Nepal Electricity Athority

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(An Undertaking of Government of Nepal)

Distribution and Consumer Service Directorate
Biratnagar Regional Office
Biratnagar Distribution Centre

TENDER NO: NEA-BRT-DCS-2071/072-(01)

Supply, Delivery, Laying, Testing

33 KV ,HT,XLPE, Under Ground Cable at Tanki Sinuwari, Morang



Issued by:
Nepal Electricity Authority
Biratnagar Distribution Centre
Biratnagar, Morang
Tel. : + 977-21-524651 / 525255
Fax : + 977-21-525255
NEA,Biratnagar Distribution Centre, Technical Specification
Tender no. NEA-BRT-DCS-2071/072-(01)

Section IX

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION....................................................................................................3-19
Technical Spicification For Xlpe Cable Suitable For Use In Non-Effectively
Earthed 33 Kv Stystem ..................................................................................................................... 4
1. SCOPE : ......................................................................................................................... 4
2. DEVIATION :................................................................................................................... 4
3. LOCATION :.................................................................................................................... 4
4. SYSTEM DEATAILS :.....................................................................................................4
5. Weather Condition .......................................................................................................... 4
6. STANDARS .................................................................................................................... 5
7. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS & PERFORMANCE : ............................................. 5
8. CABLE CONSTRUCTION .............................................................................................. 7
8.2 CONDUCTOR SCREEING : ........................................................................................... 7
8.3 INSULATION .................................................................................................................. 7
8.4 Insulating Screen : .......................................................................................................... 7
8.6 LAYING UP:.................................................................................................................... 8
8.7 INNER SHEATH : ........................................................................................................... 8
8.8 ARMOUR : ...................................................................................................................... 8
8.9 OUTER SEATH : ............................................................................................................ 8
8.10 CABLE IDENTIFICATION :............................................................................................. 9
8.11 SEALING OF CABLE ENDS :......................................................................................... 9
9. WOODEN DRUMS : .......................................................................................................9
10.3 ROUTINE TESTS : ....................................................................................................... 11
10.4 TEST WITNESS : ......................................................................................................... 11
11. Test Certificate :............................................................................................................ 11
12. DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURES, TEST RESULTS ETC.:.............................................. 12
CIVIL WORKS ................................................................................................................................ 17
A EARTHWORKS ............................................................................................................ 17
B. BACKFILLING............................................................................................................... 19
C. CABLE LAYING WORKS.............................................................................................. 19
DRAWINGS ...............................................................................................................................20-22
NEA,Biratnagar Distribution Centre, Technical Specification
Tender no. NEA-BRT-DCS-2071/072-(01)

Vol II of II

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NEA,Biratnagar Distribution Centre, Technical Specification
Tender no. NEA-BRT-DCS-2071/072-(01)

Technical Spicification For

Xlpe Cable Suitable For Use In
Non-Effectively Earthed 33 Kv Stystem
1. SCOPE :
1.1. The Specification covers the design, manufacture, testing, supply and delivery in proper
packed condition of different grades of 1 or 3 core, Aluminum conductor, Cross-linked
polyethylene (XLPE) insulated, PVC sheathed, Armored, screened power Cable.

Normally the offer should be as per Technical Specification without any deviation. But
any deviation felt necessary to improve performance, efficiency and utility of
equipment must be mentioned in the 'Deviation Schedule' with reasons duly
supported by documentary evidences and advantages of such deviation. Such
deviation suggested may or may not be accepted. But deviations not mentioned in
'Deviation Schedule' will not be considered afterwards.

3.1 The Cables may be laid buried directly in ground of 1.5 meter in average for outdoor
connection to a 33KV line or to Overhead 33KV lines.

4.1 Voltage grade (KV) of Cable required : 19/33
4.2 Service Voltage : 33KV
4.3 Highest Voltage : 36KV
4.4 B.I.L. for Cable : 170KV for 33KV grade
4.5 Fault Level (Maxm.) : See Clause 7.6
4.6 Frequency : 50 C./S

5. Weather Condition
5.1 Mansoon prevails generally from the month of June to October with showers some times
heavy ,acidic, smoky, industrial and foggy .
5.2 Maximum ambient temperature : 50 degree C.
5.3 Minimum ambient temperature : 4 degree C.
5.4 Thermal resistance of soil : 150 degree C-Cm/ Watt
5.5 Maximum Daily average ambient temp. : 40 degree C
5.6 Maximum relative humidity : 100.00 %
5.7 average rainfall per annum : 200 cm
5.8 Maximum height above the see level : 1000 Meters

