CBA Teachers Guide 8 - 1
CBA Teachers Guide 8 - 1
CBA Teachers Guide 8 - 1
4.3.3. Making the home a crucible for culture incubation, and social interaction ............................ 13
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4.4. Role of the community.......................................................................................................................... 14
5. METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2.1. An example of a creative teaching method – the scientific method or inquiry teaching ........ 16
8. References ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
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1.1. Note to the reader
This guide is a presentation of the First Cycle Form 1 and Form 2 teaching programme of Science
and Technology in the Anglophone sub-system of education in Cameroon. The guide describes the
structure of the Science and Technology programme as well as its relationship with other learning
areas, role of different stakeholders in the educational enterprise, competencies that a learner will
acquire at the end of the course, programme matrix (life situations, competencies and resources),
implementation techniques, assessment and expected outcome of the learner.
Science and Technology within the context of the Cameroon educational policy is made up of:
• Biology,
• Chemistry,
• Mathematics,
• Physics,
• Technology, and
• Computer Science
Only the syllabuses of Biology, Chemistry and Physics are treated in this guide. Those of the other
subjects listed above are presented in separate documents. The First Cycle Form 1 and Form 2
programme covers the syllabuses of the first two years of secondary education. The programme is
expected to be a link between the knowledge, know-how and attitudes acquired in the primary school on
the one hand, and higher concepts and skills to be acquired subsequently.
The guide is prepared for those concerned with the initiation of the Cameroonian child into the basic
concepts of Science and Technology in the beginning years of secondary education.
The training of the Cameroonian citizen in this learning area is intended to equip him/her with the
relevant knowledge needed to understand and manage in a competent manner life challenges that affect
him/her such as making informed decisions as well as foreseeing and making provisions for the future.
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1.4. Why Science and Technology?
Most educators agree that academic success is measured in terms of what learners can do with their
knowledge. The recall of facts is a lower order cognitive skill that requires amassing knowledge and
only a minimum level of understanding, whereas critical thinking and the application of knowledge
in problem-solving are higher-order cognitive skills that require deep conceptual understanding,
application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Life problems are complex and complicated issues
that require transversal or interdisciplinary competencies to handle. In a rapidly changing social,
cultural, economic and technological world, transversal skills and competencies will not be acquired
by mobilising resources through the teaching of isolated packages of skills and competencies in
single subjects such as biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, technology and computer science.
When taught as single subjects, the learner lacks depth and mastery of the unifying concepts of the
sciences and equally finds it difficult to integrate skills from the different subject areas in seeking
solutions to daily life challenges. The complexities of life problems and the complexities of the
solutions that must accompany them therefore require integrating skills and competencies from all
the subject areas. This therefore calls for the teaching of the science subjects as an integrated
package. Hence this explains the introduction of Science and Technology as a learning area which
should pull together concepts, resources and skills in biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics,
technology and computer science with the goal of developing appropriate competencies in the
learner necessary for meeting with life challenges.
The shift in emphasis prescribed by the national education policy requires refocusing, reorienting
and restructuring of content and teaching to meet with the life challenges posed by a rapidly
changing world. Hence the adoption of the Competency-Based Approach (CBA) in which the entry
point is problem-based and centred around life situations. While content remains essentially the
same with slight modifications to reduce bulk and irrelevance, the teaching approach is a total
paradigm shift from earlier practices. This paradigm shift calls for continuous teacher professional
development and retraining to meet up with the new challenges especially the enhancement of
learner-centeredness. This in part explains the raison d’être of this guide.
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2.1. With the Curriculum
Science and Technology is rapidly progressing and is omnipresent in human life. Against this
background therefore, the teaching of basic Science and Technology concepts to learners in the First
cycle Form One and Form Two becomes primordial. The role played by Science and Technology in
our lives is constantly on the rise. The use of information and communication technology (ICT),
mobile telephones, digital cameras, satellites, GPS, biogas, genetic engineering and genetically
modified organisms, improved healthcare delivery systems, etc, are just a few of the many goods
and services put at our disposal by Science and Technology . This explains why all over the world
today the teaching of Science and Technology envisages enabling the learner to acquire a scientific
and technological culture – a culture which enables him/her to read, understand and apply
information and instructions on the proper use of equipment such as the computer, electric iron,
coffee brewer, replacing a blown out electrical bulb, etc, as well as taking informed decisions on
issues affecting his/her life and environment.
