Long-Term, Ecosystem-Scale Changes in The Southern Benguela Marine Pelagic Social-Ecological System: Interaction of Natural and Human Drivers

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Copyright © 2013 by the author(s). Published here under license by the Resilience Alliance.

Jarre, A., S. M. Ragaller, and L. Hutchings. 2013. Long-term, ecosystem-scale changes in the southern
Benguela marine pelagic social-ecological system: interaction of natural and human drivers. Ecology and
Society18(4): 55. http://dx.doi.org/10.5751/ES-05917-180455

Research, part of a Special Feature on The Recent History and Practice of Local Fisheries in a Globalizing World
Long-term, Ecosystem-Scale Changes in the Southern Benguela Marine
Pelagic Social-Ecological System: Interaction of Natural and Human
Astrid Jarre 1, Sven M. Ragaller 1 and Laurence Hutchings 1

ABSTRACT. South Africa's small pelagics fishery is currently the largest in volume and second largest in value in the southern
Benguela. It exploits short-lived, small pelagic fishes such as anchovy (for reduction into fish meal and oil) and sardine (for
reduction as well as human consumption through canned products), and to a lesser extent redeye round herring and mesopelagics,
largely for reduction. We explore the recent history (1940s to present) of the social-ecological system around this fishery. The
natural subsystem, at the scales of the ocean environment and the ecosystem, is characterized by high interannual and documented
decadal-scale variability. We characterize the human social subsystem at the scales of the fishing industry, legislation, and west
coast fishing towns, and demonstrate interdependencies between the natural and social subsystems by following system-scale
changes. The pelagic fishing industry has evolved to deal with variability through consolidation, diversification, and range
expansion. Legislation has increasingly looked for conservation of the resource while ensuring economic viability of the industry,
and hence factory- and vessel-related jobs. Fishing communities under apartheid stayed largely dependent on company-generated
infrastructure, combining seasonal employment in the fishing factories with inshore fishing, targeting rock lobster and line fish.
While the pelagic industry persisted and communities survived, the resource base for both offshore and inshore fisheries gradually
eroded. The advent of democracy in the mid-1990s brought allocation of long-term fishing rights to individuals or companies
under conditions of depleted inshore resources aggravated by a shift in the distribution of pelagic fish away from the west coast
towards the Cape south coast in the second half of the 1990s. The resultant loss of employment and fishing rights in the inshore
has generated community coping strategies that include poaching and challenges to the current Marine Living Resources Act,
while the industry continues to expand by range and species, possibly further eroding the resource base. We argue that the
situation in the pelagic social-ecological system is indicative of further loss of resilience to change. Coping with future long-
term, system-scale change will necessitate careful long-term scenario planning among the various interest groups involved, joint
research being one way to overcome the communications breakdown and initiate the joint planning process.
Key Words: anchovy; coastal communities; inshore fishery; marine social-ecological systems; purse seining; rock lobster;
small pelagic fishery; South Africa; Southern Benguela; sardine

INTRODUCTION The impact of environmental variables (wind, ocean

South Africa's small pelagics fishery, operating in the southern temperature, upwelling of nutrient-rich ocean water from the
Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem, is currently the deep sea onto the shelf) on the distribution and recruitment of
largest fishery by volume and second largest in value in the small pelagic fish has long been known. In addition to
country. It developed quickly after the Second World War, interannual variability, decadal-scale environmental conditions
with St. Helena Bay on the west coast as its center (Figure 1), have been documented as favoring one species over another
producing fishmeal and oil, as well as canned fish, for national or both species simultaneously (van der Lingen et al. 2006a,
as well as international markets (e.g., Lees 1969). The fishery b). Recent research has focused on determining decadal-scale
exploits short-lived, small pelagic fishes such as sardine environmental (oceanographic) conditions and how and when
(Sardinops sagax) (for human consumption through canned they change (tipping points), as well as the impact of such
products, as well as reduction into fish meal and oil) and changes at the scale of the entire ecosystem (Howard et al.
anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) (for reduction only), and to 2007, Blamey et al. 2012). Decadal-scale variability is
a lesser extent redeye round herring (Etrumeus whiteheadi) important for management purposes, because human activities
and mesopelagics, largely for reduction. The population size in the ocean should be managed according to the prevailing
of small pelagics can fluctuate widely from one year to the regime in the ecosystem (e.g., King and McFarlane 2006).
next, partly because environmental conditions influence the However, for appropriate fisheries management advice in
recruitment of juvenile fish into the fishery, and partly through social–ecological systems, natural variability and change also
the influence of fishing on the parent fish population. need to be placed in historical perspective alongside social
changes related to fishing. A recent review of the available

Marine Research Institute, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Ecology and Society 18(4): 55