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NEA,Biratnagar Distribution Centre, Technical Specification
Tender no. NEA-BRT-DCS-2071/072-(01)

6.1 The Cable shall conform to the following standars to the extent NEA , BRT, DCS
requirement is fulfilled .
1) IS : 7098 ( PART-2) Latest : Specification for cross-Linked polyethylene
Insulated PVC Sheathed cables for working
voltages from 3.3KV up to and including 33KV
2) IS:8130-1984 : Specification for conductors for insulated electric
cable and flexible cords.
3) IS:5831-1984 : PVC Insulation & sheath of electric cables.
4) 3975-1970 : Armor for cables ) for 3 Core)
5) IS: 10810-1984 : Methods of test for cables.
6) IS:10418-1982 : Cable Drums for Electric Cables.
7) IS: 1255-1983 : Guidelines for cable laying and Installation.
6.2 The cable, Joints, outdoor termination and their accessories and fittings may conform to
other Indian and/or equivalent standards or important publications to improve upon their
performance, but shall not fall short of the requirement of this specification. The tenderer
shall clearly indicate such standards in their offers.


7.1 Description of Cable :
a) 19/33KV Grade : Standard compacted circular Aluminum (H4
Grade) Conductor, shielded with black extruded
semi-conducting compound XLPE insulated, core
shielded with black extruded seme-conducting
compound, black seme-conducting tape and a
copper tape coloured strips having Red, Yello &
Blue for core indentification, shielded cores laid
up with fillers. binder taped and Black extruded
PVC (Type ST-2) inner sheath, single layer of
round galvanised steel wire armoured and black
extruded PVC (Type ST-2), overall sheathed,
conforming generally to IS:7098 (part-II)

7.02 Voltage Grade : 19/33KV (for 33KV system)

7.03 Size of cable : 300 Sq. mm2
7.04 Service Voltage : 33 KV
7.05 Maxm. Conductor Temp. : 90 Degree C at maxm. Continuous current.
7.05 Maxm. Conductor Temp. : 90 Degree C at maxm. Continuous current.
7.06 Short ckt. Current : 28.2KA(1612 MVA) for 1 Sec. for 33KV 300
Sq. mm.

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Tender no. NEA-BRT-DCS-2071/072-(01)

7.07 Maximum permissible : 130 Degree C for one hour.

emergency overload
Temp. at 25%
overload to 100 Hrs.
per year or 500 Hrs.
in life of cable
7.08 Maxm. permissible short : 250 Degree C for one Second.
circuit temperature
7.09 Conductor Material : Material to IS" 8130, H4 Grade Aluminum
Conductor. Stranded compacted circular.
7.10 Conductor Screening : Extruded, cross linked, semi-conducting
compound of 1.0 mm. thickness for
7.11 Insulation : XLPE of thickness, 8.8 (Minimum) for 33KV
7.12 Insulation Screening : for : Combination of black extruded semi-conducting
33KV compound & semi-conducting tape as the
non-metallic part and annealed copper
0.06mm. (Minimum) thick tape lapping
as metallic part. For 1 Core Cable, the
non-magnetic metal armour will act as
metallic part insulation screening.
7.13 Inner sheathing : For 1 core there will be no inner sheath.
7.14 Armouring : For 1 core there will be round wire armout made
of non-magnetic metal.
7.15 Overall Sheathing : Coloured PVC Type St-2 compound to IS:5831,
extruded for 33KV and thickness shall be
as per IS.
7.16 Approx length of cable in a : 770 Meters ±5% ( for 1 Core)
7.17 End Sealing : H.S. Caps (See clause 8.11) (Heat shrinkable)
7.18 Max. tan-delta at room : 0.004
(A) temp. at nominal
phase to neutral
Voltage (Uo)
(B) Maxm. Increment of tan- : 0.002
delta between 0.05
Uo to 2 Uo at room
7.19 Patrial Discharge Value : 20 PC (Maxm.) at 1.6 Uo
7.20 Impulse Test : 170KV for 33KV and as per ISS.
7.21 H.V. Tests between : 48 KV (rms) for 33 KV for 5 minutes and as per
Conductors & ISS

