Tutorial Letter 101/3/2018: Environmental Geology

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Tutorial letter 101/3/2018

Environmental Geology

Semesters 1 & 2

Department of Environmental Sciences

This tutorial letter contains important information
about your module.


1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 4
2 PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE................................................................ 4
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 4
3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS................................................................................... 6
3.1 Lecturer(s) .................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Department ................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 University ...................................................................................................................................... 6
4 MODULE-RELATED RESOURCES ............................................................................................. 7
4.1 Prescribed books .......................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Recommended books ................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 Electronic Reserves (e-Reserves)................................................................................................. 7
4.4 Library services and resources information ................................................................................... 8
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE MODULE ............................................................... 8
6 MODULE-SPECIFIC STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................. 8
7 MODULE PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING .................................... 9
8 ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................. 9
8.1 Assessment criteria....................................................................................................................... 9
8.2 Assessment plan .......................................................................................................................... 9
8.3 General assignment numbers ....................................................................................................... 9
8.3.1 Unique assignment numbers ...................................................................................................... 10
8.3.2 Due dates for assignments ......................................................................................................... 10
8.4 Submission of assignments ........................................................................................................ 10
9 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND AVOIDING PLAGIARISM .......................................................... 11
9.1 What is academic integrity? ........................................................................................................ 11
9.2 How does the university view plagiarism? ................................................................................... 12
9.3 What if I commit plagiarism in this module? ................................................................................ 12
9.4 Ethics Statement ......................................................................................................................... 12
10 OTHER ASSESSMENT METHODS ........................................................................................... 13
11 EXAMINATION ........................................................................................................................... 13
12 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................ 14
13 ADDENDUM A ........................................................................................................................... 15


14 ADDENDUM B……………………………………..……………………………………………………...27

Dear Student
We welcome you to the Department of Environmental Sciences and in particular to the
introductory module of Geology, namely Environmental Geology. In addition to forming a basis
for subsequent studies in the earth sciences, this module also contains knowledge that may be
applicable in everyday life. We trust you find the module interesting and its contents useful.
Being an introduction to Geology, this module contains many new concepts and terms. Regular
study habits will be necessary to understand these concepts and master the terminology.
We shall do our best to make your study of this module successful. You will be well on your
way to success if you start studying early in the semester and resolve to do the assignment(s)
You will receive a number of tutorial letters during the semester. A tutorial letter is our way of
communicating with you about teaching, learning and assessment.
Tutorial Letter 101 contains important information about the scheme of work, resources and
assignments for this module. We urge you to read it carefully and to keep it at hand when
working through the study material, preparing the assignment(s), preparing for the examination
and addressing questions to your lecturers.
In Tutorial Letter 101, you will find the assignments and assessment criteria as well as
instructions on the preparation and submission of the assignments. This tutorial letter also
provides all the information you need with regard to the prescribed study material and other
resources and how to obtain it. Please study this information carefully and make sure that you
obtain the prescribed material as soon as possible.
We have also included certain general and administrative information about this module.
Please study this section of the tutorial letter carefully.
Right from the start we would like to point out that you must read all the tutorial letters you
receive during the semester immediately and carefully, as they always contain important and,
sometimes, urgent information.
We hope that you will enjoy this module and wish you success in your studies.


2.1 Purpose
By completing this module, learners should acquire knowledge and competencies underpinning
the comprehension of the Earth as a system consisting of interrelating subsystems such as
climate- and plate tectonic systems. The interaction between the systems of the lithosphere,
asthenosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere is of utmost importance for the biosphere –
where humans and their activities have a major impact. In addition learners should acquire a
basic knowledge of research methodologies, together with writing and reporting skills befitting
the NQF level 5. Learners should also be able to respond on ethical issues regarding human
activity and the impact it has on Earth as a system.

