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The key takeaways are that chanting the Ram mantra can help balance the solar plexus chakra, increase self-esteem and confidence, and attract blessings. It is considered a very powerful mantra.

Chanting the Ram mantra can increase self-control, reduce anxiety and stomach issues, and make one more confident and self-assured. It opens the solar plexus chakra and increases personal power.

Some ways to write the Ram mantra include doing it daily in any language, preserving completed books to donate, and focusing on keeping thoughts of Rama while writing rather than the script or number of times. Writing it can lead to spiritual upliftment.

Rama is:

 An Avatar (or incarnation) of Vishnu

 He is the ultimate Superhero of the Indian tradition
 Excellent in all actions: the perfect son, perfect brother, perfect husband, perfect friend, and perfect king
 A supreme personality radiating great valor and courage

3 Ways to Access the Power of Rama

Repeat the Victory Mantra: Read the epic tale of Rama Repeat Rama's Name

Sri Ram Jaya Ram The Ramayana RAMA 

Jaya Jaya Ram
Effects: Experience miracles Effects: Aquire some of Rama's noble Effects: It gives mastery over matter
victories qualities: royalty consciousness, to create miracles
courage, & true love

House of Ram
Nourishing and Healing the Aura | $19.00 CD
RAM (räm) is the symbol of our higher or soul consciousness. It activates the purifying fire within, burning away
every negative vibration from our physical, mental and spiritual bodies. To put it simply, vibrating Ram, the king of
all bij mantras, will positively  change your life forever. Ram is the mantra of miracles that will remove the
barriers between you and your higher self. Ram is like the guardian angel that keeps all destructive forces away. It
attracts the creativity and blessings of the entire Universe and beckons them to rush to your aid, elevating and
uplifting every area of your life that is in need of energy. The mantra found on the first track brings joy and
happiness on the spot. It is said that those who vibrate it find complete fulfillment in their life.

If you are fulfilled in your work, then your third chakra is healthy and open. 
The third chakra governs self-esteem, and its energy thrives on accomplishment. But if you are unhappy in how
you earn a living, long for a different career or just need a job, then your third chakra may be blocked. 
A balanced third chakra, or solar plexus chakra, can be used to find a job. Read on to learn more.

Read more:  http://www.ehow.com/about_5382774_chakra-used-job.html#ixzz2rGFlhRK7Location

 The third chakra, also known as manipura in Sanskrit, is just below the breast bone and above the naval in
the solar plexus region.
Job and Career Aspects
 This chakra represents what you're called to do in life, and an individual is more apt to find a job that is
worthy of them when it is open. An understimulated chakra could cause a person to avoid looking for a job, be
apathetic during job interviews or make poor decisions about which job offer to accept. An overstimulated chakra
can lead to becoming a workaholic and eventually lead to workplace burnout.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/about_5382774_chakra-used-job.html#ixzz2rGFpEPfV
Other Associations
 Yellow represents this chakra energy. Its stones are gold, yellow jasper, citrine, peridot and tiger's eye.
The liver, spleen, pancreas and stomach correspond to the third charka.
A Balanced Third Chakra
 A person with a strong solar plexus chakra exhibits confidence, awareness and can handle new challenges,
and because of this benefit from vitality and high energy. In particular, when it comes to finding a job, a person
with a balanced third chakra will trust their "gut" and pursue the job that is right for them, no matter their
experience or lack thereof in the field.
An Unbalanced Third Chakra
 Unbalanced chakra energy causes issues to manifest physically, spiritually, mentally or emotionally. These
health conditions include digestion disorders, anxiety, feelings of insecurity and being concerned with what other
people think.
Balancing Exercises
 To get your third chakra back in good health, try doing the following: inhale a dab of peppermint oil;
create a list of achievements; meditate on the color yellow; wear stones associated with the third chakra, such as
gold, tiger's eye and amber; put your hand on your stomach and gently rub while inhaling into your diaphragm
slowly and exhaling calmly; and exercise, as it is empowering.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/about_5382774_chakra-used-job.html#ixzz2rGFuPXWcRAM mantra meaning

and method RAM opens your Solar Plexus Chakra, the seat of your personal power. Chanting “RAM” will
increase your ability to stand up for yourself, control negative impulses, and exercise greater self-control. Your self-
esteem will increase as you chant “RAM” and you will become more confident and self-assured – and your frequent
stomach anxiety and pains will subside!
of Chant

RAM mantra is the most practical, powerful , effective and easy mantra to use and to recite. This has been written
in variety of scriptures likeRamayana, Vishnu Sahasranamama,Guru Granth Sahib and lots more.

Scientific Explanation of the RAM mantra:

The mantra RAM is composed of 2 sounds. RAAA and OMMMM. These 2 sounds are the sounds of 2 very
important Chakras. There are 7 chakras in the body. The 3rd chakra(Naval chakra) sound is RAAA.

The 3rd chakra is the point where all the Karmas are initiated from and is the entry point of
the Karmas. Karmas are all the thoughts words and deeds that one does in life. These Karmas are either resolved
or unresolved. The unresolved Karmasstored in the body and keep coming up to be resolved in life. So
since RAAA is the sound of the 3rd chakra and that is the entry point of all the Karmas, so the
soundRAAA contains within it all the Karmas stored in the body. Chanting RAAA stirs the pot of Karmas in the

OMMM is the sound of the 6th center. The 6th center of the 3rd eye is also the site of the inner Guru the higher self
the guide the intuition. This is the only space that resolves, destroys, demolishes, eradicates the Karmas. So
when OMMM is recited this center is ignited and stimulated.

Mixing the 2 sounds RAAA and OMMM becomes RAAAMMM or just RAM. Chanting RAM mantra will take

the stored Karmas and transport to the 3rd eye to be removed. That is the only reason that humans take birth.
Resolve Karmasstored from this life and previous lives.

RAM mantra is the perfect vehicle to do it.

