Special Concretes: Assignment ON February-2002 Question Paper

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1. a. What are the factors causing shrinkage of concrete? Explain as to
how these can be minimized.

Ans. Factors causing shrinkage of concrete are:

1. Water cement ratio: the shrinkage increases with the increase in
water cement ratio.
2. Cement content: the shrinkage increase with cement content but is
inter related to water cement ratio because of the necessity to
maintain workability. It is not much affected by the water cement
content if the water content per unit volume is constant.
3. Ambient humidity: the shrinkage increases with the decrease in
humidity and the immersion in water causes expansion.
4. Type of aggregate: the aggregate which exhibit moisture
movement themselves and have low elastic modulus causes large
shrinkage. A concrete using sand stone may shrink twice as much
as one using lime stone. An increase in maximum size decreases
the shrinkage .the grading and shape has little effect on shrinkage.
5. Size and shape of specimen: both rate and ultimate magnitude of
shrinkage decreased with surface/volume ratio of the specimen.
6. Type of cement: the rapid-hardening cement shrinks some what
more the others.
7. Admixtures: the shrinkage increases with the addition of calcium
chloride and reduces with lime replacement
8. Other factors: the stream curing has little effect on shrinkage
unless applied at high pressure.

1. b. Defines and distinguish between (i) initial tangent modulus (ii)

secant modulus and (iii) tangent modulus.

Ans. The modulus of elasticity is determined by subjecting a cube or

specimen to unit axial compression and measuring the deformation
by means of dial gauges fixed between certain gauge lengths. Dial
gauge reading divided by gauge length will give the strain and load
applied divided by area of cross section will give the stress. A
series of readings are taken and stress strain relationship is
The form of curve for high
strength concrete

Secant Modulus
Tangent modulus

The form of curve for linear


The modules of elasticity can also be determined by subjecting the

concrete beam to bending and then using the formula for deflection
and substituting other parameters. The module of elasticity so found
out from actual reading is called static modules of elasticity. The
modules of elasticity of concrete are designated in various ways and
they have been illustrated on stress strain curve as shown in the figure.

In the case of concrete, since no part of graph is straight, the modules

of elasticity are found out with reference to tangent drawn to the curve
at the origin. The modules found from the stagnant are referred as
initial tangent modules. This gives satisfactory results only at low
stress value. For higher stress value it gives as misleading picture.

Tangent can also be drawn at any other point on the stress strain
curve. The modules of elasticity calculated with reference to this
tangent is then called tangent modules. A line can be drawn
connecting a specified point on the stress strain curve to the origin of
the curve. If the modules of elasticity is calculated with reference to
the slope of this line, the modules of elasticity is referred as secant
modules. The modules of elasticity most commonly used in practice
are secant modules. There is no standard method of determining
secant modules. Sometimes it is measured at stresses ranging from 3
to 14 Mpa and sometime the secant is drawn to point representing a
stress level of 15, 25, 33 or 50% of ultimate strength.
Since the value of secant modules decreases with increasing in stress,
the stress at which the secant modules have been found should always
be stated.
2. a. What are the physical and mechanical properties of Ferro cement? In
what way it is different from conventional concrete?


1) Resistance to chemical attack: Ferro cement has high resistance to

most of the chemical agent. Ferro cement provides better bond to
lining, provided for highly corrosive agents coming in contact.
2) Strength: Ferro cement has high tensile strength and compressive
strength. It offers high resistance to impact, explosion and shock
because of its greater flexibility.
3) Thermal conductivity: fibrocement has 1/6th thermal conductivity of
4) Fibrocement provides good surface finish.
5) Locally occurred damage can be rectified easily and cheaply.



i ii iii iv


Ferro Cement has a high tensile strength because of the reinforcement being
uniformly distributed. When a Ferro cement specimen is subjected to
increasing load, five stages of behavior are observed. The figure 1 shows
stress, strain, and curve in tension.
Stage 1 -Elastic phase – No crack – water tight
Stage 2 - quasi elastic phase, - crack 0 to 20 µ – water tight.
Stage 3 - Non linear elastic phase – cracks unto 20 to 50 µ - non
Stage 4 - Elastic plastic phase- cracks up to 50 to 100 µ- non
Stage 5 - Plastic zone –cracks greater than 100 µ –corrosive.






