Study of A Centrifugal Pump, Pipe Fittings and Valves - Ch.E 206
Study of A Centrifugal Pump, Pipe Fittings and Valves - Ch.E 206
Study of A Centrifugal Pump, Pipe Fittings and Valves - Ch.E 206
The objective of this experiment was to learn about the centrifugal pump associated pipe
fittings and valves .The experiment was also to know about their use in industrial and domestic
purposes .Though centrifugal pump is our interest this report also includes working principle,
characteristics and classification of pumps and advantages and disadvantages of various types
of pumps. This report is an attempt to attribute some of the reasons that account for the curve
with a pump that can help us for the better selection of a pump for various purposes.The other
purposes are physical observation of some pipe fittings and valves and drawing sketches.The
main purpose of the experiment was fulfilled as all the necessary things that is needed for
studying a centrifugal pump, pipe fittings and valves were known.
Pumps are fluid motive device and used to transfer liquid from low-pressure zones to high
pressure zones through conduits. For industrial purpose the movement of fluid is very
important. For the movement of fluid from one vessel to another of through a transmission line
some potential is required. Pumps are such fluid movers which add some momentum on fluid
so that the fluid can have higher potential than its destination and flow thereby. Over the years,
numerous pumps designs have evolved to meet differing equipments. The basic requirements
to define the application are suction and delivery pressures, pressure loss in transmission, and
the flow rate. Special requirements may exist food, pharmaceutical, nuclear, and other
industries that impose materials selection requirements of the pumps. The primary means of
transfer of energy to the fluid that causes flow are gravity, displacement, centrifugal force,
electromagnetic force, transfer of momentum, mechanical impulse, and a combination of these
energy transfer mechanisms. Gravity and centrifugal force are the most common energy
transfer mechanism in use.
Various kinds of pumps are used in different industries for different purposes. It is essential for
an engineer to have some basic knowledge about the classification, construction, advantages
and disadvantages of different kinds of pumps. The engineers need to know several specific
characteristics of the pump. These are the capacity, the energy or head supplied to the fluid,
the power required to run the pump and the efficiency of the unit. It is also must be known that
what kind of pump one should use to serve the purpose and why one should use that particular
pump for that particular purpose.
There are six methods by which fluids can be made to move through a conduits or channel:
Pumps are classified in various ways. These classifications tell about the operation of the pump,
the prime mover of the pump, and its construction.One of the major classifications of pumps is
by their displacement.
Under this system all pumps may be divided into two major categories:
Positive Displacement pumps.
Dynamic (kinetic) pumps
To bring a sense of order to the profusion of types, the Hydraulic institute has published a
classification chart of pump types.The classification given by the Hydraulic institute is given
Positive displacement pumps deliver a fixed flow rate under all conditions. A positive
displacement pump will create whatever pressure is necessary to supply a constant amount of
fluid for every stroke or revolution. Because these pumps always attempt to deliver a set
quantity of fluid regardless of system pressure, a relief valve must be installed to protect both
the pump and piping system from possible over-pressurization by the pump. Positive
displacement pumps are self-priming meaning that they will create a suction strong enough to
draw fluid up into its suction side from a tank below. Most of the pumps found in viscous fluid
systems (fuel oil, lube oil and other fluids with a high viscosity) are positive displacement
1.Reciprocating pump
Reciprocating Pumps are one type of positive displacement pump. They move a fluid by means
of a plunger or piston that reciprocates inside a cylinder. Each stroke displaces a certain definite
quantity of liquid, regardless of the resistance acting against the pump. Most of these pumps
are steam or air driven and their capacity determined by three factors: speed, cylinder
diameter, and length of stroke.
Practically well suited for pumping viscous fluids because the high rate of shear
acting on the cylinder walls serve as an additional packing.
It is good for attaining high pressures.
This is used for metering fluids because of its positive displacement
Liquids containing abrasive solids should not be pumped with a reciprocating
pump because of damage to the machine surface.
