Abstract MS 2
Abstract MS 2
Abstract MS 2
Cotabato from February to May 2020 to determine the growth and yield
Design (RCBD), replicated three times. The treatment were: control; 30-30-
30; 60-4040; 90-60-60; and 120-80-80 kg NPK per hectare, replicated three
The study found out that the application of the analyses of variance
were significantly shorter with only 81.22 (cm) and 83.80 (cm), a highly
other treatments. It was observed that 90-60-60 kg NPK/ha had the highest
with 90-60-60-kg NPK/ha had 53.33 comparable to those applied with 60-
54.17; and 55.43 (g) per panicle. Lightest panicle weight was observed in
which was comparable to control with a mean of 21.57 (g). The highest
grain yield with a mean of 4.87t/ha was noted on those treated with 90-
80 kg NPK/ha with a yield of 2.87 and 3.14 t/ha. Under Barangay, Kibayao
CAPACILLO, SAMUEL C. 2020. Response of Corn (Zea mays L.) for Silage
Production on Various Levels of Nitrogen and Phosphorous
Fertilization. Masters’ Thesis. Graduate School, Cotabato Foundation
College of Science and Technology, Doroluman, Arakan,
applied with Nitrogen and Phosphorus fertilizers at the rate of 90-30, 110-
40, 130-50 and 150-60kg per hectare using Urea (46-0-0) and Mono-
leaves per plant, stem diameter, plant weight, leaf area index
phosphorus are applied at the rate of 110-40kg per hectare. The increase
condition with soil test kit analysis result of OM - Low; P2O5 – Low and K2O
– sufficient for corn. The recommended rate per STK result was 90-30-0.
and production of rain fed rice farmers. Specifically it aimed to what is the
practices of rain fed farmers, what is the level of rice productivity of rain
demographic profile and the rice productivity of the rain fed farmers,
on the rice productivity of the rain fed farmers, did cultural practices and
rice productivity of the rain fed farmers have significant relationship and
the rain fed farmers. Frequency, percentage, and weighted mean were
have been dismissed because it greatly affects the variable used in the
Results of the study show that the respondents have high levels of
Overall weighted mean was 3.90 with a description of Agree. The results
change issues.
production yield in gross cane weight (GCW) of the three top sugarcane
2019 production yield. This further implies that the higher the levels of
yield of 2019.
production, all production yields from 2015 to 2019, including the average
production yield (r=.778; p=.019 sig. p<.05) manifested a significant
2016 (r=.771; p=.025); 2017 (r=.624; p=.033); 2018 (r=.826; p=.015), and 2019
(r=.966; p=.003), all of which had high positive correlation co-efficients and
p-values less than the significance level of .05, manifested strong positive
correlation with climate issues. This implies that climate change issues
p=.164) and Climate Change Issues (beta= -.093; p=.376) had p-values
analysis is depicted in the model as R2=.009. This implies that 99.1 percent
in sugarcane production.
affect it.
production per block farm, per hectare, per year? And is there any
Planters Association.
but does not compensate the technological needs of the members for
Five (5) Block farms of Cotabato Mill District produced 44.07, 52.774,
49.258, 44.192 and 50.74 average tonnes per hectare for CY 2015-2016, CY
Founded from the results of the study, it can be concluded that the
sustaining and with the following productions 44.07, 52.774, 49.258, 44.192
and (3) the program may also incorporate in its being socially responsive
statistics such as mean and hypotheses were tested using 2-Way Analysis
factor is the only variable that has significant relationship with the average
transportation cost from farm to mill; improve the accessibility of the road
Province, in terms of input cost, farmer incentives, food security, and time
The researcher were used double sampling stage, first data that use
was from the identified 1-5 years inactive sugarcane farmers in North
areas to get the sample sized of respondent of the study and the
crop; such as the input costs, farmer incentives and mode of payment to
the farmers was significantly affect the shifting of sugarcane farmers from
Cotabato Province.
