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Evaluation of growth and yield attributing characteristics of indigenous Boro rice varieties
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the growth, yield and yield attributing characteristics of 12
indigenous Boro rice varieties collected from South-Western regions of Bangladesh namely; Nayon moni, Tere bale,
Bere ratna, Ashan boro, Kajol lata, Koijore, Kali boro, Bapoy, Latai balam, Choite boro, GS one and Sylhety boro.
The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replicates. Parameters on,
growth parameter viz. plant height and number of tillers hill-1(at different days after transplanting); yield
contributing characters such as effective tillers hill-1, panicle length, number of grains panicle-1, filled grains panicle-
, thousand grain weight, grain yield, straw yield, biological yield and harvest index were recorded. The plant height
and number of tillers hill-1 at different days after transplanting varied significantly among the varieties up to harvest.
At harvest, the tallest plant (123.80 cm) was recorded in Bapoy and the shortest (81.13 cm) was found in GS one.
The maximum number of tillers hill-1 (46.00) was observed in Sylhety boro and the minimum (19.80) in Bere ratna.
All of the parameters of yield and yield contributing characters differed significantly at 1% level except grain yield,
biological yield and harvest index. The maximum number of effective tillers hill-1 (43.87) was recorded in the
variety Sylhety boro while Bere ratna produced the lowest effective tillers hill-1 (17.73). The highest (110.57) and
the lowest (42.13) number of filled grains panicle-1 was observed in the variety Koijore and Sylhety boro,
respectively. Thousand grain weight was the highest (26.35g) in Kali boro and the lowest (17.83g) in GS one. Grain
did not differ significantly among the varieties but numerically the highest grain yield (5.01 t ha-1) was found in the
variety Koijore and the lowest in GS one (3.17 t ha-1).
[Roy SK, Ali MY, Jahan MS, Saha UK, Ahmad-Hamdani MS, Hasan MM, Alam MA. Evaluation of growth and
yield attributing characteristics of indigenous Boro rice varieties. Life Sci J 2014;11(4):122-126]. (ISSN:1097-
8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 16
Life Science Journal 2014;11(4) http://www.lifesciencesite.com
Hence, the present study was undertaken to evaluate active ingredient (Furadan 5G) @ 10 kg ha-1.
the growth and yield performance of local Boro rice Nayonmoni, Ashan boro, Kajol lata, Bapoy, Latai
varieties. balam and Choite boro were harvested on 23rd April,
2012 and GS one, Bere ratna, Kali boro were
2. Material and Methods harvested on 2nd May 2012 & Koijore, Sylhety boro,
A field experiment was conducted at Dr. Tere bale were also harvested on 5th May 2012. Data
Purnendu Gain Field Laboratory of Agrotechnology were recorded on growth parameters (at 50, 65 and 80
Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh day after transplanting) and yield parameters at final
during the period from November 2011 to May 2012. harvest. All the collected data were analyzed following
The experimental field is situated in the Agro the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and differences
ecological Zones (AEZ) 13, i.e., Gangetic Tidal between means were adjudged by Duncan's New
Floodplain. The geographical situation of the Multiple Range Test (DMRT) (Gomez and Gomez,
experimental field is at latitude of 22047ʹ N and 1984) using a computer operated program MSTAT-C
longitude of 89034ʹ E having subtropical climate (Version 2.6).
