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USOO953 0944B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.530,944 B2

Jacobson et al. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 27, 2016
6,234,648 B1 5, 2001 BÖrner et al.
(71) Applicant: Cree, Inc., Durham, NC (US) 6,577,073 B2 6/2003 Shimizu et al.
6,600,175 B1 7/2003 Baretz et al.
(72) Inventors: Benjamin A. Jacobson, Santa Barbara, 7,005,679 B2 2/2006 Tarsa et al.
CA (US); Michael Leung, Ventura, CA 7,026,756 B2 4/2006 Shimizu et al.
(US); Antony Paul van de Ven, Hong 7,497,973 B2 3/2009 Radkov et al.
Kong (CN) (Continued)
(73) Assignee: Cree, Inc., Durham, NC (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
JP 2003316714 A 11/2003
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this JP 2009 152213 A T 2009
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
(21) Appl. No.: 14/702,564 U.S. Appl. No. 14/259,993, filed Apr. 23, 2014.
(22) Filed: May 1, 2015 (Continued)
(65) Prior Publication Data Primary Examiner — Thomas L. Dickey
US 2016/0218254 A1 Jul. 28, 2016 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Withrow + Terranova,
P.L.L.C.; Vincent K. Gustafson
Related U.S. Application Data
(60) Provisional application No. 62/108.372, filed on Jan. (57) ABSTRACT
27, 2015. A lighting device including a blue Solid state emitter, at least
one yellow-green or green lumiphoric material, and at least
(51) Int. C. one red or red-orange Solid State emitter provides high color
F2IV 9/16 (2006.01) saturation, preferably in combination with a high R9-prime
HOIL 33/50 (2010.01) (modified R9) color rendering value, with such condition(s)
HOIL 25/075 (2006.01) being obtainable with at least one of (i) a red emitter peak
(52) U.S. C. wavelength of at least 630 nm, (ii) a green lumiphoric
CPC ......... HOIL 33/504 (2013.01); HOIL 25/0753 material having a narrow peak wavelength, and (iii) a blue
(2013.01); F2IK 9/232 (2016.08); F2IK 9/64 shifted green color point within a specified region of a 1931
(2016.08); F2IY 2115/30 (2016.08) CIE chromaticity diagram, and obtainable without requiring
(58) Field of Classification Search a notch filtering material. Aggregate emissions may have a
CPC ......... F21V 9/16; F21Y 2113/005; H01J 1/63; CCT in a range of from 2000K to 5000K.
HO5B 33A085
See application file for complete search history. 40 Claims, 30 Drawing Sheets
US 9.530,944 B2
Page 2

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U.S. Patent Dec. 27, 2016 Sheet 1 of 30 US 9.530,944 B2


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US 9,530,944 B2
1. 2
HIGH COLOR-SATURATION LIGHTING of LEDs and/or lumiphors. The resulting light may be
DEVICES WITH ENHANCED LONG under-saturated with certain colors of the spectrum or over
WAVELENGTH LLUMINATION saturated with certain colors.
Color reproduction is commonly measured using Color
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED Rendering Index (CRI) or average Color Rendering Index
APPLICATION(S) (CRI Ra). To calculate CRI, the color appearance of 14
reflective samples is simulated when illuminated by a ref
This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent erence radiator (illuminant) and the test Source. The general
Application No. 62/108.372 filed on Jan. 27, 2015, with the or average color rendering index CRI Ra is a modified
entire content of the foregoing provisional patent application 10 average utilizing the first eight indices, all of which are
being hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth pastel colored with low to moderate chromatic saturation.
herein. (R9 is one of six saturated test colors not used in calculating
CRI, with R9 embodying a large red content.) CRI and CRI
FIELD OF THE DISCLOSURE Ra are used to determine how closely an artificial light
15 Source matches the color rendering of a natural light Source
at the same correlated color temperature. Daylight has a high
The present disclosure relates to solid state lighting CRI Ra (approximately 100), with incandescent bulbs also
devices, including devices with lumiphors arranged to be being relatively close (CRI Ra greater than 95), and fluo
stimulated by electrically activated solid state emitters, and rescent lighting being less accurate (with typical CRI Ra
relates to associated methods of making and using Such values of approximately 70-80).
devices. CRI Ra (or CRI) alone is not a satisfactory measure of the
benefit of a light source, since it confers little ability to
predict color discrimination (i.e., to perceive subtle differ
ence in hue) or color preference. There appears to be a
Solid state emitters such as light emitting diodes (LEDs) 25 natural human attraction to brighter color. Daylight provides
are widely used in consumer and commercial applications. a spectrum of light that allows the human eye to perceive
Continued developments in LED technology have resulted bright and vivid colors, which allows objects to be distin
in highly efficient and mechanically robust light sources guished even with subtle color shade differences. Accord
arranged to output emissions in the visible spectrum and ingly, it is generally recognized that daylight and blackbody
beyond. These attributes, coupled with the long service life 30 Sources are Superior to many artificial light sources for
of solid state devices, have enabled a variety of new display emphasizing and distinguishing color. The ability of human
applications, and have resulted in use of LEDs in general vision to differentiate color is different under correlated
illumination applications with the potential to replace incan color temperature conditions providing the same CRI Ra.
descent and fluorescent lamps. Such differentiation is proportional to the gamut of the
Solid state emitters may include lumiphoric materials 35 illuminating light.
(also known as lumiphors) that absorb a portion of emissions Gamut area of a light source can be calculated as the area
having a first peak wavelength emitted by the emitter and enclosed within a polygon defined by the chromaticities in
re-emit light having a second peak wavelength that differs CIE 1976 u'v' color space of the eight color chips used to
from the first peak wavelength. Phosphors, scintillators, and calculate CRI Ra when illuminated by a test light source.
lumiphoric inks are common lumiphoric materials. Light 40 Gamut area index (GAI) is a convenient way of character
perceived as white or near-white may be generated by a izing in chromaticity space how Saturated the illumination
combination of red, green, and blue (“RGB) emitters, or, makes objects appear with a larger GAI making object
alternatively, by combined emissions of a blue LED and a colors appear more Saturated. GAI is a relative number
lumiphor Such as a yellow phosphor (e.g., YAG:Ce or whereby an imaginary equal-energy spectrum (wherein radi
Ce:YAG). In the latter case, a portion of the blue LED 45 ant power is equal at all wavelengths) is scored as 100. GAI
emissions pass through the phosphor, while another portion for a test Source is determined by comparing color space area
of the blue emissions is downconverted to yellow, and the of the light being tested to the color space area produced by
blue and yellow light in combination are perceived as white. the imaginary or theoretical equal-energy spectrum (EES)
White light may also be produced by stimulating phosphors source. Unlike CRI Ra (or CRI), which has a maximum
or dyes of multiple colors with a violet or UV LED source. 50 value of 100, GAI can exceed 100, meaning that some
Emissions of a blue LED in combination with a yellow or Sources Saturate colors more than an equal-energy source
green lumiphoric material may be near-white in character serves to saturate color.
and referred to as “blue-shifted yellow” (“BSY) light or It is found that typical blackbody-like light sources and
“blue-shifted green” (“BSG”) light. Addition of red (or typical daylight-like light Sources have different gamut
red-orange) spectral output from a red-emitting LED (to 55 areas. Low correlated color temperature (CCT) sources (e.g.,
yield a “BSY+R device) or from a red lumiphoric material incandescent emitters) have a GAI of approximately 50%
(to yield a “BS(Y+R)' device) may be used to increase the (i.e., about half the gamut area of the EES source). Sources
warmth of the aggregated light output and better approxi with higher CCT values have a larger GAI. For example, a
mate light produced by incandescent lamps. very bluish light with a CCT of 10000K may have a GAI of
Quality artificial lighting generally attempts to emulate 60 14.0%.
the characteristics of natural light. Natural light sources Another way of characterizing how Saturated an illumi
include daylight with a relatively high color temperature nant makes objects appear is relative gamut area, or “Og
(e.g., -5000K) and incandescent lamps with a lower color (also referred to as “Color Quality Scale Qg' or “CQS Qg”),
temperature (e.g., -2800K). which is the area formed by (a, b) coordinates of the 15
Solid state emitters such as LEDs in combination with 65 test-color samples in CIELAB normalized by the gamut area
lumiphors create white light by mixing relatively narrow of a reference illuminant at the same CCT and multiplied by
wavelength bands together with spectral gaps between peaks 100. In a manner similar to GAI, Qg values can exceed 100:
US 9,530,944 B2
3 4
however, Qg values are scaled for consistency relative to portion of the first emissions, at least a portion of the
CCT. Because of chromatic adaptation, and because CCT is lumiphor emissions, and at least a portion of the second
selected to set the overall color tone of an environment as emissions; wherein said aggregate emissions comprise a
part of the lighting design process, variable-reference mea correlated color temperature (CCT) value, and prior to
Sures such as Qg may be especially relevant to applied 5 passage through any optionally present notch filtering ele
lighting design. If the relative gamut is greater than that of ment arranged to at least partially inhibit transmission of
the reference, and illuminance is lower than that provided by said aggregate emissions, said aggregate emissions comprise
daylight, then an increase in preference and discrimination a relative gamut area (Qg) value of at least the value
might be expected relative to the reference at that same CCT. obtained by the equation 121 minus the product of 0.003
Conversely, if the relative gamut is smaller than that of the 10 times the CCT value; and wherein the lighting device
reference, then a decrease in preference and discrimination comprises at least one of the following features (a) to (e): (a)
might be expected relative to the reference at the same CCT. the at least one second electrically activated solid state
It is believed that, in at least certain contexts, some emitter comprises a peak wavelength of at least 630 nmi; (b)
consumers may prefer light Sources with significantly the at least one lumiphoric material comprises a lumiphor
enhanced vividness. 15 arranged to produce lumiphor emissions having a peak
One way to increase GAI and Qg of lighting devices wavelength in a range of from 510 nm to 570 nm (or from
(including Solid state lighting devices) is through use of a 510 nm to 544 nm) and having a full width-half maximum
notch filtering material, which is a material that affects intensity of less than 90 nm; (c) a combination of (A) the
passage of light to cause light exiting the material to exhibit lumiphor emissions and (B) an unabsorbed portion of the
a spectral notch. A spectral notch is a portion of the color first emissions transmitted through or past the at least one
spectrum where the light is attenuated, thus forming a lumiphoric material would, in the absence of any additional
“notch' when light intensity is plotted against wavelength. light, produce a mixture of light having a color point on a
Arrangement of a notch filtering material on or in a light 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram including x, y coordinates
transmissive Surface of a lighting device will inherently that define a point on or within a closed shape bounded by
entail at least Some attenuation of light and concomitant 25 a first line having x, y endpoint coordinates of (0.040, 0.329)
reduction of luminous efficacy, and may also increase need and (0.257, 0.345), a second line having x, y endpoint
for heat dissipating structures (e.g., heatsinks) since notch coordinates of (0.257, 0.345) and (0.332, 0.551), a third line
filtering materials are subject to being heated by absorbed having x, y endpoint coordinates of (0.332, 0.551) and
photons. It may be challenging to provide enhanced vivid (0.020, 0.770), and a curve corresponding to a portion of the
ness in combination with high luminous efficacy, and further 30 spectrum locus having x, y endpoint coordinates of (0.020,
in combination with reasonably high color rendering index 0.770) and (0.040, 0.329); (d) said aggregate emissions
values. High saturation of red color may also be desirable. comprise a R9-prime color rendering value that is greater
The art continues to seek improved solid state lighting than 110; and (e) said aggregate emissions comprise a
devices providing desirable illumination characteristics R9-prime color rendering value that is at least the value
capable of overcoming challenges associated with conven 35 obtained by the equation (9 times the Qg value) minus 873,
tional lighting devices. wherein the R9-prime color rendering value is also greater
than 100. In certain embodiments, two, three, four or more
SUMMARY of more of features (a) to (e) may be present.
In certain embodiments, the lighting device is devoid of
The present disclosure relates to a lighting device and 40 a notch filtering element arranged to at least partially inhibit
lighting method capable of providing light with enhanced transmission of said aggregate emissions. In certain embodi
Vividness (e.g., high Qg), in combination with at least ments, said aggregate emissions comprise a correlated color
moderately high luminous efficacy (e.g., lumens per watt), temperature (CCT) value in a range of from 2000K to
with further capability to promote high to very high satu 6500K, from 2000K to 5000K, from 2500K to 5000K, or
ration of red color. Very high saturation of red color may be 45 within another range specified herein. In certain embodi
quantified by a high “R9-prime’ color rendering value (e.g., ments, said aggregate emissions comprise a Qg value of at
R9-prime exceeding 100 or another threshold specified least 115, at least 119, or another value specified herein. In
herein), with R9-prime representing a modified R9 color certain embodiments, said aggregate emissions comprise a
rendering regime in which values above 100 may be R9-prime color rendering value of at least 125, or at least
obtained. Enhanced vividness (e.g., Qg and/or Qg in com 50 175, of at least 200, or another threshold (or within another
bination with R9-prime) may be obtained, for example, with range) specified herein. In certain embodiments, said aggre
at least one of (i) a red emitter peak wavelength of at least gate emissions comprise a color point within a 5-step
630 nm, (ii) a green or yellow lumiphoric material having a MacAdam ellipse of the blackbody locus on a 1931 CIE
narrow peak wavelength, and (iii) a blue-shifted green color Chromaticity Diagram. In certain embodiments, said aggre
point within a specified region of a 1931 CIE chromaticity 55 gate emissions comprise a color point within 0.003 delta u'v'
diagram. from the blackbody locus. In certain embodiments, said first
In one aspect, the present disclosure relates to a lighting emissions comprise a peak wavelength not exceeding 465
device comprising at least one first electrically activated nm (such as in a range of from 440 nm to 465 nm, or in a
Solid state emitter arranged to generate first emissions com Subrange of from 447 nm to 455 nm, or in a Subrange of not
prising a dominant wavelength in a blue range; at least one 60 exceeding 455 nm, and/or said second emissions comprise a
lumiphoric material arranged to receive at least a portion of peak wavelength in a yellow or green range of from 510 nm
the first emissions and produce lumiphor emissions com to 570 nm (or in a green range of from 510 nm to 544 nm).
prising a dominant wavelength in a green or yellow range; In certain embodiments, said aggregate emissions comprise
and at least one second electrically activated Solid state a CRI in a range of from 70 to 85, a range of less than or
emitter arranged to generate second emissions comprising a 65 equal to 80, or another range specified herein. In certain
dominant wavelength in a red or red-orange range; wherein embodiments, said aggregate emissions comprise a lumi
aggregate emissions of the lighting device include at least a nous efficacy in a range of at least 80 lumens per watt, at
US 9,530,944 B2
5 6
least 95 lumens per watt, or another range specified herein. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
In certain embodiments, the at least one lumiphoric material
may include a first lumiphoric material including at least one FIG. 1 is a diagram orthogonally plotting CRI Ra versus
of lutetium aluminum garnet (LuAG) and green aluminate Qg for certain BS(Y+R) warm white and BSY+R warm
(GAL) material, and a second lumiphoric material including white LED lighting devices of Cree, Inc.
cerium(III)-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Ce:YAG), FIG. 2A is a table identifying various chromaticity, gamut
wherein a proportion of the first lumiphoric material to the area, color rendering, and luminous efficacy characteristics
second lumiphoric material is at least 1:1; at least 1.5:1, at of six blue shifted yellow/green plus red (“BSY/G+R”) LED
least 2:1; or within another range specified herein. In certain 10
lighting devices with different red emitter wavelengths in
embodiments, multiple first electrically activated (e.g., blue) comparison to a BS(Y+R) LED lighting device (“EZW
solid state emitters and multiple second electrically activated XTE).
