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( 12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No.: US 11,012,051 B2

Schmalzl et al . (45 ) Date of Patent : May 18, 2021
( 54 ) SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR A RADIO ( 58 ) Field of Classification Search
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( 71 ) Applicant: Infineon Technologies AG , Neubiberg
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Fig . 2D
May 18, 2021 Sheet 3 of 47 US 11,012,051 B2

3MHZ80 G

311 %

2MHZ483 MHZ2483
MHZ2341092065MHZ246090-309 %
WCluIstFer enCluster F1Cluster DCluster
308 322 326 330


27 306 3A
Fig 2

SPST 318

MHZ4853960MHz1 7850.59 3 2

8 %
11.8 312


U.S. Patent May 18, 2021 Sheet 4 of 47 US 11,012,051 B2

Fig . 3B

Fig . 3D
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Fig . 3E

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Fig . 3G


Fig . 3H
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U.S. Patent May 18, 2021 Sheet 11 of 47 US 11,012,051 B2

2483 MHZ
21805 MHZ 2025 MHZ 12100 MHZ 2300 MHZ 2496 MHZ
2200 MHZ 12400 MHZ w || 2690 MHz
302 422 311
306 -304 -420 -424
11.5 % 4.2 % 4.2 % 7.5 %
2483 MHZ

Fig. 4A

316 Cluster E
3 Cluster fh

?? 3
Cluster F1
Cluster D

Fig . 4B
U.S. Patent May 18, 2021 Sheet 12 of 47 US 11,012,051 B2

2483 MHz
1805 MHZ 2025 MHZ \ 2100 MHz 2300 MHZ 2496 MHZ
306 2200 MHZ 2400 MHz W 2690 MHZ
-302 -424
E F -311
11.5% 4.2 % 4.2 % 7.5 %
2483 MHZ
Fig . 40


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Fig . 4D
U.S. Patent May 18, 2021 Sheet 13 of 47 US 11,012,051 B2

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Fig. 48
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Fig . 5B

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Fig . 60
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Fig . 6G
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Fig . 6 ) Fig . 6K

Fig . OL
U.S. Patent May 18, 2021 Sheet 18 of 47 US 11,012,051 B2


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Fig . 7B
U.S. Patent May 18, 2021 Sheet 19 of 47 US 11,012,051 B2

1.1 .... Bandstop Filter Fixed


1.2 ... Bandstop Filter Tuned

Fri ,
1.21 ...Bandstop Filter Tuned 1

U.S. Patent May 18, 2021 Sheet 20 of 47 US 11,012,051 B2

ur w

dr H
Fig . 7G
U.S. Patent May 18, 2021 Sheet 21 of 47 US 11,012,051 B2


Fig . IN

Fig . W
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Hall Itle"
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U.S. Patent May 18, 2021 Sheet 24 of 47 US 11,012,051 B2

Fig . N
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Fig . 9A

Fig . 9B

Fig . 9C

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Fig . 10A

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U.S. Patent May18, 2021 Sheet 28 of 47 US 11,012,051 B2

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27 order variant of filter of Figure 100


Slope control at high or low frequency edge

U.S. Patent May 18, 2021 Sheet 29 of 47 US 11,012,051 B2

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Fig . 13A




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Fig . 14
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Fig . 17A


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Fig . 1C
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Fig . 18B

D MM yu
Fig . 180
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Fig . 19B
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Fig. 19C

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Fig . 20B
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U.S. Patent May18,2021 Sheet 43 of 47 US 11,012,051 B2

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X .









HTXO Hax +45 45


SHI path RX
TX path TX
path path TXpath pathTX
TXpath RX path RX
TX path


Hexio }
" Fax
Hixin /text
U.S. Patent May 18, 2021 Sheet 44 of 47 US 11,012,051 B2

Fig . 24B
U.S. Patent May 18, 2021 Sheet 45 of 47 US 11,012,051 B2

19 :
LO GH 17
It'o 3
1.01 0 -60
S 1.1


2422 2424
freq ( 1.600GHz to 2.100GHz)
Fig . 24C
LO 0.81 0.910 .

0.61 17

LO 0.2 0.3 -2422
600 6001
S -2424

freq ( 1.600GHz to 2.100GHz)