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Programme Goal
Transversal Competencies
Disciplinary competencies
(Cognitive, Psycho-motor & Affective)
Learning Areas
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The Form 1 and Form 2 programme for Science and Technology has been prepared based on
competencies that students should acquire and appropriate at the end of the cycle. To guide the
learner towards the acquisition and appropriation of these competencies, the competency level that
the learner should acquire and appropriate in each class has been identified and organised.
Accordingly the competency level that the learner should attain and the special learning outcomes
required to achieve these are also included in the programme.
Competency which implies knowing how to act in the face of a specific problem or problems and in
a particular context can be said to have four characteristics, namely:
• competency is interventional (operational) and goal oriented: it often always implies action
competence – involving the ability to initiate action independently without being told or
instructed to do so; it cannot therefore be dissociated from activity;
• competency is contextual or structural: it combines the desire, possibility, and ability to act
in a particular context that is well defined; it is linked to a specific life situation or situation-of-
use and therefore has a context;
• competency is learned or acquired: a person becomes competent through personal and social
interactions and constructions; nobody is borne competent;
• competency is abstract and hypothetical: only the manifestations and consequences of
competency can be observed; competence in the real sense of the word cannot be observed.
• Critical thinking, inferential and creative skills and the spirit of initiative and enterprise:
This consists of the capacity to transform ideas into action. It calls for the development of the
intellectual or cognitive, affective and psychomotor capacities of the learner. It presupposes
creativity, innovation and risk taking. It deals with problem analyses, the ability to plan,
programme and management projects with the vision of realising the objectives of such projects.
This type of competence is the foundation for the acquisition and appropriation of specific
knowledge, methodologies, skills, aptitudes and attitudes generally needed by those who create
and innovate. It requires the appropriation of the values of ethics and good governance,
identification of needs and the definition of values.
• Communicating effectively:
This is the faculty to express scientific and technological knowledge, information, concepts and
understandings in a clear, concise and precise manner for easy understanding. This uses symbols
and could be written, oral or visual. This competence calls for the development of the cognitive
and affective capacities of the learner. It also implies the effective and correct use of appropriate
scientific and technological terminologies in interpreting and communicating ideas, thoughts,
sentiments, and facts, as well as opinions in an oral or written form. It presupposes the
acquisition, mastery and appropriation of effective listening, reading, writing and motivational
speaking skills. It equally calls for appropriate and creative linguistic interactions in all the
scientific, technological, cultural and social situations of life.
• Taking informed decisions, acting on them and tackling life problems in different contexts:
This is the ability to act on the strength of a set of information and in a defined context to
improve or solve a problem. It calls for the development of the cognitive, affective and
psychomotor capacities of the learner. It presupposes the ability to think critically, inferentially,
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creatively, analyse, synthesise and apply knowledge and methods in seeking solutions to
problems or improving a problem situation. It calls for an answer to the question: “What can
learners do with their school knowledge”?
• The scientific spirit and culture:
This is the faculty to observe phenomena, analyse problems, and emit hypotheses to explain
their possible happenings, causes, and consequences. It involves experimentation from whose
results the hypotheses can be upheld or refuted and from which conclusions are drawn. It calls
for the development of the cognitive and psychomotor capacities of the learner. Above all this
competence implies the respect of ethical principles and the opinion of others.
• Mathematical, technological and numeracy skills:
Mathematical and numeracy skills constitute a basic skill in Science and Technology. It is the
aptitude to develop and apply mathematical and numeracy skills to seek solutions to, or improve
a daily life problem or situation with emphasis on logical, rational and deductive reasoning,
precision, concision, activity, knowledge and procedures. It presupposes changes linked to
human activities, individual responsibilities as citizens, accuracy and precision in the usage of
scientific and technological tools as well as information and communication technology (ICT).
• Self assertion, autonomy, social and civic skills:
This is the capacity to organise and assert oneself or take up a position in a group depending on
one’s needs and values. It calls for the development of the cognitive, affective and psychomotor
faculties of the learner. It implies the acquisition and appropriation of personal, interpersonal
and intercultural skills as well as all the different forms of behaviour that an individual adopts to
contribute effectively, efficiently and constructively to social and cultural life. Essential to this
competence is the acquisition, understanding and usage of the codes of conduct in the different
environments in which the learner evolves.
These core competencies are interdependent on one another and for each of them emphasis should
be placed on critical thinking, creativity, initiative, innovation, problem-solving, risk analysis and
evaluation, taking informed decisions and the constructive management of sentiments and feelings.