How to do the RAM Mantra:

One should chant it slowly and with concentration. Concentrate on the mantra and the sound of the mantra. No
other thoughts should come. If the thoughts come then ignore the thoughts and bring the attention back to the

Chant it in a group. Chant one RAM in one breath for a few minutes. Then chant 2RAMs in one breath for a few
minutes. Then chant 4 RAMs in one breath. Everyone chants it together. A sample is posted in youtube at this


RAM mantra chanting is a very powerful mantra to do. Practical benefits where people’s illness, relationships etc
all got healed with the chanting of this mantra. Everyone should adapt to chanting this mantra at home and in a

Author: Atul Thakur. Write questions to atulthakur7@gmail.com

et us see the meaning of the individual words in this mantra

          Sree means respect to the divine. RA is the sound, the creator of all sounds. RA is as powerful as
12 suns. We have only one sun. But the word has inside it the energy of 12 suns. It generates so much
vibration. That’s why it’s an all-pervading and all-powerful mantra. Our ancestors described the figure of
RA. They say it has countless faces and legs. The word has that effect.
          Repeated recitation of the word MA can even help you in your next life.
          Jaya Ram à JA destroys all mental and physical sufferings
          YA in Jaya and M make you accomplish anything. You can cross any difficulties in life.

Benefits of Reciting this Mantra

Any difficulties can be circumvented with this mantra.
It can prevent the growth of cancer cells. This would be a sound treatment for cancer patients.
Preparing Mantra Charged Water
Chant this mantra by holding plastic bottle with water and give it to the patient. You go on chanting this mantra for
more than 100 times. The water will absorb the power of mantra then. Water is the only medium that can receive,
store and transmit the energy (of mantra) to others. Give the mantra charged water to tumour and cancer patients.
How cancer appears
At the cellular level, body contains multitudes of cells. The body goes on producing the cells. Some of the cells will
die too. When the cells are produced, one of them could turn out to be a rogue cell. Immediately, a command will
come from body, for the rogue cell to commit suicide. The rogue cell will commit suicide then. Sometimes, it doesn’t
receive the command. Then it becomes cancerous.
Even cellular scientist doesn’t know why certain rogue cells don’t receive the command to kill itself.
Receiving Oxygen gives a Send-off to Cancer
The cancerous cells die, when oxygen is in plenty. In the presence of oxygen, the cancer cells can’t thrive.
What’s that one thing that stops a cell from receiving oxygen?
When there is stress, the cells don’t receive oxygen. When there is a meeting, and you are not able to go in time, you
will be under great tension. When we are worried, we are under stress and tension.
When we get angry, we become stressed. If stress is there for more than 36 hrs, the cells will not absorb oxygen,
even if oxygen is available the normal cells  will become cancerous.
Practice of Sree Ram Mantra does the trick
There are ways to receive oxygen. Chanting the Sree Ram Jaya Ram Mantra is one way. You chant names of certain
flowers or Gems, or do some Mudras then you will receive the oxygen too.
The mantra is equivalent to 12 suns and therefore it works like a laser. I have given this mantra to quite a few. All of
them are able to cope up with cancer and they have reported excellent improvement.
Flying high in the sky again
According to the legend, just chanting ‘Ram’ has regenerated the entire wings of the eagle Sambadhi. Here is the
story on what happened to it (from the Epic Ramayana).
Thousands of monkeys were trying to locate Sita, but they couldn’t find her. They decided that they should commit
suicide as they have failed in their assignment. They were talking at the foot of a small hill. In the same hill, a giant
eagle was living there whose wings were burnt. The name of the eagle is Sambadhi. Somehow it was managing by
Sambadhi told the monkeys, that Ravana had taken Sita to Lanka. Hearing this news, the monkeys became happy
and started chanting in joy, “Sree Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram”. Immediately, Sambadhi’s wings grew. That’s
the power of this mantra.
What does the mantra do? It produces oxygen to cells. It can kill unwanted cells as well as give life to existing cells.
How does this mantra works on relationships?
This mantra can prevent divorce.
It can mend the relationship between husband and wife by bringing harmony inside both of them. This is true for
any type of relationships. Therefore, we should chant this mantra wherever we need harmony. However, Harmony
Pack, a combination of Bach flowers remedies, is there to take care of harmony in our family, life and work.
The mantra can establish harmony. Once all cells get the necessary oxygen, the cells become harmonious. The body
then becomes harmonious and thereafter mind becomes harmonious too. Mind and body are connected. When our
minds are affected our body is affected too and vice versa. Thus the mantra could establish harmony in our minds.
A Simple and Beautiful Practice

In the Ramayana, Tulsidasji has an entire section on the power of chanting the Lord’s name, Ram nam. The
scriptures tell us that chanting, especially during the Kali Yuga, is the primary means for people to obtain salvation.
Chanting God’s name (any name of God) purifies you from within and without. The unique thing is that it not only
purifies the person who is chanting, but also anyone nearby who hears the chant. There is nothing that cannot be
achieved by chanting, whether it’s worldly goals, fame, and fortune, or spiritual goals, all the way to liberation.
Ramakrishna used to say that the best way to achieve faith is to chant the Lord’s name.

All his life Guruji chanted Sita Ram Sita Ram, to the extent that it became part of his breath. Sleeping, waking,
eating, at all times his breath was one with Sita Ram. Not long after I met him, and before I had taken initiation, I
was sitting in his room and he asked what I did for spiritual practices. At that time, I told him that all I knew was
Ram nam, chanting the name of the Lord, and that was as much as I could do. He replied, “Your work is done,”
implying that that in itself is sufficient to achieve everything. Another time, at a question and answer session in
Santa Cruz, Guruji was telling us about chanting, and he quoted a couplet from the Ramayana as a way to convey
his message. Basically that couplet says, “Keep the lamp of the Lord’s name forever on your tongue because by
doing so you will find light within yourself and outside of yourself.”

Again and again I’ve noticed if I chant before I sit down for meditation, without question, my meditations are much
deeper and much more satisfying. The same thing is true when I listen to Guruji’s chanting. Meditating with the
mantrochar or with Ma chanting in the background has a much deeper quality than if I do it without the chanting.
It’s so much easier to get my mind focused and quiet.