Fig . 24D
U.S. Patent May 18, 2021 Sheet 46 of 47 US 11,012,051 B2


Fig . 263
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US 11,012,051 B2
1 2
In accordance with an embodiment, an RF system
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional includes a transmit path having a transmit RF filter and an
Application No. 62/595,898 , filed on Dec. 7 , 2017 , and the 5 between
adjustablethetransmit phase shifter /matching network coupled
transmit RF filter and a transmit antenna port,
benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62 / 641,664 , filed
on Mar. 12 , 2018 , and claims priority to European Appli where the adjustable transmit phase shifter /matching net
cation No. 18210359.8 , filed Dec. 5 , 2018 that also claims work is configured to transform an impedance of the trans
priority to U.S. Provisional Applications 62/ 595,898 and 10 mit RF filter at a receive frequency from a first lower
impedance to a first higher impedance at the transmit
62 / 641,664 , which applications are hereby incorporated antenna port; and a receive path having a receive RF filter
herein by reference in their entireties . and an adjustable receive phase shifter /matching network
CROSS - REFERENCE TO RELATED coupled between the receive RF filter and a receive antenna
APPLICATIONS port, where the adjustable receive phase shifter /matching
15 network is configured to transform an impedance of the
This application relates to the following co -pending and receive RF filter at a transmit frequency from a second lower
commonly assigned patent applications: U.S. patent appli impedance to a second higher impedance at the receive
antenna port.
cation Ser. No. 16/ 210,610 , filed on Dec. 5 , 2018 ; U.S. In accordance with another embodiment, an RF system
patent application Ser. No. 16/210,582, filed on Dec. 5 ,
2018 ; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/ 210,703 , filed on
20 includes a transmit path having a transmit RF filter and an
adjustable transmit phase shifter/matching network coupled
Dec. 5 , 2018 , U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16 /210,732 , between the transmit RF filter and an antenna port, where the
filed on Dec. 5 , 2018 , U.S. patent application Ser. No. adjustable transmit phase shifter/matching network is con
16 /210,555 , filed on Dec. 5 , 2018 , U.S. patent application figured to transform an impedance of the transmit RF filter
Ser. No. 16 /210,756 , filed on Dec. 5 , 2018 , U.S. patent 25 at a receive frequency from a first lower impedance to a first
application Ser. No. 16 /210,788 , filed on Dec. 5 , 2018 , U.S. higher impedance at the antenna port; and a receive path
patent application Ser. No. 16/ 210,812 , filed on Dec. 5 , having a receive RF filter and an adjustable receive phase
2018 , U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/ 210,637 , filed on shifter/matching network coupled between the receive RF
Dec. 5 , 2018 , which applications are incorporated herein by filter and the antenna port, where the adjustable receive
reference in their entireties. 30 phase shifter/matching network is configured to transform
an impedance of the receive RF filter at a transmit frequency
TECHNICAL FIELD from a second lower impedance to a second higher imped
ance at the antenna port.
The present invention relates generally to a system and In accordance with a further embodiment, a method
method , and, in particular embodiments, to a system and 35 includes transmitting an RF signal to a transmit port via a
method for a radio frequency filter. transmit path that includes a transmit RF filter and an
adjustable transmit phase shifter /matching network coupled
BACKGROUND between the transmit RF filter and the transmit port, where
the adjustable transmit phase shifter /matching network is
In many RF Systems, such as portable wireless devices, 40 configured to transform an impedance of the transmit RF
more than one receive frequency or transmit frequency may filter at a receive frequency from a first lower impedance to
be simultaneously active in a single radio device. When the a first higher impedance at the transmit port; and receiving
respective frequency bands are far away from each other an RF signal from a receive port via a receive path , where
and / or when the frequency bands are processed with differ- the receive path includes a receive RF filter and an adjust
ent gains , different frequency channels are separated in the 45 able receive phase shifter /matching network coupled
frequency domain and processed in separate signal paths. between the receive RF filter and the receive port, and where
Such frequency bands may include frequency bands devoted the adjustable receive phase shifter /matching network is
to different bands of a same telecommunication transmission configured to transform an impedance of the receive RF
standard, different bands devoted to different telecommuni- filter at a transmit frequency from a second lower impedance
cations standards ( such as LTE and GSM) , as well as 50 to a second higher impedance at the receive port.
multiple bands devoted to different service types ( such as
cellular communication , WiFi and GPS ) . Many systems BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
today require flexible frequency planning and simultaneous
processing of more than two channels , which makes a fixed For a more complete understanding of the present inven
frequency de-multiplexer filter design (with n frequency 55 the
bands) challenging to design .
and the advantages thereof, reference is now made to
descriptions taken in conjunction with the
The growing complexity in RF front ends (e.g. due to the accompanying drawings , in which :
growing number of supported bands ) results in higher inser- FIG . 1 illustrates a schematic of an exemplary RF front
tion loss, reduced reference sensitivity and significantly end circuit ;
increased area with respect to physically implementing the 60 FIGS . 2A to 2D illustrate block diagrams of embodiment
front end . For example, the implementation of an RF front RF front end circuits;
end that operates over multiple frequency bands may include FIG . 3A illustrates an embodiment frequency cluster plan ;
multiple fixed filters that are switched in and out of the RF FIG . 3B illustrates a table of frequency channels supported
signal path depending on the particular operation mode of by the embodiment frequency cluster plan of FIG . 3A ;
the radio or on a particular carrier aggregation use case . In 65 FIG . 3C illustrates an embodiment RF front - end circuit
such systems , a greater number of switched filters are used that implements a portion of the embodiment frequency
to support a greater number of carrier aggregation use cases . cluster plan shown in FIG . 3A ; and FIGS . 3D - 3N illustrate
US 11,012,051 B2
3 4
forward transmission diagrams that show the performance of Corresponding numerals and symbols in different figures
various portions of the RF front - end circuit of FIG . 3B ; generally refer to corresponding parts unless otherwise
FIG . 4A illustrates an alternative frequency cluster plan ; indicated . The figures are drawn to clearly illustrate the
and FIG . 4B illustrates a further embodiment RF front - end relevant aspects of the preferred embodiments and are not
circuit that implements the alternative frequency cluster plan 5 necessarily drawn to scale . To more clearly illustrate certain
of FIG . 4A ; FIG . 4C illustrates a further alternative fre embodiments, a letter indicating variations of the same
quency cluster plan ; FIG . 4D illustrates a conventional structure , material, or process step may follow a figure
implementation of the frequency cluster plan of FIG . 4C ; number.
and FIG . 4E illustrates an embodiment RF front -end circuit
that implements the alternative frequency cluster plan of 10 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF ILLUSTRATIVE
FIGS . 5A and 5B illustrate block diagrams of exemplary
RF systems ; The making and using of the presently preferred embodi
FIGS . 6A to 6G illustrate block diagrams of embodiment ments are discussed in detail below. It should be appreciated ,
RF systems ; and FIGS . 6H - 6L illustrate schematics of 15 however , that the present invention provides many appli
bandpass LNAs that can be used to implement the embodi cable inventive concepts that can be embodied in a wide
ment RF systems of FIGS . 6C , 6F and 6G ;
FIGS . 7A - 7N , 8A - 8E , 9A - 9C , 10A - 10G , 11A - 11C and variety of specific contexts . The specific embodiments dis
12A - E and 13A - 13E illustrate various filter structures that cussed are merely illustrative of specific ways to make and
can be used to implement the various filters utilized in 20 use the invention , and do not limit the scope of the invention .
embodiments of the present invention ; The present invention will be described with respect to
FIG . 14 illustrates a block diagram of an embodiment RF preferred embodiments in a specific context, a system and
front-end system ; method for RF filtering at a front - end of a wireless com
FIGS . 15A and 15B illustrate conventional embodiments munications system . Embodiments of the invention may
of multi -band multi - transceiver front end circuits ; 25 also be applied to other RF -based systems including , but not
FIGS . 16A and 16B illustrate multi -band multi -trans- limited to radar systems, high frequency wireline commu
ceiver front end circuits according to embodiments of the nications systems.
present invention; Current solutions apply arrays of dedicated Carrier Aggre
FIGS . 17A - 17C illustrate block diagram of embodiments gation ( CA) RF Filter Arrays that include two or more
RF systems that include a combined receive /transmit 30 multiplexed RF filters, which are switched in to support the
antenna and a duplexer, tunable notch filters in the transmit specific Carrier Aggregation use cases . Thus , bands that
path and tunable filters in the receive path ; support different CA cases may experience redundancy in
FIGS . 18A - 18D illustrate embodiment RF systems having several CA RF Filter arrays. This design methodology
a combined receive / transmit antenna, tunable notch filters in increases the number of RF switches in the system , increases
the transmit path and in the receive path and adjustable 35 filter content and area in a product and complicates the
phase shifters/matching networks to combine the transmit design effort for new products with different CA combina
path and the receive path ; tions . Such a design methodology may result in redundant
FIGS . 19A - 19C illustrate embodiment RF systems in filter circuits when the same frequency band is supported by
which isolation between the transmit path and the receive CA combinations. In addition , system losses may increase as
path is achieved by using separate transmit and receive 40 more CA cases are supported. These increased system losses
antennas; may lead to degradation in reference sensitivity in some
FIG . 20A illustrates embodiment RF systems directed to systems .
multi - transmitter systems that have more than one transmit- FIG . 1 illustrates an example of a conventional RF front
ter active at the same time coupled to the same physical end 100 that utilizes RF filters and dedicated RF band filters .
antenna; and FIG . 20B illustrates embodiment RF systems 45 As shown , RF front end 100 includes antenna 110 that is
directed to multi- transmitter systems that have more than coupled to multiple RF filters 108 via multiple switching
one transmitter active at the same time and one (can be more circuits 102. The output of filters 108 are coupled to LNAS
than one) receive Path coupled to the same physical antenna; 106 via additional switching circuits 102. RF filters 108 may
FIGS . 21A - 21B illustrate embodiment RF systems include for example fixed bandpass filters, diplexers , tri
directed to time division duplex (TDD ) systems ; 50 plexers or other types of RF filters . The selection of the
FIG . 22 illustrates a table depicting embodiments trans- number and type of filters 108 that are used in a particular
mit / receive path /combining structures and corresponding system are based on the particular characteristics of the RF
transmit / receive path filter configurations; system as well as the RF environment in which the particular
FIG . 23 illustrates an embodiment TDD RF system ; RF system operates. In some situations, the particular RF
FIG . 24A illustrates an embodiment RF system utilizing 55 system may be subject to some frequencies in which high
tunable bandpass filters and adjustable phase shifters/match- amplitude RF signals are present, for example, in the case of
ing networks; and FIGS . 24B - D illustrate graphs showing a transmitter that is present within the RF system that may
the selectivity and return loss of the RF system of FIG . 24A ; be transmitting at the same time that the RF front end is
FIG . 25 illustrates an embodiment RF system utilizing receiving. In such cases , the frequency plan of RF front - end
tunable bandpass filters and a circulator; 60 100 and the selection of filters 108 would take into account
FIG . 26A illustrates an embodiment RF system utilizing the presence of the high amplitude transmitting signal and
tunable bandpass filters and a quadrature combiner; and the filter characteristics of filters 108 would be designed to
FIG . 26B illustrates graphs showing the selectivity and sufficiently reject the high amplitude transmitting signal. As
insertion loss of the RF system of FIG . 26A ; and can be seen , as more combinations of different RF environ
FIG . 27 illustrates an embodiment RF system utilizing 65 ments are supported by RF front - end 100 , more RF switches
tunable bandpass filters, adjustable phase shifters /matching 102 and RF filters 108 are used to support these combina
networks; and separate transmit and receive antennas . tions . As a result, the size and complexity of RF system 100
US 11,012,051 B2
5 6
may increase according to the number of Carrier Aggrega- reject filters may be used, for example, in systems in which
tion use cases that are supported . the transmission frequency is fixed .
In embodiments of the present invention , an RF front end FIGS . 2B - 2D illustrate example filter implementations
utilizes wide band RF filters that group various Carrier that may be used to implement wideband filter bank 202
Aggregation combinations into frequency clusters. In some 5 shown in FIG . 2A . FIG . 2B illustrates filter bank 210 that is
embodiments , the cluster structure is selected such that a implemented using a cascade of extractors 212 , 214 and 216 .
single band operates in each particular cluster. However, a As shownbetween , extractors 212 , 214 and 216 have a bandpass
single band in one cluster may operate simultaneously with response
between ports 1
ports 1 and 2 , and a band stop response
and 3. During operation , extractor 212
other single bands in other clusters . These clusters are
separated from each other via wideband cluster filters, such 10 produces the filtered output of the the
its bandpass function, and passes firstremaining
band ( Band1 ) using
that interference from one cluster does not jeopardize the RF bands (except for the first band) using its band reject
performance of any band in another cluster.
In some embodiments , transmit activity that occurs within put of the. Similarly
function , extractor 214 produces the filtered out
second band (Band2) using its bandpass function ,
the same cluster as a receive channel may act as a strong 15 and passes the remaining frequency bands (except for the
interferer, such as in in the case of frequency division duplex second band ) using its band reject function . Extractor 216
( FDD ) . In such embodiments, RF band stop filters may be produces the filtered output of the next to last band ( Band
used to suppress the transmit signal. However, in embodi- ( n - 1 ) ) using its bandpass function , and passes the last
ments in which transmission does not occur at the same time remaining frequency band Band ( n ) using its band reject
as reception , such as in time division duplex (TDD ) systems, 20 function . Any number of extractors can be cascaded
such band stop filters may be bypassed or omitted to achieve together. Extractor 216 may be implemented using filter
lower insertion loss . circuits known in the art including structures as SAW filters ,
FIG . 2A illustrates an RF system 200 according to an BAW filters, FBAR filters, loosely coupled resonators, LC
embodiment of the present invention . As shown, RF system filters, LC resonators , tunable LC filters, microstrip filters or
200 includes an antenna 201 coupled to wideband filter bank 25 other filter structures. In some embodiments , extractors 212 ,
202. In various embodiments , wideband filter bank 202 214 and 216 may be implemented using isolated filter core
contains a plurality of wideband filter functions. In the structures disclosed in U.S. patent application Ser. No.
illustrated embodiment four bands are shown . The first band 14/ 874,256 , which application is incorporated herein by
has a frequency range of f1A to f1B , the second band has a reference in its entirety. It should be understood that while
frequency range of f2A to f2B , the third band has a fre- 30 extractors 212 , 214 and 216 are shown using bandpass filter
quency range of f3 A to f3B , and the fourth band has a functions, other filter functions could be used such as
frequency range of f4A to f4B . Each of these frequency lowpass , highpass and bandstop filter functions.
bands represents a frequency cluster that includes multiple In some embodiments, wide band filter bank 202 may be
transmission and / or reception frequencies . It should be implemented using parallel bandpass filters as shown in
understood that while wideband filter bank 202 is shown 35 FIG . 2C , which illustrates filter bank 220 that includes
having four frequency clusters, in alternative embodiments parallel bandpass filters 222 , 224 and 226. Wide band filter
of the present invention any number of frequency clusters bank 202 may also be implemented using multi -port filter
may be supported. In the illustrated example, a stop band is such multi -port filter 230 shown in FIG . 2D . As shown
shown between the second and third frequency bands . multi -port filter 230 is an n -plexer that is configured to pass
However, in alternative embodiments, all of the frequency 40 a different band between port 1 and each of the remaining
bands may be directly adjacent to each other, all of the ports 1 through n+ 1 . Such an n -plexer may be used to enable
frequency bands may have stop bands between them , or the an embodiment system to receive n frequency bands or n
frequency bands may be distributed with any combination frequency clusters . For example, multi-port filter 230 passes
being directly adjacent to each other or having stop bands the first band between ports 1 and 2 , the second band
between them . For example, each frequency band may have 45 between ports 1 and 3 , and the nth band between ports 1 and
its own dedicated lower corner frequency frow and its own n + 1 . In various embodiments , multi- port filter 230 may be
dedicated upper corner frequency fhigh. implemented using various n -plexer circuitry known in the
As shown, wideband filter bank 202 is coupled to RF art including SAW filters, BAW filters, FBAR filters, loosely
transceiver 208. RF transceiver 208 may include circuitry coupled resonators, LC filters, LC resonators, tunable LC
that supports the transmission and / or reception of radio 50 filters, microstrip filters or other filter structures. In some
frequency signals. Such circuitry may include, for example embodiments, multi -port filter 230 may be implemented
low noise amplifiers (LNAs) that are used to amplify RF using isolated filter core structures described , for example,
signals received by antenna 201. As shown, tunable band with respect to FIGS . 2A - 2D and 3A - 3D in U.S. patent
reject filter 204 is coupled between the fourth cluster of application Ser. No. 14 / 874,256 , which application is incor
wideband filter bank 202 and fourth input of RF transceiver 55 porated herein .
208. Tunable band reject filter 204 may be used , for It should be further understood that wide band filter bank
example , to filter out strong interferer such as signals that are 202 may also be implemented using a combination of
transmitted by RF system 200. Similarly , tunable band reject cascaded diplexer, parallel bandpass filters and/ or multi- port
filter 206 is coupled between the second cluster of wideband filters to achieve the desired filter clusters . In some embodi
filter bank 202 and second input of RF transceiver 208. 60 ments, wide band filter bank 202 may also be adapted to
While only two band reject filters 204 and 206 supporting include narrowband filter functions in addition to the wide
two frequency clusters are depicted in FIG . 2A , it should be band cluster filters .
understood that any number of frequency channels may FIGS . 3A to 3N illustrate a specific example implemen
include one or more tunable band reject filters depending on tation of a RF front - end filter system that could be used in
the particular system and its specifications. In some embodi- 65 a portable cellular device . In some embodiments , the RF
ments fixed frequency band reject filters may be used in front - end filter system described in FIGS . 3A to 3N may be
place of tunable band reject filters. Fixed frequency band used to implement RF system 200 shown in FIG . 2A . It
US 11,012,051 B2
7 8
should be understood that the embodiment of FIGS . 3A to antenna 340 prior to filtering by RF filter 316. RF filter 312
3N is just one example of many possible ways to implement may be implemented using a three -port extractor cluster
an RF front - end filter system according to embodiments of filter. This filter may be implemented using various diplexer
the present invention . circuits as discussed above . In some embodiments, RF filter
FIG . 3A illustrates a block diagram of an embodiment 5 312 may be bypassed with 314 when the Wi -Fi system is
frequency cluster plan . As shown the frequency cluster plan deactivated or not in use . Bypassing RF filter 312 may