2.2 Outcomes
Upon completion of this unit standard learners should be able to demonstrate:

(a) a basic understanding of the subsystems of the Earth System, and its interactions, which
control geological processes.
(b) their knowledge of how minerals and rocks partakes in the Rock Cycle within the interactions
between the Plate Tectonic and Climate Systems.
(c) their comprehension of the internal processes of the Earth and the external expressions of
these processes.
(d) a fundamental understanding of geological surface processes by means of water, wind, and
ice/glaciers, as an expression of the interaction between the subsystems atmosphere,
hydrosphere and lithosphere.
(e) an ethical perception in earth issues for human conduct in transposing environmental
geology to each level of activity that influences the Earth.
(f) an ability to formulate answers to questions given in assignments through reading,
understanding and integration of information, that underpins the ability to report on findings of
elementary research in a scientific way using conventional formats and applying basic
technologies, to peers and professionals.
The syllabus for this module is:
1.1 The Earth System
1.2 Plate Tectonics: The Unifying Theory
1.3 Earth Materials: Minerals and Rocks
1.4 What are Rocks?
2.1 Deformation: Modification of Rocks by Folding and Fracturing
2.2 Earthquakes
2.3 Exploring Earth's Interior
3.1 Weathering, erosion and mass wasting
3.2 The Hydrologic Cycle and Groundwater
3.3 Streams: Transport to the Oceans
3.4 Winds and Deserts
3.5 Glaciers: The Work of Ice
3.6 Coastlines and ocean basins
3.7 Landscape development

3.1 Lecturer(s)
The lecturer responsible for this module is as follows:
Dr Gerhard Nortjé
Office number: B1-26
Calabash Building
Florida Campus
011 471-2286 (International: +27 11 471 2286)

All queries that are not of a purely administrative nature but are about the content of this
module should be directed to us. Please have your study material with you when you contact
E-mail and telephone numbers are included above but you might also want to write to us.
Letters should be sent to:
The Module leader (GEL1503)
Department of Environmental Sciences
PO Box 392

3.2 Department
Department of Environmental Sciences
Tel: 011 471 2213 (International: +27 11 471 3118)
Fax: 011 471 2866 (International: +27 11 471 2866)
3.3 University
If you need to contact the University about matters not related to the content of this module,
please consult the publication My studies @ Unisa that you received with your study material.
This booklet contains information on how to contact the University (e.g. to whom you can write
for different queries, important telephone and fax numbers, addresses and details of the times
certain facilities are open).
Always have your student number at hand when you contact the University.
Please note that all administrative enquiries should be directed to the following E-mails:


Description of enquiry: E-mail address:

- Application and registration enquiries study-info@unisa.ac.za
(prospective & registered students)
- Assignment enquiries assign@unisa.ac.za
- Examination enquiries exams@unisa.ac.za
- Study material enquiries despatch@unisa.ac.za
- Student account enquiries finan@unisa.ac.za
- Graduation enquiries gaudeamus@unisa.ac.za
- Assistance with myUnisa myUnisaHelp@unisa.ac.za
- Assistance with myLife e-mail accounts myLifeHelp@unisa.ac.za

Or by means of an SMS to:

Or by Fax to:

4.1 Prescribed books
Your prescribed textbook for this module for this semester is:
Grotzinger, J. & Jordan, T.H. 2014. Understanding Earth, 7th ed., Freeman, New York.
Please consult the list of official booksellers and their addresses listed in the myStudies @
Unisa brochure. If you have any difficulties in obtaining books from these bookshops, please
contact the Unisa Library.

4.2 Recommended books

The following are publications that you may consult in order to broaden your knowledge of
Environmental geology. A limited number of copies are available in the Library.
Skinner, B.J. & Porter, S.C. 2000. The dynamic earth: an introduction to physical geology.
New York: Wiley.
4.3 Electronic Reserves (e-Reserves)
There are no e-reserves for this module.
4.4 Library services and resources information
For brief information go to : http://www.unisa.ac.za/contents/studies/docs/myStudies-at-
For more detailed information, go to the Unisa website: http://www.unisa.ac.za/, click on Library
For research support and services of Personal Librarians, go to:

The Library has compiled numerous library guides:

 find recommended reading in the print collection and e-reserves -

 request material - http://libguides.unisa.ac.za/request/request
 postgraduate information services - http://libguides.unisa.ac.za/request/postgrad
 finding , obtaining and using library resources and tools to assist in doing research
 how to contact the Library/find us on social media/frequently asked questions -


For information on the various student support systems and services available at Unisa (e.g.
student counseling, tutorial classes, language support), please consult the publication My
studies @ Unisa that you received with your study material.