Results of Ferro cement prisms tested under direct compression have

related that there is no appreciable increase in the compressive
strength with the increase in steel content. How ever the different
sizes of wire used affect the compressive strength for the same mesh
mortar ratio.
1) The behavior in compression is generally similar to that of
cement mortar modified by the presence of reinforcement.
2) Increase in the ultimate strength and ultimate strength due to
confining effect are possible.
3) Experimental results of pama showed that under compressive
strength is lower than that of equivalent pure mortar.

2. b) A crack free Ferro cement tension member is to be designed to

withstand a tensile force of 35 kN. Design the member assuming mu
=3.2Mpa, fu =350Mpa and cr =5Mpa.Use 4 /20 square mesh. load factor
against cracking equal to 1.25.

Ans: - Given:
Tensile force p=35kN
mu =3.2Mpa
fu =350Mpa
cr =5Mpa
Load factor=1.25
Now design load=p x load factor
Area of composite, A required=Pd/ t where t = fu x Vf
Assuming the volume fraction of the fiber Vf =2.5%
t =350*(2.5/100) =8.75N/mm^2
A required=43750/8.75=5000mm^2

let D=20mm
Number of layers, Vf =( d )/4*(n/sf*D)
2.5/100=(  *0.91^2*n)/(4*6.4*20)
n=4.92~=6 layers

Minimum thickness=2+2+(6*2*0.91)
Depth provided>depth required
Hence ok
Check for elongation
Ef allowable=1/Ef( fu -(  max /2)*(Am/Af)
=1/(2*10^5)[(0.66*350)-2.5/2(6.4*20)/(6*  /4*0.91^2]
Assuming 4m long ferrocement element
l =E*l

3. a) Discuss the role of reinforcement and matrics in Ferro cement?

Ans: - Role of reinforcement:-The reinforcement used in Ferro cement is of

two types. i.e., skeleton steel and wire mesh.

Skeleton steel: As the name implies this is generally used for making frame
work of the structural component upon which layers of wire mesh
reinforcement are laid. And also serve as spacer to wire mesh. The steel
rods are provided in both longitudinal and transverse direction. In general
mild steel rods or galvanized iron wire of diameter varying from 2mm to 6
mm are used.

Wire mesh: One of the important constituent of Ferro cement is wire mesh
reinforcement. These generally consist of thin wire either woven or welded
at their intersection. Mechanical properties of Ferro cement depend on the
type, Quality, orientation and strength properties of the mesh reinforcement.
The different types of reinforcement are available in market such as

1) Hexagonal wire mesh

2) woven wire mesh
3) Welded wire mesh.
4) Expanded metal mesh.
Matrix: - the matrix or cement mortor matrix consists of cement, sand,
water and sometimes admixtures.
Cement: - ordinary Portland cement that is commercially available in the
market is satisfactory for fibrocement construction. However, other types of
Portland cement can be used like sulphate- resting on cement construction in
marine environment. To maintain the quality of the cement, it should be
fresh, of uniform consistency and free of lumps and foreign matter.
sand; well-graded natural river sand with particle size less than 4.75mm
having fineness modulus b/w 2.5-3.0 is suited for fibrocement construction.
The grading of sand for mortar mixes becomes very important to get
workable cement mortar with low w/c ratio.

Water: - The water content which governs the strength and workability of
mortar primarily depends upon the maximum grain size, the fineness
modulus, and the grading sand. The water used for making mortar should be
free from impurities such as clay, loam, acids, salts, vegetable matter etc.

Admixtures: plasticizers and other admixtures may also be added for

(i) an improved workability
(ii) reduction in permeability
(iii) water proofing
(iv) increase in durability

3. b. Explain the durability aspects of ferrocement.

Ans. The performance of the fibrocement structures depends to a great

extent on its durability against the environment that is exposed. There are
three factors affecting the durability of fibrocement, such as

(i) The cover to reinforcement in fibrocement is very low and hence it is

easy for corrosive liquids to reach it.