This type of pump has odd size, high maintenance and high initial cost
2.Rotary pump
Rotary pumps work by means of rotating parts which trap liquid at the suction side and force it
through the discharge outlet. The power end of a rotary pump is usually an electric motor or a
turbine. Some lube oil pumps are attached to and driven by the main reduction gear shafting.
Reverse rotation of a rotary pump will cause fluid flow backwards. This situation could cause
serious damage to a system by over-pressurizingthe low pressure suction piping and by
interrupting flow to the system. This situation is corrected by installing a check valve in the
system along with a small recirculation line. On some equipment (such as forced draft blowers),
these pumps produce flow in only one direction.
Typical reciprocating pumps are:
Plunger pumps: A reciprocating plunger pushes the fluid through one or two open valves,
closed by suction on the way back. Plunger pumps are single acting and usually motor driven.
They can discharge against a pressure of 1500 atmosphere or more.
This pump is capable of delivering a nearly constant capacity against all
pressures within the limits of the pump design.
This is capable of pumping fluids of all viscosities.
They typically have larger flow capacity and operate at low pressures.
The diaphragm contacts the fluid, eliminating contamination from the drive
The fluid must be free of abrasive materials to avoid the damage of machine
They deliver a pulsating flow to the output because each functional element
moves a set, captured volume of fluid from suction to discharge.
1.Centrifugal pump
One of the most widely used non-positive displacement pumps is the centrifugal pump. It
utilizes the throwing force of a rapidly revolving impeller. Liquid supplied to the center of the
impeller or "eye" of the impeller discharges at the outer rim. In traveling this distance, the
water or other fluid has acquired considerable velocity. A volute or a series of diffusing
passages slow down the fluid. As the velocity of the liquid decreases, its pressure increases
(velocity head decreases, pressure head increases).
The size of the impeller and the pump casing vary greatly with the type of centrifugal pump.
Centrifugal pumps are often classified by a type number known as the specific speed that varies
with the shape of the impeller.
The single stage pump will not develop a high pressure. The multistage pumps
will develop greater heads but they are very much more expensive and readily
be made in corrosion-resistant material because of their greater complexity. It
is generally better to use very high speeds in order to reduce the number of
stages required.
It operates at a high efficiency over only a limited range of conditions. This
applies specially to turbine pumps.
Depending on the construction centrifugal pumps may be classified into two major classes:
Single-stage centrifugal pump
Multi- stage centrifugal pump
Single-Stage Centrifugal Pumps: A centrifugal pump consisting of only one impeller is referred
to as single-stage centrifugal pump. It is constructed of single-stage pedestal mounted unit with
a single impeller and a single packing box. There are different types of single-stage centrifugal
pumps which are briefly discussed below:
Double suction single-stage pumps are of different operating units made of iron or bronze to
flow liquids that are noncorrosive to iron or bronze are being handled.
Closed couple single-stage pump equipped with a built-in electric motor or sometimes steam-
turbine driven (i.e., with a pump impeller and driver on the same shaft).
Canned motor pumps are closed couple units in which the cavity housing the motor rotor and
the pump casing are interconnected.
Figure in next page shows a diagram of the arrangement of the impellers of a four-stage pump.
The water enters the pump from the top left and passes through each of the four impellers in
series, going from left to right. The water goes from the volute surrounding the discharge of
one impeller to the suction of the next impeller.
A pump stage is defined as that portion of a centrifugal pump consisting of one impeller and its
associated components. Most centrifugal pumps are single-stage pumps, containing only one
impeller. A pump containing seven impellers within a single casing would be referred to as a
seven-stage pump or, or generally, as a multi-stage pump.
The former consists of an impeller and a shaft, while the latter is composed of a casing, casing
cover, and bearings. The main components are discussed in brief below.