5.1 Study groups

It is advisable to have contact with fellow students. One way to do this is to form study groups.
You are encouraged to use your MyUnisa account to contact fellow students to setup study
groups per area.
5.2 myUnisa
If you have access to a computer that is linked to the internet, you can quickly access resources
and information at the University. The myUnisa learning management system is Unisa's online
campus that will help you to communicate with your lecturers, with other students and with the
administrative departments of Unisa – all through the computer and the internet.
To go to the myUnisa website, start at the main Unisa website, http://www.unisa.ac.za, and then
click on the “Login to myUnisa” link on the right-hand side of the screen. This should take you to
the myUnisa website. You can also go there directly by typing in http://my.unisa.ac.za.
Please consult the publication My studies @ Unisa which you received with your study material
for more information on myUnisa.
5.3 Discussion classes
There will be no pre-organized discussion classes for this module but additional information and
teaching material will be made available to you by means of myUnisa or the post.


Please refer to the myStudies @ Unisa brochure for general time management and planning
skills. Study the table (Study Framework for 2018) below to plan your semester. Take into

account the number of weeks in a semester, number of study units to be covered, due dates for
assignments, examinations, etc.


1 Study Unit 1 Read for background knowledge
2 Study Unit 2 Read for background knowledge
3 Study Unit 3 Read for background knowledge
4 Study Units 1.1 & 1.2 Read comprehensively
5 13 - 17 March/14 - 18 August Complete Assignment 01 and submit
6 Study Unit 1.3 & 1.4 & 1.5 Read comprehensively
7 Study Unit 2.1 & 2.2 & 2.3 Read comprehensively
8 Study Unit 3.1 & 3.2 Read comprehensively
9 Study Unit 3.3 & 3.4 Read comprehensively
10 Study Unit 3.5 & 3.6 Read comprehensively
11 Study Unit 3.7 & 3.8 Read comprehensively
12 10-14 April/11-15 September Complete Assignment 02 and submit
13 & 14 Exam block period


There is no practical work or work integrated learning for this module. (Practical work is
incorporated in to the GEL1502 module)

8.1 Assessment criteria
8.2 Assessment plan
Assignments are seen as part of the learning material for this module. As you do the
assignment, study the reading texts, consult other resources, discuss the work with fellow
students or tutors or do research, you are actively engaged in learning. Looking at the
assessment criteria given for each assignment will help you to understand what is required of
you more clearly.
In some cases, additional assessment might be available on the myUnisa site for your module.
For students attending tutorial sessions, tutors may also set additional tasks and give feedback
in class.
For written assignments, markers will comment constructively on your work. However,
commentaries on compulsory assignments will be sent to all students registered for this
module in a follow-up tutorial letter, and not only to those students who submitted the
assignments. The tutorial letter number will be 201, 202, etc.
As soon as you have received the commentaries, please check your answers. The assignments
and the commentaries on these assignments constitute an important part of your learning and
should help you to be better prepared for the next assignment and the examination.
8.3 General assignment numbers
Assignments are numbered in numerical sequence.

8.3.1 Unique assignment numbers
The unique numbers for Semester 1, assignment 1 is 740642 and for assignment 2 it is 696219
The unique numbers for Semester 2, assignment 1 is 854265 and for assignment 2 it is 745863
8.3.2 Due dates for assignments
The closing dates for the submission of the assignments are:


Assignment 1: 23 March 2018 Assignment 1: 24 August 2018

Assignment 2: 20 April 2018 Assignment 2: 21 September 2018

8.4 Submission of assignments

You may submit written assignments either by post or electronically via myUnisa. Assignments
may not be submitted by fax or e-mail. For detailed information and requirements as far as
assignments are concerned, see the brochure My studies @ Unisa that you received with your
study material. It is most desirable and recommended that you submit your assignments via
myUNISA and in pdf format. If you submit your assignment you need to submit your
assignments online in PDF format via myUnisa. Software to convert Word documents to PDF is
available on myUnisa. You can also download a free PDF convertor from
To submit your assignment online go to the module site on myUnisa and click on the
Assignments tool and follow the instructions below:

 Type in your student number and then click on the assignment number you wish to

 Follow the instructions on the screen to make sure that your assignment is uploaded on

 If you experience problems with myUnisa, contact bugmaster@unisa.ac.za. Describe

the problem and/or the error message in detail.



