Stability of Buildings Part 3 Shear Walls
Stability of Buildings Part 3 Shear Walls
Stability of Buildings Part 3 Shear Walls
Part 3:
Shear walls
March 2015
A Gardner MEng(Hons) MA(Cantab) CEng MIStructE (The Institution of Structural Engineers)
P Perry BSc(Hons) CEng MIStructE MICE MHKIE (CH2M Hill) Chairman of the Reviewing Panel
E Bennett MEng (Arup)
O Brooker BEng CEng MIStructE MICE MCS (Modulus)
Dr A S Fraser BEng(Hons) PhD CEng MIStructE MICE (Arup)
J Guneratne BSc(Hons) CEng MIStructE (CH2M Hill)
R Marshall BEng(Hons) MIPENZ (Buro Happold)
The use of Arup internal guidance documents in developing this Guide is gratefully
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with the permission of the following organisations and individuals:
Figures 2.4, 3.1, 6.7, 6.8, 7.2: Arup
Figure 7.11a: The Structural Timber Association
Figures 7.11b, 7.14: Milner Associates
Figure 8.2b: ‘Reinforced concrete frame with brick masonry infill walls, India’ by
A. Charleson (GEM Nexus website [or]) is
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Box 3.2: J.K. Nakata, United States Geological Survey
Box 3.3: Halcrow Atkins Joint Venture
Box 6.3: SKM anthony hunts
Boxes 7.1, 7.5, 7.6b: Arup
Box 7.3: Wellcome Images
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Box 7.6a: Frank P Palmer
The Institution of Structural Engineers and those individuals who contributed to this Guide have
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The following definitions are provided to explain how the listed terms are used specifically in this Guide. They
may differ to definitions found in other documents.
Term Definition
Action or load An influencing effect, normally external to the structure, that causes movement, deformation and/or internal
stresses. The two terms are largely interchangeable; ‘action’ is favoured by the Eurocodes while ‘load’ is more
common throughout the design codes of English-language countries. Both terms are used herein.
Braced Stabilised in sway by other connected elements or systems such that the subject element does not experience a
significant sway moment. Structural elements or systems that are not braced are ‘unbraced’. The term braced is
not to be confused with ‘bracing’ which is a type of structural component.
Centroid The point on a cross-section, defined by the intersection of the neutral axes, through which a pure axial load will
result in a uniform stress.
Coupled Two or more elements with joints that resist longitudinal shear and make the flexural stiffness of the system
greater than the sum of the parts.
Deflection head A detail that allows differential vertical movement at the top of a non-loadbearing wall/panel. The detail may or
may not provide in- and/or out-of-plane shear resistance.
Effective height The length of an ideal pin ended wall that would have the same buckling load as the actual wall to which it relates.
Force A type of action, causing both stresses and strains within a resisting static structure.
Horizontal An element, frame or assembly orientated in a horizontal or near horizontal plane that transfers lateral actions
stability system through the structure (generally connecting the façade to the vertical stability systems).
Hybrid system A structure that contains more than one type of vertical stability system. This is usually with a combination of
shear walls, framed bracing or portalisation.
In-plane Characteristics (e.g. stiffness) or effects (e.g. actions) considered in a vertical plane that are orthogonal to a
wall’s or wall system’s major axis. For a planar wall, these are the characteristics or effects in the plane of the
wall. Out-of-plane characteristics or effects are those orthogonal to a system’s minor axis.
Insulated Also known as ‘structural insulated panel systems’ (SIPS), a pre-cast composite wall element combining layers of
sandwich materials to deliver structural and insulation (acoustic and/or thermal) performance. The structural component is
panels typically either reinforced concrete or timber.
Lateral load- The total structural system that acts to resist lateral loads comprising both horizontal and vertical stability
resisting system systems together with façade elements (windposts, cladding rails, etc.) and the substructure.
Length The longer plan dimension of a wall. For planar walls, this is orthogonal to the major axis.
Loadbearing A wall that resists vertical actions. Walls that resist in-plane lateral forces but not vertical actions are defined as
‘non-loadbearing’ herein. Meanwhile partitions and façade elements that only resist out-of-plane local pressures
are defined as ‘non-structural’.
Load path The complete route by which any applied or induced stress is transmitted through a structure to the foundations
via a system of interconnected elements.
Modular ratio The ratio of moduli of elasticity for two composite materials. In the context of reinforced concrete, it is the ratio
of the steel modulus divided by the concrete modulus.
Non-structural An element that can be removed without detrimental impact on the retained structure.
Precast Used generically for any construction process that is not completed in situ. This includes processes that are
more accurately described as pre-formed or pre-assembled.
Secant modulus The average gradient (stiffness) plotted as a straight line between two defined points on a stress–strain curve. It
of elasticity differs to the tangent stiffness which is the gradient of a tangent to the stress–strain curve at a given point on
the curve.
Shear centre The longitudinal axis through which a transverse shear will cause a linear displacement without twist, and about
which a torque will cause pure rotation.
Slender An element that is prone to buckling at a load less than the material strength would imply. Structural elements
that are not slender are ‘stocky’.
Soft storey Those storeys that have undergone ill-conceived structural alterations leading to a structural system that is
particularly highly utilised and vulnerable to failure.
U-value The thermal transmittance of a material, it is a measure of the power loss per metre squared per degree Kelvin
temperature gradient (standard units W/m2/K). It is the inverse of the thermal resistivity.
Vertical stability An element, frame or assembly orientated in a vertical or near vertical plane that transfers lateral actions through
system the structure (generally down towards the ground). These systems form part of the lateral load-resisting structure.
An applied force
A movement/displacement
Centre of stiffness
Lateral restraint
Solid wall section
Components of stiffness
The following notation is used in equations. Further notation is defined in the body text and within figures
where used.
A Cross-section area
E Young’s modulus of elasticity
G Shear modulus
I Section second moment of area
J Section torsion constant
L Wall height
Le Effective wall height
b Wall cross-section length on plan
k Stiffness
t Wall cross-section thickness
e Strain
s Normal stress
t Shear stress
3 Requirements of walls 11
3.1 Introduction 11
3.2 Wall locations 11
3.3 Non-structural partitions and non-loadbearing
panels 11
3.4 Cores 12
3.5 Vertical access and transportation 12
3.6 Service risers and distribution 14
3.7 Insulation and compartmentalisation 15
3.8 References 15
This Guide is the third part in a four-part series on plane horizontal forces may be termed shear walls,
lateral load-resisting ‘stability’ systems for buildings. cross walls, spine walls, raking panels or vertical
Its focus is the use, analysis and design of shear diaphragms. These terms are largely interchangeable,
walls. though each has origin in a different material trade.
To avoid ambiguity, the term ‘shear wall’ is adopted
Walls have provided stability to buildings generally throughout this Guide. A further term ‘shear
intentionally or otherwise for many centuries. They infill panel’ is used to describe the subset of walls
are almost exclusively vertical and are inherently that resist only in-plane lateral loads (i.e. not vertical
stiff in-plane. However, perhaps more significant to loads). Meanwhile, the term ‘wall system’ is used
their widespread application, walls are essential herein to discuss any arrangement of coupled shear
components of most buildings to divide space walls.
and isolate environmental conditions. This remains
as true today as it has done throughout history This Guide discusses walls that are planar, flanged or
and it is rare that the structural design of walls is arranged as a core. The torsional behaviour of these
devoid of non-structural criteria. Continuing to wall systems is given specific attention – with
evolve are acoustic, thermal and fire criteria Chapter 4 dedicated to fundamental theory.
together with material technologies and Chapter 5 discusses modelling techniques focusing
construction techniques. mainly on computer analysis methods.
Relatively recent changes in building form have seen This Guide describes common characteristics of
an ascendency in open-plan, flexible shear walls before considering various
accommodation, paired with ever taller and larger constructions in turn. These are split into three
buildings. Through this evolution, framed structures categories: in situ monolithic shear walls
have come to the fore and walls have become (Chapter 6), non-monolithic shear walls (Chapter 7)
engineered systems that fulfil specific criteria. Modern and non-vertical loadbearing (non-loadbearing)
construction distinguishes between non-structural shear infill panels (Chapter 8).