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To construct To use To adopt
To use To solve To exercise To use To cooperate To
his/her identity information and effective and
information problems critical creativity and with others communicate
communication efficient working
judgment innovation effectively
technology procedures
Figure 2: Science and Technology Competencies to appropriate at the end of the First cycle Form One and Form Two
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The education stakeholders in this guide refer to the teacher, the learner, the parent and members of
the wider community. These major actors must work in synergy to deliver education in order to
produce the type of citizen prescribed in the 1998 orientation law.
The restructuring of the secondary school sector and its syllabuses coupled with the prescription of
competency as the ultimate outcome of learning calls for a drastic change in classroom practices.
The teacher is called upon to facilitate learning and not transmit knowledge. Additionally, the
teacher is also called upon to facilitate the appropriation of knowledge by the learner for meeting the
challenges of life. Facilitation requires skills and its underlying belief is that only the learner can
learn. Finding ways to interest the learner and get him/her actively involved in learning is
The teacher is very important through his/her influence, character and example. The learner is
his/her responsibility. The teacher needs perseverance, high ideals and a desire to give time, energy,
thought and cares to his/her work. The teacher as a facilitator or a companion should therefore be
someone who has changed from the conventional information holder and giver to one who
stimulates/accompany the learner to:
• actively contribute to creating his/her own knowledge;
• develop his/her own understanding of issues; and
• appropriate and apply the knowledge and understanding to attain his/her own goal and
dreams or seek solutions to life problems and challenges.
The concept of facilitation in teaching is based on the fact that the learner is not a “tabula rasa”
(clean slate) on which the presumed all-knowing teacher writes knowledge. The learner comes to
school already knowing something from his/her interaction with his/her environment. The role of
the teacher therefore is to help the learner confront his/her preconceptions with scientific knowledge
through the use of carefully designed activities that would fully involve the learner in the process.
The process of facilitation involves encouraging the group to develop and grow by creating
opportunities for members to explore their environment, question how and why things are
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happening, what can be done about them, and to learn from one another through the sharing of
The teacher as a good facilitator therefore is expected to:
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4.3. Role of the parents
The role of parents in the education of their children is to support teachers and to work in synergy
with the school authorities to foster their education. This role revolves around the following themes:
• accompanying the children in their learning ;
• making the home a comfortable learning place ;
• making the home a crucible for culture incubation, and social interaction.
Parents can also manifest interest in their children’s learning by finding out what they learned in
school each day or each week, so as to better help them improve. Parents are called upon to
encourage their children to do their assignments, and help them develop a study timetable with
enough time for rest and recreation to ensure effective use of time. They are also required to
supervise the effective use of such timetables. To achieve all of these the parent must have a sound
understanding and mastery of the curriculum of the class as well as that of the previous class and the
next, to ensure relevance of support, and to better appreciate the type and level of competencies
expected of their children.
4.3.3. Making the home a crucible for culture incubation, and social interaction
Teaching the children indigenous scientific and technological knowledge and techniques such as
weaving, cooking, traditional medicine, craft and art works through the use of traditional languages,
riddles and jokes, storytelling, singing, dance drama, etc will contextualise the learning of Science
and Technology at school and further enhance their competencies. Letting children participate in
family discussions, prayers, eating together with all members of the family and friends at table, etc,
will cultivate social interaction skills needed for team work, corporative and peer learning and the
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respect of the opinions of others. Parents must advise their children to shun disruptive friends and
behaviour, irresponsible sexual behaviour, alcoholism, cigarette smoking and drug addiction. Sex
and alcohol can wait, but life and education do not wait for anybody.
Effective preparing and teaching of a good lesson require first hand mastery and understanding of
the syllabus. It should be noted that the syllabus in any subject area is just a blueprint (guideline) of
what to teach. This means that in teaching the details of the guideline have to be furnished by the
teacher through his/her creativity and resourcefulness. The teacher is therefore called upon to read
full meaning into the syllabus and not take it from its bare face literal context. For this reason, this
section of the guide will start by introducing the programme matrix which is a concise explanation
of the structure of the syllabuses in this programme.
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The First Cycle Form 1 and Form 2 programme for Science and Technology is divided into six
The first column is the Contextual Framework which is sub-divided into families of situations
and examples of real life situations where the knowledge and skills (competencies) can be applied.
A life situation is contextual (in context) if it is:
• truthful or real;
• true to the learner ;
• related to the competence to be developed
• related to the real life situation of the learner (his /her country, town, village, quarter,
school, home, relations, health, social problems, etc….).
The second column is the Competencies, made up of categories of actions and examples of actions.
These are groups of some actions which are related to the mastery of the competencies expected for
each module. It should be noted that the families of situations and their examples as well as the
categories of actions and examples are not an exhaustive list but simply indications to guide the
teacher in the implementation of the syllabuses.