(e.g., red or red-orange) Solid state emitters may be pro FIG. 2B provides spectral diagrams including intensity
vided. In certain embodiments, multiple clusters of solid versus wavelength for five of the six BSY/G+R LED light
state emitters may be provided, wherein each cluster 15 ing devices Summarized in FIG. 2A.
includes at least one first Solid State emitter and at least one FIG. 3 is a plot of R9 color rendering and R9-prime color
second solid state emitter. In certain embodiments, the rendering for lighting devices Summarized in FIG. 2A and
lighting device may be devoid of any “unconverted blue for two comparative devices, with trendlines for R9 and
LED not arranged to stimulate a lumiphoric material. In R9-prime showing the phenomenon of “foldback” in com
certain embodiments, the lighting device may be devoid of putation of R9-prime.
any incandescent light emitting element and devoid of any FIG. 4A includes photographs of two side-by-side iden
notch filtering element. tical mirror-image test booths including various colored
In another aspect, the present disclosure relates to a objects.
lighting device comprising: at least one first electrically FIG. 4B is a subjective vividness rating scale used by
activated Solid state emitter arranged to generate first emis 25 observers in the test booths depicted in FIG. 4A.
sions comprising a dominant wavelength in a blue range; at FIG. 4C is a plot of subjective vividness rating versus Qg,
least one first lumiphoric material arranged to receive at including Subjective vividness ratings obtained from Surveys
least a portion of the first emissions and produce first of observers of the test booths of FIG. 4A.
lumiphor emissions comprising a dominant wavelength in a FIG. 5A is a plot of Qg and R9-prime color rendering
green or yellow-green range; and at least one second lumi 30 versus red (or red-orange) dominant wavelength for five
phoric material arranged to receive at least a portion of the BSY/G+R LED lighting devices according to FIGS. 2A and
first emissions and produce second lumiphor emissions 2B, with overlaid rectangular regions corresponding to the
comprising a dominant wavelength in a red range; wherein Subjective vividness rating scale values of 2 and 3 according
aggregate emissions of the lighting device include at least a to the rating scale of FIG. 4B.
portion of the first emissions, at least a portion of the first 35 FIG. 5B is a plot of subjective vividness rating versus red
lumiphor emissions, and at least a portion of the second (or red-orange) dominant wavelength for the five BSY/G+R
lumiphor emissions; wherein said aggregate emissions com LED lighting devices of FIG. 5A, with overlaid rectangular
prise a correlated color temperature (CCT) value; and regions corresponding to the Subjective vividness rating
wherein the lighting device comprises one of the following scale values of 2 and 3 according to the rating scale of FIG.
features (i) and (ii): (i) the at least one second lumiphoric 40 4B.
material comprises a phosphor arranged to produce lumi FIGS. 6A to 6C are plots of chromaticities in CIE 1976
phor emissions having at least one peak wavelength in a L*a*b* color space of multiple color patches used in the
range of from 620 nm to 650 nm and full width-half definition of Qg when illuminated with a sample source and
maximum intensity value of less than 60 nm, and said when illuminated with a reference (blackbody) source, for
aggregate emissions comprise a relative gamut area (Qg) 45 BSY/G+R LED lighting devices including red dominant
value of at least the value obtained by the equation 127.35 wavelengths of 605 nm, 610 nm, and 633 nm, respectively.
minus the product of 0.0058 times the CCT value; and (ii) FIG. 7 is a diagram orthogonally plotting CRI Ra versus
the at least one second lumiphoric material comprises a red Qg for certain LED lighting devices of Cree, Inc. (Durham,
quantum dot material arranged to produce lumiphor emis N.C.) (including those shown in FIG. 1) in addition to
sions having a peak wavelength in a range of from 620 nm 50 devices of Soraa, Xicato, and Bridgelux, together with
to 650 nm, and said aggregate emissions comprise a relative multiple high Qg BSY/G+R lighting devices and BSY+R
gamut area value of at least 110. LED lighting devices according to embodiments of the
In certain embodiments, a light bulb or light fixture may present disclosure.
include at least one lighting device as disclosed herein. FIG. 8 is a table summarizing CRI, Qg, and certain
In another aspect, the invention relates to a method 55 luminous efficacy values for various lighting devices iden
comprising illuminating an object, a space, or an environ tified in FIG. 7.
ment, utilizing a solid state lighting device as described FIG. 9A is a plot of chromaticities in CIE 1976 L*a*b*
herein. color space of multiple color patches used in the definition
In another aspect, any of the foregoing aspects, and/or of Qg when illuminated with a Cree CXA (95 CRI) BS(Y+
various separate aspects and features as described herein, 60 R) LED lighting device and when illuminated with a refer
may be combined for additional advantage. Any of the ence (blackbody) source.
various features and elements as disclosed herein may be FIG.9B is a table identifying chromaticity, gamut area,
combined with one or more other disclosed features and color rendering, and luminous efficacy characteristics of the
elements unless indicated to the contrary herein. device represented in FIG. 9A.
Other aspects, features, and embodiments of the invention 65 FIG. 10A is a plot of chromaticities in CIE 1976 L*a*b*
will be more fully apparent from the ensuing disclosure and color space of multiple color patches used in the definition
appended claims. of Qg when illuminated with a Xicao Vibrant (95 CRI)
US 9,530,944 B2
7 8
BS(Y+R) LED lighting device versus and illuminated with FIGS. 18A-18C are side cross-sectional views illustrating
a reference (blackbody) source. examples of packaged solid state emitters that may be used
FIG. 10B is a table identifying chromaticity, gamut area, in lighting devices according to at least Some embodiments
color rendering, and luminous efficacy characteristics of the of the present disclosure.
device represented in FIG. 10A. 5 FIG. 19A is a side cross-sectional schematic view of a
FIG. 11 provides spectral diagrams including intensity packaged solid state emitter (e.g., LED) and at least one
versus wavelength for the lighting devices of FIGS. 9A-9B lumiphor dispersed in an encapsulant material disposed over
and FIGS. 10A-10B. the Solid state emitter, which may be used in lighting devices
FIG. 12A is a table identifying various chromaticity, according to at least some embodiments of the present
gamut area, color rendering, and luminous efficacy charac 10 disclosure.
teristics of two BSY/G+R lighting devices each having a FIG. 19B is a side cross-sectional schematic view of at
LuAG/NYAG yellow-green phosphor mixture, in combina least one packaged solid state emitter (e.g., LED) and at least
tion with red LEDs having different dominant wavelengths one lumiphor arranged in one or more layers spatially
of 623 nm and 628 nm, respectively. 15 separated from the solid state emitter(s), which may be used
FIG. 12B is a table identifying various chromaticity, in lighting devices according to at least Some embodiments
gamut area, color rendering, and luminous efficacy charac of the present disclosure.
teristics of two BSY+R lighting devices each having a FIG. 19C is a side cross-sectional schematic view of a
NYAG yellow phosphor, in combination with red LEDs package including multiple solid state emitters (e.g., LEDs)
having different dominant wavelengths of 623 nm and 628 20 and at least one lumiphor dispersed in an encapsulant
nm, respectively. material disposed over the multiple solid state light emitters,
FIG. 12C provides spectral diagrams including intensity which may be used in lighting devices according to at least
versus wavelength for the lighting devices of FIGS. 12A and Some embodiments of the present disclosure.
12B. FIG. 19D is a side cross-sectional schematic view of a
FIG. 13 is a table identifying various chromaticity, gamut 25 package including multiple solid state emitters (e.g., LEDs)
area, color rendering, and luminous efficacy characteristics and at least one lumiphor arranged in one or more layers
of five different lighting devices each including red LEDs spatially separated from the multiple solid state light emit
with relatively long red peak wavelengths. ters, which may be used in lighting devices according to at
FIG. 14A is a table identifying various chromaticity, 30 least some embodiments of the present disclosure.
FIG. 19E is a side cross-sectional schematic view of a
gamut area, color rendering, and luminous efficacy charac package including multiple solid state emitters (e.g., LEDs),
teristics of a BSG+R LED lighting device including a with at least one solid state emitter having at least one
narrow wavelength green lumiphor. lumiphor individually applied or coated over at least one
FIG. 14B is a plot of chromaticities in CIE 1976 L*a*b* surface of the solid state emitter.
color space of multiple color patches used in the definition 35 FIG. 20 is a side cross-sectional view of a first light bulb
of Qg when illuminated with the BSG+R LED lighting arranged to incorporate multiple Solid state emitters accord
device of FIG. 14A and when illuminated with a reference ing to at least Some embodiments of the present disclosure.
(blackbody) source. FIG. 21 is a side cross-sectional view of a second,
FIG. 14C provides a spectral diagram including intensity reflector-type light bulb arranged to incorporate multiple
versus wavelength for the lighting device of FIGS. 14A and 40 Solid state emitters according to at least some embodiments
14B. of the present disclosure.
FIG. 15A includes a bar chart and numerical moments of FIG. 22A is an upper perspective view of a troffer-type
spectral full width-half maximum for a BOSE green light fixture arranged to incorporate multiple solid state
(BG201B) phosphor. emitters according to at least some embodiments of the
FIG. 15B includes a bar chart and numerical moments of 45 present disclosure.
spectral full width-half maximum for a GAL535 (LuAG FIG.22B is a side cross-sectional view of the troffer-type
type) green phosphor. light fixture of FIG. 22A.
FIG. 15C is a line chart representing peak wavelengths for FIG. 23 is a simplified plan view of a light emitting
the phosphors of FIGS. 15A and 15B and for a GAL535: 50 apparatus including multiple solid State emitters and at least
NYAG4 1:1 green:yellow phosphor mixture. one control circuit according to at least some embodiments
FIG. 16 is a plot of color points for sources including blue of the present disclosure.
LEDs of various wavelengths, BSY sources with 100% package FIG.24A is a top perspective view of a solid state emitter
NYAG4 yellow phosphor, BSG sources with 100% GAL535 including four Solid State emitter chips arranged
over a substrate,
green phosphor, a BSG sources with 100% BG201B green 55 connected to electrical covered with a hemispherical lens, and
traces via wirebonds.
phosphor, and GAL535:NYAG4 1:1 green:yellow phosphor FIG. 24B is a bottom plan view of the solid state emitter
mix sources, with addition of a dashed line offset above the package of FIG. 24A including four anodes and four cath
data points for the sources with 100% GAL535 green odes arranged along opposing sides of a Substrate, and
phosphor. including a thermally conductive contact pad arranged
FIG. 17 is a CIE 1931 (x,y) chromaticity diagram illus- 60 between the anodes and cathodes.
trating the blackbody locus (“BBL, also known as the FIGS. 25A-25C embody a table identifying gamut area,
Planckian locus) and a first dash-line closed shape with color rendering, and luminous efficacy characteristics of
vertices A, C, D, and F that includes BSG subcombination modeled solid state lighting devices at CCT values of 4000K
color points produced by a blue solid state light emitter in including various combinations of solid state emitters and/or
combination with at least one lumiphoric material as utilized 65 phosphors, Sorted from high to low Qg values.
in BSG+R devices according to at least some embodiments FIGS. 26A-26C embody a table identifying gamut area,
of the present disclosure. color rendering, and luminous efficacy characteristics of
US 9,530,944 B2
9 10
modeled BSY+R, BSG+R, and BSY/G+R solid state light light having a dominant wavelength in the red or red-orange
ing devices at various CCT values from 2700K to 6500K. range. The term "dominant wavelength' as used herein
FIG. 27 provides a spectral diagram including intensity refers to the dominant wavelength at a reference condition
versus wavelength obtained by simulation of a lighting used to classify LED die or individual lamps, and in general
device including a blue LED having a 450 nm dominant it is different from the dominant wavelength that would be
wavelength arranged to stimulate emissions of (i) a 2:1 measured under luminaire operating conditions of any par
green:yellow mixture of GAL535/NYAG phosphors and (ii) ticular embodiment. In certain embodiments, increased Satu
at least one red quantum dot material. ration can be achieved with a red emitter peak wavelength
FIG. 28 is a table identifying Qg and CRI for a simulated of at least 630 nm, preferably in combination with a suffi
lighting device according to FIG. 27 as a function of red 10 cient green content to provide elevated Qg values, preferably
quantum dot material peak wavelength at CCT values of in combination with elevated R9-prime color rendering
3000K and 4000K, respectively. values. In certain embodiments, increased saturation can be
FIG. 29A is a table identifying Qg and CRI values as a achieved with a relatively narrow spectrum yellow or green
function of CCT (for seven CCT values spanning from lumiphor (e.g., having a peak wavelength in a range of from
2500K to 5000K) for a simulated lighting device including 15 510 nm to 570 nm for yellow or green (or from 510 nm to
a blue LED (450 nm dominant wavelength) arranged to 544 nm for green) and having a full width-half maximum
stimulate emissions of both a NYAG phosphor and a red (FWHM) intensity value of less than 90 nm, of less than 80
phosphor having a relatively narrow spectral output. nm, of less than 75 nm, or another range specified herein),
FIG. 29B is a scatter plot of Qg as a function of CCT for preferably in combination with sufficient red spectrum emis
the simulated lighting device of FIG. 29A, with a superim sions to provide elevated Qg values, preferably in combi
posed best fit line for the plotted points. nation with elevated R9-prime color rendering values. In
FIG. 30 is a table identifying Qg and CRI values as a certain embodiments, a BSG portion of aggregate BSG+R
function of CCT (for three CCT values spanning from emissions includes a combination of (A) the lumiphor
2700K to 3500K) for a simulated lighting device including emissions and (B) an unabsorbed portion of the first emis
a blue LED (452 nm dominant wavelength) arranged to 25 sions transmitted through or past the at least one lumiphoric
stimulate emissions of both a GAL phosphor and a red material would, in the absence of any additional light,
phosphor having a relatively narrow spectral output. produce a mixture of light having a color point on a 1931
CIE Chromaticity Diagram including x, y coordinates that
DETAILED DESCRIPTION define a point on or within a closed shape bounded by a first
30 line having x, y endpoint coordinates of (0.040, 0.329) and
As noted previously, the art continues to seek solid state (0.257, 0.345), a second line having x, y endpoint coordi
lighting devices providing desirable illumination character nates of (0.257, 0.345) and (0.332, 0.551), a third line having
istics. Color quality has traditionally been defined with x, y endpoint coordinates of (0.332, 0.551) and (0.020,
respect to CRI, which considers fidelity relative to daylight 0.770), and a curve corresponding to a portion of the
or an equal energy source. But it has been confirmed by the 35 spectrum locus having x, y endpoint coordinates of (0.020,
Applicants that higher vibrancy associated with more Satu 0.770) and (0.040, 0.329). Such BSG portion is preferably
rated colors may be preferred by a majority of consumers, at combined with sufficient red spectrum emissions to provide
least in certain environments such as retail stores, restau aggregated BSY--R emissions and elevated Qg values, pref
rants, grocery stores, auto dealers, etc. Strong separation of erably in combination with elevated R9-prime color render
reds, greens, and blues in a light source tend to support high 40 ing values. In certain embodiments, a mixture of multiple
Qg, but not always in combination with high efficacy. lumiphoric materials may be provided, such as a mixture of
Moreover, higher vibrancy associated with particularly satu green and yellow lumiphoric materials.
rated red—even considered oversaturated according to tra FIG. 1 is an orthogonal plot of CRI and Qg for certain
ditional measures such as CRI Ra and R9 coloring index BS(Y+R) warm white and BSY+R warm white LED light
may be particularly preferred in certain environments. 45 ing devices of Cree, Inc. (Durham, N.C., USA) all having
Various embodiments disclosed herein relate to lighting nominal CCT values of 3000K. The solid square data points
devices capable of providing light with enhanced vividness (Cree “EasyWhite” or “EZW XTE, ZPE, and CXA) cor
(e.g., high Qg), in combination with at least moderately high respond to BS(Y+R) devices in which one or more blue
luminous efficacy (e.g., lumens per watt), with further LEDs pump yellow and red phosphors. The maximum value
capability to promote high to very high Saturation of red 50 obtained for these BS(Y+R) devices is around 99. The open
color. Very high saturation of red color may be quantified by square data point (Cree BSY+RDO: LMH2 3000K) corre
a high “R9-prime’ color rendering value (e.g., R9-prime sponds to a BSY+RDO (BSY plus red-orange LED) device
exceeding 100 or another threshold specified herein), with with a relatively short red peak wavelength (e.g., less than
R9-prime representing a modified R9 color rendering regime 620 nm or less), with a CRI value of nearly 94 and a Qg
in which values above 100 may be obtained. Enhanced 55 value of about 105. It should be noted that Qg is affected by
Vividness (e.g., Qg and/or Qg in combination with CCT. Sources with CCT values less than 3000K naturally
R9-prime) may be obtained, for example, with at least one tend to have higher Qg values due to presence of significant
of (i) a red emitter peak wavelength of at least 630 nm, (ii) red content. As CCT values increase, reduced relative red
a green lumiphoric material having a narrow peak wave content tends to cause Qg values to decline.
length, and (iii) a blue-shifted green color point within a 60 More specific aspects of the invention will be described
specified region of a 1931 CIE chromaticity diagram. after terms are defined and general concepts are introduced.