Stationary Components:
Centrifugal pump casings may be of several designs, but the main function is to convert the
velocity to the fluid by the impeller into useful pressure energy. In addition to this, the casing
serves to contain the fluid and to provide an inlet and outlet for the pump. Casings are
generally of two types: volute and diffuser. The impellers are fitted inside the casings.
1. Volute casings build a higher head; circular casings are used for low head and high
capacity.A volute is a curved funnel increasing in area to the discharge port. As the area of the
cross-section increases, the volute reduces the speed of the liquid and increases the pressure of
the liquid.
2. Diffuser casing have stationary diffusion vanes surrounding the impeller periphery that
convert velocity energy to pressure energy. Diffusers are interposed between the impeller
discharge and the casing chamber. Conventionally, the diffusers are applied to multi-stage
The casings can be designed either as solid casings or split casings.
a. Solid casing implies a design in which the entire casing including the discharge nozzle is all
contained in one casting or fabricated piece.
b. Split casing implies two or more parts are fastened together. When the casing parts are
divided by horizontal plane, the casing is described as horizontally split or axially split casing.
When the split is in a vertical plane perpendicular to the rotation axis, the casing is described as
vertically split or radially split casing. Casing Wear rings act as the seal between the casing and
the impeller.
The suction and discharge nozzles are part of the casings itself. They commonly have the
following configurations.
1. End suction/Top discharge- The suction nozzle is located at the end of and concentric to,
the shaft while the discharge nozzle is located at the top of the case perpendicular to the shaft.
This pump is always of an overhung type and typically has lower NPSHr because the liquid feeds
directly into the impeller eye.
2. Top suction / Top discharge nozzle -The suction and discharge nozzles are located at the top
of the case perpendicular to the shaft. This pump can either be an overhung type or between-
bearing type but is always a radially split case pump.
3. Side suction / Side discharge nozzles - The suction and discharge nozzles are located at the
sides of the case perpendicular to the shaft. This pump can have either an axially or radially
split case type.
Seal chamber and Stuffing box both refer to a chamber, either integral with or separate from
the pump case housing that forms the region between the shaft and casing where sealing
media are installed. When the sealing is achieved by means of a mechanical seal, the chamber
is commonly referred to as a Seal Chamber. When the sealing is achieved by means of packing,
the chamber is referred to as a Stuffing Box. Both the seal chamber and the stuffing box have
the primary function of protecting the pump against leakage at the point where the shaft
passes out through the pump pressure casing. When the pressure at the bottom of the
chamber is below atmospheric, it prevents air leakage into the pump. When the pressure is
above atmospheric, the chambers prevent liquid leakage out of the pump. The seal chambers
and stuffing boxes are also provided with cooling or heating arrangement for proper
temperature control.
Gland: The gland is a very important part of the seal chamber or the stuffing box. It gives the
packing or the mechanical seal the desired fit on the shaft sleeve. It can be easily adjusted in
axial direction. The gland comprises of the seal flush, quench, cooling, drain, and vent
connection ports.
Throat Bushing: The bottom or inside end of the chamber is provided with a stationary device
called throat bushing that forms a restrictive close clearance around the sleeve (or shaft)
between the seal and the impeller.
Throttle Bushing refers toa device that forms a restrictive close clearance around the sleeve (or
shaft) at the outboard end of a mechanical seal gland.
Internal circulating device refers to device located in the seal chamber to circulate seal
chamber fluid through a cooler or barrier/buffer fluid reservoir. Usually it is referred to as a
pumping ring.
Bearing housing
The bearing housing encloses the bearings mounted on the shaft. The bearings keep the shaft
or rotor in correct alignment with the stationary parts under the action of radial and transverse
loads. The bearing house also includes an oil reservoir for lubrication, constant level oiler,
jacket for cooling by circulating cooling water.
Rotating Components
The impeller is the main rotating part that provides the centrifugal acceleration to the fluid.