‘partitions’, ‘cladding’ and ‘façade’ elements that are
isolated in-plane from the structure on the one hand, Relevance and aims
and ‘structural walls’ that transfer in-plane forces on This Guide is an introduction written primarily for
the other. Within the subset of walls classed as design engineers, particularly those approaching a
structural, walls can resist vertical forces, in-plane professional review. Together with Part 1 of the
horizontal forces, out-of-plane horizontal forces or a Institution’s sister publication Stability of buildings,
combination thereof (Figure 1.1). Walls that resist in- Parts 1 and 2: General philosophy and framed
bracing, it introduces many generic principles –
theoretical and applied – that are associated with
shear wall design. However, it is not the intention that
this Guide provides detailed ‘how to’ instructions on
design, and reading it will not automatically make a
Vertical actions designer proficient to work autonomously. Rather, this
Guide aims to supplement supervised learning by
increasing background knowledge on the topic. To
this end, we hope the Guide helps promote a
In-plane thoughtful attitude towards design that is based on a
horizontal breadth of knowledge.
Finally it is important to note that this Guide is not
limited to a discussion of ‘best practice’ systems.
Chapters 7 and 8 intentionally include a variety of
systems not all of which are in favour, at least in the
UK. These systems exist in buildings standing today
and many of today’s engineers will be required to
carry out designs for retrospective alterations. This is
the motivation for including any guidance on
Out-of-plane controversial systems.
Further reading: stability
The following text is a recommended source of further guidance:
– Institution of Structural Engineers. Stability of buildings.
Parts 1 and 2: General philosophy and framed bracing.
London: IStructE, 2014
Figure 1.1 Actions on structural walls
Designers’ checklist
Actions – applied:
Are minimum and maximum gravity load cases considered?
Are wind, soil, ground surcharge and hydrostatic lateral forces considered?
Are accidental and extreme actions including impact, fire and earthquakes considered?
Actions – induced:
Will actions result from the restraint of arches, domes, catenaries, nets?
Will actions result from initial imperfections?
Will actions result from inelastic strains?
Will actions result from the restraint of post-tensioning and other elastic strains?
Second-order PD effects:
Is the structure sway sensitive/do PD effects need to be considered?
Combinations of actions:
Are all critical combinations for all elements/failure mechanisms evaluated?
Accommodating movement:
Are viable movements understood and quantified?
Are any movement joints necessary and/or incorporated?
Are these accurately portrayed in the analysis?
Are significant movements resisted by the structure?
Are corresponding forces (actions and reactions) allowed for throughout the load path?
Does the design take due account of force redistribution resulting from creep or ground movement?
Are all parts of the structure adequately served by load paths to ensure stability, noting load paths and movement joints are irreconcilable?
How many independent structures exist; is each one stable?
Load paths:
How do forces acting on the façade transfer to the horizontal stability systems? Where the façade spans onto beams, are they
restrained or bending in their minor axis?
How do forces acting on the horizontal stability systems transfer to the vertical stability structures?
How stiff are both the horizontal stability structures and the connections from the horizontal to vertical stability structures?
How do forces transfer through the vertical stability structures?
How are forces transferred from the superstructure into the substructure?
How are forces transferred from the substructure into the soil?
Are the interfaces of the above six line items adequate?
Are there any aspects of the structure, small or large, that do not follow the normal pattern? Do these have suitable load paths of
Are all eccentricities accounted for in the analysis?
Braced or unbraced:
Is the structure braced, unbraced, or a hybrid?
Are effective heights correctly determined, taking account of relative stiffnesses and joint rotations where necessary?
Design – stability, strength, service and robustness:
Is the structure in static equilibrium: rotational and linear?
Are all elements and connections adequate to transfer the design actions?
Are deflections, rotations and the natural frequency each within permissible bounds?
Is the structure deemed robust in the event of failure to any of the stability structures? Does the design safeguard against
progressive collapse?
Is the disposition of the stability system, and are all design assumptions communicated to the contractor?
Is the disposition of the stability system, and are all design assumptions communicated to the contractor?
Are all parties clear and in agreement on their responsibility?
Is the transfer of information understood by and compatible to all parties, e.g. are actions characteristic or factored values?
Where existing structures are involved, is the stability of these understood before demolition works start?
Are new and existing parts to be connected or isolated from one another?
Alterations and maintenance:
Will new structure provide support to, or act on existing structures?
Are ‘as built’ records available for the existing structure?
Are these accurate to the structure and inclusive of any previous modifications?
Can elements within the completed structure be maintained?
Figure 1.2 Designers’ checklist for design of lateral load resisting stability systems
This Guide does not cover general considerations of
lateral load-resisting ‘stability’ systems or the broader
topics of actions, movements and load paths. These
are discussed in Part 1 of this series. It is
recommended that designers familiarise themselves
with this before embarking on a stability design.
Figure 1.2 reproduces the designers’ checklist from
Part 1 for quick reference.
Flanged ‘core’
Coupling across
Coupling at
(a) (b)
Figure 2.4 Wall-floor beam connections showing steel beams Figure 2.5 Structural failure mechanisms: (a) tension and/or compression, (b) horizontal
and reinforced concrete core wall shear, (c) vertical shear, (d) buckling
Masonry and reinforced concrete are widely available, 2.5 Monolithic and jointed construction
have high compressive strength and are non-
combustible. They also both allow large, heavy
panels to be constructed in situ with manageable Structural shear walls fall into two categories: in situ
constituents. and monolithic or precast with joints. Only in situ
reinforced concrete leads to structures that can be
Timber, used mostly as an engineered product, is considered wholly monolithic. All other materials tend
lightweight and sustainable when sourced from to result in structures made up of parts and joints.
managed plantations. It is however combustible and
the least stiff of the materials listed. It also suffers The implications of each are discussed in more detail
from significant shear deformation and can suffer in Chapters 6 and 7.
dimensional instability.
Nx Nx Pinned Rigid or semi-rigid
δy δy
Rigid Pinned
x or rigid
x x
Figure 2.8 Buckling modes for walls subject to in-plane shear and axial force Figure 2.9 Comparison of behaviour of shear wall and
moment frame structures
These are shown for a planar wall in Figure 2.8 but More recently, the slenderness ratio has also been
may apply to walls of more complicated cross- defined as a function of the resistance without buckling
section geometry. divided by the elastic critical bucking load. This is the
definition used, for example, by BS EN 19932.7.
Both lateral torsional buckling and Euler buckling can
apply simultaneously, impacting on the axial The slenderness ratio relates to a ‘slenderness limit’
compression and major axis bending moment that is the cut-off between elements being classed
capacities of a wall. However, only one Euler mode ‘slender’ (and thus vulnerable to buckling) or ‘stocky’.
will govern; whether this is in the major or minor axis Both the ratio and the limit must always be taken
is dependent on the effective unrestrained heights from the same code.
and flexural stiffnesses of the wall in each of these
axes. Slenderness of unrestrained wall system
The slenderness of an unrestrained wall system
Individual shear walls can often be regarded as concerns global buckling and is a function of the
statically determinate ‘unbraced’ cantilevers in their
major axes. Floor systems will usually provide an in-
plane link between walls but do not normally provide x
a significant coupling effect. This differentiates the z
majority of shear wall structures from moment frames
(Figure 2.9). y
(Ley = Lez = 2L)
x z
2.8 Slenderness and effective heights
(Ley = 2L)
br >
Restraint from slab
diaphragms top and bottom
hr > 0.5h
Return wall
Subject wall L
b is the length of the wall
L is the height of the wall
h is the thickness of the wall
br is the length of the return (supporting) wall Short stub wall inadequate as a restraint but may count towards
hr is the thickness of the return wall the subject wall’s effective thickness or radius of gyration
Figure 2.13 Illustration to support BS EN 1992 Part 1-1 Table 12.1 and Clause
2.9 Limit state philosophy and initial wall Serviceability performance criteria can often govern
sizing shear wall design, whether it be movement,
acceleration, cracking, another characteristic, or a
combination thereof that dominates. Both deflection
Analysis at the ultimate limit state (ULS) may consider and dynamic behaviour are related to stiffness which
only those components of the structure that are is in turn dependent on geometry and material elastic
essential to the principal load path. Meanwhile, moduli. Height to length (L/b) ratios are a useful
analysis at the serviceability limit state (SLS) should starting point for sizing walls and/or choosing viable
consider all components of the structure that may systems. Table 2.1 lists guide values for a number of
undergo elastic deformation. materials and constructions.
Figure 2.15 Ultimate and serviceability models of a monolithic wall and slab system
L is the overall height of the wall.
b is the overall length of the wall on plan.
a These are guide ratios only; they are not rules and design
solutions may fall outside the ranges given.
b Ratios are derived for wall sections without dominant
openings (i.e. where the second moment of area, I, is
proportional to L4 and vertical shear deformation is not
c The performance of any specific structure at any nominated
ratio will depend on the loading which is usually a function
of the tributary load area and/or building mass.
