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2/16/2020 01 - Installing Docker.


Installing Docker
In this lesson, we’ll install the latest version of Docker CE. The commands used
throughtout this video are below.

Uninstall old versions:

sudo yum remove -y docker \

docker-client \
docker-client-latest \
docker-common \
docker-latest \
docker-latest-logrotate \
docker-logrotate \

Install Docker CE
Add the Utilities needed for Docker:

sudo yum install -y yum-utils \

device-mapper-persistent-data \

Set up the stable repository:

sudo yum-config-manager \
--add-repo \

Install Docker CE:

sudo yum -y install docker-ce

Enable and start Docker:

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sudo systemctl start docker && sudo systemctl enable docker

Add cloud_user to the docker group:

sudo usermod -aG docker cloud_user

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2/16/2020 02 - Docker architecture.html

Docker Architecture
In this lesson we will take a high-level look at the Docker Architecture.

Architecture Overview
Docker architecture:

Client-server architecture
Client talks to the Docker daemon
The Docker daemon handles:
Both communicate using a REST API:
UNIX sockets
Network interface

The Docker daemon ( dockerd ):

Listens for Docker API requests and manages Docker objects:


The Docker client (docker):

Is how users interact with Docker

Sends commands to dockerd

Docker registries:

Stores Docker images

Public registry such as DockerHub
Let you run your own private registry

Docker objects:

Read-only template with instructions for creating a Docker container
Image is based on another image
Create your own images
Use images published to a registry
Use a Dockerfile to build images
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Runnable instance of an image

Connect a container to networks
Attach storage
Create a new image based on its current state
Isolated from other containers and the host machine
Scale containers across multiple Docker daemons
Docker Swarm
Define the desired state
Service is load-balanced

Docker Swarm:

Multiple Docker daemons (Master and Workers)

The daemons all communicate using the Docker API
Supported in Docker 1.12 and higher

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2/16/2020 03 - Docker engine.html

The Docker Engine

In this lesson, we will go over the Docker Engine and it’s various components.

Under The Hood

Docker engine:

Modular in design:
Batteries included but replaceable
Based on open-standards outline by the Open Container Initiative
The major components:
Docker client
Docker daemon
The components work together to create and run containers

A Brief History of the Docker Engine

The first release of Docker:

The Docker daemon:

Monolithic binary
Docker client
Docker API
Container runtime
Image builds
Much more…
Control groups (cgroups)

Refactoring of the Docker Engine

LXC was later replaced with libcontainer:

Docker 0.9
Platform agnostic

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Issues with the monolithic Docker daemon:

Harder to innovate
Not what the ecosystem wanted

Docker became more modular:

Smaller more specialized tools

Pluggable architecture

Open Container Initiative:

Image spec
Container runtime spec
Version 1.0 release in 2017
Docker Inc. heavily contributed
Docker 1.11 (2016) used the specification as much as possible

runc :

Implemenation of the OCI container-runtime-spec

Lightweght CLI wrapper for libcontainer
Create containers

containerd :

Manages container lifecycle

Image management
Part of the 1.11 release

shim :

Implemenation of daemonless Containers

containerd forks an instance of runc for each new container
runc process exits after the container is created
shim process becomes the container parent
Responsible for:
Reporting exit status to the Docker daemon

Running Containers

docker container run -it --name <NAME> <IMAGE>:<TAG>

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Creating a container:

CLI use for executing a command

Docker client uses the appropriate API payload
POSTs to the correct API endpoint
Docker deamon receives instructions
Docker deamon calls containerd to start a new container
Docker daemon uses gRPC (a CRUD style API)
containerd creates an OCI bundle from the Docker image
Tells runc to create a container using the OCI bundle
runc interfaces with the OS kernal to get the constructs needed to create a
This includes namespaces, cgroups, etc.
Container process starts as a child process
runc exits once the container starts
Process is complete, and container is running

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2/16/2020 04 - Docker Images and Containers.html

Docker Images and Containers

What are Docker images?

Docker Images:

Files comprised of multiple layers

Execute code in a Docker container
Built from the instructions
Use images to create an instance of a container

Docker images and layers

Image are made of multiple layers.
Each layer represents an instruction in the image’s Dockerfile.
Each layer except, the very last one, is read-only.
Each layer is only a set of differences from the layer before it.
Layers are stacked on top of each other.
Containers add new writable layers on top of the underlying layers
All changes made to a running container is made to the Container layer

What are containers?

A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its
dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing
environment to another.

Container and layers

Top writable layer
All changes are stored in the writable layer
The writable layer is deleted when the container is deleted
The image remains unchanged

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2/16/2020 05 - Docker Hub.html

Docker Hub
In this lesson, we will take a quick look at Docker Hub and its available features.

What is Docker Hub?

Docker Hub:

Public Docker registry

Provided by Docker
Teams and Organizations
Official Images
Publisher Images

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2/16/2020 06 - Docker commands.html

Docker Commands
In this lesson we will start working with Docker commands. We’ll see the management
commands, along with the ones for managing images and containers.

Get a list of all of the Docker commands:

docker -h

Management command were introduced in

Docker engine v1.13
Management Commands:

builder Manage builds

config Manage Docker configs
container Manage containers
engine Manage the docker engine
image Manage images
network Manage networks
node Manage Swarm nodes
plugin Manage plugins
secret Manage Docker secrets
service Manage services
stack Manage Docker stacks
swarm Manage Swarm
system Manage Docker
trust Manage trust on Docker images
volume Manage volumes

docker image :

build Build an image from a dockerfile

history Show the history of an image
import Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image
inspect Display detailed information on one or more images
load Load an image from a tar file or STDIN
ls List images
prune Remove unused images
pull Pull an image or a repository from a registry

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push Push an image or a repository to a registry

rm Remove one or more images
save Save one or more images to a tar file (streamed to STDOUT by default)
tag Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE

docker container :

attach Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running
commit Create a new image from a container’s changes
cp Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem
create Create a new container
diff Inspect changes to files or directories on a container’s filesystem
exec Run a command in a running container
export Export a container’s filesystem as a tar archive
inspect Display detailed information on one or more containers
kill Kill one or more running containers
logs Fetch the logs of a container
ls List containers
pause Pause all processes within one or more containers
port List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container
prune Remove all stopped containers
rename Rename a container
restart Restart one or more containers
rm Remove one or more containers
run Run a command in a new container
start Start one or more stopped containers
stats Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics
stop Stop one or more running containers
top Display the running processes of a container
unpause Unpause all processes within one or more containers
update Update configuration of one or more containers
wait Block until one or more containers stop, then print their exit codes

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2/16/2020 07 - Creating containers.html

Creating Containers
In this lesson, we will take a deeper look into creating containers, by exploring a few
of the flags that will alter it’s behavior when created.

docker container run :

--help Print usage

--rm Automatically remove the container when it exits
-d , --detach Run container in background and print container ID
-i , --interactive Keep STDIN open even if not attached
--name string Assign a name to the container
-p , --publish list Publish a container’s port(s) to the host
-t , --tty Allocate a pseudo-TTY
-v , --volume list Mount a volume (the bind type of mount)
--mount mount Attach a filesystem mount to the container
--network string Connect a container to a network (default “default”)

Create a container and attach to it:

docker container run –it busybox

Create a container and run it in the background:

docker container run –d nginx

Create a container that you name and run it in the background:

docker container run –d -–name myContainer busybox

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2/17/2020 08 - Exposing Container ports.html

Exposing and Publishing Container

Building on what we’ve already learned, this lesson will focus on exposing ports on a
container, as well as how to publish them.


Expose a port or a range of ports

This does not publish the port

Use --expose [PORT]

docker container run –expose 1234 [IMAGE]


Maps a container’s port to a host`s port

-p or --publish publishes a container’s port(s) to the host

-P , or --publish-all publishes all exposed ports to random ports

docker container run -p [HOST_PORT]:[CONTAINER_PORT] [IMAGE]

docker container run -p [HOST_PORT]:[CONTAINER_PORT]/tcp \


docker container run -P

Lists all port mappings or a specific mapping for a container:

docker container port [Container_NAME]

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2/16/2020 09 - Executing Container commands.html

Executing Container Commands

In this lesson we’ll see three different ways to execute commands on containers.

Executing a command:

During a Docker run
Using the exec command

Commands can be:

One and done Commands

Long running Commands

Start a container with a command:

docker container run [IMAGE] [CMD]

Execute a command on a container:

docker container exec -it [NAME] [CMD]


docker container run -d -p 8080:80 nginx

docker container ps
docker container exec -it [NAME] /bin/bash
docker container exec -it [NAME] ls /usr/share/nginx/html/

Nginx Dockerfile

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2/17/2020 10 - Docker logging.html

Container Logging
In this lesson, you will learn how to view the logs of a container to get vital output of
your application. You will also learn about some of the logging best practices of
containerized applications.

Create a container using the weather-app image.

docker container run --name weather-app -d \

-p 80:3000 linuxacademycontent/weather-app

Show information logged by a running container:

docker container logs [NAME]

Show information logged by all containers participating in a service:

docker service logs [SERVICE]

Logs need to be output to STDOUT and STDERR .

Nginx Example:

RUN ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/log/nginx/access.log \

&& ln -sf /dev/stderr /var/log/nginx/error.log

Debug a failed container deploy:

docker container run -d --name ghost_blog \

-e database__client=mysql \
-e database__connection__host=mysql \
-e database__connection__user=root \
-e database__connection__password=P4sSw0rd0! \
-e database__connection__database=ghost \
-p 8080:2368 \

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2/16/2020 11 - Networking overview.html

Networking Overview
In this lesson, we will go over the components and theory of how networking functions
in Docker.