(ii) The surface area of reinforcement is high and so the area of contact over
which reaction takes place and the resulting rate of corrosion are very high.

(iii) due to the use of galvanized reinforcement , the zinc coating can react
with the alkalis present in he fresh cement mortar leading to formation of
calcium zincates and hydrogen gas , which affects bond b/w the cement
mortar and reinforcement .

The external cause may be physical, chemical or mechanical like

weathering, abrasion attack by natural and industrial liquids and gasses. The
internal causes are alkali: - aggregate reaction and permeability of mortar.
To protect the reinforcement from corrosion, coating of vinyl or epoxy types
can be provided. The coating should have the following characteristics.
(i) good adhesion to mortar
(ii) tolerant to alkalinity in Ferro cement
(iii) good abrasion and chemical resistance
(iv) impermeable to water and chemical resistance
(v) Should be non toxic and suitable for use by unskilled labor.

3. c. Explain the application of fibrocement and discusses its merits as a

structural material
Ans. Applications of Ferro cement:
1. Fibrocement boats have been built in almost every country.
fibrocement boat construction has been found attractive because of
the following advantage
1. its basic raw materials are easily available
2. it can be fabricated to any shape
3. it is more durable and economical
2. Ferrocement silos that can store up to 30 tons of grain appear quite
suitable and economical for developing countries
3. Ferrocement tanks are used as attractive alternative material for the
storage of water.
4. Ferrocement sheets are developed as a replacement to asbestos
cement corrugated sheets which are widely used as roofing.

1. Ferrocement is suitable for manufacturing the precast units which
can be easily transported.
2. The construction technique is simple and hence does not require
highly skilled labor.
3. Partial or complete elimination of formwork is possible
4. Ferrocement construction is easily amendable to repairs in case of
local damage due to abnormal loads.
4. a. Briefly outline the various practical application of fiber reinforced
Ans: - (i) Highway and air filled pavements:
 The steel fiber concrete can be used in new pavement construction or
in the repair of existing pavements.
 The major advantages are; a higher flexural strength results in
reduction of required pavement thickness, the resistance to impacted
and repeated loading is increased.
 The transverse and longitudinal joint spacing may be increased.

(ii) Hydraulic structures:

 The major advantage of using steel fiber concrete in hydraulic
structure is its resistance to cavitations or erosion damage by high
velocity water flow
 The steel fiber concrete has been successfully used in the repair of
spilling basin at tambala dam in Pakistan.
(iii) Fiber shot Crete:
 Fiber short Crete has been used in rock stabilization, tunnel lining and
bridge repair.
 Fiber short Crete can be used in the protection of structural steel work
particularly in the support structure.
(v) Fiber reinforcement can provide an increased impact resistance to
conventionally reinforced beam and thus an enhanced resistance to
local damage and spilling.
(vi) Fiber reinforcement provides ductility to conventionally reinforced
concrete structure and hence enhances their stability and integrity
under earthquake loads and blast loading
(vii) Fiber reinforcement increases the shear strength of the concrete
(viii) Poly propylene concrete can be advantageously used in energy
dissipating block
(ix) Asbestos fibers have thermal, mechanical, chemical
resistance making them suitable for sheet products, pipes tiles and
corrugated roof elements.
(x) Polypropylene, nylon and other organic fiber due to their low modulus
of elasticity are not effective in crack control, and also the organic
fibers may decay. however these fibers improve “impact resistance”
4. b. A steel fiber reinforced concrete specimen subjected to uneasily
tension consists of fully bonded continuous aligned fiber. Calculate the
critical fiber volume given Ef=200GN/m^2
Ans: Matrix cracking strain =200*10^-6
Matrix cracking stress= 2.5MN/m^2
Maximum failure stress of fiber = 120MN/m^2

We know that the critical fiber volume is given by

Vf Critical= mu /( fu -EmuEf+ mu )

5. a. Explain “prepack method of placing high density concrete.