Preferred lighting devices include an electrically activated Unless otherwise defined, terms used herein should be
Solid state emitter arranged to output light having a domi construed to have the same meaning as commonly under
nant wavelength in the blue range, at least one lumiphoric stood by one of ordinary skill in the art to which this
material arranged to output light having a dominant wave 65 invention belongs. It will be further understood that terms
length in the green or yellow-green range, and another used herein should be interpreted as having a meaning that
electrically activated Solid State emitter arranged to output is consistent with their meaning in the context of this
US 9,530,944 B2
11 12
specification and the relevant art, and should not be inter rials may be provided in the form of particles, films, or
preted in an idealized or overly formal sense unless sheets. Quantum dot materials of various colors are com
expressly so defined herein. mercially available from QD Vision, Inc. (Lexington, Mass.
It will be understood that, although the terms first, second, USA), Nanosys Inc. (Milpitas, Calif., USA), and Nanoco
etc. may be used herein to describe various elements, these Technologies Ltd. (Manchester, United Kingdom), among
elements should not be limited by these terms. These terms others.
are only used to distinguish one element from another. For Inclusion of lumiphoric (also called “luminescent’) mate
example, a first element could be termed a second element, rials in lighting devices as described herein may be accom
and, similarly, a second element could be termed a first plished by any suitable means, including: direct coating on
element, without departing from the scope of the present 10 Solid state emitters; dispersal in encapsulant materials
invention. As used herein, the term “and/or includes any arranged to cover Solid state emitters; coating on lumiphor
and all combinations of one or more of the associated listed Support elements (e.g., by powder coating, inkjet printing, or
items. the like); incorporation into diffusers or lenses; and the like.
Embodiments of the invention are described herein with Examples of lumiphoric materials are disclosed, for
reference to cross-sectional, perspective, elevation, and/or 15 example, in U.S. Pat. No. 6,600,175 and in U.S. Patent
plan view illustrations that are schematic illustrations of Application Publication Nos. 2009/0184616 and 2012/
idealized embodiments of the invention. Variations from the 0306355, and methods for coating light emitting elements
shapes of the illustrations as a result, for example, of with phosphors are disclosed in U.S. Patent Application
manufacturing techniques and/or tolerances, are to be Publication No. 2008/0179611, with the foregoing publica
expected, such that embodiments of the invention should not tions being incorporated by reference. Other materials. Such
be construed as limited to particular shapes illustrated as light scattering elements (e.g., particles) and/or index
herein. The invention may be embodied in different forms matching materials, may be associated with a lumiphoric
and should not be construed as limited to the specific material-containing element or Surface. One or more lumi
embodiments set forth herein. In the drawings, the size and phoric materials useable in devices as described herein may
relative sizes of layers and regions may be exaggerated for 25 be down-converting or up-converting, or can include a
clarity. In certain drawings, conventional features inherent to combination of both types.
LED devices known in the art but not essential to the Examples of phosphors that may be used according to
understanding of the invention have been omitted to facili various embodiments include, without limitation, cerium
tate ease of explanation of the inventive Subject matter. (III)-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Ce:YAG or YAG:Ce);
Unless the absence of one or more elements is specifically 30 yttrium aluminum oxide doped with cerium yttrium alumi
recited, the terms “comprising,” “including,” and “having num garnet (NYAG); lutetium aluminum garnet (LuAG),
as used herein should be interpreted as open-ended terms green aluminate (GAL, including but not limited to
that do not preclude the presence of one or more elements. GAL535); (Sr.Ba,Ca)-XSiOEu (BOSE, including both
It will be understood that when an element such as a layer, BOSE yellow and BOSE green varieties, including for
region, or substrate is referred to as being “on” another 35 example (Ba,Sr)SiO:Eu"); and CASN (CaAlSiN:Eu").
element, it can be directly on the other element or interven In certain embodiments, two or more phosphors may be
ing elements may be present. Moreover, relative terms such mixed or provided in one or more discrete regions of a single
as “on,” “above,” “upper,” “top,” “lower,” or “bottom' may lighting device.
be used herein to describe a relationship between one In certain embodiments, at least one lumiphoric material
structure or portion to another structure or portion as illus 40 may be spatially segregated (“remote') from and arranged to
trated in the figures, but it should be understood that such receive emissions from at least one electrically activated
relative terms are intended to encompass different orienta Solid state emitter, with Such spatial separation reducing
tions of the device in addition to the orientation depicted in thermal coupling between a solid state emitter and lumi
the figures. phoric material. In certain embodiments, a spatially segre
The terms "solid state light emitter or “solid state emit 45 gated lumiphor may be arranged to fully cover one or more
ter' (which may be qualified as being “electrically acti electrically activated emitters of a lighting device. In certain
vated') may include a light emitting diode, laser diode, embodiments, a spatially segregated lumiphor may be
organic light emitting diode, and/or other semiconductor arranged to cover only a portion or Subset of one or more
device which includes one or more semiconductor layers, emitters electrically activated emitters.
which may include silicon, silicon carbide, gallium nitride 50 In certain embodiments, at least one lumiphoric material
and/or other semiconductor materials, a Substrate which may may be arranged with a Substantially constant thickness
include Sapphire, silicon, silicon carbide and/or other micro and/or concentration relative to different electrically acti
electronic Substrates, and one or more contact layers which vated emitters. In certain embodiments, one or more lumi
may include metal and/or other conductive materials. Solid phoric materials may be arranged with presence, thickness,
state light emitting devices according to embodiments dis 55 and/or concentration that vary relative to different emitters.
closed herein may include, but are not limited to, III-V Multiple lumiphors (e.g., lumiphors of different composi
nitride based LED chips or laser chips fabricated on a tions) may be applied with different concentrations or thick
silicon, silicon carbide, sapphire, or III-V nitride growth nesses relative to different electrically activated emitters. In
Substrate, including (for example) devices manufactured and one embodiment, lumiphor presence, composition, thick
sold by Cree, Inc. of Durham, N.C. 60 ness and/or concentration may vary relative to multiple
Solid state light emitters may be used individually or in electrically activated emitters. In certain embodiments, at
groups to emit one or more beams to stimulate emissions of least one lumiphoric material may be applied to a solid state
one or more lumiphoric materials (e.g., phosphors, Scintil emitter or a lumiphoric material Support Surface by pattern
lators, lumiphoric inks, quantum dots, day glow tapes, etc.) ing, which may be aided by one or more masks.
to generate light at one or more peak wavelengths, or of at 65 Various Substrates may be used as mounting elements on
least one desired perceived color (including combinations of which, in which, or over which multiple solid state light
colors that may be perceived as white). Lumiphoric mate emitters (e.g., emitter chips) may be arranged or Supported
US 9,530,944 B2
13 14
(e.g., mounted). Exemplary Substrates include printed circuit with an encapsulant material arranged over the emitter(s)
boards (including but not limited to metal core printed and in contact with the at least one boundary wall.
circuit boards, flexible circuit boards, dielectric laminates, The expressions “lighting device.” “light emitting
and the like) having electrical traces arranged on one or device.” and “light emitting apparatus' as used herein are
multiple Surfaces thereof. A Substrate, mounting plate, or not limited, except that Such elements are capable of emit
other support element may include a printed circuit board ting light. That is, a lighting device or light emitting appa
(PCB), a metal core printed circuit board (MCPCB), a ratus can be a device which illuminates an area or Volume,
flexible printed circuit board, a dielectric laminate (e.g., e.g., a structure, a Swimming pool or spa, a room, a ware
FR-4 boards as known in the art) or any suitable substrate for house, an indicator, a road, a parking lot, a vehicle, signage
mounting LED chips and/or LED packages. 10 (e.g., road signs), a billboard, a ship, a toy, a mirror, a vessel,
In certain embodiments, one or more LED components an electronic device, a boat, an aircraft, a stadium, a com
can include one or more “chip-on-board’ (COB) LED chips puter, a remote audio device, a remote video device, a cell
and/or packaged LED chips that can be electrically coupled phone, a tree, a window, an LCD display, a cave, a tunnel,
a yard, a lamppost, or a device or array of devices that
or connected in series or parallel with one another and 15 illuminate an enclosure, or a device that is used for edge or
mounted on a portion of a Substrate. In certain embodiments, back-lighting (e.g., backlight poster, signage, LCD dis
COB LED chips can be mounted directly on portions of playS), light bulbs, bulb replacements (e.g., for replacing AC
Substrate without the need for additional packaging. incandescent lights, low Voltage lights, fluorescent lights,
Certain embodiments may involve use of solid state etc.), outdoor lighting, street lighting, security lighting,
emitter packages. A Solid State emitter package may include exterior residential lighting (wall mounts, post/column
at least one solid state emitter chip (more preferably multiple mounts), ceiling fixtures/wall Sconces, under cabinet light
Solid State emitter chips) that is enclosed with packaging ing, lamps (floor and/or table and/or desk), landscape light
elements to provide environmental protection, mechanical ing, track lighting, task lighting, specialty lighting, ceiling
protection, color selection, and/or light focusing utility, as fan lighting, archival/art display lighting, high vibration/
well as electrical leads, contacts, and/or traces enabling 25 impact lighting (work lights, etc.), mirrors/vanity lighting, or
electrical connection to an external circuit. One or more any other light emitting devices. In certain embodiments,
emitter chips may be arranged to stimulate one or more lighting devices or light emitting apparatuses as disclosed
lumiphoric materials, which may be coated on, arranged herein may be self-ballasted. In certain embodiments, a light
over, or otherwise disposed in light receiving relationship to emitting apparatus may be embodied in a light fixture.
one or more solid state emitters. At least one lumiphoric 30 In preferred embodiments, a Solid state lighting device is
material may be arranged to receive emissions of at least devoid of any incandescent light emitting element. In certain
some emitters of a plurality of solid state light emitters and embodiments, a solid state lighting device lacks any “uncon
responsively emit lumiphor emissions. A lens and/or encap verted” blue-emitting solid state emitter not arranged to
Sulant material, optionally including lumiphoric material, stimulate emissions of a lumiphoric material.
may be disposed over Solid state emitters, lumiphoric mate 35 Subject matter herein relates in certain embodiments to a
rials, and/or lumiphor-containing layers in a solid State method of illuminating an object, space, or enclosure using
emitter package. at least one lighting device or lighting apparatus as disclosed
In certain embodiments, a light emitting apparatus as herein, optionally by energizing a single power line con
disclosed herein (whether or not including one or more LED nected to multiple lighting devices and/or by pulse width
packages) may include at least one of the following items 40 modulation control of the at least one lighting device or
arranged to receive light from multiple LEDs: a single lighting apparatus.
leadframe arranged to conduct electrical power to the plu Subject matter herein relates in certain embodiments to an
rality of electrically activated solid state light emitters; a illuminated enclosure (the volume of which can be illumi
single reflector arranged to reflect at least a portion of light nated uniformly or non-uniformly), comprising an enclosed
emanating from the plurality of electrically activated solid 45 space and at least one lighting device or light emitting
state light emitters; a single Submount or mounting element apparatus as disclosed herein, wherein at least one lighting
Supporting the plurality of electrically activated Solid state device or light emitting apparatus illuminates at least a
light emitters; a single lens arranged to transmit at least a portion of the enclosure (uniformly or non-uniformly). Sub
portion of light emanating from the plurality of electrically ject matter herein further relates to an illuminated area
activated Solid state light emitters; and a single diffuser 50 comprising at least one item selected from among the group
arranged to diffuse at least a portion of light emanating from consisting of a structure, a Swimming pool or spa, a room,
the plurality of electrically activated solid state light emit a warehouse, an indicator, a road, a parking lot, a vehicle,
ters. In certain embodiments, a light emitting apparatus signage (e.g., road signs), a billboard, a ship, a toy, a mirror,
including multiple LEDs may include at least one of the a vessel, an electronic device, a boat, an aircraft, a stadium,
following items arranged to receive light from multiple 55 a computer, a remote audio device, a remote video device,
LEDs: multiple lenses, multiple optical elements, and mul a cell phone, a tree, a window, a LCD display, a cave, a
tiple reflectors. Examples of optical elements include, but tunnel, a yard, a lamppost, etc., having mounted therein or
are not limited to, elements arranged to affect light mixing, thereon at least one lighting device or light emitting appa
focusing, collimation, dispersion, and/or beam shaping. ratus as described herein. Methods include illuminating an
In certain embodiments, a Solid state lighting device (e.g., 60 object, a space, or an environment, utilizing one or more
package) may include a reflector cup defining a cavity, at lighting devices or light emitting apparatuses as disclosed
least one solid state emitter arranged within the cavity, and herein. In certain embodiments, a lighting apparatus as
encapsulant material arranged within the cavity. In certain disclosed herein includes multiple LED components
embodiments, at least one solid state emitter may be arranged in an array (e.g., a two-dimensional array).