9.1 What is academic integrity?

Academic integrity is obeying the rules of the university/the module. It is about how you conduct
yourself when you interact with other students and staff. It is the acknowledgment of and
respect for the academic principles and behaviours that support the University’s mission. It is
part of what it means to be a good student. A good student is one who does their own
assignments and writes their own examinations. A good student always acknowledges the
sources they have used and the people who have helped them. A good student conducts
research and writes assignments with integrity, honesty and ethically. A good student is a
responsible student who submits assignments on time and speaks/writes truthfully. A good
student learns from their mistakes and is a good academic citizen. A good student does not
commit plagiarism.

You commit plagiarism if you:

 “Cut and paste or copy and paste” sentences, paragraphs, diagrams, maps, tables 1 and
other information directly from an internet (websites), digital or printed sources into your
assignment without acknowledgement and without adaptation (where necessary). No one
can wholesale cut/copy and paste from a source EVEN WITH ACKNOWLEDMENT.
 Use paragraphs or sections from articles, books and web documents without adapting them
into your own words and style, unless it is a direct quote, which is acknowledged as such.
 Use another person’s direct words without quotation marks, their surname, date of
publication and page numbers.
 Copy the work of other students and submit it as if it is your own.
 Present the ideas, words or results of another person as yours, without giving correct
acknowledgement to the original author.
 Use the ideas or words of another person without giving necessary credit to that person or
 Present ideas/words in a manner that there is no substantial difference between what the
author/s said and what you are saying - this is regardless of acknowledgment of the

 Self-plagiarize – when you use your own work, previously submitted for this or any other
module, without acknowledgement.

9.2 How does the university view plagiarism?

The university views plagiarism as a serious offence. You can either lose marks, have the
assignment awarded a ZERO and/or face a disciplinary hearing. If you face a disciplinary
hearing you may be suspended from the university for a period (e.g. two years) or even have
your degree rescinded.

9.3 What if I commit plagiarism in this module?

The lecturer trusts that all the students registered for this module will not commit plagiarism, but
if you do you can either have marks deducted, be awarded zero, or your name will be sent to
university management with details of the offence and a request that you be called to a
disciplinary hearing. We keep a record of all students who commit plagiarism. If you are a serial
plagiariser – you commit plagiarism many times or across different modules - then you will be
called to a disciplinary hearing regardless of how small the plagiarism offence is.

You will receive the correct answers automatically for multiple-choice questions (if applicable).
For written assignments, markers will comment constructively on your work. However,
commentaries on compulsory assignments maybe be sent to all students registered for this
module in a follow-up tutorial letter, and not only to those students who submitted the
assignments. The tutorial letter number will be 201, 202, etc.

As soon as you have received the commentaries, please check your answers. The assignments
and the commentaries on these assignments constitute an important part of your learning and
should help you to be better prepared for the next assignment and the examination. Additional
feedback or information on assignments might be placed on myUnisa.

9.4 Ethics Statement

All students who register for this module should take note that your lecturer may or may not
require information from you for research purposes. The information required may be from the
assignments you complete or additional activities your lecturer may have asked you to take part
in or comment on or the marks you achieved for your assignment or anything related to the
teaching of the module you registered for. In all these instances, the information provided by
you will not identify you in any way. Your identify will remain anonymous and the information
you provide will remain confidential. The lecturer will not use your information in any way that is
unethical or does not abide by the Unisa Policy on Research Ethics. The lecturer will also apply


to the College Ethics Research Committee for ethics clearance to do research on specific data
from the module after which approval will be obtained from the Research Permission Sub-
Committee of Unisa to use Unisa student data. Through this research, the lecturer will be able
to improve and develop this module for future students. If you cannot consent to your lecturer
using the information indicated above, please let your lecturer know via email.


There are no other assessments for this module.


11.1 Examination admission

A student must obtain a year mark of at least 40% to qualify for admission to the examination.
The contribution of each assignment towards the year mark is indicated in the table below.

11.2 How will this work in practice?

Due date Due date Contribution Contribution to

Assignment Semester 1 Semester 2 to year mark final mark

GEL1503 Assignment 01 23 March 2018 24 August 2018 10

GEL1503 Assignment 02 20 April 2018 21 September 2018 90

11.3 Examination period

This module is a semester module in 2018. This means that you will write the examination in
May/June 2018 for the first semester and in Oct/Nov 2018 for the second semester. During the
semester, the Examination Section will provide you with information regarding the examination
in general, examination venues, examination dates and examination times.

11.4 Examination paper

The examination will comprise a two-hour paper. Students must obtain a year mark of at least
40% to qualify for admission to write the examination. Students also have to gain a subminimum
of 40% in the examination paper to pass.