scientific information (Hutchings et al. 2012), rather than RESULTS

indicating the unidirectional change over the past 60 years that
could be expected from climate change projections, has Historical changes in the natural subsystem of the
concluded instead that, while there are strong decadal-scale southern Benguela
changes in the physical and biological oceanography of the The decadal-scale changes documented by marine ecologists
South African west coast, the only persistent change has been are commonly subdivided into environmental regime shifts,
that in the fish community, which has largely been affected which refer to changes in the physical and chemical properties
by fishing. of the system that may or may not affect single biotic
components, or ecosystem regime shifts, which indicate long-
term changes in several biotic components of the system.
Fig. 1. South Africa’s southwestern Cape coast. Note that
"St. Helena" and "Saldanha" are used here to distinguish the Environmental regime shifts
positions of the towns from the large bays adjacent to them, A review of the scientific knowledge of the general
i.e., St. Helena Bay and Saldanha Bay. In practice, the environmental (i.e., oceanographic) conditions in the highly
names are used interchangeably for town and bay. dynamic environment of the southern Benguela upwelling
ecosystem shows no unidirectional change from the 1950s to
the present (Hutchings et al. 2012). Large variability, however,
has been observed throughout this period, and at various
scales: seasonal, interannual, and decadal. Change in dynamic
natural systems is initially observed by oceanographers as
anomalies, which can be of short duration (an abnormally hot
or windy month, for example) or may extend over several years
or even decades. For example, an environmental short-term
anomaly noted by fishers and government scientists alike (for
example, Buys 1959, Eigelaar 1999) was a short period of cold
water in St. Helena Bay during 1955/6. This caused a change
in the activity of bioluminescent zooplankton, used in the
fishing industry before the time of echo sounders as an
indicator of small pelagic fish activity, as well as decreased
availability of sardines. A subsequent multiannual warmer
period co-occurred with that increased sardine recruitment and
created a boom in the sardine fishery that came to a sudden
end in the early 1960s.
Adopting a marine social–ecological systems approach (sensu Interannual variability (including anomalies) is of interest in
Berkes 2011, Ommer et al. 2011), we explore the iterative the generation of fisheries management advice in South
interdependencies between natural marine and human social Africa’s small pelagics fishery, in that scientists combine the
subsystems of which the South African small pelagics fishery size of the parent fish stock with environmental conditions
is a part. Drawing on published literature and students' theses that relate to survival during early life history stages, in order
(Schultz 2010, Anderson 2011, Rogerson 2011, Duggan 2012, to generate an estimate of recruitment strength (e.g., Miller
Ragaller 2012), in which the methodologies are explained in and Field 2002). This estimate, along with the numbers of
detail, as well as a number of additional formal, semi- resultant young fish that enter the fishery (recruits), allows
structured interviews in Gansbaai, Saldanha, St. Helena, and scientists to calculate an annual estimate of total allowable
Lamberts Bay with both factory and fleet managers as well as catch (TAC), because pelagic fish live only two to five years,
informed community members, we seek to understand: (1) if so the recruitment of young fish has an important influence
major changes in the marine subsystem (long-term, system- on population size and variability. Sophisticated modeling can
scale) always precede changes in the social subsystem (or vice be part of this process (e.g., de Moor et al. 2011). For strategic
versa); (2) how pronounced such changes need to be to spill fisheries management, however, following King and
over to the other; and (3) whether these are anomalies (sudden McFarlane (2006), it is useful to know whether a phase of
strong deviation from average conditions, lasting only for a “generally favorable” or one of “generally detrimental”
short period of time), regime shifts (sudden shift from one environmental conditions for small pelagic recruitment and
fairly stable state to another, where various components of the availability can be determined. The long-term (decadal-scale)
system are affected and the time frame for the change to occur changes in the dynamics of small pelagic fish in turn influence
is relatively short) or gradual changes that eventually reach a predation patterns in the associated marine food webs
tipping point. (Shannon et al. 2003, Watermeyer et al. 2008, Osman 2010),
Ecology and Society 18(4): 55

creating positive or adverse conditions for critically dependent fish being found in St. Helena Bay, the South African small
predators such as Cape gannets (Morus capensis) and the pelagic industry grew rapidly. The industry is based on
threatened African penguin (Spheniscus demersus, which economies of scale, producing very large amounts of fish
specialize in sardine and anchovy (see, e.g., Hutchings et al. efficiently at low per unit value, in contrast to the small-scale,
2012 and references therein, Cury et al. 2011), as well as setting inshore rock lobster and hand-line fisheries that operate on
a “general” backdrop for the fishery and therefore for comparatively smaller amounts of fish with higher per-unit
management advice. value. The small pelagics fishery used the business networks
and processing (canning) experience created through the
Decadal-scale environmental regime shifts on the west coast
export-oriented rock lobster industry, the structure of which
were identified by Howard et al. (2007), and Shannon et al.
had matured by the early 1930s (Lees 1969). Lamberts Bay,
(2010) for 1958-68 (increased sea surface temperature (SST)),
for example, at the northern end of St. Helena Bay, which was
1971-81 (increased upwelling, i.e., an environmental regime
to become the center of the small pelagic fishing industry, had
detrimental to sardine and favoring anchovy), 1991-2001
had a rock lobster processing factory since 1918. Political and
(decreased upwelling and increasing SST off the northern part
economic (capital) support by the government’s Fisheries
of the west coast, i.e., conditions more favorable for sardine
Development Co-operation (FDC), established in 1944,
recruitment) and in the early 2000s (further increasing SST/
helped, as did foreign investment, partly driven by
reduced upwelling). These results were confirmed by Blamey
deteriorating fishing in the North Sea (Lees 1969). Links with
et al. (2012), who further refined the analyses of Howard et
the Californian sardine fishery had been established since 1935
al. (2007) and Roy et al. (2007) to indicate increased variability
(through visits there to learn about fish processing), and the
of upwelling at the west coast since 1996 (a situation
first Californian-built reduction plant was erected in Lamberts
detrimental to sardine), and increased upwelling (i.e.,
Bay in 1947. The fishery then targeted sardine and horse
productivity) at the south coast in the period 1996-2003, in
mackerel (Trachurus capensis) for canning and reduction,
line with increased availability and recruitment of small
using small wooden boats inshore (Figures 2A, B) with a
pelagics along the south coast.
“kopman” (head man) standing at the bow at night looking out
Regime shifts at the ecosystem scale for the bioluminescence that indicated to them where to set
Based on these findings, Howard et al. (2007) postulated two their nets (Eigelaar 1999).
regime shifts at the scale of the pelagic ecosystem, one in the The structure of the industry left room for individual
early 1960s, following the collapse of the sardine population entrepreneurship, as demonstrated when Johnnie Eigelaar
on the west coast (fishery-induced), and the other in the early pioneered the use of echo sounders during two years of cold
2000s, indicated by a shift in the relative abundance of small water (1956/57), with which the entire fleet was rapidly
pelagics from the west coast to the south coast in a situation equipped. Even though the number of boats fishing leveled
of very high population sizes of both species (likely off (Stander and Le Roux 1968), this actually masked
environmentally-induced). Blamey et al. (2012) added to these increased fleet catching efficiency. After 1958, bigger vessels
findings an ecosystem regime shift in the inshore in the first with larger hold capacity were employed (Stander and Le Roux
half of the 1990s, when the majority of the rock lobster catches 1968), reaching a maximum size in the early 1970s
moved from the west coast to the southwest coast, the spatial (Butterworth 1983), perhaps in response to signs of collapse
change impacting, through mechanisms related to predation of the northern Benguela sardine population in the late 1960s,
and habitat provision, sea urchins and abalone as well as coupled with the collapse of the Peruvian anchoveta in the
cormorants. The shift in the inshore may have been induced early 1970s. The warmer period from 1958 had initiated good
by reduced oxygen in the bottom waters (Cockcroft et al. sardine recruitment, and the modernized fleet permitted huge
2008), exacerbated by a few short-term, bay-scale low oxygen catches of mostly sardines until 1963; these amounted to up
events causing mass walkout of rock lobster, particularly in to 400,000 tons per year (Stander and Le Roux 1968).
the 1990s (Cockcroft et al. 2008). This in turn resulted in Although centered on St. Helena Bay, the fishery began to
considerably reduced biomasses of rock lobster in the St. extend southward to Gansbaai, which had been modernizing
Helena Bay/ Saldanha Bay area. Alternatively (or additionally since the early 1950s. A fishing cooperative was established,
as we cannot yet be certain), an increase in illegal or unreported again with financial aid by the FDC (see Ragaller 2012 for an
fishing pressure, unaccounted for in assessment models, that overview), and an additional reduction plant opened there in
has possibly occurred since the 1980s could have contributed 1962, building on existing infrastructure left over from shark
to the inshore regime shift. liver processing during the Second World War. Whereas the
Periods of change in the human social subsystem fishery before 1956 had focused on adult sardine (mean age 5
years or older (Butterworth 1983), after 1967 it increasingly
Restructuring at the scale of the small pelagic fishing caught juveniles (Stander and Le Roux 1968), along with two
industry to three year-old sardines of 16-20 cm length (Butterworth
On the back of declining rock lobster catches and the 1983). Many rock lobster and sardine canneries as well as fish
Californian sardine stock collapse, but with large amounts of meal plants began to consolidate into a few, largely still family-
Ecology and Society 18(4): 55

