Chapter II
Chapter II
Chapter II
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What product or service is the most Three Level-Concept
appropriate for the opportunity, and why will
Level 1: Core Benefits of the Product or
customers buy or avail them?
2. Place
▫ These are NOT tangible physical
What location is best suited for the products.
business where there are more potential
▫ These are the major factors why a
customers? Can they conveniently transact on-
costumer buys a product or avails of a
site or online? How is the process of distribution
of products or performance of services?
Level 2: Physical Characteristics of a
3. Price
Product or Service
What is the most appropriate price, and
It is the second layer of selection once
what pricing strategies will be used to the target
the core benefit has been satisfied and opinions
are available to the costumers
4. Promotion
i.e. better packaging for products or a better
What is the most effective advertisement physical evidence or costumer experience for
or combination of advertisements, and which services.
advertising tool should be used to drive
Level 3: Augmented Benefits of a Product or
awareness and increase sales?
5. People
These are only additional benefits; a
What type of people need to be hired? costumer will still get the core benefits of a
What are the basic skills needed for the job? product or service even without the augmented
What leadership style will be applied by the benefits.
6. Packaging
Refers to a location or the medium of
What is the best packaging for the transaction.
product that is attractive enough to customers
and cost-efficient at the same time? What
physical evidence does the entrepreneur need 1. strategic location
to set up so as to ell the service?
2. primary target market
7. Process
Physical Location
What is the most compelling feature of
the product or the business that will make a Area’s Population
difference in the lives of the customers? What The Traffic
sets the product or service from the rest? The People’s Common Paths
Their Buying Behavior
1. PRODUCT Their Preferences for the Location
It is any physical good, service, or idea Cyber Location
that is created by an entrepreneur or an
innovator in serving the needs of costumers and The entrepreneur must use Web
addressing their existing problem. analytics data to understand Web site
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Logistics of Products 2. Penetration Pricing
This refers to setting low prices to
increase market share, but the entrepreneur will
Ordering and Receiving Raw materials
eventually increase the price once the desired
or Finished Goods from the Suppliers
market share is achieved.
Storage 3. Skimming
Reorder Points
This is the opposite of penetration
Transportation System
pricing where prices are initially high and then
they are lowered to offer the product or service
Logistics of Service to a wider market.
4. Competitive Pricing
Physical Evidence/ Servicescape This refers to benchmarking prices with
Service Providers and Service Delivery the competitors.
Process 5. Product Line Pricing
Policies and Procedures of the Business This refers to pricing different products
Major Objective or services within a parallel product array using
varying price points.
To provide customers with pleasant 6. Psychological Pricing
experience in buying the product or availing of This considers the psychology and
the service so that they will keep on coming positioning of price in the market.
back whether on – site or online. 7. Premium Pricing
This refers to setting a very high price to
Characteristics of PLACE
reflect elitism and superiority.
Presentable 8. Optional Pricing
Appealing This refers to adding an extra product or
Catchy service on top of the original to generate more
RIGHT LOCATION 9. Cost-based Pricing
√ Suitability to the target market The basis of markup is the cost of sales.
√ Condition of the neighborhood 10. Cost Plus Pricing
√ Potential area for future developments The markup is based on a certain
percentage of cost.
√ Laws and Regulations in the area
√ Direct and indirect competitors The profit of an entrepreneur can be
√ Foot traffic determined only if there is a proper computation
√ Cost of doing business of costs associated with the product or service.
Two Classification of Costs
Price is the peso value that the Variable Costs or Controllable Costs
entrepreneur assigns to a certain product or These costs are directly proportional to
service after considering its costs, competition, the number of products manufactured or to the
objectives, positioning, and target market. number of services performed.
It is the only P in the 7Ps that generates Fixed Costs or Uncontrollable Costs
revenue for the business. • These are costs not directly proportional
Most Common Pricing Strategies to the manufacturing of a product or to
1. Bundling the performance of the service.
This refers to two or more products or
services in one reduced price.