11.5 Previous examination papers

Previous examination papers are available to students on the myunisa portal. You may expect
that the examination questions will be similar to the questions asked in the activities in your
study guide and in the assignments.

11.6 Tutorial letter with information on the examination

To help you in your preparation for the examination, you will receive a tutorial letter that will
explain the format of the examination paper, give you examples of questions that you may
expect and set out clearly what material you have to study for examination purposes.

Finally, we would like to encourage you to keep to the following rules:

 Do NOT fall behind in your planning.

 Work regularly and consistently.
 Make sure that you understand the work as you go along.
 Study when you must. Do NOT postpone.
 Do NOT give up on difficult work. Rather seek help as soon as possible.

We hope that this information will make your studies easier, and that you will do well.



The Department of Environmental Sciences would like to mark more of your assignments
electronically. We would thus like to encourage you to submit your assignments electronically
(in PDF format) via myUnisa. Software to convert a Word document to PDF is available on
myUnisa. You can download a PDF convertor free of charge from

The advantages for you submitting your assignment in PDF format are numerous. Your
assignment will reach us sooner and therefore you will receive feedback much earlier. This
mode is also largely more environmentally friendly.

See below for Assignment Questions:





Due date 1st semester: 23 March 2018 (Unique number: 740642)


1 Type your answer on A4 paper.

2 Remember to mention the sources you refer to in the text. Also remember to include a list
of references.

3 Remember to write your student number in the top left-hand corner of each page.

4 Staple the assignment cover page to your completed assignment.

5 Place your completed assignment in the post-paid envelope supplied by Unisa. Seal the

6 Mail the assignment at least one week before the due date to ensure that it reaches us in
good time.

7 You may submit written assignments electronically via myUnisa



Answer all the following questions by writing the number as well as the correct option on
your answer paper (eg 25 D, 26 C, 27 A):

1.1 The epicentre of an earthquake is the

A place where the earthquake originates.

B place on the earth's surface directly above the focus of the earthquake.
C place where sudden movement has occurred along a fault line.
D place where magma has burst through the earth's surface.

1.2 Rivers of ice are

A piedmont glaciers.
B valley glaciers.
C continental glaciers.
D ice sheets.

1.3 Which rocks are directly related to volcanism?

A igneous rocks
B sedimentary rocks
C metamorphic rocks
D clastic rocks

1.4 The single most distinctive feature of sedimentary rocks is

A vertical joints.
B a crystalline structure.
C recrystallization.
D stratification.

1.5 The direction along which the movement has taken place at the time when faulting occurs
is called the

A fault line.
B strike.
C slip.
D dip-slip.

1.6 The total process of land surface reduction is termed

A erosion.
B denudation.
C degradation.
D aggradation.

1.7 The super-continent Pangaea started disintegrating

A 3 000 million years ago.

B 50 million years ago.
C 200 million years ago.

D 350 000 years ago.

1.8 95% of the volume of the earth's crust is composed of a group of minerals known as

A the felsic group.

B the matic group.
C silicates.
D iron oxide minerals.

1.9 The final structure, texture and composition of metamorphic rocks are controlled by

(i) the character of the parent material.

(ii) fusion.
(iii) the conditions of metamorphism.
(iv) recrystallization.

Select the option containing the correct combination of answers:

A (i), (iv)
B (ii), (iv)
C (iii), (iv)
D (i), (iii)

1.10 Igneous rocks are classified according to

(i) grain texture.
(ii) mineral composition.
(iii) origin.
(iv) chemical structure.

Select the option containing the correct combination of answers:

A (i), (iii)
B (i), (ii)
C (ii), (iii)
D (iii), (iv)

1.11 Tsunamis are

A shock waves.
B landslides.
C seismic sea waves.
D avalanches.

1.12 The types of volcanic cone are determined by the

(i) topography of the area.

(ii) nature of the eruption.
(iii) type of material that has been extruded.
(iv) rock layers.
Select the option containing the correct combination of answers:
A (i), (ii)
B (ii), (iii)
C (iii), (iv)
D (i), (iv)


1.13 Many old stream valleys contain

A Rapids.
B Turbulent water flow.
C Large gradients.
D Meanders.