Vortex pump impellers are great for solids and "stringy" materials but they are up to 50% less
efficient than conventional designs. The number of impellers determines the number of stages
of the pump. A single stage pump has one impeller only and is best for low head service. A two-
Closed impeller
Closed impellers require wear rings and these wear rings present another maintenance
problem. The fluid enters the eye of the impeller where the vanes add energy to the fluid and
direct it to the discharge nozzle. There is no impeller to volute or back plate clearance to set.
Wear rings restrict the amount of discharge fluid that recalculates back to the suction side of
the impeller. When this wear ring clearance becomes excessive the wear rings must be
Open impeller
The open impeller has all the parts visible. The pump is less costly to build with a simple open
impeller design. Open impellers are less likely to clog, but need manual adjustment to the
volute or back-plate to get the proper impeller setting and prevent internal re-circulation. The
impeller to volute or back plate clearance must be adjusted when the pump is at operating
temperature and all axial thermal growth has occurred.
In the straight vane single-suction closed impeller the surfaces of the vanes are generated by
straight line parallel to the axis of rotation.
The double-suction impeller is, in effect, two single suction impellers arranged back to back in a
single casing. For handling liquids containing stringy materials and soft solids, these two
impellers are likely to become clogged because of restricted flow passages.
A non-clogging impeller is designed to have large flow passages to lessen the possibility of
Open impellers have vanes attached to a central hub and are well adapted for pumping
abrasive solids.
The basic purpose of a centrifugal pump shaft is to transmit the torques encountered when
starting and during operation while supporting the impeller and other rotating parts. It must do
this job with a deflection less than the minimum clearance between the rotating and stationary
1. Shaft Sleeve: The most common shaft sleeve function is that of protecting the shaft from
wear at packing and mechanical seals. Shaft sleeves serving other functions are given specific
names to indicate their purpose. For example, a shaft sleeve used between two multistage
pump impellers in conjunction with the inter-stage bushing to form an inter-stage leakage joint
is called an inter-stage or distance sleeve.
2. Coupling: Couplings can compensate for axial growth of the shaft and transmit torque to
the impeller. Shaft couplings can be broadly classified into two groups: rigid and flexible. Rigid
couplings are used in applications where there is absolutely no possibility or room for any
misalignment. Flexible shaft couplings are more prone to selection, installation and
Elastomeric couplings use either rubber or polymer elements to achieve flexibility. These
elements can either be in shear or in compression. Tire and rubber sleeve designs are elastomer
in shear couplings; jaw and pin and bushing designs are elastomer in compression couplings.
Non-elastomeric couplings use metallic elements to obtain flexibility. These can be one of two
types: lubricated or non-lubricated. Lubricated designs accommodate misalignment by the
sliding action of their components, hence the need for lubrication. The non-lubricated designs
accommodate misalignment through flexing. Gear, grid and chain couplings are examples of
non-elastomeric, lubricated couplings.
Working principle
The basic equations relating the power, developed head, and capacity of a centrifugal pump are
derived for the ideal pump from fundamental principles of fluid dynamics. Since the
performance of an actual pump differs considerably from that of an ideal one, actual pump are
designed by applying experimentally measured corrections to the ideal situation.
Pump cavitation is defined as the formation of cavities on the back surface of an impeller and
the resulting loss of contact between the impeller and the water being pumped .These cavities
are zones of partial vacuum which fill with water vapor as the surrounding water boils due to
the reduced pressure in the cavities. The cavities are displaced with the flowing water along
the pump impeller surfaces toward the outer circumference of the impellers. As they move
toward the circumference, the pressure in the surrounding water increases, and the cavities
collapse against the impellers with considerable force. The force created by the collapse of the
cavities often causes erosion and rapid wear of the pump impellers as well as a characteristic
noise during pump operation.
The process of cavitation is caused by the reduction in pressure behind the impellers to the
point that the water vaporizes (boils). Thus, it can be caused by any combination of factors
which allow pressure to drop to that point, including inadequate submergence or excessive
suction lift so that little pressure is available to move water into the pump, high impeller speeds
which cause extremely low pressures to be generated behind the impellers, restricted pump
intake lines which prevent water from moving readily into the pump, and high water tempera-
tures which decrease the pressure at which water vaporizes.