arranged over a Substrate and at least partially Surrounded by 65 In certain embodiments, lighting devices as disclosed
a boundary wall (optionally embodying at least one dis herein may provide emissions exhibiting enhanced vivid
pensed dam material laterally spaced from the emitter(s)), ness in combination with relatively high CRI Ra (e.g.,
US 9,530,944 B2
15 16
according to one or more threshold ranges for Qg and CRI phosphors. FIG. 2A provides various chromaticity, gamut
Ra recited herein) without use of any notch filtering material area, color rendering, and luminous efficacy characteristics
arranged to affect reflection or to at least partially inhibit of the six different types of BSY/G+R LED lighting devices
transmission of light. A notch filtering material when in comparison to the baseline BS(Y+R) LED lighting
arranged on or in a light transmissive Surface of a lighting 5 device. Each device had a CCT near 3050K, and had a color
device will inherently entail at least some attenuation of point near the BBL (e.g., Duv of no greater than
light and concomitant reduction of luminous efficacy. Pres +/-0.00051). The baseline BS(Y+R) device exhibited a blue
ence of notch filtering material in a lighting device may also peak wavelength of 455 nm and a red peak wavelength of
increase need for heat dissipating structures (e.g., heatsinks) 618 nm. Each BSY/G+R device exhibited a blue peak
since notch filtering material is Subjected to being heated by 10 wavelength of 446 nm or 447 nm, and red peak wavelengths
absorbed light energy. As a result, providing a lighting of 612 nm, 619 nm, 623 nm, 627 nm, 642 nm, and 643 nm.
device that is devoid of notch filtering material may avoid (corresponding to dominant red wavelengths of 605 nm, 610
reduction of luminous efficacy, and may reduce need for heat nm, 615, nm, 623 nm, a mix of 628 nm/633 nm, and 633 nm,
dissipating structures, relative to a lighting device incorpo respectively). Observable trends from FIG. 2A include: Qg
rating a notch filtering material. 15 increases with increasing red peak wavelength; CRI Ra is
In other embodiments, lighting devices as disclosed maximized near a red peak wavelength of 619 and declines
herein may include or have associated therewith one or more significantly for longer red peak wavelengths; R9 color
notch filtering materials. Such as to enhance GAI (or Qg) rendering is maximized near a red peak wavelength of 623
and/or CRI Ra. The term “notch filtering material” refers to nm, and then declines significantly for longer red peak
a material that affects passage of light to cause light exiting wavelengths; and the “R9-prime' value increases with
the material to exhibit a spectral notch. A spectral notch is increasing peak wavelength. Each BSY/G+R device exhib
a portion of the color spectrum where the light is attenuated, ited a greater Qg than the baseline BS(Y+R) device. Spectral
thus forming a “notch' when light intensity is plotted against diagrams including intensity versus wavelength for five of
wavelength. Examples of notch filtering materials include the six BSY/G+R LED lighting devices are provided in FIG.
rare earth and lanthanide materials, such as lanthanum, 25 2B.
cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, The concept of “R9-prime' is illustrated in FIG. 3. As
Samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, hol noted previously, R9 is one of six saturated test colors not
mium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, Scandium, and used in calculating CRI, with R9 embodying a large red
yttrium, as well as oxides thereof (e.g., neodymium oxide). content. CRI Ra is concerned with matching the color
Color pigments can impart notch filtering properties in either 30 rendering of a natural light source at the same CCT, and as
transmissive or reflective applications. In many instances, Such, penalizes light sources that produce under-saturation
color pigments may provide softer spectral notch (with more as well as over-saturation. R9 behaves in the same manner,
gradually sloping wavelength attenuation) characteristics in that R9 values increase with increasing Saturation (to a
relative to other notch filtering materials. One example of a maximum value of 100), and then R9 values start to decline
color pigment includes an ultramarine pigment based on 35 when oversaturation conditions are attained. Unfortunately,
CoAl-O, providing peak attenuation at a wavelength of the same R9 value may be assigned to an undersaturated or
about 580 nm. A cobalt blue pigment of similar composition oversaturated condition. The concept of R9-prime seeks to
could also be used. Other color pigments based on CuSO or remedy deficiencies associated with R9. In a “standard’ (less
NiCl2 can also be used. If provided, a notch filtering material Vivid) region, R9-prime equals R9. AS Saturation conditions
may be added to a light-transmissive element, a light scat 40 increase, however, R9-prime values are intended to increase
tering element, and/or a light reflecting element. Smoothly into the high-vividness (e.g., oversaturated)
Since a notch filtering material may affect Qg, in certain region. FIG. 3 is a plot of R9 color rendering and R9-prime
embodiments Qg values may be specified for aggregate color rendering for lighting devices Summarized in FIG. 2A
emissions (including a portion of blue Solid state emitter and for two comparative devices, with trendlines for R9 and
emissions, at least a portion of yellow and/or green lumiphor 45 R9-prime showing the phenomenon of “foldback” in com
emissions, and at least a portion of red Solid State emitter putation of R9-prime. Solid points embody R9 values, and
emissions) prior to passage through any optionally present hollow diamonds embody R9-prime values. As saturation
notch filtering element arranged to at least partially inhibit (and Qg) increases beyond a maximum R9 value of 100, R9
transmission of said aggregate emissions. Such language values decline while R9-prime values increase. The forked
does not compel the presence or absence of a notch filtering 50 dashed line in FIG. 3 illustrates this phenomenon. The
material, but simply refers to a situation in which Qg should dashed line in the lower left quadrant corresponds to both R9
be computed prior to transmission through any notch filter and R9-prime. Such lines diverge thereafter with increasing
ing material. If a lighting device is devoid of notch filtering saturation, with the upwardly sloping dashed line in the
material, then such aggregate emissions correspond to emis upper right quadrant corresponding to R9-prime, and with
sions exiting the lighting device. If a lighting device includes 55 the downwardly sloping dashed line in the lower right
a notch filtering material, then Such aggregate emissions quadrant corresponding to R9. As shown in FIG. 3, the Cree
may correspond to an intermediate region of a lighting CXA (90 CRI) BS(Y+R) device exhibits a R9 value of less
device “upstream” of any notch filtering element. than 100 and a Qg value of about 96, and a third party “Soraa
To consider the effect of red solid state emitter wavelength Vivid’ lighting device believed to include a BS(Y+R) com
on Qg, various BSY+R devices were constructed, each 60 ponent exhibits a R9 value between 90 and 100, and exhibits
having a 450 nm dominant wavelength blue LED arranged a Qg value of about 98. A number of BSY/R+G devices
to stimulate a 2:1 green:yellow mixture of LuAG/NYAG indicated by the hollow diamonds in the upper right quad
phosphors with addition of a LED of different dominant rant of FIG. 3 exhibit R9-prime values in a range of from
wavelengths (namely, 605 nm, 610 nm, 615, nm, 623 nm, 125 to 220 or more, and exhibit Qg values between 110 and
628 nm, and 633 nm). Such devices were compared to a 65 120.
baseline 90 CRI Cree EZW XTE device embodying blue To address a question of whether lighting devices pro
LEDs arranged to pump a mixture of yellow and red viding high Qg (as well as elevated R9-prime) values,
US 9,530,944 B2
17 18
potentially in combination with reduced CRI Ra, may be green, the upper right corner is predominantly red, the lower
acceptable to consumers, Surveys were administered to 8 right corner is predominantly purple or pink, and the lower
people who observed two side-by-side object-containing left corner is predominantly blue. A review of FIGS. 6A-6B
mirror image test booths that were subject to being illumi indicates that the test illuminant exhibits increased gamut
nated differently. Such test booths are shown in FIG. 4A. with increasing red dominant wavelength with particularly
One booth (on the right side) was illuminated with a pronounced differences in the upper right (red) and upper
reference source embodying a Cree XTE EZW 90 CRI left (green) quadrants.
BS(Y+R) LED lighting device having a Qg value of 96, and FIG. 7 is a diagram orthogonally plotting CRI Ra versus
the other booth (on the left side) was illuminated with a test Qg for certain LED lighting devices of Cree, Inc. (Durham,
illuminant including a high Qg source as Summarized in 10
N.C.) (including those shown in FIG. 1) in addition to
FIGS. 2A-2B. Observers were positioned about 2 feet from devices of Soraa, Xicato, and Bridgelux, together with
the lighting booths, and a time period of 15 to 30 seconds multiple high Qg BSY/G+R lighting devices and BSY+R
was provided for observers to acclimate to the light level. LED lighting devices according to embodiments of the
Observers were requested to concentrate on colored items
and not on the white background. Observers were asked to 15 present disclosure. It is noted that FIG. 7 includes an
rate vividness for the high Qg Source in comparison to the extended y-axis (CRI) relative to FIG. 1, with a lower
reference source. In particular, observers were asked (i) boundary of 70 instead of 80. The six high Qg BSY/G+R
whether there is a booth where color is more vivid than the lighting devices correspond to those described in connection
other; (2) if so, to rate the overall color vividness according with FIG. 2A having red-orange or red dominant wave
to the scale shown in FIG. 4B; (3) whether there is a booth lengths of 605 nm, 610 nm, 615, nm, 623 nm, a 623 mm/633
where red color is more vivid than the other, and (4) if so, nm mix, and 633 nm (corresponding to peak wavelengths of
to rate the red color vividness using the scale of FIG. 4B. 612 nm, 619 nm, 623 nm, 627 nm, 642 nm, and 643 nm,
The rating scale included values of “0” corresponding to “no respectively). The five BSY+R lighting devices each
difference.” “1” corresponding to “small difference but included a 450 nm dominant wavelength blue LED arranged
noticeable.” “2 corresponding to “interesting and “notice 25 to stimulate a NYAG phosphor in combination with a
able,” “3” corresponding to “nice” and “wow,” and “4” different red LED having dominant wavelengths of 610 nm,
corresponding to “too much!” A first set of results is shown 615, nm, 623 nm, 628 nm, and 633 nm (corresponding to
in FIG. 4C, which is a plot of subjective vividness rating peak wavelengths of 619 nm, 623 nm, 627 nm, 636 nm, and
versus Qg. Qg values in a range of from about 110 to about 643 nm, respectively). As shown in FIG. 7, Qg increases
115 were considered “interesting (and “noticeable') 30 with increasing red dominant wavelength for the BSY/G+R
whereas a Qg value of 120 corresponded to survey results of and BSY+R devices, but the BSY/G+R devices each exhibit
“nice' and “wow.' higher Qg than the corresponding BSY--R device with the
FIG. 5A is a plot of Qg and R9-prime color rendering same red LED dominant wavelength. However, the BSY/
versus red (or red-orange) dominant wavelength for five G+R devices exhibit a sharper and more dramatic decline of
BSY/G+R LED lighting devices according to FIGS. 2A and 35 CRI Ra with increasing red LED dominant wavelength
2B (and as used in the above-described survey), with over relative to the BSY--R devices.
laid rectangular regions corresponding to the Subjective FIG. 8 is a table summarizing CRI, Qg, and certain
Vividness rating scale values of 2 and 3 according to the luminous efficacy values for various lighting devices iden
rating scale of FIG. 4B. As shown in FIG. 5A, R9-prime tified in FIG. 7. The Soraa, Xicato, and Bridgelux devices
values and Qg values embody similar trend shapes, with 40 (embodying BS(Y+R) devices) all exhibit significantly
illumination sources exhibiting elevated R9-prime values lower luminous efficacy (lumens per watt or LPW) than the
(e.g., to a value of about 220) and elevated Qg values (e.g., remaining devices that each include at least one red LED
to a value of about 119) tending to exhibit recognition by instead of a blue-pumped red phosphor. The BSY/G+R
observers of increased vividness. The dominant red wave devices exhibit reduced (e.g., 12% to 22% reduced) LPW
lengths of 605 nm, 610 nm, 615, nm, 623 nm, and 633 nm 45 relative to a point-of-reference Cree BSY+R 3000K source,
correspond to red peak wavelengths of 612 nm, 619 nm, 623 but still exhibit greater luminous efficacy than the BS(Y+R)
nm, 627 nm, and 643 nm, respectively). devices of Soraa, Xicato, and Bridgelux. Although not
FIG. 5B is a plot of subjective vividness rating versus shown in FIG. 7. Applicants are aware of a LEDnovation
red-orange dominant wavelength for the five BSY/G+R Enhancelite lightbulb (LEDnovation, Inc., Tampa, Fla., US)
LED lighting devices of FIG. 5A, with overlaid rectangular 50 including at least one blue LED (444 nm) arranged to
regions corresponding to the Subjective vividness rating stimulate emissions of a phosphor (believed to be a green:
scale values of 2 and 3 according to the rating scale of FIG. yellow phosphor mixture having a green:yellow phosphor
4B. As shown in FIG. 5B, observer impressions of increased ratio of substantially less than 1:1), and at least one red LED
Vividness of all colors, and of red in particular, increase with (peak wavelength of 628 nm), with the bulb exhibiting a CRI
increasing red dominant wavelength. 55 Ra of 90.7, Qg of 111, CCT of 2822, and duv of -0.0013
FIGS. 6A to 6C are plots of chromaticities in CIE 1976 according to measurements performed by Applicants. Test
L*a*b* color space of multiple color patches used in the results for a LEDnovation Enhancelite A19 LED light bulb
definition of Qg when illuminated with a sample source and (model no. LED-A19-60-1-27D-IO) published by LED
when illuminated with a reference (blackbody) source, for Light Review (
BSY/G+R LED lighting devices including red dominant 60 tion-enhancelite-a19/) note that the A19 bulb has a luminous
wavelengths of 605 nm, 610 nm, and 633 nm, respectively. efficacy of 86 LPW and a CRI Ra of 94. Relative to the
FIG. 6A corresponds to a BSY/G+R LED lighting having a LEDnovation Enhancelite bulb tested by Applicants, the
peak wavelength of about 612 nm: FIG. 6B corresponds to BSY/G+R including a 628 nm/633 nm red dominant wave
a BSY/G+R LED lighting having a peak wavelength of length LED mix (642 nm peak) LED device and the BSY/
about 619 nmi; and FIG. 6C corresponds to a BSY/G+R LED 65 G+R including a 633 nm dominant (643 nm peak) red LED
lighting having a peak wavelength of about 643 nm. In each device include longer peak wavelength red LEDs and
of FIGS. 6A-6C, the upper left corner is predominantly exhibit higher Qg values of 115 and 119, respectively.
US 9,530,944 B2
19 20
FIG. 9A is a plot of chromaticities in CIE 1976 L*a*b* similar to BSY/G+R devices, but Qg values are higher for
color space of multiple color patches used in the definition BSY/G+R devices than BSY+R devices for comparable
of Qg when illuminated with a Cree CXA (95 CRI) BS(Y+ supplemental red LED wavelengths.