There have been saints throughout history for whom chanting was the main sadhana. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the
saint with whom the Hare Krishna movement began, would constantly chant along with his disciples wherever they
went. There are lots of stories of people’s minds and hearts being changed just from listening to them chanting. I
can’t think of a single saint who has not emphasized the importance of chanting as a sadhana: Mirabhai, Tulsidasji,
Surdasji, Guru Nanak, Hanumanji himself.
Lord Shiva is said to be chanting Lord Ram’s name constantly. The scriptures state that if one dies in Kashi
(Benares), even an insect, that soul is liberated, because Lord Shiva chants Lord Ram’s name in the ear of whoever
dies in Kashi.

Basically, the greatness and importance of chanting really cannot be expressed in words. The beauty of it is that it
is such a simple practice.  Age, health status, education, religious or ethnic background – none of that matters. 
Anyone can chant, and benefit from it.

Chanting can be done anywhere, anytime, by anybody, does not require any special tools and there are no
restrictions on it. With certain other sadhanas, if you do them incorrectly there’s a danger of being harmed, but
with chanting that’s not there. For Shri Ramakrishna’s wife Sarada Devi, chanting was her only sadhana; she used
to call it Sahaj Yoga, which means the easy yoga. She recommended that you should just chant the Lord’s name
with each breath.

I don’t think most of us realize how much of a privilege and blessing we receive when somebody like Guruji or Ma
is chanting. We are listening to someone who is giving an eyewitness account, they aren’t telling us something they
simply read or heard about. When Guruji or Ma is chanting, they are bringing the light and power of their inner
experience into that chant. When Guruji is chanting about Hanumanji, he has seen Hanumanji, he has talked to
Hanumanji so the power of his chanting is indescribable. When Ma is chanting about Guruji, she knows for a fact
from every atom in her being that Guruji really is God in human form. For us it is more of an intellectual thing,
because most of us haven’t experienced that truth. She’s experienced it. Their chanting really can grant us anything
that our heart desires, from devotion and knowledge to liberation.

By Pankaj Khandelwal
Shiva Reminds Hanuman the Power of Chanting Lord Ram’s Name
There is an interesting story of Lord Siva reminding Hanuman the power of chanting Rama Nama or Lord Ram’s
name. Hanuman was roaming around the world with the horse that was part of the Ashwametha Yagna being
conducted by Lord Ram. Anyone who does not accept the royal authority of Lord Ram can stop the horse and
challenge Ram’s army.

A fierce and valiant king named Veeramani stopped the horse and challenged the army of Lord Ram. Veeramani
was an ardent devotee of Lord Siva. This Siva Bhakta defeated all the warriors in the army ofLord Ram except

Hanuman easily defeated the army of Veeramani.

Veeramani then sought the help of Lord Siva and He came to rescue of his devotee. But soon Siva realized that he
cannot defeat Hanuman as Hanuman was always chanting the name of Lord Ram.

Shiva then made Veeramani understand the glory of Lord Ram and asked him to accept his royal authority.

Then turning to Hanuman, Siva asked what he wanted as boon for being such a loyal devotee of Lord Ram.
Hanuman asked for Sanjeevani herb to get back to life all the people that died in the battle.
Siva then laughed and said why do you want Sanjeevani for this, you have the most powerful mantra in your
disposal – Rama Nama

Hanuman felt ashamed of his ignorance and soon by uttering the name of Rama awakened all the dead and
wounded and brought them back to their original condition.

It is believed that a person gets rid of all physical and mental troubles and evils by chanting the name of Ram.
Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:
There lived a Mahatma in Tiruvannamalai by name, Yogiramsuratkumar. He always chanted the Ram Nam. By
sheer power of Rama Nama, he cured innumerable diseases, blessed so many devotees with money, power wealth
etc who came to him with mundane, worldly problems.
So there is nothing to fear. Have faith in the Mahamantra. When there is faith, there is no fate. Chant the
Mahamantra with staunch, unshakable faith. Don't nurture any doubt about it. It will protect you from any
planetary effects. Not only that, Mahamantra is verily the Kalpatharu and Kalpaka Vruksha. It will fulfill all your

Glory bestows
in the name of
Significance of Rama Nama as cited in the different scriptures. The information given
here on this glorious Nama is just the tip of the iceberg.

'Even if the whole sky were used as a paper and all the waters of the Universe were
used as ink, it would just not suffice to pen down the glories of Rama Nama!'  

Rama Nama the Name of the Name!

Every other mantra in our scriptures have their own

names. Rama Nama is the only Mantra that is called
‘Taraka Mantra’. The word ‘taraka’ means the one that
helps us cross. It helps us cross the ocean of ‘samsara’. It
helps us cross the cycles of birth and death. If it is
chanted as 'Rama', then it is a Nama.
If it is chanted 'Ram', then it is a Mantra.

Thus spake the Sages

Our ancient Sages and Rishis have glorified the Rama

Rama Nama gets exactly the same importance in Saguna
Upasana (worshipping the Absolute Truth as a Being
with a form) as does the Pranava ('Om') Mantra in
Nirguna Upasana (worshipping the Absolute Truth as

Rishi Manu shows that the Rama Nama has links to all
the other mantras that ever exist.
In Syavana Smriti (Syavana is the name of a rishi), Syavana says that the Rama Nama
is the essence of all the Vedas, Shastras, Itihasas and Puranas.

Sage Vasishta meditated on the Rama Nama for quite a long time. Hence he wanted to
name the Almighty with the same Mantra that he had chanted.

The Yoga Connection

In the philosophy of the Yoga, 'Ra' is considered the 'Mooladhara' (the point of origin
of the power of Kundalini) and 'Ma' is the 'Sahasrara' (the destination). Hence, when
the Rama Nama is chanted in the right tone and manner, the serpent power rises and
hits the head or the 'kapala' Thus, by merely chanting the Rama Nama, one can
become a Yogi.

