acknowledged receipt of a written notice of dismissal, with his separation pay.
Like Peña, Abion worked seven days a week, including holidays, without holiday pay,
SECOND DIVISION rest day pay, service incentive leave pay and night shift differential pay. When
terminated on October 27, 1992, Abion was receiving a monthly salary of P4,500.
[ G.R. No. 142244, November 18, 2002 ]
Peña and Abion filed separate complaints for illegal dismissal that were later
consolidated. Both claimed that their termination from service was due to petitioner’s
suspicion that they were the leaders in a plan to form a union to compete and replace
the existing management-dominated union.
On November 9, 1993, the labor arbiter dismissed their complaints on the ground that
DECISION the grievance machinery in the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) had not yet been
exhausted. Private respondents availed of the grievance process, but later on refiled
QUISUMBING, J.: the case before the NLRC in Region IV. They alleged “lack of sympathy” on petitioner’s
part to engage in conciliation proceedings.
Petitioner seeks the reversal of the decision[1] dated January 10, 2000 of the Court of
Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 52780, dismissing its petition for certiorari against the NLRC, Their cases were consolidated in the NLRC. At the initial mandatory conference,
as well as the resolution[2] dated February 24, 2000, denying its motion for petitioner filed a motion to dismiss, on the ground of lack of jurisdiction, alleging
reconsideration. private respondents themselves admitted that they were members of the employees’
union with which petitioner had an existing CBA. This being the case, according to
The antecedent facts of the case, as found by the Court of Appeals,[3] are as follows:
petitioner, jurisdiction over the case belonged to the grievance machinery and
Private respondent Jaime O. dela Peña was employed as a veterinary aide by petitioner thereafter the voluntary arbitrator, as provided in the CBA.
in December 1975. He was among several employees terminated in July 1989. On July In a decision dated January 30, 1996, the labor arbiter dismissed the complaint for lack
8, 1989, he was re-hired by petitioner and given the additional job of feedmill operator. of merit, finding that the case was one of illegal dismissal and did not involve the
He was instructed to train selected workers to operate the feedmill. interpretation or implementation of any CBA provision. He stated that Article 217 (c) of
On March 13, 1993,[4] Peña was allegedly caught urinating and defecating on company the Labor Code[6] was inapplicable to the case. Further, the labor arbiter found that
premises not intended for the purpose. The farm manager of petitioner issued a formal although both complainants did not substantiate their claims of illegal dismissal, there
notice directing him to explain within 24 hours why disciplinary action should not be was proof that private respondents voluntarily accepted their separation pay and
taken against him for violating company rules and regulations. Peña refused, however, petitioner’s financial assistance.
to receive the formal notice. He never bothered to explain, either verbally or in writing, Thus, private respondents brought the case to the NLRC, which reversed the labor
according to petitioner. Thus, on March 20, 1993, a notice of termination with payment arbiter’s decision. Dissatisfied with the NLRC ruling, petitioner went to the Court of
of his monetary benefits was sent to him. He duly acknowledged receipt of his Appeals by way of a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 65, seeking
separation pay of P13,918.67. reinstatement of the labor arbiter’s decision. The appellate court denied the petition
and affirmed the NLRC resolution with some modifications, thus:
From the start of his employment on July 8, 1989, until his termination on March 20,
1993, Peña had worked for seven days a week, including holidays, without overtime, WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The resolution in NLRC CA No.
holiday, rest day pay and service incentive leave. At the time of his dismissal from 010520-96 is AFFIRMED with the following modifications:
employment, he was receiving P180 pesos daily wage, or an average monthly salary of
P5,402. 1) The private respondents can not be reinstated, due to their acceptance of
the separation pay offered by the petitioner;
Co-respondent Marcial I. Abion[5] was a carpenter/mason and a maintenance man
whose employment by petitioner commenced on October 8, 1990. Allegedly, he caused 2) The private respondents are entitled to their full back wages; and,
the clogging of the fishpond drainage resulting in damages worth several hundred
thousand pesos when he improperly disposed of the cut grass and other waste 3) The amount of the separation pay received by private respondents from
materials into the pond’s drainage system. Petitioner sent a written notice to Abion, petitioner shall not be deducted from their full back wages.
requiring him to explain what happened, otherwise, disciplinary action would be taken
Costs against petitioner.