The third column is the Resources and consists of the essential or core knowledge which gives all
the set of intellectual or cognitive, affective and psychomotor resources which the learner has to
mobilise in order to successfully treat a family of situations. It is divided into four components
• the subject content (Essential knowledge);
• the aptitude (skills or know-how);
• attitudes (practice); and
• other resources (human, material, financial, etc.) necessary for the acquisition of the
competencies. Table 1, illustrates these.
Table 1: Programme matrix
Families of Examples Categories Examples Essential Aptitude Attitude Other
situations of of actions of actions knowledge resources
5.2.1. An example of a creative teaching method – the scientific method or inquiry teaching
The scientific approach is the process of scientific inquiry which is based on observation,
questioning, predicting, investigating, interpreting results and confirming or rejecting the prediction.
Draw conclusion(s)
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It should be noted that through this method all the core competencies and skills can be thought, such
as critical and inferential thinking, problem-solving, creativity, innovation, effective
communication, building team spirit, respect of the opinions of others, and assertion, etc.
People unconsciously use this approach everyday in problem-solving. For example:
• A person gets up in the morning and the car cannot start. This is an observation.
• He/she proceeds by asking the question: Why is the car not starting? What could be the
cause(s)? This is the question.
• He/she now predicts or suspects a possible reason for the car not starting such as: the
ignition plug is blown; no fuel; electrical connectivity problem, etc. This is the hypothesis or
possible explanation of the cause of the car not starting.
• He/she proceeds by changing the plugs (experimentation or testing of the hypothesis or
prediction or suspected explanation of the problem).
• The car starts or does not start – This is the result
• If the car starts, then he/she concludes that the problem was the bad spark plug.
• If the car does not start, he/she follows the same process to investigate the next hypothesis
and so on until the problem is solved.
Hence the scientific process is a systematic way of diagnosing, analysing and seeking solutions to
problems from which new knowledge can be generated or already know facts confirmed. It is an
iterative process from which results may feed back into the process to generate further observation,
hypothesising and experimentation. This method of inquiry may not only be used in a conventional
laboratory setting. It can be used inside as well as outside the classroom. All that is required is the
teacher’s ingenuity and effective planning. All research and experimentation follow the scientific
method of inquiry.
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v. List all the possible resources needed in undertaking the action(s). This constitutes all the
possible types of internal resources (knowledge, aptitude and attitude) and external resources
(human, material, financial etc).
vi. Identify or define the competence or competencies to develop in the learner that will help
him/her effectively improve or solve the identified problem.
There are four fundamental elements to consider in identifying the type of competence to
develop in the learner and a list of some stems in the phrases to use when stating a
competence(ies) as in Table 2.
Table 2: Stems of conditions, tasks and resources for defining operational competency
Condition Task Resources
From… The learner will be capable With reference to…
Given that… The learner should be capable By making use of…
Either… The learner can… By putting into place…
By making use In coherence with the criteria
of… of…
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competence or competencies are developed. To conceive an integration activity one must take into
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MODULE: Environmental education and sustainable development
FAMILY OF LIFE SITUATIONS: Sustainable management of natural resources (water)
EXAMPLE OF LIFE SITUATION: Pollution (contamination) of water sources from irresponsible waste and refuse disposal
RATIONALE: Students and neighbours have the habit of dumping refuse into Nchogha’a stream near GHS Mbafou – the only source of drinking water for them; and in this
community there has been an increasing occurrence of dysentery and typhoid cases. Therefore the student can educate and raise awareness amongst their peers and the wider
community on the need to stop further pollution of the stream given the appropriate resources by using educative talks, clean-up campaigns, advocacy and the writing of public notices
and warnings.
COMPETENCIES TO DEVELOP: the spirit of initiative and enterprise; team spirit and effective communication skills; ability to take informed decisions, and act on them; the
scientific spirit and culture.
RESOURCES TO DEVELOP: Water pollution: Pollutants, sources, causes of pollution; consequences on health/wellbeing of living things; prevention.
Integration activity: (1) Action plan for educating/sensitising or raising awareness on the need to safe our water sources. (2) Advocacy message and action plan for effective
implementation of the natural resources conservation law on defaulters. (3) Action plan for a clean-up campaign of a polluted water body in your community. (4) Student project:
Adopt a river or stream or any other water body in your community and clean and/or safe it from pollution.
