New Assessment Policy 2022
New Assessment Policy 2022
New Assessment Policy 2022
(*Any deviation from this needs to be approved through all levels i.e. Board of
Studies (SOS), Standing Committee of the Academic Council (SCAP) for the
respective programme (SCAP or Equivalent), and AC)
The grade point average (GPA) for a course will be the weighted average of the
grade points of individual assessments with the weights to be specified in the course
syllabus approved by the Board of Studies and Academic Council. This course GPA
will be converted to a letter grade according to the following table and the grade
point corresponding to that letter grade shall be used in subsequent calculation of
semester and cumulative grade point averages.
The 'passing grade' for each course is P. A student passing a course is awarded the
full number of credits corresponding to that course. A non-passing course grade
carries no credits.
In calculating a student's semester grade point average, a weighted average of the
grade points obtained by the student in the various courses is taken. In such
calculation, weights are the credits assigned to each course.
A cumulative grade shall be calculated for a student's performance through the
whole programme. The final/cumulative letter grade appears on the degree
certificate or diploma along with statements about the range of grade notations,
grade points and other essential details.
Passing Grade
The 'passing grade for each course is P, A student passing a course is awarded the
full number of credits corresponding to that course. A non-passing course grade
carries no credits.
(*Any deviation from this needs to be approved through all levels i.e. SOS, SCAP or
equivalent, and AC.)
Academic Promotion
(1) A student should not have failed more than 25% of the course credits of
the year. E.g. An MA (History) student needs to pass at least 24 credits out
of the required 32 credits in the 121 year to be promoted to 2nd year.
(*Any deviation from this needs to be approved through all levels i.e. SOS, SCAP or
equivalent, and AC.)
An MA Student who at the conclusion of the Semester III has not passed courses of
that or previous semesters stipulated by the school may be prevented from
conducting thesis work during semester IV.
The School concerned should clearly stipulate the requirements which prevent the
student from conducting Thesis work. Stipulation needs to be approved through all
levels is. BOS, SCAP or equivalent, and AC.
Credits for approved courses on MOOC Platforms
Students may be allowed to earn credits through MOOCs offered on the SWAYAM
platform in accordance with University Grants Commission (Credit Framework for
Online Learning Courses through Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring
Minds) Regulations, 2021 or such successor regulation as may be in force at that
point of time. For each particular MOOC for which a School seeks to grant credit,
prior approval must be obtained from the Board of Studies and the Academic
For BA Programme
3 years + 2 year (taken from the month of initial enrollment)
For MA Programmes
2 year + 2 year (taken from the month of initial enrollment)
The Programme Committee should clarify the requirement and conditions according
to which students may be awarded a PD as an exit option to an MA degree and get
the same approved through all required statutory levels to operationalise the above
exit option.
If a student repeats the same course voluntarily, multiple times, each times
credits will
count towards the total, which should not exceed 1/81, of the total programme
The student will take the course the next time it is offered and go through all
assessment situations as specified by the course Coordinator.
'I' grade may be awarded to a student in cases where due to some unavoidable
circumstances he/she has not been able to complete the assessments within the
respective semester.
Partial Repeat
The School shall clearly stipulate the PR policy. The policy needs to be duly
approved at all levels i.e. BOS, SCAP or equivalent and AC. The policy should
respect the overall assessment rules of AUD.
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