2.10 References
3.1 Introduction Requirements for, and the likelihood of, future layout
changes should be considered when planning
structural walls. While cellular construction is often
Together with floor slabs, walls are often integral efficient as designed, the widespread structure can
components in the form, environment and function of be prohibitive to future changes of use. This can lead
a building. In this way they differ from columns, to low whole-life efficiency if the inflexibility of the
beams and foundations that usually satisfy structural layout becomes the cause of premature
functions only. This chapter introduces a number of decommissioning or major structural remodelling
non-structural performance requirements. It focuses works. Hence it can be advantageous to design for
on the direct and/or indirect effects these have on the fewer structural walls especially where the walls are
structural design. only lightly stressed. Additional partitions can then be
added and removed as non-structural items.
Structural engineers should not take for granted that Partitions that are temporary are not suitable for use as
structural walls can be included in the façade structural stability elements unless the design
especially where large doorways are required. Natural specifically allows for the partitions to be removed. Non-
ventilation and/or daylighting requirements can dictate structural partitions should be considered as nothing
strict criteria for the geometry of windows, while the more than superimposed mass and a surface attracting
installation and maintenance strategy for significant lateral actions that transfer to the adjoining structure.
plant or operational equipment may affect the
permanence of parts of the façade. Walls that are discontinuous from one storey to the
next may be used as non-loadbearing shear infill
Similarly structural engineers should consider all panels within a frame (Chapter 8). They are, however,
special storeys that might break the continuity of the generally not suitable as vertical load carrying shear
vertical structure from one storey to the next. By walls unless they land upon suitable transfer structures
example ground floors, basement levels and any that transfer both vertical and horizontal loads to
internal plant floors will often have very different structural elements continuing below.
functional requirements to typical floors. These
requirements may prevent walls being continuous Any non-structural partitions or façade elements
from one floor to the next and heighten the risk of should be installed with connections that can
localised instability (Box 3.2). accommodate in-plane differential movement. This is
Cross wall
Non-structural façade
Doors and service
voids to corridor
to prevent unintentional load paths that could Whether a building has centralised or dispersed
otherwise lead to premature failure of one or more stairwells is often a function of emergency egress
panels. Removed from the load path, these non- criteria. These criteria, together with the functional
structural elements must not be relied upon to brief, inform the initial concept developed by the
provide any in-plane resistance or stiffness. However, architect. However, while the building layout is fluid,
they must be self-stable in all unrestrained axes and structural engineers can contribute structural drivers
of adequate strength and stiffness to withstand direct into the mix, collaborating with the wider design team
actions (e.g. wind pressure) without loss of integrity. to guide the architect through the early space
Note Lifts
The steel frame is independently stabilised, in this instance Specific to lifts, overruns are often necessary at both
with framed bracing. the top and bottom and often define the vertical
extents of the walls. These may have an impact on
Figure 3.2 Non-structural precast lift shaft providing support
the design actions, the global slenderness, and the
to lift guide rails only
interfaces with other structural components (the roof,
substructure or transfers).
Both lift and stair shafts require access openings, Lift systems will often require smooth, accurately
usually regular in size and location at every storey. formed internal walls, constructed to tight tolerances
The result is often a ladder effect, with planar sections and without projections (e.g. surface-mounted
of wall punctuated in a regular arrangement, as connections). BS 5655-63.2, by example,
shown in Figs 2.6b, 2.6c and 3.1. recommends that shafts should be sized with a
50mm tolerance zone provided to all four sides for
Penetrations the size of doorways and stacked one lifts up to 20 storeys, with an additional 1mm per
above another will often have significant impact on storey up to a maximum of 100mm for lifts over
the behaviour of a wall, bringing into play the coupling 70 storeys.
effects introduced in Section 2.6. Where possible
there may be advantages in making the penetrated Although critical, internal shaft dimensions often
walls non-structural and discounting them from the remain in abeyance through much of the design
analysis. Among other benefits, this allows the development until the preferred lift manufacturer is
structural design to proceed in advance of precise contracted (often past the point at which the
locations and sizes of the doors being known. It also architectural space planning becomes fixed). The
allows for delayed construction and the future structural engineer should bear this in mind, stating
removal of the non-structural element, possibly any assumptions on preliminary drawings, and
needed for the installation and replacement of a lift possibly allowing tolerance when initially sizing the
car. A drawback however is the loss of torsional walls to ensure adequate thickness in the event that
rigidity that comes with an open section (Chapter 4). the internal shaft dimensions increase.
Temporary Permanent
(construction) stage stage
Here, stair flights and sections of floor slabs were omitted throughout the duration of the superstructure construction. This was to
allow for a temporary crane hall within the stair core footprint that provided construction access to works on the station tunnels below.
The omission of the stairs meant that the planar shear wall, which is situated on the perimeter of the building adjacent the site
boundary, was unrestrained in the temporary condition. Temporary bracing could not be provided as it would have impeded the
crane hall. Instead the wall had to be designed for the temporary unrestrained condition. Temporary loads included all the self-
weight of the complete superstructure plus concentrated crane loads from construction equipment supported off the wall.
the need to know exact penetration sizes. However, it achieved by meeting minimum cover and concrete
is recommended that structural engineers do class criteria; for steel it may be via an insulating
understand the nature of absolute penetration barrier layer (e.g. intumescent paint or a solid box-
dimensions to better identify and collaboratively resolve out); meanwhile for timber, a sacrificial char layer or
conflicts. Insulation, isolation and minimum separation an insulating barrier are common.
distances3.4, together with practical installation
tolerances3.5, can add significantly to the dimensions Finally a need for moisture resistance may be defined
of ducts, pipes and cable trays typically cited on the either by the serviceability requirements of the
service engineer’s drawings. accommodation or by any degrading effects of
moisture on the material of the construction (e.g.
Further reading: vertical transportation and service rusting of steel, leaching of calcium from mortar,
integration rotting of timber, etc.).
The following texts are recommended sources of further Further reading: moisture and water resistant wall
guidance on service integration: construction
– McKenna, P.D. and Lawson, R.M. Design of steel framed
buildings for service integration: interfaces. SCI Publication The following texts are recommended sources of further
166. Ascot: SCI, 1997 guidance on moisture and water resistant wall construction:
– Co-Construct. Services integration with concrete buildings – Institution of Structural Engineers. Design and construction
– Guidance for a defect-free interface. IEP 3/2004. of deep basements including cut-and-cover structures.
Bracknell: BSRIA, 2004 London: IStructE, 2004
– Co-Construct. Services coordination with structural beams. – Mott MacDonald Special Services Division. Water-resisting
IEP 2/2003. Bracknell: BSRIA, 2003 basement construction – a guide – safeguarding new and
existing basements against water and dampness. CIRIA
Report 139. London: CIRIA, 1995
Acoustic insulation is similarly defined by a sound 3.5 BS 8313: 1997: Code of practice for accommodation
reduction index (SRI) which is a logarithmic function of building services in ducts. London: BSI, 1997
of the construction’s transmission coefficient (the ratio
of incident to transmitted sound energy)3.7. The 3.6 HM Government. The Building Regulations 2010.
design value is normally established by an architect, Approved Document L1A: Conservation of fuel and
possibly in consultation with an acoustics specialist, power in new dwellings; Approved Document L2A:
and may be based on occupancy-specific guidance Conservation of fuel and power in new buildings other
such as that published in Building Bulletin 933.8. than dwellings [2013 edition for use in England].