1.14 The steepness of slope of a stream channel in the direction of flow is its

A. drainage basin
B discharge
C load
D gradient
E capacity

1.15 Processes of chemical weathering that also involve biological weathering are

A solution.
B carbonation and oxidation.
C reduction and chelation.
D hydration and hydrolysis.

1.16 Deposition of stream load occurs

A when the speed of flow of the river is reduced.

B when the speed of flow of the river is increased.
C at the point of rejuvenation of a river.
D all of the above.

1.17 The motion of a glacier is caused by

(i) melting ice at the bottom which forms lubrication.

(ii) gravity.
(iii) differential pressure within the ice mass.
(iv) evaporation.

Select the option containing the correct combination of answers:

A (i), (ii)
B (i), (iii)
C (ii), (iv)
D (ii), (iii)

1.18 Wind erosion landforms such as pedestal rocks are caused by a process of

A abrasion.
B deflation.
C attrition.
D all of the above simultaneously.

1.19 Drowned glacial valleys are known as

A Dalmatian coasts.
B ria coasts.
D fiord coasts.
D none of the above.

1.20 Processes involving the transfer of molten material from one place in the earth's crust
to another, resulting in landforms of great elevation, are called

A exogenous forces.
B diastrophism.
C volcanism.
D isostasy.


Match the term with its appropriate description by combining the correct number with the
letter that is most appropriate. E.g.: 9 = J
1. Lithosphere A the thin, rocky outer skin, topped by continents
2. Asthenosphere B the thin, rocky outer skin, topped by oceans
3. Mesosphere C a solid, rocky shell composing about 82% of Earth’s
4. Inner core volume solid iron-nickel alloy at the centre of the Earth
5. Atmosphere E the strong lower mantle, below the asthenosphere
6. Mantle F a liquid layer at the top of the core, that generates Earth’s
magnetic field
7. Anthropological G weak, soft layer composed of the mantle beneath the
sphere lithosphere
8. Oceanic crust H strong, rigid layer composed of the crust and the upper
9. Outer core Imantle Area of human activity
10. Continental crust J layer of gas or gases surrounding a celestial body




Define the following:

i. Geology
ii. Magnetic anomaly
iii. Lithification
iv. Deformation
v. Thrust Fault
vi. Aftershock
vii. Isostasy
viii. Talus
ix. Precipitation
x. Abyssal plain

TOTAL: [50]






Due date 1st semester: 20 April 2018 (Unique number: 696219)


1 Type your answer on A4 paper.

2 Remember to mention the sources you refer to in the text. Also remember to include
a list of references.

3 Remember to write your student number in the top left-hand corner of each page.

4 Staple the assignment cover page to your completed assignment.

5 Place your completed assignment in the post-paid envelope supplied by Unisa. Seal
the envelope.

6 Mail the assignment at least one week before the due date to ensure that it reaches
us in good time.

7 You may submit written assignments electronically via myUnisa




Complete the table in your answer book by matching the hardness value from Mohs Hardness
Scale to the appropriate mineral from the list below.
Mohs Hardness Scale Mineral
Hardness 1
Hardness 2
Hardness 3
Hardness 4
Hardness 5
Hardness 6
Hardness 7
Hardness 8
Hardness 9
Hardness 10



Discuss earthquakes under the following headings:
o What is an earthquake?
o Where do most earthquakes occur?
o How do they occur?
o How are they measured?
o Which primary and which secondary hazards are associated with earthquakes?
o How can the damage caused by earthquakes be reduced or prevented?


Summarise how landscapes evolve with interaction between the atmosphere and hydrosphere
(climate system) and the asthenosphere/lithosphere (plate tectonic system).

Describe by means of stages (A, B and C in figure below), the evolution of a river from a small
spring up in the mountains to a big meandering river. Mention the predominant morphological
processes taking place in each stage as well as the landforms and features found in each.


5.1 Name four typical drainage networks and make a drawing of each.

5.2 Which five factors control the equilibrium of a river?


Discuss briefly erosion and sedimentation in terms of stream power in the cases where the valley walls
are (i)“steep”, (ii) “gentler” or (iii) “much flatter”.



7.1 Identify each of the indicated component parts of the hydrologic cycle by naming the
annotations numbered 1 to 6.


7.2 Name four typical drainage networks and make a drawing of each network.




Describe the landforms you would encounter along a profile of the Atlantic Ocean floor.