against him. He refused to receive the notice and give an explanation, according to
SO ORDERED.[7] not only respect but even finality, aside from the consideration here that this Court is
not a trier of facts. [13]
Petitioner forthwith filed its motion for reconsideration, which was denied in a resolution
dated February 24, 2000, which reads: Anent the second issue, Article 217 of the Labor Code provides that labor arbiters have
original and exclusive jurisdiction over termination disputes. A possible exception is
Acting on the Motion for Reconsideration filed by petitioner[s] which drew an provided in Article 261 of the Labor Code, which provides that-
opposition from private respondents, the Court resolved to DENY the
aforesaid motion for reconsideration, as the issues raised therein have been The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators shall have original
passed upon by the Court in its questioned decision and no substantial and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide all unresolved grievances
arguments were presented to warrant its reversal, let alone modification. arising from the interpretation or implementation of the Collective
Bargaining Agreement and those arising from the interpretation or
SO ORDERED.[8] enforcement of company personnel policies referred to in the immediately
preceding article. Accordingly, violations of a Collective Bargaining
In this petition now before us, petitioner alleges that the appellate court erred in:
Agreement, except those which are gross in character, shall no longer be
I. … DENYING THE PETITION FOR CERTIORARI AND IN EFFECT AFFIRMING THE treated as unfair labor practice and shall be resolved as grievances under
RULINGS OF THE PUBLIC RESPONDENT NLRC THAT THE PRIVATE RESPONDENTS WERE the Collective Bargaining Agreement. For purposes of this article, gross
ILLEGALLY DISMISSED; violations of Collective Bargaining Agreement shall mean flagrant and or
malicious refusal to comply with the economic provisions of such agreement.
AND FULL BACKWAGES; The Commission, its Regional Offices and the Regional Directors of the
Department of Labor and Employment shall not entertain disputes,
III. … RULING THAT PETITIONER IS LIABLE FOR COSTS OF SUIT.[9] grievances or matters under the exclusive and original jurisdiction of the
Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators and shall immediately
Petitioner contends that the dismissal of private respondents was for a just and valid dispose and refer the same to the grievance Machinery or Arbitration
cause, pursuant to the provisions of the company’s rules and regulations. It also alleges provided in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
lack of jurisdiction on the part of the labor arbiter, claiming that the cases should have
been resolved through the grievance machinery, and eventually referred to voluntary But as held in Vivero vs. CA,[14] “petitioner cannot arrogate into the powers of Voluntary
arbitration, as prescribed in the CBA. Arbitrators the original and exclusive jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters over unfair labor
practices, termination disputes, and claims for damages, in the absence of an express
For their part, private respondents contend that they were illegally dismissed from agreement between the parties in order for Article 262 of the Labor Code [Jurisdiction
employment because management discovered that they intended to form another over other labor disputes] to apply in the case at bar.”
union, and because they were vocal in asserting their rights. In any case, according to
private respondents, the petition involves factual issues that cannot be properly raised Moreover, per Justice Bellosillo:
in a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of Court.[10]
It may be observed that under Policy Instruction No. 56 of the Secretary of
In fine, there are three issues to be resolved: 1) whether private respondents were Labor, dated 6 April 1993, “Clarifying the Jurisdiction Between Voluntary
legally and validly dismissed; 2) whether the labor arbiter and the NLRC had Arbitrators and Labor Arbiters Over Termination Cases and Providing
jurisdiction to decide complaints for illegal dismissal; and 3) whether petitioner is liable Guidelines for the Referral of Said Cases Originally Filed with the NLRC to
for costs of the suit. the NCMB,” termination cases arising in or resulting from the interpretation
and implementation of collective bargaining agreements and interpretation
The first issue primarily involves questions of fact, which can serve as basis for the and enforcement of company personnel policies which were initially
conclusion that private respondents were legally and validly dismissed. The burden of processed at the various steps of the plant-level Grievance Procedures under
proving that the dismissal of private respondents was legal and valid falls upon the parties’ collective bargaining agreements fall within the original and
petitioner. The NLRC found that petitioner failed to substantiate its claim that both exclusive jurisdiction of the voluntary arbitrator pursuant to Art. 217 (c) and
private respondents committed certain acts that violated company rules and Art. 261 of the Labor Code; and, if filed before the Labor Arbiter, these cases
regulations,[11] hence we find no factual basis to say that private respondents’ dismissal shall be dismissed by the Labor Arbiter for lack of jurisdiction and referred to
was in order. We see no compelling reason to deviate from the NLRC ruling that their the concerned NCMB Regional Branch for appropriate action towards an
dismissal was illegal, absent a showing that it reached its conclusion arbitrarily.[12] expeditious selection by the parties of a Voluntary Arbitrator or Panel of
Moreover, factual findings of agencies exercising quasi-judicial functions are accorded Arbitrators based on the procedures agreed upon in the CBA.