includes cluster A that has a frequency range from 703 MHz improve the noise performance of RF front - end 310 by
to 821 MHz ; cluster B that has a frequency range from 853 reducing the attenuation of the filter.
MHz to 960 MHz ; cluster C that has a frequency range from RF filter 316 is used to separate out the frequencies of
1475.9 MHz and 1559.0 MHz ; cluster D that has a frequency 10 cluster E from clusters D , Fl and Fh . As shown, RF filter 316
range from 1805 MHz to 2025 MHz ; cluster E that has a is also a three port filter that has a bandpass response
frequency range from 2100 MHz to 2200 MHz ; cluster F1 between port 1 and port 3 , and a band stop response between
that has a frequency range from 2300 MHz to 2400 MHz ; a port 1 and port 2. Accordingly, RF filter 316 passes the
Wi -Fi cluster that has a frequency range from 2400 MHz to Cluster E band between antenna 340 and the Cluster output
2483 MHz ; cluster Fh that has a frequency range from 2496 15 of RF front end 310 , and rejects the Cluster E band between
MHz to 2690 MHz ; and cluster G that has a frequency range antenna 340 and the remaining cluster filter 319. RF filter
from 3400 MHz to 3800 MHz . Because frequency cluster D 316 may be bypassed when RF front - end 310 is not receiv
is located very close to frequency cluster C , the low end of ing or transmitting RF signals within the frequency band of
the filter used to implement frequency cluster D has a steep cluster E. RF filter 316 may be implemented using a
frequency rolloff as indicated by rectangle 302. Similarly, 20 three -port extractor cluster filter and may be implemented
because frequency cluster E is located very close to fre- using various diplexer circuits as discussed above .
quency cluster D , the low end of the filter used to implement In some embodiments, RF filters 312 and 316 may be
frequency cluster E has a steep rolloff as indicated by implemented as highly selective filters. Triplexer -based
rectangle 304. In some embodiments , the cluster filter used implementations of RF filters 312 and 316 may provide high
to implement the Wi - Fi band also has a steep roll off because 25 selectivity in such cases . Alternatively, a hybrid extractor,
of the narrow frequency of the Wi -Fi band . This steep roll off such as that described with respect to FIG . 4B of U.S. patent
is due to the small frequency guard spectrum between the application Ser. No. 14 / 874,256 , may be used to implement
Wi- Fi band and the cellular bands. RF filter 312 and / or 316. In such cases , the high side and / or
In the illustrated embodiment, clusters D , F1 , and Fh the low side filter slope may be enhanced by using tuned or
represent frequency bands in which there is transmit activity. 30 switched filter slope .
Accordingly, band stop filters are used to reject the inter- In embodiments in which WiFi filtering is not utilized , the
ferers within these bands. In some embodiments, these band low side tunable / switchable filter slope of RF filter 312 can
stop filters may be cascaded after the filter used to filter the be implemented as a steeper high side filter slope in the
particular cluster. These band stop filters are represented by filtering of cluster F1 , and the high side tunable / switchable
blocks 306 and 308 within cluster D , block 309 within 35 filter slope of RF filter 312 can be implemented as a steeper
cluster Fl , and block 311 within cluster Fh . Alternatively, low side filter slope in the filtering of cluster Fh . For
cluster D may include a single band stop filter. In some example, RF filter 312 may be implemented using a tunable
embodiments, a variable frequency band stop filter, such as slope enhancer with bypass for improved selectivity on low
a tunable notch filter, may be used in order to increase side of the WiFi band at 2400 MHz and /or on the high side
system flexibility. Alternatively, fixed frequency notch filters 40 ofimplemented
the WiFi band at 2483 MHz ; and RF filter 316 may be
using a tunable slope enhancer on the low side
may be used when appropriate .
FIG . 3B illustrates a table of example frequency bands of the band to provide improved selectivity on bands 23 and
that may be supported by the frequency plan shown in FIG . 65 .
3A . As shown in FIG . 3B the entries in the table of example RF filter 319 separates the remaining frequencies of
frequency bands include a band number, a transmission type , 45 clusters D , Fl and Fh . As shown , RF filter 319 is imple
an uplink frequency (UL ) range that represents the frequen- mented as a four port filter having various bandpass
cies being transmitted by the system , and a downlink fre- responses corresponding to the frequency of clusters D , F1
quency (DL ) range that represents the frequencies being and Fh . In some embodiments, RF filter 319 is implemented
received by the system . Example transmission types include, using triplexer filter structures known in the art. Alterna
for example , frequency division duplex (FDD ) and time 50 tively, RF filter 319 may be implemented using an extractor
division duplex ( TDD ) . It should be understood that in cluster filter to filter out cluster F1 followed by a diplexer to
alternative embodiments, different frequency bands as well filter cluster D and cluster Fh . In some embodiments, RF
as different transmission / reception types may be supported. filter 319 may be implemented using a tunable slope
For example , in some embodiments, some clusters may enhancer with bypass for improved selectivity on the UL
support only signal reception or signal transmission . 55 channel of bands 3 and 9 .
FIG . 3C illustrates RF front - end 310 that can be used to In various embodiments , the frequencies of frequency
implement clusters D , E , F1 , Wi-Fi and Fh of FIG . 3A . RF bands D , F1 and Fh are further filtered using band stop filters
front - end 310 includes a cascade of RF filters 312 , 316 and 330 , 326 , and 322 in order to attenuate strong interferers or
319 that are used to filter out the various clusters . More signals being transmitted by the system itself within its
specifically, RF filter 312 is a three -port filter that has a 60 respective frequency cluster. Band stop filters 330 , 326 , and
bandpass response between port 1 and port 3 , and a band 322 may be implemented using band reject filter structures
stop response between port 1 and port 2. Accordingly, RF and /or tunable band stop filter structures known in the art. In
filter 312 passes the Wi-Fi band between antenna 340 and some embodiments, band stop filters 330 , 326 , and 322 may
the cluster Wi -Fi output of RF front end 310 , and rejects the be implemented using frequency tunable BAW resonators
Wi - Fi band between antenna 340 and the remaining cluster 65 disclosed in U.S. Provisional Application Nos . 62 / 595,898
filters 316 and 319. In other words , RF filter 312 removes or and 62 / 641,664 , as well as co -pending U.S. patent applica
attenuates the Wi-Fi band from the signal received by tion Ser. Nos . 16 / 210,703 , 16/ 210,732 , 16 /210,756 , 16/210 ,
US 11,012,051 B2
9 10
788 and 16 /210,812 corresponding to docket numbers INF- cluster Fh . Curve 374 illustrates the passband response in dB
2018 - P - 51523US entitled , “ Acoustically Coupled Resonator according to the ordinate axis on the left of the graph , and
Notch and Bandpass Filters , " INF - 2018 - P - 51524US curve 376 illustrates a magnified view of the passband
entitled , “ Acoustically Coupled Resonator Notch and Band- response in dB according to the ordinate axis on the right of
pass Filter,” INF - 2018 - P - 51527US entitled , “ Tunable Reso- 5 the graph .
nator Element, Filter Circuit and Method ,” INF - 2018 -P- FIG . 3J illustrates a graph of the passband response of RF
51528US entitled, “ Tunable Resonator Element, Filter filter 319 between ports 1 and 3 , which are used to extract
Circuit and Method ," and INF - 2018 - P - 51529US entitled, cluster Fl . Curve 378 illustrates the passband response in dB
“ Acoustically Coupled Resonator Notch and Bandpass Fil- according to the ordinate axis on the left of the graph, and
ters,” which applications are incorporated herein by refer- 10 curve 380 illustrates a magnified view of the passband
ence in their entirety. response in dB according to the ordinate axis on the right of
In some embodiments, band reject filters 330 , 326 and the graph .
322 may be bypassed with switches 332 , 328 and 324 , FIG . 3K illustrates a graph of the passband response of RF
respectively. Switches 314 , 318 , 324 , 328 and 332 may be filter 319 between ports 1 and 4 , which are used to extract
implemented using RF switch structures known in the art. 15 cluster D. Curve 382 illustrates the passband response in dB
Tunable band stop filter 322 with bypass switch 324 may according to the ordinate axis on the left of the graph, and
provide improved selectivity for the UL channel of band 7 ; curve 384 illustrates a magnified view of the passband
tunable band stop filter 326 with bypass switch 328 may response in dB according to the ordinate axis on the right of
provide improved selectivity for the on band 30 ; and tunable the graph.
band stop filter 330 with bypass switch 332 may provide 20 FIG . 3L illustrates graphs of passband responses of tun
improved selectivity for the UL channels of bands 2 , 25 , 1 able band reject filter 322 that is used to reject interferers
and 25 ( for CA cluster 1 ) . from cluster Fh . Curve 386 illustrates the passband response
FIG . 3D illustrates a graph of the passband response of RF in dB at a first setting ( center frequency of 2.51 GHz )
filter 312 between ports 1 and 3. Curve 350 illustrates the according to the ordinate axis on the left of the graph , and
passband response in dB according to the ordinate axis on 25 curve 388 illustrates a magnified view of the passband
the left of the graph , and curve 352 illustrates a magnified response in dB at the first setting ( center frequency of 2.51
view of the passband response in dB according to the GHz ) according to the ordinate axis on the right of the graph .
ordinate axis on the right of the graph. Curve 390 illustrates the passband response in dB at a
FIG . 3E illustrates a graph of the passband response of RF second setting ( center frequency of 2.57 GHz ) according to
filter 312 between ports 1 and 2. Curve 354 illustrates the 30 the ordinate axis on the left of the graph , and curve 392
passband response in dB according to the ordinate axis on illustrates a magnified view of the passband response in dB
the left of the graph , and curve 356 illustrates a magnified at the second setting ( center frequency of 2.57 GHz ) accord
view of the passband response in dB according to the ing to the ordinate axis on the right of the graph .
ordinate axis on the right of the graph. FIG . 3M illustrates graphs of passband responses of
In embodiments that do not support WiFi, the system of 35 tunable band reject filter 326 that is used to reject interferers
FIG . 3C can be modified by replacing RF filter 312 with a from cluster F1 . Curve 392 illustrates the passband response
two - port tunable band stop filter that is coupled between in dB at a first setting ( center frequency of 2.18 GHz )
antenna 340 and port 1 of RF filter 316. This two -port according to the ordinate axis on the left of the graph , and
tunable band stop filter is used, for example, to attenuate RF curve 394 illustrates a magnified view of the passband
signals transmitted by nearby WiFi devices . FIG . 3F illus- 40 response in dB at the first setting ( center frequency of 2.51
trates a graph of the passband response of such a two -port GHz ) according to the ordinate axis on the right of the graph .
tunable band stop filter. Curve 358 illustrates the passband Curve 396 illustrates the passband response in dB at a
response in dB at a first setting ( center frequency of 2.47 second setting ( center frequency of 2.29 GHz ) according to
GHz ) according to the ordinate axis on the left of the graph , the ordinate axis on the left of the graph , and curve 398
and curve 362 illustrates a magnified view of the passband 45 illustrates a magnified view of the passband response in dB
response in dB at the first setting ( center frequency of 2.47 at the second setting ( center frequency of 2.29 GHz ) accord
GHz ) according to the ordinate axis on the right of the graph . ing to the ordinate axis on the right of the graph .
Curve 360 illustrates the passband response in dB at a FIG . 3N illustrates graphs of passband responses of
second setting ( center frequency of 2.42 GHz ) according to tunable band reject filter 330 that is used to reject interferers
the ordinate axis on the left of the graph, and curve 364 50 from cluster D. Curve 391 illustrates the passband response
illustrates a magnified view of the passband response in dB in dB at a first setting ( center frequency of 1.84 GHz )
at the second setting ( center frequency of 2.42 GHz) accord- according to the ordinate axis on the left of the graph , and
ing to the ordinate axis on the right of the graph . curve 393 illustrates a magnified view of the passband
FIG . 3G illustrates a graph of the passband response of RF response in dB at the first setting ( center frequency of 1.84
filter 316 between ports 1 and 3. Curve 366 illustrates the 55 GHz ) according to the ordinate axis on the right of the graph.
passband response in dB according to the ordinate axis on Curve 397 illustrates the passband response in dB at a
the left of the graph , and curve 368 illustrates a magnified second setting (center frequency of 1.91 GHz ) according to
view of the passband response in dB according to the the ordinate axis on the left of the graph , and curve 397
ordinate axis on the right of the graph . illustrates a magnified view of the passband response in dB
FIG . 3H illustrates a graph of the passband response of RF 60 at the second setting ( center frequency of 1.91 GHz ) accord
filter 316 between ports 1 and 2. Curve 370 illustrates the ing to the ordinate axis on the right of the graph .
passband response in dB according to the ordinate axis on FIGS . 4A - 4E illustrate further frequency plans and RF
the left of the graph, and curve 372 illustrates a magnified end circuits according to alternative embodiments of the
view of the passband response in dB according to the present invention . The embodiment of FIGS . 4A and 4B is
ordinate axis on the right of the graph . 65 similar to the embodiment of FIGS . 3A - 3N with the excep
FIG . 31 illustrates a graph of the passband response of RF tion that RF filter 312 used to extract the WiFi band is
filter 319 between ports 1 and 2 , which are used to extract eliminated and WiFi selectivity is added to the filtering of
US 11,012,051 B2
11 12
clusters Fh and Fl . In some embodiments, the RF front - end middle frequency band of RF filter 402 used to extract
filter system described in FIGS . 4A to 4E may be used to cluster Fl may be implemented using a tunable slope
implement RF system 200 shown in FIG . 2A . enhancer for improved selectivity on band 30 ; the high side
As shown in FIG . 4A , the frequency cluster plan includes of the middle frequency band of RF filter 402 used to extract
cluster D that has a frequency range from 1805 MHz to 2025 5 cluster Fl may be implemented using a tunable slope
MHz ; cluster E that has a frequency range from 2100 MHz enhancer for improved selectivity at the low end of the WiFi
to 2200 MHz ; cluster Fl that has a frequency range from band at 2400 MHz ; and the low side of the low frequency
2300 MHz to 2400 MHz ; and cluster Fh that has a frequency band of RF filter 402 used to extract cluster D may be
range from 2496 MHz to 2690 MHz . Because frequency implemented using a tunable slope enhancer for improved
cluster D is located very close to other channels in frequency 10 selectivity on the UL channels of bands 3 and 9 .
cluster C (not shown ), the low end of the filter used to In various embodiments, the frequencies of frequency
implement frequency cluster D has a steep frequency rolloff bands D and Fh are further filtered using band stop filters
as indicated by rectangle 302. Similarly, because frequency 330 and 322 and bypass switches 332 and 324 as described
cluster E is located very close to frequency cluster E , the low above with respect to the embodiment of FIG . 3C . However,
end of the filter used to implement frequency cluster E has 15 in the embodiment of FIG . 4B , a tunable band stop filter is
a steep rolloff as indicated by rectangle 304 ; and because not applied to cluster F1 .
frequency cluster F1 is located very close to frequency FIG . 4C illustrates a frequency plan according to a further
cluster E , the low end of the filter used to implement embodiment. The frequency plan of FIG . 4C is similar to the
frequency cluster Fl has a steep rolloff as indicated by frequency plan of FIG . 4A , with the exception that steep
rectangle 420 . 20 rolloff portions 304 , 420 and 422 are omitted at the low end
Because a WiFi extraction filter is not used in the embodi- of band E , low end of band Fl and the high end of band F1 ,
ment of FIGS . 4A and 4B , the high end of the filter used to respectively .
implement frequency cluster Fl has a steep rolloff as indi- FIG . 4D illustrates a conventional RF front- end 440 that
cated by rectangle 422 ; and the low end of the filter used to can be used to implement the frequency plan of FIG . 4C . As
implement frequency cluster Fh has a steep rolloff as indi- 25 shown, conventional RF front - end 440 includes separate
cated by rectangle 424 in order to provide rejection of WiFi selectable filters that are each individually devoted to a
signals in the WiFi band . single channel 2 , 3 , 34 , 38 , 40 and 7 ; a duplexer devoted to
In the illustrated embodiment, clusters D , F1 , and Fh channels 39 , 41 and 38 ; and a filter devoted to channels 1
represent frequency bands in which there is transmit activity. and 4. As can be seen , there is redundancy in filters used for
Accordingly, band stop filters are used to reject the inter- 30 channel 38 .
ferers within these bands. In some embodiments , these band FIG . 4E illustrates embodiment RF front - end 450 that can
stop filters are cascaded after the filter used to filter the be used to implement the frequency plan of FIG . 4C using
particular cluster. These band stop filters are represented by a smaller antenna switch and a lower component cou than
block 306 within cluster D and block 311 within cluster Fh . the conventional implementation of FIG . 4D . RF front - end
FIG . 4B illustrates RF front- end 400 that can be used to 35 450 includes an antenna switch 452 that selectively couples
implement the frequency plan of FIG . 4A . RF front - end 400 antenna 340 to fixed bandpass filters 454 and 463 , to tunable
includes a cascade of RF filters 316 and 402 that are used to bandpass filters 455 and 456 and to a signal path that does
filter out the various clusters. As described above with not include an acoustic filter. Bandpass filter 454 is used to
respect to FIG . 3C , RF filter 316 is used to separate out the
select bands 1 and 4 ( see FIG . 3B ) in cluster E , and bandpass
frequencies of cluster E from clusters D , F1 and Fh . As
40 filter 463 is used to select band 40 in cluster Fl . The
shown, RF filter 316 is a three port filter that has a bandpass
combination of tunable bandpass filter 455 and tunable band
response between port 1 and port 3 , and a band stop response
reject filter 458 is used to select cluster Fh including bands
between port 1 and port 2. Accordingly, RF filter 316 passes
41 , 38 and 7 ; and the combination of tunable bandpass filter
the Cluster E band between antenna 340 and the Cluster E 456 and tunable band reject filter 460 is used to select cluster
output of RF front end 400 , and rejects the Cluster E band
45 D including bands 2 , 3 , 34 and 39. The signal path desig
between antenna 340 and the remaining cluster filter 402. RF
nated as “ TDD Sawless ” remains unfiltered by acoustic
filter 316 may be bypassed with switch 318 when RF filters and is used to support TDD operation on bands 38 , 39 ,
front - end 400 is not receiving or transmitting RF signals
40 and 41 .
within the frequency band of cluster E. In various embodi- Bandpass filters 454 and 463 , tunable bandpass filters 455
ments, RF filter 316 is implemented using a tunable slope
50 and 456 , and tunable band stop filters 458 and 460 may be
enhancer on the low end with bypass for improved selec- implemented, for example, using bandpass, tunable band
tivity of bands 23 and 65 . pass and tunable band stop filter structures known in the art
RF filter 402 separates the remaining frequencies of and / or using tunable bandpass and band stop filter structures
clusters D , Fl and Fh . As shown, RF filter 402 is imple-
disclosed herein . For example, filters 458 , 460 , as well as
mented as a four port filter having various bandpass 55 filters 322 and 330 described above could be implemented
responses corresponding to the frequencies of clusters D , F1
using the filter structures shown in FIGS . 7D , 7E , 7F, 8D ,
and Fh . In some embodiments, RF filter 402 is implemented
8E , 10B , 10C and 10D herein . Filters 455 and 456 may
using triplexer filter structures known in the art . Alterna-
implemented , for example , using the filter structures shown
tively, RF filter 402 may be implemented using an extractor
in FIGS . 10E , 12C , 12D , 12E and 13C herein . The portions
cluster filter to filter out cluster Fl followed by a diplexer to
60 of filter 402 coupled between ports 1 and 4 , and coupled
filter cluster D and cluster Fh . between ports 1 and 2 having controllable slopes adjacent to
In some embodiments, the rolloff of the various bands of
the low end of the passband can be implemented, for
RF filter 402 is enhanced using tunable slope enhancers. For
example , using the tunable slope filter shown in FIG . 10F .
example, the low side of the high frequency band of RF filter
The portion of filter 402 coupled between ports 1 and 3
402 used to extract cluster Fh may be implemented using a
65 having controllable slopes adjacent to both the low end and
tunable slope enhancer for improved selectivity at the high
the high end of the passband can be implemented , for
end of the WiFi band at 2483 MHz ; the low side of the example, using the tunable slope filter shown in FIG . 10G .