Match the term with its appropriate description by combining the correct number with the letter that is
most appropriate. E.g.: 9 = J

1. Lithosphere
2. Asthenosphere
3. Mesosphere
4. Inner core
5. Outer core
6. Mantle
7. Continental crust
8. Oceanic crust

A the thin, rocky outer skin, topped by continents

B the thin, rocky outer skin, topped by oceans

C a solid, rocky shell composing about 82% of Earth’s volume

D solid iron-nickel alloy at the centre of the Earth

E the strong lower mantle, below the asthenosphere

F a liquid layer at the top of the core, that generates Earth’s magnetic field

G weak, soft layer composed of the mantle beneath the lithosphere

H strong, rigid layer composed of the crust and the upper mantle



With the aid of hand drawings show how the style of faulting is determined by the tectonic forces of:

o Tension
o Compression
o Shearing

TOTAL: [100]



The Department of Environmental Sciences would like to mark more of your assignments electronically.
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See below for Assignment Questions:





Due date 2nd semester: 24 August 2018 (Unique number: 854265)


1 Type your answer on A4 paper.

2 Remember to mention the sources you refer to in the text. Also remember to include a list
of references.

3 Remember to write your student number in the top left-hand corner of each page.

4 Staple the assignment cover page to your completed assignment.

5 Place your completed assignment in the post-paid envelope supplied by Unisa. Seal the

6 Mail the assignment at least one week before the due date to ensure that it reaches us in
good time.

7 You may submit written assignments electronically via myUnisa



Answer all the following questions by writing the number as well as the correct option on your
answer paper (eg 25 D, 26 C, 27 A):

1.1 The epicentre of an earthquake is the

A place where the earthquake originates.
B place on the earth's surface directly above the focus of the earthquake.
C place where sudden movement has occurred along a fault line.
D place where magma has burst through the earth's surface.

1.2 Rivers of ice are

A piedmont glaciers.
B valley glaciers.
C continental glaciers.
D ice sheets.

1.3 Which rocks are directly related to volcanism?

A igneous rocks
B sedimentary rocks
C metamorphic rocks
D clastic rocks

1.4 The single most distinctive feature of sedimentary rocks is

A vertical joints.
B a crystalline structure.
C recrystallization.
D stratification.

1.5 The direction along which the movement has taken place at the time when faulting occurs is
called the
A fault line.
B strike.
C slip.
D dip-slip.

1.6 The total process of land surface reduction is termed

A erosion.
B denudation.
C degradation.
D aggradation.

1.7 The super-continent Pangaea started disintegrating

A 3 000 million years ago.
B 50 million years ago.
C 200 million years ago.
D 350 000 years ago.

1.8 95% of the volume of the earth's crust is composed of a group of minerals known as
A the felsic group.
B the matic group.
C silicates.
D iron oxide minerals.

1.9 The final structure, texture and composition of metamorphic rocks are controlled by
(i) the character of the parent material.
(ii) fusion.
(iii) the conditions of metamorphism.
(iv) recrystallization.

Select the option containing the correct combination of answers:

A (i), (iv)
B (ii), (iv)
C (iii), (iv)
D (i), (iii)

1.10 Igneous rocks are classified according to

(i) grain texture.
(ii) mineral composition.
(iii) origin.
(iv) chemical structure.

Select the option containing the correct combination of answers:

A (i), (iii)
B (i), (ii)
C (ii), (iii)
D (iii), (iv)

1.11 Tsunamis are

A shock waves.
B landslides.
C seismic sea waves.
D avalanches.

1.12 The types of volcanic cone are determined by the

(i) topography of the area.
(ii) nature of the eruption.
(iii) type of material that has been extruded.
(iv) rock layers.

Select the option containing the correct combination of answers:

A (i), (ii)
B (ii), (iii)
C (iii), (iv)
D (i), (iv)


1.13 Many old stream valleys contain

A Rapids.
B Turbulent water flow.
C Large gradients.
D Meanders.

1.14 The steepness of slope of a stream channel in the direction of flow is its
A. drainage basin
B discharge
C load
D gradient
E capacity

1.15 Processes of chemical weathering that also involve biological weathering are
A solution.
B carbonation and oxidation.
C reduction and chelation.
D hydration and hydrolysis.

1.16 Deposition of stream load occurs

A when the speed of flow of the river is reduced.
B when the speed of flow of the river is increased.
C at the point of rejuvenation of a river.
D all of the above.