Docker Networking 101

Docker Networking:

Open-source pluggable architecture

Container Network Model (CNM)
libnetwork implements CNM
Drivers extend the network topologies

Network Drivers:

Network plugins

Container Network Model

Defines three building blocks:


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2/16/2020 12 - Networking commands.html

Networking Commands

Networking Basics


List all Docker network commands:

docker network -h

connect Connect a container to a network

create Create a network
disconnect Disconnect a container from a network
inspect Display detailed information on one or more networks ls List networks
prune Remove all unused networks rm Remove one or more networks

List all Docker networks on the host:

docker network ls
docker network ls --no-trunc

Getting detailed info on a network:

docker network inspect [NAME]

Creating a network:

docker network create br00

Deleting a network:

docker network rm [NAME]

Remove all unused networks:

docker network prune

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Adding and Removing containers to a

Create a container with no network:

docker container run -d --name network-test03 -p 8081:80 nginx

Create a new network:

docker network create br01

Add the container to the bridge network:

docker network connect br01 network-test03

Inspect network-test03 to see the networks:

docker container inspect network-test03

Remove network-test03 from br01:

docker network disconnect br01 network-test03

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2/16/2020 13 - Networking Containers.html

Networking Containers
In this lesson, we will dig deeper into container networking by supplying our own
subnet and gateway when creating a new network. We will then move on to
networking two different containers using an internal network. This will allow one
container to be publicly accessible while the other one is not.

Creating a network and defining a Subnet

and Gateway
Create a bridge network with a subnet and gateway:

docker network create --subnet --gateway br02

Run ifconfig to view the bridge interface for br02 :


Inspect the br02 network:

docker network inspect br02

Prune all unused networks:

docker network prune

Create a network with an IP range:

docker network create --subnet --gateway \

--ip-range= --driver=bridge --label=host4network br04

Inspect the br04 network:

docker network inspect br04

Create a container using the br04 network:

docker container run --name network-test01 -it --network br04 centos /bin/bash

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Install Net Tools:

yum update -y
yum install -y net-tools

Get the IP info for the container:


Get the gateway info the container:

netstat -rn

Get the DNS info for the container:

cat /etc/resolv.conf

Assigning IPs to a container:

Create a new container and assign an IP to it:

docker container run -d --name network-test02 --ip --network br04 ngin

Get the IP info for the container:

docker container inspect network-test02 | grep IPAddr

Inspect network-test03 to see that br01 was removed:

docker container inspect network-test04

Networking two containers

Create an internal network:

docker network create -d bridge --internal localhost

Create a MySQL container that is connected to localhost :

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2/16/2020 13 - Networking Containers.html

docker container run -d --name test_mysql \

--network localhost mysql:5.7

Create a container that can ping the MySQL container:

docker container run -it --name ping-mysql \

--network bridge \

Connect ping-mysql to the localhost network:

docker network connect localhost ping-mysql

Restart and attach to container:

docker container start -ia ping-mysql

Create a container that can’t ping the MySQL container:

docker container run -it --name cant-ping-mysql \


Create a Nginx container that is not publicly accessible:

docker container run -d --name private-nginx \

-p 8081:80 --network localhost nginx

Inspect private-nginx :

docker container inspect private-nginx

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2/16/2020 14 - Storage overview.html

Storage Overview
In this lesson, we will look a how Docker handles storage for persistent and non-
persistent data.

Docker Storage 101

Categories of data storage:

Local storage
Data that is ephemeral
Every container has it
Tied to the lifecycle of the contain
Volumes are decoupled from containers

Non-persistent Data
Non-persistent data:

By default all container use local storage

Storage locations:
Linux: /var/lib/docker/[STORAGE-DRIVER]/
Windows: C:\ProgramData\Docker\windowsfilter\
Storage Drivers:
RHEL uses overlay2.
Ubuntu uses overlay2 or aufs.
SUSE uses btrfs.
Windows uses its own.

Persistent Data Using Volumes


Use a volume for persistent data:

Create the volume first, then create your container.
Mounted to a directory in the container
Data is written to the volume
Deleting a container does not delete the volume
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2/16/2020 14 - Storage overview.html

First-class citizens
Uses the local driver
Third party drivers:
Block storage
File storage
Object storage
Storage locations:
Linux: /var/lib/docker/volumes/
Windows: C:\ProgramData\Docker\volumes

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2/17/2020 15 - Volume commands.html

Volume Commands
Volumes are the preferred method of maintaining persistent data in Docker. In this
lesson, we will begin learning how to use the volume subcommand to list, create, and
remove volumes.

List all Docker volume commands:

docker volume -h

create : Create a volume.

inspect : Display detailed information on one or more volumes.
ls : List volumes.
prune : Remove all unused local volumes.
rm : Remove one or more volumes.

List all volumes on a host:

docker volume ls

Create two new volumes:

docker volume create test-volume1 && docker volume create test-volume2

Get the flags available when creating a volume:

docker volume create -h

Inspecting a volume:

docker volume inspect test-volume1

Deleting a volume:

docker volume rm test-volume

Removing all unused volumes:

docker volume prune

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2/16/2020 16 - Bind mounts.html

Using Bind Mounts

Bind mounts have been around since the early days of Docker. They have limited
functionality compared to volumes. With bind mount, a file or directory on the host
machine is mounted into a container.

Volumes use a new directory that is created within Docker’s storage directory on the
host machine, and Docker manages that directory’s contents.

Using the mount flag:

mkdir target

docker container run -d \

--name nginx-bind-mount1 \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/target,target=/app \

docker container ls

Bind mounts won’t show up when listing volumes:

docker volume ls

Inspect the container to find the bind mount:

docker container inspect nginx-bind-mount1

Create a new file in /app on the container:

docker container exec -it nginx-bind-mount1 /bin/bash

cd target
touch file1.txt

Using the volume flag:

docker container run -d \

--name nginx-bind-mount2 \

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-v "$(pwd)"/target2:/app \

Create /app/file3.txt in the container:

docker container exec -it nginx-bind-mount2 touch /app/file3.txt

ls target2

Create an nginx.conf file:

mkdir nginx
cat << EOF > nginx/nginx.conf
user nginx;
worker_processes 1;

error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log warn;

pid /var/run/;

events {
worker_connections 1024;

http {
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;

log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '

'$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';

access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main;

sendfile on;
#tcp_nopush on;

keepalive_timeout 65;

#gzip on;

include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;

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2/16/2020 16 - Bind mounts.html

Create an Nginx container that creates a bind mount to nginx.conf :

docker container run -d \

--name nginx-bind-mount3 \
-v "$(pwd)"/nginx/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf \

Look at the bind mount by inspecting the container:

docker container inspect nginx-bind-mount3

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2/16/2020 17 - Volumes for persistent storage.html

Using Volumes for Persistent

In this lesson, we will take a deeper look into using volumes with our Docker
containers. Volumes are the preferred method for maintaining persistent data.

Volumes are easier to back up or migrate than bind mounts. You can manage volumes
using Docker CLI commands or the Docker API. They work on both Linux and Windows
containers. Volumes can be more safely shared among multiple containers. Volume
drivers allow for:

Storing volumes on remote hosts or cloud providers

Encrypting the contents of volumes
Add other functionality

New volumes can have their content pre-populated by a container.

Create a new volume for an Nginx container:

docker volume create html-volume

Creating a volume using that volume mount:

docker container run -d \

--name nginx-volume1 \
--mount type=volume,source=html-volume,target=/usr/share/nginx/html/ \

Inspect the volume:

docker volume inspect html-volume

List the contents of html-volume :

sudo ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/html-volume/_data

Creating a volume using that volume flag:

docker container run -d \

--name nginx-volume2 \

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-v html-volume:/usr/share/nginx/html/ \

Edit index.html :

sudo vi /var/lib/docker/volumes/html-volume/_data/index.html

Inspect nginx-volume2 to get the private IP:

docker container inspect nginx-volume2

Login into nginx-volume1 and go to the html directory:

docker container exec -it nginx-volume1 /bin/bash

cd /usr/share/nginx/html
cat index.hml

Install Vim:

apt-get update -y
apt-get install vim -y

Using a readonly volume:

docker run -d \
--name=nginx-volume3 \
--mount source=html-volume,target=/usr/share/nginx/html,readonly \

Login into nginx-volume3 and go to the html directory:

docker container exec -it nginx-volume3 /bin/bash

cd /usr/share/nginx/html
cat index.hml

Install Vim:

apt-get update -y
apt-get install vim -y

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2/17/2020 18 - Intro to Dockerfile.html

Introduction to the Dockerfile

In this lesson we will start learning about building images using a Dockerfile.

Dockerfiles are instructions. They contains all of the commands used to build an

Docker images consist of read-only layers.

Each represents a Dockerfile instruction.
Layers are stacked.
Each layer is a result of the changes from the previous layer.
Images are built using the docker image build command.

Dockerfile Layers

FROM ubuntu:15.04
COPY . /app
RUN make /app
CMD python /app/

FROM creates a layer from the ubuntu:15.04 Docker image.

COPY adds files from your Docker client’s current directory.
RUN builds your application with make.
CMD specifies what command to run within the container.

Best Practices:

Keep containers as ephemeral as possible.

Follow Principle 6 of the 12 Factor App.
Avoid including unnecessary files.
Use .dockerignore .
Use multi-stage builds.
Don’t install unnecessary packages.
Decouple applications.
Minimize the number of layers.
Sort multi-line arguments.
Leverage build cache.

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2/17/2020 19 - Working with Dockerfile instructions.html

Working with Instructions

FROM : Initializes a new build stage and sets the Base Image

RUN : Will execute any commands in a new layer

CMD : Provides a default for an executing container. There can only be one CMD
instruction in a Dockerfile

LABEL : Adds metadata to an image

EXPOSE : Informs Docker that the container listens on the specified network ports at

ENV : Sets the environment variable <key> to the value <value>

ADD : Copies new files, directories or remote file URLs from <src> and adds them to
the filesystem of the image at the path <dest> .

COPY : Copies new files or directories from <src> and adds them to the filesystem of
the container at the path <dest> .

ENTRYPOINT : Allows for configuring a container that will run as an executable

VOLUME : Creates a mount point with the specified name and marks it as holding
externally mounted volumes from native host or other containers

USER : Sets the user name (or UID) and optionally the user group (or GID) to use
when running the image and for any RUN , CMD , and ENTRYPOINT instructions that
follow it in the Dockerfile

WORKDIR : Sets the working directory for any RUN , CMD , ENTRYPOINT , COPY , and
ADD instructions that follow it in the Dockerfile

ARG : Defines a variable that users can pass at build-time to the builder with the
docker build command, using the --build-arg <varname>=<value> flag

ONBUILD : Adds a trigger instruction to the image that will be executed at a later time,
when the image is used as the base for another build

HEALTHCHECK : Tells Docker how to test a container to check that it is still working

SHELL : Allows the default shell used for the shell form of commands to be overridden

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To set up the environment:

sudo yum install git -y

mkdir docker_images
cd docker_images
mkdir weather-app
cd weather-app
git clone src

Create the Dockerfile:

vi Dockerfile

Dockerfile contents:

# Create an image for the weather-app

FROM node
LABEL org.label-schema.version=v1.1
RUN mkdir -p /var/node
ADD src/ /var/node/
WORKDIR /var/node
RUN npm install
CMD ./bin/www

Build the weather-app image:

docker image build -t linuxacademy/weather-app:v1 .