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Tender no. NEA-BRT-DCS-2071/072-(01)

7.22 Maximum D.C. Resistance : As per relevant ISS.

per KM
* N.B. : The above parameters are applicable for 3-Core and 1-Core Cable, if not otherwise

8.1 XLPE Underground Cable is to be manufactured in continuous catenary process at
controlled elevated temperature and pressure in inert atmosphere with use of suitable
materials for XLPE main insulation and XLPE semi-conducting Insulation & XLPE
screen. The inner and outer semi- conducting sheaths and main polyethylene insulation
between the sheaths are to be simultaneously extruded during the Tripple Extrusion
Process of manufacturing and main insulation of the Cable is to be extruded unfilled. The
XLPE Cable in this specification does not have any metal sheath and the short circuit
rating of the cable will depend on the conductivity and continuity of the strands of the
armour wires which shall be ensured by guarding against corrosion.


A semi-conducting cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) screening shall be extruded over
the conductor to act as an electrical shield which together with the elimination of the so
called "Strand Effect" prevents to a great extent air ionisation on the surface of the
conductor. Conductor for down cable shall consist of stranded AL. wires. They shall
comply with IEC Publication.

The main insulation of the Cable shall be extruded unfilled, chemically cross-linked
polyethylene (XLPE) inert gas cured satisfying the requirement of ISS: 7098(Part-II).

8.4 Insulating Screen :

The screen shall be made up as given in 7.12. The metal screen eliminates tangential
stress of rotating electrostatic field surrounding the conductor and uniform electrical
stress in the insulation.
The semi-conducting polyethylene (XLPE) screen shall be extruded over the main
polyethylene insulating wall to prevent partial discharge at the surface of the insulation.
The copper tape shall be wrapped over the semi conducting tape or extrusion as
mentioned earlier for 3 core cables. The metal screen so formed around the cores shall be
in contact with one another as the cores are laid up at triangular configuration. For single
core cable, Aluminum wire armouring shall constitute the metallic part of insulation
screen. Conductor screening, insulation and insulation screening shall be extruded in
triple extrusion processes so as to obtain continuously smooth interfaces.
8.5 The mechanical and chemical properties of the materials for semi conducting screens are
much more important than their electrical properties, but for obtaining the high overall
degree of electrical properties of an E.H.V. cable, the inner and outer semi conducting
screens and the main polyethylene insulation between the screens shall be simultaneously
extruded during the manufacturing process known as "tripple extrusion". The advantages
are :-
i) The partial discharge level at the surface of the insulation is brought to a

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NEA,Biratnagar Distribution Centre, Technical Specification
Tender no. NEA-BRT-DCS-2071/072-(01)

ii) There will be no displacement of the semi conducting screen and insulation during
expansion and contraction due to load cycles and bending.
iii) The semi conducting screens are easily removable during jointing and termination


The phase identification of the cores shall be either by colour or numerals as per ISS. for
3 Core cables only
Colour Numaral
Red 1
Yellow 2
Blue 3
The screened cores shall be laid up with interstices filled with PVC fillers and tapedwith a
binder tape as to obtain a reasonably circular cable.


The cable core shall be supplied with bedding of PVC (inner sheath) in the form of
extruded PVC sheath for 33KV cables. Wrapped PVC tapes shall be used for 11 KV
thickness as per Para 7.13 and as per ISS.

8.8 ARMOUR :
The cable shall be wire armoured/Steel strip in case of 33KV and wire/Strip armoured in
case of 11 KV, 3 Core cables to ensure an adequate return path for the flow of fault
current and also to provide suitable mechanical protection. The Steel Wires/Aluminum
Wires/Steel Strips of required size in requisite number as per para 7.14 shall be laid
closely in the spiral formation to protect the circumference of the cable fully and to
provide adequate cross sectional area for flow of maximum fault current within limits of
specified temperature rise and duration of fault. The direction of the lay of the armour
shall be opposite to that of the cable cores. In case of Single Core Cable the armour
should be of non-magnetic material.


A reliable serving shall be necessary for maintaining conductivity of the armour
particularly under corrosive condition in the form of jacket. The cable shall therefore be
finished with an extruded PVC overseath of thickness as per para 7.15.
The quality of PVC oversheath (Jacket) shall be ensured for service reliability against
moisture intrusion and shall conform to type ST-2 of IS:5831.
The colour of the outer sheath shall be as follows :
For 33 KV Cable : BLACK & for 11KV Cable : BLUE
The sheaths shall be protected against white ants, vermin and termites by suitable, reliable
and durable measures.
The supplier shall suggest suitable materials for use, in the event of damage to the

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Tender no. NEA-BRT-DCS-2071/072-(01)

oversheath to prevent passage of moisture along the cable.