1. Pollutants, types, sources and causes.
2. Consequences and prevention of water pollution
3. Preparing education and sensitisation or awareness messages; effective communication and awareness raising; preparing advocacy messages; designing projects to solve a problem
or improve on a deteriorating situation.
ASSUMED PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: students can state the importance of water to living organisms.
1. Water.
2. Pictures showing water pollution in the community where the school is found;
3. Unlabeled chart of different ways of usage of a river (people bathing, washing dresses, defaecating, dumping refuse upstream); others collecting drinking water downstream;
picture or drawing of people suffering from cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, etc.
Margaret Besong, Wilfred Mbacham, George Nditafon (2003). New Science for Cameroon: Biology book I, Macmillan, Hong Kong.
Living Earth Foundation Cameroon Programme (2006). Delivering environmental education – a guide for teachers, Ed Graphics, Yaoundé.
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1. To test assumed Teacher presents water Uses of water to living organisms: Water 1. List 5 ways in which water is
previous and ask students Constituent of all cells; transport; important to living organisms
knowledge. question(s) and learners reproduction; digestion; excretion; 2. Name three ways you use water in
respond photosynthesis; temperature regulation; your home.
growth; cooking; drinking; washing;
manufacture of articles; etc.
2. To contextualise Teacher presents chart Pollution of water body by: Picture; chart 3. Describe what you see in the
the situation, or picture and ask Household wastes; human wastes; sewage; picture or chart.
identify and state students to observe and human activity; etc. 4. Name a place in the community, 7 Mins.
the life problem. identify the message in village, town, etc, which you can
it identify with the picture or chart.
Title – Water pollution: 5. State the problem(s) that you can
3. To state the title • Sources and causes. identify in the picture or chart.
and objectives of Teacher draws on • Consequences on human, animal and
the lesson. identified problem to plant health.
state the objectives of Aim – Mobilisation of resources to prevent
To come at the end
the lesson. water pollution and/or clean a polluted
of the three lessons
as in this case.
1. To define some Teacher presents Definitions of key terms: Picture/chart 1. Define with an example each of
key terms used picture/chart and ask 1. Pollutant the following terms:
with respect to students to name the 2. Pollution a. Pollutant
5 Mins.
natural resources different substances 3. Waste b. Pollution
management they can see. 4. Refuse c. Refuse
5. Sewage
2. To identify: Teacher organises Types of pollutants Picture 1. Name the three main classes of
a. water students into groups and Solid, liquid and gaseous pollutants Chart water pollutants.
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b. sources of Sources of water pollution Picture 3. Name the three main classes of
pollutant; • Homes Chart water pollutants.
• Industry 4. Classify the following pollutants
Causes as solid, liquid or gas:
• Lack of knowledge of usefulness of Plastic paper, Plastic bottles, Broken
water to living organisms bottles, Torn clothes, Cartons, Urine,
Learning activity
Group work
Purpose: To identify and classify types of water pollutants; their origins; causes
Skills to develop: Team spirit, sharing of ideas, respect for oneself and the opinions of others, respect of rules, taking of responsibility, self-assertion, brainstorming, critical thinking and effective
Materials: 7 to 8 pictures or charts. Note: The number should be equal to the number of groups you intend to constitute.
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1. Cut each picture/chart into 5, 6, 7, or 8 pieces, each. Ideally, 8 pieces should be the maximum as cutting the pictures into more than this would render rebuilding difficult and time
consuming. The number of pieces of each picture/chart is the number of students per group. Note: This is done well before the lesson to save time.
2. Put the pictures into a carton or box or basket and mix them up.
Instructions to students:
1. Take a piece of the picture/chart and pass on the rest. Do not take more than a single piece. Each piece is part of a whole, picture/chart. The whole picture/chart is made up of 5, 6, 7, or 8
pieces. Please specify the exact number of pieces that make up a complete picture/chart.
2. Move round and find the corresponding pieces of your picture/chart.
3. Members of each completely constituted picture/chart form a group.
4. In your groups, choose a leader to coordinate the discussion, a time keeper to ensure the respect of time, and a secretary to write down your points.
Note: Implementing instructions 1through 4 should not take more than 3 – 5 minutes!
Work to be done by each group: (10 Minutes)
Study your picture/chart carefully and respond to instructions that follow:
1. In your groups write down the problem presented by the picture/chart.
2. Name a river, stream or body of water in your community or nearby community or town you know where you can see this type of problem.
3. Make a table of three substances and their sources or origins that you find in the water body that you think should not have been there.
4. Identify one substance that could have come from your kitchen or that of any other member of the group. Suggest a general word used to describe household waste.