R) LED lighting device and when illuminated with a refer In certain embodiments, increased saturation (including
ence (blackbody) source. FIG. 9B is a table identifying but not limited to increased Qg) can be achieved or enhance
chromaticity, gamut area, color rendering, and luminous with the use of relatively narrow spectral output green or
efficacy characteristics of the device of FIG.9A. FIG. 10A yellow lumiphors. Such increased Saturation may be instead
is a plot of chromaticities in CIE 1976 L*a*b* color space of or in addition to a long wavelength LED as described
of multiple color patches used in the definition of Qg when previously herein. Use of narrow wavelength range green or
illuminated with a Xicato Vibrant (95 CRI) BS(Y+R) LED 10 yellow lumiphors in lieu of traditional wide wavelength
lighting device versus and illuminated with a reference range green or yellow lumiphors is believed to be run
(blackbody) source. FIG. 10B is a table identifying chro counter to conventional wisdom according to which higher
maticity, gamut area, color rendering, and luminous efficacy CRI Ra is typically sought. Use of narrow wavelength range
characteristics of the device represented in FIG. 10A. Both green lumiphors may result in reduced spectral content
devices exhibit CRI Ra of at least 95 and similar CCT values 15 between peaks attributable to lumiphoric material and a red
(3021K versus 2928K), but the Xicato Vibrant device exhib LED in a BSG+R device, thereby providing potential for
its a greater Qg value of 107 versus 96.4 and a greater R9 increasing Qg.
color rendering value of 89.5 versus 79.7. In certain embodiments, a relatively narrow spectrum
FIGS. 12A and 12B provide a basis for comparing BSY/ yellow or green lumiphor may include a peak wavelength
G+R and BSY+R devices including two different peak preferably in a range of from 510 nm to 570 nm (or from 510
wavelength red LEDs. FIG. 12A is a table identifying nm to 544 nm) and a full width-half maximum (FWHM)
various chromaticity, gamut area, color rendering, and lumi intensity value of less than 90 nm, of less than 80 nm, of less
nous efficacy characteristics of two BSY/G+R lighting than 75 nm, of less than 70 nm, or of less than 65 nm. In
devices each having 447 nm peak wavelength blue LED certain embodiments, a narrow spectrum green lumiphor is
stimulating a LuAG/NYAG green/yellow phosphor mixture, 25 preferred. One example of a narrow spectral output green
in combination with red LEDs having different dominant lumiphor is BOSE (BG201B) phosphor having a peak
wavelengths of 623 nm and 628 nm (corresponding to peak wavelength of about 526 nm and a FWHM intensity value
wavelengths of 627 nm and 636 nm), respectively, and FIG. of about 68, relative to a FWHM intensity value of approxi
12B provides corresponding values for two BSY+R lighting mately 100 for GAL535 (a LuAG type green phosphor).
devices each having a 444 nm peak wavelength blue LED 30 Another example of a narrow spectral output green lumiphor
stimulating a NYAG yellow phosphor, in combination with includes green quantum dots, which are tiny particles or
red LEDs having different dominant wavelengths of 623 mm nanocrystals of light-emitting semiconductor materials.
and 628 nm (corresponding to peak wavelengths of 627 mm FIG. 14A identifies various chromaticity, gamut area,
and 636 mm). Relative to the BSY+R devices, the BSY/G+R color rendering, and luminous efficacy characteristics of a
devices exhibit a lower CRI Ra, a lower R9 color rendering 35 BSG+R LED lighting device including a narrow wavelength
value, a higher Qg, and a higher S/P ratio. Although Sub green lumiphor Such device includes a blue LED with a
jective testing of the BSY+R devices was not performed peak wavelength of 447 nm arranged to stimulate a BOSE
with observers such as performed of BSY/G+R devices (BG201B) green phosphor, with the device including a red
(described in connection with FIGS. 4A-4C), projected LED having a peak wavelength of 647 nm. The resulting
assessments are provided in the bottom row of the BSY+R 40 device included a CRI Ra value of 37.76, a Qg value of
table based on the Qg values. FIG. 12C provides spectral 130.5, a S/P ratio of 1.77, a R9 value of -169.8, and a
diagrams including intensity versus wavelength for the R9-prime value of 355.6. FIG. 14B is a plot of chromatici
lighting devices of FIGS. 12A and 12B. The BSY/G+R ties in CIE 1976 L*a*b* color space of multiple color
device exhibits a shorter wavelength phosphor (middle) patches used in the definition of Qg when illuminated with
peak and a taller red peak. 45 the BSG+R LED lighting device of FIG. 14A and when
FIG. 13 is a table identifying various chromaticity, gamut illuminated with a reference (blackbody) source. FIG. 14C
area, color rendering, and luminous efficacy characteristics provides a spectral diagram including intensity versus wave
of five different lighting devices each including red LEDs length for the same lighting device.
with relatively long red peak wavelengths. The first source To provide a basis for comparing FWHM values for
embodies a BSY/G+R device with blue and red peak wave 50 different green phosphors, FIGS. 15A and 15B include a bar
lengths of 446 nm and 642 nm, respectively, providing a Qg chart and numerical moments of spectral full width-half
value of 115.6 and a R9-prime value of 176.9 (with R9 value maximum for a BOSE green (BG201B) phosphor and
of 19.7). The second source embodies a Cree CXABS(Y+R) GAL535 (LuAG type) green phosphor, respectively. Addi
device with blue and red peak wavelengths of 451 nm and tionally, FIG. 15C is a line chart representing peak wave
642 nm, respectively, providing a Qg value of 112 and a R9 55 lengths for the phosphors of FIGS. 15A and 15B and for a
value of 58.4. The third source embodies a BSY+R device GAL535:NYAG4 1:1 green:yellow phosphor mixture. The
with blue and red peak wavelengths of 444 nm and 636 nm, 1:1 mixture of green:yellow phosphor has a peak wave
respectively, providing a Qg value of 114.5 and a R9 value length of 545 nm, which is 1 nm higher than the upper
of 60.9. The fourth Source embodies a BSY/G+R device boundary of the 510 nm to 544 nm peak wavelength range
with blue and red peak wavelengths of 447 nm and 636 nm, 60 selected for narrow wavelength range green phosphors used
respectively, providing a Qg value of 116.7 and a R9-prime in devices according to certain embodiments. In certain
value of 1949 (with R9 value of 0.5). The fifth source embodiments, a narrow wavelength yellow or green phos
embodies a BSY/G+R device with blue and red peak wave phor comprising a peak wavelength in a yellow or green
lengths of 446 nm and 643 nm, respectively, providing a Qg range of from 510 nm to 570 nm may be used.
value of 119 and a R9-prime value of 222.41 (with R9 value 65 FIG. 16 is a plot of color points for sources including blue
of-32.8). FIG. 13 shows that longer wavelength red LEDs LEDs of various wavelengths, BSY sources with 100%
can increase Qg values for BSY+R devices in a manner NYAG4 yellow phosphor, BSG sources with 100% GAL535
US 9,530,944 B2
21 22
green phosphor, a BSG sources with 100% BG201B green embodiments). Thus, in certain embodiments, minimum Qg
phosphor, and GAL535:NYAG4 1:1 green:yellow phosphor values may be increased from 7 to 12 points relative to the
mix sources, with addition of a dashed line offset above the preceding equation, Such that lighting devices disclosed
data points for the sources with 100% GAL535 green herein may include aggregate emissions having Qg values of
phosphor. The dashed line represents a boundary above at least the values defined by one or more of the following
which conventional (wide FWHM) green phosphors are equations: (i) at least 119-(0.003xCCT); (ii) at least 120
believed to be excluded. Thus, BSG color points above and (0.003xCCT); (iii) at least 121-(0.003xCCT); (iv) at least
to the left of the dashed line may be utilized in combination 122-(0.003xCCT); (v) at least 123-(0.003xCCT); and (vi)
with red solid state emitters (e.g., LEDs) to obtain BSG+R (v) at least 124-(0.003xCCT). In certain embodiments,
devices having increased Qg. Qg may be still further 10 lighting devices may include aggregate emissions with Qg
enhanced by utilizing red solid state emitters of longer values of at least 115, of at least 119, at least 120, at least
wavelengths as disclosed herein. 122, at least 125, at least 127, and at least 130. In certain
FIG. 17 is a CIE 1931 (x,y) chromaticity diagram illus embodiments, the preceding thresholds may be obtained at
trating the blackbody or Planckian locus, the spectrum locus, at least one CCT value within the range of from 200K to
15 6500K, from 2000K to 5000K, from 2500K to 5000K, or
and a first dash-line closed shape with vertices A, C, D, and from 25OOK to 4500K.
F that includes BSY/G subcombination color points pro Lighting devices according to certain embodiments as
duced by a blue solid state light emitter in combination with disclosed herein may include R9-prime (R9") color render
one or more lumiphoric materials as utilized in BSY/G+R ing values of at least 101 (or greater than 100), at least 110,
lighting devices according to at least some embodiments of at least 120, at least 130, at least 140, at least 150, at least
the present disclosure. Line segments “A-C and "D-F 160, at least 170, at least 180, at least 190, at least 200, at
correspond to portions of the 5000K CCT and 2000K CCT least 210, or at least 220. Subranges including any of the
tie lines, respectively. Curved line segment “A-F corre preceding values as endpoints are also contemplated.
sponds to the spectrum locus between the 5000K CCT and Lighting devices according to certain embodiments as
2000K CCT tie lines. Line segment "C-D' corresponds to a 25 disclosed herein may include CRI Ra values in at least one
segment of the dashed line shown in FIG. 16. In certain of the following ranges: at least 80, at least 70, at least 60,
embodiments, a combination of lumiphor emissions and at least 50, at least 40, at least 35, from 50 to 80, from 70 to
unabsorbed portion of the blue LED emission of the BSY/G 85, from 70 to 80, less than or equal to 80, and less than or
portion of a BSY/G+R device would, in the absence of any equal to 70. It is to be recognized that when R9-prime values
additional light, produce a mixture of light within the closed 30 increase beyond 100. Such values correspond to declining
shape bounded by Vertices A, C, D, and F, wherein segments R9 values, such that existence of R9-prime values signifi
A-C, C-D, and D-F embody straight lines and segment A-F cantly greater than 100 tend to result in declining CRI Ra
embodies a curve corresponding to a portion of spectrum values. Subranges including any of the preceding values as
locus. Coordinates for points A, C, D, and F for one endpoints are also contemplated.
embodiment are identified in the following Table 1. 35 Lighting devices according to certain embodiments as
disclosed herein may include luminous efficacy (lumens per
watt) values of at least 70, at least 80, at least 90, at least 95,
Embodiment A (x,y) C (x,y) D (x,y) F (x,y) at least 100, at least 110, at least 120, at least 130, at least
140, and at least 150. Subranges including any of the
(i) (0.040, (0.257, (0.332, (0.020, 40 preceding values as endpoints are also contemplated.
0.329) 0.345) 0.551) 0.770) In certain embodiments, at least Some of the preceding
thresholds for two, three, or four different parameters of Qg,
In other embodiments, one or more Subregions of the CRI Ra, R9-prime color rendering, and luminous efficacy
preceding region may be defined wherein curved segment may be achieved in combination.
“A-F may be shifted rightward by X values of 0.025, of 45 In certain embodiments, aggregate emissions of a BSY/
0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.125, or 0.15; wherein line segment A-F G+R lighting device have a CCT in a range of from 2000K
may be defined by a straight line between endpoints “A-F. to 6500K, from 2000K to 5000K; from 2500K to 5000K;
or wherein line segment may be defined by a straight line from 3000K to 5000K; or from 2700K to 4500K.
parallel to a line drawn through existing line segment "A-F In certain embodiments, a lighting device may be devoid
but shifted rightward by X values of 0.025, 0.05, 0.75, 0.1, 50 of any “unconverted blue LED not arranged to stimulate a
0.125, or 0.15. In each of the preceding subregions, the lumiphoric material. In certain embodiments, a lighting
vertices C and D remain unchanged. The preceding Subre device may be devoid of any incandescent light emitting
gions define BSG Subcombination color points of high Qg element, and be devoid of any notch filtering element. In
BSG+R devices according to certain embodiments. certain embodiments, a light bulb or light fixture may
It is known that Qg values generally decline with increas 55 include at least one lighting device as disclosed herein.
ing CCT. To correlate Qg and CCT production data over a In certain embodiments, a lighting device comprises at
25 day period was obtained for LED lighting devices having least one first electrically activated solid state emitter
different nominal CCT values. Average Qg values at 3000K. arranged to generate first emissions comprising a dominant
3500K, 4000K, and 5000K were about 102.5, 100.9, 99.2, wavelength in a blue range; at least one lumiphoric material
and 96.2, respectively. A functional relationship of 112 60 arranged to receive at least a portion of the first emissions
(0.003xCCT) was established for this baseline. Embodi and produce lumiphor emissions comprising a dominant
ments according to the present disclosure are believed to be wavelength in a green or yellow-green range; and at least
capable of providing Qg values exceeding the preceding one second electrically activated Solid State emitter arranged
baseline by at least 7 points, at least 8 points, at least 9 to generate second emissions comprising a dominant wave
points, at least 10 points, at least 11 points, or at least 12 65 length in a red or red-orange range; wherein aggregate
points over a range of CCT values spanning at least from emissions of the lighting device include at least a portion of
2000K to 5000K (or from 2000K to 6500K in certain the first emissions, at least a portion of the lumiphor emis
US 9,530,944 B2
23 24
sions, and at least a portion of the second emissions; wherein Additionally, although various LEDs are described herein
said aggregate emissions comprise a correlated color tem as “red, it is to be recognized that such term is intended to
perature (CCT) value, and prior to passage through any encompass and include "red-orange LEDs unless specifi
optionally present notch filtering element arranged to at least cally indicated to the contrary herein.
partially inhibit transmission of said aggregate emissions, FIGS. 18A to 18C illustrate examples of solid state
said aggregate emissions comprise a relative gamut area emitter (e.g., LED) packages that may be used to provide
(Qg) value of at least the value obtained by the equation 121 one or more solid state emitters of lighting devices accord
minus the product of 0.003 times the CCT value; and ing to certain embodiments of the present invention.
wherein the lighting device comprises at least one of the FIG. 18A illustrates an LED package 10 in which a LED
following features (a) to (e): (a) the at least one second 10 chip 12 is mounted on a reflective cup 13 by means of a
electrically activated Solid state emitter comprises a peak solder bond or conductive epoxy. One or more wirebonds 11
wavelength of at least 630 nmi; (b) the at least one lumi connect the ohmic contacts of the LED chip 12 to leads 15A
phoric material comprises a lumiphor arranged to produce and/or 15B, which may be attached to or integral with the
lumiphor emissions having a peak wavelength in a range of reflective cup 13. The reflective cup 13 may be filled with an
from 510 nm to 570 nm (or from 510 nm to 544 nm) and 15 encapsulant material 16 containing a wavelength conversion
having a full width-half maximum intensity of less than 90 material. Such as a phosphor or other lumiphoric material.
nm; (c) a combination of (A) the lumiphor emissions and (B) The entire assembly may be encapsulated in a clear protec
an unabsorbed portion of the first emissions transmitted tive resin 14, which may be molded in the shape of a lens to
through or past the at least one lumiphoric material would, collimate the light emitted from the LED chip 12 and/or
in the absence of any additional light, produce a mixture of phosphor particles in the encapsulant material 16. At least
light having a color point on a 1931 CIE Chromaticity some of the light emitted by the LED chip 12 over a first
Diagram including x, y coordinates that define a point on or wavelength range (e.g., “primary light') may be received by
within a closed shape bounded by a first line having X, y the phosphor, which may responsively emit light over a
endpoint coordinates of (0.040, 0.329) and (0.257, 0.345), a second wavelength range (e.g., "secondary light'). The
second line having X, y endpoint coordinates of (0.257. 25 primary light emitted by the LED chip 12 may be partially
0.345) and (0.332, 0.551), a third line having x, y endpoint or completely absorbed by the wavelength conversion mate
coordinates of (0.332, 0.551) and (0.020, 0.770), and a curve rial, such that the overall light output of the LED package 10
corresponding to a portion of the spectrum locus having X, includes both the primary light emitted by the LED chip 12
y endpoint coordinates of (0.020, 0.770) and (0.040, 0.329): and the secondary light emitted by the wavelength conver
(d) said aggregate emissions comprise a R9-prime color 30 sion material.
rendering value that is greater than 110; and (e) said aggre Another LED package 20 that may be used in some
gate emissions comprise a R9-prime color rendering value embodiments of the present invention is illustrated in FIG.