The following shall be embossed on the outer sheath for the identification.
(a) Manufacturer's Name or Trade Mark.
(b) Voltage Grade.
(c) Nominal section & Material of conductor and number of crores.
(d) Year of manufacture.
(e) Inscription for length of cables at 1.0 meter interval.
(f) Name of the purchaser : NEA, BRT, DCS.
(g) Marking "Electric" shall be embossed throughout the length of the Cable at 10
metres spacing.
(h) Type of insulation i.e. XLPE.


The cable ends of cable in the wooden drum for delivery shall be sealed with heat
shrinkable caps.

The Cable shall be packed in non-returnable wooden drums.
9.1 The following information shall be marked on each drum.
a) Drum identification No.
b) Manufacturer's Name, Trade Name/Trade Mark, if any.
c) Nominal sectional area of the conductor of the cable.
d) No. of Cores.
e) Type of Cable and Voltage Grade with Cable Code.
f) Length of the Cable in Cable Drum.
g) Direction of rotation of Drum (by means of an arrow)
h) Approximate Weight : Tare : Gross
i) Year and Country of Manufacture.
j) Purchase Order No.
k) Date of Delivery.
l) Name of the Purchaser : NEA, BRT, DCS.
Drums shall be proofed against attack by white ants or termite conforming to IS : 10418.
The Drums may also be marked with ISI Certificate Mark, if applicable.
9.2 Safe Pulling Force : 30 N/mm2 (for Conductor)
10. Tests to be performed as per IS : 7098 (Part-II)
10.1A Type Test : All the tests mentioned below are to be made as per details given in IS:10810

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Tender no. NEA-BRT-DCS-2071/072-(01)

A) Tests on conductor
i) Tensile Test (for aluminum)
ii) Wrapping Test (for aluminum)
iii) Resistance Test.
B) Tests for armouring wires strips.
C) Test ofr thickness of insulation and steath.
D) Physical test for insulation.
i) Tensile strength and elongation at break.
ii) Ageing in air oven.
iii) Hot test.
iv) Shrinkage test
v) Water absorption (Gravimetric)
E) Physical tests for outer sheath
i) Tensile strength and elongation at break.
ii) Ageing in air oven.
iii) Shrinkage test
iv) Hot deformation.
v) Heat shock.
vi) Loss of mass in air oven.
vii) Thermal stability.
F) Partial discharge test.
G) Bending test.
H) Dielectric power factor test.
i) As a function voltage
ii) As a function of temperature.
I) Insulation resistance (Volume resistivity) Test.
J) Heating cycle test.
K) Impulse with stand test.
L) High voltage test.
M) Flammability test.
10.1B The following tests on screened cable shall be performed successively on the same test
sample of completed cable, not less than 10m. in length between the test accessories.
a) P.D. Test.
b) Bending Test followed by P.D. Test.
c) Dielectric power factor as a function of voltage.

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Tender no. NEA-BRT-DCS-2071/072-(01)

d) Dielectric power factor as a function of temperature.

e) Heating cycle test followed by dielectric power factor as a function of voltage and
f) Impulse withstand test and
g) High voltage test as per para 7.21.
If a sample fails in test (g) one more sample shall be taken for this test, preceded by tests
(b) & (e).
10.2 Acceptance Test : The following shall constitute acceptance Tests :
a) Tensile Test (for aluminum)
b) Wrapping Test (for aluminum)
c) Conductor Resistance Test.
d) Test for thickness of insulation and sheath.
e) Hot set test for insulation.
f) Tensile strength and elongation at break test for insulation and outer sheath.
g) P.D. Test (for screened cables) only on full drum length.
h) High voltage test, and
i) Insulation resistance (VOLUME RESISTIVITY) Test


The routine test shall be carried out on all cables manufactured in accordance with this
The following routine tests shall be made on cable length as specified in the IS.
a) Conductor resistance test.
b) Partial discharge test on full drum length.
c) High voltage test as per para 7.21


1) All tests shall be performed in presence of purchaser's representative if so desired
by the purchaser.
2) The contractor shall give at least fifteen (15) days advance notice for witnessing
such tests.