5. Write down one reason why you think that people discharge their wastes into water.
6. At the end of the activity, group leaders, secretaries, time keepers or volunteers present their findings to the class and this is accompanied by discussion with the teacher refocusing the
discussion or debate.
Together with the students, key learning points are summarised and learners take them down.
Integration activity: To come at the end of the three lessons. This should aim to evaluate the application of school knowledge to solve a real problem in the community.
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Picture for lesson 1
Requirements -Teacher distributes -Students collect the -Worksheet, candle -What is the height of
-Students Candle, plastic lid, two the material to material from the stuck to a plastic the second or smaller 35 mins
carry out the beakers, water, box of groups of students. teacher. lid, beaker with beaker?
experiment matches, ruler. -Teacher distributes water, empty -What happens to the
in groups. Procedure the worksheets; one -Students collect the smaller beaker, box level of water in the
-Students -Melt the base of the to each group. work sheet from the of matches, ruler. covered beaker?
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discover and candle and attach it to the -Teacher guides the teacher. -What happens to the
explain plastic lid. students to carry candle when it is
why/how air -Float the candle and out the experiment. -Students listen lighted and covered
is made up of plastic lid in a beaker of -Teacher gives attentively. with the beaker?
active and water. enough time to the -Students carry out -What is the height of
inactive -Cover the candle and lid groups to do the the experiment the water in the
parts. with another beaker. experiment. following the inverted beaker?
-Remove the beaker and -Teacher discusses instructions on the -Calculate the
light the candle the work by having worksheet. percentage of the
-Cover the candle again each group to read - Students answer used air with respect
with the same beaker and its answer(s) questions on the to the length of the
observe. worksheet smaller beaker.
Observations -Students discuss
their group
Conclusion observations with the
(See below) teacher.
Here, ask some key questions from the entire lesson. 5 mins
NB: The teacher is expected to use the above lesson plan format to prepare and teach all successful Chemistry lessons, replacing the experiment with some other
activity, as the need arises; thereby making ALL Chemistry lessons to be activity-based and student-centred.
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Use the materials provided and the procedure below to carry out the experiment, recording your observation in each step. Then answer the questions which follow.
TITLE: Experiment to demonstrate that air is made up of active and inactive parts and to determine the percentage composition of
the active part.
Candle stuck to a plastic lid, beaker with water, empty smaller beaker, box of matches, ruler, Worksheet.
1. Using a burning match stick, melt the base of the 3 cm candle stump and attach it to the plastic lid.
2. Place the candle and plastic lid gently in a beaker containing some water. What do you observe?
3. Using a ruler, measure the height of the second (smaller) beaker in mm (b mm). ____________________________________________________________________
4. Carefully, cover the candle and lid with the second beaker. What do you observe? __________________________________________________________________
5. Remove the beaker and light the candle. What do you observe? _________________________________________________________________________________
6. Cover the lighted candle with the same beaker, observe and record your observation. ________________________________________________________________
7. Using the ruler, measure the height of the column of water in the inverted beaker in millimetres. _______________________________________________________
8. Compare the height of the column of water in procedure 7(a mm) with the height of empty beaker in procedure 3 (b mm). __________________________________
9. Did all the air trapped in the beaker in procedure 6 take part in the reaction? _______________________________________________________________________
10. What fraction of the air in the inverted beaker took part in the burning of the candle? ( ) ___________________________________________________________
11. Hence, calculate the percentage composition of the active part of air. ( x 100)_____________________________________________________________________
12. Suggest the name of the part of the trapped air that was used in burning. _________________________________________________________________________
13. What conclusion can you make from this experiment? _______________________________________________________________________________________
The two beakers can be improvised by using cut Tangui bottles, but one must be smaller such as to fit into the other.
The smaller beaker should have a height of about 9 – 15 cm.
The length/height of the candle stump should be at most one-third of the height of the smaller beaker.
You do not need a standard laboratory to carry out this experiment. It can be carried out conveniently in the classroom.
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Name of the teacher:
School: Class: FORM 2 Date:
Subject: PHYSICS Time: 50 minutes No. of students (B/G) 60
Module III: ENERGETIC Sub- topic: Current electricity Teaching Aids: Touch, Calculator, Radio, Batteries, Connecting cables,
Bulbs and Switch.
a observe a battery, read and understand the writings on it.
b show that current flows only when there is a power source.
c identity components in a circuit.
D understand the use of a switch in a circuit.
Examples of life situation: Energy needs at home during the day and at night.
Competencies: Exploit the characteristics of a lighted lamp. Be able to replace a damaged bulb. Advise on circuit connections.