In this method coarse aggregates are placed in the
forms and the inter void space are later filled with special grout. in general
the pre packed method assures that heavy aggregate distribution is uniform
throughout the shield that no large void left behind . The specific advantages
of this method over conventional method are;
(i) Segregation of coarse aggregate particularly that of steel punching
can be minimized.
(ii) concrete of uniform density and composition can be placed more
easily in confined areas and around embedded items
(iii) Several types of aggregates in combination can be used with
flexibility varying the types of aggregates from one zone to another
to another.
The method is not wholly free from short coming such as
(i) Construction joints are difficult to execute and may leave behind
planes of weakness.
(ii) Finishing the top of a large concrete area is more difficult and
(iii) Requires experienced firm to execute the job and placement costs
are high.
5(b). What are the naturally occurring and man made aggregate used in high
density concrete?

Ans. Since over 75% of concrete is made up of coarse aggregate. It is

logical to expect that choice of aggregate having higher specific gravity
enables in an appreciable measure to realize high densities.
Naturally occurring aggregates include
material such as magnetite, barites and limonite steel shots, sheared bars,
scrap iron, steel punching and leg fall under man made aggregates. Steel
should be preferably degreased prior to use to promote rusting. sometimes
both natural and manmade aggregate are used in combination .while specific
gravity of natural aggregates may vary only in the range of 3.6-4.7 , for steel
shot punching it is in the range of 7.5-7.74. Some of the values of specific
gravities of natural aggregates noted in some of the investigation are 3.61 to
3.7 for limonite and geolite, 4.23 to 4.67 for magnetite and 4.1 for barite.
Barite is known to occur as a natural rock with a purity of 95% the aggregate
tends to break up; hence care must be taken in handling and processing and
over mixing should be avoided. Iron ore in the form of magnetite, limonite
and goethite have been used for aggregate and limonite has also been used as
fine aggregates.

6. a. What are the design considerations to be made for using light weight
concrete as a structural material?

Ans. Design consideration applying to normal weight concrete is generally

difficult to use with light weight aggregate concrete. The lack of accurate
value of absorption, specific gravity, and the free moisture content in the
aggregate make it difficult to apply the water cement ratio accurately for
miss proportioning. The proportion of fine to course aggregate and the
cement and water requirement are estimated based on previous experiences
with particular aggregate. Various degree of water absorption by different
light weight aggregate is one of the serious difficulties in the design of mix
proportions. Reliable information of saturated, surface drive bulk specific
gravity becomes difficult.
Some times the aggregate is saturated before
mixing so that it does not take up the water used for mixing. The quality of
concrete does not get altered on account of absorption by aggregate. It has
been seen that the strength of resulting concrete is about 5 to 10 percent
lower than when dry aggregate is used for the same content and workability.
This is due to the fact that in the later case some of the mixing water
absorbed prior to setting. This water has been contributed to the workability
at the time of placing gets absorbed later, Thus reducing the bad effect of
excess of water.

6. b. What are the situations under which light weight concrete is used?

Ans. Light weight aggregate is relatively new material. For the same
crushing strength, the density of concrete made with such an aggregate can
be as much as 35% lower than the normal weight concrete. In addition to
the reduced dead weight, the lower modules of elasticity and adequate
ductility of light weight concrete may be advantageous in the seismic design
of structure. Other inherent advantages of material are its greater fire
resistance, low thermal conductivity, low co-efficient of thermal expansions,
and low eructation and transport cause for pre fabricated member. The light
weight concrete is used as
(i) Load bearing masonry walls using cellular concrete blocks.
(ii) Pre-cast floor and roof panels in all types of building.
(iii) A filler wall in the form of pre cast reinforced wall panels in
multistoried building.
(iv) Partition walls in residential, institutional and industrial buildings.
(v) In-situ composite roof and floor slabs with reinforced concrete grid
(vi) Pre- cast composite wall or floor panel.
(vii) Insulation cladding to exterior walls of all types of building,
particularly in Office and industrial buildings.
7. (a) Give a detailed comparison of site mixed concrete and ready mixed
Ans: The comparison of site mixed concrete and ready mixed concrete is as

Site mixed concrete Ready mixed concrete

 Quality is not uniform in case of Assured uniform quality of
site mixed concrete. concrete.