1.17 The motion of a glacier is caused by

(i) melting ice at the bottom which forms lubrication.
(ii) gravity.
(iii) differential pressure within the ice mass.
(iv) evaporation.

Select the option containing the correct combination of answers:

A (i), (ii)
B (i), (iii)
C (ii), (iv)
D (ii), (iii)

1.18 Wind erosion landforms such as pedestal rocks are caused by a process of
A abrasion.
B deflation.
C attrition.
D all of the above simultaneously.

1.19 Drowned glacial valleys are known as

A Dalmatian coasts.
B ria coasts.
D fiord coasts.
D none of the above.

1.20 Processes involving the transfer of molten material from one place in the earth's crust to
another, resulting in landforms of great elevation, are called
A exogenous forces.
B diastrophism.
C volcanism.
D isostasy.



Define the following:

i. Geosystem
ii. Core
iii. Pangaea
iv. Landform
v. Environment
vi. Reservoir
vii. Permeability
viii. Bed load
ix. Elastic rebound theory
x. Mass wasting



1 Ionic chemical bonds are usually stronger than covalent chemical bonds.
a) True
b) False

2 Coal, natural gas, and uranium are examples of non-renewable fossil fuels.
a) True
b) False

3 The asthenosphere is a relatively cool and rigid shell that overlies the lithosphere.
a) True
b) False


4 A metamorphic rock must come into contact with magma before it can become a
sedimentary rock.
a) True
b) False

5 Over 10% of all the water on the Earth is in the form of groundwater.
a) True
b) False

6 If two rocks have the same mass, but one is broken into several fragments and the other is
not, the one broken up will chemically weather at a faster rate.
a) True
b) False

7 Earth is the only object in our solar system that has ever had liquid water on its surface.
a) True
b) False

8 The rock cycle illustrates the origin of the three basic rock types and the role of various geologic
processes in transforming one rock type into another.
a) True
b) False

9 Magma is molten material that forms in Earth's interior where temperatures and pressures
are such that rock melts.
a) True
b) False

10 Extremely deep, relatively narrow depressions on the ocean floor are called abyssal plains.
a) True
b) False


TOTAL [50]






Due date 2nd Semester: 21 September 2018 (Unique number: 745863)


1 Type your answer on A4 paper.

2 Remember to mention the sources you refer to in the text. Also remember to include
a list of references.

3 Remember to write your student number in the top left-hand corner of each page.

4 Staple the assignment cover page to your completed assignment.

5 Place your completed assignment in the post-paid envelope supplied by Unisa. Seal
the envelope.

6 Mail the assignment at least one week before the due date to ensure that it reaches
us in good time.

7 You may submit written assignments electronically via myUnisa


Answer all the following questions:


In the table below complete the information with regards to tectonic plate boundaries. You only need
to write the number and the correct answer in your answer book: e.g. (xi) earthquakes



2.1 Complete the diagram of the rock cycle by naming the annotations numbered 1 to 10, indicating
all the rock types and processes of interaction.


2.2 List the seven of the physical properties of minerals. (7)



Use the figure below to answer questions 3.1 and 3.2.

3.1 Identify the type of faults indicated in the figures A to D below


3.2 Indicate for each type (A to D) whether the fault has been caused by tension, compression or





Discuss earthquakes under the following headings:

o What is an earthquake?
o Where do most earthquakes occur?
o How do they occur?
o How are they measured?
o What is the difference between P-waves and S-waves and surface waves?
o Which primary and which secondary hazards are associated with earthquakes?
o How can the damage caused by earthquakes be reduced or prevented?


Mass movement caused by natural processes is influenced by three primary factors. Discuss each of
these factors and indicate how it affects the stability of a slope.



6.1 Differentiate between an ionic bond and a covalent bond by using examples


6.2 Provide the appropriate annotation for the geological features marked A to H in the figure below
by choosing from the table next to it.

oceanic crust



inner core


continental crust


outer core





7.1 Name four typical drainage networks and make a drawing of each network.


7.2 Which five factors control the equilibrium of a river?




The desert landscape is shaped primarily by two forces: wind and water.

8.1 Label each of the following desert landforms and explain how each are created and by
which force. (8)


8.2 Name four types of sand dunes.




9.1 Explain how glaciers are formed.


9.2 List the different types of glaciers.



TOTAL: [100]



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