Previous knowledge.
a) Things that use electricity at home and why?
b) List of things you do using electricity.
Stages Content Objective Teacher activity Student activity Material Evaluation Time/
Introduction Review of To know the level Name four things in your Expected answers: Phone, touch, Chart - Name things that do not
relevant of my students with home that use electricity. blender, heater, radio, DVD use electricity at home.
previous respect to electrical player, TV, computer.
content: matters. Why do they need current - What will you need most
electricity? They need it to function. going out at night?
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as a battery. information on it. negative terminals of the battery. dispose in fire? 15
Students should be - Present to students some -Study the device and list items Radio, - What items are common to
able to know how devices that function with that are common in all. (e.g. calculator, all the devices provided?
current flows in a current electricity such as battery, connecting cables, touch,
circuit. radio, calculator, touch, phone switch.) phone and
and DVD player. DVD 15
Using a touch show how - Put on the touch without the Touch - When does the bulb of the
current flows. battery. What happen? containing touch light?
- Put on the touch with the switch
open. What happen? 8
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We behave in a way that our actions help our community and country.
It’s a fact: We decide how we act!
Responsible people feel pride inside.
You are provided with some materials. Follow the instructions with the help of your teacher to perform the experiment(s) on the worksheet. Record your
observations accordingly.
Title: To show the importance / uses of current electricity at home.
REQUIREMENT: Touch, Calculator, Radio, Phone, DVD player, Batteries, Connecting cables, Bulbs and Switch.
Steps to follow:
iv. Draw one of the batteries and identify the positive and negative terminals.____________________________________________________
v. Write down the security warning on the battery._________________________________________________________________________
vi. Identify the touch. Put it on without the battery. What happen to the bulb?____________________________________________________
vii. Insert the battery provided into the touch and switch it on. What happen to the bulb?___________________________________________
viii. What does a bulb need to function/light?______________________________________________________________________________
ix. Where does it come from?_________________________________________________________________________________________
x. What other name can be given to a battery? ___________________________________________________________________________
xi. You are provided with a 2.5 V bulb, a battery, switch and connecting cables. Connect the materials to light the bulb.
xii. Examine the voltage on the bulb and compare it to that of the battery. What should be the relation between the
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5.3. Assessment
What is assessment in CBA?
Assessment is the process of gathering information and making judgements about learner
achievement for a variety of purposes which include amongst others:
• assisting students to learn;
• evaluating and improving teaching and learning processes;
• providing evidence of satisfactory achievement and completion of the syllabus;
• checking the level of skills and attitude attained by the learner;
• it serves as a yard stick to measure the learner’s acquired competencies to meet with the
outside world.
The use of assessment for learner achievement allows measures and observations to be made at
several points and in different ways throughout the course. Hence assessment marks should provide
a valid and reliable achievement of the knowledge, understanding, attitude and skills per learner as
described in the syllabuses. The level of achievement of the knowledge, skills, attitude and
understanding will be base on performance. All these are rooted in the aims, objectives, outcomes
and content of the syllabuses.
Assessment marks should at each point provide a summation of each learner’s achievement
measured throughout a given period. The assessment components, weightings and task requirements
to be applied when assessing are identified below. A variety of tasks should be used to allow
learners the opportunity to demonstrate outcomes in different ways and to improve on the validity
and reliability of the assessment tools.
The procedure for learner assessment should take into consideration the fact that he/she should be
provided with:
• sufficient information on the requirements, nature and timing of the assessment tasks in
• meaningful feedback on performance;
The dimensions for teaching, learning and assessing in Science and Technology in the Observation Sub-
cycle and their respective weights are as follows:
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Each of the dimensions has been given a percentage weight that should be reflected in teaching,
learning and assessing. The weights show the relative emphasis that the teacher should give in the
teaching, learning and assessing.
You will notice that “Application of knowledge” and “Practical and Experimental Skills” have equal
weight that is higher than the weight for “Knowledge and Comprehension” and “Communication”. This
means that the application of knowledge and the use of process skills are considered more important
and will therefore need more emphasis in the teaching and assessment system.
The explanation and key words in each of the profile dimensions are indicated below.
Knowledge refers to the ability to remember, recall, identify, define, describe, list, name, match, state
principles, facts and concepts. Knowledge is simply the ability to remember or recall material already
learned and constitutes the lowest level of learning.
Understanding refers to the ability to explain, summarise, translate, rewrite, paraphrase, give examples,
generalise, estimate or predict consequences based upon a trend. Understanding is generally the ability
to grasp the meaning of some material that may be verbal, pictorial, or symbolic.
