Boscastle Assignment
Boscastle Assignment
Boscastle Assignment
by Phil Bull
Causes of the Flood
Physical Causes
The flood took Boscastle entirely by surprise - it was a flash flood event & the village is
not prone to regular annual flooding as many locations affected by extreme flooding
events are. In fact, the village had never experienced such a flood, suggesting that the
flood was the result of a combination of exceptional factors.
A major factor is the location of the village, within the Valency valley. The Valency is
normally a quiet stream, which follows a very steep course down into the valley from the
hills around. The valley's structure is likely one of the most major physical factors, as its
steepness accelerated the rainwater falling on the hills above the valley greatly as it
travelled down to the valley floor where Boscastle stands. As well as causing the water to
travel extremely quickly down the valley sides, the shape of the valley concentrated
rainwater from the surrounding area into a relatively narrow space descending towards the
valley bottom. Not only did this cause an increase in run-off speed, but also an increase in
discharge volume, which was later to prove devastating in the confined river channel
flowing through the village itself, which simply couldn't hold enough water to prevent the
flooding which occurred.
Boscastle - within the Valency Valley. Note the steep slopes & narrow river channel, which
allowed massive amounts of water to flow into the same place all at once
The next major factor was the weather that day – arguably the most major factor. The
entire South-West of the country had been battered with stormy weather over the days
leading up to the flood on the 16 of August, and as a result the ground was saturated.
The 16 was a very hot day, with clear skies in the morning & high temperatures for much
of the day. The combination of high localised temperatures & the abundance of
unabsorbed surface water, coupled with moist winds off the sea & the effects of the local
relief (Bodmin Moor) caused a great deal of moist, warm air to travel upwards quickly.
“A line of thunderclouds rocketed over 10km high, their tops streaming into anvil shapes
as high-level winds swept air away from the storm, helping suck more air from below.”
Human activity is hardly responsible in any way for the floods. They appear to have been
a chance event, caused by an unfortunate configuration of wind & cloud patterns on the
day. But the damage caused by the floods can be attributed partially to several human
The first of these is the lack of any flood control system, in the form
of either raised banks around the river channel or emergency
drainage ditches to catch overflowed water. Had these measures
have been in place, no doubt the flood waters would have been
slowed & delayed, giving people more time to evacuate, although the
damage caused by the flood would likely have been just as
Secondly, the sewer & drainage systems in Boscastle were old &
had a small capacity. The sudden surge of water broke the View from helicopter showing
system, preventing any controlled drainage from occurring in the the extent of the flooding
village – the flood water simply took the route overland, causing
more damage.
Also, structures obstructing the course of the river increased the spread of the floodwater.
The most obvious of these is the bridge in the centre of the village, under which cars &
vegetation became stuck. Because the flow of
water was partially blocked, some water had to
flow around the bridge, flooding properties further
from the river channel than perhaps would have
been had the obstruction not occurred.
Short Term
● Roads were blocked off by the floodwater, making emergency access difficult except
from the air. Even when rescue helicopters arrived, the valley was only big enough for
two to operate at any one time, prolonging the operation & putting lives at risk from the
still rising flood waters.
● Property was destroyed by debris such as entire trees & vehicles speeding down the
valley at high speed, pulled out towards the sea by the raging torrent. Buildings were
smashed, especially in the main street where the river channel flows.
● People were trapped in buildings by
the floodwater & forced to seek
refuge on the roofs of the buildings &
await rescue. The danger of
hypothermia, shock or even being
swept away was great.
● People were left homeless for the
night, so emergency accommodation
had to be set up. Nearby hotels &
guest houses were packed with
tourists who had arrived in Boscastle
in the morning & had lost their cars,
so were unable to return to their
accommodation elsewhere.
● A burst sewage main & damaged
buildings made much of Boscastle
inaccessible for health & safety
reasons for at least a few days.
Cars & other vehicles were swept up by the floodwater &
taken out to sea. Some collided with buildings, causing
severe structural damage.
Long Term
● Floodwater damaged a great deal of properties. Possessions were lost, river water & a
burst sewage main spoiled the ground floor of many houses & thousands of pounds
worth of damage was done.
● Repairs had to be made after the damage. This was very time consuming & costly.
Some buildings were beyond repair & their owners have had to consider rebuilding from
● The damage not only affected the
residents, but also insurance
companies. It is likely that home
insurance will be much costlier in
Boscastle from now on.
● Boscastle's main industry is
tourism. The town was effectively
closed to tourists after the flood,
causing a massive loss of revenue.
Tourist attractions such as the
witchcraft museum were lost &
tourists next season will be wary of
visiting the town in case the floods
are repeated. Boscastle may
never recover its tourist industry
The witchcraft museum & local shop, Boscastle's greatest
fully & many small businesses
tourism assets, were left beyond repair by the flood
could go out of business as a
Since August, the focus has been on the clean-up operation in Boscastle. The initial
stages of the clean-up were to secure buildings damaged by the flooding, as these posed
the most immediate risk to public safety. Building inspectors were called into the area &
the entire centre of the village cordoned off from the public. The entire process of
inspecting & securing buildings took several days, after which home owners were allowed
to retrieve any possessions they could salvage.
The clean-up operation was then allowed to begin in earnest, with the infrastructural
damage of roads, sewers & electricity, water & gas supplies being repaired. This allowed
the owners of some of the relatively unaffected houses to return home & begin replacing
furniture & redecorating, after inspecting the damage done to their property in full.
Buildings nearest the river channel remained deep in deposited silt & debris & were in
some cases too damaged to salvage. The museum & a shop were the worst affected, the
shop being hit directly by a tree, so demolition was the only option in this case.
The Environment Agency has had a great deal of input. Firstly, the entire region was
inspected & the probability of a recurrence calculated. Estimates from various sources
differ greatly, some predicting a repeat event in 2005 & some not expecting similar to
happen for another 60-70 years.
In any case, the Environment Agency has recommended that construction in the area in
the future should not include facilities for those most vulnerable to flash-flooding
emergencies, such as the elderly & young children. Effectively, this means that the local
council will reject any planning applications for residential homes or schools in the valley.
The Environment Agency has also removed debris upstream & burned vegetation away
from the river channel to prevent trees causing structural damage if swept downriver
should another flood occur.
The focus in Boscastle has been on repairing the damage & clearing up only – while the
need of the community to return to some sort of normality as quickly as possible is
obvious, the distinct lack of effective flood prevention measures, such as improving the
maximum discharge volume capacity of the river channel or building flood barriers, means
that Boscastle is unprepared for another flood, which could result in yet another disaster &
even loss of life in later years.