11. Test Certificate :

11.1 Certified copies of all routine tests carried out at works shall be furnished in six (6) copies
for approval of the purchaser.
11.2 The cables shall be dispatched from Works only after receipt of Purchaser's written
approval of shop test reports.
11.3 Type Test Certificates of the Cable offered shall be furnished. Otherwise the cable shall
have to be type tested on similar rating as per Clause - 10 free of any charges to prove the

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Tender no. NEA-BRT-DCS-2071/072-(01)



The following details for the cable shall be submitted with bid.
a) Manufacturer's Catalogue giving cable construction details and characteristics.
b) Manufacturing process in detail for cables highlighting the steps to control.
i) Contamination.
ii) Formation of water trees.
iii) Effects of by products of cross-linking.
iv) Stress control etc.
c) Cross section drawing of the cable.
d) Cable current ratings for different types of installation inclusive of all de rating
factors due to ambient temperature, grouping etc.
e) Over-Load characteristics of the cable without endangering the normal life and
electrical quality of the insulation.
f) Complete technical data of the cables.
g) List of Customers to whom the Cable of similar rating have been supplied.
h) Valid Calibration Certificate of instruments used for Testing purpose conducted
by Certified accredited Laboratory.

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Tender no. NEA-BRT-DCS-2071/072-(01)


( To be filled in by the Supplier )
1) Manufacturer's Name & Address :
2) Voltage Grade. : 19/33 KV
(For 33 KV sys.)
3) Core & Cross Section :
4) Type & Designation ( as per IS) :
5) List of Standards applicable :
6) Suitable for system with
a) Service Voltage
b) Neutral Earthing
7. Maximum Conductor Temperature. :
a) Continuous (in Deg. c) :
b) Short time (in Deg.c) :
8) Conductor :
a) Material to Is-8130 (Class/Grade) :
b) Size ( :
c) No./Nominal diameter of wires in each
conductor (No./mm.)
d) Form of conductro (Circulat/Shaped) :
9. Shielding/Screening on Conductor :
a) Material :
b) Type :
c) Whether thermosetting ? : (Yes/No.)
10 . Insulation
a) Material :
b) Type :
c) Minimum Thickness (mm) :
d) Whether triple co-extrusion with radiant
curing process ? : (Yes/No.)
11. Shielding/Screening on insulation
a) Material :
b) Type :
c) Thickness (mm) :

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Tender no. NEA-BRT-DCS-2071/072-(01)

i) Non-metallic :
ii) Metallic. :
12) Inner- Sheath :
a) Material :
b) Type :
c) Thickness (mm) :
d) Extruded/Wrapped. :
e) Approx. outside diameter over sheath (mm.) :
13) Armouring
a) Material :
b) Size :
c) D.C. Resistance at 20 Deg. c. (Ohm/Km.) :
d) A.C. Resistance at 20 Deg. c. :
14. Overall Sheath :
a) Material :
b) Type :
c) Thickness (mm) :
15. Approx. Overall diameter of the cable (mm.) :
16. Standard Drum length with tolerance (Mtr.) :
17. Net Weight of Cable (approx.) Kg/Km :
18. Continuous current rating for standard condition,
laid direct :
(a) In ground at temp. 30 deg.C :
(b) In duct at temp. 30 deg.C :
(c ) In air at temp. 40 deg.C :
19. Charging current at rated system voltage :
20. Short circuit current (maxm.) :
(a) for 1 sec.
(b) for 0.5 sec.
21. Electrical parameters :
(a) Maxm. D.C. resistance/km of conductor
at 20 deg.C :
(b) AC resistance/kilometer of conductor at
90 deg.C(approx.) :
c) Reactance/kilometer(approx.) :
d) Capacitance/Kilometer(approx.) :

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e) Di-electric losses at rated :