List the images:

docker image ls

Create the weather-app container:

docker container run -d --name weather-app1 -p 8081:3000 \


List all running containers:

docker container ls

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2/17/2020 20 - Dockerfile environment variables.html

Environment Variables
To make new software easier to run, you can use ENV to update the PATH environment
variable for the software that your container installs.

Setup your environment:

cd docker_images
mkdir env
cd env

Use the --env flag to pass an environment variable when building an image:

--env [KEY]=[VALUE]

Use the ENV instruction in the Dockerfile:


Clone the weather-app :

git clone src

Create the Dockerfile

vi Dockerfile

Dockerfile contents:

# Create an image for the weather-app

FROM node
LABEL org.label-schema.version=v1.1
ENV NODE_ENV="development"

RUN mkdir -p /var/node

ADD src/ /var/node/
WORKDIR /var/node
RUN npm install

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2/17/2020 20 - Dockerfile environment variables.html

CMD ./bin/www

Create the weather-app container:

docker image build -t linuxacademy/weather-app:v2 .

Inspect the container to see the environment variables:

docker image inspect linuxacademy/weather-app:v2

Deploy the weather-dev application:

docker container run -d --name weather-dev -p 8082:3001\

--env PORT=3001 linuxacademy/weather-app:v2

Inspect the development container to see the environment variables:

docker container inspect weather-dev

Deploy the weather-app to production:

docker container run -d --name weather-app2 -p 8083:3001 --env PORT=3001 \

--env NODE_ENV=production linuxacademy/weather-app:v2

Inspect the production container to see the environment variables:

docker container inspect weather-app2

Get the logs for weather-app2 :

docker container logs weather-app2

docker container run -d --name weather-prod -p 8084:3000 \

--env NODE_ENV=production linuxacademy/weather-app:v2

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2/17/2020 21 - Dockerfile build arguments.html

Build Arguments
In this lesson, we will explore using build arguments to paramerterize an image build.

Use the --build-arg flag when building an image:

--build-arg [NAME]=[VALUE]

Use the ARG instruction in the Dockerfile:


Navigate to the args directory:

cd docker_images
mkdir args
cd args

Clone the weather-app :

git clone src

Create the Dockerfile:

vi Dockerfile


# Create an image for the weather-app

FROM node
LABEL org.label-schema.version=v1.1
ARG SRC_DIR=/var/node

RUN mkdir -p $SRC_DIR

RUN npm install
CMD ./bin/www

Create the weather-app container:

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2/17/2020 21 - Dockerfile build arguments.html

docker image build -t linuxacademy/weather-app:v3 \

--build-arg SRC_DIR=/var/code .

Inspect the image:

docker image inspect linuxacademy/weather-app:v3 | grep WorkingDir

Create the weather-app container:

docker container run -d --name weather-app3 -p 8085:3000 \


Verify that the container is working by executing curl :

curl localhost:8085

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2/17/2020 22 - Dockerfile working with non-priviledged user.html

Working with Non-privileged Users

In this lesson, you will learn how to use the USER instruction to create a non-
privileged user. Rather than using root , we can use a non-privileged user to
configure and run an application.

Setup your environment:

cd docker_images
mkdir non-privileged-user
cd non-privileged-user

Create the Dockerfile:

vi Dockerfile

Dockerfile contents:

# Creates a CentOS image that uses cloud_user as a non-privileged user

FROM centos:latest
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash cloud_user
USER cloud_user

Build the new image:

docker image build -t centos7/nonroot:v1 .

Create a container using the new image:

docker container run -it --name test-build centos7/nonroot:v1 /bin/bash

Connecting as a privileged user:

docker container start test-build

docker container exec -u 0 -it test-build /bin/bash

Set up the environment:

cd ~/docker_images
mkdir node-non-privileged-user
cd node-non-privileged-user

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2/17/2020 22 - Dockerfile working with non-priviledged user.html

Create the Dockerfile:

vi Dockerfile

Dockerfile contents:

# Create an image for the weather-app

FROM node
LABEL org.label-schema.version=v1.1
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash node_user
USER node_user
ADD src/ /home/node_user
WORKDIR /home/node_user
RUN npm install
CMD ./bin/www

git clone src

Build the weather-app image using the non-privileged user node_user:

docker image build -t linuxacademy/weather-app-nonroot:v1 .

Create a container using the linuxacademy/weather-app-nonroot:v1 image:

docker container run -d --name weather-app-nonroot -p 8086:3000 \


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2/16/2020 23 - Dockerfile order of execution.html

Order of Execution
This lesson focuses on the order that instructions are executed in when building an
image. Some instructions may have unintended consequences that can cause your
build to fail.

Setup your environment:

cd docker_images
mkdir centos-conf
cd centos-conf

Create the Dockerfile:

vi Dockerfile

Dockerfile contents:

# Creates a CentOS image that uses cloud_user as a non-privileged user

FROM centos:latest
RUN mkdir -p ~/new-dir1
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash cloud_user
USER cloud_user
RUN mkdir -p ~/new-dir2
RUN mkdir -p /etc/myconf
RUN echo "Some config data" >> /etc/myconf/my.conf

Build the new image:

docker image build -t centos7/myconf:v1 .

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2/17/2020 24 - Dockerfile using the volume instruction.html

Using the Volume Instruction

In this lesson, we will use the VOLUME instruction to automatically create a mount
point in a Docker image. When a container is created using this image, a volume will
be created and mounted to the specified directory.

Set up your environment:

cd docker_images && mkdir volumes && cd volumes

Create the Dockerfile:

vi Dockerfile

Build an Nginx image that uses a volume:

FROM nginx:latest
VOLUME ["/usr/share/nginx/html/"]

Build the new image:

docker image build -t linuxacademy/nginx:v1 .

Create a new container using the linuxacademy/nginx:v1 image:

docker container run -d --name nginx-volume linuxacademy/nginx:v1

Inspect nginx-volume :

docker container inspect nginx-volume

List the volumes:

docker volume ls | grep [VOLUME_NAME]

Inspect the volumes:

docker volume inspect [VOLUME_NAME]

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2/17/2020 25 - Dockerfile Entrypoint vs Command.html

Entrypoint vs. Command

In this lesson, we will begin working with the ENTRYPOINT instruction. Though
ENTRYPOINT functions very similarly to CMD it’s behaviors are vary different.

ENTRYPOINT allows us to configure a container that will run as an executable.

We can override all elements specified using CMD .
Using the docker run --entrypoint flag will override the ENTRYPOINT

Setup your environment:

cd docker_images && mkdir entrypoint && cd entrypoint

Create the Dockerfile:

vi Dockerfile

Dockerfile contents:

# Create an image for the weather-app

FROM node
LABEL org.label-schema.version=v1.1
ENV NODE_ENV="production"

RUN mkdir -p /var/node

ADD src/ /var/node/
WORKDIR /var/node
RUN npm install
ENTRYPOINT ./bin/www

Clone the image:

git clone src

Build the image:

docker image build -t linuxacademy/weather-app:v4 .

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2/17/2020 25 - Dockerfile Entrypoint vs Command.html

Deploy the weather-app :

docker container run -d --name weather-app4 linuxacademy/weather-app:v4

Inspect weather-app4 :

docker container inspect weather-app4 | grep Cmd

docker container inspect weather-app-nonroot
docker container inspect weather-app4

Create the weather-app container:

docker container run -d --name weather-app5 -p 8083:3001 \

linuxacademy/weather-app:v4 echo "Hello World"

Inspect weather-app5:

docker container inspect weather-app5

Create the volumes for Prometheus:

docker volume create prometheus

docker volume create prometheus_data

sudo chown -R nfsnobody:nfsnobody /var/lib/docker/volumes/prometheus/

sudo chown -R nfsnobody:nfsnobody /var/lib/docker/volumes/prometheus_data/

Create the Prometheus container:

docker run --name prometheus -d -p 8084:9090 \

-v prometheus:/etc/prometheus \
-v prometheus_data:/prometheus/data \
prom/prometheus \
--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \

Inspect Prometheus:

docker container inspect prometheus

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2/16/2020 26 - Dockeringore file.html

Using .dockerignore

In this lesson, we’ll create a .dockerignore file, so that we can exclude files we don’t
want copied over when building an image.

Setup your environment:

cd docker_images
mkdir dockerignore
cd dockerignore
git clone src
cd src
git checkout dockerignore
cd ../

Create the .dockerignore file:

vi .dockerignore

Add the following to .dockerignore :

# Ignore these files


Create the Dockerfile:

vi Dockerfile

Dockerfile contents:

# Create an image for the weather-app

FROM node
LABEL org.label-schema.version=v1.1
ENV NODE_ENV="production"

RUN mkdir -p /var/node

ADD src/ /var/node/
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2/16/2020 26 - Dockeringore file.html

WORKDIR /var/node
RUN npm install
ENTRYPOINT ["./bin/www"]

Build the image:

docker image build -t linuxacademy/weather-app:v5 .

Create the weather-app container:

docker container run -d --name weather-app-ignore linuxacademy/weather-app:v5

List the contents of /var/node :

docker container exec weather-app-ignore ls -la /var/node

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2/17/2020 27 - Building Docker images.html

Building Images
In this lesson, we will learn some alternate ways of building images.

To build one:

docker image build -t <NAME>:<TAG> .

Useful flags:

-f , --file string : This is the name of the Dockerfile (Default is

PATH/Dockerfile ).
--force-rm : Always remove intermediate containers.
--label list : Set metadata for an image.
--rm : Remove intermediate containers after a successful build (default is
true ).