owned, companies, as access to these resources became The collapse of the sardine population in the early 1960s saw
possible. several responses in the fishery, including a shift northward
to Walvis Bay in Namibia (then under South African
Fig. 2. A. Early west coast sardine boat (from Davies 1957 occupation), where South Africa west coast companies had
as reproduced in Hutchings et al. 2012). B. Velddrif, in St. operated since the 1950s. Mesh size was also reduced from 32
Helena Bay, during the times of rapid growth in the small to 12 mm after 1963 (Butterworth 1983) to target anchovy (for
pelagic fishing industry (early 1950s) (from http:// fish meal and oil), with catches increasing from around
trawlerheritage.co.za/Fishing%20Harbours%20and% 150,000 t in 1965-1971 to around 250,000 t in 1972-1982. The
20Factories/AIF%20Velddrif/Velddrif.htm). C. Purse southern expansion of the South African small pelagics fishery
seiners alongside the factory jetty in Gansbaai (2010). Note (first to Gansbaai and then further onto the Agulhas Bank
older wooden vessel in the front, modern small fibreglass (Butterworth 1983), as well as a diversification in catches to
vessel behind. include chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) for canning,
produced overall fish catches of between 350,000 and 500,000
t until the early 1980s (Butterworth 1983).
In the wake of the sardine collapse in the 1960s, the industry
restructured, becoming vertically and horizontally integrated
(Raakjaer Nielsen and Hara 2006). Eigelaar (1999) notes that
he and his brother would buy businesses that were unrelated
to fishing at the end of every year, so as not to be dependent
on the risks of changing fish stocks. Large investment
companies invested in the smaller fishing companies and
diversified their holdings in a process that was typical of the
search for increasing profitability at that time (Lipschitz 1989).
A closer look at the shareholders of companies and key
business reports (Brimstone Investment Corporation 2011,
Oceana Group Limited 2011, Sea Harvest undated, Tiger
Brands 2011) shows the more recent structure of the industry.
Oceana, for example, (now one of the biggest fishmeal and
canning companies in South Africa) has 37.5% of its shares
owned by Tiger Brands, which, in turn, is one of South Africa’s
largest food companies with R20 Billion revenue for the 2009
financial year. Brimstone Investment Corporation has a 9.7%
shareholding in Oceana as well as in Sea Harvest (another
large, hake fishing company) and shares in Tiger Brands,
which means that Brimstone has a second, indirect portion of
shares in Oceana. Tiger Brands is horizontally integrated,
controlling many different business interests (mayonnaise,
bread, retail shops and health care, for example), some of
which are the result of foreign investments, with products that
go well beyond the confines of the fishing towns and are linked
to agriculture and tertiary services, such as critical care. Both
Sea Harvest and Oceana are vertically integrated, owning most
of the production chain, from the boats that catch the fish to
the factories that process it and the subsequent cold storage.
This restructuring points to a consolidation of corporate power
in the fishery.
While the collapse of the Peruvian anchoveta fishery in the
early 1970s and the corresponding good prices for fish meal
certainly helped to encourage targeting anchovy, following
van der Lingen et al.'s (2006a) reasoning, the fishery probably
also benefitted from increased anchovy recruitment in the cold
ocean environment after 1971, although this cannot be proved
as no recruitment data were collected during the 1970s.
Ecology and Society 18(4): 55