(Uo/U) system KV, 50 cycles/sec.
in Watts/KV/Phase)
22. Vol. Resistivity at 27 Deg. C (ohm/cm.) :
23. Recommended minimum bending radius :
24. Derating factor for following ambient
temperature in Air/Ground :
a) at 30 deg. C
b) at 35 deg. C
c) at 45 deg. C
25. Type test results of the similar cable to be furnished with tender (as specified under
clause-10 of the Spec.)
(a) Tests on Conductor
(i) Tensile test (for aluminum) :
(ii) Wrapping test (for aluminum) :
(iii) Resistance test :
(b) Test for armouring wires/strips :
(c) Test for thickness of insulation & Sheath
i) Tensile strength & elongation at break :
(ii) Ageing in air oven :
(iii) Hot test :
(iv) Shrinkage test :
(v) Water absorption (Gravimetric) :
(d) Physical
(i) Tensile strength and elongation at break :
(ii) Ageing in air oven :
(iii) Shrinkage test :
(iv) Hot deformation :
(v) Loss of mass in air oven :
(vi) Heat shock :
(vii) Thermal stability :
(e) Partial discharge test :
(f) Banding test :
(g) Di-electric power factor test
(i) As a function of Voltage
(ii) As a function of Temperature :

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(h) Insulation Resistance (Volume resistivity * Test :

(i) Heating Cycle Test :
(j) Impulse with stand test :
(k) High Voltage Test :
(l) Flammability Test :
26. Cable Drums :
(a) Length/Drum (Kg) :
(b) Dimension of Drum :
(c) Gross weight (Kg) :
27. Safe pulling force (Kg.) :
28. Partial Discharge value :
29. Details of the protective measures :
against attack by white ante, vermins etc.
to be XLPE's outer sheath during manufacture.
30. Type of curing of XLPE insulations :
31. Cut ends of the cable shall be sealed with .............. :
32. Cable identification shall be made as per
class 8.10 (Yes/No.) :
33. Cable Drums shall be marked with the with
the information's of clauses 9.1
conspicuously (Yes/No.) :

Signature ...................................

Name .........................................

Seal of the Firm .........................

Name of the Firm ......................

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Civil Works

This Section covers the works related to the excavation for foundation, backfilling,
excavation for drains, etc. The Contractor shall examine the Site and ascertain for himself
the nature thereof and the types of materials to be excavated.


(1) Earthwork includes two types of operations i.e. (i) earth excavation and disposal of
the excavated materials (ii) earth excavation and use of excavated materials. The use of
excavated materials may be in the form of backfilling, filling other areas as required.
Earth excavation and disposal implies excavation of all types of materials including
part of the structures below ground level except for otherwise specified, shaping the
exposed surface of excavation as specified or directed by the Engineer, removal, hauling
and disposal of the excavated material at the locations and in the manner as specified or
directed by the Engineer.
Excavation and filling implies excavation of materials and shaping the exposed surface
of excavation as stated above, removal, hauling and use of the excavated material at the
location and in the manner as specified or directed by the Engineer. Excavation and
disposal shall include:
Excavation and disposal of any type of material indicated on the Drawing.
The excavation and disposal of existing surfacing,
Excavation and disposal of unsuitable materials.
Excavation for foundation and disposal of materials.
(2) The following definitions of earthwork materials shall apply to this and other Clauses
of these specifications, if otherwise not specified.
"Topsoil" shall mean the top layer of soil that can support vegetation. It shall include all
turf acceptable for turfing.
"Rock material" shall comprise material, which in the opinion of the Engineer can be
removed either with drilling and blasting with explosives or continuous manual chiseling
or mechanical chipping with pneumatic tools.
"Common material" shall comprise all material that is not classified as rock
material. Common material shall include soil mixed with boulders that need not to be
"Suitable Material" shall mean all excavated material that can be used as construction
material in the Works in accordance with these Specifications.
"Unsuitable materials" shall mean material other than suitable material. Material
from swamps, marshes, bogs, organic material, silt, and clay or their mixture, discarded
top soil etc. in general are unsuitable material.

