Level I - Unit 1: Who Are You? Task 1: Greetings and Farewells - Giving and Asking For Personal Information. Time: 4 Hours
Level I - Unit 1: Who Are You? Task 1: Greetings and Farewells - Giving and Asking For Personal Information. Time: 4 Hours
Level I - Unit 1: Who Are You? Task 1: Greetings and Farewells - Giving and Asking For Personal Information. Time: 4 Hours
In this task, you are going to learn to say hello and good bye; and give and ask for personal information.
1. Take a look at the following pictures, they have many ways to say hello. Listen to your teacher as he
reads them and repeat.
2. Watch the following video only until minute 1:39, two people introduce themselves. Then follow the
same model with a partner, you can change the expressions using the information in exercise 1.
3. Watch the following video and pay attention to how people share their personal information.
4. You need to know the English alphabet in order to spell names and other words. You can visit the
following link:
5. You can also visit the following link in order to learn the numbers and their sounds:
6. You also need to know some countries and nationalities. You can visit the following link:
7. The following questions are useful when you want to know someone’s personal information:
During task:
8. Work with a classmate, ask him/her the questions in exercise 5. Then report the answers this way:
9. Let’s spell names! Ask your classmates their names and how they spell them. Follow the model of
conversation below:
10. Let’s practice the numbers! Ask your classmates their telephone and cellphone numbers. Follow the
model of conversation below.
Post task:
11. You are going to interview three people and ask them the questions in exercise 7. Bring tºhat information to
next class and be ready to share it with your classmates and teacher.
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Use of L2 Always tries hard to Tries to communicate Tries to communicate Uses L1 most of the
communicate in the in the L2 most of the in the L2 sometimes. time, showing little
L2. time. or no effort to
communicate in L2.
Use of sentences Uses simple Uses simple Sometimes his/her His/Her use of
sentences to sentences to use of sentences sentences impedes
complete the task, complete the task, interferes with communication.
making him/herself making him/herself communication.
fully understood. understood most of
the time.
Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem to
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of understand the topic
topic. topic. parts of the topic. very well.
Vocabulary Shows confidence Uses key vocabulary Uses some key words Does not use
when using key related to the topic. but lacks others that vocabulary words
vocabulary related to are inherently related that are key to the
the topic. to the topic. topic.