that is at least the value obtained by the equation (9 times the 18B. Relative to the LED package 10 described above, the
Qg value) minus 873, wherein the R9-prime color rendering LED package 20 depicted in FIG. 18B may be more suited
value is also greater than 100. 35 for high power operations which may generate more heat. In
In certain embodiments, a lighting device as disclosed the LED package 20, an LED chip 22 is mounted onto a
herein includes a first power line, wherein each of at least carrier, such as a printed circuit board (PCB) carrier 23. A
one first (e.g., blue) electrically activated solid state emitter metal reflector 24 mounted on the carrier 23 surrounds the
and at least one second (e.g., red or red-orange) electrically LED chip 22 and reflects light emitted by the LED chip 22
activated solid state emitter is electrically connected to the 40 away from the package 20. The metal reflector 24 is typi
first power line. In certain embodiments, a lighting device as cally attached to the carrier 23 by means of a solder or epoxy
disclosed herein includes at least one (or multiple) of the bond. The reflector 24 also provides mechanical protection
following features: a single leadframe is arranged to conduct to the LED chip 22. One or more wirebond connections 11
electrical power to the at least one first electrically activated are made between ohmic contacts on the LED chip 22 and
solid state emitter and the at least one second electrically 45 electrical traces. 25A, 25B on the carrier 23. The mounted
activated Solid state emitter, a single reflector is arranged to LED chip 22 is covered with an encapsulant 26, which may
reflect at least a portion of light emanating from each of the provide environmental and/or mechanical protection to the
at least one first electrically activated solid state emitter and chips while also acting as a lens. The encapsulant 26
the at least one second electrically activated solid state includes at least one phosphor or other wavelength conver
emitter, a single Submount or mounting element Supports the 50 sion material that absorbs at least some of the light emitted
at least one first electrically activated solid state emitter and by the LED chip 22, and responsively emits light of a
the at least one second electrically activated solid state different wavelength.
emitter, a single lens is arranged to transmit at least a portion Yet another LED package 30 that may be used in some
of light emanating from each of the at least one first embodiments of the present invention is illustrated in FIG.
electrically activated solid state emitter and the at least one 55 18C. The LED package 30 includes an LED chip 32
second electrically activated Solid state emitter; and a single mounted on a submount 34 to a carrier substrate 33. The
diffuser is arranged to diffuse at least a portion of light carrier substrate 33 can include an alumina substrate and/or
emanating from each of the at least one first electrically a metal core PCB carrier substrate. A reflector 44 attached to
activated Solid state emitter and the at least one second the carrier substrate 33 surrounds the LED chip 32 and
electrically activated solid state emitter. In certain embodi 60 defines an optical cavity 35 above the LED chip(s) 32. An
ments, multiple first electrically activated (e.g., blue) Solid encapsulant material 36, Such as silicone, fills the optical
state emitters and multiple second electrically activated cavity 35. The encapsulant material 36 further includes at
(e.g., red or red-orange) Solid state emitters are present. In least one phosphor (or other wavelength conversion mate
certain embodiments, multiple clusters of solid state emitters rial) that is that absorbs at least some of the light emitted by
may be provided, wherein each cluster includes at least one 65 the LED chip 32, and responsively emits light of a different
first Solid state emitter and at least one second Solid state wavelength. The reflector 44 reflects light emitted by the
emitter. LED chip 32 away from the package 30. The reflector 44
US 9,530,944 B2
25 26
also includes an upwardly extending cylindrical sidewall 45 tiple lumiphors 127 may be provided. In one embodiment,
that defines a channel in which a lens 38 can be inserted. The one or more lumiphors may be arranged to interact with only
lens 38 may be held in place by the encapsulant material 36, a single solid state emitter 124, 125. At least one lumiphor
and can move up and down as the encapsulant material 36 may be disposed in an amount (e.g., thickness, width, etc.)
expands and contracts due to heat cycling. The lens 38 may or concentration that varies with respect to position within a
include a light-scattering lens that is configured to refract Solid state lighting device, such embodied in variations of
light emitted by the LED and the wavelength conversion presence, amount or concentration with respect to one or
material (e.g., a transparent lens body with light scattering more solid state emitters. For example, at least one lumiphor
particles such as TiO, Al-O, SiO, etc., and/or a lens body may be coated over or arranged over one solid state emitter,
including a roughened outer Surface that can randomly 10 and not arranged over (or arranged in a different thickness or
scatter light that exits the lens 38). concentration over) another solid State emitter. In certain
FIGS. 19A-19E illustrate exemplary portions of solid embodiments, the excitation (or stimulation) wavelength
state lighting devices incorporating electrically activated range of the lumiphor 127 may correspond with output
Solid state emitters and lumiphoric materials, which may be wavelength range (e.g., at least overlapping with a full width
used alone or in groups according to certain embodiments 15 half maximum output) of one LED 124, but not correspond
described herein. It is to be appreciated that various struc with output wavelength range of another LED 125.
tures employed within complete lighting devices (e.g., pack In certain embodiments, a solid state lighting device may
age leads, leadframes, contacts, wirebonds, bond structures, include multiple electrically activated solid state emitters
heat transfer elements, light extracting optics, diffusers, (e.g., LEDs) and one or more lumiphors (e.g., phosphors)
additional reflecting Surfaces, power Supplies, and the like) arranged in one or more layers spatially separated from the
have been omitted for clarity of illustration, but one skilled solid state emitters. FIG. 19D is a side cross-sectional
in the art would appreciate that known structures could be schematic view of a portion of a solid state lighting device
incorporated in operative lighting devices including the 130 including first and second solid state emitters (e.g.,
illustrative portions provided in FIGS. 19A-19E. LEDs) 134, 135, a reflector cup 132 or similar support
FIG. 19A is a side cross-sectional schematic view of a 25 structure on or over which the solid state emitters 134, 135
portion of a solid state lighting device 100 including at least are mounted, and one or more lumiphors (e.g., phosphors)
one electrically activated solid state light emitter (e.g., LED) 138, 139 arranged in layers that are spatially segregated
104, a reflector cup 102 or other support structure on or over from the solid state emitters 134, 135. An encapsulant 136
which the LED 104 is mounted, and (optionally) at least one or other material may be disposed between the solid state
lumiphor (e.g., phosphor) 107 dispersed in an encapsulant 30 emitters 134, 135 and the lumiphors 138,139; alternatively,
material disposed over the LED 104 and within the reflector the solid state emitters 134, 135 and lumiphors 138, 139 may
cup 102. Although FIG. 19A illustrates the at least one be separated by a gap. In one embodiment, the lumiphors
lumiphor 107 as being dispersed in an encapsulant material, 138, 139 may be arranged in alternating layers including at
in various embodiments one or more lumiphors (e.g., phos least two non-adjacent layers including lumiphors of Sub
phors) may be disposed in any Suitable conformation to 35 stantially the same material composition. One advantage of
receive emissions from a solid state emitter (e.g., LED) and confining different lumiphors to different layers is to avoid
responsively re-emit light. In certain embodiments, at least undue absorption of emission spectrum of one lumiphor that
one lumiphor may be coated directly on or over a solid state may overlap with excitation spectrum of another lumiphor
emitter. In certain embodiments, one or more lumiphors may (e.g., excitation spectrum of a red phosphor may overlap
be arranged in separate layers that may be spatially sepa 40 with emission spectrum of a yellow phosphor) which would
rated from each solid state emitter and/or one another. In result in loss of efficiency. In certain embodiments, presence
certain embodiments, the device 100 including a lumiphor of a lumiphoric material may be non-uniform (e.g., pat
may be utilized in conjunction with a comparable device terned) within an individual lumiphor layer. In certain
including a LED but lacking a lumiphor. embodiments, a lumiphoric material layer may have a thick
FIG. 19B is a side cross-sectional schematic view of a 45 ness that is non-uniform with respect to position.
portion of a Solid state lighting device 110 including at least FIG. 19E is a side cross-sectional schematic view of a
one electrically activated solid state emitter (e.g., LED) 114, portion of a solid state lighting device 140 including first and
a reflector cup 112 or other support structure on or over second electrically activated solid state emitters (LEDs) 144,
which the solid state emitter 114 is mounted, and multiple 145, a reflector cup 142 or other support structure on or over
lumiphors (e.g., phosphors) 118, 119 arranged in layers that 50 which the LEDs 144, 145 are mounted, and at least one
are spatially segregated from the Solid state emitter 114. An lumiphor 148 arranged to interact only (or primarily only)
encapsulant 116 may be disposed between the solid state with a single LED 144. In certain embodiments, the at least
emitter 114 and the lumiphors 118, 119; alternatively, at least one lumiphor 148 may be coated or deposited on or over a
one void may be arranged between the solid state emitter 114 first LED 144 but omitted from the LED 145. In certain
and the lumiphors 118, 119 to reduce conductive thermal 55 embodiments, the at least one lumiphor 148 may include a
coupling therebetween. In certain embodiments, the device mixture of multiple lumiphors, and/or multiple layers of
110 including at least one lumiphor may be utilized in lumiphors having different material compositions. An
conjunction with a comparable device including a LED but encapsulant 146 may cover the LEDs 144, 145.
lacking a lumiphor. FIG. 20 illustrates a first light bulb 400 arranged to
FIG. 19C is a side cross-sectional schematic view of a 60 incorporate multiple Solid state emitters as disclosed herein.
portion of a solid state lighting device 120 including first and The light bulb 400 may optionally be arranged to output
second solid state emitters (e.g., LEDs) 124, 125, a reflector notch filtered light. The solid state light bulb 400 includes a
cup 122 or other support structure on or over which the solid conventional power supply 404, and includes a heatsink 405
state emitters 124, 125 are mounted, and at least one including fins to promote cooling of emitter chips 402 and
lumiphor (e.g., phosphor) 127 dispersed in an encapsulant 65 power supply 404. A lateral contact 410 and foot contact 411
material disposed over the solid state emitters 124, 125 and may be compatible with an Edison-style Screw-type light
within the reflector cup 122. In certain embodiments, mul socket for conducting power to the lightbulb 400. An optical
US 9,530,944 B2
27 28
element 408 (which may be embodied in a light-transmis polymeric material, microcellular polyethyleneterephthalate
sive globe) is provided to protect the emitter chips 402 and (MCPET), or other suitable materials. If notch filtering
provide light shaping and/or diffusion utility for light emis material is provided, then emissions of the LEDs 726 may
sions of the light bulb 400. One or more lumiphoric mate interact with one or more notch filtering materials (e.g.,
rials may be associated with the emitter chips 402 and/or the associated with the LEDs 726, associated with the reflector
optical element 408 to provide wavelength conversion util 708 (such as optional notch filtering material 718), and/or
ity. In certain embodiments, one or more optional filtering associated with the lens plates 715, 716) such that the light
materials (e.g., notch filtering materials) may be associated will exhibit a spectral notch, and the notch filtering may be
with the emitter chips 402 and/or the optical element 408 to specifically tailored to increase GAI (or Qg) and/or CRI Ra.
filter light emissions in order to exhibit at least one spectral 10 FIG. 23 illustrates a lighting apparatus (e.g., light fixture)
notch as described herein. If an optional notch filtering 810 according to at least one embodiment. The apparatus
material is provided, then upon passage of light through one 810 includes a substrate or mounting plate 875 to which
or more notch filtering materials (e.g., associated with LEDs multiple solid state emitter (e.g., LED) lamps 870-1 to 870-6
and/or the optical element 408), the light will exhibit a (optionally embodied in multi-chip lamps such as multi-chip
spectral notch, and the notch filtering may be specifically 15 LED packages) are attached, wherein each lamp 870-1 to
tailored to increase GAI (or Qg) and/or CRI Ra. 870-6 may include multiple LEDs as described herein. Each
FIG. 21 illustrates a second, reflector-type (i.e. PAR-style) lamp 870-1 to 870-6 may optionally include a cluster of
lightbulb 500 arranged to incorporate solid state emitters as Solid State emitters, including at least one lumiphor con
disclosed herein. The light bulb 500 may optionally be verted Solid State emitter and at least one Supplemental Solid
arranged to output notch filtered light. The light bulb 500 state emitter as disclosed herein. The mounting plate 875
includes a reflector 504 and an optical element (e.g., lens) may include a circular shape or any suitable shape or
506 covering a front or light emitting portion of the bulb configuration (including non-planar and curvilinear configu
500, with the reflector 504 and lens 506 together forming a rations). Different solid state emitter lamps or clusters may
light-transmissive optical enclosure. An opposing end of the be configured to emit the same or different colors (e.g.,
bulb includes contacts 510, 511 (e.g., an Edison-style 25 wavelengths) of light. With specific reference to a first solid
threaded lateral contact 510 and a foot contact 511) for state lamp 870-1, each solid state lamp 870-1 to 870-6 may
receiving power from a socket or other receptacle. A body include multiple solid state emitters (e.g., LEDs) 864A
508 of the light bulb 500 may include suitable LED control 864D preferably arranged on a single submount 861.
and/or drive circuitry. The bulb 500 includes LED devices or Although FIG. 23 illustrates four solid state emitter chips as
dies (not visible) as previously discussed, and Such compo 30 being associated with each multi-chip solid state lamp 870-1
nents optionally may include one or more notch filtering to 870-6, it is to be appreciated that any suitable number of
material layers and/or one or more lumiphoric materials. solid state emitter chips may be associated with each multi
Optionally, one or more filtering materials (e.g., notch chip solid state lamp 870-1 to 870-6, and the number of solid
filtering materials) may be associated with the lens 506 to state emitter chips associated with different (e.g., multi-chip)
filter light emissions in order to exhibit at least one spectral 35 solid state lamps may be different. Each solid state lamp
notch as described herein. The lens 506 may alternatively or 870-1 to 870-6 in a single fixture 810 may be substantially
additionally include light scattering and/or lumiphoric mate identical to one another, or solid state lamps with different
rials in certain embodiments. If notch filtering material is output characteristics may be intentionally provided in a
provided, then upon passage of light through one or more single fixture 810.
