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Lecturer, Department of Food Processing and Preservation, Hajee Mohammad Danesh
Science and Technology University, Dinajpur-5200, Bangladesh
Lecturer, Department of Food Technology and Nutritional Science, Mawlana Bhashani
Science and Technology University, Tangail-1902, Bangladesh
Lecturer, Department of Food Engineering and Technology, Hajee Mohammad Danesh
Science and Technology University, Dinajpur-5200, Bangladesh
Lecturer, Department of Food Technology and Rural Industries, Bangladesh
Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Professor, Department of Food Technology and Rural Industries, Bangladesh
Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
*Corresponding Author
Shakti Chandra Mondal
Department of Food Processing and Preservation
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur
Cell: +8801716-728278
This study has investigated the comparative relation between physical properties (bulk
density, specific gravity, length and breath ratio, 1000-kernel weight and angle of repose)
and chemical constituents (moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrate and ash content) of
selected five varieties of rice. The selected varieties of paddy were BR-3, BR-26, BRRI-
28, BRRI-29 and BRRI-45. The physical properties analyzed showed that the five paddy
varieties had bulk density 0.75-0.85 g/ml, specific gravity 0.49-0.61, length-breath ratio
3.99-5.22, 1000-kernel weight 17.85-24.7 g and angle of repose 31.72-34.33o. The
densities, specific gravity, length-breath ratio, angle of repose of the varieties were
comparable to each other. It was found that the five varieties of rice grains (brown rice)
had moisture content ranging from 12.74-13.35%, protein 6.26-6.74%, fat 0.20-0.34%,
carbohydrate 78.66-78.92% and ash 1.19-1.56%. BR-3 rice variety contained highest
protein and moisture content among other selected varieties at the same atmospheric
condition. The total carbohydrate contents in BRRI-29 and BRRI-45 were the same value
of 78.92%. Significantly higher ash and fat levels were found in BRRI-28 rice when
compared with other four varieties. Studies were also conducted to compare
physicochemical properties of rice kernels of five varieties. The husked grain kernels
from different paddy varieties showed higher 1000-kernel weight and bulk density. Most
of the physical properties of the rice grains varied significantly among different varieties
except angle of repose.
Rice is commonly consumed cereal for more than half of the world‟s population. It is the
staple food of more than three billion people, mainly in Asia. Rice production is the
dominant activity which alone contributes 18% to the GDP in Bangladesh and this sector
generates about 35% of the total foreign exchange earnings and provides employment to
about 60 percent of the rural population (Alam, 1997 and Hussain, et al., 2001). It is an
important source of energy, vitamins, mineral elements and some amino acids. Brown
rice is hulled directly from rough rice, consisting of bran layers (6–7% of its total
weight), embryo (2–3%) and endosperm (about 90%) (Chen et al., 1998). It contains
more nutrient components such as proteins, lipids, dietary fibers, vitamins and minerals
than white rice (Itani et al., 2002; Lamberts et al., 2007). These nutrients exist mainly in
the germ and bran layers of the rice grains. However, they are almost removed during
milling process from brown rice to produce white rice which is commonly consumed. It
compares favorably with other cereals in amino acid content and digestibility of the
protein is high, being 96.5% for the whole grain and 98% for milled rice (Grist, 1965).
Rice protein content one of the highest nutritive values among cereals proteins because of
its high lysine content (Juliano, 1972). More than 90% of the population in Bangladesh
consumes rice deriving 70% of daily calories and 54% protein requirement (Nasiruddin,
1997) and therefore, food means rice in Bangladesh. A small amount of the rice is used to
make ingredients for processed foods and as feed, but the bulk is consumed as cooked
rice. Different properties define rice grain quality depending on which target group in the
post harvest system is being addressed. For instance, high total and head milled rice yield
are critical for the miller, whereas cooking and eating quality is determined by
physicochemical properties and, particularly, apparent amylase content (Noomhorm et
al., 1997; Perdon et al., 1997). The physical and mechanical properties of rice that can be
utilized in the design of harvesters, dryers, storage structures, mills and other processing
machinery need to be identified and then quantified. Some of the rice properties are
related to duration and conditions of the storage. Kongkiattikajorn et al. (2004) reported
that peak viscosity of rice stored at 25oC increased throughout storage but the value of the
rice stored at 37oC caused the value to increase in the first month but later this value
decreased. The changes in rice properties, including viscosity, colour, flavor, and
composition affect rice quality (Suzuki et al., 1999). A closer interrelationship between
physical property research scientists, rice breeders and industry design engineers is highly
desirable to achieve the kind of interplay of design and research that will be of optimum
benefit to the rice industry. Information on the physicochemical properties of
Bangladeshi rice grains in scanty. Considering all this research was undertaken to achieve
the physicochemical properties of the selected varieties of rice.