Overall, the fishing industry did well in the 1970s, because of minister (of Economic Affairs, then Agriculture and Fisheries,
its spatial extension, good prices for fishmeal, and continued then Environmental Affairs and Fisheries), to regulate any
canning using chub mackerel to partially compensate for aspect of the fishing industry (Butterworth 1983). Butterworth
sardine. (1983:337) notes that:
In the 1990s and 2000s, the shift from “owner skippers” of Despite continuous scientific advice towards
pelagic fishing vessels to company ownership continued, with greater caution, perhaps the most significant
companies maintaining the vessels and hiring skippers on a management restrictions – the re-imposition of a
commission basis, at the same time “squeezing” independent quota in 1971, and its decrease in 1977 – correspond
operators through control of the processing facilities. The to the two collapse periods of the neighbouring
process continues today under the new long-term rights: new [Namibian sardine] resource, which presumably
entrants, for the most part small quota holders, are dependent engendered a more safety-conscious attitude in the
on the established industrial firms and their processing SA management authority.
facilities (Raakjaer Nielsen and Hara 2006), which have
In 1975, company-specific quotas were introduced to avoid
sufficient capacity to process the current catches.
“first come first served” fishing, which can lead to excess
However, as the distribution of sardine changed after 1997 fishing effort. The declaration of a 200 nmi EEZ in 1976 may
and particularly after 2001 (Fairweather et al. 2006, Hutchings have helped conservation thinking, and the commissioning of
et al. 2012), large quantities of fish caught off the south coast a new research vessel, the “Africana”, in the early 1980s, as
had to be trucked back to the processing factories on the west well as funding support for ecosystem-oriented research
coast. This proved too expensive for some of the smaller through the Benguela Ecology Program that started in the same
factories (e.g., Premier in Saldanha and Oceana in Lamberts period (Moloney et al. 2004) can also be seen in this light.
Bay), which subsequently closed. A new canning and Additionally, the new Act made provisions for Marine
reduction factory was constructed in Mossel Bay (see Figure Protected Areas. In the 1980s, the R/V Africana made
1), which opened in 2007 after a multiyear planning process, improved fisheries surveys possible, while in the mid-1980s
but it drew its workers from the south coast. Fish caught west the continued low abundance of sardine led to specific TACs
of Cape Agulhas are still processed in the west coast factories, for sardine and anchovy, replacing the global TAC: a
however, meaning longer steaming distances and requiring conservative management strategy aiming at rebuilding the
good chilling facilities on the vessels. The large companies depleted sardine population.
that operate modern steel vessels can shuffle vessels between
The infamous Rubicon speech given by South Africa’s then
the Namibian and South African fleets, and have thus been
president P.W. Botha in 1985, which constituted a
able to adapt to the situation. However, these changes might
reaffirmation of the National Party’s commitment to an
lead the large companies to outcompete the smaller purse seine
apartheid state, resulted in swift trade reprisals: the following
fleet in Gansbaai (Figure 2C), which continues to operate its
year, international sanctions closed down most export
smaller boats as a cooperative.
possibilities. For the industrial-scale rock lobster fishery this
Regulatory aspects: the national scale resulted in catches being transshipped offshore as “of South
The Sea Fisheries Act of 1940 promoted development of Atlantic origin”, since they had not touched South African
industrialized fishing. Some conservation thinking, however, soil: this made monitoring and control more difficult, and
was present from the onset of the small pelagics fishery in the opened the way to catch under-reporting (see below).
1940s, partly because of the effects of bottom trawling, and In 1988, a new Sea Fisheries Act established a Quota Board
partly because of the collapse of the Californian sardine and to remove the TAC “from the political arena” (Chief
its fishery. Limitations on processing capacity and a minimum Directorate Marine Development 1993), and a Fisheries
mesh size were put into place in 1950, and a short closed season Advisory Committee (with membership representing specific
was implemented in 1951 (Butterworth 1983). A combined sectors and appointment based on expertise), which replaced
total allowable catch of 227,000 t for sardine and horse the Sea Fisheries Research Fund by the Sea Fisheries Fund,
mackerel was legislated from 1953-1959, but only loosely which had wider application. The Quota Board also came to
enforced. In the wake of the collapse of the sardine fishery, allocate access rights (as opposed to only TACs) in various
minimum mesh size was reduced from 32 to 12 mm in 1963 fisheries, as detailed in Isaacs (2006). Following democracy
(Butterworth 1983), in order to allow the fishery to target in South Africa, this Act was followed by the Marine Living
anchovy. A combined total allowable catch (TAC) for all purse Resources Act of 1998, which sought to balance marine
seined species was implemented from 1971, ranging between conservation thinking with social and economic objectives,
360,000 and 450,000 t. including the correction of past injustices in resource access.
A new Sea Fisheries Act came into place in 1973 and In the first half of the 2000s, medium- and long-term fishing
empowered the management authority, represented by the rights were given for a number of fisheries, including small
Ecology and Society 18(4): 55

pelagics, rock lobster, abalone, and hand-line. Van Sittert and investing their time and effort in purse seining for these fish,
Hauck (2006) introduced a series of reviews of this hotly- and leaving aside rock lobster, abalone, hand-lining, and
debated process. angling. At the same time, state regulations enshrined the idea
of specialist fishers (such as purse seiners and hand-liners)
Building on the former Fisheries Advisory Committee, the
rather than protecting the flexible strategy of drawing on
Consultative Advisory Forum (CAF) was established,
multiple species throughout the year. This followed the state
consisting of experts from different sectors of industry, and
tactic of allocating fishing rights as widely as possible, in order
including scientists who are independent of the government
to allow new entrants into the fishery.
institute. CAF was to oversee management advice from the
various sector-specific working groups. The CAF would also The fishers of Gansbaai (Ragaller 2012), Lamberts Bay
consider advice and information from recognized (Rogerson 2011) and St. Helena Bay (Schultz 2010) have been
representative fishery bodies, specifically, recommendations frustrated by the constraints imposed on them by these
on the annual TAC and operational management plans regulations, which force them into categories and attempt to
(Republic of South Africa 1998). CAF also advised on the dictate how they fish. In all three places, research shows that
allocation of research funds for multidisciplinary research. fishers consider fishing to be an intimate part of their life, not
This broadened scope pointed to a more system-oriented something that can be reduced to seeing themselves as merely
approach to fisheries management. The council was, however, purse seiners or hand-liners or any one category of fisher (or
disbanded in the mid-2000s and remains so, leaving only fishing technique). From the 1950s through the 1980s, the
sector-specific advice reaching the minister. pelagics fishery used to close for one to three months
(sometime between August and December). During this time,
Changes at the scale of the fishing communities the factories closed and the fishing vessels did not operate.
The growth of the rock lobster industry into the 1930s along Workers and crew could then practice their alternative fishing:
the west coast had been supported by a government that needed inshore line-fish and rock lobster. More recently, pelagic
to employ large numbers of people in the interwar period (van fishing has become more year-round, with a short maintenance
Sittert 2002). At that time, many poor people moved to the break (usually in December). This has brought more
west coast for work, although it was not a hospitable place to continuous employment, or at least less well defined and
settle. The land adjacent to the cold Benguela current running shorter periods of closure, which have helped to decrease the
along the west coast is semi-arid, freshwater was hard to come mobility of Gansbaai’s purse seine crew around the western
by and electricity was not then available. The result of these Cape (snoeking on the west coast), and to further increase
and other difficulties was malnutrition and disease (typhoid dependency on the factory (Ragaller 2012). In short, industrial
epidemics) (Lees 1969). Moreover, fishers could barely restructuring has affected the livelihoods of people in St.
survive on the money they made harvesting rock lobster. Helena Bay (Schultz 2010), Lamberts Bay (Rogerson 2011)
Although people could subsist and/or trade on a small scale and Gansbaai (Ragaller 2012), as well as their engagement
using the abundant west coast marine food sources, the state with the ocean.
supported job-creating industries and the rapid expansion of
a large-scale, multi-species export fishery. Before the It is important to note that people’s relationship with the sea
companies arrived, some of the places that would become large is not limited to resource extraction. Industrial development
industrial fishing centers had had no settled human presence, brought with it land and sea pollution in and around the
while at other sites (such as St Helena Bay, Laaiplek and communities. At Laaiplek the first fish meal was produced in
Lamberts Bay) people had been involved in small-scale line- 1944 from the offal of bokkom (salted and air-dried harders,
fishing and gill-netting. However, the goal of industry was to Liza richardsonii) production (Lees 1969), since much of the
create profits from fish exported halfway across the globe. waste was disposed of in trenches behind the factories or
dumped back into the ocean. Increasing hygiene standards and
St. Helena Bay, Lamberts Bay and Gansbaai’s fishers all the nuisance value of the waste compelled factories to address
experienced the effects of changing fishing techniques and the problem, particularly through the recovery of fish meal
regulations. The economic boom of the small pelagics fishery, from the wastewater produced in the fish canning process. By
beginning in the late 1940s, brought with it large employment 1950 Laaiplek had the first “stick water” recovery plant, which
opportunities and increased local populations in and around allowed the recovery of solids from the wastewater produced
the coastal towns. In the 1950s in Gansbaai, a drop in in the fish canning process, thus significantly increasing the
international and national demand for shark liver products and percentage of meal produced from the same amount of fish.
decreasing value of the local hand-line fishery had left the By 1956 almost all of the 19 reduction plants in the Cape and
town struggling (Barnard 1986, Ragaller 2012); investment in Walvis had adopted this process, simultaneously increasing
the small pelagic industry would give it another chance. the cost effectiveness of the fish meal production and the
Catching and processing small pelagic fish requires quality of the discharged wastewater. In the 1990s, further
considerable capital investment, forcing fishers to specialize, improvements were implemented through the introduction of
Ecology and Society 18(4): 55