 No control over water cement Water cement ratio can be

ratio. controlled
 Variation of mixing time. Controlled mixing.
 Requires large labour force. Requires lower labor force.
 Site mixed concrete produces Ready mixed concrete
dust pollution, noise pollution etc. pollution free environment.
 It is economical. It is uneconomical.
 Legal complications are not there. Legal complications are
 Suitable for small quantity of Not suitable for small
quantity of concrete. concrete.

7 (b) List the various non-destructive tests on concrete and explain any
two in detail.
Ans: The various non-destructive tests on concrete are as below:
(i) Standard cone test.
(ii) Non standard small core test.
(iii) Schmidt rebound hammer test.
(iv) Ultrasonic pulse velocity test.
(v) Pull-out test.

The method involves the measurement of the required to pull out a
specially shaped steel rod. The test includes two methods namely cast-
in method and drilled hole method. In both the cases, the value of the
test depends upon the ability to relate pull-out force to concrete
Cast-in method:
The method consists of incorporating the pull-out
assembly in the formwork at the time of concreting the actual
structural member or the pull-out assemblies may be incorporated in
large concrete blocks cast at the time of concreting the member. The
blocks shall receive the compaction and curing identical to that of
actual member .The pull-out assembly could then be performed on the
blocks during construction. The assembly is pulled out hydraulically
against a circular bearing ring. A cone of concrete is pulled out with
the assembly and the force required to achieve this is translated to
compressive strength.

Drilled-hole method:
The main advantage of this method is that its use need not
pre-planned. The method is extremely valuable for in-situ concrete
strength assessment. The method basically consists in drilling a hole
30-35mm deep into the concrete using a roto hammer drill with a
nominal 6mm bit. The hole is then cleared of dust with an air blower
and a 6mm wedge anchor bolt with expanding sleeve is tapped lightly
into the hole until the sleeve is 20mm below the surface. The bolt is
loaded at a standardized rate against a tripod reaction or bearing ring
of80mm diameter with 3 feet, each 5mm wide and 25mm long.
The method has high test variability due to
localized nature of test, the imprecise load transfer mechanism and
variations due to drilling.


The method consists of producing an ultrasonic longitudinal pulse by

an electro-acoustical transducer which is held in contact with one
surface of the freshly placed concrete member under test. After
traversing a known distance in the concrete, the pulse is converted
into an electrical signal by a second electro- acoustical transducer
And an electronic timing circuit enables the time of the pulse to be
measured from which the pulse velocity is calculated. This procedure
is also sometimes called the ultrasonic method.
The method can assess the quality of in-situ fresh
concrete soon after it is placed in forms and compacted. The
transducers may be brought in contact with concrete through the pre-
drilled holes in the formwork, after about 4 to6 hours of placing the
concrete in the formwork. The measurable difference in ultrasonic
pulse velocity for different grades of concrete helps in characterizing
the in-situ concrete of different mix proportions.
The investigations at CRI have indicated that method is applicable to
the concretes which have attained initial setting. At the time of final
setting, the fresh concrete had an ultrasonic pulse velocity of the order
of 2km/s.

8. (a) Write short notes on any four of the following:

(i). Pozzolanas in concrete.
(ii). Latex modified concrete.
(iii). Condensed silica fume.
(iv). Role of water cement ratio in strength and durability of concrete.
(v). Carbonation of concrete.
(vi). Chloride attack on concrete.