London: NBS, 2014; Approved Document L1B:
Meanwhile, fire performance is defined by a time- Conservation of fuel and power in existing dwellings;
based rating that concerns each of: Approved Document L2B: Conservation of fuel and
– the structural adequacy (i.e. the ability to fulfil a power in existing buildings other than dwellings (2010
structural function) edition incorporating further 2010 and 2011
– the integrity of the system (i.e. the ability to amendments). London: NBS, 2011
compartmentalise a space without breach)
– the insulation of the system (i.e. the ability to 3.7 BS 8233: 2014: Guidance on sound insulation and
contain heat) noise reduction for buildings. London: BSI, 2014
The fire rating is usually established by the architect, 3.8 Department for Education and Skills. Acoustic design for
often in consultation with a fire engineer, the client’s schools: a design guide. Building Bulletin 93. London:
insurance manager, mechanical engineers (involved in The Stationery Office, 2004 [Section 1 updated by
the design of a sprinkler system), and the local fire Education Funding Agency. Acoustic performance
authority. It will often have a direct impact on the standards for the priority schools building programme.
structural design, the detail of which varies by 2012. Available at:
material. Fire rating for concrete components may be publications/standard/publicationDetail/Page1/BB93]
Box 4.2 Transverse and longitudinal complementary shears resulting from flexure
area A
Neutral axis of gross
Vz cross-section
Vertical normal
For elements that deform such that plane sections remain plane, the longitudinal shear stress tx can be derived by evaluating
Equation 4.1:
Vz Az
t2 ¼ . . .Eqn 4.1
Iyy t
Vz is the applied transverse shear force
Az is the first moment of area of the cut section measured about the neutral axis of the gross section
Iyy is the second moment of area of the gross section
t is the thickness of the cut section
Both Az and Iyy should be measured about an axis orientated perpendicular to the shear force.
Box 4.3 Shear stresses resulting from torsion for (a) an open section and (b) a closed section
Enclosed area Ω
to centre of walls
tmax ¼ . . .Eqn 4.2
bt 2
J¼ bt 3 . . .Eqn 4.3
t¼ . . .Eqn 4.4
2T V
J ¼ð . . .Eqn 4.5
T is the applied torque
t is the section thickness
b is the cross-section length of the elements that make up the section
Ð is the area enclosed by the centrelines of the walls forming a closed section
ds is the line integral of elements within a section
Thus warp restraint is a third mechanism by which considered in the walls and also as actions on the
torsion can be resisted. The resulting stress profile is supporting structure (Figure 4.3).
additional to those shown in Box 4.3 and is
commonly known as ‘warping stress’. It is associated Longitudinal stresses due to restrained warp are
with the local in-plane bending resistance of the most pronounced in open sections and can be of
individual wall panels as the section twists similar order to stresses resulting from flexure. Closed
(Figure 4.1). sections have significantly larger torsional resistance
(Box 4.3) rendering the effect of restrained warp
Importantly, warp restraint increases the rotational usually negligible, while circular sections are the only
stiffness of a section but in doing this it adds to the sections where restrained warp causes zero
longitudinal stresses in the wall. Stresses tend to additional stress (as circular sections do not warp).
peak close to the restraint and diminish moving
towards unrestrained ends (Figure 4.2). Shear walls
extending to foundations are generally considered
fully restrained at the base and free to warp at the 4.5 Lintel beams in sections subject to
top. Other shear walls (e.g. those terminating on torsion
transfer beams, or infill panels situated within a
framed system) may have less rigid warp restraint as
a function of the supporting element’s stiffness. In When an open channel twists, the section naturally
either instance, the longitudinal stresses should be wants to warp causing the wall ends to displace
longitudinally in opposite directions. This longitudinal
unrestrained movement is vertical in walls
(Figure 4.4).
Approaches constant
rate of rotation
Section deforms
through full height
with constant shear
and rate of rotation
Shear rotation
Free to warp Restrained warp
service penetrations) can have a significant – The centroid is significant for axial (vertical) forces;
detrimental effect. This sensitivity emphasises the an axial force through the centroid results in pure
importance of developing a coordinated scheme axial strain
that makes adequate provision for service – The shear centre is significant for transverse
distribution voids and doorways alike (horizontal) forces; a horizontal force through the
(Chapter 3). shear centre results in pure shear (without torsion)
Two centres govern the behaviour of a section: the Both centres lie on axes of symmetry and are only
centroid and the shear centre: coincident when a section is doubly-symmetrical. The
Restrained warp
stresses across
D/2 Qw
Shear in flanges:
from t dA ! QF ¼
Shear in web:
from vertical equilibrium Qw ¼ F
D FA ¼ 0 ! A ¼
2D 2
A model is a tool for analysis being a representation of The analysis of shear walls is a key part of a project’s
a structure, its physical behaviour and the forces and design development, from concept right through to
environmental conditions to which it is subject. All detailed production information and checking. The
models are a simplification in one way or another: rigour with which a structure is modelled should
whether they only represent part of the structure, part reflect the design stage, certainty and risk. Figure 5.1
of the behaviour, or part of the exposure conditions. In presents possible model options; these options make
most cases, the simplest possible model to achieve reference to element dimensions defined in Box 5.2.
the goal should be used. This will usually be the
easiest model to interrogate, update and (perhaps
most importantly) check.
computing power
Ease of interpretation
colleagues and checkers. This is best done by way of
a documented modelling plan contained within the
Figure 5.2 1-dimensional element models of a structure: (a) grillage model, (b) single element per wall system model, (c) single element amalgamated model
It is worth noting that it is often advantageous in Each simplification requires that the properties of the
more complex structures to use more than one of the more complicated model are known. Thus the
modelling options through the different stages of the simplifications are rarely useful for design
design development and/or in the checking. Testing development but are valued techniques for checking.
different models against one another is often far more
efficient than directly checking a single model for For design development, it is most likely the models
errors and can unearth fundamental shortcomings are used in the reverse of the order shown in Fig. 5.2.
that would not otherwise be apparent. The single element amalgamation shown in Fig. 5.2(c)
is useful as a concept, if not formally modelled, to
Engineers must also not confuse nor automatically gain a handle on the gross requirements of the
associate modelling complexity and/or simplifications stability system in the early concept development
with model accuracy. It is possible to have a highly stage. The representation shown in Fig. 5.2(b) then
accurate simple model, just as it is possible to have becomes more useful once the stability systems have
an inaccurate complicated model. The accuracy of a been located. It allows the structural engineer to
model ultimately comes down to the cumulative quickly experiment with the properties of the
impact of the simplifications, not the simplifications in individual systems and evaluate the influence of minor
themselves. Modelling elements and joints as adjustments. Finally, the grillage model shown in
perfectly elastic is a common simplification; uniform Fig. 5.2(a) is the most detailed 1-dimensional element
actions and perfectly rigid boundary conditions are model and is best suited to element verification within
others. the detailed design. Techniques to model an accurate
grillage are discussed in more detail in the next
Torsional stiffness
shear diaphragm
Lintel beam
Thickness tw
h Diaphragm of shear
stiffness GAw
Beam of flexural V
stiffness EI b and V
shear stiffness GA b
Lb Lb
VL b 3 VL
db ¼ þ b
12EI b GA b
VL b
dw ¼
GA w
A w ¼ ht w
1 L G 1
! ¼h b þ . . .Eqn 5.1
tw 12I b E Ab
|fflfflffl{zfflfflffl} |fflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflffl}
flexural shear
deformation deformation
of beam of beam
Ab is the shear area of the lintel beam
E, G are the material moduli of the lintel beam
Ib is the second moment of inertia of the lintel beam
Lb is the lintel beam length
h is the height of the equivalent diaphragm
tw is the thickness of the equivalent diaphragm
1X 3 V2
J¼ bt þ . . .Eqn 5.2
|fflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflffl} L=t w
for real t w treal walls
walls only [ L /t w dominates
b is the length of the perimeter walls excluding length Lb
V is the area enclosed by the perimeter walls, measured to the centre of the walls
Flexural stiffness
A conservative approximation of the flexural stiffness in both the major and minor axes can be approximated by considering the net
wall section taken from a cut through the wall at a level that bisects the largest wall penetrations. This will result in a section of
least stiffness.
It should be noted that the centroid will be influenced by the presence of the penetrations.
Shear stiffness
Vw L V bL b V bL b3 VL
d¼ d¼ þ d¼
Un-stressed GA w GA b 12EI b GA
(neglecting flexural component)
where V ¼ Vw þ V b ,
Lb L 3
L þ ðGA w Þ þ b
ðGA b Þ 12EI b
! ðGAÞ ¼ ... Eqn 5.3
Lb L 3
Deformed þ b
ðGA b Þ 12EI b
Lintel beam
GA is the gross equivalent shear stiffness
GA w is the shear stiffness of the solid wall
L GAb is the shear stiffness of the lintel beam
EI b is the flexural stiffness of the lintel beam
L is the overall depth of the wall system
Assume all deformation of the
coupled wall occurs in the lintel beam
Box 5.4 Notes for amalgamating multiple linked structures into a single element
The following characteristics refer to the amalgamated element. Flexural stiffness I is quoted as a simplification to the combined
effect of flexure and shear. This can be changed throughout to a more general stiffness k.