“dry offloading” in which no water is added when fish are example) share options and medical aid (Van Zyl et al. 2008),
pumped from boat to factory. The resulting “blood water” but these still do not protect people from resource variability
formed by damaged fish and melting ice water remains in the and decline. When large reductions in TAC force companies
holds and is discharged some distance offshore. Despite these to downsize or (as in Saldanha and Lamberts Bay) close the
considerable improvements, nearshore water and habitat factory (Figure 3), benefits then also stop, and alternative
quality remain a concern to the present day. incomes or subsistence have to be found.
The large-scale, rapid expansion of the fish meal and canning
industries brought an influx in labor to sustain the expansion Fig. 3. Lambert’s Bay harbor A. Active purse seiner fleet in
in processing (Lees 1969). Incoming black and colored the 1990s (from http://trawlerheritage.co.za/Fishing%
laborers came either from among those forced out of the Cape 20Harbours%20and%20Factories/Lambertsbaai/Lamberts%
Town area by the apartheid regime’s Native Urban Areas Act, 20Bay.htm). B. 2012, remaining small boats after
or from those who left the homelands in the Eastern Cape conversion of the cannery to potato processing.
Province seeking an alternative to employment in large-scale
mining in the former Transvaal province. Most of them ended
up in distinct “communities” tied to specific fish factories that
controlled the land they occupied (Lees 1969, van Sittert
2003), with jobs but without the development that could carry
them out of shantytowns.
Technological advances, market demand, fish supply, and
high postwar unemployment had allowed the industrial small
pelagic industry to expand along the “undeveloped” west
coast. However, people working in factories or on boats under
increased licensing regulation became tied to one place and
one kind of work, whereas previously they would have
subsisted on, or sold a variety of, ocean species: snoek, gelbek,
harders, rock lobster, and abalone, depending on season and
availability. Industrial fisheries brought modernization, the
cash-and-goods economy and the apparent security of fixed
salaries. However, the flexibility of pre-industrialized life was
lost. The occupational pluralism that used to reside with
individuals and families was moving up the organizational
hierarchy to companies. It became the companies that acquired
flexibility by practicing a range of activities selected according
to the availability of resources. Skippers and crews were paid
by the ton, factory workers by the hour, thereby allowing
companies to expand and contract operations and hence
expenditures, according to the amount of fish being caught.
When rock lobster stocks and prices began to fall, there was
work for those people in the small pelagics sector as it began
to expand, and effort was moved to the offshore waters.
However, problems arose if the people relying on the cash
income of factory work ever had to turn to subsistence catches, One problematic alternative is poaching, especially rock
as could happen in the variable small pelagics fishery. lobster and abalone, which are nutritious and sell well. Many
Businesses, by contrast, were flexible, with a range of poach to put food on the table; others (especially small-scale
activities that let them move finances around during slumps. and subsistence fishers) regard these species as part of a
The state relied on companies to develop much of the housing multigenerational fishing activity that has only recently
and schooling for their workers, but people lacking stable become illegal (Schultz 2010) and whose sudden denial is a
income and basic necessities (such as freshwater) had little considerable challenge. There are also organized poaching
room to maneuver. Reforms in the 1990s helped; some places syndicates that sell large quantities of abalone on international
(Saldanha, St. Helena, and Lamberts Bay) developed limited markets for very good prices; links have been drawn between
alternatives, such as tourism or work in an iron ore terminal. these and international drug trafficking, local gangs, and drug
Fishing companies now provide good benefits through (for dealers (Steinberg 2005). It is difficult to determine to what
Ecology and Society 18(4): 55