US 11,012,051 B2
13 14
Advantages of embodiments of the present invention Amplifier (LNA ) and a component behind the LNA . Split
ability to implement a multi - band RF - front end using wide ting the filter into two sections allows reducing the selec
band filters . Such embodiments provide area , board space tivity requirements of band selection filter component. This
and component count savings compared to systems that use again allows better in - band loss and thus better overall
switchable narrow band filters. An additional advantage is 5 system noise performance . While the component before the
increase design flexibility and the ability to target a same LNA has direct impact on the system noise figure, the
design to different frequency plans. insertion loss behind the LNA has less of an effect on the
Notch Filter Embodiments system noise figure. Using a tunable band reject filter, such
FIGS . 5A and 5B illustrate further conventional front end as a notch filter, eliminates the need for individual filters for
architectures. FIG . 5A illustrates a conventional RF front- 10 each band and additional LNAs and /or switches in some
end that includes parallel high -selectivity bandpass filters embodiments .
502 that are selectable via switches 504 and 506. These The reduced selectivity requirements for the first filter
high - selectivity bandpass filters 502 provide a band filtered also enable the use of tunable bandpass filters in non -carrier
signal to LNA 508 and RF transceiver 510. In the illustrated aggregation ( “ narrowband ” ) applications in which tunable
example, the noise figure of the system is degraded by the 15 bandpass filters usually have less selectivity than fixed band
insertion loss of switches 504 and 506 and filters 502 . filters. If the interference scenario is such that one dominat
FIG . 5B illustrates another conventional RF front - end ing interferer with a known frequency (e.g. the own TX in
circuit that includes selectable circuit branches that each FDD systems) is much stronger than all other close - in
includes a lower selectivity bandpass pre - filter 520 , an LNA interferes, the bandpass and band stop filters are reversed,
524 and a bandpass post - filter 522. Each of these circuit 20 such that the band reject filter is coupled to the input of the
branches are selectable via switches 504 and 506. In the LNA and the bandpass filter is coupled to the output of the
example of FIG . 5B , the noise figure of the system is LNA .
degraded by the insertion loss of switches 504 and filter 520 . FIGS . 6A to 6G illustrate example embodiments that
Because the filter selectivity is split between bandpass utilize an adjustable lower selectivity bandpass filter and a
pre - filter 520 and bandpass post- filter 522 , the insertion loss 25 tunable band reject filter in combination with an LNA . FIG .
of filter 520 can be made to be less than the insertion loss of 6A illustrates an embodiment RF front - end 600 that includes
bandpass filter 502 shown in FIG . 5A . Accordingly, the bandpass filters 606 that are selectable via RF switches 604
noise performance of the system of FIG . 5B can be and 608. As shown, RF switch 604 is coupled to antenna
improved with respect to the system of FIG . 5A . However, 602. In alternative embodiments, RF switch 604 may be
the number of filter components and LNA components is 30 coupled to a different type of RF source such as a conductive
higher in the implementation of FIG . 5B . line or a waveguide . In various embodiments, each bandpass
In embodiments of the present invention , a lower selec- filter 606 has a different center frequency and is configured
tivity bandpass filter which may have an adjustable center to pass a plurality of RF bands present at the input. In one
frequency and a tunable band reject filter is cascaded with an example embodiment, bandpass filters 606 are implemented
LNA . Because the tunable band reject filter is used to 35 using filter structures known in the art, such as SAW filters ,
attenuate strong interferers , the lower selectivity bandpass BAW filters, FBAR filters, loosely coupled resonators, LC
filter may include a filter having relaxed stop band attenu- filters, LC resonators , tunable LC filters, microstrip filters or
ation requirements, including the portion of the stopband other filter structures with low insertion loss at the cost of
that includes the interferer ( such as the transmit frequency in limited stop band attenuation (e.g. low filter order ). As
the case of FDD systems). The ability to use a lower 40 shown, RF switch 608 is coupled to LNA 610 followed by
selectivity bandpass filter allows for the use of lower order tunable band reject filter 612 and RF transceiver 614. In
filter structures that are less complex and have a smaller various embodiments tunable band reject filter 612 may be
number of filter / resonator stages . These lower order filter implemented using tunable band reject filter structures
structures also have less passband insertion loss , which leads known in the art, such as tunable notch filters , and / or may be
to better noise performance. In one specific example, a lower 45 implemented using tunable acoustic filter structures dis
selectivity bandpass filter may be implemented, for example, closed in U.S. Provisional Application Nos . 62 / 595,898 and
with a ladder - type filter of the order 2.5 instead of a higher 62/ 641,664 , as well as co -pending U.S. patent application
order filter such as a 4.5 order filter. For example, in some Ser. Nos . 16/ 210,703 , 16/ 210,732 , 16 / 210,756 , 16 /210,788
embodiments , the order of the filter is 3rd order or lower. and 16 /210,812 corresponding to docket numbers INF
Alternatively, other filter orders may be used . 50 2018 - P - 51523US entitled, “ Acoustically Coupled Resonator
In some embodiments, the lower selectivity bandpass Notch and Bandpass Filters ,” INF - 2018 - P - 51524US
filter may be configured to pass a plurality of RF bands, and entitled , “ Acoustically Coupled Resonator Notch and Band
the tunable band reject filter may be configured to reject pass Filter,” INF - 2018 - P - 51527US entitled , “ Tunable Reso
bands that contain interferers such as transmit signals that nator Element, Filter Circuit and Method , ” INF - 2018 -P
are transmitted by the system in an FDD mode of operation. 55 51528US entitled , “ Tunable Resonator Element, Filter
In such embodiments, the size , number and complexity of Circuit and Method," and INF - 2018 - P - 51529US entitled ,
the filter components may be reduced with respect to sys- “ Acoustically Coupled Resonator Notch and Bandpass Fil
tems that use parallel high - selectivity bandpass filters while ters . ” RF front - end 600 may be used, for example, in
maintaining good noise performance . In some embodiments, systems that have a strong interferer, potentially many
the number of RF switching components may be reduced , or 60 out -of- band interferers, and /or interferers of unknown fre
RF switching components may be eliminated entirely quencies.
depending on the particular embodiment. FIG . 6B illustrates an embodiment RF front- end 620 in
In some embodiments, band selection filter requirements which LNA 610 is preceded by adjustable band reject/notch
are relaxed by suppressing a strong known but variable filter 612 and followed by a selectable bandpass filter that
interferer (e.g. the own TX signal in FDD systems ) with a 65 includes bandpass filters 622 selectable via RF switches 604
tunable notch filter and by distributing the overall filter and 608. During operation adjustable band reject /notch filter
functionality in a component in front of a Low Noise 612 removes an interfering frequency, and bandpass filters
US 11,012,051 B2
15 16
622 provide further filtering at the output of LNA 610. RF receive bandwidth, including, but not limited to single
front - end 620 may be used , for example, in systems that carrier LTE , UMTS , narrow -BW LTE , multiband internet of
have one dominating interferer with a known frequency and things ( IOT ) , and multiband wearables/ watches . RF front
a limitation bandwidth and / or weaker interferers at frequen- end 640 is also suitable for systems having one dominating
cies that are relatively far from the received bands . One 5 interferer with a known frequency and a limited bandwidth ,
example of such a system is a system that transmits at a such as an FDD system that transmits at frequencies close to
predetermined frequency at the same time that it is receiving a receive frequency. In some embodiments , band reject/
at other frequencies , such as in FDD systems . RF front - end notch filter 612 coupled to the output to LNA 610 may be
620 is also suitable for systems having a relatively large omitted .
receive bandwidth and / or systems having non -contiguous 10 FIG . 6E illustrates an embodiment RF front- end 650 that
spectrum blocks , as is the case with non -contiguous carrier includes tunable band reject /notch filter 612 followed by
aggregation systems. LNA 610. Tunable band reject/notch filter 612 may be used ,
FIG . 6C illustrates an embodiment RF front- end 630 that for example, to suppress dominating interferers with good
is similar to RF front -end 620 illustrated in FIG . 6B , with the in - band insertion loss . Tunable bandpass filter 642 is
exception that LNA 632 is implemented as a bandpass LNA 15 coupled to the output to LNA 610. System 650 is suitable for
( BP - LNA) with integrated tunable / switchable BP behavior systems having a relatively low receive bandwidth , includ
( e.g. matching) for improved in -Band -performance / far -off ing , but not limited to single carrier LTE , UMTS , narrow
selectivity. LNA 632 may be implemented , for example, by BW LTE , multiband internet of things ( IOT ) , and multiband
using an LNA with a tunable or switchable input matching wearables /watches . RF front - end 650 is also suitable for
and / or output matching and / or frequency selective gain 20 systems having one dominating interferer with a known
through frequency selective internal feedback ( e.g. resona- frequency and a limited bandwidth , such as an FDD system
tors ) . For example, FIG . 6H illustrates a BP - LNA that that transmits at frequencies close to a receive frequency. In
includes LNA 610 with a tunable series input impedance/ some embodiments, tunable bandpass filter 642 coupled to
matching network 652 ; FIG . 61 illustrates a BP -LNA that the output of LNA 610 may be omitted .
includes LNA 610 with a tunable series output impedance/ 25 FIG . 6F illustrates an embodiment RF front -end 660 that
matching network 654 ; FIG . 6J illustrates a BP -LNA that includes tunable bandpass filter 642 followed by tunable
includes LNA 6100 with a tunable shunt input impedance/ BP - LNA 632. Tunable band reject filter 612 is coupled to the
matching network 656 ; and FIG . 6K illustrates a BP -LNA output of tunable BP - LNA 632 and may be used to reject
that includes LNA 610 with a tunable shunt input imped- strong interferers . RF front - end 660 is similar to RF front
ance /matching network 658. Tunable impedance /matching 30 end 640 shown in FIG . 6D with the exception that LNA 610
networks 652 , 654 , 656 and 658 may be implemented using is replaced by BP -LNA 632 , which provides better far -off
tunable matching networks known in the art, such as LC selectivity in some embodiments. In some embodiments,
and / or resonator circuits having at least one nab select- tunable band reject/notch filter 612 coupled to the output of
able and / or switchable reactive circuit element. tunable BP - LNA 632 may be omitted .
FIG . 6L illustrates a BP -LNA that includes LNA 610 with 35 FIG . 6G illustrates an embodiment RF front- end 680 that
a tunable bandpass filter 660 coupled between the output of includes tunable band reject filter 612 followed by tunable
LNA 6100 and the input of LNA 610. Tunable bandpass BP -LNA 632. Tunable bandpass filter 642 is coupled to the
filter 660 may be implemented using tunable bandpass filter output of tunable BP -LNA 632. RF front - end 680 is similar
structures known in the art including LC and / or resonator to RF front -end 650 shown in FIG . 6E with the exception
circuits having at least one tunable , selectable and / or swit- 40 that LNA 610 is replaced by tunable BP -LNA 632 , which
chable reactive circuit element or using tunable bandpass provides enhanced far -off selectivity in some embodiments .
filter structures known in the art. In alternative embodi- In some embodiments, tunable bandpass filter 642 coupled
ments , a BP -LNA may be implemented using a combination to the output of tunable BP - LNA 632 may be omitted .
input matching networks, output matching networks and The filters depicted in the embodiments herein can be
tunable filters shown in FIGS . 6H - 6K . 45 implemented, for example, using filter structures shown in
FIG . 6D illustrates an embodiment RF front- end 640 that FIGS . 7A - 7N , 8A - 8E , 9A - 9C , 10A - 10D , 11A - 11C and
includes tunable bandpass filter 642 followed by LNA 610 . 12A - 12E and 13A - 13E discussed below . These filters may
Tunable band reject/notch filter 612 is coupled to the output be implemented using capacitors 702 , inductors 704 , capaci
to LNA 610 and may be used to reject strong interferers. In tors 705 , acoustically coupled resonators 706 having two
various embodiments, tunable bandpass filter 642 is imple- 50 coupled resonators , tunable resonators 708 , acoustically
mented using tunable bandpass filter structures known in the coupled resonator structure 710 having a plurality of series
art or may be implemented using tunable acoustic filter resonators acoustically coupled to each other, parallel reso
structures disclosed in U.S. Provisional Application Nos . nant tuning circuits 712 having a tunable a capacitor coupled
62 / 595,898 and 62/ 641,664 , as well as co -pending U.S. in parallel with an inductor, series parallel resonant tuning
patent application Ser. Nos . 16 /210,703 , 16 /210,732 , 55 circuits 714 having a tunable a capacitor coupled in series
16 /210,756 , 16 /210,788 and 16 /210,812 corresponding to with an inductor, resonators 716 , and tunable capacitors 718 .
docket numbers INF - 2018 - P - 51523US entitled, “ Acousti- In some embodiments, these filters may be implemented
cally Coupled Resonator Notch and Bandpass Filters , ” INF- using the physical acoustic filter structures and tunable
2018 - P - 51524US entitled , “ Acoustically Coupled Resonator acoustic filter structures disclosed in U.S. Provisional Appli
Notch and Bandpass Filter , ” INF - 2018 - P - 51527US entitled , 60 cation Nos . 62 / 595,898 and 62 / 641,664 , as well as co
“ Tunable Resonator Element, Filter Circuit and Method , ” pending U.S. patent application Ser. Nos. 16 / 210,703 ,
INF - 2018 - P - 51528US entitled, “ Tunable Resonator Ele- 16/ 210,732 , 16 /210,756 , 16/ 210,788 and 16 /210,812 corre
ment, Filter Circuit and Method , ” and INF- 2018 -P- sponding to docket numbers INF - 2018 - P - 51523US entitled,
51529US entitled , “ Acoustically Coupled Resonator Notch “ Acoustically Coupled Resonator Notch and Bandpass Fil
and Bandpass Filters. ” In some embodiments , tunable band- 65 ters , " INF - 2018 - P - 51524US entitled , " Acoustically
pass filter 642 is a continuously tunable bandpass filter. RF Coupled Resonator Notch and Bandpass Filter," INF - 2018
front -end 640 is suitable for systems having a relatively low P - 51527US entitled, “ Tunable Resonator Element, Filter
US 11,012,051 B2
17 18
Circuit and Method ,” INF - 2018 - P - 51528US entitled , “ Tun- In various embodiments, bridged T all - pass circuit 730 can
able Resonator Element, Filter Circuit and Method ," and be configured to have a band stop response when inductors
INF - 2018 - P - 51529US entitled , “ Acoustically Coupled 704 are each replaced by a 2 -port resonators 703 as shown
Resonator Notch and Bandpass Filters . ” with respect to circuit 740 or are both replaced by a 3 -port
FIGS . 7A - 7N illustrate various bridged T all -pass circuits 5 resonator 705 as shown with respect to circuit 750. Specific
that can be used to implement the various band stop filters examples of such embodiments , as well as embodiments that
utilized in all embodiments described with respect to the utilize and
other LC networks, or combinations of LC networks
resonators are illustrated in FIGS . 7H to 7N . In such
embodiment circuits of FIGS . 2A - 2D , 3A - 3N , 4A - 4D .
6A - 6G , 15B , 17A - 170 , 18A - 18D , 19A - 19C , 20A - 20B , embodiments , the out of band response ( outside the band
21A - 21B and 22 . 10 stop frequencies) maintains its original all -pass characteris
tics .
FIG . 7A illustrates a bridged T all - pass circuit 700 that In a further embodiment, a band stop response may be
includes a “ T ” structure having capacitors 702 with capaci achieved by detuning the values for L1 , L2 , C1 and / or C2
tance values C1 and C2 coupled in series between nodes from their values defined in equations (4 ) , ( 5 ) and ( 6 ) shown
102 , an inductor 704 having an inductance value of L1 15 above . Detuning may be used to achieve band stop responses
coupled between ports 1 and 2 , and an inductor 704 having with higher bandwidths.
an inductance L2 coupled to ground. Bridged T all- pass FIGS . 8A - 8E illustrate various Pi Low - Pass based circuits
circuit 700 has a flat amplitude response between ports 1 and that can be used to implement the various band stop filters
2 when the following conditions are met : utilized in all embodiments described with respect to the
20 embodiment circuits of FIGS . 2A - 2D , 3A - 3N , 4A - 4D .
Zo (1)
6A - 6G , 15B , 17A - 170 , 18A - 18D , 19A - 19C , 20A - 20B ,
L1 = 21A - 21B and 22 .
FIGS . 9A - 9C illustrate various Triplet based circuits ;
L2 Zo (2) FIGS . 10A - 10G illustrate various ladder based circuits ; and
2wo 25 FIGS . 11A - 11C illustrate various lattice based circuits that
1 ( 3)
can be used to implement the various band stop and band
C1 = C2 =
Zowo '
pass filters utilized in all embodiments described with
respect to the circuits of FIGS . 2A - 2D , 3A - 3N , 4A - 4D ,
6A - 6G , 15A - 15B , 17A - 17C , 18A - 18D , 19A - 19C , 20A - 20B ,
where Zo is the characteristic impedance that loads ports 1 30 21A - 21B , 22 , 23 , 24A , 25 , 26A and 27 .
and 2 and w , is the radian frequency in which the phase FIGS . 12A - 12E illustrate various CRF based circuits; and
response between ports 1 and 2 reaches 90 ° . In various FIGS . 13A - 13E illustrate various Pi Low - Pass based circuits
embodiments, bridged T all -pass circuit 700 can be config- that can be used to implement the various bandpass filters
ured to have a band stop response when capacitors 702 are utilized in all embodiments described with respect to the
each replaced by a 2 - port resonators 703 as shown with 35 embodiment circuits of FIGS . 2A - 2D , 3A - 3N , 4A - 4D ,
respect to circuit 710 or are both replaced by a 3 -port 6A - 6G , 15A , 17A - 17C , 21A - 21B , 22 , 23 , 24A , 25 , 26A and
resonator 705 as shown with respect to circuit 720. Specific 27 .
examples of such embodiments, as well as embodiments that As shown, the embodiment filter structures of FIGS .
utilize other LC networks, or combinations of LC networks 7A - 7F, 8A - 8E , 9A - 9C , 10A - 10D , 11A - 11C and 12A - 12E
and resonators are illustrated in FIGS . 7C to 76. In such 40 and 13A - 13E , can be implemented using a variety of LC
embodiments, the out of band response (outside the band filter structures, acoustic filter structures, and tunable LC
stop frequencies ) maintains its original all - pass characteris filter /acoustic filter structures.
tics . FIG . 14 illustrates a block diagram of an example system
In a further embodiment, a band stop response may be 1400 in a package according to an embodiment of the
achieved by detuning the values for L1 , L2 , C1 and /or C2 45 present invention . As shown , system 1400 includes antenna
switch 1402 that is coupled to a plurality of RF signal paths
from their values defined in equations ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) shown
above . Detuning may be used to achieve band stop responses having respective outputs RF_OUTI , RF_OUT1 and
with higher bandwidths. RF_OUT3 . The first RF path includes a fixed bandpass filter
FIG . 7B illustrates a bridged T all - pass circuit 730 that 1404 followed by LNA 1416 ; the second RF path includes
includes a “ T” structure having inductors 704 with induc- 50 tunable bandpass filter 1406 and tunable band stop /notch
tance values L1 and L2 coupled in series between nodes 102 , filter 1408 followed by LNA 1418 ; and the third RF path
a capacitor 702 having capacitance value of C1 coupled includes LNA 1420 followed by tunable band stop /notch
between ports 1 and 2 , and capacitor 702 having a capaci- filter 1414. These RF signal paths may be implemented
tance value of C2 coupled to ground. Bridged T all - pass using embodiment circuits, methods and physical imple
circuit 730 has a flat amplitude response between ports 1 and 55 mentations described herein . In an embodiment, tuning
2 when the following conditions are met : actuators 1410 are used to provide tuning and control signals
to tunable bandpass filter 1406 and to tunable band stop /
notch filters 1408 and 1414. LNA bias generator 1412 is
L1 = L2 =
Zo used to provide bias currents and voltages to LNAs 1416 ,
wo 60 1418 and 1420. In some embodiments , antenna switch 1402 ,
1 (5) tuning actuators 1410 and LNA bias generator 1412 are
C1 =
2Zowo controllable via a digital bus , such as a MIPI bus , via digital
interface / control circuit 1422. Alternatively, other digital
C2 =
2 interface types may be used . It should be understood that the
Zowo 65 configuration of system 1400 is just one example of many
possible system implementations. In alternative embodi
ments, a different number of RF signal paths and / or different
US 11,012,051 B2
19 20
embodiment filter configurations may be implemented . In power. Lowpass filter 1530 is used to filter coupled power
various embodiments, system 1404 may be implemented as provided by directional coupler 1522. In some circum
multiple components on a package substrate , or on a single stances, the frequency range of interfering signals may be