characterized by moderately high temperature and
heavy rainfall during Kharif Season (March to 3. Results and Discussion
October) and low rainfall and low temperature during Rice plant height
the Robi Season (November to February). The
experimental field was a typical rice highland growing Table 1. Plant height of local boro rice varieties at different days
medium of black coloured clay-loam with slightly after transplanting
alkalic (pH 8.0). The experiment was laid out in a Plant height (cm) at
Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 50 DAT 65 DAT 80 DAT Harvest
three replications. The selected field was firstly Nayonmoni 62.06bc 75.00d-g 104.73bc 111.40bc
divided into three equal blocks and each block was Tere bale 51.13cd 63.00f-h 79.00ef 86.00fg
further divided into twelve unit plots. The size of each
Bere ratna 67.93ab 78.80c-e 95.20cd 97.60de
unit plot was 10 m2 (4 m x 2.5 m). The total number
of plots was thirty six. All blocks were separated by a Ashan boro 62.80bc 73.33e-h 88.20de 92.13ef
1.0 m buffer-zone (non cultivated area) and a 50 cm Kajol lata 71.26ab 91.13bc 103.86bc 108.67bc
gap was set up between each plot.. In this research GS one 47.26d 59.20h 70.93f 81.13g
work twelve local Boro rice varieties were included Koijore 49.00d 61.20gh 76.06f 91.33e-g
viz. Nayon moni, Tere bale, Bere ratna, Ashan boro, Kali boro 61.93bc 76.86c-f 108.53ab 114.87ab
Kajol lata, Koijore, Kali boro, Bapoy, Latai balam,
Bapoy 68.80ab 88.26bcd 116.20a 123.80a
Choite boro , GS one and Sylhety boro. Pre
germinated seeds were sown in the wet seedbed Latai balam 67.93ab 95.33b 110.13ab 117.20ab
during Boro season on 26th November, 2011. Choite boro 77.33a 110.00a 117.73a 122.93a
Transplanting was done with three seedlings hill-1 Sylhety boro 51.53cd 62.06gh 95.46cd 103.47cd
maintaining 20 cm hill to hill and 25 cm line to line Level of
0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
spacing on 16th January, 2012. The experimental significance
location was uniformly fertilized with urea, TSP CV (%) 8.19 7.82 4.73 4.33
(Triple Super Phosphate), MoP (Muriate of Potash), In a column figures having similar letter(s) did not differ
significantly where as dissimilar letter(s) differed significantly and
gypsum and zinc sulphate at 110, 60, 45, 30 and 10 kg DAT = Days after transplanting.
ha-1 respectively. The total TSP, MoP, gypsum, zinc
sulphate and one third of urea were applied as basal Plant height is one of the important growth
dose. The rest of the urea was applied at two equal parameters of any crop as it determines or modifies
split doses at 30 days after transplanting (DAT) and at yield contributing characteristics and finally shapes
50 DAT. Two hand weeding were done to check weed the grain yield (Reddy and Redd, 1997). Variation in
infestation in the experimental field at 25 DAT and 40 plant height among the varieties might be due to the
DAT. The experimental field was irrigated regularly differences in their genetic makeup. Plant height
up to dough stage depending upon the moisture among all varieties increased progressively, and
content of the field and flood irrigation method was differed significantly, reaching a maximum at harvest
practiced. During the experimentation, common rice (Table 1). At the growth stage 50 DAT, 65 DAT and
insect pests such as grass hopper, stem borer, rice bug at 80 DAT the variety Choite boro produced the
and nematode were found to infest the crop. Write the highest plant height (77.33 cm, 110.0 cm and 117.73
active ingredient (Semcup 50 EC) @ 1L ha-1 was cm respectively), whereas the variety Bapoy produced
applied to control grass hopper, stem borer, and rice the highest plant height (123.80 cm) at harvest. On the
bug, while nematode was controlled by application of other hand at 50 DAT the shortest plant height (49
Life Science Journal 2014;11(4) http://www.lifesciencesite.com
cm) was observed in the variety Koijore and at 65 yield components productive tillers are very important
DAT, 80 DAT and at harvest the variety GS one as the final yield is mainly a function of the number of
produced the shortest plant height (49.2 cm, 70.93 cm panicles bearing tillers per unit area.
and 81.14 cm respectively). This result was in Panicle length
consistent to those of Khatun (2001) and Das et al. Increasing panicle length and plant height
(2012) who observed variable plant height among the might have increased grain yield of rice indirectly by
rice varieties. increasing the number of spikelet’s per panicle and
Number of tillers per hill panicle length, respectively (Behera, 1998). The
Tiller numbers in most of the treatments highest panicle length (21.62 cm) was recorded in the
increased exponentially up to harvest (Table 2). variety Bapoy which was followed by the variety
Variety had significant effect on effective tillers hill-1 Kajol lata and Bere ratna. The lowest panicle length
(Table 3). The maximum number of tillers hill-1 (15.13 cm) was found with the variety Sylhety boro
(46.13) was recorded in the variety Sylhety boro which was preceded by Nayon moni, GS one, Kali
followed by Nayon moni (33.00). The minimum boro and Choite boro (Table 3.a). Similar results were
number of tillers (18.13) was observed in the variety also recorded by Idris and Matin (1990) and
Koijore. Anonymous (1993) who reported that panicle length
influenced by variety.