Lower case subscripts i,uu and i,vv are used to denote the stiffnesses of the i’th element in its principal major and minor axes
respectively, and i,xx i,xy and i,yy are used for the stiffnesses of the i’th element about a common global coordinate system.
Upper case subscripts are used for the single amalgamated system: XX, XY and YY define stiffnesses in the global coordinate
system while UU and VV define stiffnesses in the amalgamated system’s principal axes.
Principal second moment of The principal inertias I i,uu, I i,vv of the individual contributing components must first be converted
area stiffness properties I UU, I VV to I i,xx, I i,yy, and I i,xy about a common global axis set. These can then be summed in turn to
determine I XX, I YY and I XY for the amalgamated element. Finally, I UU and I VV can be calculated.
v y
y u
a I i,uu and I i,vv of the components must not be summed where they do not share a common
axis set.
b I i,uu, and I i,vv can be related to I i,xx, I i,yy and I i,xy, and I XX, I YY and I XY to I UU and I VV using
Mohr’s circle.
y xi
xs xs
ys ys
Single element
torsional stiffness J
Arbitrary origin P P
J¼ [J i ] þ [I i,xx(yi ys )2 þ I i,yy(x i xs )2 2I i,xy(x i x s )( y i y s )] . . .Eqn 5.4
Position The single element should be positioned at the equivalent shear centre of the systems (xs, ys),
otherwise known as the global centre of stiffness.
The coordinates can be determined relative to a reference origin by evaluating a torsion about
the origin that results in a unit linear displacement in each of the x and y axes:
Tx ¼ [I i,xy x i I i,xx y i ] . . .Eqn 5.5
Ty ¼ [I i,yy x i I i,xy y i ] . . .Eqn 5.6
x s ¼ (I XX Ty I XY T x ) / (I XX I YY I XY 2 ) . . .Eqn 5.7
y s ¼ (I YY T x þ I XY Ty ) / (I XX I YY I XY 2 ) . . .Eqn 5.8
a a
Rotation + translation Translation only Approximate rotation + translation
Figure 5.3 Correcting for shear centre errors in 1-dimensional element models
Wall section 2
Floor elements
or rigid links
Section 2
Wall section 1
Viewed end on
Shear centre
Structure Model
Figure 5.4 Linking offset 1-dimensional element where rotational continuity is needed
Transfer beam
Rigid links
Transfer beam
into page
Figure 5.5 Linking offset 1-dimensional element where a pinned joint is appropriate
captured in the model with additional mid-storey (Box 5.7), not least because FE models can produce
horizontal elements. an overwhelming amount of information which the
engineer must decipher.
5.3.3 2-dimensional finite element models
Element type and meshing
2-dimensional finite element (FE) modelling is Choice of element type and their conditioning is
potentially the most detailed technique, being the critical within FE modelling. Shear wall elements can
truest representation of the structure (Figure 5.8). It is be modelled as plane-stress elements when in-plane
also increasingly one of the most convenient stresses dominate, otherwise shell elements need to
techniques, with software developers continually be used when both in- and out-of-plane stresses
improving and adding new automated links between need to be considered. Plate elements which ignore
analysis, design and documentation software in-plane stresses are not appropriate and plane strain
packages. However, this convenience tends to play elements are inappropriate in all but 2-dimensional
down the engineer’s responsibility and workload cross-section models (the likes of which may be used
to determine the necessary area of reinforcement in a
concrete section, but not to determine the design
actions on the section).
Box 5.6 Deep beam lintels
Grillage models are not suitable for structures containing Note it is essential that engineers understand the
lintels classified as ‘deep beams’ (where the span is less default element settings adopted by the specific
than three times the depth)5.2. The behaviour of these beams software they will be using.
is dominated by shear deformation and is better modelled
within a 2-dimensional finite element model. By adopting plane-stress elements the design
engineer dictates that a model will resist all forces by
in-plane stiffness only (i.e. walls bending in their minor
axes have zero stiffness and attract no force). This
approach is valid where redistribution is justifiable and
followed through with adequately ductile detailing of
joints and/or reinforcement. Otherwise, shell elements
are needed to incorporate out-of-plane stresses.
These stresses can be manually redistributed or
designed for but cannot be ignored.
1-D element to
lintel beam
1-D element
to floor Auxiliary
Auxiliary elements
Auxiliary elements can also be used to recreate a torsion constant J of an open section. Plane-stress elements cannot represent
this stiffness and, while small relative to the warping stiffness, the stiffness can attract stresses that may otherwise be
redistributed. A single vertical column of 1-dimensional elements can be used, with each element being assigned a constant J
representative of the system:
It should be noted that 2-dimensional FE models consider restrained warping stiffness intrinsically and do not require any special
consideration in this regard.
more elements either across the span or through the – The mesh element size is considered where a force
depth (depending on the geometry of the beam). per metre
P length of wall is needed, e.g.
NX ¼ (Nx,i / bi)
Raw output from a 2-dimensional FE model consists
Nx,i is the force on element i
of a stress field for each element which is often
bi is the side length of element i
integrated by the software over the area of the
NX is the force per unit length
individual elements. This integration returns stress
– Moments must include allP components acting on
resultants (forces and moments), shown in
the elements, e.g. MXX ¼ (Mxx,i þ |Mxy,i|) / bi
Figure 5.10 for a shell element. However, further
post-processing is needed to obtain values where:
representative of the wall as a whole or part that are Mxx,i and Mxy,i are the components shown in
suitable for design. Increasingly software packages Fig. 5.10
automate this but engineers should verify that this is MXX is the moment per unit length
being completed appropriately.
Rigid constraints
5.7 Elastic and plastic analysis Note that plastic analysis as discussed in this section
is different to plastic section design. The latter is
widely used to justify resistance of elements at the
Analysis can be elastic, rigid-plastic or elastic-plastic. ultimate limit state and is applicable in conjunction
with elastic, rigid-plastic, or elastic-plastic analysis. It
Elastic analysis is normally adopted for the derivation is important that designers distinguish analysis from
of forces throughout shear wall systems. It is element design in this way.
appropriate for all materials that exhibit homogeneous
behaviour at both the serviceability and ultimate limit
states (Figure 5.13(a)), and is applicable irrespective
of the structural form and/or the failure mechanism. 5.8 References
Rigid-plastic analysis is rarely appropriate for global
shear wall analysis. It relies on stable and predictable 5.1 Irwin, A.W. Design of shear wall buildings. CIRIA
post-elastic deformation with neither fracture nor Report 102. London: CIRIA, 1984
buckling causing premature failure.
5.2 BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004: Eurocode 2: Design of
Elastic-plastic analysis is, however, common at the concrete structures – Part 1-1: General rules and rules
ultimate limit state for walls with lintel beams. These for buildings. London: BSI, 2004
relatively shallow beams can often be designed with
sufficient ductility and stability to form predictable
plastic hinges. Hinges can either be assumed by the
designer (and modelled as springs of constant
rotational stiffness) or found by non-linear iterative
elastic-plastic analysis. Both techniques should lead
to a hinge pattern similar to that shown in
Fig. 5.13(b).
Figure 5.13 Modelling the elastic and plastic behaviour of shallow lintels
a Value taken from ACI 318M-116.5.
b Percentages given for the effective lower and upper bound cracked section are guide values recommended for an initial
assessment. They should be reviewed against the stresses determined within the analysis and revised as necessary.
c The upper bound cracking models (Models 1 and 2) should be used to determine PD effects at the ultimate limit state.
Reinforced concrete shear walls can be designed The Institution’s Manual for the design of concrete
using methods set out in codes of practice for building structures to Eurocode 2 Section
provides a simplified rigid-perfectly plastic calculation
for the vertical reinforcement in a wall not subject to
significant minor axis bending.
ε σ
An elastic stress method is an alternative approach at
the ultimate limit state and is necessary for the
serviceability limit state designs. It can be
Perfectly elastic
advantageous for the ultimate strength design where:
– A wall is particularly slender with heightened risk of
buckling instability
– A wall has particularly complicated geometry with
ε σ an irregular arrangement of reinforcement.
Increasing curvature
steel grade, dependent on each of: the allowable at laps. Overly thin and congested sections will lead
crack width, the cover, the bar diameters and the bar to challenges when placing and compacting the
spacing. A larger quantity of closer spaced, smaller concrete. The consequence of this can be special
diameter bars permits higher stresses but may have mix requirements, slow progress on-site,
implications on construction6.6. honeycombing and poor surface finish quality
(Box 6.2).