monolithic semiconductor substrate . within the passband of lowpass filter 1530. Such circum
Advantages of embodiments include the ability to imple- 5 stances may arise, for example when RF transceivers 1502
ment a flexible and physically compact RF front end that is and 1504 simultaneously transmit signals and the RF signal
able to withstand strong interferers, such as high amplitude produced by one RF transceiver 1502 or 1504 is within the
transmit signals generated by the RF system when operating pass band of the lowpass filter 1530 associated with the other
in an FDD mode . By using a tunable band reject filter in RF transceiver 1502 or 1504. Issues may also arise when the
conjunction with a lower selectivity tunable bandpass filter, 10 fundamental frequency of one RF transceiver 1502 or 1504
extra size overhead due to the increased size and number of is not within the passband of the lowpass filter 1530 of the
higher order RF filters can be reduced . In addition , the use other RF transceiver 1502 or 1504. For example , when a
of tunable filters allows for the ability to tune the system to distortion and / or intermodulation product of one RF trans
a variety of RF channels and the ability to reject interferers ceiver may be within the passband of lowpass filter 1530 of
in a variety of RF environments without the need for system 15 the other RF transceiver. This situation may be exacerbated,
redesign in some embodiments . for example , in situations where one RF transceiver 1502 or
FIGS . 15A and 15B illustrate conventional embodiments 1504 transmits at a much higher amplitude than the other
of multi - band / channel multi -transceiver front end circuits transceiver 1502 or 1504. In such circumstances, the leaking
that might be found, for example, in Cellular Phones, Smart TX signal and / or distortion products produced in one trans
Watches, Wearables, IoT ( Internet - of - Things) devices . In 20 mit channel may have a power that is on the same order of
such devices, multiple transmitters may operate simultane- the transmit power produced by the other transmit channels
ously using Uplink Carrier Aggregation (ULCA) or Dual at the TX feedback receiver input.
Connectivity. During operation , the amount of power trans- FIG . 15B illustrates a conventional RF front end 1550 that
mitted by each transmitter is controlled in a closed- loop includes RF transceiver circuits 1502 and 1504. RF front end
fashion by measuring the power transmitted by the device 25 1550 has a similar structure as RF front end 1500 of FIG .
and adjusting the transmitted power to meet a target using a 15A with the exception that the each filtered RF channel has
feedback loop . This feedback loop might be used to measure its own directional coupler 1522 associated with it . As
the quality of the transmitted output signal ( for e.g. adaptive shown, a directional coupler 1522 is coupled in series with
digital pre -distortion) or for antenna impedance measure- each duplexer circuit 1516 , and the outputs of all duplexer
ments ( for e.g. closed loop antenna tuning ). Both techniques 30 circuits 1516 are selectable via selection switch 1552. In RF
may be used to optimize power consumption and improve front end 1550 , the filtering provided by each duplexer 1516
output signal performance. attenuates transmitted signals produced by the other trans
However, in systems having more than one active trans- mitters and provides better transmit signal accuracy over RF
mitter, interference signals may combine with the transmit system 1500 shown in FIG . 15A . However, RF system 1550
signal at the point where a particular transmit signal is to be 35 has an increased component count and system complexity.
measured for a particular transmitter. These interference As shown, RF system 1500 has four times as many direc
signals may be generated , for example , by other transmitters tional couplers 155 and two additional RF selection switches
in the system , and / or may be generated by mixing of various 1552. Another issue with the architecture shown in FIG . 15B
signals present in the system that creates mixing products is that having the measurement plane defined by the coupler
that fall within the bandwidth of the transmit power mea- 40 position “ in front of the duplexers does not include the
surement circuit. These interferer signals can lead to deg- duplexer insertion loss in ( antenna ) power measurements
radation of the accuracy of the feedback path. and makes other measurements , such as antenna impedance
FIG . 15A illustrates a conventional RF front end 1500 that measurements , more complicated to perform .
includes two RF transceiver circuits 1502 and 1504. Each FIG . 16A illustrates an RF system 1600 according to an
transceiver circuit 1502 and 1504 includes a single transmit 45 embodiment of the present invention . The architecture of RF
output and four receiver inputs. The transmit output of each system 1600 is similar to that of RF system 1500 shown in
RF transceiver circuit 1502 and 1504 is coupled to a power FIG . 15A , with the exception that lowpass filter 1530
amplifier 1510 followed by selection switch 1512 and coupled to the transmit feedback input of RF transceivers
duplexer circuits 1516. Selection switch 1518 selects a 1502 and 1504 are replaced by tunable bandpass filters 1602 .
duplexer 1516 from among diplexers 1516 to be coupled to 50 By using tunable bandpass filters 1602 , interference signals
antenna 1526 or 1527 via directional coupler 1522 and produced within the system can be more effectively filtered
tunable antenna matching circuit 1524. Duplexers 1516 may from the transmit signal (e.g. power, signal quality and
have different passbands and may be configured to provide antenna impedance measurements ). In addition, the more
channel selectivity in the receive direction and transmit accurate transmit power measurements may be made with
filtering in the transmit direction. LNAs 1514 have respec- 55 out using a separate directional coupler and associated RF
tive inputs coupled to corresponding duplexers 1516 and switches for each diplexer 1516 in some embodiments.
outputs coupled to respective channels of transceiver 1502 During operation , the center frequency of tunable band
or 1504 . pass filters 1602 may be tuned to have a center frequency
During operation, transceiver 1502 and 1504 measure the that corresponds with the center frequency of the transmit
power, signal quality and / or other parameters of the signal 60 signal and / or a passband that includes the transmitted fre
transmitted by PA 1510 by measuring a coupled output of quency . Feedback receiver 1603 of RF transceiver 1502 or
directional coupler 1522. Other measured parameters of the 1504 measures one or more filtered coupled signal param
signal transmitted by PA 1510 may include , for example, eters ( e.g. power, phase , signal quality, error vector magni
signal phases and amplitudes used to determine antenna tude (EVM ) , linear and non - linear distortion ) of the signal
impedances and / or signal quality in adaptive pre - distortion 65 output from bandpass filter 1602. This measured power may
systems . Switch 1520 may be used to select a coupler output be used , for example, to determine, adjust or update the
that provides coupled incident power and coupled reflected power of the transmit signal provided to power amplifier
US 11,012,051 B2
21 22
1610. In embodiments directed to feedback receivers, these transceiver circuit 1504 and vice versa . In some embodi
measurements may be used to implement antenna imped- ments, tuning signals for the tunable band stop filters 1612
ance measurements or transmit signal quality measurements are produced by a central controller.
for adaptive transmit signal predistortion. In some embodi- In various embodiments , tunable band stop filters 1612
ments, each RF transceiver circuit 1502 or 1504 produces 5 are each implemented using tunable band stop filter struc
the tuning signal for its associated tunable bandpass filter tures known in the art or may be implemented using tunable
1602. In some embodiments, the tuning signals for the acoustic filter structures disclosed in U.S. Provisional Appli
tunable bandpass filters 1602 are produced by a central cation Nos . 62 / 595,898 and 62 / 641,664 , as well as co
controller. pending U.S. patent application Ser. Nos . 16 /210,703 ,
In various embodiments , tunable bandpass filters 1602 are 10 16/ 210,732 , 16 /210,756 , 16/ 210,788 and 16 /210,812 corre
each implemented using tunable bandpass filter structures sponding to docket numbers INF - 2018 - P - 51523US entitled ,
known in the art or may be implemented using tunable “ Acoustically Coupled Resonator Notch and Bandpass Fil
acoustic filter structures disclosed in U.S. Provisional Appli- ters,”
INF - 2018 - P - 51524US entitled , “ Acoustically
cation Nos . 62 / 595,898 and 62 / 641,664 , as well as co- Coupled Resonator Notch and Bandpass Filter,” INF- 2018
pending U.S. patent application Ser. Nos . 16/210,703 , 15 P - 51527US entitled , “ Tunable Resonator Element, Filter
16 /210,732 , 16 /210,756 , 16/ 210,788 and 16 / 210,812 corre- Circuit and Method , ” INF - 2018 - P - 51528US entitled , “ Tun
sponding to docket numbers INF - 2018 - P - 51523US entitled , able Resonator Element, Filter Circuit and Method ," and
“ Acoustically Coupled Resonator Notch and Bandpass Fil- INF - 2018 - P - 51529US entitled, “ Acoustically Coupled
ters ," INF - 2018 - P - 51524US entitled , “ Acoustically Resonator Notch and Bandpass Filters . ” In some embodi
Coupled Resonator Notch and Bandpass Filter, " INF - 2018- 20 ments, tunable band stop filter 1612 is a continuously
P - 51527US entitled, “ Tunable Resonator Element, Filter tunable band stop filter. Tunable band stop filter 1612 may
Circuit and Method , ” INF - 2018 - P - 51528US entitled , “ Tun- be implemented using the tunable acoustic filter structures
able Resonator Element, Filter Circuit and Method ," and illustrated in FIGS . 7A - 7F, 8A - 8E , 9A - 9C , and 11A - 11C . In
INF - 2018 - P - 51529US entitled , “ Acoustically Coupled some embodiments, embodiment bandpass filter 1602 may
Resonator Notch and Bandpass Filters.” In some embodi- 25 start with an order of 1 using , for example , two resonators .
ments, tunable bandpass filter 1602 is a continuously tunable In one specific example, an order of 3.5 using seven reso
bandpass filter. Tunable bandpass filter 1602 may be imple- nators is used . It should be appreciated , however, that any
mented using the tunable acoustic filter based bandpass order or number of resonators may be used depending on the
structures illustrated in FIGS . 9A - 9C , 10A - 10G , 11A - 11C , particular system being implemented and its specifications.
12A - 12E and 13A - 13E . In some embodiments, embodiment 30 It should be understood that the embodiments of FIGS .
bandpass filter 1602 may have an order of 3.5 and greater 16A and 16B are just two specific examples of embodiments
and may contain 5-7 resonators . Alternatively, lower order multi - channel front end circuits . In alternative embodiments
filters or filters having greater or fewer than 5-7 res nators of the present invention , greater or fewer than four receive
may be used paths may be implemented for the receive channels of RF
FIG . 16B illustrates an RF system 1600 according to a 35 transceivers 1502 and / or 1504 , and greater than one transmit
further embodiment of the present invention . The architec- channel may be provided for the transmit channels of RF
ture of RF system 1600 is similar to that of RF system 1500 transceivers 1502 and / or 1504. Moreover different receive
shown in FIG . 15A , with the exception that lowpass filter and transmit topologies could be used depending on the
1530 coupled to the transmit feedback input of RF trans- particular system being implemented and it specifications.
ceivers 1502 and 1504 are replaced by tunable band stop 40 Besides power detection , other functions can be performed
filters 1612. By using tunable band stop filters 1602 , inter- such as measuring TX linearity of the TX output signal ( for
ference signals produced within the system can be selec- adaptation of digital predistortion or envelope tracking) or
tively removed from the transmit signal measurements . In antenna impedance measurement for antenna tuning (mea
addition , more accurate transmit signal measurements may suring amplitude and phase of forward and reflected sig
be made without using a separate directional coupler and 45 nals ) . For simplicity , transceivers 1502 and 1504 are shown
associated RF switches for each diplexer 1516. In some as separate devices . However, they can be integrated into
embodiments , two or more tunable band stop filters 1612 one physical device in an embodiment.
may be cascaded in order to reject signals at multiple Just as embodiments of the present invention can be
frequencies. applied to the receive path of an RF transceiver, embodi
During operation , the center frequency of tunable band 50 ments of the present invention can also be applied in a
stop filters 1602 may be turned to have a center frequency similar way to the transmit path of an RF transceiver as
that corresponds with the center frequency of the transmit described herein with respect to FIGS . 17A - C , 18A - D ,
signal and / or a center frequency that corresponds to a 19A - C , 20A - B and 21A - B . Such embodiments can be
frequency of a known or anticipated interferer. Feedback directed, for example, to systems such as cellular phones ,
receiver 1603 of RF transceiver 1502 or 1504 measures the
filtered coupled signal parameters ( e.g. power, phase , signal
55 smart watches, wearables, and IoT ( Internet-of- Things)
devices. More specifically , embodiments may be directed to
quality ) output from bandpass filter 1602. This measured multi -band RF frontend designs for systems including but
power may be used , for example, to determine, adjust or not limited to FDD systems , systems that utilize uplink
update the power of the transmit signal provided to power carrier aggregation, and dual/multi - connect systems in
amplifier 1610. In some embodiments each RF transceiver 60 which multiple transmitters are active at the same time .
circuit 1502 or 1504 produces the tuning signal for its The growing complexity of RF frontends due to the
associated tunable band stop filter 1612. In such embodi- growing number of supported bands , modes , and multiple
ments each RF transceiver circuit 1502 or 1504 has knowl- connections results in higher insertion loss in practical
edge of the frequency over which the other RF transceiver systems implementations. This higher insertion loss leads to
circuit 1502 or 1504 is transmitting. In other embodiments, 65 increased power amplifier current consumption in the trans
the RF transceiver circuit 1502 produces the tuning signal mit path and reduced receiver reference sensitivity . Systems
associated with the band stop filter 1612 associated with RF that have multiple transmitters active at the same time , for
US 11,012,051 B2
23 24
example to support uplink carrier aggregation, and dual/ the inclusion of one or both of tunable filters 1712 and 1714
multi - Connect Systems (Multi -Sim , Multi-RAT, cellular/ is optional and some embodiment systems omit these filters .
Wi-Fi) may experience intermodulation between the differ- As shown in FIG . 17A , band stop filter 1710 is coupled to
ent transmit signals resulting in difficulty in fulfilling the input of power amplifier 1704. By coupling tunable band
spectral emission and self- interference requirements and 5 stop filter 1710 to the input of power amplifier 1704 , which
that impact receiver performance . is in a lower power domain than the output of power
Current FDD ( Frequency Division Duplex ) solutions may amplifier 1704 , the insertion loss of tunable band stop filter
use high isolation duplex filters to provide high isolation 1710 has a negligible effect on the power consumption of the
between transmit and receive paths at the receive frequency system .
band to minimize the direct desensitization of the receiver 10 In some embodiments, power amplifier 1704 includes a
by noise produced in the transmitter, and at the transmit plurality of power amplifier stages coupled in series. In some
frequency band to protect the sensitive receiver from high embodiments, the plurality of power amplifier stages may
power transmit signals that may degrade the performance of have additional filtering between each stage , such as addi
the receiver due to non - linear effects such as IP2 , IP3 , and tional band stop filtering. Alternatively, in some embodi
reciprocal mixing . The use of these high isolation duplex 15 ments , no additional band stop filtering is provided between
filters, however, comes at a cost of duplex filter complexity each stage of power amplifier 1704 .
and insertion loss . FIG . 17B illustrates an embodiment RF system 1720 that
In embodiments of the present invention, one or more is similar to RF system 1700 of FIG . 17A , but further
reconfigurable (e.g. tunable or switchable ) band stop filters includes a second tunable band stop filter 1722 coupled in
in the transmit path of an RF system is used to improve 20 series with tunable band stop filter 1710 at the input of
overall system performance with respect to one or more of power amplifier 1704. In an embodiment, tunable band stop
radio front - end complexity, PCB area , transmit power con- filter 1722 is tuned to the receive image frequency. Thus, any
sumption, transmit spectral emission purity, and receive energy at the receive image frequency that present at the
reference sensitivity. Such improvement is addressed using transmit output of RF transceiver 1702 gets attenuated prior
a variety of techniques as described below . 25 to its being mixed to the receive frequency. In some embodi
Advantages of embodiments of the present invention ments, this may further relax the isolation requirements of
include the ability to support multiple transmit bands, trans- duplexer 1716 .
mit mode and multiple connections with decreased power FIG . 17C illustrates an embodiment RF system 1730 that
amplifier current consumption and increased reference sen- is similar to RF system 1720 of FIG . 17B , but further
sitivity . 30 includes a third tunable band stop filter 1732 coupled to the
FIGS . 17A - 17C illustrate block diagram of embodiment output of power amplifier 1704. In various embodiments ,
RF systems that include a combined receive / transmit tunable band stop filter 1732 is tuned to the receive fre
antenna and a duplexer. A requirement of a duplexer is to quency . In some embodiments, tunable band stop filters
provide isolation between the TX path and RX in the 1710 and 1722 at the input to power amplifier 1704 may be
transmit frequency band as well as in the receive frequency 35 omitted .
band . The isolation requirements in the receive frequency FIGS . 18A - 18D illustrate embodiment RF systems having
band of the duplexer are relaxed by using band stop filters a combined receive / transmit antenna in which the duplexer
in the transmit path in front of and /or after the power is replaced with tunable band stop filters and adjustable
amplifier (PA ) to attenuate energy within the receive fre- phase shifters /matching networks in the transmit path and in
quency band . In front of the PA a filter can also be placed at 40 the receive path . In various embodiments, a tunable band
the image frequency band of the receive frequency band, stop filter in the transmit path is tuned to the receive
which would also be folded to the receive frequency band by frequency in order to attenuate transmit noise at the receive
non - linear effects in the PA . Optionally, the isolation frequency, and an adjustable phase shifter/matching network
requirements in the transmit frequency band of the duplexer in the transmit path is adjusted to transform the impedance
can be relaxed by using tunable filter (which can be a band 45 of the adjustable band stop filter at the notched receive
stop , bandpass, or other filter ) in front of and /or after the low frequency so that the impedance approximates an open
noise amplifier ( LNA ) in the receive path . In some embodi- circuit and does not load the output at the receive frequency.
ments , this may result in a relaxation of about 7 dB of Similarly, a tunable band stop filter in the receive path is
isolation requirements from about 45 dB to 38 dB in one tuned to the transmit frequency to attenuate the transmit
example . By relaxing these isolation requirements, a lower 50 signal before it hits the receiver, and an adjustable phase
order duplexer with lower insertion loss and potentially shifter /matching network in the receive path is adjusted to
smaller package size may be used in the system . transform the impedance of the adjustable band stop filter at
FIG . 17A illustrates an embodiment RF system 1700 that the notched transmit frequency so that the impedance
includes an RF transceiver 1702 that has a transmit output approximates an open circuit and does not load the output at
( TX ) and a receive input (RX ). The transmit path includes a 55 the transmit frequency. In some embodiments the impedance
tunable band stop filter 1710 , followed by power amplifier transformation performed by the adjustable phase shifter /
(PA ) 1704 , duplexer 1716 and antenna 1708. In various matching networks described herein transforms an imped
embodiments , tunable band stop filter 1710 is tuned to have ance from a lower impedance to a higher impedance .
a notch at the receive frequency. The receive path includes Advantages of such embodiments include the ability
LNA 1706 , tunable filter 1714 coupled to the input of LNA 60 eliminate a fixed frequency duplexer in an RF system that
1706 and tunable filter 1712 coupled to the output of LNA operates at different frequency bands, such as different LTE
1706. These tunable filters 1712 and 1714 may configured to bands. This way one tunable transmit/ receive path pair can
be band stop filters that are tuned to the transmit frequency cover multiple bands and replace multiple transmit / receive
and / or may be configured to be bandpass filters that are path pairs with fixed frequency duplexers.