growth and yield of corn. Organic liquid fertilizer is one of the most
treatments. The measures of leaf Area, stalk diameter and plant height
were taken at 15 days interval and data were analyzed statistically. The
materials were use in this study were easily to find in our backyard and we
don’t need a high cost in order to produce a liquid fertilizer, the only thing
In the grain yield and its components, highest ears was obtained in
replication one (1) and four (4), followed by replication three (3) and
lowest grain yield was obtained from replication two (2). The results
using organic liquid fertilizer on the growth and yield of corn was
vigorously effective and safe among the fertilizer used by our farmers. In
to give the highest plant height, greenish and widest leaves that might
organic liquid fertilizer has the capacity to help the corn crops to grow
Farming Program which consolidates small farms back into plantation size
The social aspect of the SRA-DAR project beneficiaries and the project
North Cotabato. The respondents had an average age of 36.6 years old.
1.97 hectares with average tons of 116.35 and LSTC of 1.97. The
area of 2.63 hectares will cost of Php. 106,733.74 for ratoon cane with
was increased the yield of the sugarcane producers. Since, the education
was investigated using 100% soil, 50% soil + 50% sugarcane mudpress, 50%
soil + 50% goat manure and 40% soil + 30% sugarcane mudpress + 30%
goat manure The experiment found that 74.34% of the multi-layer and
rooting hormone (IBA, ANAA). budded was survived. Used of 100% soil has
secondly produced by using of 50% soil and 50% of goat manure. The
The soil media had a significant effect on all the growth parameters of the
stem-cut budded rubber seedlings. On the other hand, all the growth
parameters in the stem cut budded found insignificant effect except the
best media for the growing of the stem-cut budded rubber seedlings. It
was observed from the study that used of the same rate soil media and
treat with chemicals protect from any diseases as well as placed the
guided questionnaire.
Findings revealed that most of the farmers are high school graduate
but owning a farm. Seventy percent (70%) farmers were cultivating their
crops not more than six months and thirty percent (30%) were cultivating
every three months. Based on the land area, forty to sixty percent (40-
the farmers are selling crops directly to earn money and thirty percent
crops were sold less than 1-2 months and twenty percent (20%) were sold
are the main factors that affect to the farming system as well as due to
lack of financial (20%). Small-scale farming can sustain adequately or
focused on farming.
cane and 3.74hectares for ratoon cane with a farm distance of 62.20km
from farm to mill. Majority of their farm had owned area (61.43%), 24 of
them were leased the area. Majority of the area are flat while 21.43% are
hilly. The average of 1.18 hectares area of respondents, they had total
cost of Php. 119,825.44 and average area of 3.74 hectares ratoon, with a
their political aspects will sustain their sugarcane farming and agreed that
(3.23) that environmental aspect as well as they agreed (3.54) that social
On the other hand, high cost of farm inputs (3.97), price fluctuation
such as the price fluctuation and other factors. Therefore, the researcher
The study aimed to evaluate the invasive pests in rice and corn
percentage was used to determine the farmers profile with mean and
pest invasion.
respondents were producing a rice crop and sixteen percent were corn
crop. Eighty five percent of rice production was affected by pests and
corn is only fifteen percent. Steam borer, leaf hopper, and rice bug are
the pests that commonly attack in rice and corn production in both
municipalities. However, steam borer and leaf hopper are the dominant
pest species that invades in both rice and corn in two Municipalities.
Ninety percent were affected by pests more than once in a year and
ninety six percent of the pests occurred on the first cropping and four
occurrence, it showed that it has a low impact due to its high yield during
effectively lessen the impact of pest occurrence in rice and corn crops.
stratified area of North Cotabato was conducted. The fifty six sugarcane
growers was personally interviewed and found out that they had an age
of 41.29 years old with 9.20 years in sugarcane farming. They agreed that
The positive influenced of the religion and civil status to the factors
affecting the sugarcane farming is that the movement of the factors that
could affect to the farming was dependent upon the movement of the
problem because we believe that education shall resolved all the struggle
that exist.