extent poaching is a lucrative organized, criminal activity Industries (HBFI) had become involved in a two-year court
(Steinberg 2005), but to date fishers who poach for relatively case in New York in which HBFI faced accusations of
little money or for subsistence face the same penalties as smuggling illegally caught rock lobster (mainly South Coast
organized gangs. rock lobster Palinurus gilchristi, plus an unknown proportion
of West Coast rock lobster, Jasus lalandii) and Patagonian
DISCUSSION tooth fish (Dissostichus eleginoides) into the US over at least
Interdependencies 15 years from about 1986 on (Neumeister 2003). The company
held about 30% of the rock lobster quota for the south coast,
Interdependencies of the natural and human subsystems in but had poached about double their quota: “Assistant US
the 1940s through the 1980s attorney Marcus Asner [...] called it ‘a case that involved
The ecological and the social are iteratively interdependent hundreds of thousands of kilograms of seafood’ [...]” (IOL
systems. Additionally, we argue that the distinction between News 2003). This poaching followed the Rubicon speech and
offshore and inshore natural subsystems commonly made by took place despite significant international sanctions, capital
biologists needs to be abandoned. The fishing industry, flight, and a massive devaluation of the South African currency
obviously, depends on its resource base: it was the abundance (Cape Business News 2005, McKeown 2011). All of these
of small pelagics fish at the west coast that supported the possibly explain the initial motivation, for not only was trade,
development of their fishery. Environmental perturbations (especially to the US) almost nonexistent, but the underhand
(like the 1956/7 cold anomaly) influence catch magnitude and nature of the transactions meant that, although the exchange
composition. The warm period that followed led to increased rate was in favor of exports, larger amounts of seafood had to
sardine recruitment, allowing good fishing. The coupling be sold to make a meaningful profit. These organized poaching
between the human and natural subsystems, has been operations demonstrate how the apartheid regime created
relatively tight (effects being felt within a year or two, in line situations in which fishing companies “creatively” survived.
with the short life span of small pelagics). Such operations outlived apartheid and continued well into
the post-1994 era, even when international trade was
Fishing also influences its resource base; sustained fishing
reestablished. That said, it was the political economy of the
pressure has gradually changed the population size and age
1980s that allowed poaching to take the shape it did, enriching
structure of sardine at the west coast (Butterworth 1983), with
a select few but damaging not only the resources but also the
overfishing causing an abrupt stock collapse and initiating an
lives of inshore, small-scale fishers struggling with depleted
ecosystem regime shift that also influenced such top predators
rock lobster stocks.
as seabirds (Crawford et al. 1983) and also food web structure
(Watermeyer et al. 2008). Through the 1980s, the industry was Interdependencies of the natural and human social
central to many people’s livelihoods in a period of decreased subsystems: the wider picture
fish availability. This had the effect of deteriorating living While people in the west coast fishing communities have been
conditions as resource options shrunk. The ongoing pollution left disillusioned by the empty promises of the new post-
of inshore habitats through processing of offshore resources apartheid South African state, and many have resorted to
increased these concerns. Simultaneously, increased corporate poaching as a form of survival and protest, that behavior is
efficiency meant fewer jobs. The ramifications of job loss in likely to compromise the needed rebuilding of resources on
the context of apartheid development, and export driven, free the west coast, including rock lobster and some line fish
market capitalism left many people in the fishing towns in dire (Griffiths 2000). Industry, meanwhile, continues the strategy
circumstances, without a social safety net of basic income, of species expansion (to redeye round herring and mesopelagic
health, housing, and utilities. light- and lanternfish- family Myctophidae) and effort increase
While the international sanctions that followed P. W. Botha’s (from purse seining to midwater trawling), which is the same
Rubicon speech might have been a blessing for overharvested strategy that had led to resource depletion in the 1960s and
resources such as rock lobster (the apparent drastic decrease 1970s. Additionally, larger amounts of nontarget species are
in demand could have allowed rock lobster to recover), a caught in midwater trawling than in purse seining, with this
change in product labeling made it possible to continue the bycatch possibly increasing the ecosystem effects of a future
export fishery. Rock lobster catch rates and catches began to small pelagics fishery. Evaluations of the ecosystem state of
increase, although only after 2001 (Groeneveld 2003, the southern Benguela indicate that changes to date may still
Cockcroft et al. 2008). be reversible (Cury and Shannon 2004, Shannon et al. 2009,
Osman 2010), but continued depletion of ecosystem
This occurred with the establishment of a new management components and erosion of the resource base for the fisheries
procedure (Moloney and Johnston 2002, Johnston and may well lead to drastic changes in ecosystem functioning
Butterworth 2005), but also with the end of a large and long- such as have been observed in the northern Benguela (Cury
standing poaching operation. In 2001 Hout Bay Fishing and Shannon 2004) and in the Black Sea (Oguz and Gilbert
Ecology and Society 18(4): 55