tuned to the receive frequency. The use of filters 1712 and 65 FIG . 18A illustrates an embodiment RF system 1800 that
1714 may be used to further reduce the isolation require- includes an RF transceiver 1702 having a transmit output
ments of duplexer filter 1716. It should be understood that (TX ) and a receive output (RX ). The transmit path includes
US 11,012,051 B2
25 26
power amplifier 1704 followed by tunable band stop filter Advantages of such embodiments include the ability to
1802 , tunable phase shifter 1804 and antenna 1708. The replace multiple fixed frequency duplexers that would nor
receive path includes tunable phase shifter 1808 followed mally be needed for different (e.g. LTE ) frequency bands by
tunable band stop filter 1806 and LNA 1706 , the output of a single pair of configurable band stop filters in the receive
which is coupled to the receive input of RF transceiver 1702.5 signal path and the transmit signal path .
In an embodiment, band stop filter 1802 of the transmit FIG . 19A illustrates an embodiment RF system 1900 that
path is tuned to the receive frequency in order to attenuate includes an RF transceiver 1702 having a transmit output
noise generated by the transmit path at the receive frequency(TX ) and a receive input (RX ). The transmit path includes a
and reduce the amount of noise received at the receive tunable band stop filter 1906 , followed by power amplifier
frequency. Phase shifter 1804 turned such that the output 10 includes
(PA ) 1704 and transmit antenna 1902. The receive path
impedance of tunable band stop filter 1802 at the notch the inputLNA of
1706 , tunable band stop filter 1908 coupled to
LNA 1706 and receive antenna 1904. Tunable
frequency is transformed to an impedance approximating an band stop filter 1906 in the transmit path is tuned to the
open circuit at the output of phase shifter 1804. This receive frequency to attenuate
prevents tunable band stop filter 1802 from loading the 15 circuitry of RF transceiver 1702noise
generated by transmit
would be coupled back
output of RF system 1800 at the receive frequency. to the receive channel of RF transceiver 1702 via antennas
Similarly, band stop filter 1806 of the receive path is tuned 1902 and 1904 ; and tunable band stop filter 1908 in the
to the transmit frequency in order to attenuate the transmit receive path is tuned to the transmit frequency to prevent the
signal generated by RF transceiver 1702 and prevent the transmit signal generated by RF transceiver 1702 from
transmit signal from overloading and / or desensitizing the 20 overloading and /or desensitizing the input of LNA 1706
LNA . Phase shifter 1808 is tuned such that the input and / or the receive circuitry of RF transceiver 1702 .
impedance of tunable band stop filter 1806 at the notch FIG . 19B illustrates an embodiment RF system 1920 that
frequency is transformed to an impedance approximating an is similar to RF system 1900 of FIG . 19A , but further
open circuit at input of phase shifter 1808 (e.g. the port of includes a second tunable band stop filter 1922 coupled in
phase shifter 1808 coupled to antenna 1708 ) . This prevents 25 series with tunable band stop filter 1906 at the input of
tunable band stop filter 1806 from loading the output of RF power amplifier 1704. In an embodiment, tunable band stop
system 1800 at the transmit frequency. filter 1922 is tuned to the receive image frequency. Thus , any
FIG . 18B illustrates an embodiment RF system 1820 that energy at the receive image frequency that present at the
is similar to RF system 1800 of FIG . 18A , but further transmit output of RF transceiver 1702 get attenuated prior
includes a further tunable band stop filter 1822 coupled 30 to its being mixed to the receive frequency .
between the output of the transmit output of RF transceiver FIG . 19C illustrates an embodiment RF system 1930 that
1702 and the input of power amplifier 1704. In an embodi- is similar to RF system 1920 of FIG . 19B , but further
ment, tunable band stop filter 1822 is also tuned to the includes a fourth tunable band stop filter 1932 coupled to the
receive frequency in order to further attenuate energy gen- output of power amplifier 1704 , and fifth tunable band stop
erated by the transmitter of RF transceiver 1702 . 35 filter 1934 coupled between the output of LNA 1706 and the
FIG . 18C illustrates an embodiment RF system 1830 that receive input of RF transceiver 1702. In various embodi
is similar to RF system 1820 of FIG . 18B , but further ments, band stop filter 1932 is either tuned to the receive
includes another tunable band stop filter 1832 in addition to frequency to reduce the amount of noise that reaches LNA
tunable band stop filter 1822 coupled between the output of 1706. In some embodiments, tunable band stop filters 1906
the transmit output of RF transceiver 1702 and the input of 40 and 1922 at the input to power amplifier 1704 may be
power amplifier 1704. In an embodiment, tunable band stop omitted .
filter 1832 is tuned to the receive image frequency. Thus , any FIGS . 20A - 20B illustrate embodiment RF systems
energy at the receive image frequency that present at the directed to multi- transmitter systems that have more than
transmit output of RF transceiver 1702 get attenuated prior one transmitter active at the same time coupled to the same
to it being mixed to the receive frequency by nonlinearities 45 physical antenna . However, instead of having a duplexer
in power amplifier 1704 . isolate the two transmit paths, band stop filters and adjust
FIG . 18D illustrates an embodiment RF system 1840 that able phase shifter /matching networks are used to isolate the
is similar to RF system 1830 of FIG . 18C with the further two transmit signal paths. Advantages of such embodiments
addition of tunable band stop filter 1842 coupled between include the ability eliminate a fixed frequency duplexer in an
the output of LNA 1706 and the receive input of RF 50 RF system that simultaneously transmits in different fre
transceiver 1702. In an embodiment, tunable band stop filter quency bands, such as different LTE bands.
1842 is tuned to the transmit frequency to provide further FIG . 20A illustrates RF system 2000 that includes an RF
transmit isolation . It should be understood that FIGS . 18A - D transceiver 2002 having two transmit outputs TX1 and TX2 .
are just four example embodiments. Other RF systems and A first transmit path includes a first power amplifier 2004
configurations that use band stop filters and phase shifters 55 followed by a tunable band stop filter 2006 and an adjustable
instead duplex filters may be possible . For example, tunable phase shifter /matching network 2008 , which is coupled to
band stop filter 1842 may also be coupled between the LNA antenna 2010. Similarly, a second transmit path includes a
1706 and the receive input of RF transceiver 1702 in the second power amplifier 2012 followed by a tunable band
embodiments of FIGS . 18A and 18B . stop filter 2014 and an adjustable phase shifter/matching
FIGS . 19A - 19C illustrate embodiment RF systems in 60 network 2016 , which is also coupled antenna 2010. The
which isolation between the transmit path and the receive notch frequency of tunable band stop filter 2006 of the first
path is achieved by using separate transmit and receive transmit path is tuned to the transmit frequency of the second
antennas instead of using a duplex filter and a single signal path , while the notch frequency of tunable band stop
antenna . In addition , tunable band stop filters are used to filter 2014 of the second transmit path is tuned to the
attenuate frequencies at the receive frequency and / or the 65 transmit frequency of the first signal path . By notching out
receive image frequency in the transmit path and to attenuate the transmit frequency of the other transmit signal path , the
the transmit frequency within the receive path. intermodulation distortion between the two transmit fre
US 11,012,051 B2
27 28
quencies and overloading of the output of the two power ments of FIG . 20A and FIG . 20B can be extended to any
amplifiers 2004 and 2012 is reduced and /or avoided . number of transmit and /or receive signal paths .
Adjustable phase shifter/matching network 2008 trans- Embodiments of the present invention can also be
forms the output impedance of adjustable band stop filter extended to time division duplex ( TDD ) systems as is
2006 at its notch frequency to an impedance approximating 5 illustrated in 21A and 21B . In various embodiments, band
an open circuit at the interface to antenna 2010 in order to stop filters are used to notch out critical frequencies used by
avoid loading the output. Similarly, adjustable phase shifter / other transceiver systems that share a same antenna or have
matching network 2016 transforms the output impedance of antennas
system .
that are in close proximity to the embodiment TDD
As shown in FIG . 21A , RF system 2100 includes an
adjustable band stop filter 2014 at its notch frequency to an
impedance approximating an open circuit at the interfaceto 10 RF transceiver
receive input RF .2102 havingpath
A transmit a transmit
includes output
a powerTXamplifier
and a
antenna 2010 in order to avoid loading the output. 2104 having an input coupled to the transmit output TX of
The concept of RF system 2000 shown in FIG . 20A can
also be extended to incorporate more channels, or even the toRFthe transceiver 2102 , tunable band stop filter 2106 coupled
output of power amplifier 2104 and a transmission
addition of a receive channel in addition to the two transmit 15 switch 2108. A receive signal path includes an LNA 2112
channels. For example , as shown in FIG . 20B , RF system having an input coupled to transmission switch 2108 and an
2030 includes an RF transceiver 2032 that includes two output coupled to the receive input of RF transceiver 2102 .
transmit outputs TX1 and TX2 , as well as a receive input An optional tunable filter 2114 may be coupled between
RX . The first transmit path coupled to the first transmit transmission switch 2108 and LNA 2112 .
output TX1 includes power amplifier 2034 , followed by two 20 During operation , transmission switch 2108 selectively
adjustable band stop filters 2036 and 2038 , which are couples one of the receive path or transmit path to antenna
followed by adjustable phase shifter /matching network 2040 2110 depending on whether RF transceiver 2102 is trans
coupled to shared antenna 2042. Similarly, the second mitting or receiving. For example, when RF transceiver
transmit path coupled to the second transmit output TX2 2102 is transmitting, the transmit path is coupled to antenna
includes power amplifier 2044 , followed by two adjustable 25 2110 via transmission switch 2108. On the other hand, when
band stop filters 2046 and 2048 , which are followed by RF transceiver 2102 is receiving, the receive path is coupled
adjustable phase shifter/matching network 2050 coupled to to antenna 2110 via transmission switch 2108. An optional
the shared antenna 2042. A receive path includes adjustable second transceiver system 2118 is also coupled to antenna
matching network 2058 coupled to shared antenna 2042 , 2110 and may be transmitting and / or receiving at the same
tunable band stop filters 2054 and 2056 and LNA 2052 30 time as RF transceiver 2102. In some embodiments, optional
having an output coupled to the receive input RX of RF second transceiver system 2118 may include more than one
transceiver 2032 . transceiver and /or more than one receive and / or transmit
Tunable band stop filters 2036 and 2038 of the first paths. The interface 2116 between optional second trans
transmit path are tuned to provide a notch at the transmit ceiver system 2118 and the rest of the system is depicted as
frequency of the second transmit path and a notch at the 35 a cloud , and may be implemented as a direct connection to
receive frequency of the receive path . Adjustable phase transmission switch 2108 and antenna 2110 or may be
shifter /matching network 2040 is configured to transform implemented using other coupling circuits known in the art.
the impedances at the notch frequencies of adjustable band In various embodiments , tunable band stop filter 2106
stop filters 2036 and 2038 to an output impedance approxi- coupled to the output of power amplifier in the transmission
mating an open circuit to avoid loading the output at these 40 path may be tuned to a critical frequency of RF system 2100 .
notch frequencies. For example, in a dual connectivity system , the frequency of
Similarly, tunable band stop filters 2046 and 2048 of the tunable band stop filter 2106 may be tuned to a receive
first transmit path are tuned to provide a notch at the transmit frequency of the optional second transceiver system 2118. In
frequency of the first transmit path and a notch at the receive an uplink carrier aggregation (ULCA) system , the frequency
frequency of the receive path . Adjustable phase shifter / 45 of tunable band stop filter 2106 may be tuned to a transmit
matching network 2050 is configured to transform the frequency of optional second transceiver system 2118. In
impedances at the notch frequencies of adjustable band stop addition, optional receive filter 2114 may also be tuned
filters 2046 and 2048 to an output impedance approximating and /or configured to reject frequencies generated by optional
an open circuit to avoid loading the output at these notch second transceiver system . In further embodiments, tunable
frequencies. 50 band stop filter 2106 may be implemented using a plurality
Lastly, tunable band stop filters 2054 and 2056 of the of tunable band stop filters that are each tuned to a different
receive path are tuned to provide a notch at the transmit critical frequency of RF system 2100. Similarly, optional
frequency of the first transmit path and a notch at the receive filter 2114 may be configured to reject different
transmit frequency of the second transmit path . Adjustable critical frequencies of RF system 2100. While FIG . 20A
phase shifter/matching network 2058 is configured to trans- 55 illustrates a system having two transmit signal paths, it
form the impedances at the notch frequencies of adjustable should be understood that in some embodiments , RF system
band stop filters 2054 and 2056 to an output impedance 2000 may include more than two transmit signals paths.
approximating an open circuit to avoid loading the output at FIG . 21B illustrates RF system 2130 that is similar to RF
these notch frequencies. In some embodiments, adjustable system 2100 of FIG . 21A , but further includes an additional
phase shifters matching networks 2040 , 2050 and 2058 each 60 band stop filter 2132 coupled between the transmit output
include two adjustable phase shifter /matching networks TX of RF transceiver 2102 and the input of power amplifier
coupled in series that are each configured to provide an 2104. In various embodiments, band stop filter 2132 may be
impedance transformation for a single notch frequency. configured to reject one or more critical frequencies received
By having band stop filters in each signal path that notch and /or generated within RF system 2130 , including frequen
out sensitive frequencies of the remaining signal paths, 65 cies received and generated by optional second transceiver
interference between signal paths is attenuated and / or sig- system 2118. In some embodiments, tunable band stop filter
nificantly reduced . It should be understood that the embodi- 2106 coupled to the output of power amplifier 2104 may be
US 11,012,051 B2
29 30
omitted to save power . While FIG . 20B illustrates a system transmit / receive switch couples the transmit path (TX path )
having two transmit signal paths and one receive signal path , to the antenna during signal transmission, and coupled the
it should be understood that in some embodiments , RF receive path (RF path ) to the antenna during signal recep
system 2130 may include more than two transmit signals tion . The filter structures depicted under the headings Ag, Aji
paths and / or may include more than one receive signal paths. 5 Av, AVI, AVII, Ayx , Ax; and Ay represent different configu
In various embodiments, the tunable filters, including rations that may be used to implement RF filter H ( f ). For
tunable band stop filter, tunable bandpass filters and tunable example, filter H ( f) may be implemented using filter con
phase shifter /matching networks depicted in FIGS . 17A - C , figuration A , representing a tunable band stop filter, which
18A - D , 19A - C , 20A - B and 21A - B can be implemented may be used to suppress signals at a transmit frequency of
using tunable filter structures known in the art. 10 another transmitter in the system to provide lower noise in
In various embodiments, the tunable band stop filters the receive path . Filter configuration Aq represents a tunable
depicted in FIGS . 17A - C , 18A - D , 19A - C , 20A - B and bandpass filter that may be tuned to the transmit frequency
21A - B may be implemented using tunable band stop filter and /or the receive frequency in order to suppress out of band
structures known in the art or may be implemented using interferers. Filter configuration Ay represents a fixed band
tunable acoustic filter structures disclosed herein . For 15 reject filter that may be used to reject fixed frequency
example, the acoustic filter structures shown in FIGS . interferers, and filter configuration Av? represents a fixed
7A - 7N , 8A - 8E , 9A - 9C , and 11A - 11C may be used . In some band pass filter that may be set to a have a center frequency
embodiments , these band stop filters may be implemented that includes both the transmit and receive frequencies.
using continuously tunable circuits . Tunable bandpass filter Filter configuration Avui represents a tunable band stop
may be implemented using circuits known in the art, con- 20 filter followed by a fixed bandpass filter and filter configu
tinuously tunable circuits, and / or tunable acoustic filter ration Ax represents a fixed bandpass filter followed by a
based bandpass structures illustrated in FIGS . 9A - 9C , 10A- tunable band stop filter. In these configurations, the tunable
10G , 11A - 11C , 12A - 12E and 13A - 13E . band stop filter may be used to highly suppress other
The various adjustable phase shifter/matching network transmit frequencies generated by other transmitters in the
circuits depicted in FIGS . 18A - D and 20A - B may be imple- 25 RF system , and the fixed bandpass filter may be used to
mented using adjustable phase shifter /matching network attenuate noise and interference outside of the passband of
circuits known in the art such phase shifting circuit based on the band pass filter in cases where the frequencies of the
varactors and switched capacitors . The depicted adjustable transmit and receive path are close to each other or are
phase shifter /matching network circuits may also be imple- identical.
mented using tunable bridged T all - pass circuits depicted in 30 Filter configuration Aux representing a tunable band stop
FIGS . 7A - 7N above . filter followed a tunable bandpass filter and filter configu
Advantages of the embodiments depicted in FIGS . 17A- ration Axz representing a tunable bandpass filter followed by
C , 18A - D , 19A - C , 20A - B and 21A - B include reduced a tunable band stop filter may be used to highly suppress
transmit path power consumption, increased transmit spec- other transmit frequencies generated by other transmitters in
tral emission purity, improved receive path noise figure to 35 the RF system , as well as to attenuate noise and interference
increase reference sensitivity , reduction in complexity due tooutside of the passband of the band pass filter.
a reduced number of filter components ( and reduced filter In various embodiments, transmit /receive path /combining
order ), reduction in system and PCB size due to the reduced structures B , C , D and E along with filter configurations I ,
number of components, and reduced system cost due to II , III , IV , V , VI , VII , VIII , IX , X , XI and XII may be used
reduced component count, reduced system complexity and 40 to implement the receive and transmit path in an FDD
reduced PCB size . system that does not require the use of a duplexer or fixed
As shown, for example, in FIGS . 18A - D , 20A - B and RF filter banks. These combinations are designated in the
21A - B above, tunable filters at the output of a transmit path table by letter ( A , B , C , D and E ) and Roman numeral ( I , II ,
and / or at the input of a receive path of an RF system can be III , IV , V , VI , VII , VIII , IX , X , XI and XII ) . For example , the
used to replace multiple transmit, receive and / or duplex 45 implementation of transmit / receive path / combining struc
filters. This concept can be generalized and extended to tures C with filter configuration VII is designated as CVII
multiple systems , implementations and architectures as and the implementation of transmit / receive path /combining
shown in FIG . 22 , which illustrates a table depicting trans- structures E with filter configuration I is designated as Er,
mit /receive path / combining structures A , B , C , D and E on etc.
the left hand side of the table , and transmit / receive path filter 50 Transmit / receive path / combining structure B includes a
configurations I , II , III , IV , V , VI , VII , VIII , IX , X , XI and transmit path having a filter Hzx ( f) followed by an adjust
XII on the top side of the table . In embodiments of the able phase shifter /matching network coupled to a shared
present invention , the transmit /receive path /combining antenna , and a receive path having a filter Hrx ( f) followed
structures A , B , C , D and E can be combined with transmit / by another adjustable phase shifter /matching network
receive path filter configurations I , II , III , IV , V , VI , VII , 55 coupled to a shared antenna . Each adjustable phase shifter /
VIII , IX , X , XI and XII to form various embodiment matching network may be used to transform the stop band
transmit / receive path implementations. Each of transmit/ impedance of a filter in one signal path to an impedance
receive path / combining structures A , B , C , D and E includes approximating an open circuit to the other signal path . For