Table 2. Number of tillers hill-1 of local Boro rice varieties at
different days after transplanting
Number grains/spikelet’s per panicle
The number of grains panicle-1 was the
Number of tillers hill-1 at
Variety highest (132.80) with the variety Koijore which was
50 DAT 65 DAT 80 DAT Harvest statistically identical with Bere ratna and GS one. The
Nayon moni 20.36abc 25.66b 29.66 bc 33.00b lowest number of grains panicle-1 (45.32) was
Tere bale 12.66c 21.87bc 31.26b 29.80bc recorded with the variety Kali boro which was
Bere ratna 15.00bc 16.60c 19.13de 19.80e
statistically identical with Nayon moni and Latai
balam (Table 3.a).
Ashan boro 17.00abc 19.86bc 20.40cde 22.07de
The results revealed that number of filled
Kajol lata 19.66abc 23.86bc 24.73b-e 29.60bc grains panicle-1 was the highest (110.57) with the
GS One 18.46abc 24.26bc 23.40b-e 24.47cde variety Koijore which was statistically identical with
Koijore 23.93a 20.53bc 18.13e 20.40e Bere ratna. The lowest number of filled grains panicle-
(40.52) was recorded in the variety Kali boro which
Kali boro 22.20ab 26.26b 27.26b-e 29.13bc
was statistically similar to Sylhety boro (Table 3.b).
Bapoy 19.20abc 27.00b 28.20bcd 29.93bc The results were also supported by Singh and
Latai balam 20.86abc 22.33bc 23.80b-e 25.60cd Gangwer (1989) who opined that varietal differences
Choite boro 25.00a 23.33bc 27.00b-e 27.27bcd regarding the number of filled grains panicle-1 might
Sylhety boro 25.40a 36.33a 46.13a 46.00a
be due to their differences in genetic constituents.
Level of
Thousand grain weight (g)
0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 Thousand-grain weight, an important yield-
CV (%) 22.34 13.33 14.68 9.12 determining component, is a genetic character least
In a column figures having similar letter(s) did not differ influenced by environment (Ashraf et al., 1999).
significantly where as dissimilar letter(s) differed significantly and Among the tested varieties the highest 1000-grain
DAT = Days after transplanting weight (26.35 g) was produced by Kali boro which
might be due to its larger grain size and that was
The highest number of effective tillers hill-1 statistically similar to Nayon moni and Latai balam.
(43.87) was produced by Sylhety boro. The lowest The lowest 1000-grain weight (17.83 g) was found in
number of effective tiller hill-1 (17.73) was observed GS one for its smaller grain size which was
in Bere ratna which was preceded by Kaijore and statistically similar to Koijore (Table 3.b). Similar
Ashan boro. The reason of difference in number of results were reported by Gupta and Sharma (1991).
effective tiller hill-1 is the variation in the genetic Grain yield (t/ha)
makeup of the variety. Similar result was also reported The highest grain yield (5.01 t ha-1) was
by Ramasamy et al. (1987) who stated that number of recorded in Koijore which might be due to its highest
tillers hill-1 differed due to varietal variation. Tillering number of filed grains panicle-1 and the lowest grain
ability plays a vital role in determining rice grain yield (3.17 t ha-1) was found in GS one (Figure 1).
yield. Too few tillers result fewer panicle, but Results showed that the grain yield did not vary
excessive tillers enhance high tiller mortality, small significantly among the varieties but varied
panicle, poor grain filling and consequent reduction in numerically. Grain yield is a function of interplay of
grain yield (Peng et al., 1994). Among the various various yield components such as number of
Life Science Journal 2014;11(4) http://www.lifesciencesite.com
productive tillers, spikelets per panicle and thousand Table 3(b). Yield and yield contributing characters of different
indigenous Boro rice varieties
grain weights (Hassan et. al., 2003).