notch filtering materials (e.g., associated with LEDs and/or 40 The solid state lamps 870-1 to 870-6 may be grouped on
the lens 506), the light will exhibit a spectral notch, and the the mounting plate 875 in clusters or other arrangements so
notch filtering may be specifically tailored to increase GAI that the light fixture 810 outputs a desired pattern of light. In
(or Qg) and/or CRI Ra. certain embodiments, at least one state emitter lamp asso
FIGS. 22A-22B illustrate a troffer-type (in-ceiling linear) ciated with a single fixture 810 includes a lumiphor-con
light fixture 700 arranged to incorporate multiple solid state 45 verted light emitting component. One or more lamps 870-1
emitters (e.g., LEDs) 726 as disclosed herein. One or more to 870-6 may optionally include at least one notch filtering
lumiphoric materials may be associated with one or more material. With continued reference to FIG. 23, the light
LEDs 726. Optionally, the fixture 700 may include one or fixture 810 may include one or more control circuit com
more notch filtering materials, such as may be associated ponents 880 arranged to operate the lamps 870-1 to 870-6 by
with LEDs 726, may be applied to or included in a linear 50 independently applying currents and/or adjusting duty cycle
reflector (e.g., e.g., by doping, impregnation, coating, etc.). of respective LED components or groups thereof. In certain
or may be applied to or integrated with one or more light embodiments, individual solid state chips 864A-864D in
transmissive lens plates 715, 716 to cause the light emitted various lamps 870-1 to 870-6 may be configured to be
from the light fixture 700 to exhibit a spectral notch. Light individually addressed by the control circuit 880. In certain
fixture 700 includespan 701, heatsink 702, emitter mounting 55 embodiments, the lighting apparatus 810 may be self-bal
surface 724, reflector 708, and end caps 710, 711. End cap lasted. In certain embodiments, a control circuit 880 may
710 is larger than end cap 711 and is shaped to act as a circuit include a current Supply circuit configured to independently
box to house electronics used to drive and control the light apply an on-state drive current to each individual solid state
Source (e.g., rectifiers, regulators, timing circuitry, etc.). chip responsive to a control signal, and may include one or
Although a reflector may take various shapes, in the illus 60 more control elements configured to selectively provide
trated embodiment, the reflector 708 includes a flat region control signals to the current Supply circuit. As solid state
opposite the heatsink 702. In alternative embodiments, the emitters (e.g., LEDs) are current-controlled devices, the
reflector 708 could be parabolic in shape, or include two or intensity of the light emitted from an electrically activated
more parabolic regions. Light fixture 700 also includes a solid state emitter (e.g., LED) is related to the amount of
diffuser lens assembly including lens plates 715, 716, dis 65 current with which the device is driven. A common method
posed adjacent to sides of the heatsink 702. Reflector 708 for controlling the current driven through an LED to achieve
can be made of many different materials, including metal, desired intensity and/or color mixing is a Pulse Width
US 9,530,944 B2
29 30
Modulation (PWM) scheme, which alternately pulses the separately or collectively arranged to stimulate emissions of
LEDs to a full current “ON” state followed by a zero current at least one lumiphoric material, which may be arranged
“OFF state. The control circuit 880 may be configured to directly on a LED chip, or spatially segregated from each
control the current driven through the solid state emitter LED chip. In certain embodiments, a first group of LED
chips 864A-864D associated with the lamps 870-1 to 870-6 5 chips may be arranged to output aggregate emissions having
using one or more control schemes known in the art. The a first Qg value, and a second group of LED chips may be
control circuit 880 may be attached to an opposite or back arranged to output aggregate emissions having a second Qg
surface of the mounting plate 875, or may be provided in an value. By independently applying currents and/or adjusting
enclosure or other structure (not shown) that is segregated duty cycle of the respective LED groups, Qg value for total
from the light fixture 810. 10 emissions of the emitter package 900 may be adjusted, and
While not illustrated in FIG. 23, the light fixture 810 may high Qg values may be obtained. In certain embodiments,
further include one or more heat spreading components the emitter package 900 may include Qg values and com
and/or heatsinks for spreading and/or removing heat emitted binations of emitters and/or lumiphors as disclosed herein.
by solid state emitter chips 864A-864D associated with the Although four LED chips 950A-950D are illustrated in FIG.
lamps 870-1 to 870-6. For example, a heat spreading com 15 24A, it is to be appreciated that a LED package may include
ponent may include a sheet of thermally conductive material any desirable number of LED chips, including groups of
configured to conduct heat generated by the Solid state chips arranged in series, in parallel, or in series-parallel
emitter chips 864A-864D of the light fixture 810 and spread configurations.
the conducted heat over the area of the mounting plate 875 FIG.24B is a bottom plan view of the emitter package 900
to reduce thermal stratification in the light fixture 810. of FIG. 24A. A lower surface 912 of the substrate includes
FIG. 24A illustrates a solid state emitter package 900 four anodes 921A-921D and four cathodes 922A-922D
including multiple solid state light emitters as described patterned thereon (e.g., as electrical traces), with one paired
herein. The emitter package 900 includes multiple (e.g., anode/cathode per quadrant. The separate anodes 921A
four) LED chips 950A-950D that may be separately con 921D and cathodes 922A-922D enable separate control of
trolled (e.g., via backside anodes 921A-921D and cathodes 25 the multiple solid state emitters (e.g., LED chips) 950A
922A-922D shown in FIG. 24B) and that are supported by 950B, if desired. The various anodes 921A-921D and cath
an insulating substrate 910. The substrate 910, which may odes 922A-922D are separated by gaps that may be filled
preferably comprise a ceramic material, includes an upper with solder mask material sections 927-1, 927-2. A thermal
surface 911, a lower surface 912, and side walls 913–916 element (e.g., thermal spreading element) 92.6 may be
extending between the upper surface 911 and the lower 30 arranged along the bottom surface 912 between the solder
surface 912. Electrical traces 940 are arranged over the mask material sections 927-1, 927-2 and generally under
substrate 910, including multiple die attach pads 941A lapping the LED chips 950A-950D. The thickness of the
941D and additional electrical elements 942A-942D thermal element 926 may be the same as or different from
arranged proximate to the die attach pads 941A-941D. (e.g., thicker than) the anodes 921A-921D and cathodes
Where the die attach pads 941A-941D are electrically con 35 922A-922D. As shown, the package 900 is devoid of any
ductive, the LED chips 950A-950D may be arranged with anode or cathode arranged on, or extending laterally beyond,
bottom side contacts thereof in electrical communication any side wall 913–916 thereof. Although the emitter package
with the die attach pads 941A-941D, and with top side 900 is illustrated as including anodes and cathodes on the
contacts thereof in electrical communication with the elec lower surface 912, it is to be recognized that emitter pack
trical elements 942A-942D by way of wirebonds 952. The 40 ages according to different embodiments may include
die attach pads 941A-941D and electrical elements 942A anodes and/or cathodes arranged on or extending from upper
942D may comprise one or more metals patterned on (or in) Surfaces or side Surfaces of an emitter package. Additionally,
the upper surface 911 of the substrate 910. Gaps 94.5 may be emitter packages according to different embodiments may
provided between adjacent die attach pads 941A-941D include various control circuit and/or drive circuit elements
and/or electrical elements 942A-942D to prevent undesired 45 arranged in or on a Substrate that is also arranged to Support
conductive electrical communication. In certain embodi one or more LED chips.
ments, die attach pads need not be electrically conductive, FIGS. 25A-25C embody a table identifying gamut area,
Such as in cases where anode and cathode connections to a color rendering, and luminous efficacy characteristics of 138
solid state emitter chip are both made with wirebonds. An modeled solid state lighting devices at CCT values of 4000K
insulating soldermask 947 is patterned over peripheral por 50 including various combinations of solid state emitters and/or
tions of the electrical traces 940, and a molded lens 960 (e.g., phosphors, sorted from high to low Qg values. The column
including a raised or hemispherical portion 961 and a base labeled “Source 1” identifies red LEDs except where
portion 962) is arranged over the upper surface 911 of the “CASN (red phosphor) is specified. The column labeled
substrate 910 and is arranged to transmit at least a portion of “Source 2' identifies either green LEDs, LuAG green phos
light generated by the LED chips 950A-950D. 55 phor, NYAG yellow phosphor, or mixtures of LuAg and
LED chips 950A-950D of any suitable peak wavelength NYAG (e.g., in a ratio of 5:1 or 7:1). The column labeled
(e.g., color) may be used, and one. Some, or all of the LED “Source 3’ identifies various blue LEDs. Adjacent to each
chips 950A-950D may be arranged to stimulate emissions of Source column, a dominant wavelength, peak wavelength,
one or more lumiphors (e.g., phosphors). Although some or and % lumens of the respective source is further provided.
all of the LED chips 950A-950D may be separately con 60 The rightmost ten columns provide Scotopic/photopic ratio,
trolled, in certain embodiments groups of two or more LED modeled luminous efficacy LPW (wherein it is noted that
chips 950A-950D or groups of LED chips may be controlled the indicated LPW values are useful for relative compari
together in a groupwise fashion. For example, in certain son within FIGS. 25A-25C and 26A-26C, but not necessar
embodiments a first group of LED chips 950A-950B may be ily indicative of absolute lumens per watt values), luminous
controlled as a first group, and a second group of LED chips 65 efficacy ratio (LER) (equal to total photopic luminous flux
950C-950D may be controlled as a second group. In certain over total radiant power), R9 color rendering, color quality
embodiments, one or more LED chips of each group may be scale (CQS), GAI, qf, Qg, and power (W). As shown in FIG.
US 9,530,944 B2
31 32
25A, the seventeen emitters with highest Qg values include simulation of a lighting device including a blue LED having
green LEDs as Source 2. Rows 18 and 19 indicate that a 450 nm dominant wavelength arranged to stimulate emis
Sources with LuAG green phosphors, long peak wavelength sions of (i) a 2:1 green:yellow mixture of GAL535/NYAG
red LEDs (641 nm), and blue LEDs (444 and 452 nm peak phosphors and (ii) at least one red quantum dot material.
wavelengths) may provide Qg values of 120 and CRI values 5 FIG. 28 is a table identifying Qg and CRI for a simulated
of greater than 70 at a CCT of 4000K. Similar Qg values device according to FIG. 27 as a function of red quantum dot
may be obtained with devices including 5:1 or 7:1 LuAg: peak wavelength at CCT values of 3000K and 4000K,
NYAG green:yellow phosphor blends stimulated by blue respectively. FIG. 28 indicates that a Qg values in excess of
LEDs in combination with long peak wavelength red LEDs. 110 can be obtained at CCT values of 3000K or 400OK for
FIGS. 26A-26C embody a table identifying gamut area, 10 Such a device incorporating quantum dots having peak
relative gamut, color rendering, and luminous efficacy char wavelengths in a range of from 626 nm to 650 nm. Addi
acteristics of modeled BSY+R, BSG+R, and BSY/G+R tionally, relatively high CRI values of at least 80 may be
solid state lighting devices at various CCT values from obtained simultaneously with Qg values in excess of 110 at
2700K to 6500K. From the left, the labeled columns of 3000K utilizing quantum dots having peak wavelengths of
FIGS. 26A-26C represent target CCT, actual CCT, Duv from 15 626 nm or 631 nm, and relatively high CRI values of at least
the blackbody locus, luminous efficacy of radiation, Sco 80 may be obtained simultaneously with Qg values in excess
topic/photopic ratio, CRI, R9 color rendering, color quality of 110 at 4000K utilizing quantum dots having peak wave
scale, gamut area index, qf, Qg, modeled luminous efficacy lengths of 626, 631, 635, 639, 641, or 643 nm.
(LPW*, wherein it is noted that the indicated LPW* values In certain embodiments, a Solid state lighting device
are useful for relative comparison within FIGS. 25A-25C includes at least one first electrically activated solid state
and 26A-26C, but not necessarily indicative of absolute emitter arranged to generate first emissions comprising a
lumens per watt values), identifiers for the first to third dominant wavelength in a blue range; at least one first
Sources, and dominant wavelengths, peak wavelengths, and lumiphoric material arranged to receive at least a portion of
percentage lumens for the respective sources. It can be the first emissions and produce first lumiphor emissions
observed from FIGS. 26A-26C that short wavelength blue 25 comprising a dominant wavelength in a green or yellow
LEDs (e.g., 440 nm peak wavelength) can beneficially green range; at least one second lumiphoric material
enhance Qg relative to longer wavelength blue LEDs. It can arranged to receive at least a portion of the first emissions
be further observed from FIGS. 26A-26C that elevated Qg and produce second lumiphor emissions comprising a domi
values can be obtained for devices having elevated CCT nant wavelength in a red range; wherein aggregate emissions
values such as at 5700K (see rows 11, 22, 24, 28, 40, 46, 52. 30 of the lighting device include at least a portion of the first
55, 72 with Qg values of 110.6, 112.6, 111.3, 111.8, 113.3, emissions, at least a portion of the first lumiphor emissions,
111.8, 112.3, 117.0, and 116.1, respectively), and 6500K and at least a portion of the second lumiphor emissions:
(see rows 36 and 71 with Qg values of 109.1 and 112.9, wherein said aggregate emissions comprise a correlated
respectively). Such elevated Qg values may also be attained color temperature (CCT) value, and said aggregate emis
in conjunction with acceptably high CRI values. 35 sions comprise a relative gamut area (Qg) value of at least
In certain embodiments, elevated Qg values can be 110 (preferably in combination with a CRI value of at least
obtained with solid state light emitting devices that include 80); wherein the at least one second lumiphoric material
at least one electrically activated solid state light emitter comprises a red quantum dot material arranged to produce
arranged to stimulate emissions of (i) at least one first lumiphor emissions having a peak wavelength in a range of
lumiphoric material arranged to produce lumiphor emissions 40 from 620 nm to 650 nm (or from 625 nm to 650 nm, or from
comprising a dominant wavelength in a green or yellow 630 nm to 650 nm, with any of the preceding subranges
range and (ii) at least one second lumiphoric material optionally bounded by an upper limit of 635 nm, 640 nm, or
comprising a relatively narrow spectral output (e.g., a nar 650 nm). Such Qg threshold may be obtained at different
row full width-half maximum (FWHM) intensity value). In CCTS using red quantum dot materials of different peak
certain embodiments, at least one second lumiphoric mate 45 wavelengths. In certain embodiments, Qg values of at least
rial comprises a red phosphor arranged to produce emissions 110 may be attained for CCT values in a range of less than
including at least one peak having a FWHM value of 4000K (e.g., including but not limited to a range of from
preferably less than 75 nm, less than 60 nm, less than 50 nm, 3000K to 4000K), or above 4000K. As longer red peak
less than 40 nm, less than 30 nm, less than 20 nm, less than wavelengths are used, however, luminous efficacy and color
10 nm, or less than 5 nm. Such values differ from typical red 50 rendering properties generally suffer.
phosphors, which have FWHM values of at least 75 nm. In FIGS. 29A, 29B, and 30 are directed to an embodiment
certain embodiments, at least one second lumiphoric mate utilizing a narrow wavelength red phosphor. One example of
rial comprises a red phosphor including multiple peaks (e.g., a narrow wavelength output red phosphor Suitable for exci
at least two or at least three) each having FWHM values of tation from blue light is Mn doped potassium fluoro titanate
preferably less than 20 nm, less than 10 nm, or less than 5 55 (acronym “PFT) disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 7,497,973,
nm. In certain embodiments, at least one second lumiphoric which is hereby incorporated by reference herein. In certain
material comprises one or more red quantum dot materials. embodiments, a narrow wavelength output red phosphor has
Typical red quantum dot materials include FWHM values of a FWHM value of preferably less than 90 nm, less than 80
40 nm or less. Preferably, the at least one second lumiphoric nm, less than 75 nm, or another range specified herein.
material comprises a relatively long peak wavelength (e.g., 60 FIG. 29A is a table identifying Qg and CRI values as a
at least 619 nm, at least 622 nm, at least 626 nm, at least 631 function of CCT (for seven CCT values spanning from
nm, at least 635 nm, or another value specified herein, with 2500K to 5000K) for a simulated lighting device including
any of the preceding ranges optionally bounded by an upper a blue LED (450 nm dominant wavelength) arranged to
limit of 640 nm, or 650 nm). stimulate emissions of both a NYAG (yellow) phosphor and
FIGS. 27 and 28 are directed to an embodiment utilizing 65 a red phosphor having a relatively narrow spectral output.
red quantum dot materials. FIG. 27 provides a spectral FIG. 29B is a scatter plot of Qg as a function of CCT for the
diagram including intensity versus wavelength obtained by simulated lighting device of FIG. 29A, with a superimposed
US 9,530,944 B2
33 34
best fit line for the plotted points. The best fit line conforms tions and alternative embodiments, as will suggest them
to the following linear equation: selves to those of ordinary skill in the field of the present
Gg=129.35-(0.0058 times CCT) invention, based on the disclosure herein. Various combi
nations and Sub-combinations of the structures described
In certain embodiments, a minimum Qg value may be herein are contemplated and will be apparent to a skilled
reduced by one or two points relative to the functional person having knowledge of this disclosure. Any of the
relationship set out above. FIG. 29.A shows that elevated Qg various features and elements as disclosed herein may be
values can be obtained in conjunction with relatively high combined with one or more other disclosed features and
CRI (e.g., at least 80) for CCT values in a range of from elements unless indicated to the contrary herein. Corre
2500K to 4000K with a blue shifted (yellow plus red) 10
spondingly, the invention as hereinafter claimed is intended
lighting device that is devoid of a red solid state light emitter. to be broadly construed and interpreted, as including all Such
In certain embodiments, a Solid State lighting device variations, modifications and alternative embodiments,
includes at least one first electrically activated solid state within its scope and including equivalents of the claims.