Pozzolana is a supplementary cementitious material

which is finely ground siliceous material which, as such, does not
possess cementitious property in itself, but reacts chemically with
calcium hydroxide released from the hydration of Portland cement at
normal temperature to form compounds of low solubility having
cementitious property. The action is termed as pozzolanic action. The
pozzolanic materials can be divided into two groups namely, natural
pozzolanas and artificial pozzolanas.The typical examples of natural
pozzolanas are:clay, shales, opaline cherts, diatonacious earth, and
volcanic tuffs and pumicites. The commonly used artificial
pozzolanas are: fly ash, blast furnace slag, silica fume, rice husk,
metakaoline, and surkhi.
Puzzolanas when added to concrete
mixes, rather than substituted for a part of the cement, improve
workability, impermeability, and resistance to chemical attack. The
overall effect depends on the aggregates used in the concrete. The
aggregates deficient in the fine material give the best results.
Some pozzolanas reduce the expansion
caused by the alkali-aggregate-reaction in concrete. The expansion is
caused by the reaction of alkali present in the cement with certain
siliceous types of aggregates.
Excessive expansion causes pattern
cracking of concrete. This expansion can usually be controlled by
using the amounts of pozzolana ranging from 5 to 35 % by mass of
cement depending upon the type of aggregate and alkali content of
cement. The undesirable side effects of pozzolana are the reduction in
the rate of development of strength, an increase in the drying
shrinkage and at times reduction in durability.


It is also known as polymer Portland cement concrete.

The materials and the production technology for concrete in LMC are
same as that used in normal Portland cement concrete except that
latex, which is a colloidal suspension of polymer in water, is used as
an admixture. Rubber like polymers and co-polymers are commonly
used now.
Latex generally contains about 50% by weight of
spherical and smells polymer particles held in suspension in water by
surface active agents. The presence of surface active chemicals in
latex tends to incorporate large amount of entrained air in concrete.
The water added is as low as possible. The spherical polymer
molecules and entrained associated with the latex usually provides
excellent workability. Typical water cement ratios are in the range of
0.4 to 0.45 and cement content are of the order of 650 to 700lb/yd^3.
The hardening of latex takes place by drying or loss of
water. Some internal moisture is lost as it is needed for hydration of
Portland cement.
The latex modified concrete does an excellent job in
impending the fluid flow. Hence they are largely used in stabilization
of deteriorated floors, pavements and bridge decks.


Silica fume, also referred to as microsilica or condensed

silica fume, is another material that is used as an artificial pozzolanic
admixture. It is a product resulting from reduction of high purity
quartz with coal in an electric arc furnace in the manufacture of
silicon. Silica fume rises as an oxidized vapour. It cools, condenses
and is collected in cloth bags. It is further processed to remove
impurities and to control particle size. Condensed silica fume is
essentially silicon dioxide in non crystalline form. Since it is an air
borne material like fly ash, it has spherical shape. It is extremely fine
with particle size less than 1 micron and with an average diameter of
about 0.1 micron, about 100 times smaller than average cement
particle. Silica fume has specific surface area of about 20,000m2/kg,
as against 230 to 300m2/kg that of cement.
The use of silica fume in conjunction with
superplasticizer has been the back bone of High performance
concrete. It should be realized that silica fume by itself, do not
contribute to the strength dramatically, although it does contribute to
the strength property by being very fine pozzolanic material and also
creating dense packing and pore filler of cement paste. Really
speaking, the high strengths of high performance concrete containing
silica fume are attributable, to a large degree, to the reduction in
cement content which becomes possible in the presence of high dose
of superplasticizer and dense packing of cement paste.


The volume change in concrete results in cracks and
the cracks are responsible for disintegration of concrete. It may now be
added that permeability is the contributory factor to the volume change
with higher water cement ratio being the fundamental cause of higher
permeability. Therefore, for a durable concrete, use of lowest possible
water cement ratio is the fundamental requirement to produce dense and
impermeable concrete.
It is generally recognized that quality of hydration
product and consequently the micro-structure of the concrete in case of
low water cement ratio is superior to the quality of micro-structure that
exists in the case of high water cement ratio. In concretes with low
water cement ratio the capillaries of interconnected network are so fine
that water cannot flow through them, i.e. the permeability decreases to
such a level that these concrete are almost impervious in water. The
advent and use of superplastisizer have revolutionized the technology of
making durable concrete by drastically reducing water cement ratio of
However, in low water cement ratio concretes, there
is not enough water available to fully hydrate all cement particles, only
surface hydration of cement particles takes place leaving considerable
amount of unhydrated core of cement grains. This unhydrated core of
cement grains constitute strength in reverse. If for any reason, structural
or environmental, cracks develop the unhydrated core gets hydrated on
getting moisture. The hydration products so generated seal the cracks
and restore the integrity of concrete for long-term durability.

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