )T S0 } = ∇f ( m0 )T ∇f ( m1 ) − ∇f ( m1 )T ∇f ( m1 )
∇f ( m1 )T ∇f ( m1 ) − ∇f ( m0 )T ∇f ( m1 )
β1 =
∇f ( m1 )T S0 − ∇f ( m0 )T S0
∇f ( m1 )T ∇f ( m1 )
β1 = −
∇f ( m0 )T S0
∇f ( m1 )T .∇f ( m1 )
β1 =
∇f ( m0 )T .∇f ( m0 )
Since, S0 = −∇f ( m0 )
And taking conjugate condition equation (3).
Similarly, we express third direction as the linear combination of the current
gradient & all past search direction.
S 2 = −∇f ( m2 ) + β 2 S1 + γ 2 S0
S2 is the current search direction at the updated model m2 , β2 & γ2 are two
scalars that ensure conjugacy among the current and past search directions.
The condition of conjugacy between S0 and S2 requires that γ2 be zero. From the
1. Given m0
2.Set , k ← 0; r0 ← Gm0 ; S0 ← − r0
The step length αk along the direction Sk for which the function f (mk + αk Sk) is
However for non-linear function in general there does not exist analytic
1. Given m0
2.Compute, f 0 ← f ( m0 ); ∇f 0 ← ∇f ( m0 )
3.Set , k ← 0; S0 ← −∇f 0
4. While (convergence criteria is not satisfied) d0
13. end if
14.S k +1 ← −∇f k +1 + β k +1S k
15.k ← k + 1
Numerical studies shows that Polak – Ribiere method is generally more robust
the function (cost) in the vicinity of the initial model encompasses the global
minimum of the cost function. When this condition fails, non-linear CG may not
Non- linear inverse problem belong to a class of inverse theory where there
exists non- linearity in the model data relationship. Non- linear model data
data relationship where the cost function is quadratic. The cost function
operator. For example estimation of earth elastic parameters from AVO data
linear form. Aki-Richards equation (Aki and Richardss, 1980) is one such linear
d = Gm is
m = G-1 d
This leads to a following question of interest.
(a). Existence:
Given observed data for the system, is there some value for the unknown
parameters that actually yields the observed data? If not the inversion problem
has no solution.
(b). Uniqueness:
measured data? Or could two different sets of values for the unknown
A solution is said to be unique if changing a model from m1 to m2, the data will
(c). Stability:
If the measured data contains small errors, will the error in the resulting
(d) Robustness:
error i.e. (outlier in the data). An inverse problem for which existence,
the cost function is quadratic. This means that the surface of the cost function is
A quadratic function
1 T
f ( m) = m Gm − d T m
Will have a single minimum with respect to the model parameters if the second
To the find the minimum of the cost function then the algorithm proceeds along
the cost function, it does not provide the step size. One way to obtain the step
size. One way to obtain the step size is to keep it constant. However, if the step
size is to keep is large, there is a possibility that the algorithm may miss the
m = mi is given by,
f ( m) = f ( m) + ∇f ( mi )( m − mi ) + ( m − mi )T H i ( m − mi )
where, H i = ∇ 2 f ( m) mi
We obtain
∇f ( m) = ∇f ( mi ) + H i ( m − mi ) = 0
This is analogous to the expression for the Newton’s root finding method for an
matrix is non- singular. For quadratic cost function Newton’s method will find
It is evident from the equation that for a very large λi the term λi I dominates the
large parameter during the initial iterations and then gradually reduced to a
small number during the later iterations as the updated model approaches the
optimum point.
Linear inverse problem takes the form Gm = d. Using the generalized theory,
For automated inversion, the common practice is to set β first to large positive
value thus taking advantage of the good initial convergence properties of the
after each iteration, so that the linear least- squares method predominates near
the solution.
A variant of the procedure (Johansen, 1977) assumes as β the smallest Eigen
Operationally, the largest & smallest Eigen values of the problems are
multiplied by 10 & 0.1 respectively. Giving λl & λs that are used to determine
the coefficients of a parabola from which ten samples the auxiliary factors λk are
λk = {100λs − λl } + {λl − λs }k 99
where, k = 1.......10
β k = λ2k
where, w y = wd − wf ( m)
λk = {100λs − λl } + {λl − λs }k 99
where, k = 1.......10
β k = λ2k
Where λs & λl are the smallest and largest singular values of G* , multiplied
b. Set β0 = 0
Qi−1 =
(Qi + β k ) 2
i = 1, p
calculate, m j = nm0 + LQd−1U T y*
compute, q1j = wd − wf ( m j )
i =1
If , q1j > q1j −1 )
Set optimal solution to mj – 1quit else.
end loop
7. Set the optimal model from step 6. As the new iterate (i.e. m0)
8. Go to step 2.
Assuming that our data di are normally distributed about their expected values
and with known uncertainties 𝜎𝜎i (experimental error)
d iobs − Gij mij
q = fit = ∑ , j = 1, p
i =1 σ2
n 2
or , q = ∑ Wd
i −1
− WGm
p- Independent parameters
n− p≤n+ 2n
If q ≤ n ,–model is said to be over fit.