a receive path and a transmit path that can be coupled to the example, the adjustable phase shifter /matching network of
respective transmit path output and receive path input ter- 60 the transmit path can transform the stop band impedance of
minals of an RF transceiver such as those depicted in the filter Hz (f) to an impedance approximating an open circuit
FIGS . above . at the receive frequency of the receive path to avoid loading
Transmit / receive path /combining structure A depicts a the input of the receive path and attenuating the receive
structure that includes a transmit path (TX path ), and receive signal. Similarly, the adjustable phase shifter /matching net
path (RX path ), a transmit/ receive switch, an RF filter H ( f) 65 work of the receive path can transform the stop band
and an antenna . Transmit / receive path / combining structure impedance of filter Hr (f) to an impedance approximating
A may be used, for example, in a TDD system in which the an opencircuit at the transmit frequency of the transmit path
US 11,012,051 B2
31 32
to avoid loading the transmit path. Transmit filter Hzx ( f) and may be generated using a quadrature splitter/ combiner cir
receive filter Hrx ( f) can be implemented using one of filter cuit , such as a polyphase filter. Accordingly, combining
configurations I , II , III , IV, V , VI , VII , VIII , IX , X , XI and structure D forms a four port hybrid filter arrangement that
XII as will be explained below. The combination of transmit allows for good coupling from the transmit paths to the
filter Hqx ( f) and receive filter Hrx ( f) transfer functions and 5 antenna and from the antenna to the receive path, but
adjustable phase shifter/matching networks provides isola- provides isolation from the transmit paths to the receive
tion between the transmit path and receive paths. paths. Transmit filters HTxi ( f) and Hixa( f) and receive filter
In some embodiments, the output of the adjustable phase Hrx ( f) can be implemented using one of filter configurations
shifter /matching network in the transmit signal path coupled I , II , III , IV , V , VI , VII , VIII , IX , X , XI and XII as will be
to the antenna can be considered to be a transmit antenna 10 explained below .
port, and the input of the adjustable phase shifter /matching Transmit / receive path /combining structure E includes a
network in the receive signal path coupled to the antenna can transmit path having a filter Hix ( f) followed by an adjust
be considered to be a receive antenna port. In this case , both able phase shifter/matching network coupled to a transmit
the transmit antenna port and the receive antenna port is antenna, and a receive path having a filter Hrr( f) followed
coupled together. 15 by another adjustable phase shifter /matching network
Transmit / receive path / combining structure C includes a coupled to a separate receive antenna. Each adjustable phase
transmit path having a filter Hzx ( f) and a receive path having shifter /matching network may be used to transform the stop
a filter Hrx( f). The transmit path and receive path are band impedance of a filter in one signal path to an imped
coupled to an antenna using an RF circulator. In an embodi- ance approximating an open circuit (or other impedance) to
ment, the circulator provides low insertion loss for signals 20 its respective antenna . Providing this higher impedance to
propagating from the transmit path to the antenna , and from potentially interfering signals further reduces the amount of
the antenna to the receive path, but isolates signals propa- interfering signal energy coupled to the respective signal
gating from the transmit path to the receive path , and from path . Both adjustable phase shifters are tuned to provide
the receive path to the antenna . The circulator may be maximum isolation between both antennas in some embodi
implemented, for example, using circulator structures 25 ments. Transmit filter Hqx ( f) and receive filter Hrx ( f) can be
known in the art, for example, structures disclosed in the implemented using one of filter configurations I , II , III , IV,
following references H. Obiya , T. Wada, H. Hayafuji, T. V , VI , VII , VIII , IX , X , XI and XII as will be explained
Ogami, M. Tani, M. Koshino , M. Kawashima and N. Naka- below .
jima , " A New Tunable RF Front -End Circuit for Advanced In some embodiments, the output of the adjustable phase
4G Handsets ” , 2014 IEEE MTT - S Int. Microwave Symp. 30 shifter/matching network in the transmit signal path coupled
Digest , session WEP - 54 , June 2014 ; T. Ogami , M. Tani, K. to the antenna can be considered to be a transmit antenna
Ikada, H. Kando , T. Wada, H. Obiya , M. Koshino , M. port, and the input of the adjustable phase shifter /matching
Kawashima and N. Nakajima, " A New Tunable Filter Using network in the receive signal path coupled to the antenna can
Love Wave Resonators for Reconfigurable RF ”, 2014 IEEE be considered to be a receive antenna port. In this case ,
MTT - S Int.Microwave Symp. Digest , session TU3A - 2 , June 35 unlike transmit /receive path / combining structure E dis
2014 ; and T. Wada , R. Nakajima, H. Obiya, T. Ogami, M. cussed above , the respective receive and transmit antenna
Koshino , M. Kawashima and N. Nakajima, “ A Miniaturized ports are coupled to separate antennas .
Broadband Lumped Element Circulator for Reconfigurable As mentioned above each filter Hqx ( f) and receive filter
Front- end System ” , 2014 IEEE MTT- S Int. Microwave Hrr( f) can be implemented using one of filter configurations
Symp. Digest , session WEP - 28 , June 2014 , which refer- 40 I , II , III , IV, V , VI , VII , VIII , IX , X , XI and XII depicted in
ences are incorporated by reference. In some embodiments, FIG . 22. Filter configuration I implements transmit filter
the circulator may be turned and / or matched to the receive Hzx ( f) in the transmit path as a tunable band stop filter that
and transmit frequencies used by the respective receive and is tuned to the receive frequency in order to suppress
transmit paths. Transmit filter Hzx ( f) and receive filter transmit noise at the receive frequency, and implements
Hrx ( f) can be implemented using one of filter configurations 45 receive filter Hrx ( f) in the receive path as a tunable band
I , II , III , IV , V , VI , VII , VIII , IX , X , XI and XII as will be stop filter that is tuned to the transmit frequency in order to
explained below . suppress the transmit signal during FDD operation.
Transmit / receive path /combining structure D includes a Filter configuration II implements transmit filter H7x { f) in
transmit path having an in -phase transmit path ( TX path (I ) ) the transmit path as a tunable bandpass filter that is tuned to
including in -phase transmit filter Htxi ( f), a quadrature trans- 50 the transmit frequency in order to suppress transmit noise
mit path (TX path ( Q ) ) including quadrature transmit filter and transmit spurious emissions , and implements receive
Htxi ( f ), and a receive path (RX path ) including receive filter filter Hrx ( f) in the receive path as a tunable bandpass filter
Hrx ( f). Coupling between the antenna and the receive path , that is tuned to the receive frequency in order to suppress
input - phase transmit path and quadrature transmit path is one or more transmit signals and / or out -of -of band interfer
achieved via four port quadrature combiner, which can be 55 ers .
implemented , for example using quadrature combiner struc- Filter configuration III implements transmit filter Hzx { f)
tures and / or quadrature hybrid structures known in the art, in the transmit path as a tunable bandpass filter that is tuned
such as a Fisher hybrid . As shown, the in -phase transmit path to the transmit frequency in order to suppress transmit noise
is coupled to the input port of the quadrature combiner, the and transmit spurious emissions , and implements receive
quadrature transmit path is coupled to the isolated port of the 60 filter Hrx( f) in the receive path as a tunable band stop filter
quadrature combiner, the receive path is coupled to the -45 ° that is tuned to the transmit frequency in order to suppress
port of the quadrature combiner and the antenna is coupled the transmit signal during FDD operation .
to the + 45 ° port of the quadrature combiner. During opera- Filter configuration IV implements transmit filter Hx( f)
tion, the RF transceiver (not shown) generates an in -phase in the transmit path as a tunable band stop filter that is tuned
transmit signal and a quadrature transmit signal at are 900 65 to the receive frequency in order to suppress transmit noise
out of phase with each other. In some embodiments , the at the receive frequency, and implements receive filter
in - phase transmit signal and a quadrature transmit signal Hrr ( f) in the receive path as a tunable bandpass filter that is
US 11,012,051 B2
33 34
tuned to the receive frequency in order to suppress one or mentioned above with respect to filter configuration X ,
more transmit signals and /or out -of -of band interferers. having the tunable band stop filters closer to the antenna port
Filter configuration V implements transmit filter Htx { f) in may be useful, for example , when used to implement the
the transmit path as a fixed band stop filter that is tuned to filters of transmit / receive path / combining structure B in
the receive frequency in order to suppress transmit noise at 5 some cases , because the different the impedance might allow
the receive frequency, and implements receive filter HRx ( f) a better implementation of the phase shifters ( e.g. , smaller
in the receive path as a fixed band stop filter that is tuned to size , better insertion loss , and higher bandwidth ). The choice
the transmit frequency in order to suppress the transmit of which filter to place closest to the antenna, however,
signal during FDD operation . depends of the impedance of the particular filter being
Filter configuration VI implements transmit filter Hrx ( f) 10 implemented as well as the details and specification of the
in the transmit path as a fixed bandpass filter that is tuned to system being implemented. Thus, in some cases , it may be
the transmit frequency in order to suppress transmit noise advantageous to implement transmit /receive path /combin
and transmit spurious emissions , and implements receive ing structure B using filter configuration IX instead .
filter Hrx ( f) in the receive path as a tunable band stop filter Filter configuration XII has a similar structure as as filter
that is tuned to the transmit frequency in order to suppress 15 configuration VIII , with the exception that fixed bandpass
the transmit signal during FDD operation . filter in the transmit path is removed . This configuration may
Filter configuration VII implements transmit filter Hzx { f) be suitable for systems in which the filter requirements in the
in the transmit path as a tunable band stop filter that is tuned transmit path are less stringent that the filter requirements in
to the receive frequency in order to suppress transmit noise the receive path . This particular filter configuration is advan
at the receive frequency, and implements receive filter 20 tageous in the sense that it provides filtering at a low cost
Hrv( f) in the receive path as a fixed bandpass filter that is with low insertion loss in the transmit path .
tuned to the receive frequency in order to suppress one or It should be understood that the RF systems represented
more transmit signals and / or out -of -of band interferers. by the various embodiments depicted in FIG . 22 are just a
Filter configuration VIII implements transmit filter H7x ( f) subset of many possible embodiment RF system topologies .
in the transmit path as a tunable band stop filter followed by 25 In alternative embodiments of the present invention , addi
a fixed frequency bandpass filter. The tunable band stop filter tional filters may be added to the transmit and receive paths
is tuned to the receive frequency in order to suppress and /or additional filter combinations and permutations may
transmit noise at the receive frequency, and the fixed fre- possible .
quency bandpass filter to provide wideband attenuation . FIGS . 23 , 24A - D , 25 , 26A - B and 27 illustrates specific
Receive filter Hrx( f) in the receive path is implemented as 30 examples of embodiment systems summarized in the table
a tunable band stop filter followed by a fixed bandpass filter. of FIG . 22. For example, FIG . 23 illustrates a TDD system
The tunable band stop filter is tuned to the transmit fre- 2300 that corresponds to transmit/ receive path / combining
quency in order to suppress the transmit signal during FDD sti ure A using filter configuration II ( A1 ) . As shown, the
operation, and the fixed bandpass filter provides wideband TDD system 2300 depicted in FIG . 23 includes a transmit
attenuation . 35 path ( TX path ), a receive path (RX path ), a transmit /receive
Filter configuration IX implements transmit filter Hrx ( f) switch 2302 , a tunable bandpass filter 2304 and an antenna
in the transmit path as a tunable band stop filter followed by 2306. In such an embodiments, the tunable bandpass filter
a tunable bandpass filter. The tunable band stop filter is tuned 2304 is shared between the transmit path and the receive
to the receive frequency in order to suppress transmit noise path . During operation , the transmit/receive switch 2302
at the receive frequency, and the tunable bandpass filter is 40 selectively couples the active channel to the antenna . For
tuned to the transmit frequency. Receive filter Hrx ( f) in the example, when the transmit signal path is active , the trans
receive path is implemented as a tunable band stop filter mit/ receive switch 2302 couples the transmit signal path to
followed by a tunable bandpass filter. The tunable band stop the antenna 2306 , and when the receive path is active , the
filter is tuned to the transmit frequency in order to suppress transmit /receive switch 2302 couples the receive signal path
the transmit signal during FDD operation , and the tunable 45 to the antenna 2306 .
bandpass filter is tuned to the receive frequency. FIG . 24A illustrates an RF system 2400 that corresponds
Filter configuration X has the same elements as filter to transmit/ receive path /combining structure B using filter
configuration VIII , with the exception that the position of the configuration II (B11). As shown, the transmit path ( TX path )
bandpass and band stop filters are swapped , thereby placing includes a tunable bandpass filter 2404 followed by adjust
the tunable band stop filters closer to the antenna port. 50 able phase shifter /matching network 2406 and antenna 2412 .
Having the tunable band stop filters closer to the antenna Similarly, the receive path (RX path ) includes a tunable
port may be useful, for example, when used to implement bandpass filter 2408 followed by adjustable phase shifter/
the filters of transmit /receive path / combining structure B in matching network 2410 and antenna 2412. In various
some embodiments because it allows for a short signal path embodiments, adjustable phase shifter/matching networks
between the band stop filter and the adjustable phase shifter / 55 2406 and 2410 transform the stop band impedance of its
matching network that is used to modify the impedance of respective tunable bandpass filter to an impedance that
the tunable band stop filter. The choice of which filter to approximates an open circuit at an active frequency of the
place closest to the antenna, however, depends of the imped- adjacent RF signal path as is described below .
ance of the particular filter being implemented as well as the FIG . 24B illustrates a graph of the insertion loss of
details and specification of the system being implemented . 60 tunable bandpass filter 2404 in the receive path of RF system
Thus, in some cases , it may be advantageous to implement 2400 depicted in FIG . 24A . As shown, tunable bandpass
transmit / receive path / combining structure B using filter con- filter 2404 has a passband of between about 1.80 GHz and
figuration VIII instead. about 1.94 GHz , which corresponds to a receive band .
Filter configuration XI has the same elements as filter In one embodiment, the transmit path is configured to
configuration IX , with the exception that the position of the 65 provide a transmitted signal at about 2.10 GHz that corre
bandpass and band stop filters are swapped, thereby placing sponds to the stop band of tunable bandpass filter 2404 in the
the tunable band stop filters closer to the antenna port. As receive path , tunable bandpass filter 2404 in the transmit
US 11,012,051 B2
35 36
path is configured to have a center frequency of about 2.10 FIG . 27 illustrates an RF system 2700 that corresponds to
GHz , and adjustable phase shifter /matching network 2410 is transmit /receive path /combining structure E using filter con
configured to rotate the input impedance of tunable transmit figuration II (E1 ). As shown , the transmit path ( TX path )
filter 2408 to an impedance approximating an open circuit at includes a tunable bandpass filter 2702 followed by adjust
the 2.10 GHz transmit frequency as is illustrated in the 5 able phase shifter /matching network 2704 and transmit
Smith charts shown in FIGS . 24C and 24D . antenna 2706. Similarly, the receive path (RX path ) includes
The Smith chart of FIG . 24C illustrates the input imped- a tunable bandpass filter 2708 followed by adjustable phase
ance ( s11 ) of tunable bandpass filter 2404 between 1.60 GHz shifter /matching network 2710 and separate receive antenna
at point 2422 and 2.10 GHz at point 2424. As shown , the 2712. In various embodiments, adjustable phase shifter /
input impedance of at 2.10 GHz at point 2424 is capacitive. 10 matching networks 2704 and 2710 transform the stop band
The Smith chart of FIG . 24D illustrates the input impedance impedance of its respective tunable bandpass filter to an
( s11 ) of tunable bandpass filter 2404 coupled in series with impedance that approximates an open circuit at an active
adjustable phase shifter /matching network 2410 between frequency of the adjacent RF signal path.
1.60 GHz at point 2422 and 2.10 GHz at point 2424. As In various embodiments, the tunable band stop filters
shown , adjustable phase shifter /matching network 2410 15 depicted in FIGS . 17A - C , 18A - D , 19A - C , 20A - B and
transforms the input impedance of at 2.10 GHz at point 2424 21A - B may be implemented using tunable band stop filter
from being capacitive to approximating an open circuit . structures known in the art or may be implemented using
Thus, tunable bandpass filter 2404 in the receive path can be tunable acoustic filter structures disclosed herein . For
configured not to load the transmit channel at the transmit example, the acoustic filter structures shown in FIGS .
frequency of 2.10 GHz . It should be appreciated that the 20 7A - 7F, 8A - 8E , 9A - 9C , and 11A - 11C may be used . In some
performance graphs shown in FIGS . 24B - D represent the embodiments, these band stop filters may be implemented
performance of just one example embodiment, and different using continuously tunable circuits . Tunable bandpass filter
embodiments may perform differently. may be implemented using circuits known in the art, con
FIG . 25 illustrates an RF system 2400 that corresponds to tinuously tunable circuits, and / or tunable acoustic filter
transmit / receive path / combining structure C using filter con- 25 based bandpass structures illustrated in FIGS . 9A - 9C , 10A
figuration II (Cu ). As shown, the transmit path (TX path ) 10G , 11A - 11C , 12A - 12E and 13A - 13E .
includes a tunable bandpass filter 2502 followed by three- The various adjustable phase shifter /matching network
port circulator 2506 and antenna 2508. Similarly, the receive circuits depicted in FIGS . 18A - D and 20A - B may be imple
path (RX path ) includes a tunable bandpass filter 2504 mented using adjustable phase shifter /matching network
followed by three -port circulator 2506 and antenna 2508 . 30 circuits known in the art such phase shifting circuit based on
FIG . 26A illustrates an RF system 2500 that corresponds varactors and switched capacitors . The depicted adjustable
to transmit /receive path /combining structure D using filter phase shifter /matching network circuits may also be imple
configuration II (Du ). As wn , RF system 2500 includes mented using tunable bridged T all -pass circuits depicted in
an in -phase transmit path (I - Phase TX path ) including tun- FIGS . 7A - 7F above .
able bandpass filter 2602 , a quadrature transmit path 35 Example embodiments of the present invention are sum
( Q - Phase TX path ) including tunable bandpass filter 2604 , marized here . Other embodiments can also be understood
and a receive path (RX path ) including tunable bandpass from the entirety of the specification and the claims filed
filter 2606. Coupling between the antenna 2610 and the herein .
receive path , input -phase transmit path and quadrature trans Example 1
mit path is achieved via quadrature combiner 2608. As 40
shown, the in - phase transmit path is coupled to the input port An RF system including: a transmit path including a
of the quadrature combiner, the quadrature transmit path is
coupled to the isolated port of the quadrature combiner, the transmit RF filter and an adjustable transmit phase shifter /
receive path is coupled to the -45 ° port of the quadrature matching network coupled between the transmit RF filter
combiner and the antenna is coupled to the +45 ° port of the 45 and a transmit antenna port, where the adjustable transmit
quadrature combiner. During operation the RF transceiver phase shifter/matching network is configured to transform
( not shown ) generates an in - phase transmit signal and a an impedance of the transmit RF filter at a receive frequency
quadrature transmit signal at are 90 ° out of phase with each from a first lower impedance to a first higher impedance at
other, or an in -phase and quadrature signal are generated the transmit antenna port; and a receive path including a
using a quadrature splitter/combiner circuit . 50 receive RF filter and an adjustable receive phase shifter /
FIG . 26B illustrates a plot of selectivity and insertion loss matching network coupled between the receive RF filter and