Suction head (SH) must be added instead of subtracted if the water source is located above the
eye of the pump impeller (submerged pump). An accurate determination of NPSH a is critical for
any centrifugal pump application.
The NPSHr (net positive suction head required) is a measure of the head necessary to transfer
water into the impeller vanes efficiently and without cavitation (see the discussion of cavitation
in a later section of this lecture). The NPSH r required by a specific centrifugal pump depends on
the pump design and flow rate. It is constant for a given head, flow, rotational speed and
impeller diameter. However, it changes with wear and different liquids since it depends,
respectively, on the impeller geometry and on the density and viscosity of the fluid. For a given
pump, NPSHr increases with increases in pump speed, flow rate, and water temperature.
The value of NPSHr is provided by the manufacturer for each specific pump model and it is
normally shown as a separate curve on a set of pump characteristic curves. To avoid cavitation
NPSHa must always be equal to or greater than NPSHr.
For any pump, the manufacturers specify the minimum value of the net positive suction head
(NPSH) which must exist at the suction point of the pump. The NPSH is the amount by which
the pressure at the suction point of the pump, expressed as the head of the liquid to be
pumped, must exceed the vapor pressure of the liquid. For any installation this must be
calculated, taking into account the absolute pressure of the liquid, the level of the pump, and
the velocity and friction heads in the suction line. The NPSH must allow for the fall in pressure
occasioned by the further acceleration of the liquid as it flows on to the impeller and for
irregularities in the flow pattern in the pump. If the required value of NPSH is not obtained,
partial vaporization if liable to occur, with the result that both the suction head and delivery
head may be reduced. The loss of suction head is more important because it may cause the
pump to be starved of liquid.
If the vapor pressure of liquid is Pv, the NPSH is the difference between the total head at the
suction inlet and the head corresponding to the vapor pressure of the liquid at the pump inlet.
Pump action and the performance of a pump are defined in terms of their
characteristic curves. These curves correlate the capacity of the pump in unit volume per unit
time versus discharge or differential pressures. The fluid quantities involved in all hydraulic
machines are the flow rates (Q) and the head (H), whereas the mechanical quantities associated
with the machine itself are the power (P), speed (N), size (D) and efficiency (). Although they
are of equal importance, the emphasis placed on certain of these quantities is different for
different pumps. The output of a pump running at a given speed is the flow rate delivered by it
and the head developed. Thus, a plot of head and flow rate at a given speed forms the
fundamental performance characteristic of a pump. In order to achieve this performance, a
power input is required which involves efficiency of energy transfer. Thus, it is useful to plot
also the power P and the efficiency against Q.
Theoretical Head
Shock Loss
In the above figure, the theoretical head flow rate (often called ‘head-capacity) relation is a
straight line, the actual developed head is considerably less and drops precipitously to zero as
the rate increase to a certain value in any given pump. This is known as the ‘zero-head flow
rate’; it is the maximum flow that the pump can deliver under any conditions. The rated or
optimum operating flow rate is, of course less than this. The difference between the theoretical
and actual curves results primarily from circulatory flow. Other contributing factors to the head
loss are fluid friction in the passages and channels of the pump and shock losses from the
sudden change in direction of the liquid leaving the impeller and joining the stream of liquid
traveling circumferentially around the casting.
This curve relates head produced by a pump to the volume of water pumped per unit time.
Generally, the head produced decreases as the amount of water pumped increases. The shape
of the curve varies with pump's specific speed and impeller design. Usually, the highest head is
produced at zero discharge and it is called the shut-off head.