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• There are usually the cost of equipment, Objectives of Advertising
employee remuneration, rental cost, and 1. Informing, educating, and familiarizing
utilities. the public with the product and service
• These are considered fixed costs offerings
because the business will still incur 2. Building a trustworthy image
these costs whether or not they provide 3. Increasing sales
more or less. Advertising Channel
• Therefore, if the entrepreneur produces Television- regular channels, cable TV
more products and perform more Radio- AM and FM radio
services, his or her fixed cost per unit will Internet- e-mails, websites, blogs, social
be lover because the fixed cost will be media
allocated to the number of units Mobile phones- text messages, mobile
produced or number of services applications, mobile Internet
performed (Sim, 2009). Print- newspapers, magazines, flyers,
The entrepreneur must follow these general signages, posters
pricing guidelines to make the business Out-of-home- billboards, buses, bus
sustainable and thriving: stops, trains, taxis, street advertisements
1. Do not price the product or service below its B. Selling
cost. It is an act of trading a product or service
2. Monitor competitors’ prices, and ensure that for a price or a fee. The entrepreneur must
your prices are at par with them unless the identify the target customers who will likely buy
product or service is really way superior to the the product or service. He or she must monitor
competitors’. the customer’s satisfaction, which is called the
3. Align prices with the other 6Ps (product, after sales.
place, promotion, people, packaging, and C. Sales Promotions
processing). These are short- term promotional
4. Implement price strategies that are relevant to gimmicks wherein practical incentives and
your market segment. appealing activities are incorporated to entice
5. Align prices with your business objectives. the customers to buy the product or avail of the
service. These are also called “below-the-line”
4. PROMOTION promotions.
It involves presenting the product or Common examples of sales promotions in the
services to the public and how these can Philippines:
address the public needs, wants, problems, or Sales discounts or discount coupons
desires. Raffles
Main Goal: gain attention Contests and games
Key Marketing Messages for Promotion Promo items
value proposition or unique selling Product or service bundles
proposition of the product or service Trade fairs or exhibits
Product or service image Sample distributions or free taste/free
business image trials
business values and philosophy Premiums
Promotional Tools Point-of-purchase promotions
A. Advertising Advertising specialties
This type of communication influences Rewards
the behavior of a customer to choose the D. Public relations
product or service of the entrepreneur over the These are image-building initiatives of the
competitors. entrepreneur to make the name of the business
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reputable to stakeholders, such as the target service. This will determine the uniqueness of the
customers, government agencies, business product from competitors. This is the first element
partners, media, and the public. Unlike that customers see because they don’t know
advertisements, public relations (PR) do not what’s inside yet. Aside from this, packaging
directly promote products or services. preserves the shelf life of the product or service.
Examples of PR strategies Packaging is very important in selling
Press conferences physical products or goods, as it establishes the
Launching events brand’s identity, as well as its unique selling
Lobbying proposition. Therefore, elements such as color
Web public relations (which has different meanings on the customer
Social responsibility events segment and culture), shape,size, materials,
product must be put into several test , such as
5. PEOPLE packaging, and graphics tests ,to ensure that
What type of people need to be hired? the packaging is attractive and of high quality.
What are the basic skills needed for the In selling services, the term
job? servicescape was used to refer to the overall
What leadership style will be applied by ambiance of the place where the service is
the entrepreneur? performed
Example: in spa business, the
People servicescape should be cozy, service staff should
One of the 3 additional Ps in the be friendly, the massage bed should be
marketing mix. comfortable and clean, and relaxing music and
Plays a vital role in servicing customers. the aromatic smell of nature should be evident.
Have a major influence in the customer’s Packaging services often involve bundling to
buying behavior. make them look attractive.
Hire people or employees because it is a
Process is the last addition in the
core job as strategy implementation.
marketing mix as marketers began to realize the
Identify the specific, necessary job roles
importance of the internal and external
of employees and their descriptions to
operations of the business to serve customers
know the precise purpose and serve
customers glowing.
List the criteria of the following job offers Process is defined as a step by step
and requirements. procedure or activity workflow that the
Employees Benefits: entrepreneur or employees follow to effectively
SSS and efficiently serve customers.
Pag-Ibig Fund
Withhold taxes from employees’
paychecks and providing employees with
retirement and disability benefits.
Comply with the Federal and Medical
It is how the product or service is
presented to customers. It is the overall
identification (look and feel) of the product or
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