Shiva's family Mantra

We are all aware of the story of

the competition between
Ganesha and Muruga on who
will get the divine fruit. Muruga,
angry that the fruit was not
given to him, went to Palani. In
order to appease his anger, the
competition was conducted
again, when Muruga diligently
circumambulated his parents on
his peacock at great speed.
Ganesha, on his part, wrote
'RAMA' on the sand and
circumambulated it, as that is
equivalent of going around the
whole world! Pleased, Siva
honoured him by crowning him
the leader of all his minions -
the 'bhoota ganas' and thus he
acquired the name 'Ganapathy'
and 'Gana Nayaka'

In Vishnu Sahasranamam, Lord

Siva asks Parvati to chant the
Rama Nama all the time. A good
teacher is the one who practices
what he preaches. It is obvious
that Siva, being the Supreme
Guru, (Jagadguru) Himself
chants the Rama Nama. When
parents do something noble,
would not the son follow the
same? Muruga and Ganesha
chant the Rama Nama always.
That is verily their ‘Kula
The Lords' favorite!

The ‘sthala purana’ of Kasi says that the deity Kasi Viswanatha initiates the Rama
Nama to each and every being at the time of their death, in their right ear.

The Lord Dhakshinamurthy observes silence because He doesn’t want to waste any
time without chanting the Rama Nama.
The Sun God ever chants the Rama Nama as he is proud that Sri Rama came in his

The Devatas' favorite

Sage Vishwamitra took Sri Rama and Lakshmana to the forests for 'yagna
samrakshana' (protecting their fire austerities from the demons). Out of the boundless
love for Sri Rama, Viswamnitra wanted to gift Him something. A sage that he was, he
had no worldly possessions, nevertheless, he had performed abundance of austerities.
He had penanced for a very long time on the 33 crore 'Devatas' with mantras for each
of them. He initiated Sri Rama with these Mantras.

As soon as the Mantras were initiated to Sri Rama, the 'devatas' appeared before
them! Viswamitra was jealous of the fact that those devatas who could be invoked by
him only after severe penances, now appeared the instant Sri Rama chanted their

In our Shastras it is prescribed that when the devatas are invited, they can be installed
in one of the three -- water (that is the reason we install 'kalas' - pots of water for
japa, kumbabhishekam and the like), fire (that is the reason we perform homam) and
the third being, installing them into one's own body (during Sandhyavandanam,
Godess Gayathri is installed thus). Here, when the devatas were invoked, they refused
to go back to their abodes. Hence Sri Rama invited one and all of them into his body.
Thus, by merely chanting the Rama Nama, one gets the benefit of invoking all the 33
crores of devatas as well.

Ramayana is filled with instances where merely the Name ‘Rama’ has solved so many
miseries and disentangled so many situations.

One Name for all Gods

Generally people can be divided into two broad categories: the Shaivites, who worship
Lord Shiva as the supreme, and the Vaishnavites, who worship Lord Vishnu and His
forms as the the supreme Being. The most significant Mantra for any Vaishnavite is the
'Ashtakshari' (it contains eight letters in sanskrit) mantra 'Om Namo Narayana' .

The chief among the Mantras for the Shaivites is the Panchakshari (5 lettered) mantra,
'Om Nama Shivaya'. Without the letter ‘ra’, ‘Narayana’ would read as ‘Nayana’ that
means one without a way (‘gati’); without the letter ‘ma’, ‘Namasivaya’ would read as
‘Nasivaya’ that means inauspicious.

So the jiva akshara (life giving letters) 'Ra' and 'Ma' of these two Mantras are put
together to form the Rama Nama!
Anyone chanting this Divine Name thus worships both Shiva and Vishnu at the same

Rama Nama in today's world

Sri Bodendra Saraswati Swamigal, Kabir, Samartha Ramadas, Thiyagaraja,

Bhadrachala Ramadas, Papa Ramdas, Bhagavan Yogiramsuratkumar and innumerable
saints in the recent past have advocated the Rama Nama and also showed how the
Rama Nama can perform miracles.

Sri Ramakrishna initiated Swami Vivekananda into the holy 'Rama' Nama. It is the
power of that Divine Name that made him establish this Universal Religion of
Brotherhood called Hinduism all over the world.
Mahatma Gandhi, in his final lecture before independence said, 'We have tried our
level best. Now let us all chant the Divine Name together. Only that has the power to
get us independence.' Not one of his prayers passed without Rama Nama Kirtan.

Chant the Mahamantra Nama kirtan :

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
sAs the year 2011 takes her steps forward leading us into a time of transition, into the period of The Golden Age,
the archetype Vishnu makes his presence felt world over.
A snippet from the Washington Post states that “Vishnu: Hinduism’s Blue-Skinned Savior is a new exhibit at
Nashville’s Frist Center for the Visual Arts that aims to introduce American art audiences to the visual beauty of the
intricate ways Hindus throughout time have rendered their deities.”