--ulimit ulimit : This sets ulimit options (default is []).

cd docker_images/weather-app

cp Dockerfile Dockerfile.test
docker image build -t linuxacademy/weather-app:path-example1 \
-f Dockerfile.test .

docker image build -t linuxacademy/weather-app:path-example2 \

--label com.linuxacademy.version=v1.8 -f Dockerfile.test .

Building image by piping the Dockerfile through STDIN:

docker image build -t <NAME>:<TAG> -<<EOF

Build instructions


docker image build -t linuxacademy/nginx:stind --rm -<<EOF

FROM nginx:latest
VOLUME ["/usr/share/nginx/html/"]

Building an image using a URL:

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2/17/2020 27 - Building Docker images.html

docker image build -t <NAME>:<TAG> <GIT_URL>#<REF>

docker image build -t <NAME>:<TAG> <GIT_URL>#:<DIRECTORY>
docker image build -t <NAME>:<TAG> <GIT_URL>#<REF>:<DIRECTORY>


docker image build -t linuxacademy/weather-app:github \

Building an image from a zip file:

docker image build -t <NAME>:<TAG> - < <FILE>.tar.gz


cd docker_images
mkdir tar_image
cd tar_image
git clone
cd content-weather-app
git checkout remote-build
tar -zcvf weather-app.tar.gz Dockerfile src
docker image build -t linuxacademy/weather-app:from-tar - < weather-app.tar.gz

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2/17/2020 28 - Dockerfile using multi-stage builds.html

Using Multi-Stage Builds

In this lesson, we will learn how to build smaller images using multi-stage builds.

By default, the stages are not named

Stages are numbered with integers
Starting with 0 for the first FROM instruction
Name the stage by adding as to the FROM instruction
Reference the stage name in the COPY instruction

Set up your environment:

cd docker_images
mkdir multi-stage-builds
cd multi-stage-builds
git clone src

Create the Dockerfile:

vi Dockerfile

Dockerfile contents:

# Create an image for the weather-app using multi-stage build

FROM node AS build
RUN mkdir -p /var/node/
ADD src/ /var/node/
WORKDIR /var/node
RUN npm install

FROM node:alpine
LABEL org.label-schema.version=$VERSION
ENV NODE_ENV="production"
COPY --from=build /var/node /var/node
WORKDIR /var/node
ENTRYPOINT ["./bin/www"]

Build the image:

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2/17/2020 28 - Dockerfile using multi-stage builds.html

docker image build -t linuxacademy/weather-app:multi-stage-build \

--rm --build-arg VERSION=1.5 .

List images to see the size difference:

docker image ls

Create the weather-app container:

docker container run -d --name multi-stage-build -p 8087:3000 \


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2/17/2020 29 - Tagging Docker images.html

In this lesson, we will talk about how to use the tag command, and best practices to
keep in mind when tagging.

Add a name and an optional tag with -t or --tag , in the name:tag format:

docker image build -t <name>:<tag>

docker image build --tag <name>:<tag>

List your images:

docker image ls

Use our Git commit hash as the image tag:

git log -1 --pretty=%H

Use the Docker tag to a create a new tagged image:


Get the commit hash:

cd docker_images/weather-app/src
git log -1 --pretty=%H
cd ../

Build the image using the Git hash as the tag:

docker image build -t linuxacademy/weather-app:<GIT_HASH> .

Tag the weather-app as the latest using the image tagged with the commit hash:

docker image tag linuxacademy/weather-app:<GIT_HASH> \


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2/16/2020 30 - Distributing images on Docker Hub.html

Distributing Images on Docker Hub

In this lesson, we’ll walk through how to tag and push an image to Docker Hub. You
will need a Docker Hub account.

Create a Docker Hub account:

Docker Push:

docker image push <USERNAME>/<IMAGE_NAME>:<TAG>

Creating an image for Docker Hub:

docker image tag <IMAGE_NAME>:<TAG> <linuxacademy>/<IMAGE_NAME>:<TAG>

Set up your environment:

cd docker_images
mkdir dockerhub
cd dockerhub

Create the Dockerfile:

vi Dockerfile

Dockerfile contents:

# Create an image for the weather-app using multi-stage build

FROM node AS build
RUN mkdir -p /var/node/
ADD src/ /var/node/
WORKDIR /var/node
RUN npm install

FROM node:alpine
LABEL org.label-schema.version=$VERSION
ENV NODE_ENV="production"
COPY --from=build /var/node /var/node

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2/16/2020 30 - Distributing images on Docker Hub.html

WORKDIR /var/node
ENTRYPOINT ["./bin/www"]

Git the weather-app code:

git clone src

Use the Git commit hash as the image tag:

cd src
git log -1 --pretty=%H
cd ../

Build the image:

docker image build -t <USERNAME>/weather-app:<HASH> --build-arg VERSION=1.5 .

Tag the image before pushing it to Docker Hub:

docker image tag linuxacademy/weather-app:<HASH> <USERNAME>/weather-app:<HASH>

Push the image to Docker Hub:

docker login
docker image push <USERNAME>/weather-app:<HASH>

Tag the latest image:

docker image tag <USERNAME>/weather-app:<HASH> <USERNAME>/weather-app:latest

Push the latest image to Docker Hub:

docker login <USERNAME>

docker image push <USERNAME>/weather-app:latest

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2/17/2020 31 - Docker Image history.html

Image History
Show the history of an image:

docker image history <IMAGE>

docker image history --no-trunc <IMAGE>
docker image history --quiet <IMAGE>
docker image history --quiet --no-trunc <IMAGE>

Get the image history for Node:

docker image history node:latest

Get the image history for weather-app :

docker image history rivethead42/weather-app:latest

Get the image history weather-app:v1 with the no-truncm flag:

docker image history --no-trunc linuxacademy/weather-app:v1

Save the output using the no-truncm flag to a file:

docker image history --no-trunc linuxacademy/weather-app:v1 > output.txt

View the contents:

vi output.txt

Use the quiet flag to list the image IDs:

docker image history --quiet linuxacademy/weather-app:v1

Use the quiet flag to list the image IDs, then save the output to a file using the no-
truncm flag:

docker image history --quiet --no-trunc linuxacademy/weather-app:v1

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2/16/2020 32 - Saving and loading Docker Images.html

Saving and Loading Images

In this lesson, we will learn how to save an image to a tar file, and see how to load it
back in.

Save one or more images to a tar file:

docker image save <IMAGE> > <FILE>.tar

docker image save <IMAGE> -o <FILE>.tar
docker image save <IMAGE> --output <FILE>.tar

Load an image from a tar file:

docker image load < <FILE>.tar

docker image load -i <FILE>.tar
docker image load --input <FILE>.tar


mkdir output
cd output

Archive the rivethead42/weather-app:latest image:

docker image save rivethead42/weather-app:latest --output weather-app-latest.tar

Inspect the tar file:

tar tvf weather-app-latest.tar

Compress the tar file:

gzip weather-app-latest.tar

Delete the image:

docker image rm [USERNAME]/weather-app:latest

Load the weather-app image from a tar file:

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2/16/2020 32 - Saving and loading Docker Images.html

docker image load --input weather-app-latest.tar.gz

docker image ls | grep [USERNAME]/weather-app

docker image rm rivethead42/weather-app:latest docker image ls | grep


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2/16/2020 33 - Inspecting Container processes.html

Inspecting Container Processes

In this lesson, we’ll take a look at a few ways we can examine the running processes
in a container.

Docker Top:

docker container top <NAME>

Docker Stats:

docker container stats <NAME>

Create a new CentOS container:

docker container run -itd --name container_process centos /bin/bash

Execute docker container top :

docker container top container_process

Attach to container_process:

docker container exec -it container_process /bin/bash

Attach to the container using attach :

docker container attach container_process

Restart the container:

docker container start container_process

Attach to the container_process container:

docker container exec -it container_process /bin/bash

Run top on the container:


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2/16/2020 33 - Inspecting Container processes.html

Get stats on a container:

docker container stats container_process

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2/17/2020 34 - Having Containers start automaticlly.html

Having Containers Start

In this lesson, we will look at how to set restart policies for containers, and how that
will effect their behavior when the docker service is restarted.

To configure the restart policy for a container, use the --restart flag:

no : Do not automatically restart the container. (the default)

on-failure : Restart the container if it exits due to an error, which manifests as
a non-zero exit code.
always : Always restart the container if it stops.
unless-stopped : Similar to always, except that when the container is stopped, it
is not restarted even after the Docker daemon restarts.

Automatically Restarting a container:

docker container run -d --name <NAME> --restart <RESTART> <IMAGE>

Make sure a container always restarts:

docker container run -d --name always-restart \

--restart always rivethead42/weather-app:latest

Make sure a container restarts unless it’s stopped:

docker container run -d --name unless-stopped \

--restart unless-stopped \

Stop and restart your Docker service:

sudo systemctl restart docker

List your containers:

docker container ls

Stop the unless-stopped container:

docker container stop unless-stopped

file:///home/wiciu/Documents/DevOps/Docker dd - la/html/34 - Having Containers start automaticlly.html 1/2

2/17/2020 34 - Having Containers start automaticlly.html

Stop and restart your Docker service:

sudo systemctl restart docker

List your containers:

docker container ls

Stop the unless-stopped container:

docker container stop always-restart

Stop and restart your Docker service:

sudo systemctl restart docker

List your containers:

docker container ls

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2/17/2020 35 - Docker events.html

Docker Events
In this lesson, we’ll see how to listen for events using the events command.

