Academic Affairs & Regulations
Academic Affairs & Regulations
Academic Affairs & Regulations
Academic Regulations
All registered Undergraduate Students are bound by the University's Academic
Regulations of Undergraduate Studies. Students must know, understand and
adhere to the stated regulations.
Academic Ethics
As defined by UNIMAS Academic Regulations
Academic Session
ONE (1) University Academic Year consists of TWO (2) semesters, and ONE
(1) Intersession. This is also known as an academic session. For the weekly
breakdown of each semester, please refer to the Academic Calendar for
Undergraduate Studies.
Duration of Study
The duration of study for a Bachelor's programme is 4 years.
Credit Requirements
Credit Requirements for all Programmes : Computational Science, Information
System, Multimedia Computing, Software Engineering and Network Computing.
Assessment Information
The aim of assessment is to guide Students' learning to the stated learning
outcomes of the courses. This is done by ensuring that expected learning takes
place within the courses. Course level learning outcomes describe the level of
learning expected in the course, and are assessed by strategies appropriate to
that level of learning and the environment provided by the course. Thus,
programme outcomes will be achieved by progressively meeting appropriate
levels of knowledge, skills and understanding during the years of study. Examples
of assessment methods are assignments, project presentations and reports,
written examinations, and practical tests, all of which may require varying
combinations of individual and group contributions. Final grades given to the
student at the end of the course will be determined by the Faculty Examination
Board Committee, and will be endorsed by the University Senate.
Academic Support System: e-LEAP
e-LEAP ( is the official online learning system of UNIMAS. It
has a number of features and activities designed to engage learners and promote
collaborative, student-centered learning. e-LEAP provides full authority to Lecturers
of the University to manage and conduct online activities that would enhance
Student's learning experience. Only registered Students are allowed to participate in
courses offered by UNIMAS through e-LEAP.
UNIMAS is using GPA and CGPA as to measure the students grade. Students must
know how to calculate their CGPA and GPA:
Note: You are advised to use Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for easier calculation. You can start
targetting from first semester and maintain your target until final semester.
Student Academic Status
L Students are given the L status and are allowed to continue study if
they obtained CGPA 2.00 OR HIGHER except for the Medical
Programme which has other additional conditions yang determined by
the Faculty.
Lulus Mengulang Kursus
Conditional Pass
LB Students are given the LB status if they obtained CGPA BETWEEN 1.75
AND 1.99. These students will be warned to improve their GPA and CGPA
to 2.00 OR HIGHER in the following semester.
(i) Students should achieve at least 20% of the formative components (continuous
assessment) and at least 20% of the summative components (final assessment),
(ii) Students should achieve at least minimum marks = 45, total of formative and
summative marks.
These terms are only subject to core courses at FCSIT and not for generic courses, MPU and
TMU for other faculties.
Example of calculation:
Let say Student A is taking Course XYZ. The formative assessment (course work) for Course
XYZ is given as 60% and Summative (final assessment) is given as 40%.
Therefore, in order for Student A to pass the course, he must get at least:
(i) 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑠 = ∗ 60 = 12 marks