Vishnu governs the aspect of preservation and sustenance of

the universe. In the Puranic scriptures, Vishnu is described as having the color of dark-blue (water filled clouds),
four-armed, holding, shanka (Conch), Chakra (discus), and mace. He is also associated with the lotus flower, which
appears behind his head. His fourth hand is raised in a gesture of reassurance. He represents wealth and
The ancient text Puranabharti also describes each of the Dasavatara of Vishnu. Among these ten principal avataras
described, nine have occurred in the past and one will take place in the future, at the end of Kali Yuga. In the
famous hymn Vishnu Sahasranamam, Bramha (the creator) refers to Vishnu as “Sahasrakoti Yuga Dharine”, which
means that these incarnations take place in all Yugas in cosmic scales. The avatars and their stories show that God
is indeed unimaginable, unthinkable and unbelievable.
Vishnu is one of the important deities of the year 2011, especially his avatars of Rama, Krishna and Kalki, the tenth
incarnation of Vishnu. This year, Dr. Pillai has illustrated the importance of Vishnu, in his talks and seminars.
As the year 2011 approaches and takes us into the Golden Age, the mundane definition of wealth equating to money
needs to be redefined to acquiring intelligence, compassion and love. In his meditations and practices this year, Dr.
Pillai has discovered the importance of material and spiritual abundance.
As Dr. Pillai says, “It is a year of a 200% life, that is a 100% life of material pleasures and a 100% life of spiritual
development. By chanting the mantra (quantum sound) Siva-Rama, you can attain a 200% life.”
This is the time for material prosperity, many can attain abundant wealth this year, and the god, archetype, to
invoke for material wealth is Vishnu. Dr. Pillai, has therefore given mantras (quantum sounds) to invoke the
archetype of Vishnu and his avatars. When one gets more wealth, they are more open to spirituality as well.
One of the important archetypes and an avatar (incarnate) of Vishnu is Rama. Known for his courage, solidarity
and compassion, Rama incarnate is the bringer of victory and abundance to those who invoke his energies.
Rama is referred to within Hinduism as “Maryada Purushottama”, literally the Perfect Man or Lord of Self-Control
or Lord of Virtue.
The word Rama was in existence even before the birth of incarnation of Rama. It is the mantra (quantum sound)
used by Siva himself, it existed and continues to do so as the most powerful mantra (sound) to attain material
pleasures and enlightenment.
Another mantra (quantum sound) given by Dr. Pillai to invoke Rama is Sri Moola Ramo Vijayathe , this mantra
was given by Sri Raghavendra of the Madhava tradition. The continued recitation of this mantra brings in not only
the energies of Rama, but also victory to all of one’s endeavors. It invokes the primordial energies of Rama.
Krishna Avatar, is possibly the most known and famous of the ten incarnations (Dashavatar) of Vishnu. Krishna is
often described as an infant or young boy playing a flute as in the Bhagavata Purana, or as a youthful prince giving
direction and guidance as in the Bhagavad Gita.
The stories of Krishna appear across a broad spectrum of Hindu philosophical and theological traditions. They
portray him in various perspectives: a god-child, a prankster, a model lover, a divine hero and the Supreme Being.
He is the another important archetype given by Dr. Pillai for the year 2011. The mantra (quantum sound) for
Krishna, Hare Krishna, is probably popular world-wide. By chanting this mantra, the whole world consciousness is
filled with Krishna. This chant will protect us from the world of Kali.
‘Hare Rama Hare Krishna’ is the chant that combines the incarnates of Rama and Krishna.  This chant brings in
abundant material wealth.
Dr. Pillai has emphasized on the mantras Hare Rama Hare Krishna, Sri Moola Ramo Vijayatheand ‘Sri Ram Jaya
Ram Jaya Jaya Ram’ – which, further emphasizes on victory and prosperity. All these mantras invoke the energies
of Vishnu and bring in material wealth.
Vishnu is thus playing an important role this year, and is coming to the forefront by giving mankind small symbols
of his existence amongst us. The exhibit at Nashville’s Frist Center, is just the beginning.

The Meaning and Method of Chanting of Mantra RAM

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RAM mantra meaning and method of Chant


RAM mantra is the most practical, powerful , effective and easy mantra to use and to recite. This has been written
in variety of scriptures likeRamayana, Vishnu Sahasranamama,Guru Granth Sahib and lots more.
Scientific Explanation of the RAM mantra:

The mantra RAM is composed of 2 sounds. RAAA and OMMMM. These 2 sounds are the sounds of 2 very
important Chakras. There are 7 chakras in the body. The 3rd chakra(Naval chakra) sound is RAAA.

The 3rd chakra is the point where all the Karmas are initiated from and is the entry point of
the Karmas. Karmas are all the thoughts words and deeds that one does in life. These Karmas are either resolved
or unresolved. The unresolved Karmasstored in the body and keep coming up to be resolved in life. So
since RAAA is the sound of the 3rd chakra and that is the entry point of all the Karmas, so the
soundRAAA contains within it all the Karmas stored in the body. Chanting RAAA stirs the pot of Karmas in the

OMMM is the sound of the 6th center. The 6th center of the 3rd eye is also the site of the inner Guru the higher self
the guide the intuition. This is the only space that resolves, destroys, demolishes, eradicates the Karmas. So
when OMMM is recited this center is ignited and stimulated.

Mixing the 2 sounds RAAA and OMMM becomes RAAAMMM or just RAM. Chanting RAM mantra will take

the stored Karmas and transport to the 3rd eye to be removed. That is the only reason that humans take birth.
Resolve Karmasstored from this life and previous lives.

RAM mantra is the perfect vehicle to do it.

How to do the RAM Mantra:

One should chant it slowly and with concentration. Concentrate on the mantra and the sound of the mantra. No
other thoughts should come. If the thoughts come then ignore the thoughts and bring the attention back to the

Chant it in a group. Chant one RAM in one breath for a few minutes. Then chant 2RAMs in one breath for a few
minutes. Then chant 4 RAMs in one breath. Everyone chants it together. A sample is posted in youtube at this


RAM mantra chanting is a very powerful mantra to do. Practical benefits where people’s illness, relationships etc
all got healed with the chanting of this mantra. Everyone should adapt to chanting this mantra at home and in a

Author: Atul Thakur. Write questions to atulthakur7@gmail.com

Rama Mantra
Rama is one of the important archetypes of 2011, an incarnation of Vishnu; Rama is the personification of pure
thoughts, noble virtues and utter triumph. Rama is a warrior and is relentless. He is a winner, is absolutely self-
righteous and compassionate. There is nothing he cannot do. The positive energy of Rama will remove any
disturbing thoughts and give mental peace so that you are focused and clear, with the attitude of a winner. It will
stabilize your mind and give you an unblocked flow of positive, goal-oriented thoughts.
Dr. Pillai has revealed a powerful sound frequency to invoke the energies of the Archetype of Rama:
Sri Moola Ramo Vijayate 
Dhig Vijaya Ramo Vijayate 
Sri Jaya Ramo Vijayate 
Siva Rama 
Siva Rama 
Siva Rama 
Siva Ramo Vijayate
The meaning of this chant is, "Let victory come to me through the primordial Rama, the God. Let victory come to me
through Rama. It's not that I am involved in creating the victory; it is going to come through him."
This powerful sound frequency (mantra) was used by Siva himself, as the mantra pre-dates the incarnation of Rama.
This sound frequency existed since primordial times for enlightenment and the creation of abundant material
'Moola' means primordial, 'Rama' is an aspect of Vishnu, and 'Vijayathe' refers to triumph. Together, these sounds
invoke the energy of Vishnu for victory in all endeavors, including material goals.
Jaya means victory that comes not through your efforts but through the efforts of Rama. He is going to bring in the
victory for you; your karma will not get you the desired job, money and life you want. To negate the bad karma you
need intervention, and this intervention comes in the form of 'Moola Ramo Vijayate.'
Sivarama is a combination of Rama and Siva giving you a 200 percent life of both material and spiritual wealth.
Rama gives you wealth and Siva gives you god.
Ram Mantra

RAM -The name of the lord born as son of Dasharath is in itself a mantra. It is the best mantra available to tide
over samsara.