The ability to use knowledge or apply knowledge, as implied in this programme, has a number of
learning/behaviour levels. These levels include application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
However, in the Observation Sub-cycle, the teacher is expected to limit his/her teaching to application.
Application refers to the ability to use rules, methods, principles, theories, etc. in concrete situations that
are new and unfamiliar. It also involves the ability to produce, solve, operate, plan, demonstrate,
discover etc.
Teacher’s record
The teacher is called upon to keep a meticulous record of the learner’s progress which will constitute
the basis for promoting learners from one year to another within the Sub-cycle or from one Sub-cycle to
another. Such a record will constitute the learner’s portfolio or profile.
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It is expected that at the end of the First cycle Form One and Form Two, the learner would have
acquired competencies that will enable him/her to be capable of:
• pursuing further studies;
• working effectively with others as members of a team, group, organisation and community
through the sharing of ideas, respect for the opinions of others and learning from one
• communicating ideas concisely, clearly and precisely using appropriate symbols, signs and
body language;
• identifying and solving real life problems (such as poverty, basic social, health, cultural,
political and technological needs, commerce, agriculture, etc.), using critical, inferential and
creative thinking skills;
• organising and managing themselves, activities and resources responsibly;
• cultivating the love for effort, hard work, perseverance, the quest for excellence and team
• respecting the universal ethical values of dignity, honour, honesty and integrity as well as
being disciplined in their activities and interaction with others.
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Evaluation: To judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount or value of something. In this
guide this word is used interchangeably with assessment.
Family of situation: A set of life situations that share a common or some common
characteristics. Example: the provision of mankind’s consumable needs
Integration activity: Something that is done by mobilising and using internal and external
resources with the objective of solving or improving or transforming a problem situation.
Learning: To get knowledge or skill in a subject. Effective learning only occurs when learner’s
preconceived ideas are replaced by organised knowledge
Legal /policy framework: A system of rules, ideas or beliefs that is used to plan or decide
Lesson: Knowledge or skill taught to a learner in a subject or domain of study over a given
period of time. In the Observation Sub-cycle, a lesson lasts for 50 minutes.
Lesson plan: A step-by-step guideline pedagogic on how to teach a lesson.
Life situation: a set of issues confronting a person or persons in a community and within a
particular context.
Module: A unit of instruction within which q number of related topics are studied or taught with
the general goal of developing a competence(s).
Notion/concept: The underlying idea in a lesson or a major aspect of the lesson.
Observation Sub-cycle: This is a classification level in the Cameroon secondary education
system. It covers the first two years of secondary education also referred to as the junior
Paradigm shift: A change in the usual and accepted way of thinking or doing things.
Practical work: Ability to provide effective solutions to problems, through the mobilisation of
theoretical knowledge, skills and procedures. Practical work always leads to the acquisition of
procedural skills.
Programme matrix: A framework within which the teaching programme is organised. In the
new teaching syllabuses of the Observation Sub-cycle, the programme matrix consists of the
contextual framework, competencies and resources.
Programme of study: See domain of learning
Resources: Tools or means for improving problem situations. Something can only be
considered a resource if and only if: the learner can have access to it; make use of it; and if it
constitutes an effective means of improving the situation or solving the problem. There are two
types of resources, namely: internal or cognitive resources (knowledge, aptitude and life
skills/practice) and external resources (material and/or human).
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8. References
1. Delivering environmental education – A guide for teachers, Living Earth Foundation
Cameroon Programme (2006).
2. National curriculum statement – General Education and Training: Assessment Guidelines
for Technology (Intermediate and Senior Phases) by The Department of Education,
Republic of South Africa (2005).
3. National curriculum statement – General Education and Training: Assessment Guidelines
for Natural Sciences (Intermediate and Senior Phases) by The Department of Education,
Republic of South Africa (2005).
4. New Science for Cameroon: Biology Book I, by Margaret Besong, Wilfred Mbacham and
George Nditafon (2003).
5. New Science for Cameroon: Chemistry Book I, by Emilia Ndinteh (2003).
6. New Science for Cameroon: Physics Book 1and 2 by Nkwende, Mofor, Fomanka & others (2003)
7. Teaching syllabus for integrated science (Junior High School) – Division of Curriculum
Research and Development: Republic of Ghana (2007).
8. The drawing up and implementation of the curriculum for the Observation Sub-cycle:
Piloting of the reform by Dr. Evelyne Mpoudi Ngolle (2011).
9. The Ontario Curriculum Grade 11 and 12 – Canada (2007).
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