Cross links to
Cage built off vertical bars
formed face
Note that (a) is standard for shear walls but (b) is more efficient where a dominant Note
unidirectional lateral force is acting (e.g. soil pressure on retaining walls). Horizontal bars omitted for clarity.
Figure 6.3 Wall reinforcement layering (sections shown on plan) Figure 6.5 Cross links in heavily reinforced walls
impact on the effective depth (critical in walls that construction sequence. Laps in the wall
are slender, and/or that are subject to significant reinforcement should generally avoid these areas to
out-of-plane actions) prevent unnecessary congestion.
– Cross links may be required at wall returns
(Figure 6.4) and across heavily reinforced sections Finally, it is worth noting that the Institution’s detailing
(Figure 6.5) to overcome bursting forces manual6.7 stipulates a maximum bar spacing of
– Diagonal bars should be positioned across 400mm, in line with BS EN 1992 Part 1-1 Clause
re-entrant corners (i.e. corners around openings – However it is considered best practice to
Figure 6.6). These are usually adequate if designed limit this to 300mm. This limit is enforced by
for a tensile force equal to twice the horizontal BS EN 1992 Part 1-1 Table 7.3 which lists maximum
shear force in the vertical component of the wall, serviceability bar stresses for bar spacings up to
but should not be less than two 16mm diameter 300mm only.
bars across each corner of the opening6.6
– Laps should be detailed to avoid localised
congestion (e.g. with staggering)
6.7 Construction
Additional local reinforcement (starter bars) and/or
embedments (Box 6.3) are usually essential where
floor beams frame into walls. These can be junctions The construction method is usually a contractor’s
of high local stress and design intricacy. Early proposal with little impact on the completed
coordination across disciplines should try to avoid structure. However, the choice of method can have
service penetrations in these zones. Subsequently, significant impact on the appropriateness of a
close attention during the detailed design needs to be design. The following paragraphs describe common
given to the forces being transferred, to the methods of construction of in situ reinforced
tolerances of the individual systems and to the concrete walls.
Embedment plates are generally oversized to allow for tolerance in the concreting. Their design should assume the fin plate is
welded in the most onerous conceivable position relative to the shear studs, that reinforcement is welded to the rear of the
embedment plate, and that the bolted connection to the beam is at the maximum eccentricity from the wall.
Embedment plates should always be shown on reinforcement drawings to be fixed with the wall reinforcement.
Jump form
Jump form, or climbing form, is a method of
construction whereby the walls are cast in discrete lifts.
Accuracy and minimum wall thicknesses are Construction progresses vertically and horizontally
comparable to traditional formwork methods, simultaneously, with an inclined work front stepping
however the construction can impact on the area and back at each level up the building. As with jump form,
disposition of the reinforcement. ‘tunnels’ can be poured on a minimum 24 hour cycle,
before the wall forms are struck and relocated to the
Aesthetically, slipforming gives a rough finish with next bay.
vertical streaks caused by abrasion of the form on
the walls. Horizontal banding can also be apparent,
resulting from minor variations in the concrete
supply. Thus, it is generally not suitable for fair faced
6.8 References
7.1 Introduction The pros and cons mean that off-site fabrication
generally favours buildings with highly repetitive
functional requirements including bedroom blocks for
Non-monolithic walls are often of precast hotels, universities and prisons. In each of these
construction, arranged as storey-height units with examples, there is a clear advantage to the building
horizontal joints coinciding with floor slab owner/occupier if the rooms are standardised, while
connections. Common material systems include: the repetition means that large savings are possible
– Precast reinforced concrete (including tilt-up from relatively minor design refinement.
– Hybrid precast in situ reinforced concrete Aesthetically, off-site fabrication can achieve
– Timber and light gauge steel platform frame unparallelled favourable results in terms of surface
construction finish quality. It is however very hard to mask an
– Cross laminated timber (CLT) assembled structure where the components are on
display. Hence joint patterns can be as important as
Section 7.2 discusses general characteristics of these overall form to the appearance of a structure
systems, with Sections 7.3–7.6 focusing on the (Figure 7.2). This should be brought to the attention
additional characteristics of the systems listed in the of both architect and client.
previous paragraph, in turn. Each of these sections
has a bias towards the joints which are key elements The economic viability of these systems varies
in the design. significantly internationally. Local production facilities
and market competitiveness, raw material availability,
Introductions to both loadbearing masonry and skilled labour and international financial exchange
steel plate diaphragm walls are also included in rates can have an impact. Meanwhile transport, site
Sections 7.7 and 7.8. Both systems differ access and craneage restrictions can influence
significantly to those listed here as well as from one whether an off-site fabrication option is viable at a
another. specific site. In the absence of site specific
restrictions, maximum panel sizes are usually in the
Discussion of proprietary modular ‘system builds’ order of 12m 3.5m and not more than 20 tonnes.
(e.g. Tata CorefastTM 7.1) is omitted. These systems However, to establish site specific bounds on panel
are generally developed via a manufacturing sizes and weights, it is usually essential that the
approach to research, design, testing and product designers consider the construction sequence and
iteration, and are often procured complete with crane locations early in the design development. This
specialist in-house design services. may require early contractor consultation.
7.2 Precast construction The following texts are recommended as a source of further
guidance on craneage:
– BS 7121-1: 2006: Code of practice for safe use of
Off-site fabrication cranes – Part 1: General. London: BSI, 2006
Advantages of off-site fabrication over in situ – Skinner, H. et al. Tower crane stability. CIRIA C654.
construction can include less site labour, faster London: CIRIA, 2006
construction and better quality control. Longer lead in
times, greater need for standardisation and additional Characteristics of jointed systems
contracted party interfaces in the design and/or Joints are a key part to any off-site fabricated system.
construction are three common disadvantages. A While large areas of the panels can behave in a
more extensive, but still not exhaustive, list of pros similar manner to monolithic walls, joints will often
and cons is given in Figure 7.1. have a significant impact on the design. These usually
Pros Cons
– Faster site construction – Less inherent robustness
– Less wet trades on-site – Poor joint details can be points of structural weakness and
– Less skilled labour on-site can have a detrimental effect on fire resistance, thermal and
– Safer working conditions: less work at height, better safety acoustic insulation and waterproofing
controls – Panels require built-in erection tolerances and long-term joint
– Better control of component quality locking mechanisms
– Greater opportunity for architectural finishes (e.g. cast surface – Less opportunity for flexural continuity leading to structural
patterns and/or colour pigments in concrete panels) performance inefficiencies
– Greater component precision, allowing refined designs – Erection logistical challenges: transportation, delivery, storage
(e.g. reduced permissible concrete cover to reinforcement) craneage and temporary propping
– Longer lead-in period
Figure 7.1 Typical pros and cons of off-site prefabrication, stated relative to in situ construction
introduce components that may have vastly different (including robustness forces). The joints tend to be
properties to those of the panels; they can also cause located at or close to slab levels (the exact position
high stress concentrations where the joints are varies by material construction). This ensures the
discrete. These features will often add to the potential necessary out-of-plane restraint close to the joint but
failure mechanisms and can impact on the overall also allows the construction to proceed a storey at a
robustness of a structure (Box 7.1). time with a high degree of repetition.
Most precast wall systems contain both vertical and Vertical joints primarily transfer vertical shear between
horizontal joints between panels. Neither of these panels to resist the deformation shown in Fig. 2.5c.
joints tends to provide significant minor axis bending Their placement is largely dependent on the specific
resistance and panels will normally be designed to wall geometry together with limitations on fabrication,
span one-way between points of lateral support. This transportation and craneage. Openings should be
may be horizontally between return walls but is more considered when deciding on their layout. Whether
often vertically between floor slabs. an opening can be housed within a single panel will
often depend on the panel and opening dimensions
Where panels span vertically, horizontal joints (i.e. and whether the panel can sustain the temporary
those between panels stacked one above another) stresses during lifting.
transfer horizontal shear, compression and tension
Actions through both lintels and vertical joints can be
Box 7.1 Robustness reduced significantly in the completed structure by
staggering openings and joints from floor to floor
(Figure 7.3). While efficient, this is rarely practical and
tends not to be favoured by the architect and/or
services engineer.
Vertical joint
The direct failure of a single loadbearing precast wall panel Openings
‘framed’ by
caused by a domestic gas explosion led to the partial
collapse of Ronan Point, a 22-storey apartment building in
wall and
London. This event publically highlighted the need for
lintel panels
robustness criteria7.2, 7.3.