No. of
Straw yield (t/ha) 1000 Biological Harvest
Varieties differed significantly in their straw Variety grain wt. yield index
(g) (t ha-1) (%)
yield (Figure 1). The highest straw yield (5.44 t ha-1) panicle -1
was obtained from the variety Sylhety boro which Nayonmoni 46.51de 26.28a 7.42cd 50.08
Tere bale 61.36cde 20.92cd 6.57de 51.26
might be due to its highest number of tillers hill-1. The Bere ratna 97.42ab 22.02bc 7.55bc 55.68
lowest straw yield (2.77 t ha-1) was observed in the Ashan boro 83.29bc 21.86bc 7.49bc 57.52
Kajol lata. The result was supported by Hossain Kajol lata 74.96bc 24.80ab 6.45f 56.74
(2002). GS one 83.36bc 17.83e 6.77de 51.48
Koijore 110.57a 18.88de 9.47ab 53.01
Grain yield t/ha Straw yield t/ha Kali boro 40.52e 26.35a 7.39cd 49.85
Bapoy 66.69cd 24.34ab 7.43cd 49.38
6 6 Latai balam 49.17de 25.74a 7.04d 56.13
Grain and straw yield (t/ha)
5 5
Choite boro 48.64de 24.34ab 8.77b 54.52
Sylhety boro 42.13e 24.19ab 10.11a 46.07
4 4 CV (%) 14.44 5.50 18.28 8.36
Level of
3 3 0.01 0.01 NS NS
2 2
In a column figures having similar letter(s) did not differ
significantly where as dissimilar letter(s) differed significantly, NS
1 1 = Not significant
0 0
Harvest index (%)
Varieties did not follow any regular trend in
case of harvest index and did not vary significantly
Rice variety (Table 3). However, numerically the highest harvest
index (57.52%) was recorded from the variety Ashan
Figure 1. Grain and straw yield of different rice boro and that of the lowest (46.07%) was recorded in
varieties Sylhety boro. The result was supported by Sohel et al.
Table 3(a). Yield and yield contributing characters of different Conclusions
indigenous Boro rice varieties
From the findings of the study it can be
No. of effective Panicle No. of grains
tiller hil-1 length (cm) panicle-1 concluded that among the studied local aman rice
Nayonmoni 30.73b 17.71c 53.77e varieties in southwest region of the country some
Tere bale 27.13bc 19.11bc 74.01cde varieties have high yield potentiality, such as Koijore
Bere ratna 17.73f 20.22ab 113.17ab (5.01tha-1), Choite boro, Sylhety boro, Ashan boro,
Ashan boro 20.00def 18.82bc 96.57bc
Bere ratna (> 4.0tha-1) which are comparable to
Kajol lata 26.13bcd 21.54a 88.17bcd
GS one 22.00c-f 18.32c 108.95ab modern varieties. Other varieties have moderate yield
Koijore 18.00ef 18.58bc 132.80a (> 3.0tha-1). Moreover these varieties are well adapted
Kali boro 27.13bc 17.66c 45.32e to the agro-ecology of this region. So, farmers can
Bapoy 27.06bc 21.62a 86.75bcd cultivate these local varieties instead of modern
Latai balam 23.60c-f 18.26c 55.81e varieties without significant yield loss.
Choite boro 24.53b-e 18.34c 62.81de
Sylhety boro 43.87a 15.13d 47.69e
CV (%) 10.61 3.98 14.59 Acknowledgements
Level of The authors sincerely acknowledged Khulna
0.01 0.01 0.01
significance University (KU), Khulna, Bangladesh for providing
In a column figures having similar letter(s) did not differ facilities to conduct this research and Universiti Putra
significantly where as dissimilar letter(s) differed significantly, NS
= Not significant Malaysia (UPM) to take attempt for publishing this
Biological yield (t/ha)
Biological yield did not vary significantly Corresponding Author:
among the varieties (Table 3). However, numerically Muhammad Saiful Bin Ahmad Hamdani
the highest biological yield (10.11 t ha-1) was obtained Department of Crop Science
from the variety Sylhety boro. The lowest biological Universiti Putra Malaysia
yield (6.45 t ha-1) was found in the Kajol lata. These UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
results are in agreement with the results of Sohel et al. E-mail:s_ahmad@upm.eud.my, roysk10@gmail.com
Life Science Journal 2014;11(4) http://www.lifesciencesite.com