2007), from which economic recovery is severely restricted allocation of fishing rights that limits fishing to
compromised. In short, the social–ecological system of the specific categories, has been detrimental to the flexible
South African west coast currently is in a less than desirable livelihood strategies people employed at earlier points and to
state, likely compromising its resilience to large-scale change an extent still do today (Hutchings et al. 2002, Ragaller 2012).
in the future. Recent studies internationally (McCay et al. 2011) point out
that security of access rights and the ability to diversify as a
South Africa is not alone in facing these pressures. Worldwide,
form of adaptation to change are crucial.
coastal communities have been in rapid increase, although the
strictly rural population in South Africa is leveling off (Small Some coping strategies
and Nicholls 2002, Kok and van Tonder 2011). Kok and van Using four contrasting case studies, Perry et al. (2011)
Tonder (2011:16) point out that “the relationship between summarize the difference in responses of marine social–
population and the environment is [...] far more complex than ecological systems to short- and long-term stress. Importantly,
sometimes expected”. With inland retirees moving to the they highlight how long-term stress makes it impossible to
coast, inshore fishing pressure, or demand for inshore continue short-term coping responses such as intensification
resources, may well increase in the future. Thus, the and diversification of effort, spatial shifts of fishing, or simply
demographic development of coastal areas, as well as patterns “riding out the storm”. Long-term adaptive responses include
in fish demand and consumption, need to be analyzed relative life history changes and restructuring of the natural subsystem,
to changes in the productive capacity of the marine ecosystem. typically leading to increased variability. In the human social
In South Africa, the state’s reform push for industrialization system, such long-term adaptive responses include political
in the 1940s had been part of wider, international ideological reform, social restructuring, capacity building, and
drives for state social welfare. In the 1990s, it was driven by community closure, leading to decreasing flexibility. We have
the impetus to redistribute work and access in the fisheries shown that two periods of long-term, system-scale change in
away from white hands (van Sittert 2002). Yet these attempts the west coast ecological system (the 1960s and 1990s)
have an “uncanny resemblance”, as van Sittert (2002) argues, decreased resilience. Each carries their own history, yet the
to one another. In both cases the state was trying to redistribute latter happened in a context underpinned by events in the
part of the fishery into the hands of the majority, in the form former. The collapse of sardine over the 1960s meant that other
of jobs and/or access rights. Both times, the state was driven species (anchovy and club mackerel) were added to the target
by social welfare approaches to alleviate the growing urban repertoire (“short-term” response sensu Perry et al. 2011), but
poor and “poverty of the fishing hamlets” (van Sittert in the long term, this prevented recovery. Fish were and
2002:298). currently are targeted ever more efficiently, adding to the
Yet this never worked out. In both periods market-oriented strains already created by regime shifts, maintaining long-term
approaches were used to address poverty alleviation and stress.
redistribution. In the earlier period, companies became the One might expect that environmental changes will be most
institutional structures that looked after workers’ education, influential at longer time scales, i.e., decades, because shorter
housing, and even water. The factories thus were peoples’ term environmental variability is being coped with. In contrast,
frame of reference for most things and in some instances were social changes might be expected to be most influential on
also addressed as the magisterial authority (Lees 1969). With shorter time scales, i.e., annual to decadal, because of the
reduced work in factories, factory product change (from immediate requirements of food and profit. However, this does
canned sardines to potato chips in Lamberts Bay, for example: not seem to apply to the west coast system. For example, the
Figures 3A, B) or closure, the structure they provided for buildup of the sardine fishery during the 1950s saw people
people’s lives has weakened considerably. Continued switching gradually from inshore to offshore employment.
departmental silos in the government have failed to provide a The collapse of sardine in the early 1960s, which might have
replacement structure, and government thus so far has failed resulted in a rapid redeployment of the workforce in the
to achieve its objectives on job creation and poverty canneries, was mitigated by switching to alternative species,
alleviation, while continuing to place marine ecosystems and notably chub mackerel. It was only after the second regime
marine resources at risk through overexploitation. Both shift in the early 2000s that the sudden absence of small
Schultz (2010) and Rogerson (2011) indicate that those factory pelagics from the west coast got factories to close quickly,
workers and small-scale fishers who have remained are hardest following erosion of the local resource base. The interactions
hit by the highly variable small pelagic industry, in line with between the two subsystems appears to happen on multiple
McCay et al's (2011) findings on changes in the US surf clam spatial and temporal scales in parallel, and the sudden changes
fishery under environmental change. Aggravating the characteristic of ecosystem regime shifts emphasize the
situation at South Africa’s west coast in the early 2000s, the importance of their tipping point as a signal for long-term
new and, in view of the need to rebuild depleted resources, change in the human social subsystem.
Ecology and Society 18(4): 55

We have also shown how the observed system-scale changes Fishers who work in either the small pelagics and hand-line
in both human and natural subsystems compounded problems fisheries or both know that all aspects of the ocean and its
across subsystem boundaries rather than mitigating them. In resources are in constant flux. Research by Anderson (2011),
the language of systems modeling, as adopted in McCay et al. Duggan (2012), Ragaller (2012), Rogerson (2011), and
(2011), the negative effects of deviations (from a given Schultz (2011) consistently shows fishers speaking of
situation of relative stability, i.e., regime) were amplified variability as opposed to long-term change. This overview of
rather than dampened. In the new millennium, west coast the 1940s to the present highlights the interdependencies
fishers experienced a loss of access to inshore fishing and/or between the human social and the natural subsystems
small quotas on top of an already strained fishing industry in operating on two scales: the interannual scale (encompassing
light of the sardine regime shift and the closing of two factories. recruitment and corresponding catch variability), and the
The inadequate implementation of livelihood diversification multiannual/decadal scale (encompassing species dominance
strategies make the closure of a fishing community that has shifts and strategic industry adaptations, such as the
existed since the rock lobster fishery of the early 20th century introductions of echo sounders and steel vessels, and the
a concrete possibility. Successful management strategies will opening and closing of factories). What is striking in this
facilitate adaptation to changed circumstances and prevent history, especially the more recent changes of the last two
practices that aggravate negative effects of change. decades, is the multitude of concerns and livelihood strategies
of fishers. People worry on a daily basis about many issues
Ecosystem regime changes are closely felt on the ground in
that require far more immediate attention than long-term
perhaps unexpected ways. The closure of factories at
ecosystem change. Experienced fishers have a thorough
Lambert’s Bay (Figure 3) and Saldanha Bay demonstrates this
understanding of how to catch fish on their fishing grounds,
in the context of fishers’ dependence on the factories for which
and they interact with the ocean and climate intuitively.
they work. Reduced ability to move within the ecosystem, both
Fishing is for many a multigenerational livelihood that is the
spatially and across species, by being tied to the factory means
central organizing activity of daily life.
that fishers continued to rely heavily on fishing companies for
their livelihood, also in post-1994 South Africa. While The experiences built up over their years of fishing are largely
employees enjoy benefits such as pension, medical aid and based on their observations, which have taught fishers how to
share options, these disappear with closing factories. deal with interannual variability, both in the human–social and
However, factories do not close overnight. The gradual in the natural subsystems. On an interannual scale, the social
process of shrinking the workforce to save costs adds another and the ecological relate relatively tightly and are at least semi-
dimension to the question of variability, and variable fish quantitatively predictable, as shown, for example, through the
stocks and markets make cut-and-dry decisions about current fisheries management. However, in the natural
livelihoods difficult. subsystem alone, the coupling operating on a multiannual
scale, on top of high interannual variability, makes it difficult
Hence, it is only if people can be flexible that they will be able
to predict decadal-scale, “regime” tipping points with high
to make adjustments to the way they deal with environmental
statistical certainty. The ecosystem regime shifts of the 1960s
change. Over the last two decades, the west coast has
and the mid-1990s to early 2000s have shaken up people, and
developed some alternative industries such as tourism that
industry, beyond their built-up experience. Were it only for
provide employment, but these are few in number. Ommer et
the natural subsystem to find a new balance after a regime
al. (2007) provide a critical appraisal of alternatives to
shift, we would not need to be concerned. Since the natural
extractive resource-based economies, including aquaculture,
and social systems are interconnected, however, anticipating
tourism, and local initiatives, and emphasize that new
future major perturbation, and planning for the concomitant
developments need to contribute as pathways between
changes, are mandatory.
environmental and human health, and as routes to potential
long-term community survival, if there is to be a future in Managing for resilience at a variety of scales is key (Folke
them. While South Africa on the whole lends itself well to 2006, Ommer et al. 2007, Perry et al. 2011, Ommer et al. 2012),
tourism, the west coast has its limitations; there are not many requiring a solid relationship between fishers, state managers
high-profile attractions there, particularly relative to the and scientists, and academic scientists. In the South African
nearby Cape Town metropolitan area. Subsistence or local context, these stakeholder categories are not necessarily
trade in fish and other species is not a promising approach, disjunct as Anderson (2011), Ragaller (2012) and Duggan
because the regulatory context needed for that does not (2012) indicate, which on the one hand adds to the fluidity of
currently exist. Instead, the large-scale commercial-industrial the situation, but on the other, opens possibilities for
approach adopted by the government over the last two decades productive collaboration. Addressing only one aspect of what
is based on global neoliberalism, which supports competitive is clearly a complex problem will not improve matters.
capitalism, large factories, and corporate structure (van Sittert Rationalizing large-scale industrial fisheries such as this small
2002). pelagics fishery through neoliberal market-oriented
Ecology and Society 18(4): 55