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Classification of common and rock material made by the Engineer shall be final and
binding on the Contractor.
Measurement will be limited to the lines, grades, slopes, and dimensions shown on the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
Original lines and levels of surfaces for measurement of depth shall be determined by
Contractor and submitted to the Engineer for approval before commencement of
excavation and will be arithmetic mean of representative levels taken at suitable intervals
prior to the execution of all earthworks.
(3) No excavated suitable material other than surplus to requirements of the contract shall
be removed from the site except on the direction of the Engineer. Should the Contractor
be permitted to remove suitable material from Site to suit his operational procedure, then
he shall make good at this own expense any consequent deficit of filling arising there
(4) Material in surplus to the total requirements of works, and all unsuitable materials
shall, unless the Engineer permits otherwise, be run to spoil dumps.
(5) Where the excavation reveals a combination of suitable and unsuitable materials the
Contractor shall carry out the excavation in such a manner that the suitable materials are
excavated separately for use in the works without contamination by the unsuitable
(6) The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the stockpiling of top-soil
and/or suitable material.
(7) At all times the Contractor shall ensure that earthworks are not damaged by weather or
traffic. In the event of such damage, the Engineer may withdraw approval from the
affected works until the Contractor has carried out repairs to restore the works to their
original condition.
Foundation trench shall be due to the exact width and depth and levels as indicated in the
drawings or to such lesser or greater extent as the Engineer may advice. Sides of trenches
shall be vertical. In case the soil does not permit vertical sides, the Contractor shall
protect side with timber shoring. Excavated earth shall not be placed within 1.5 meter of
the edge of the trench. The Project Engineer may direct the Contractor to place excavated
earth at a particular site up to 30 meter away from the building. The bottom of the
trench shall be perfectly leveled both longitudinally and transversely. The bed shall be
lightly watered and well-rammed. Excess digging if done through mistake shall be filled
with 1:4:8 concrete. Water, if any accumulated in the trench, shall be baled out and all
necessary precaution taken to prevent surface water from entering the trench. Soft and
defective spot in the trench shall be dug out and removed and filled with concrete or
materials prescribed by the Project Engineer. If rocks or boulders are found during
excavation, they should be removed and the bed trench shall be leveled and made hard by
consolidating the earth, at no extra cost. Above mentioned items or any variation thereof
from the Bills of Quantities shall be measured and valued by the Engineer as a variation.
After the completion of foundation masonry, the remaining portion of the trench not
filled by masonry shall be filled up with earth in layers of 15cm, watered and well-
rammed. Such filling shall be free from rubbish, refuse matters and clods, surplus earth,
if any shall be removed and site shall be leveled and dressed.
Trenches shall be measured as per drawings and rate shall be for complete Work
including trench filling, for 30 meter lead and 1.5 meter lift including all tools and plants

Civil Works for Cable Trench P a g e | 18

NEA,Biratnagar Distribution Centre, Technical Specification
Tender no. NEA-BRT-DCS-2071/072-(01)

required for the completion of the work, removal of boulders, side shoring, pumping, and
filling in voids by mass concrete (1:4:8).
No excavation or foundation work shall be filled in or covered up before the inspection
and approval of the Project Engineer.
The starting level for excavation shall be deemed to be ground level or such level as may
be specified by the Project Engineer, before the commencement of the Work.

Measurement of all works will be made in m³.
Measurement for payment under the contract will be limited to the lines, grades, slopes
and dimensions shown on the Drawings or as determined by the Engineer as the work
proceeds on the basis of his evaluation of the soil/rock characteristics and site-conditions
set forth in the Clause.
All required and accepted excavation shall be measured from its original position. The
volume shall be determined in cubic meters by average area method to be computed from
the original and final cross-sections of the completed works as per the drawings or as
directed by the Engineer. Where it is not practicable to use the above method of
measurement, the Engineer may use volumetric method or any other method that in his
opinion is best suited for accurate assessment.
Any over-excavation shall be reinstated at the risk and cost of the Contractor as directed
by the Engineer.

Payment for work under this clause will be made on the basis of contract unit price
indicated in the BOQ.
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material, labour, and equipment
to complete the works as specified.

The backfilling shall be done with excavated material in layer not exceeding 15 cm
depth with proper compaction. The measurement shall be done in cu.m and
payment shall be made as per BoQ.


After excavation the surface shall be made leveled as per direction of Engineer. Before
and after laying cable 10 cm thick well graded approved sand (Confirming specification
of Nepal Standard ) shall be filled through out the trench. Payment for work under this
clause will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BOQ. The payment
will be full and final compensation for all material, labour, and equipment to complete the
works as specified

Civil Works for Cable Trench P a g e | 19

NEA,Biratnagar Distribution Centre, Technical Specification
Tender no. NEA-BRT-DCS-2071/072-(01)


Drawings P a g e | 20
NEA,Biratnagar Distribution Centre, Technical Specification
Tender no. NEA-BRT-DCS-2071/072-(01)

Drawings P a g e | 21
NEA,Biratnagar Distribution Centre, Technical Specification
Tender no. NEA-BRT-DCS-2071/072-(01)

Drawings P a g e | 22

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