Bulk density
The bulk density values ranged from 0.75 to 0.85 g/ml with BR-26 being the highest and
BRRI-45 the lowest. The bulk density values found for paddy in this experiment were
higher than those found by Wratten et al. (1969) which ranged from 0.55 to 0.65 g/ml for
grains with 13 to 22% (w.b.) moisture content. The bulk density values found in this
work were less than those found by Wratten et al. (1969) who worked with long type rice
of Bluebonnet variety with 12% (w.b.) moisture content. He found a bulk density value
of 1.384 g/ml. According to Brooker et al. (1992), the bulk density of the long type rice
vary from 0.54 to 0.58 g/ml. Wratten, et al., (1969) found that the bulk density value of
0.58 g/ml for long type grain with 12% (w.b.) moisture content and for the same rice
characteristic, Brooker et al. (1992) found bulk density value of 0.59 g/ml, a value lower
than those found in this experiment. The bulk density of grains is useful in the design of
silos and storage bins (Nalladulai et al., 2002). Since the bulk density of BRRI-45 variety
is lower, it would require a larger silo space compared to other varieties with the same
Specific gravity
The specific gravity values differed significantly between varieties (p<0.01). The values
ranged from 0.49 to 0.61 being highest for BRRI-29 and lowest for BRRI-45.Specific
gravity of BRRI-29 was found to be the highest having 0.61, followed by BRRI-28, BR-
3, BR-26 and BRRI-45 where the values are 0.59, 0.57, 0.55 and 0.49 respectively.
1000-Kernel weight
The 1000-kernel weight values differed significantly between varieties (p<0.01). The
values ranged from 17.85 to 24.70 g being highest for BRRI-45 and lowest for BRRI-28.
The thousand grain weights of rough rice is a useful index to „„milling outturn‟‟ in
measuring the relative amount of dockage or foreign material in a given lot of rough rice,
and the amount of shriveled or immature kernels (Luh, 1980). Comparing with Narpinder
et al. (2004) who showed that the weight of 1000 kernels varied between 13.3–19.9 g, the
values of the experimented varieties varied between 17.85 to 24.7 g. comparing among
these five varieties it was clear that the highest kernel weight of 24.70 was achieved with
Narpinder et al. (2004) showed that the values of IR-8 showed the highest 1000-kernel wt
of 19.9 g, followed by IET-16313 of 19.5 g, IET-16310 of 19.4 g, and PR-113 of 19.4 g.
PR-108 had the lowest 1000-kernel weight of 13.3g. The values of BR-26 was similar
than that of IR-8 but other varieties were different.
Length and Breath ratio
The L/B ratio values differed significantly between varieties (p<0.01). The values ranged
from 3.99 to 5.22 being highest for BRRI-28 and lowest for BR-3. Narpinder et al.
(2004) showed that the values of the paddy varieties IET-16310 and IET-16313 had the
values 4.55 and 4.43, respectively. The variety IR- 8 showed the lowest L/B (2.62
Angle of repose
The angle of repose differed significantly between varieties (p<0.05). The values ranged
from 31.72o to 34.33o being highest for BR-26 and lowest for BRRI-29. It is observed
that cultivars having larger grain rice had larger angle of repose. The angle of repose of
BRRI-29 was significantly lower than those of BRRI-45 and BR-26. From Table 2 it is
observed that there was no significant difference of angle of repose among BR-3, BRRI-
28 and BRRI-45.
Proximate Composition of selected varieties of brown rice
The selected varieties of brown rice (husked) were analyzed for moisture, Protein, fat, ash
and total carbohydrate contents. The results are presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Proximate composition of brown rice
Varieties Composition
Moisture (%) Protein (%) Fat (%) Ash (%) Carbohydrate
BR-3 12.82c 6.74a 0.29b 1.38d 78.77a
BR-26 13.17b 6.45b 0.20c 1.52b 78.66a
BRRI-28 12.74d 6.52b 0.34a 1.56a 78.84a
BRRI-29 13.17b 6.26c 0.21e 1.44c 78.92a
BRRI-45 13.35a 6.33c 0.21c 1.19e 78.92a
Mean 13.05 6.46 0.25 1.42 78.82
Range 12.82-13.35 6.26-6.74 0.20-0.34 1.19-1.56 78.66-78.92
Level of P<0.01 P<0.01 P<0.01 P<0.01 NS
LSD 0.033 0.066 0.011 0.011 __
* Means with different superscripts within a column are significantly different at P<0.01
or p<0.05
The moisture contents differed significantly between varieties (p<0.01). The values
ranged from 12.82 to 13.35% being highest for BRRI-45 and lowest for BRRI-28. The
moisture contents found for brown rice under study were higher than those found by
McCall et al. (1951) which ranged from 9.0 to 12.0 %. The moisture content values were
more or less than that reported by McCall et al. (1951). The moisture content of BR-3
and BRRI- 28 were 12.822% and 12.735% respectively. These values were slightly
higher than that Houston and Kohler (1970) who reported 12.0% in brown rice kernels.