emitter arranged to generate first emissions comprising a
dominant wavelength in a blue range; at least one first 15
lumiphoric material arranged to receive at least a portion of What is claimed is:
the first emissions and produce first lumiphor emissions 1. A lighting device comprising:
comprising a dominant wavelength in a green or yellow at least one first electrically activated solid state emitter
green range; at least one second lumiphoric material arranged to generate first emissions comprising a domi
arranged to receive at least a portion of the first emissions nant wavelength in a blue range;
and produce second lumiphor emissions comprising a domi at least one lumiphoric material arranged to receive at
nant wavelength in a red range; wherein aggregate emissions least a portion of the first emissions and produce
of the lighting device include at least a portion of the first lumiphor emissions comprising a dominant wavelength
emissions, at least a portion of the first lumiphor emissions, in a green or yellow-green range; and
and at least a portion of the second lumiphor emissions; 25 at least one second electrically activated Solid state emit
wherein said aggregate emissions comprise a correlated ter arranged to generate second emissions comprising a
color temperature (CCT) value, and said aggregate emis dominant wavelength in a red or red-orange range;
sions comprise a relative gamut area (Qg) value of at least wherein aggregate emissions of the lighting device
the value obtained by the equation 127.35 minus the product include at least a portion of the first emissions, at least
of 0.0058 times the CCT value (or 128.35 minus the product 30 a portion of the lumiphor emissions, and at least a
of 0.0058 times the CCT value, or 129.35 minus the product portion of the second emissions;
of 0.0058 times the CCT value); wherein the at least one wherein said aggregate emissions comprise a correlated
second lumiphoric material comprises a lumiphor arranged color temperature (CCT) value, and said aggregate
to produce lumiphor emissions having a peak wavelength in emissions comprise a relative gamut area (Qg) value of
a range of from 620 nm to 650 nm (or from 625 nm to 650 35 at least the value obtained by the equation 121 minus
nm, or from 630 nm to 650 nm). the product of 0.003 times the CCT value; and
FIG. 30 is a table identifying Qg and CRI values as a wherein the lighting device comprises at least one of the
function of CCT (for three CCT values spanning from following features (a) to (c):
2700K to 3500K) for a simulated lighting device including (a) a combination of (A) the lumiphor emissions and (B)
a blue LED (452 nm dominant wavelength) arranged to 40 an unabsorbed portion of the first emissions transmitted
stimulate emissions of both a GAL535 (LuAG type) green through or past the at least one lumiphoric material
phosphor and a red phosphor having a relatively narrow would, in the absence of any additional light, produce
spectral output. Such table shows that relatively high Qg a mixture of light having a color point on a 1931 CIE
values may be obtained with a green phosphor and narrow Chromaticity Diagram including x, y coordinates that
wavelength output red phosphor stimulated by a blue LED, 45 define a point on or within a closed shape bounded by
but such values are lower than the Qg values (in conjunction a first line having x, y endpoint coordinates of (0.040,
with lower CRI values) obtained with the yellow phosphor 0.329) and (0.257, 0.345), a second line having x, y
and narrow wavelength output red phosphor stimulated by a endpoint coordinates of (0.257, 0.345) and (0.332.
blue LED according to FIGS. 29A-29B. 0.551), a third line having x, y endpoint coordinates of
Unless indicated to the contrary, any one or more embodi 50 (0.332, 0.551) and (0.020, 0.770), and a curve corre
ments disclosed herein may be implemented in any Suitable sponding to a portion of the spectrum locus having X,
light emitting apparatus, such as a Solid State emitter pack y endpoint coordinates of (0.020, 0.770) and (0.040,
age (optionally including multiple anodes and multiple 0.329);
cathodes to permit independent control of at least two (b) said aggregate emissions comprise a R9-prime color
emitters or emitter groups), a lightbulb, a light fixture, or the 55 rendering value that is greater than 110; or
like. (c) said aggregate emissions comprise a R9-prime color
Embodiments as disclosed herein may provide one or rendering value that is at least the value obtained by the
more of the following beneficial technical effects: enhancing equation (9 times the Qg value) minus 873, wherein the
perceived quality of emissions of lighting devices; enhanc R9-prime color rendering value is also greater than
ing vividness of colors represented by lighting devices; 60 1OO.
enhancing vividness of illuminated red objects; and enhanc 2. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein said aggregate
ing efficacy of vivid output lighting devices. emissions comprise a relative gamut area (Qg) value of at
While the invention has been has been described herein in least the value obtained by the equation 121 minus the
reference to specific aspects, features, and illustrative product of 0.003 times the CCT value prior to passage
embodiments of the invention, it will be appreciated that the 65 through any optionally present notch filtering element
utility of the invention is not thus limited, but rather extends arranged to at least partially inhibit transmission of said
to and encompasses numerous other variations, modifica aggregate emissions.
US 9,530,944 B2
35 36
3. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein the at least one 19. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein said aggregate
second electrically activated Solid State emitter comprises a emissions comprise a CRI Ra value of less than or equal to
peak wavelength of at least 630 nm. 8O.
4. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein the at least one 20. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein said aggregate
lumiphoric material comprises a lumiphor arranged to pro emissions of the lighting device comprise a luminous effi
duce lumiphor emissions having a peak wavelength in a cacy of at least 80 lumens per watt.
range of from 510 nm to 570 nm and having a full width-half 21. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein said aggregate
maximum intensity of less than 90 nm. emissions of the lighting device comprise a luminous effi
5. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein the at least one cacy of at least 95 lumens per watt.
lumiphoric material comprises a lumiphor arranged to pro 10 22. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein:
duce lumiphor emissions having a peak wavelength in a said at least one lumiphoric material comprises a first
range of from 510 nm to 544 nm and having a full width-half lumiphoric material including at least one of lutetium
maximum intensity of less than 80 nm. aluminum garnet (LuAG) and green aluminate (GAL)
material; and
6. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein a combination 15 said at least one lumiphoric material comprises a second
of (A) the lumiphor emissions and (B) an unabsorbed lumiphoric material including cerium(III)-doped
portion of the first emissions transmitted through or past the yttrium aluminum garnet (Ce:YAG) material;
at least one lumiphoric material would, in the absence of any wherein a proportion of the first lumiphoric material to the
additional light, produce a mixture of light having a color second lumiphoric material is at least 1:1.
point on a 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram including x, y 23. The lighting device of claim 22, wherein a proportion
coordinates that define a point on or within a closed shape of the first lumiphoric material to the second lumiphoric
bounded by a first line having x, y endpoint coordinates of material is at least 1.5:1.
(0.040, 0.329) and (0.257, 0.345), a second line having x, y 24. The lighting device of claim 22, wherein a proportion
endpoint coordinates of (0.257, 0.345) and (0.332, 0.551), a of the first lumiphoric material to the second lumiphoric
third line having x, y endpoint coordinates of (0.332, 0.551) 25 material is at least 2:1.
and (0.020, 0.770), and a curve corresponding to a portion 25. The lighting device of claim 1, further comprising a
of the spectrum locus having x, y endpoint coordinates of first power line, wherein each of the at least one first
(0.020, 0.770) and (0.040, 0.329). electrically activated solid state emitter and the at least one
7. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein said aggregate second electrically activated solid state emitter is electrically
emissions comprise a R9-prime color rendering value that is 30 connected to the first power line.
greater than 110. 26. The lighting device of claim 1, comprising at least one
8. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein said aggregate of the following features:
emissions comprise a R9-prime color rendering value that is a single leadframe arranged to conduct electrical power to
at least the value obtained by the equation (9 times the Qg the at least one first electrically activated solid state
35 emitter and the at least one second electrically activated
value) minus 873, wherein the R9-prime color rendering solid state emitter;
value is also greater than 100. a single reflector arranged to reflect at least a portion of
9. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein said lighting light emanating from each of the at least one first
device is devoid of a notch filtering element arranged to at electrically activated solid state emitter and the at least
least partially inhibit transmission of said aggregate emis 40 one second electrically activated Solid state emitter,
sions. a single Submount or mounting element Supporting the at
10. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein said aggregate least one first electrically activated solid state emitter
emissions comprise a correlated color temperature (CCT) and the at least one second electrically activated Solid
value in a range of from 2000K to 6500K. state emitter;
11. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein said aggregate 45 a single lens arranged to transmit at least a portion of light
emissions comprise a Qg value of at least 115. emanating from each of the at least one first electrically
12. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein said aggregate activated Solid state emitter and the at least one second
emissions comprise a R9-prime color rendering value of at electrically activated solid state emitter; or
least 125. a single diffuser arranged to diffuse at least a portion of
13. The lighting device of claim 12, wherein said 50 light emanating from each of the at least one first
R9-prime color rendering value is at least 175. electrically activated solid state emitter and the at least
14. The lighting device of claim 12, wherein said Qg one second electrically activated Solid state emitter.
value is at least 115, and said R9-prime color rendering 27. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein the at least one
value is at least 150. first electrically activated solid state emitter comprises a
15. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein said aggregate 55 plurality of first electrically activated solid state emitters,
emissions comprise a color point within a 5-step MacAdam and the at least one second electrically activated Solid state
ellipse of the blackbody locus on a 1931 CIE Chromaticity emitter comprises a plurality of second electrically activated
Diagram. solid state emitters.
16. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein said first 28. The lighting device of claim 27, comprising a plurality
emissions comprise a peak wavelength not exceeding 465 60 of clusters of solid state emitters, wherein each cluster of the
. plurality of clusters includes at least one electrically acti
17. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein said second vated solid state emitter of the plurality of first electrically
emissions comprise a peak wavelength in a range of from activated Solid state emitters and at least one electrically
510 nm to 544 nm. activated solid state emitter of the plurality of second
18. The lighting device of claim 1, wherein said aggregate 65 electrically activated solid state emitters.
emissions comprise a CRI Ra value in a range of from 70 to 29. The lighting device of claim 1, being devoid of any
85. electrically activated Solid State emitter arranged to generate
US 9,530,944 B2
37 38
emissions (i) having a dominant wavelength in a range of at least one second lumiphoric material arranged to
from 430 nm to 480 nm and (ii) exiting the lighting device receive at least a portion of the first emissions and
without passage through a layer or region comprising a produce second lumiphor emissions comprising a
lumiphoric material. dominant wavelength in a red range;
30. The lighting device of claim 1, being devoid of any wherein aggregate emissions of the lighting device
incandescent light emitting element. include at least a portion of the first emissions, at least
31. A light bulb or light fixture comprising the lighting a portion of the first lumiphor emissions, and at least a
device of claim 1. portion of the second lumiphor emissions;
32. A lighting device comprising: wherein said aggregate emissions comprise a correlated
at least one first electrically activated solid state emitter 10
color temperature (CCT) value; and
arranged to generate first emissions comprising a domi wherein the lighting device comprises one of the follow
nant wavelength in a blue range;
at least one lumiphoric material arranged to receive at ing features (i) and (ii):
least a portion of the first emissions and produce (i) the at least one second lumiphoric material comprises
lumiphor emissions comprising a dominant wavelength 15 a phosphor arranged to produce lumiphor emissions
in a green or yellow range; and having at least one peak wavelength in a range of from
620 nm to 650 nm and a full width-half maximum
at least one second electrically activated solid state emit intensity value of less than 60 nm, and said aggregate
ter arranged to generate second emissions comprising a emissions comprise a relative gamut area (Qg) value of
dominant wavelength in a red or red-orange range;
wherein aggregate emissions of the lighting device at least the value obtained by the equation 127.35
include at least a portion of the first emissions, at least minus the product of 0.0058 times the CCT value prior
a portion of the lumiphor emissions, and at least a to passage through an optionally present notch filtering
portion of the second emissions; element arranged to at least partially inhibit transmis
wherein said lighting device is devoid of a notch filtering sion of said aggregate emissions; or
element arranged to at least partially inhibit transmis 25 (ii) the at least one second lumiphoric material comprises
Sion of said aggregate emissions; and a red quantum dot material arranged to produce lumi
wherein said aggregate emissions comprise a correlated phor emissions having a peak wavelength in a range of
color temperature (CCT) value, and said aggregate from 620 nm to 650 nm, and said aggregate emissions
emissions comprise a relative gamut area (Qg) value of comprise a relative gamut area (Qg) value of at least
at least the value obtained by the equation 121 minus 30 110 prior to passage through an optionally present
the product of 0.003 times the CCT value; and notch filtering element arranged to at least partially
wherein the lighting device comprises at least one of the inhibit transmission of said aggregate emissions.
following features (a) to (c): 34. The lighting device of claim 33, wherein the at least
(a) a combination of (A) the lumiphor emissions and (B) one second lumiphoric material is arranged to produce
an unabsorbed portion of the first emissions transmitted 35 lumiphor emissions having a peak wavelength in a range of
from 625 nm to 645 nm.
through or past the at least one lumiphoric material 35. The lighting device of claim 33, comprising feature
would, in the absence of any additional light, produce (i).
a mixture of light having a color point on a 1931 CIE 36. The lighting device of claim 35, wherein the phosphor
Chromaticity Diagram including x, y coordinates that is arranged to produce emissions including multiple peak
define a point on or within a closed shape bounded by 40
wavelengths in a range of from 620 nm to 650 nm, wherein
a first line having x, y endpoint coordinates of (0.040, each peak wavelength of the multiple peak wavelengths
0.329) and (0.257, 0.345), a second line having x, y includes a full width-half maximum intensity value of less
endpoint coordinates of (0.257, 0.345) and (0.332, than 20 nm.
0.551), a third line having x, y endpoint coordinates of 37. The lighting device of claim 33, comprising feature
(0.332, 0.551) and (0.020, 0.770), and a curve corre 45
sponding to a portion of the spectrum locus having x.
y endpoint coordinates of (0.020, 0.770) and (0.040, 38. The lighting device of claim 37, wherein said aggre
0.329); gate emissions comprise a relative gamut area (Qg) value of
(b) said aggregate emissions comprise a R9-prime color at least the value obtained by the equation 129.35 minus the
rendering value that is greater than 110; or 50 product of 0.0058 times the CCT value.
(c) said aggregate emissions comprise a R9-prime color 39. The lighting device of claim 33, wherein said aggre
rendering value that is at least the value obtained by the gate emissions embody a color rendering index value of at
least 80.
equation (9 times the Qg value) minus 873, wherein the 40. A light bulb comprising:
R9-prime color rendering value is also greater than a lighting device according to claim 33, embodied in an
100. 55
33. A lighting device comprising: emitter package including the at least one first electri
at least one first electrically activated solid state emitter cally activated solid state emitter, the at least one first
arranged to generate first emissions comprising a domi lumiphoric material, and the at least one second lumi
nant wavelength in a blue range; phoric material; and
at least one first lumiphoric material arranged to receive 60 a light-transmissive optical enclosure bounded by a light
at least a portion of the first emissions and produce first transmissive lens or globe and containing the lighting
lumiphor emissions comprising a dominant wavelength device.
in a green or yellow-green range; and

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