 Ram means one who attracts the minds of one and all
 Ram means one who fulfills all the wishes of his devotees
 Ram means one who always gives happiness to his consort
 Ram means the  fire which burns its enemies to ashes
 Ram means one who is ideal and shows the righteous path
 Ram means embodiment of auspicious
 Ram means the infinite bliss
 Ram means the one who purifies
 Ram means the sacrificial fire that gives glory
 Ram means the peace that comes from within
 Ram means the greatest ever born

Ram Ram when uttered twice  becomes mahamantra .

 R- raktha [blood]
 A-asthi[bones]
 M-mamsa[muscles] gata papa kshayati
 the sins that are ingrained deep inside blood and bones and muscles/marrow[majja] are destroyed by
chanting RAM once
 once destroyed these may try to re-enter
 when uttered RAM second time ,it prevents such reccurence

note : We suffer due to sins , sins are superficially ingrained onto the aura if it is less potent . When sins are grave
,they manifest into blood ,second stage would be when they penetrate human bones and lastly the sins become
unbearable when they are in marrow. The more severe sins are manifested as mental disorders . the remedies to
such sins are not possible , man suffers them ,only a holy saint has to take pity on these to relieve them of pain and
unrest. But why worry when there is Ram mantra . just chant RAM RAM twice such sins will get destroyed and will
never attack again.

There is nothing in this three world that cannot be achieved  by this mantra , it will be sheer waste of time reciting
all other mantras without the knowledge of RAM mantra .Blessed is the soul who has mastered this RAM mantra by
the grace of Guru Madhvacharya for his place in the abode of Purandara vittala is assured.


|| Ram naam japiso hey manuja || AA mantra ee Mantra japisuvi keda beda|| Ram naam japiso hey manuja ||

Sri Moola Mantra-The Secret Sound of Victory

A host of archetypes present themselves to aid humans in the march into the Golden Age of 2012. Of these, Vishnu
plays an important role. Dr. Pillai has identified that in 2011 Vishnu plays a pivotal role in helping man transition
into the Golden Age. Thus ,Dr. Pillai has been researching and discovering the ways to invoke the full power of
Vishnu to be available with the use of certain techniques and tools
Dr. Pillai has declared that the current time is a time of manifestation and abundance. Wealth is going to be
redefined as acquiring not only material abundance, but also intelligence, compassion and love. The archetype who
represents wealth, abundance and material life is Vishnu.
Rama Mantra
Rama is one of the important archetypes of 2011, an incarnation of Vishnu; Rama is the personification of pure
thoughts, noble virtues and utter triumph. Rama is a warrior and is relentless. He is a winner, is absolutely self-
righteous and compassionate. There is nothing he cannot do. The positive energy of Rama will remove any
disturbing thoughts and give mental peace so that you are focused and clear, with the attitude of a winner. It will
stabilize your mind and give you an unblocked flow of positive, goal-oriented thoughts.
Dr. Pillai has revealed a powerful sound frequency to invoke the energies of the Archetype of Rama:
Sri Moola Ramo Vijayate 
Dhig Vijaya Ramo Vijayate 
Sri Jaya Ramo Vijayate 
Siva Rama 
Siva Rama 
Siva Rama 
Siva Ramo Vijayate
The meaning of this chant is, "Let victory come to me through the primordial Rama, the God. Let victory come to me
through Rama. It's not that I am involved in creating the victory; it is going to come through him."
This powerful sound frequency (mantra) was used by Siva himself, as the mantra pre-dates the incarnation of Rama.
This sound frequency existed since primordial times for enlightenment and the creation of abundant material
'Moola' means primordial, 'Rama' is an aspect of Vishnu, and 'Vijayathe' refers to triumph. Together, these sounds
invoke the energy of Vishnu for victory in all endeavors, including material goals.
Jaya means victory that comes not through your efforts but through the efforts of Rama. He is going to bring in the
victory for you; your karma will not get you the desired job, money and life you want. To negate the bad karma you
need intervention, and this intervention comes in the form of 'Moola Ramo Vijayate.'
Sivarama is a combination of Rama and Siva giving you a 200 percent life of both material and spiritual wealth.
Rama gives you wealth and Siva gives you god.
Buddhir balam yasO dhairyamA
Nirbhayatvam arOgata
Ajaadyam vaak patuthvam cha
HanUmath smaranaath bhavEth
May intelligence, strength, total daring, a lack of fear and excellent speech be available to me through Hanuman’s
A great edge in corporate life:
Note that this is also an ideal mantra for corporate success! It is especially useful when in critical conversations to
impress one’s superiors, clients and perhaps even help to attract the opposite sex! Remember however, if things do
not go well, it is entirely the work of the guiding force above placing you on the right path toward your own
happiness.  How easily we forget that everything happens for a reason and that the Lord works in mysterious ways.
 A key complement to this is chanting the name of Rama (just say the name over an over like a Bija mantra).
It is said that Hanuman appears wherever Rama’s name is spoken with faith. I will elaborate in later posts.

What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

Above your navel and just below your sternum is your solar plexus chakra, the center of the energy associated with
ego. This is the source of personal power, self-belief and self-worth.