Get real-time events from the server:

docker system events

docker system events --since '<TIME_PERIOD>'

Start a new CentOS container:

docker container run -itd --name docker_events centos /bin/bash

Listen for events:

docker system events

Generate Events:

docker container exec docker_events /bin/bash

docker container attach docker_events
docker container start docker_events

Filters Events:

docker system events --filter <FILTER_NAME>=<FILTER>

Filter for container events:

docker system events --filter type=container --since '1h'

Generate an event:

docker container exec docker_events ls /

Filter for container events:

docker system events --filter type=container --filter event=start --since '1h'

List / on docker_events :

file:///home/wiciu/Documents/DevOps/Docker dd - la/html/35 - Docker events.html 1/2

2/17/2020 35 - Docker events.html

docker container exec docker_events ls /

Filter for attach events:

docker system events --filter type=container --filter event=attach

Connect to docker_events using /bin/bash :

docker container exec -it docker_events /bin/bash

Attach to docker_events :

docker container attach docker_events

Connect to docker_events using /bin/bash :

docker container exec -it docker_events /bin/bash

Attach to docker_events :

docker container attach docker_events

Use multiple filters:

docker system events --filter type=container \

--filter event=attach --filter event=die \
--filter event=stop

Start docker_events :

docker container start docker_events

Attach to docker_events :

docker container attach docker_events

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2/16/2020 36 - Managaing stopped Container.html

Managing Stopped Container

In this lesson, we will manage stopped containers by starting, deleting, or pruning

Remove one or more containers:

docker container rm <NAME>

List the rm flags:

docker container rm -h

Start one or more stopped containers:

docker container start <NAME>

Remove all stopped containers:

docker container prune

List the IDs of all containers:

docker container ls -a -q

List all stopped containers:

docker container ls -a -f status=exited

List the IDs of stopped containers:

docker container ls -a -q -f status=exited

Get a count of all stopped containers:

docker container ls -a -q -f status=exited | wc -l

Get a listing of our containers:

docker container ls -a -f status=exited | grep prometheus

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2/16/2020 36 - Managaing stopped Container.html

Start Prometheus:

docker container start prometheus

Fin stopped weather-app containers with grep :

docker container ls -a -f status=exited | grep weather-app

Remove stopped weather-app containers:

docker container rm [CONTAINER_IDS]

Prune all stopped containers:

docker container prune

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2/16/2020 37 - Managing Docker with Portainer.html

Managing Docker with Portainer

In this lesson, we’ll install Portainer and use it manage our Docker host.

Create a volume for Portainers data:

docker volume create portainer_data

Create the Portainers container:

docker container run -d --name portainer -p 8080:9000 \

--restart=always \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer

docker container ls

The ls should output:

NODE_ENV production

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2/17/2020 38 - Updating Containers with Watchtower.html

Updating Containers with

In this lesson, we’ll see how to use Watchtower to keep a container up-to-date when
its image gets updated.

Clone Express app:

git clone \

cd watchtower
git checkout dockerfile

Build the Docker image:

docker login -u [USERNAME]

docker image build -t rivethead42/my-express .
docker image push rivethead42/my-express

Create the container:

docker container run -d --name watched-app -p 80:3000 \

--restart always rivethead42/my-express

Create Watchtower:

docker container run -d --name watchtower \

--restart always \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
v2tec/watchtower -i 15

Add a .dockerignore file:

vi .dockerignore

.dockerignore contents:

file:///home/wiciu/Documents/DevOps/Docker dd - la/html/38 - Updating Containers with Watchtower.html 1/2
2/17/2020 38 - Updating Containers with Watchtower.html

Edit app.js and add a comment:

vi app.js

app.js contents:

//This is a comment

Add the file newfile.js :

touch newfile.js

Rebuild the image:

docker image build -t rivethead42/my-express --no-cache .

docker image push rivethead42/my-express

Check to see if the container was restarted with the new image:

docker container ls

Verify the changes by attaching to watched-app :

docker container exec -it watched-app /bin/bash

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2/17/2020 39 - Installing Docker Compose.html

Installing Docker Compose

In this lesson, we will learn about installing Docker Compose and why we should use

Download the latest version of Docker Compose:

sudo curl -L \
-o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Apply executable permissions:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Test Docker Compose:

docker-compose --version

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2/16/2020 40 - Docker Compose commands.html

Compose Commands
In this lesson, we will start using compose by creating a compose file. Then we will
create and manage the services by using the most commonly used commands:

build : Build or rebuild services

bundle : Generate a Docker bundle from the Compose file
config : Validate and view the Compose file
create : Create services
down : Stop and remove containers, networks, images, and volumes
events : Receive real time events from containers
exec : Execute a command in a running container
help : Get help on a command
images : List images
kill : Kill containers
logs : View output from containers
pause : Pause services
port : Print the public port for a port binding
ps : List containers
pull : Pull service images
push : Push service images
restart : Restart services
rm : Remove stopped containers
run : Run a one-off command
scale : Set number of containers for a service
start : Start services
stop : Stop services
top : Display the running processes
unpause : Unpause services
up : Create and start containers
version : Show the Docker-Compose version information

Setup your environment:

mkdir -p compose/commands
cd compose/commands

Create a docker-compose file:

vi docker-compose.yml

docker-compose.yml contents:

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2/16/2020 40 - Docker Compose commands.html

version: '3'
image: nginx
- "8080:80"
- nginx_html:/usr/share/nginx/html/
- redis
image: redis
nginx_html: {}

Create a compose service:

docker-compose up -d

List containers created by compose :

docker-compose ps

Stopping a compose service:

docker-compose stop

Starting a compose service:

docker-compose start

Restarting a compose service:

docker-compose restart

Delete a compose service:

docker-compose down

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2/16/2020 41 - Creating Docker Compose file.html

Creating a Compose File

In this lesson we will look at the basics of creating a compose file.

Setup your environment:

cd compose
git clone weather-app
cd weather-app
git checkout compose

Create a docker-compose.yml file:

vi docker-compose.yml

docker-compose.yml contents:

version: '3'
context: .
- VERSION=v2.0
- "8081:3000"
- NODE_ENV=production

Create the compose container:

docker-compose up -d

List compose services:

docker-compose ps

Verify the weather-app is working:

curl http://localhost:8081

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2/16/2020 41 - Creating Docker Compose file.html

Rebuild the image:

docker-compose build

Rebuild the image with no cache:

docker-compose build --no-cache

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2/16/2020 42 - Using Volumes and Networking with Docker Compose.html

Using Volumes and Networking

with Compose
In this lesson, we will learn how to use volumes and networks in a docker compose

Setup your environment:

mkdir -p compose/ghost
cd compose/ghost

Create a docker-compose.yml file:

vi docker-compose.yml


version: '3'
container_name: ghost
image: ghost:latest
- "80:2368"
- database__client=mysql
- database__connection__host=mysql
- database__connection__user=root
- database__connection__password=P4SSw0rd0!
- database__connection__database=ghost
- ghost-volume:/var/lib/ghost
- ghost_network
- mysql_network
- mysql

container_name: mysql
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2/16/2020 42 - Using Volumes and Networking with Docker Compose.html

image: mysql:5.7
- mysql-volume:/var/lib/mysql
- mysql_network



Create the compose container:

docker-compose up -d

List compose services:

docker-compose ps

List the volumes:

docker volumes ls

List the volumes:

docker network ls

Docker Compose Documentation

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2/16/2020 43 - Introduction to Docker Swarm.html

Introduction to Docker Swarm

In this lesson, we’ll look at the highlights of Docker Swarm before we start working
with it.

Swarm 101
Swarm has two major components:

An enterprise grade secure cluster:

Manage one or more Docker nodes as a cluster

Encrypted distributed cluster store
Encrypted networks
Secure join tokens

An orchestration engine for creating mircoservices:

API for deploying and managing microservices

Declarative manifest files for defining apps
Provides availability to scale apps, and perform rolling updates and rollbacks

Swarm was initially a separate product layered on Docker, since Docker 1.12 it has
become a part of the engine.

The Cluster
A swarm consists of one or more Docker nodes.
Nodes are either a managers or a worker.
Manage the state of the cluster
Dispatch tasks to workers
Accepts and execute tasks
State is held in etcd
Swarm uses Transport Layer Security (TLS):
Encrypted communication
Authenticated nodes
Authorized roles

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2/16/2020 43 - Introduction to Docker Swarm.html

The atomic unit of scheduling is a swarm service.

The service construct adds the following to a container:
rolling updates
A container wrapped in a service is a task or a replica.

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2/16/2020 44 - Running Docker in Swarm mode.html

Running Docker in Swarm Mode

In this lesson, we will create two new docker servers. These servers will be used in a
swarm configuration. Then we will initialize the swarm manager and have the two new
nodes join the swarm.

Install the Swarm Worker Node

Now create two new servers in Cloud Playground that will be used as worker nodes.

Uninstall old versions:

sudo yum remove -y docker \

docker-client \
docker-client-latest \
docker-common \
docker-latest \
docker-latest-logrotate \
docker-logrotate \

Install Docker CE
Add the Docker repository:

sudo yum install -y yum-utils \

device-mapper-persistent-data \

Set up the stable repository:

sudo yum-config-manager \
--add-repo \

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Install Docker CE:

sudo yum -y install docker-ce

Enable and Start Docker:

sudo systemctl start docker && sudo systemctl enable docker

Add cloud_user to the docker group:

sudo usermod -aG docker cloud_user

Initialize the manager:

docker swarm init \

--advertise-addr [PRIVATE_IP]

Add the worker to the cluster:

docker swarm join --token [TOKEN] \


List the nodes in the swarm:

docker node ls

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2/16/2020 45 - Managing Swarm Nodes.html

Managing Swarm Nodes:

In this lesson, we learn how to manage the nodes in the swarm.

Docker node commands:

demote : Demotes one or more nodes from manager in the swarm

inspect : Displays detailed information on one or more nodes
ls : Lists nodes in the swarm
promote : Promotes one or more nodes to manager in the swarm
ps : Lists tasks running on one or more nodes, defaults to current node
rm : Removes one or more nodes from the swarm
update : Updates a node

Docker swarm commands:

ca : Displays and rotate the root CA

init : Initializes a swarm
join : Joins a swarm as a node and/or manager
join-token : Manages join tokens
leave : Leaves the swarm
unlock : Unlocks swarm
unlock-key : Manages the unlock key
update : Updates the swarm

Managing swarm nodes:

Listing nodes:

docker node ls

Inspecting a node:

docker node inspect [NODE_NAME]

Promoting a worker to a manager:

docker node promote [NODE_NAME]

Demoting a manager to a worker:

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docker node demote [NODE_NAME]

Removing a node form the swarm (node must be demoted first):

docker node rm -f [NODE_NAME]

Make a node leave the swarm:

docker swarm leave

Getting the join-token:

docker swarm join-token [worker|manager]

Make the node rejoin the swarm:

docker swarm join --token [TOKEN] \


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2/17/2020 46 - Docker Swarm working with Services.html

Working with Services

In this lesson, we’ll see how to create and manage a service running in Docker Swarm.

