Methods For Reducing Aerodynamic Drag in Vehicles and Thus Acquiring Fuel Economy
Methods For Reducing Aerodynamic Drag in Vehicles and Thus Acquiring Fuel Economy
Methods For Reducing Aerodynamic Drag in Vehicles and Thus Acquiring Fuel Economy
ISSN: 2393-8447
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2016, pp.26-32
This paper discusses about techniques that can be adopted to reduce the formation of aerodynamic drag on
vehicles & thus reducing the fuel consumption. This is a comparative study and hence conclusions based
on more than one method are practiced here. One of the major causes of aerodynamic drag on a vehicle is
due to the formation of flow separation at the rear end of the vehicle. For reducing such flow separation
certain aerodynamic shapes or surfaces can be provided on the vehicle surface. One such improvement is
the usage of a bump-shaped vortex generator that restricts flow separation up to an extent & thereby
reducing the aerodynamic drag. Another method is by the usage of two passive devices known as rear
fairing, which is the aerodynamic extension of a vehicle’s rear end and the other is a rear screen, which is
a plate fixed behind the back of a car. Drag induced on a vehicle prohibits it for higher acceleration. And
hence for attaining higher velocities more fuel has to be burnt, which increases the fuel usage & also leads
to higher carbon emissions that will gradually affect the environment.
Keywords - aerodynamic drag reduction, passive methods, rear fairing, rear screen, vortex generator
more power more fuel must be burnt which in device that converts a steady pressure input into a
turn leads to higher amount of carbon emissions. spatially oscillating jet.
point gets shifted further downstream; it narrows suggested with maximum vortex generation and
the separation region and also increases the minimum drag production.
pressure at the region of flow separation.
But as it is true that vortex generators delay the Figure 8.1: Location of vortex generator
flow separation, it also tends to generate drag by
itself. However the increase in size of a vortex 9. USE OF BUMP SHAPED VORTEX
generator can effectively delay flow separation it GENERATOR
can also increase the drag caused by the vortex
generator. Hence an optimum size for a vortex
generator should be determined.
For selecting the optimum vortex generator with Figure 9.1: Bump shaped vortex generator
good stream wise vortex generation and less drag A vortex generator with bump shape having a rear
formation by itself, certain factors should be slope angle of 25° to 30° is selected considering
considered, which would be primarily the size the fact that a hatchback car with a same rear
and shape of the vortex generator. Concerning window angle can produce a strong stream wise
about the size, the thickness and height are vortex. The smoothly curved front face reduces
determined. the drag caused by the vortex generator itself and
the straight rear half cut in an angle of
The height of the vortex generator is assumed to approximately 27° allows it to produce the vortex
be same as that of the height of the boundary effectively.
layer. Based on the experimental results from, the
height of the vortex generator is taken as 30 mm.
The aerodynamic design of a vehicle plays a vital [3] Masaru Koike, Tsunehisa Nagayoshi and
role in reducing the drag. If the body is more blunt Naoki Hamamoto., Research on Aerodynamic
it can cause greater generation of drag and Drag Reduction by Vortex Generators.
making it too sharp can also lead to problems.
Active methods involve the action of air jet at [4] Kevin R Cooper., Commercial Vehicle
critical points of the vehicle surface. Such Aerodynamic Drag Reduction: Historical
methods require a little or no shape modifications Perspective as a Guide, National Research
at all. Whereas passive methods includes the Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
aerodynamic shape changes introduced on the
vehicle as well as installation of certain [5] Bandu N Pamadi, Larry W Taylor and
aerodynamic shapes on the vehicle surface. Terrance O Leary., A Method for the Reduction
of Aerodynamic Drag of Road Vehicles, NASA
Rear screens can be used to reduce drag which is Technical Memorandum 102589, January 1990.
a metal plate fixed at the rear end of the vehicle.
By installing such a passive device drag could be [6] Abdellah Ait Moussa, rohan Yadav, Justin
reduced up to 6.5%, whereas the use of rear Fischer., Aerodynamic Drag Reduction for a
fairing which is another passive device that is the Generic Sport Utility Vehicle Using Rear
aerodynamic extension of a vehicle’s rear end Suction, International Journal of Engineering
could yield drag reduction by up to 26%. Research and Applications, Vol. 4, Issue 8,
August 2014.
One another method is the usage of vortex
generators. Vortex generators are used to create a
flow around the vehicle in order to resist the flow
separation. Even if vortex generators cause drag
by itself overall drag reduction will be obtained
after the formation of vortices. Vortex generators
are commonly of two shapes – bump shaped and
delta wing shaped in which the delta wing shaped
is more effective.