Power curve
Typical curves of fluid power ‘Pf’ and total power ‘PB’ versus flow rate is shown in figure. The
differences between ideal and actual performance represents the power lost in the pump; it
results from fluid friction and shock losses both of which are conversion of mechanical energy
into heat, and by leakage, disk friction and bearing losses. Leakage is the unavoidable reverse
Efficiency curve
Efficiency curve
The pump efficiency is the ratio of fluid power to the total power input. The curve shows that
the efficiency rises rapidly with flow rate at low rates, reaches a maximum in the region of the
rated capacity, and then falls as the flow rate approaches the zero-head value. This is defined as
. Theoretically the efficiency remains same with increase of flow rate, which is a horizontal line
as shown in the figure. Efficiency increases with the increase in volumetric flow rate, reaches a
maximum value and then drops with the increase of volumetric flow rate. Efficiency,
η=Total ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
(i) Double suction single stage centrifugal pump : These pumps are used for
general water supply and circulating services and for chemical services when handling
liquids that are non-corrosive to iron or bronze.
(ii) Canned motor centrifugal pump:They are widely used for handling organic
solvent, organic head transfer liquids and light oils as well as many clean toxic or
hazardous liquids or for installation in which leakage is an economic problems.
(iii) Closed coupled centrifugal pump: These pumps are extremely compact and are
suitable for a variety of services where standard iron and bronze materials are
(iv) Multi stage centrifugal pump: These pumps are used for services requiring
higher heads (pressure), and then can be generated by single stage pumps. Such
services include higher-pressure water supply pumps, fire pumps, boiler feed pumps
and change pump for refinery process.
This type of pump is of four classes; those are jet or ejector type, gas lift, hydraulic ram, and
electromagnetic type. The jet pumps are used for household water systems, are composed of a
In the jet pump the jet issuing from the nozzle creates a vacuum behind it,
which causes well water to be drawn up along with the jet.
Liquid metals having high electrical conductivity are pumped with this device.
When the gas-lifting pump is used we must take care of that the gas pressure is
in control, otherwise it could be harmful.
Selection of right type of pump for different fluid and operating conditions can be daunting
because of the large number of options to fit various operating conditions:
Selection criteria:
Selection of process pumps can be mainly divided on the basis of liquid characteristics as well as
on other following conditions:
o Pumps for viscous liquids
o Pumps for clear liquids
o Pumps for low flow
o Pumps for corrosive liquids
o Pumps for slurry
o Pumps for specific service
o Pumps for high pressure service
o Specific Gravity: It affects the pump life along with performance of the pump.
o Temperature: The operating temperature at the pump is an important factor affecting
overall performance of the pump. While considering temperature, the combined
ambient and liquid temperature along with the temperature rise due to evaluation of
heart from the resistance in the system shall be taken into consideration. As per general
experience, pumps can perform efficiently with trouble-free operation over an
approximate temperature of up to 80°C.
o Space available for pump: It helps in selecting the pump, i.e. horizontal or vertical. It
also influences the model and size of the pump.
Ease in operation and maintenance
Lubricating system
Availability of spare parts
Cost factor
Efficiency of pump at duty point
Arrangement for minimizing gland leakage, etc
Material of construction, etc
Drive system and reliability.
Comparison between positive displacement pump (PDP) and dynamic pump
The relative performance is quite different for the two types of pump as shown in figure. At
constant shaft rotation speed, the PDP produces nearly constant flow rate and virtually
unlimited pressure rise, with little effect of viscosity. In case of dynamic pump high viscosity
fluid sharply degrades the pump performance
The aim of the experiment was to make us known about the centrifugal pump associated with
pipe fittings and valves and their use in industrial and household purposes . Here the process of
our learning and the observation of different curve was appreciable and it will be very helpful in
working field. The advantages and disadvantages of pumps and the pump selection criteria will
help us to choose the right pump for different purposes.But this experiment would be more
effective if practical applications could be shown.However,The goal of this experiment was
fulfilled as we could know about all the necessary things that is needed for studying a
centrifugal pump, pipe fittings and valves.