approaches has the potential to ensure profitable companies, fishers at the west coast and with hand-line fishers at the south
but at the cost of the livelihoods of fishers and factory workers coast.
who then have to find alternatives (sometimes even poaching),
and increases in angling and hand-lining have put immense CONCLUSIONS
pressure on line fish. The lesson is that what may be The boom in the pelagics fisheries in the late 1950s and early
economically most efficient in the short term on a global 1960s coincided with environmental conditions favorable for
market can, over the long term, generate an ecological disaster sardine. However, intense overexploitation led to its collapse
in which those who most depend on accessing fish resources shortly thereafter, initiating spin-offs both in the wider
are most affected. ecosystem as well as in the human social system. The capital-
intensive pelagic industry remained economically viable by
Awareness of the opportunity to nurture viable livelihoods in consolidating the financial structure and diversifying the
the face of long-term change makes diversification a plausible resource base and catch location. The second major ecosystem
starting point, if it is planned for properly. Again, this means shift in the late 1990s/ early 2000s occurred at the same time
that we must understand both the natural and the social as a regime shift in the human social subsystem with the advent
subsystems involved, recognize their interdependence, and of democracy. Again large industry adapted, generating some
plan accordingly. The complexity of the situation requires that employment in the east, but the impact of the ecological regime
management explore various future scenarios strategically, shift was generally deleterious in the west. This went along
while maintaining or increasing resilience. Increased research with decreased availability of and access to, inshore resources
on the social (human dimensions), predictive modeling in a due to resource depletion and the social shift of post-apartheid
systems context (e.g., Smith et al. 2011, Starfield and Jarre policy, leaving coastal communities in a precarious state. The
2011), and collaboration among several stakeholders (e.g., continued decline of inshore resources has put this part of the
Paterson et al. 2010, Shannon et al. 2010, Field et al., 2013), coast on a knife-edge due broadly to two coproducing aspects.
taken together, point to possible ways to open up a more On the one hand more permanent changes and interannual
positive future. fluctuations have left the offshore resources scarcer; on the
In South Africa in particular, this implies overcoming the other hand, in concert with these changes, people have become
established atmosphere of deep mistrust especially between more reliant on the inshore as a livelihood alternative or
fishers and “the state”. Whereas there is an established supplement. The closing of two factories in the early 2000s
communication between the large companies and government made very clear that people had few options in terms of access
scientists and management authorities, and while the large and resource availability. The small capital investment
companies are well represented in scientific and management structure that characterizes the inshore industry is less flexible
fora, this is not the case for the smaller quota holders or the and hence less able to deal with resource scarcity. This
inshore fishers. The apartheid legacy of mistrust persists, precarious situation in the off- and inshore natural subsystems
preventing these groups from establishing their own means that even relatively small changes in either have a
organizations through which they could enter and influence significant impact on people's lives.
the management system. Social–ecological researchers have We have therefore seen that while major, system-scale
found that this is a common thread running throughout their perturbations will impact across both subsystems, regardless
work, whether they are of government or academic affiliation. of where they initiate, the local social system (as opposed to
the corporate one) is less able to cope. In contrast, seasonal
We submit that collaborative research can ease confrontation and interannual variability are easier to cope with because they
and eventually open the doors to collaborative management. can be buffered within each of the subsystems. The west coast
To work, this has to start with mutual respect. Fishers are social–ecological system has learned to deal with seasonal and
experienced in their profession. Understandings sometimes interannual variability to a large extent, although prevention
diverge between the professional perspectives of fishers and of erosion of the resource base in the long term needs continued
researchers. In the latter, “objective” data covering a wide focus. In contrast to interannual variability, long-term system-
range of variables are collected such that the results can be scale changes are beyond the experiential frame of reference
duplicated by other researchers. Hence, scientists’ of the linked social–ecological system and will require careful
interpretations of variability can differ from those of fishers, scenario planning in order to prevent the collapse of systems
who rely on their considerable place-based insights and that we know to be in an already stressed situation.
training. The ideal situation occurs when these opinions and So far, these stressors have manifested through decadal-scale
interpretations begin to converge, acknowledging each variability. However, unidirectional climate change, when it
partner’s credibility. While collaborative research in South happens, will add another layer of complexity by further
Africa is in its infancy, a few promising possibilities have changing the resource base as well as having an impact on the
recently been initiated, including work with rock lobster people in coastal towns. Management of in- and offshore
Ecology and Society 18(4): 55

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