As earlier stated, the instant case is a termination dispute falling under the advance by the parties to a CBA. Consequently only disputes involving the union and
original and exclusive jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter, and does not the company shall be referred to the grievance machinery or voluntary arbitrators. In
specifically involve the application, implementation or enforcement of these termination cases of private respondents, the union had no participation, it
company personnel policies contemplated in Policy Instruction No. 56. having failed to object to the dismissal of the employees concerned by the petitioner. It
Consequently, Policy Instruction No. 56 does not apply in the case at bar.[15] is obvious that arbitration without the union’s active participation on behalf of the
xxx dismissed employees would be pointless, or even prejudicial to their cause.
Records show, however, that private respondents sought without success to avail of the Coming to the merits of the petition, the NLRC found that petitioner did not comply
grievance procedure in their CBA.[16] On this point, petitioner maintains that by so with the requirements of a valid dismissal. For a dismissal to be valid, the employer
doing, private respondents recognized that their cases still fell under the grievance must show that: (1) the employee was accorded due process, and (2) the dismissal
machinery. According to petitioner, without having exhausted said machinery, the must be for any of the valid causes provided for by law.[22] No evidence was shown that
private respondents filed their action before the NLRC, in a clear act of forum-shopping. private respondents refused, as alleged, to receive the notices requiring them to show
[17]However, it is worth pointing out that private respondents went to the NLRC only cause why no disciplinary action should be taken against them. Without proof of notice,
after the labor arbiter dismissed their original complaint for illegal dismissal. Under private respondents who were subsequently dismissed without hearing were also
these circumstances private respondents had to find another avenue for redress. We deprived of a chance to air their side at the level of the grievance machinery. Given the
agree with the NLRC that it was petitioner who failed to show proof that it took steps to fact of dismissal, it can be said that the cases were effectively removed from the
convene the grievance machinery after the labor arbiter first dismissed the complaints jurisdiction of the voluntary arbitrator, thus placing them within the jurisdiction of the
for illegal dismissal and directed the parties to avail of the grievance procedure under labor arbiter. Where the dispute is just in the interpretation, implementation or
Article VII of the existing CBA. They could not now be faulted for attempting to find an enforcement stage, it may be referred to the grievance machinery set up in the CBA, or
impartial forum, after petitioner failed to listen to them and after the intercession of the brought to voluntary arbitration. But, where there was already actual termination, with
labor arbiter proved futile. The NLRC had aptly concluded in part that private alleged violation of the employee’s rights, it is already cognizable by the labor arbiter.
respondents had already exhausted the remedies under the grievance procedure.[18] It
erred only in finding that their cause of action was ripe for arbitration.
In sum, we conclude that the labor arbiter and then the NLRC had jurisdiction over the
cases involving private respondents’ dismissal, and no error was committed by the
In the case of Maneja vs. NLRC, we held that the dismissal case does not fall within
appellate court in upholding their assumption of jurisdiction.
the phrase “grievances arising from the interpretation or implementation of the
collective bargaining agreement and those arising from the interpretation or However, we find that a modification of the monetary awards is in order. As a
enforcement of company personnel policies.” In Maneja, the hotel employee was consequence of their illegal dismissal, private respondents are entitled to reinstatement
dismissed without hearing. We ruled that her dismissal was unjustified, and her right to to their former positions. But since reinstatement is no longer feasible because
due process was violated, absent the twin requirements of notice and hearing. We also petitioner had already closed its shop, separation pay in lieu of reinstatement shall be
held that the labor arbiter had original and exclusive jurisdiction over the termination
awarded.[24] A terminated employee’s receipt of his separation pay and other monetary
case, and that it was error to give the voluntary arbitrator jurisdiction over the illegal
benefits does not preclude reinstatement or full benefits under the law, should
dismissal case.
reinstatement be no longer possible.[25] As held in Cariño vs. ACCFA:[26]
In Vivero vs. CA,[20] private respondents attempted to justify the jurisdiction of the
Acceptance of those benefits would not amount to estoppel. The reason is
voluntary arbitrator over a termination dispute alleging that the issue involved the
plain. Employer and employee, obviously, do not stand on the same footing.
interpretation and implementation of the grievance procedure in the CBA. There, we
The employer drove the employee to the wall. The latter must have to get
held that since what was challenged was the legality of the employee’s dismissal for
hold of the money. Because out of job, he had to face the harsh necessities
lack of cause and lack of due process, the case was primarily a termination dispute.
of life. He thus found himself in no position to resist money proffered. His,
The issue of whether there was proper interpretation and implementation of the CBA
then, is a case of adherence, not of choice. One thing sure, however, is that
provisions came into play only because the grievance procedure in the CBA was not
petitioners did not relent their claim. They pressed it. They are deemed not
observed, after he sought his union’s assistance. Since the real issue then was whether
to have waived their rights. Renuntiato non praesumitur.