Docker service commands:

create : Creates a new service

inspect : Displays detailed information on one or more services
logs : Fetches the logs of a service or task
ls : Lists services
ps : Lists the tasks of one or more services
rm : Removes one or more services
rollback : Reverts changes to a service’s configuration
scale : Scales one or multiple replicated services
update : Updates a service

Creating a service:

docker service create -d --name [NAME] \

--replicas [REPLICAS] \

List services:

docker service ls

Inspecting a service:

docker service inspect [NAME]

Get logs for a service:

docker service logs [NAME]

List all tasks of a service:

docker service ps [NAME]

Scale a service up or down:

docker service scale [NAME]=[REPLICAS]

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2/17/2020 46 - Docker Swarm working with Services.html

Update a service:

docker service update [OPTIONS] [NAME]

Create nginx_service :

docker service create -d --name nginx_service -p 8080:80 \

--replicas 2 nginx:latest

List the swarm services:

docker service ls

Inspect nginx_service:

docker service inspect nginx_service

Find the network:

docker network ls --no-trunc | grep [NETOWRK_ID]

View the running tasks for nginx_service :

docker service ps nginx_service

Scale nginx_service to 3 replicas:

docker service scale nginx_service=3

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2/17/2020 47 - Docker Swarm using Networks in Swam mode.html

Using Networks in Swarm Mode

In this lesson, we’ll look more into overlay networks and how they are used with a

Create a overlay network:

docker network create -d overlay [NAME]

Creating a service with an overlay network:

docker service create -d --name [NAME] \

--network [NETWORK] \
--replicas [REPLICAS] \

Add a service to a network:

docker service update --network-add [NETWORK] [SERVICE]

Remove a service from a network:

docker service update --network-rm [NETWORK] [SERVICE]

Create a overlay network:

docker network create -d overlay my_overlay

Create an encrypted overlay network:

docker network create -d overlay --opt encrypted encrypted_overlay

Inspect encrypted_overlay :

docker network inspect encrypted_overlay

Inspect my_overlay :

docker network inspect my_overlay

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2/17/2020 47 - Docker Swarm using Networks in Swam mode.html

Create a service using my_overlay :

docker service create -d --name nginx_overlay --network my_overlay \

-p 8081:80 --replicas 2 nginx:latest

Adding the my_overlay network to nginx_service :

docker service update --network-add my_overlay nginx_service

Inspect nginx_service :

docker service inspect nginx_service

Removing the ingress network from nginx_service :

docker service update --network-rm my_overlay nginx_service

Inspect nginx_service :

docker service inspect nginx_service

Remove encrypted_overlay :

docker network rm encrypted_overlay

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2/17/2020 48 - Docker Swarm using Volumes in Swam mode.html

Using Volumes in Swarm Mode

In this lesson we will start learning about plugins, and using volumes in swarm mode.
The local driver only creates a volume on the node that a command is executed on.
This requires using a third party driver that is specific to the environment.

Add Plugins:

docker plugin install [PLUGIN] [OPTIONS]

List plugins:

docker plugin ls

Volume Plugins:

Pure Storage
HPE Nimble Storage
Nutanix DVP

Install the Splunk plugin:

docker plugin install store/splunk/docker-logging-plugin:2.0.0 \

--alias splunk-logging-plugin

Disable a plugin:

docker plugin disable [ID]

Remove a plugin:

docker plugin rm [ID]

Digital Ocean example:

docker plugin install rexray/dobs \


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2/17/2020 48 - Docker Swarm using Volumes in Swam mode.html


Create a volume using a driver:

docker volume create -d [DRIVER] [NAME]

docker service create -d --name [NAME] \

--mount type=[TYPE],src=[SOURCE],dst=[DESTINATION] \
--replicas [REPLICAS] \

Create a volume on the manager:

docker volume create -d local portainer_data

Create a portainers service that uses a volume:

docker service create \

--name portainer \
--publish 8000:9000 \
--constraint 'node.role == manager' \
--mount type=volume,src=portainer_data,dst=/data \
--mount type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock \
portainer/portainer \
-H unix:///var/run/docker.sock

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2/16/2020 49 - Deploying Stacks in Docker Swarm.html

Deploying Stacks in Docker Swarm

In this lesson, we will learn how to deploy stacks to Docker Swarm using Docker

Docker stack commands:

deploy : Deploys a new stack or update an existing stack

ls : Lists stacks
ps : Lists the tasks in the stack
rm : Removes one or more stacks
services : Lists the services in the stack

Setup environment:

mkdir -p swarm/prometheus
cd swarm/prometheus

Create the prometheus.yml file:

vi prometheus.yml

prometheus.yml contents:

scrape_interval: 15s
scrape_timeout: 15s
evaluation_interval: 15s

- job_name: prometheus
scrape_interval: 5s
- targets:
- prometheus_main:9090

- job_name: nodes
scrape_interval: 5s
- targets:
- [MANAGER]:9100
- [WORKER1]:9100
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2/16/2020 49 - Deploying Stacks in Docker Swarm.html

- [WORKER2]:9100

- job_name: cadvisor
scrape_interval: 5s
- targets:
- [MANAGER]:8081
- [WORKER1]:8081
- [WORKER2]:8081

Create a compose file:

vi docker-compose.yml

docker-compose.yml contents:

version: '3'
image: prom/prometheus:latest
container_name: prometheus
- 8080:9090
- --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
- --storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus/data
- ./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml:ro
- data:/prometheus/data
- cadvisor
- node-exporter
image: google/cadvisor:latest
container_name: cadvisor
mode: global
restart: unless-stopped
- 8081:8080
- /:/rootfs:ro
- /var/run:/var/run:rw

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2/16/2020 49 - Deploying Stacks in Docker Swarm.html

- /sys:/sys:ro
- /var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:ro
image: prom/node-exporter:latest
container_name: node-exporter
mode: global
restart: unless-stopped
- 9100:9100
- /proc:/host/proc:ro
- /sys:/host/sys:ro
- /:/rootfs:ro
- '--path.procfs=/host/proc'
- '--path.sysfs=/host/sys'
- --collector.filesystem.ignored-mount-points
- "^/(sys|proc|dev|host|etc|rootfs/var/lib/docker/containers|rootfs/var/lib
image: grafana/grafana
container_name: grafana
- 8082:3000
- grafana_data:/var/lib/grafana
- grafana_plugins:/var/lib/grafana/plugins
- prometheus
- cadvisor
- node-exporter


Deploy the stack:

docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml prometheus

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2/16/2020 49 - Deploying Stacks in Docker Swarm.html

List stacks:

docker stack ls

List services:

docker service ls

Fix volume permissions:

sudo chown nfsnobody:nfsnobody -R /var/lib/docker/volumes/prometheus_data

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2/16/2020 50 - Introduction to Docker Security.html

Introduction to Docker Security

We’ll begin exploring ways to secure Docker by using security features native to both
the operating system and Docker itself.

Docker Security 101

Security is all about layers

Linux security:

Control Groups
Mandatory Access Control (MAC)

Docker security:

Docker Swarm
Docker Content Trust
Docker Security Scanner
Docker secrets

Docker creates a set of namespaces and control groups for the container. Docker
containers are an organized collections of namespaces.

Namespaces provide isolation.

Each container also gets its own network stack.

Docker on Linux namespaces:

Process ID (pid)
network (net)
Filesystem/mount (mount)
Inter-process Communication (ipc)
User (user)
UTS (uts)

Control Groups
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2/16/2020 50 - Introduction to Docker Security.html

Control Groups are about setting limits for:

Disk I/O

They help to mitigate denial-of-service attacks, and are important on multi-tenant


Capabilities turn the binary “root/non-root” dichotomy into a fine-grained access
control system. In most cases, containers do not need “real” root privileges at all.
This means root within a container has much less privileges than the real root . It
also means that even if an intruder manages to escalate to root within a container, it
is much harder to do serious damage, or to escalate to the host.

Mandatory Access Control systems

Two major MAC technologies are:


This limits the syscalls a container can make to the host’s kernel. All new containers
get a default seccomp configured

Docker Swarm
Swarm Mode:

Cryptographic node Ids

Mutual authentication via TLS
Secure join tokens
CA configuration with automatic certificate rotation
Encrypted cluster store

Encrypted networks

docker swarm update –cert-expiry [INT]h

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2/16/2020 50 - Introduction to Docker Security.html

Docker Secrets
These store sensitive data like:

TLS Certificates
API Keys

Secrets Workflow:

1. A secret is created and posted to the Swarm.

2. The secret is encrypted and stored.
3. A service is created and the secret is attached.
4. Secrets are stored in-flight.
5. The secret is mounted into the container of a service.
6. When the task is complete, the in-memory is torn down.

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Working with Docker Security

In this lesson we will start implementing some of the Docker security practices.

Seccomp Profile

docker container run --security-opt seccomp=[PROFILE] [IMAGE] [CMD]

Testing Seccomp:

docker container run --rm -it alpine sh

mount /dev/sda1 /tmp
swapoff -a

Using a custom Seccomp profile:

mkdir -p seccomp/profiles/chmod
cd seccomp/profiles/chmod

Remove chmod , fchmod and fchmodat from the syscalls whitelist. Syscalls starts at
line 52.

Applying the custom Seccomp profile:

docker container run --rm -it --security-opt \

seccomp=./default.json alpine sh
chmod +r /usr

Dropping Capabilities:

docker container run --cap-drop=[CAPABILITY] [IMAGE] [CMD]

Test mknod :

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docker container run --rm -it alpine sh

mknod /dev/random2 c 1 8

Disable mknod :

docker container run --rm -it --cap-drop=MKNOD alpine sh

mknod /dev/random2 c 1 8

Control Groups
Limiting CPU and memory:

docker container run -it --cpus=[VALUE] --memory=[VALUE][SIZE] \

--memory-swap [VALUE][SIZE] [IMAGE] [CMD]

Setting memory limits on a container:

docker container run -d --name resource-limits --cpus=".5" \

--memory=512M --memory-swap=1G rivethead42/weather-app

Inspect resource-limits:

docker container inspect resource-limits

Running Docker Bench for Security

Running Docker Bench Security:

docker container run --rm -it --network host --pid host --userns host --cap-add a
-v /var/lib:/var/lib \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /usr/lib/systemd:/usr/lib/systemd \
-v /etc:/etc --label docker_bench_security \

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2/16/2020 52 - Docker content trust.html

Docker Content Trust

In this lesson you will learn how to sign images and enable Docker Content Trust to
ensure that the images you are pulling have been verified.