This similarity indicates similar agro-climatic conditions and/or the conditions of storage
of the paddy grains.
The protein contents differed significantly between varieties (p<0.01). The values ranged
from 6.62 to 6.74 being highest for BRRI-28 and lowest for BR-3. The protein contents
of all selected varieties were more or less than that of Rose dale (1939). Grist (1965)
reported that the milled rice was the value of 6.7 to 8.15% protein which was higher than
that of all the selected varieties except BR-3. Comparing among those five varieties we
found that the variety BR-3 had the highest value having 6.26% than all the varieties.
Wild rice (Zizania aquatica) has been reported to have higher protein content than
cultivated rice.
In present study it was observed that the fat contents of all selected varieties were lower
than that of McCall et al. (1951). Grist (1965) showed that the brown rice was the value
of 0.3 to 0.4% fat which was higher than that of all the selected varieties except BRRI-28
of 0.34%. Comparing among those five varieties we found that the variety BR-26 had
the lowest value (0.201%) than all the varieties which was followed by BRRI-29
(0.207%). There was a significant difference among all the varieties. BR-3 had similar
protein that which reported by Kik and Williams (1945) but all the values were less than
that reported by Juliano (1972) and Houston and Kohler (1970).
The ash contents differed significantly between varieties (p<0.01). The values ranged
from 1.19 to 1.56% being highest for BRRI-28 and lowest for BRRI-45. In this study it
was observed that the ash contents of all selected varieties were similar to Grist (1965).
The experimental values of this study were higher than that was shown by Houston and
Kohler (1970), platt (1939), Kik and Williams (1945) and Rose dale (1939) who reported
as 0.5%, 0.36%, 0.4% and 0.9% respectively for milled rice. Comparing among those
five varieties we observed that the variety BRRI-45 had the lowest value (1.19%) than all
the varieties. There was a significant difference among all the varieties. BRRI-29 was the
similar ash content with which reported by Juliano (1985a) which was 1.4% but all the
values were larger than all the literature described in above section.
The values ranged from 78.66 to 78.92% being highest for BRRI-29 and BRRI-28 and
lowest for BR-26.These values were significantly lower than those found by Platt (1939),
Rose dale (1939), Watt and Merrill (1963), Grist (1965) and Houston and Kohler (1970)
who reported 90.79%, 91.40%, 80.40%, 91.40% and 80.40% carbohydrate in raw rice
respectively. Theoretically, there was a significant difference among other varieties but
statistically no significance difference present among them. The experimental values
were ranges between 78.66 to 78.92% which was larger than that of Juliano (1985a).
The rice variety BR-3 was slender in shape and large weighed since literature showed the
range for slender of length-breath ratio and weight of >3.0 and 22.0-28.0 respectively.
The angle of repose of BR-26 was highest among those five varieties. It would mean
require less space to store than other varieties. Other important factor was that the
carbohydrate content was less in this variety than that of others. The value of angle of
repose of the variety BR-3 and BRRI-28 were the same it would mean that both varieties
required the equal storage place for the same amount of rice. The variety BRRI-29
contained the largest amount of carbohydrate than all the other selected varieties. The
water content of BRRI-45 was highest among all the selected varieties. For that reason
this variety would store for less time than other varieties. The angle of repose is also high
like BR-26 means require less space to store.
This paper concluded with information on engineering properties of BR-3, BR-26, BRRI-
28, BRRI-29 and BRRI-45 varieties which may be useful for designing much of the
equipment used for rough rice processing. It is recommended that other engineering
properties such as mechanical, thermal, and rheological properties be measured or
calculated to provide fairly comprehensive information on design parameters involved in
rice processing. Also, it is recommended that the effect of grain moisture content on
physical properties should be investigated.
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