there was a valid termination, there was no reason to invoke the need to interpret nor
question an implementation of any CBA provision. Conformably, private respondents are entitled to separation pay equivalent to one
month’s salary for every year of service, in lieu of reinstatement.[27] As regards the
One significant fact in the present petition also needs stressing. Pursuant to Article
award of damages, in order not to further delay the disposition of this case, we find it
260[21] of the Labor Code, the parties to a CBA shall name or designate their respective
necessary to expressly set forth the extent of the backwages as awarded by the
representatives to the grievance machinery and if the grievance is unsettled in that
appellate court. Pursuant to R.A. 6715, as amended, private respondents shall be
level, it shall automatically be referred to the voluntary arbitrators designated in
entitled to full backwages computed from the time of their illegal dismissal up to the
date of promulgation of this decision without qualification, considering that Bataan Shipyard and Engineering Corporation vs. NLRC, 269 SCRA 199, 209-210
reinstatement is no longer practicable under the circumstances.[28] (1997); Aurora Land Projects Corporation vs. NLRC, 266 SCRA 48, 58-59 (1997).
Having found private respondents’ dismissal to be illegal, and the labor arbiter and the [14] 344 SCRA 268, 281 (2000). Stress supplied.
NLRC duly vested with jurisdiction to hear and decide their cases, we agree with the
appellate court that petitioner should pay the costs of suit. [15] Id. at 282.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED for lack of merit. The decision of the Court of [16] CA Rollo, pp. 61-62.
Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 52780 is AFFIRMED with the MODIFICATION that petitioner
is ordered to pay private respondents (a) separation pay, in lieu of their reinstatement, [17] Id. at 14.
equivalent to one month’s salary for every year of service, (b) full backwages from the
date of their dismissal up to the date of the promulgation of this decision, together with
[18] Id. at 23.
(c) the costs of suit. [19] 290 SCRA 603, 616 (1998).
[20] 344 SCRA 268 (2000).
Bellosillo, (Chairman), Mendoza, and Callejo, Sr., JJ., concur. [21]ART. 260. Grievance Machinery and Voluntary Arbitration.—The parties to a
Austria-Martinez, J., on leave.
Collective Bargaining Agreement shall include therein provisions that will ensure the
mutual observance of its terms and conditions. They shall establish a machinery for the
adjustment and resolution of grievances arising from the interpretation or
implementation of their Collective Bargaining Agreement and those arising from the
[1] Rollo, pp. 32-45. interpretation or enforcement of company personnel policies. See also Maneja vs.
NLRC, supra.
[2] Id. at 47.
All grievances submitted to the grievance machinery which are not settled within seven
[3] Id. at 33-35. (7) calendar days from the date of its submission shall automatically be referred to
voluntary arbitration prescribed in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
[4] Erroneously stated as March 13, 1995 in NLRC Resolution and CA Decision.
For this purpose, parties to a Collective Bargaining Agreement shall name and
[5] Referred also as Marcial L. Abion in NLRC Resolution and CA Decision. designate in advance a Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, or include
in the agreement a procedure for the selection of such Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of
[6] ART. 217. Jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters and the Commission.–
Voluntary Arbitrators, preferably from the listing of qualified Voluntary Arbitrators duly
xxx accredited by the Board. In case the parties fail to select a Voluntary Arbitrator or panel
of Voluntary Arbitrators, the Board shall designate the Voluntary Arbitrators, as may be
(c) Cases arising from the interpretation or implementation of collective bargaining necessary, pursuant to the selection procedure agreed upon in the Collective Bargaining
agreements and those arising from the interpretation or enforcement of company Agreement, which shall act with the same force and effect as if the Arbitrator or panel
personnel policies shall be disposed of by the Labor Arbiter by referring the same to the of Arbitrators has been selected by the parties as prescribed.
grievance machinery and voluntary arbitration as may be provided in said agreements.
[22] Magcalas vs. NLRC, 269 SCRA 453, 470 (1997); Pepsi-Cola Distributors of the
[7] Rollo, pp. 44-45. Philippines, Inc. vs. NLRC, 272 SCRA 267, 274-275 (1997).
[8] Id. at 47. Maneja vs. NLRC, 290 SCRA 603, 616 (1998), citing Sanyo Philippines Workers
[27]Iriga Telephone Co., Inc. vs. NLRC, 286 SCRA 600, 609 (1998); Kathy-O Enterprises
vs. NLRC, 286 SCRA 729, 740 (1998).
Mabeza vs. NLRC, 271 SCRA 670, 687 (1997), citing Bustamante vs. NLRC, 265
SCRA 61 (1996).