Although the failure did not result in a loss of global stability,
the scale of the failure – which extended through the four ‘Deep beam’
floors above the explosion and to all 17 floors below – was Openings spanning
deemed disproportionate to the cause. Failure was concluded contained opening below
to have been ‘progressive’, with the failure of each wall panel within
leading to the overloading and/or loss of restraint to its single panels
The failure prompted a review of UK Building Regulations, the
findings of which established design philosophies for
Horizontal joint
robustness which are used universally adopted in modern
codes of practice.
Figure 7.3 Joints around openings
Joint details must provide sufficient tolerance to allow erection is usually fast, it is preceded by a significant
erection to proceed. Where this initial tolerance lead-in period during which the material order, factory
invalidates a load path that is later relied upon, a work and site delivery take place. Approvals, reviews
locking mechanism is needed. This might be and any necessary dialogue between the consulting
mechanical with an insert or locking nut, or chemical engineer and the subcontractor/supplier must also
with grout or resin. How it is fixed or installed must occur and be programmed for in this period.
be considered when planning the joint and can
impact the setting out, access requirements and load Finalised design information must be issued ‘For
capacity of the connection. In many instances the Construction’ and provided to the subcontractor in
dimensions and requirements of a joint can govern advance of the lead-in period. It must include all details
the thickness of a panel. for the end product: reinforcement, cast-ins, cut-outs,
connectors and fixings, etc. To produce this level of
Joint slip detail, the design of the building services must be well
Joint slip is movement within a joint that is not progressed with all penetrations known; the architect
representative of the wall panels. It can result from must have finalised all setting out information; and the
either tolerance between components or from elastic subcontractor must have erection, fixing and/or in situ
or plastic deformation within the highly stressed pour sequences developed sufficiently to locate
region of the joint. It is most pronounced where: cast-ins for temporary props.
– The joint’s stiffness is significantly less than the
panel stiffness The level of detail provided by the consulting engineer
– Discrete joints cause significant stress can vary between projects, with detailed design
concentrations in either the connector or the panel responsibility often split between the consultant and
– Multiple joints have a cumulative effect on the the subcontractor/supplier. Without exception, the
global stiffness of a system (e.g. where the jointed consulting engineer must, however, maintain
panels are narrow relative to the overall dimension responsibility for the global behaviour of the
of a wall) completed structure. As a minimum, they must
– Joints are positioned in areas of high stress (e.g. develop a credible scheme that presents feasible
around openings) outline designs and performance requirements for the
panels and principal joints upon which the design can
Slip resulting within a joint should be considered in be detailed. Whether the design consultant then goes
the overall stability model where it is significant to the on to detail the panels and the joints will be
global behaviour of the system (Box 7.2). Slip can be dependent on the supply chain and contractual
critical where it causes a change in global stiffness arrangements.
that has a significant impact on:
– The distribution of forces between walls in a multi-
walled structure
– The magnitude of PD effects 7.3 Precast reinforced concrete wall
– The serviceability sway deflection construction
Design responsibility and programme
Off-site fabricated elements follow a procurement Precast reinforced concrete wall construction has
model similar to structural steelwork. While site been common since the middle of the last century.
Low stiffness
Vertical joints
. Vertical joint
. Min m
Min m 75
m Steel plate
0 m
Anchor bolts
Spandrel into cast-in
panel ferrules
Figure 7.4 Minimum wall thicknesses Figure 7.6 Vertical joint (shown between planar panels;
corner details similar)
Out of favour in the UK following the Ronan Point sleeves are grouted enabling the dowel to transfer
failure (Box 7.1), it has seen a steady revival fuelled by shear and tension. Compression is transferred away
the advantages of off-site production. These drivers, from the dowels via a combination of any local shims
together with innovations across the global industry, and the gross contact area of grout. Shims will
have made the technique popular for low- to usually be pre-loaded by the self-weight of the
medium-rise structures. structure before the grout is installed and this load is
unlikely to be redistributed in the permanent state.
Form The position, contact area and material of shims may
Precast structural walls are usually upward of 150mm therefore be critical and should be defined. Ensuring
thick, with either one or two layers of reinforcement. shims have adequate edge distance so that they are
Thinner shear-resistant spandrel panels as little as away from the cover zone is essential.
75mm are possible but only in conjunction with
integral piers (Figure 7.4). Vertical joints tend to use discrete steel plates,
channels or angles bolted to adjacent panels across
Panel design the joint (Figure 7.6). Bolts can fix into cast-in
Away from the joints, individual panels act as threaded anchors (sometimes known as ‘ferrules’),
monolithic reinforced concrete elements and can be usually positioned to +5mm. Alternatively they can
designed largely in accordance with generic guidance pass through a sleeve in the wall (to be grouted once
for reinforced concrete. the bolt is installed) and fixed on the far wall face. As
these pieces of steelwork are exposed, fire proofing
The internal stress field in the permanent state will be and corrosion protection are often needed and must
dependent on both the direct loads acting on the be specified by the designer.
panel and the nature of the actions transferred via
any joints. Further reading: precast reinforced concrete wall
Temporary (handling) load cases may need to be
considered in addition to those for the permanent The following texts are recommended sources of further
state. These must take account of the lifting points guidance on precast reinforced concrete wall construction:
which, where necessary, should be specified by the – Elliott, K.S. Precast concrete structures. Oxford:
designer. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002
– Southcott, M.F. and Tovey, A.K. Tilt-up concrete buildings:
Joints design and construction guide: a comprehensive guide to
It is normal practice to use vertical dowel bars the benefits, economics and practicalities of tilt-up design
housed within cast-in corrugated sleeves for and construction in the UK. Crowthorne: BCA, 1998
horizontal joints (Figure 7.5). Once assembled, the
Precast wall
7.4 Hybrid precast in situ reinforced
Bleed hole concrete wall construction
Centrally placed
Grout feed corrugated grout
sleeve Hybrid reinforced concrete walls, sometimes referred
Cage lowered
from above
reinforcement cage
Lattice reinforcement
to the cassettes
Prefabricated cage
internal stud frame with face-fixed sheathing board provide buckling restraint to the sheathing (resulting in
(Figure 7.11). Studs can be either timber or light tension in the fixings) as well as transfer in-plane
gauge steel, while the sheathing is usually either a shear (Figure 7.12).
wood-based product (typically plywood or orientated
strand board) or plasterboard. Shear buckling can be avoided by limiting the
diaphragm slenderness, measured as the distance
Walls are typically installed a storey at a time, between stud fixings divided by the thickness of the
followed at each turn by the floor structure which sheathing. BS EN 1995 Part 1-1 Clause
creates a platform off which the next level is fixed. states that shear buckling of wood-based products
The floor structures are usually of similar lightweight can be disregarded when the slenderness ratio is less
timber construction to the walls, detailed to act as than or equal to 100. This generally defines limits on
horizontal diaphragms. Being lightweight, wind uplift the spacing of the studs (varying with the sheathing
and overturning are often critical and both the thickness). However, 400 or 600mm centres are
components and their connections will often need to typical in the UK7.10. Both spacings are suited to
resist anchorage tension. Robustness tie forces must standard 2.9 1.2m sheathing board and catered for
also be considered. with standard cavity insulation.
To act as shear walls, the sheathing must act as Where a sheathed wall panel is subject to
vertical diaphragms connected via the stud frame to significant out-of-plane forces (e.g. a wind pressure
the applied horizontal actions. Fasteners connecting on a façade), minor axis flexure may also influence
the sheathings to the studs must be adequate to the stud spacing or section. The sheathing may or
Figure 7.12 Shear forces in a sample of fixings caused by in- and out-of-plane actions
ε ε
Composite Non-composite
Box 7.4 Mass timber construction to The Forté,
The bending and shear stiffness of timber are
comparatively low. Hence deflection is often critical –
Completed in 2012, ‘The Forté’ (pictured) is Australia’s first with shear lag, in particular, of greater impact in
CLT building7.13. It is a ten storey residential block, of cellular timber systems than in those of steel or concrete.
layout with 128mm thick CLT shear walls. All CLT panels Where a concrete wall may easily have a height to
(485 tonnes in total, with the largest measuring 16.5 3m) length aspect ratio L/b ¼ 8, a timber wall should
were imported to Melbourne from a production centre in target 3 or 4 to efficiently achieve the necessary
Europe. At the time, this was favourable due to a strong stiffness. This may ultimately limit a building’s height
Australian Dollar7.14. on any given site, and puts greater pressure on the
plan layout to achieve an efficient wall arrangement.