Creating a Key:

docker trust key generate [NAME]

Importing a Key:

docker trust key load [PEM] --name [NAME]

Add a signer:

docker trust signer add --key [PEM] [NAME] [REPOSITORY]

Remove a signer:

docker trust signer remove [NAME] [REPOSITORY]

Signing an image:

docker trust sign [IMAGE]:[TAG]

Using DCT to sign an image

Tag the image that will be signed:

docker image tag [USERNAME]/weather-app:latest [USERNAME]/dct:latest

Create a Key:

docker trust key generate [NAME]

Add your signer user:

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2/16/2020 52 - Docker content trust.html

docker trust signer add --key [NAME].pub [NAME] [USERNAME]/dct

Sign and push your image to Docker Hub:

docker trust sign [USERNAME]/dct:

docker image push [USERNAME]/dct:latest

Remove the Docker image [USERNAME]/weather-app :

docker image rm [USERNAME]/weather-app:latest

Pull [USERNAME]/weather-app :

docker image pull [USERNAME]/weather-app

Remove the Nginx image:

docker image rm nginx:latest

Pull the image:

docker image pull nginx:latest

Enabling DCT

vi /etc/docker/daemon.json


"content-trust": {
"mode": "enforced"

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2/16/2020 53 - Working with secrets.html

Working with Secrets

In this lesson, we will start working with Docker Secrets to protect sensitive data, such
as passwords and API Keys.

Docker secrets commands:

create : Create a secret from a file or STDIN as content

inspect : Display detailed information on one or more secrets
ls : List secrets
rm : Remove one or more secrets

Creating a secret:

STDIN | docker secret create [NAME] -

List secrets:

docker secret ls

Inspecting a secret:

docker secret inspect [NAME]

Using secrets:

docker service create --name [NAME] --secret [SECERT] [IMAGE]

Deleting a secret:

docker secret rm [NAME]

Setup environment:

mkdir Secrets
cd secrets

Create a secret using STDIN:

openssl rand -base64 20 | docker secret create my_secret_data -

Create a secret using a file:

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2/16/2020 53 - Working with secrets.html

openssl rand -base64 20 > secret.txt

docker secret create my_secret_data2 secret.txt

Create a service using a secret:

docker service create --name redis --secret my_secret_data redis:alpine

Find the node the service is running on:

docker service ps redis

Remove secret my_secret_data2 :

docker secret rm my_secret_data2

Generate password files:

openssl rand -base64 20 > db_password.txt

openssl rand -base64 20 > db_root_password.txt

Create a Wordpress Stack:

vi docker-compose.yml

docker-compose.yml contents:

version: '3.1'

image: mysql:5.7
- db_data:/var/lib/mysql
aliases: ["db"]
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/db_root_password
MYSQL_USER: wordpress
MYSQL_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/db_password
- db_root_password

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2/16/2020 53 - Working with secrets.html

- db_password

- db
image: wordpress:latest
aliases: ["wordpress"]
- "8001:80"
WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/db_password
- db_password

file: db_password.txt
file: db_root_password.txt

driver: "overlay"
internal: true
driver: "overlay"

Deploy stack:

docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml wp

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2/16/2020 I - DOCKER NETWORKING.html

Docker Networking

We’re developing a new containerized application for a client. The application will
consist of two containers: one for the frontend application, and one for the database.
Our client has security concerns about the database, and they want it to run on a
private network that is not publicly accessible.

So, we’ll need to create two networks. One will house the frontend application that is
publicly accessible, and the other network, which is flagged as internal, is where the
database will reside. We have to create a MySQL container connected to the private
network and an Nginx container that is connect to both networks.

Get logged in
Use the credentials and server IP in the hands-on lab overview page to log into the
server with SSH.

Create the frontend network

We’re going to create a bridge network called frontend that will be publicly

[user@host]$ docker network create frontend

Create the localhost network

Now we’ve got to create a second bridge network called localhost that will be

[user@host]$ docker network create localhost --internal

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2/16/2020 I - DOCKER NETWORKING.html

Create a MySQL container

We need a database, so we’ll deploy a MySQL container called database that uses the
localhost network, and runs in the background. We’ll use the mysql 5.7 image:

[user@host]$ docker container run -d --name database \

--network localhost \

Create an Nginx container

Next, we’ve got to deploy a second container call frontend-app and publish port 80
on the host to port 80 on the container. The container will be attached to both of the
frontend networks. We’ll use the latest Nginx image, and set the container should
run in the background:

[user@host]$ docker container run -d \

--name frontend-app \
--network frontend \

Connect frontend-app to the internal

Now that the Nginx container is created, and is connected to the internet, we’ve got to
connect it to the localhost network. To make sure both containers are running, run a
quick docker container ls . Once we’re sure they’re up, we can do the actual

[user@host]$ docker network connect localhost frontend-app

Now let’s peek at the container frontend-app :

[user@host]$ docker container inspect frontend-app

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2/17/2020 II - DOCKER VOLUMES.html

Docker Volumes

The Scenario
We need to deploy a MySQL container to our development environment. Because we
will be working with mock customer data that needs to be persistent, the container will
need a volume. Create a volume called mysql_data . Then deploy a MySQL container
that will use this volume to store database files.

Log in to the environment using the credentials provided on the lab page either in a
terminal session on your local machine or by clicking Instant Terminal.

Create a Volume Called mysql_data

First we’ll use the docker volume command to create a volume called mysql_data :

[cloud_user@host]$ docker volume create mysql_data

Create a MySQL Container

Then we’ll run the docker container command to create a MySQL container:

[cloud_user@host]$ docker container run -d --name app-database \

--mount type=volume,source=mysql_data,target=/var/lib/mysql \

Create a volume called mysql_data , then deploy a MySQL container called app-
database . Use the mysql latest image, and use the -e flag to set
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD to P4sSw0rd0 . Use the mount flag to mount the mysql_data
volume to /var/lib/mysql . The container should run in the background.

We can confirm that everything worked with:

[cloud_user@host]$ docker container inspect app-database

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Creating Images Using a Dockerfile

In this hands-on lab, using instructions in a Dockerfile, we’ll build an image and then
test it by creating a container that uses it.

Log In
Log in to the environment using the credentials provided on the lab page either in a
terminal session on your local machine or by clicking Instant Terminal.

Creating Images Using a Dockerfile

Create a Dockerfile.
1. Change directory to weather-app .

cd weather-app/

2. Open the editor:

vi Dockerfile

3. Enter the Dockerfile contents:

FROM node AS source

RUN mkdir -p /node/weather-app
ADD src/ /node/weather-app
WORKDIR /node/weather-app
RUN npm install

FROM node:alpine
LABEL org.label-schema.version=$APP_VERSION
ENV NODE_ENV="production"
COPY --from=source /node/weather-app /node/weather-app
WORKDIR /node/weather-app
ENTRYPOINT ["./bin/www"]

file:///home/wiciu/Documents/DevOps/Docker dd - la/html/III - CREATING IMAGES USING A DOCKERFILE.html 1/2


Build the image.

1. Change to the source directory:

cd src

2. Enter the following to get the Git commit hash:

git log -1 --pretty=%H

3. Drop back to the weather-app directory:

cd ../

4. Build the image:

sudo docker image build -t linuxacademy/weather-app:<HASH> \

--build-arg VERSION=1.5 .

Deploy a test container using the image just

1. Create the weather-app container:

sudo docker container run -d --name weather-app -p 8080:3000 linuxacademy/w

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Tagging and Pushing Images to


The Scenario
We’ve just completed building a Dockerfile, and we’re ready to push it to Docker Hub.
We need to build our image with the VERSION build argument that is set to 1.5 ,
then tag the image to latest , and finally push both images to Docker Hub.

Logging Into the Lab

First make sure that you have a Docker Hub account. We’ll need it to complete the lab.
Then log into the environment using the credentials provided on the lab overview
page, either in a terminal session on your local machine or by clicking Instant

Log in to Docker Hub

Login to Docker Hub:

[cloud_user@host]$ docker login -u [DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME]

Get the Git Commit Hash

Use Git commit hash as the image tag:

[cloud_user@host]$ cd weather-app
[cloud_user@host]$ cd src
[cloud_user@host]$ git log -1 --pretty=%H

The next line will be the has we need.

Build the weather-app Image

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Now let’s move up a directory and build the image:

[cloud_user@host]$ cd ../
[cloud_user@host]$ docker image build -t [USERNAME]/weather-app:[HASH \
--build-arg VERSION=1.5 .

Tag the weather-app Image as Latest

[cloud_user@host]$ docker image tag [USERNAME]/weather-app:[HASH] \


Push Both Images to Docker Hub

[cloud_user@host]$ docker image push [USERNAME]/weather-app:[HASH]

[cloud_user@host]$ docker image push [USERNAME]/weather-app:latest

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Creating a Stack with Docker


After a few months of debate, we’ve decided to set up a cooking blog. After
researching different platforms, we’ve chosen Wordpress with MySQL. We have a
swarm cluster already set up where we host customer sites. To make maintaining
Wordpress easier, we’ve decided to set it up as a stack. We’ll need to create the
Docker Compose file, deploy the stack, and finish the Wordpress setup.

Log In
Log in to the environment using the credentials provided on the lab page, either in a
terminal session on your local machine or by clicking Instant Terminal. Note that
there are two servers to log into, the manager and the worker.

Complete the Swarm Setup

We’ll start off by getting a join token. On the master node, run this:

[cloud_user@manager]$ docker swarm join-token worker

Copy the join token, and then run it on the worker node:

[cloud_user@worker]$ docker swarm join --token [TOKEN] [MANAGER_PRIVATE_IP]:2377

Now, to see if things are running, execute this on the manager:

[cloud_user@manager]$ docker node ls

We should see two nodes, each with a STATUS of Ready and an Availability of Active.

