Ged105 MRR2
Ged105 MRR2
Ged105 MRR2
One might say that Global South and Global North are “equal” but that is not the case.
They are in fact “inequalities” which makes a significant gap between the two. It
includes the natural resources, different levels of handling and giving health and
education. The nature of a country’s economy and its industrial sectors; international
trading policies and access to markets. The one thing that also plays a major gap is how
the countries in each side is being governed. No matter how we look at it, Global South
SSC organizations are the key players in giving opportunities, replanning/planning, and
challenges to the south. As such, they assist to one another to fill up the induvial
disadvantages of each country in the south. Although the Global South are inferior to
Global North, they make use of what they got and is proving that through cooperation,
they can develop. The rising power help the Global South to receive benefits, especially
to the developing countries in the Global South. Mutual support remains relevant in the
face of new challenges that developing countries in Global South experience today.
As much as the SSC pursues the rise of power in Global South, it seems like there are
more risk than benefits or rather, it proves to become more and more difficult in their
on why would he comment on SSCs ways of development for environmental life rather
than the economy and growth of Global South. Last thing that is unclear to me is that
would globalization benefits more the developed countries in Global South in contrast to
shambles, which means that countries in Global South are having a hard time
cooperating. Especially since that there are only few develop countries present and
egos and pride are always present. On what I can interpret, other developing countries
they do not want to cooperate because they are afraid of its consequences since some
does not believe that they are cooperating from the bottom of their heart. But it does not
mean that they are afraid to develop if the consequences both benefit the helper and
As much as SSC pursues change and development, it is mentioned that the “age of
listian” has given away an era of global chain for development. It was only portrayed an
example but has not created a clear definition on what “age of Listian” means. What
would the impact and consequences of the rise of Global South to the Global North?
Would it lessen their dependence towards global north, or would the Global North be
the one having more dependent towards Global South? As stated in the debate, the rise
of power between the countries in Global South could potentially create rivalry and
conflicts. Why and how could it create conflicts between them if the rise of power