The Solar Plexus Chakra symbol

Your solar plexus chakra is activated:

 anytime you muster the courage to do something that scares you

 anytime you speak up for yourself
 anytime you exert your willpower and self-control
You’ll notice that in these situations, your energy is high, your posture tall and commanding and your voice firm.

Look around you at the people who are successful in whatever they do: they stand tall, speak with conviction and
strength and look others straight in the eye. Their personal power is strong and they are comfortable using it! By
the way, personal power does not mean power over others; it means self-mastery – the ability to master your
thoughts and emotions, overcome any fear and take appropriate action in any situation.

The Sanskrit word for the solar plexus is Manipura, translated as ‘shining gem’, a fitting term for this particular
chakra. You may have heard the phrase, “no pressure, no diamonds” – the solar plexus chakra gives you the ability
to rise to the occasion in times of need and difficulty or anytime you are challenged.
The Manipura is represented as being a vivid golden yellow in color. Like a ray of sunshine, the glow of the solar
plexus chakra lights your path and warms your body with the glow of self-confidence.

The solar plexus chakra empowers you to follow and not be distracted from your true path. The vibrant yellow of
this chakra speaks to creativity, personality, intellect and ego and this chakra gives you increased awareness,
clarity of thought and great curiosity.

What Happens When Your Solar Plexus Chakra is Blocked?

When your solar plexus chakra is blocked, life becomes a series of disappointments and frustrations. People with a
weak solar plexus chakra see themselves as victims. They pessimistically walk with their heads down, put up with
poor treatment and they have low expectations and aspirations. They are shy and rarely take the leadership role –
but are quick to sarcastically put the leaders down!

Persistent lack of self-confidence and self-worth erodes their resolve to do anything meaningful with their lives and
settle for a dull, frustrating existence.

Those suffering from a blocked solar plexus chakra usually experience low self-esteem and which can cause them to
be pessimistic and vulnerable.
It doesn’t take much for the solar plexus chakra to become blocked or weakened. It may be a result of poor
feedback, lack of affection, criticism, rejection, and being ignored or unappreciated. If you feel that your ideas,
words and efforts are ignored or unappreciated, you have an imbalance in the solar plexus chakra.

Some people with feelings of inadequacy will dramatically overcompensate. This false show of bravado and self-
glorification may be seen as confidence or even arrogance, but it is false and often crumbles spectacularly, leading
to serious depression and further over-compensatory behavior. People with a healthy solar plexus chakra, on the
other hand, do not boast of their accomplishments – they let their results speak for themselves.

As well as manipulative and selfish behavior, a closed third chakra can manifest in physical and mental problems.
Because this particular chakra is situated in the center of the body, physical difficulties often originate in this area.
Digestive problems such as gas, nausea, ulcers, diabetes, celiac’s disease and liver disease are associated with the
Manipura chakra

sThe Bīja Mantra of the Manipūra Chakra is RAM. This sound developed from the vibration caused by the meeting
of the Nādīs in this centre. If we sing RAM for some time and specifically allow the “R” to vibrate, we become
conscious of a pleasant feeling of warmth and the flow of energy.
 When we open the manipura chakra, we commit to honoring who we truly are: not just the small whiny ego but our
true power that shines brightly in any situation. We recognize our inherent magnitude.
Gurmukh and the Kundalini Yoga tradition recognize commitment as being the human talent associated with the
manipura chakra. When we are in touch with the brightness of our beings, we know that we can commit to and
follow through any noble goal we might choose; we are such beautiful, powerful beings, how could we not succeed?
As Yogi Bhajan said, ‘Once your third chakra is activated, I am not saying that you will have no problems. But you
can sit like a lotus in the muddy waters and enjoy life. That is the power of the third chakra. It gives you an instant,
infinite experience of your life.’

Ram, the hero of the Ramayana, was a person who exemplifies being in touch with their manipura chakra. Ram was
known as the Dharma King because he was always able to determine the correct or dharmic course of action. Thus
his actions were imbued with power because he knew that they were righteous. A ram is also the animal depicted in
the center of the manipura yantra as they represent strength and courage. We must be careful not to be dominated
by manipura, however, as we do not wish to be like a ram which charges head-first and overpowers everything.
(For more on Yantras refer to The Chakra Bible by Patricia Mercier.)

Ram is also the sound of the bija mantra for manipura chakra. The vibration of Ram resonates throughout our
navel. Try lying down on the floor in a supine twist. Move your hips two inches to the right and drop your knees
over to the left. Look over your right shoulder. Breathe evenly through your nose and exhale chant Ram. Take ten
breaths here and then switch to the left side. Manipura chakra is related to our karma with people we feel have hurt
us. We may feel that they have injured our egos through hurting us but it is only through letting go of this anger that
we can flourish. Come back to the first side of your supine twist, looking over your right shoulder again. Begin
chanting Ram again but this time visualize someone who has hurt you. With every exhale let go of any hurt or anger
you feel towards this being, completely accepting them and the past. Stay here for ten breaths and then switch to the
left side. Again visualize the same being who has hurt you and let go. Simply let go of this resentment which does
not serve any being.

3. Solar plexus / Manipura chakra 

Location: Below the breast / chest
Tone : A-O-M (ahh-oooooooo-mm)
Colour: Yellow
Sense: Sight
Bij Mantra: RAM
Element: Fire
Heart: Fire Energy Yin Organ, Small Intestine: Fire Energy Yang Organ , Pericardium: Fire Energy Yin Organ,
Triple Burner: Fire Energy Yang Organ
Centre of personal power. When the solar plexus is open ,you have found your unique gift, the work that gives you
pleasure and makes you feel fulfilled. One way to find your gift is to consider what you most enjoyed doing when
you were a child,this will give you clues about your natural inclinations.
Balanced Energy : Outgoing, Cheerful, Self-respect, Respect others, Strong sense of personal power, Skillfull,
Intelligent, Relaxed, Spontaneous, Expressive, Take on new challenges, Enjoy physical activities and good food.
Excessive Energy : Judgmental, Workaholic, Perfectionistic, Overly intellectual, May need drugs to relax, Sexually
inhibited, Can't show emotional warmth.
Deficient Energy : Depressed, Lack of confidence, Worry about what others think, Confused, Poor digestion, Afraid
of being alone, Sexual energy-insecure, Need constant reassurance, Jealous, Distrustful.
Illness : Digestive difficulties, gas, food allergies, liver problems, diabetes, over-sexed, gall stones, muscle cramps,
spasm, depression, difficulty in breathing
Glands/Organs : The diaphragm, the breath, adrenals, skin, digestive organs,stomach, duodenum,pancreas, gall
bladder, liver.