Create the Compose File

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Next up, we’ll create the compose file on the master node. Use whatever text editor
you like, but the file needs to be named docker-compose.yml , and these are the

version: '3'

image: mysql:5.7
- db_data:/var/lib/mysql
MYSQL_USER: wordpress

- db
image: wordpress:latest
- "80:80"

internal: true

Create the Wordpress Blog

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Deploy the stack with:

[cloud_user@manager]$ docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml wp

To make sure it was created, run:

[cloud_user@manager]$ docker stack ls

We should see out wp stack. To look further, use this command:

[cloud_user@manager]$ docker stack ls

This will show us the running services, and we can see that each has 1/1 replicas.
This means everything is working right.

Complete the Wordpress Setup

Now that we know everything is running, we can browse (in a web browser) to the
public IP of our master node and land on the Wordpress setup page. Use whatever
language you’re comfortable with, fill out the form, and let Wordpress do the rest.
We’ll land at the Wordpress login page once the install finishes.

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In the lab directory you will find two directories. The nginx directory has Dockerfie and
nginx.conf file. Nginx will be used to load balance the weather-app. The weather-app
directory has the Dockerfile and source code.

In the lab directory, create a docker compose file.

Setting up the weather-app

Make sure the version you are using is 3
Create three weather-app services: weather-app1 , weather-app2 , weather-app3 .
Each one should build an image that is located in the weather-app directory.
It will take one argument VERSION and set it to v2.0.
For weather-app1 publish port 8080 to 3000 on the container.
For weather-app2 publish port 8081 to 3000 on the container.
For weather-app3 publish port 8082 to 3000 on the container.
All three weather-app containers will be on the weather_app network which is
The NODE_ENV environment variable will be set to production.

Setting up Nginx
Create a service called nginx.
Update upstream localhost in nginx.conf to include the three containers with their
private port.
Example: server [APP-NAME]:[PORT]
Build an image using the Dockerfile in the nginx directory.
Set tty to true.
Publish port 80 to port 80 on the container.
The nginx container will be on two networks: frontend and weather_app .

Setting up the Networks:

Create a public network called frontend .
Create an internal network called weather_app .

Deploy the services:

Bring up the services. Test to make sure that everything is working by curling

file:///home/wiciu/Documents/DevOps/Docker dd - la/html/VII - BUILDING A MICROSERVICE WITH A DOCKER COMPOSE.html 1/3


Create docker-compose.yml:

vi docker-compose.yml


version: '3'
context: ./weather-app
- VERSION=v2.0
- "8080:3000"
- weather_app
- NODE_ENV=production
context: ./weather-app
- VERSION=v2.0
- "8081:3000"
- weather_app
- NODE_ENV=production
context: ./weather-app
- VERSION=v2.0
- "8082:3000"
- weather_app
- NODE_ENV=production
build: ./nginx

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tty: true
- '80:80'
- frontend
- weather_app

internal: true

Update nginx/nginx.conf:

vi nginx/nginx.conf


events { worker_connections 1024; }

http {
upstream localhost {
server weather-app1:3000;
server weather-app2:3000;
server weather-app3:3000;
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost;
proxy_set_header Host $host;

Create the compose service:

docker-compose up -d

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Setting up Docker Swarm

The Scenario
After years of running containers on a single Docker host, we’ve decided to migrate
over to using Docker Swarm. Using Swarm will allow our clients to scale the number of
containers up, as demand increases, and then down as demand dies off.

Before we can do this, we first need to set up a swarm cluster consisting of a manager
and a worker node. Once setup is complete, create an Nginx service to test the cluster.

Log In
Log in to the environment using the credentials provided on the lab page, either in a
terminal session on your local machine or by clicking Instant Terminal. Note that
there are two servers to log into, the manager and the worker.

Initialize the Swarm

On the manager node, initialize the swarm:

[cloud_user@manager]$ docker swarm init \

--advertise-addr [MANAGER_PRIVATE_IP]

After this runs, we’ll get a docker swarm join command that we can then go run from
the worker. Copy it.

Add the Worker to the Cluster

Now we can paste the docker swarm join command in a terminal on the worker:

[cloud_user@worker]$ docker swarm join --token [TOKEN] \


On the manager, we can run docker node ls and see both of them, if all went well.

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Create a Swarm Service

Let’s create an Nginx service in the swarm. Run this command on the master node:

[cloud_user@master]$ docker service create -d \

--name nginx_service \
-p 8080:80 \
--replicas 2 \

Now we can run (still on the master node) docker service ls and see
nginx_service running, and that it’s running on both nodes.

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Using Watchtower to Keep

Containers up to Date

We’re tired of having to manually update several containers, so we’ve decided to look
for an automated solution.

After doing some research, we have discovered Watchtower, a container that updates
all running containers when changes are made to the image that it is running.

We need to create a Dockerfile that will be used to create a Docker image. The image
will be pushed to Docker Hub.

Next, you will create a container using this image. Once the image is created, you will
deploy the Watchtower container. After Watchtower is deployed, you will update the
Dockerfile, rebuild the image, and push the changes to Docker Hub.

Watchtower checks for changes every 30 seconds. Once it detects the changes,
Watchtower will update the running container.

For more information on Watchtower you can go here.

Logging Into the Lab

First make sure that you have a Docker Hub account. We’ll need it to complete the lab.
Then log into the environment using the credentials provided on the lab overview
page, either in a terminal session on your local machine or by clicking Instant

In this lab, we will be using Watchtower to monitor containers for updates. In order to
complete this learning activity, we will need a Docker Hub account.

In the home directory of cloud_user we will find the lab directory. Change to that

Create the Dockerfile

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We need to create a Dockerfile (with any text editor you like), and put the following
into it:

FROM node
RUN mkdir -p /var/node
ADD src/ /var/node/
WORKDIR /var/node
RUN npm install
CMD ./bin/www

Log in to Docker Hub

[cloud_user@host]$ docker login -u [DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME]

Build the Docker Image

[cloud_user@host]$ docker image build \

-t [USERNAME]/lab-watchtower \
-f Dockerfile .

Push the Image to Docker Hub

docker image push USERNAME/lab-watchtower

Create a Demo Container

Create the container that Watchtower will monitor:

[cloud_user@host]$ docker container run -d --name demo-app -p 80:3000 \

--restart always USERNAME/lab-watchtower

Make sure it’s running:

[cloud_user@host]$ docker container ls

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Create the Watchtower Container

This next container will be the one monitoring the demo-app container. Start it up with

[cloud_user@host]$ docker run -d --name watchtower \

--restart always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock v2tec/watchtowe

Update the Docker Image

We need to edit Dockerfile , making a change that Watchtower will see and
implement. Add a mkdir command after the one that’s already in there:

FROM node
RUN mkdir -p /var/node
RUN mkdir -p /var/test
ADD src/ /var/node/
WORKDIR /var/node
RUN npm install
CMD ./bin/www

Rebuild the image:

[cloud_user@host]$ docker build -t [USERNAME]/lab-watchtower -f Dockerfile .

Push the new image:

[cloud_user@host]$ docker image push [USERNAME]/lab-watchtower

Now if we run docker container ls periodically, we’ll eventually see that the demo-
app container has a newer CREATED time than the watchtower container does. This
means that Watchtower saw the change we made, and restarted the other container
using the new image.

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Managing Docker with Portainer

The Scenario
We manage containers for clients on several Docker servers. But managing the hosts
has become a bit of a pain, so we’ve been looking for an all-in-one tool. We discovered
Portainer, and have decided to test it out by deploying it to one of our hosts.

Log In
Log in to the environment using the credentials provided on the lab page, either in a
terminal session on your local machine or by clicking Instant Terminal.

Create a Volume

[cloud_user@host]$ docker volume create portainer_data

Create Portainer

[cloud_user@host]$ docker container run -d --name portainer -p 8080:9000 \

--restart=always \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer

We can run docker container ls to make sure it’s running.

Log into Portainer and Create a Container

Portainer is running at our lab’s IP address on port 8080 , so head there in a browser

Create your user account and password, and on the next screen click on Local, then
Connect. Click on the local in this screen, then Container in the next one.

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Now we can click the Add container button. In the form that follows, use these

Name: lab_nginx
Image nginx:latest

Click the map additional port button, then map port 8081 to 80 on the container.
Now click Deploy the container.

Test Things
If everything is working, we should be able to look at http://:8081 in a web browser.

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Using Docker Secrets to Manage

Sensitive Data

The Scenario
In order to secure a MySQL database, we’ve decided to redeploy the container it sits in
as a Swarm service, using secrets.

We’ll use OpenSSL to generate secure passwords for both the MySQL users root and
user . Then we’ll save them to separate files. Next we’ll create secrets for these
passwords, and finally create the MySQL service using these secrets.

Log In
Log in to the environment using the credentials provided on the lab page, either in a
terminal session on your local machine or by clicking Instant Terminal. Note that
there are two servers to log into, the manager and the worker.

Complete the Swarm Setup

We’ll start off by getting a join token. On the master node, run this:

[cloud_user@manager]$ docker swarm join-token worker

Copy the join token, and then run it on the worker node:

[cloud_user@worker]$ docker swarm join --token [TOKEN] [MANAGER_PRIVATE_IP]:2377

We should get a message about this node joining a swarm as a worker. We’re good to
go, and we can shut the worker terminal down.

Create Secrets
Back in the manager node, we need to create the MySQL root password:

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[cloud_user@manager]$ openssl rand -base64 20 > mysql_root_password.txt

[cloud_user@manager]$ docker secret create \
mysql_root_password mysql_root_password.txt

Create a MySQL user password:

[cloud_user@manager]$ openssl rand -base64 20 > mysql_password.txt

[cloud_user@manager]$ docker secret create mysql_password mysql_password.txt

Create an Overlay Network for the Service

[cloud_user@manager]$ docker network create -d overlay mysql_private

Create the MySQL Service

[cloud_user@manager]$ docker service create \

--name mysql_secrets \
--replicas 1 \
--network mysql_private \
--mount type=volume,destination=/var/lib/mysql \
--secret mysql_root_password \
--secret mysql_password \
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_FILE="/run/secrets/mysql_root_password" \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD_FILE="/run/secrets/mysql_password" \
-e MYSQL_USER="myUser" \

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