∆2 =
(d T
d − mT G T Gm )
n− p
1 n (d obs
− Gij mij )
∑i =1
n 2
∑ Wd
i =1
− WGm
Or if D is identity matrix
(G T G + β 2 I ) m = (G T d + β 2 h)
Dm = h
Where D is a matrix (with all the off-diagonal element equal to zero) that
operates on the model parameters m to yield or preserve the prior values of m
that are contained in the vector h.
Dm=h means that we are employing linear equality constraints that are to be
satisfied exactly .The mathematical development is straight forward .we wish to
bias 𝑚𝑚𝑗𝑗 towards ℎ𝑗𝑗 .
[1 xc ] 1 = [tc ]
[1 xc ] = D, 1 = m, [tc ] = n
Let β= 1.0
∑x i 1
(G G + β I ) = ∑ xi
T 2
∑x 2
i xc ← 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒
xc 0
∑ ti
∑ xi ti
(G T d + β 2 H ) = .
← 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒
[1 0 0.... 0... 0] . = [hknown ]
m p
← 𝑗𝑗𝑗𝑗𝑗𝑗𝑗𝑗 𝑎𝑎 𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 𝑎𝑎 𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣.
1 m1 h1
0 m 0
2 =
0 m3 0
1 m4 h4
Where desired, both d and h are multiplied by β (usually chosen to be less than
or equal to unity.)
The constrained least square solution for the straight line through (𝑥𝑥𝑐𝑐 , 𝑡𝑡𝑐𝑐 ) is
m1 n ∑x i 1
∑ ti
mc = =
∑ xi ∑x ∑
m2 i xc xi t i
0 tc
1 xc
Let, 𝑥𝑥𝑐𝑐 = 8
𝑦𝑦𝑐𝑐 =14.9
[1 0 0 0 0]λ γ2
= [δ1 ] = 0.433
1 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 6.708
1 0 0 0 1 8.485
G = 0 1 1 0 0 7.616
0 1 0 1 0 7.0
0 1 0 0 1 7.616
0 0 0 0 0 βD
d = 2.640
2 . 553
0.433 βh
Suppose we do not have any known estimates of delay time .The simplest &
cheapest remedy for such problems or a prescription for indeterminably or non
– uniqueness in inversion,
Problem Formulation:
if it is desired that the model parameters vary slowly with positions say, we
may choose to minimize the difference between physically adjacent parameters
(𝑚𝑚1 − 𝑚𝑚2 ),(𝑚𝑚2 − 𝑚𝑚3 )… (𝑚𝑚𝑝𝑝−1 − 𝑚𝑚𝑝𝑝 )
1 −1 . . . . m1 0
1 −1 m .
2 =
. . . . .
. 1 − 1 0
m p
D m h
D =Flatness/ smoothness matrix of solution vector m
If the model parameters do not vary smoothly with position, then the use of
constraining equations of the form
1 ⋯ ⋯⋯ 𝑚𝑚1 0
�⋯ 1 ⋯ ⋯ � �𝑚𝑚2 � = �0�
1 ⋯ ⋮ ⋮
⋯ …
⋯ 1 𝑚𝑚𝑝𝑝 1
D m h
q2 ( m) = ( Dm − h)T ( dm − h) = ( mT DT − hT )( Dm − h)
q2 ( m) = mT DT Dm − mT DT h − hT Dm + hT h
≅ mT DT Dm
≅ mT Hm
where, H = DT D
q = ( d − Gm)T ( d − Gm) + β 2 ( mT DT Dm)
∴, q = q1 + β 2 q2
We minimize q .
Example :
1 0 1 0 0 6
0 0 1 0 6.708
1 0 0 0 1 8.485
0 1 1 0 0 7.616
0 1 0 1 0 7.0
0 1 0 0 1 7.616
0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0.01 − 0.01 0 0
0 0 0 0 − 0.01 0
0 0 0 0 0.01 − 0.01
d =
2 . 553
0 . 0
0.0 βh
Input data structure with first difference operator for β= 0.01.