Another noteworthy all-timber residential building is that at
24 Murray Grove, London7.15. This project was widely
Wall thicknesses are available up to 400mm as a
publicised for completing the construction of eight of the nine
single section7.19 but nothing close to this has been
floors in 27 days by a team of four people7.16.
used on projects to date. Acoustic and fire
performance can each increase the thickness beyond
that which is needed for strength or stiffness.
Plasterboard can be used as an effective means of
fire protection avoiding a sacrificial char thickness.
Meanwhile, dual wall systems with two panels
sandwiching a narrow air gap or acoustically
absorbent spacer can be favourable when acoustic
requirements govern.
Material properties
Material properties can vary somewhat from native
sawn timber and may be taken from manufacturer
Recent investment and developments in CLT and data with reference to codes of practice or
glulam have enabled low- and medium-rise timber standardised test measures. Both CLT and glulam
structures that would traditionally have been can contain a mix of stress grades, with higher
constructed using masonry, steel or concrete grades used at the extremities responding to the
(Box 7.4). One driving force for this has been the flexural stress distribution.
sustainability agenda, discussed in the Institution’s
publication Building for a sustainable future: an Timber is not a linear elastic material, nor is it
engineer’s guide7.17. Other drivers include the isotropic; both of these characteristics should be
favourable characteristics of timber as a workable appreciated when setting up and justifying the
material, and the abundant/discounted supply of accuracy of an analysis model. In the case of CLT, the
timber in some geographic regions7.18. behaviour depends on the orientation and build-up of
Face-fixed strengthening
to the lintel Lintel beam
Horizontal joints in solid timber construction are best Floor
located immediately above the floor bearing, with Joint in
walls butt connected. This avoids axial loads passing wall immediately
through the cross-grain of floor elements. Slabs may above floor slab
be supported off steel angle bearers face-fixed to the
wall panels (Figure 7.16). Fire protection to
Moment from
surfaces including the
eccentric floor bearing
Vertical panel-to-panel joints are normally lapped steel connection pieces
taken by wall below Steel bearing angle
where the panels are co-planar, or butt jointed where
with fixings for robustness
panels are orthogonal. In both instances it is common
to have two lines of screws positioned as shown in Wall
Figure 7.17. Both details must have screws adhering
to minimum edge distances and spacing as defined
in codes of practice. Additionally, where using the Figure 7.16 Floor to wall joint
butt connection, screws must anchor into the vertical
laminates only, not the horizontal end grain.
behaviour that tends to be non-isotropic with on the floor bearing detail; guidance is given in
differing horizontal (bed joint) and vertical Section 5.3.6 of the Institution’s Manual for the
characteristics. design of plain masonry in building structures to
Eurocode 67.21.
Skins can be standalone or form part of a cavity wall
system in which two skins are spaced apart and tied Provided the ultimate limit state is satisfied,
at regular intervals. Cavity wall construction can be serviceability checks of individual panels are seldom
favourable for insulation and acoustic isolation. Wall needed and are largely omitted from design guidance.
ties should always be used in cavity construction to A common check is to limit overall inter-storey sway.
improve robustness. They also act to enhance the The Institution’s Manual for the design of building
buckling capacity of a wall, increasing the axial load structures to Eurocode 17.22 recommends that both
carrying capacity above the sum of the component total sway and inter-storey drift should not exceed
skins. height/500.
Reinforcement Cavity
wall ties
Further reading: introduction to masonry Box 7.6 Composite steel plate diaphragm walls to
China World Trade Centre, Beijing
The following guides provide a more extensive introduction to
masonry wall construction and are additional to the sources Composite steel-reinforced concrete walls extend through the
referenced within the main text: basement to the 16th floor of this 74 storey (330m) tower
– ‘Introduction to masonry. Technical Guidance Note’. The providing greater robustness, ductility and stiffness than is
Structural Engineer, 91(6), June 2013, pp24-26 achievable with either traditional reinforced concrete or steel
– Curtin, W.G. et al. Structural masonry designers’ manual. plate shear walls. Each wall has a web plate, welded to
3rd ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006 boundary elements (steel beams and columns). These steel
– Roberts, J.J. and Brooker, O. How to design masonry assemblies, complete with shear studs attached to the plate,
structures using Eurocode 6 Part 2. TCC/03/36. Revision 2. were encased within in situ reinforced concrete forming a
London: The Concrete Centre, 2013. Available at: http:// ‘composite special plate wall’7.26.
[Accessed: 13 January 2015]
7.3 Elliott, K.S. and Jolly, C.K. Multi-storey precast 7.20 Ove Arup & Partners and Gilbertson, A. CDM2007 –
concrete framed structures. 2nd ed. Chichester: Construction work sector guidance for designers. CIRIA
Wiley-Blackwell, 2013 C662. 3rd ed. London: CIRIA, 2007
7.4 Partridge, R. et al. ‘The Francis Crick Institute’. The 7.21 Institution of Structural Engineers. Manual for the
Structural Engineer, 92(3), March 2014, pp10-19 design of plain masonry in building structures to
Eurocode 6. London: IStructE, 2008
7.5 Whittle, R. and Taylor, H. Design of hybrid concrete
buildings: a guide to the design of buildings combining 7.22 Institution of Structural Engineers and Department for
in-situ and precast concrete. CCIP-030. Camberley: Communities and Local Government. Manual for the
The Concrete Centre, 2009 design of building structures to Eurocode 1 and basis
of structural design. London: IStructE, 2010
7.6 BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004: Eurocode 2: Design of
concrete structures – Part 1-1: General rules and rules 7.23 BS EN 1996-1-1: 2005 þ A1: 2012: Eurocode 6 –
for buildings. London: BSI, 2004 Design of masonry structures – Part 1-1: General
rules for reinforced and unreinforced masonry
7.7 BS EN 10080: 2005: Steel for the reinforcement of structures. London: BSI, 2012
concrete – Weldable reinforcing steel – General.
London: BSI, 2005 7.24 Sarkisian, M. et al. ‘World’s tallest steel shear walled
building’. CTBUH Journal, 1, 2011, pp28-33. Available
7.8 UK Timber Frame Association. ‘Timber Engineering at:
Notebook series. No. 3: Timber frame structures – yw%3D&tabid=3096&language=en-US/&_sm_au_=
platform frame construction (Part 1)’. The Structural iVVR0qQLjsLrMLsN [Accessed: 13 January 2015]
Engineer, 91(5), May 2013, pp26-32
7.25 Barrie, M. and Weston, G. ‘Embankment Place:
7.9 BS EN 1995-1-1: 2004 þ A1: 2008: Eurocode 5: building over Charing Cross Station’. The Structural
Design of timber structures – Part 1-1: General – Engineer, 70(23/24), 8 December 1992, pp405-411
Common rules and rules for buildings. London: BSI, 2009
7.26 AISC 341-10: Seismic provisions for structural steel
7.10 Institution of Structural Engineers and TRADA. Manual buildings. Chicago, Il: AISC, 2010. Available at:
for the design of timber building structures to [Accessed: 13 January 2015]
Eurocode 5. London: IStructE, 2007
7.27 CSA S16-14: Design of steel structures. Toronto,
7.11 PD 6693-1:2012: Recommendations for the design of Ontario: Canadian Standards Association, 2014
timber structures to Eurocode 5: Design of timber
structures – Part 1: General – Common rules and 7.28 China World Tower. Available at: http://www.
rules for buildings. London: BSI, 2012
[Accessed: 13 January 2015]
7.12 UK Timber Frame Association. ‘Timber Engineering
Notebook series. No. 2: Engineered wood products and
an introduction to timber structural systems’. The
Structural Engineer, 91(4), April 2013, pp42-48
7.15 MGB Architecture and Design. The Case for tall wood
buildings. 2013. Available at:
canterbury-rebuild/news-post-tag-test/ [Accessed:
13 January 2015]
Figure 8.2 Masonry infill panels within reinforced concrete frames (masonry panels to car park are creatively decorated to be
disguised in building’s elevation)
Panels with openings:
require load path into
the beams and generally
Figure 8.3 Infill panels under load cannot have a deflection head
When a masonry infill is loaded in shear, separation
of the infill from the frame tends to occur to all but
the compression corner regions (Figure 8.3). The
infill subsequently acts as a diagonal compression Solid panel with vertical shear
strut preventing sway deformation of the frame. connections to the columns can
Stafford-Smith and Riddington8.3 define the have a movement joint (a deflection
effective area of the strut Astrut as that given in head) to the beam above
Equation 8.1:
8.4 References