of between ports 2 and 1 , and between ports 3 and 1 of RF a receive antenna port, where the adjustable receive phase
system 2600 shown in FIG . 26A . Trace 2620 represents the shifter /matching network is configured to transform an
selectivity between ports 2 and 1 ( transmit path ); trace 2622 impedance of the receive RF filter at a transmit frequency
represents the insertion loss between ports 2 and 1 ( transmit 55 from a second lower impedance to a second higher imped
path ); trace 2624 represents the selectivity between ports 3 ance at the receive antenna port.
and 1 ( receive path ); and trace 2626 represents the insertion Example 2
loss between ports 3 and 1 ( receive path ).
As can be seen in FIG . 26B , the receive path whose The RF system of example 1 , further including a transmit
selectivity is represented by trace 2620 has a passband 60 antenna coupled to the transmit antenna port, and a receive
between about 1.8 GHz and about 1.92 GHz , while the antenna coupled to the receive antenna port.
transmit path whose selectivity is represented by trace 2624
has a passband between about 2.2 GHz and about 2.18 GHz . Example 3
It should be appreciated that the performance graphs shown
in FIG . 26D represents the performance of just one example 65 The RF system of one of examples 1 or 2 , where the
embodiment and different embodiments may perform dif- transmit antenna port and the receive antenna port is coupled
ferently. to a same first port.
US 11,012,051 B2
37 38
Example 4 Example 13
The RF system of example 3 , further including an antenna The RF system of example 9 , where: the transmit RF filter
coupled to the first port. includes a fixed bandpass filter configured to pass the
5 transmit frequency and attenuate the receive frequency; and
Example 5 the receive RF filter includes a first tunable band reject filter
configured to reject the transmit frequency.
The RF system of one of examples 1 to 4 , where the Example 14
transmit path includes a power amplifier having an output 10
coupled to the transmit RF filter, and the receive path The RF system of example 9 , where: the transmit RF filter
includes an LNA having an input coupled to the receive RF includes a first tunable band reject filter configured to reject
filter . the receive frequency ; and the receive RF filter includes a
fixed bandpass filter configured to pass the receive fre
Example 6 15
quency and attenuate the transmit frequency.
The RF system of example 5 , further including an RF Example 15
transceiver having a transmit output coupled to an input of
the power amplifier, and a receive input coupled to an output The RF system of example 9 , where : the transmit RF filter
of the LNA . 20
includes a first tunable band reject filter configured to reject
the receive frequency, and a first fixed bandpass filter
Example 7 configured to pass the transmit frequency and attenuate the
receive frequency, where the first fixed bandpass filter is
The RF system of one of examples 1 to 6 , where : the coupled between the first tunable band reject filter and the
transmit transmit antennaband
port; reject
and thefilter
receive RF filterto includes
reject thea
configuredRFto filter includes
pass the a first
transmit tunableandbandpass
frequency attenuatefilter
the 25 second tunable configured
transmit frequency, and a second fixed bandpass filter con
receive frequency ; and the receive RF filter includes a figured to pass the receive frequency and attenuate the
second tunable bandpass filter configured to pass the receive transmit frequency, where the second fixed bandpass filter is
frequency and attenuate the transmit frequency. coupled between the second tunable band reject filter and the
Example 8 receive antenna port.
Example 16
The RF system of one of examples 1 to 7 , where: the
transmit RF filter includes a first fixed band reject filter The RF system of example 9 , where: the transmit RF filter
configured to reject the receive frequency ; and the receive 35 includes a first tunable band reject filter configured to reject
RF filter includes a second fixed band reject filter configured the receive frequency, and a first tunable bandpass filter
to reject the transmit frequency . configured to pass the transmit frequency and attenuate the
receive frequency, where the first tunable bandpass filter is
Example 9 coupled between the first tunable band reject filter and the
40 transmit antenna port; and the receive RF filter includes a
The RF system of one of examples 1 to 8 , where at least second tunable band reject filter configured to reject the
one of the transmit RF filter and the receive RF filter transmit frequency, and a second tunable bandpass filter
includes a tunable band reject filter. configured to pass the receive frequency and attenuate the
transmit frequency, where the second tunable bandpass filter
Example 10 45 is coupled between the second tunable band reject filter and
the receive antenna port.
The RF system of example 9 , where : the transmit RF filter
includes a first tunable band reject filter configured to reject Example 17
the receive frequency ; and the receive RF filter includes a
second tunable band reject filter configured to reject the 50 The RF system of example 9 , where: the transmit RF filter
transmit frequency. includes a first tunable band reject filter configured to reject
the receive frequency, and a first fixed bandpass filter
Example 11 configured to pass the transmit frequency and attenuate the
receive frequency, where the first tunable band reject filter is
The RF system of example 9 , where : the transmit RF filter 55 coupled between the first fixed bandpass filter and the
includes a first tunable bandpass filter configured to pass the transmit antenna port; and the receive RF filter includes a
transmit frequency and attenuate the receive frequency; and second tunable band reject filter configured to reject the
the receive RF filter includes a first tunable band reject filter transmit frequency, and a second fixed bandpass filter con
configured to reject the transmit frequency. figured to pass the receive frequency and attenuate the
Example 12
60 transmit frequency , where the second tunable band reject
filter is coupled between the second fixed bandpass filter and
the receive antenna port.
The RF system of example 9 , where : the transmit RF filter
includes a first tunable band reject filter configured to reject Example 18
the receive frequency ; and the receive RF filter includes a 65
first tunable bandpass filter configured to pass the receive The RF system of example 9 , where : the transmit RF filter
frequency and attenuate the transmit frequency. includes a first tunable band reject filter configured to reject
US 11,012,051 B2
39 40
the receive frequency, and a first tunable bandpass filter It is therefore intended that the appended claims encompass
configured to pass the transmit frequency and attenuate the any such modifications or embodiments.
receive frequency, where the first tunable band reject filter is
coupled between the first tunable bandpass filter and the 5
What is claimed is :
transmit antenna port; and the receive RF filter includes a 1. An RF system comprising:
second tunable band reject filter configured to reject the a transmit path comprising a transmit RF filter and an
transmit frequency, and a second tunable bandpass filter adjustable transmit phase shifter /matching network
configured to pass the receive frequency and attenuate the coupled between the transmit RF filter and a transmit
transmit frequency, where the second tunable band reject 10 antenna port, wherein the adjustable transmit phase
filter is coupled between the second tunable bandpass filter shifter /matching network is configured to transform an
and the receive antenna port. impedance of the transmit RF filter at a receive fre
Example 19 quency from a first lower impedance to a first higher
impedance at the transmit antenna port; and
The RF system of example 9 , where : the transmit RF filter
15 a receive path comprising a receive RF filter and an
adjustable receive phase shifter/matching network
includes a first tunable band reject filter configured to reject coupled between the receive RF filter and a receive
the receive frequency ; and the receive RF filter includes a antenna port, wherein the adjustable receive phase
second tunable band reject filter configured to reject the shifter /matching network is configured to transform an
transmit frequency, and a second fixed bandpass filter con 20 impedance of the receive RF filter at a transmit fre
figured to pass the receive frequency and attenuate the quency from a second lower impedance to a second
transmit frequency, where the second fixed bandpass filter is higher impedance at the receive antenna port,
coupled between the second tunable band reject filter and the wherein at least one of the transmit RF filter and the
receive antenna port. receive RF filter comprises a first resonator structure
25 having a first resonator coupled between an input node
Example 20 and an output node; a second resonator structure having
a first resonator coupled between the input node and
An RF system including: a transmit path including a ground ; and a third resonator structure having a first
transmit RF filter and an adjustable transmit phase shifter / resonator coupled between the output node and ground ,
matching network coupled between the transmit RF filter 30 and
and an antenna port, where the adjustable transmit phase wherein at least one of the first resonator structure, the
shifter /matching network is configured to transform an second resonator structure, and the third resonator
impedance of the transmit RF filter at a receive frequency structure comprises a second resonator acoustically
from a first lower impedance to a first higher impedance at coupled to the first resonator, and wherein a tuning
the antenna port; and a receive path including a receive RF 35 circuit is electrically coupled only between first and
filter and an adjustable receive phase shifter /matching net second electrodes of the second resonator.
work coupled between the receive RF filter and the antenna 2. The RF system of claim 1 , further comprising a
port, where the adjustable receive phase shifter /matching transmit antenna coupled to the transmit antenna port, and a
network is configured to transform an impedance of the receive antenna coupled to the receive antenna port.
receive RF filter at a transmit frequency from a second lower 40 3. The RF system of claim 1 , wherein the transmit antenna
impedance to a second higher impedance at the antenna port. port and the receive antenna port is coupled to a same first
Example 21 4. The RF system of claim 3 , further comprising an
antenna coupled to the first port.
A method including : transmitting an RF signal to a 45 5. The RF system of claim 1 , wherein the transmit path
transmit port via a transmit path , the transmit path including comprises a power amplifier having an output coupled to the
a transmit RF filter and an adjustable transmit phase shifter/ transmit RF filter, and the receive path comprises an LNA
matching network coupled between the transmit RF filter having an input coupled to the receive RF filter.
and the transmit port, where the adjustable transmit phase 6. The RF system of claim 5 , further comprising an RF
shifter /matching network is configured to transform an 50 transceiver having a transmit output coupled to an input of
impedance of the transmit RF filter at a receive frequency the power amplifier, and a receive input coupled to an output
from a first lower impedance to a first higher impedance at of the LNA .
the transmit port; and receiving an RF signal from a receive 7. The RF system of claim 1 , wherein :
port via a receive path , the receive path including a receive the transmit RF filter comprises a first tunable bandpass
RF filter and an adjustable receive phase shifter/matching 55 filter configured to pass the transmit frequency and
network coupled between the receive RF filter and the attenuate the receive frequency; and
receive port, where the adjustable receive phase shifter / the receive RF filter comprises a second tunable bandpass
matching network is configured to transform an impedance filter configured to pass the receive frequency and
of the receive RF filter at a transmit frequency from a second attenuate the transmit frequency.
lower impedance to a second higher impedance at the 60 8. The RF system of claim 1 , wherein :
receive port. the transmit RF filter comprises a first fixed band reject
While this invention has been described with reference to filter configured to reject the receive frequency; and
illustrative embodiments, this description is not intended to the receive RF filter comprises a second fixed band reject
be construed in a limiting sense . Various modifications and filter configured to reject the transmit frequency.
combinations of the illustrative embodiments, as well as 65 9. The RF system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the
other embodiments of the invention , will be apparent to transmit RF filter and the receive RF filter comprises a
persons skilled in the art upon reference to the description. tunable band reject filter.
US 11,012,051 B2
41 42
10. The RF system of claim 9 , wherein : the receive RF filter comprises a second tunable band
the transmit RF filter comprises a first tunable band reject reject filter configured to reject the transmit frequency,
filter configured to reject the receive frequency; and and a second fixed bandpass filter configured to pass
the receive RF filter comprises a second tunable band the receive frequency and attenuate the transmit fre
reject filter configured to reject the transmit frequency. 5 quency, wherein the second tunable band reject filter is
11. The RF system of claim 9 , wherein : coupled between the second fixed bandpass filter and
the transmit RF filter comprises a first tunable bandpass the receive antenna port.
filter configured to pass the transmit frequency and 18. The RF system of claim 9 , wherein :
attenuate the receive frequency; and the transmit RF filter comprises a first tunable band reject
the receive RF filter comprises a first tunable band reject 10 filter configured to reject the receive frequency, and a
filter configured to reject the transmit frequency. first tunable bandpass filter configured to pass the
12. The RF system of claim 9 , wherein : transmit frequency and attenuate the receive frequency,
the transmit RF filter comprises a first tunable band reject wherein the first tunable band reject filter is coupled
filter configured to reject the receive frequency ; and
the receive RF filter comprises a first tunable bandpass 15 between the first tunable bandpass filter and the trans
filter configured to pass the receive frequency and mit antenna port; and
attenuate the transmit frequency. the receive RF filter comprises a second tunable band
13. The RF system of claim 9 , wherein : reject filter configured to reject the transmit frequency,
the transmit RF filter comprises a fixed bandpass filter and a second tunable bandpass filter configured to pass
configured to pass the transmit frequency and attenuate 20 the receive frequency and attenuate the transmit fre
the receive frequency; and quency, wherein the second tunable band reject filter is
the receive RF filter comprises a first tunable band reject coupled between the second tunable bandpass filter and
filter configured to reject the transmit frequency. the receive antenna port.
14. The RF system of claim 9 , wherein : 19. The RF system of claim 9 , wherein :
the transmit RF filter comprises a first tunable band reject 25 the transmit RF filter comprises a first tunable band reject
filter configured to reject the receive frequency; and filter configured to reject the receive frequency ; and
the receive RF filter comprises a fixed bandpass filter the receive RF filter comprises a second tunable band
configured to pass the receive frequency and attenuate reject filter configured to reject the transmit frequency,
the transmit frequency. and a second fixed bandpass filter configured to pass
15. The RF system of claim 9 , wherein : 30 the receive frequency and attenuate the transmit fre
the transmit RF filter comprises a first tunable band reject quency, wherein the second fixed bandpass filter is
filter configured to reject the receive frequency, and a coupled between the second tunable band reject filter
first fixed bandpass filter configured to pass the transmit and the receive antenna port.
frequency and attenuate the receive frequency, wherein 20. The RF system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the
the first fixed bandpass filter is coupled between the 35 resonator structures comprises a stacked crystal filter.
first tunable band reject filter and the transmit antenna 21. The RF system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the
port; and resonator structures comprises a coupled resonator filter.
the receive RF filter comprises a second tunable band 22. The RF system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the
reject filter configured to reject the transmit frequency, resonator structures comprises a film bulk acoustic resona
and a second fixed bandpass filter configured to pass 40 tor.
the receive frequency and attenuate the transmit fre- 23. The RF system of claim 1 , wherein the tuning circuit
quency, wherein the second fixed bandpass filter is comprises a varactor coupled to an inductor in parallel.
coupled between the second tunable band reject filter 24. An RF system comprising:
and the receive antenna port. a transmit path comprising a transmit RF filter and an
16. The RF system of claim 9 , wherein : 45 adjustable transmit phase shifter /matching network
the transmit RF filter comprises a first tunable band reject coupled between the transmit RF filter and an antenna
filter configured to reject the receive frequency, and a port, wherein the adjustable transmit phase shifter/
first tunable bandpass filter configured to pass the matching network is configured to transform an imped
transmit frequency and attenuate the receive frequency, ance of the transmit RF filter at a receive frequency
wherein the first tunable bandpass filter is coupled 50 from a first lower impedance to a first higher imped
between the first tunable band reject filter and the ance at the antenna port; and
transmit antenna port; and a receive path comprising a receive RF filter and an
the receive RF filter comprises a second tunable band adjustable receive phase shifter /matching network
reject filter configured to reject the transmit frequency, coupled between the receive RF filter and the antenna
and a second tunable bandpass filter configured to pass 55 port, wherein the adjustable receive phase shifter/
the receive frequency and attenuate the transmit fre- matching network is configured to transform an imped
quency , wherein the second tunable bandpass filter is ance of the receive RF filter at a transmit frequency
coupled between the second tunable band reject filter from a second lower impedance to a second higher
and the receive antenna port. impedance at the antenna port,
17. The RF system of claim 9 , wherein : 60 wherein at least one of the transmit RF filter and the
the transmit RF filter comprises a first tunable band reject receive RF filter comprises a first resonator structure
filter configured to reject the receive frequency, and a having a first resonator coupled between an input node
first fixed bandpass filter configured to pass the transmit and an output node; a second resonator structure having
frequency and attenuate the receive frequency, wherein a first resonator coupled between the input node and
the first tunable band reject filter is coupled between the 65 ground ; and a third resonator structure having a first
first fixed bandpass filter and the transmit antenna port; resonator coupled between the output node and ground ,
and and
US 11,012,051 B2
43 44
wherein at least one of the first resonator structure, the port, wherein the adjustable receive phase shifter /
second resonator structure, and the third resonator matching network is configured to transform an imped
structure comprises a second resonator acoustically ance of the receive RF filter at a transmit frequency
coupled to the first resonator, and wherein a tuning from a second lower impedance to a second higher
circuit is electrically coupled only between first and 5 impedance at the receive port,
second electrodes of the second resonator. wherein at least one of the transmit RF filter and the
25. The RF system of claim 24 , wherein the tuning circuit receive RF filter comprises a first resonator structure
comprises a varactor coupled to an inductor in parallel. having a first resonator coupled between an input node
26. A method comprising: and an output node; a second resonator structure having
transmitting an RF signal to a transmit port via a transmit 10 a first resonator coupled between the input node and
path , the transmit path comprising a transmit RF filter ground; and a third resonator structure having a first
and an adjustable transmit phase shifter /matching net resonator coupled between the output node and ground,
work coupled between the transmit RF filter and the wherein at least one of the first resonator structure , the
transmit port, wherein the adjustable transmit phase 15 second resonator structure, and the third resonator
shifter /matching network is configured to transform an
impedance of the transmit RF filter at a receive fre structure comprises a second resonator acoustically
quency from a first lower impedance to a first higher coupled to the first resonator, and wherein a tuning
impedance at the transmit port; and circuit is electrically coupled only between first and
receiving an RF signal from a receive port via a receive second electrodes of the second resonator.
path, the receive path comprising a receive RF filter and 20 27. The method of claim 26 , wherein the tuning circuit
an adjustable receive phase shifter /matching network comprises a varactor coupled to an inductor in parallel.
coupled between the receive RF filter and the receive

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