Third Chakra Healing – SOLAR PLEXUS -  Manipura in Sanskrit means “lustrous gem”  ***This is
a  BIGBIG  BIG  one!

In this recording, you will get the following issues explained at root cause, addressed and cleared:

Physical: acid reflux, anxious digestive disorders, ulcers digestive disorders; hypertension; hypoglycemia/diabetes;
chronic fatigue, low energy, low vitality; eating disorders of all kinds; disorders of stomach, pancreas, gall bladder,
liver; flabby stomach, being busy and productive, losing excess weight, overwhelm

Mental, Spiritual (emotional): lack of joy, sense of humor, playfulness, spontaneity, inner-child trust & ease; no
sense of personal power; unable to meet challenges; victim mentality; blaming others; feels a general shame or
ashamed of one’s self; don’t have the right to desire what you desire; unable to step out into the flow of life and take
risks on behalf of one’s desires; passive towards life; fear of making mistakes; lack of appropriate self-discipline;
manipulative, power hungry, deceitful; bad temper, angry outbursts; highly reactive; overly rebellious; narcissistic;
irresponsible, unreliable; go go go without slowing down; over-achievement w/a sense of achievements prove one’s
worth; stimulant over-use

Key Traumas Cleared: when one has had adult responsibilities put on you too young; emotional manipulation; fear
of punishment; authoritative shaming of you

The third chakra, or Solar Plexus chakra, sometimes referred to as Manipura, is the seat of your self image and
personality. A keen knowledge and understanding of yourself will help to lead you down a better path in life. Self-
awareness is something we should all strive towards as we try and manifest our dreams and desires, so
understanding this chakra is most vital for emotional, physical and spiritual health.

The third chakra, responsible for your self image, also stores your self esteem, your fear of rejection, how well you
respond to critiscm, how secretive you are, how powerful and knowledgeable you feel in the world, your coping
mechanisms and your sense of belonging.

Chakra 3 – Power Chakra represents Will. You might be very creative person but without will, the desire and
ability to implement ideas, ideas become fantasies. Malfunction of this Chakra manifests itself in the inability to
organize the day, follow the plan or finish the task.

Everything is so hard to do, your day seams busy. But in reality nothing productive is achieved. Even one simple ten
minut task seams so huge, that it “occupies” your whole day.
People with balanced Third Chakra achieve the impossible, squeezing 48 productive hours in a single day with

The Power of Intention Global Peace Meditation
Join us from where
ever you are on
Wednesday, October
29th at 3:30pm PDT
(10:30pm GMT) as we
set our intentions on
peace for an hour long
Global Peace Meditation. We will be
broadcasting live from our meditation
retreat, Seduction of Spirit in Carlsbad
Read more here

“The winds of grace are blowing – it is you

“You are what your deepest desire is.  who must raise your sails.” 
As your desire is, so is your intention.  ~ Rabindranath Tagore
As your intention is, so is your will. 
As your will is, so is your deed. 
As your deed is, so is your destiny.” Nurture your Intentions
 ~ Upanishads Here a few recommendations for using
Intention is the starting point of every spiritual path. intention to the highest possible benefit:
It is the force that fulfills all of our needs, whether Set your intentions high.
for money, relationships, spiritual awakening, or Aim to be a saint and a miracle worker. If
love. Intention generates all the activities in the you know that the goal of inner growth is to
universe. Everything that we can see – and even the acquire mastery, then plant the seed for
things we cannot – are an expression of intention’s mastery as soon as possible. Don’t strain to
infinite organizing power. work wonders, but don’t deny them to
As the ancient Indian sages observed thousands of yourself either. The beginning of mastery is
years ago, our destiny is shaped by the deepest level vision; see the miracles around you, and
of our intention and desire. Once we plant the seed that will make it easier for greater miracles
of an intention in the fertile ground of pure to grow.
potentiality, our soul’s journey unfolds Unmask your false intentions.
automatically, as naturally as a bulb becomes a False intentions take the form of guilty
tulip or an embryo becomes a child. With this issue desires: I want someone else to fail. I want
of Namasté, we invite you to explore the power of to get even. I want to see bad people
intention and harness it for deeper fulfillment. punished. False intentions can be elusive,
but you will notice their existence by the
feeling connected with them – a feeling of
fear, greed, rage, hopelessness, and
weakness. Sense the feeling first, refuse to
buy into it , and then remain aware until you
Begin right now with this guided intention find the intention lurking beneath.
meditation led by our lead educator, davidji!
You will need a free mp3 player
like Quicktime or Windows Media Player to listen
to this. If you would like to save the mp3 file to your
computer, right click and choose "Save target as"
(PC) or "Save link as" (Mac) and save the file to
your computer.

Join The Chopra Center's Namaste e-newsletter

community here
Nurture your intentions every day.
Everyday life surrounds us in a swirling
chaos, and it’s easy to fall into the grip of
Sutra Practice for Your Intentions our ego’s fears, demands, and confusion.
You need to remind yourself – daily – of
your intentions and purpose. Some people
find it helpful to write down their intentions
and review them each day; for others,
periods of regular meditation and prayer
are invaluable. Find your center and don’t
let go of your intention until it feels centered
inside yourself.
Detach. Intend for everything to work out as
it should, then let go and allow
opportunities and openings to come your
way. Don’t listen to the voice that says you
have to be in charge, that constant vigilance
is the only way to get anything done. The
outcome that you try so hard to force may
not be as good for you as the one that comes
San Kalpa (sahn KAL-pah) is an ancient
Sanskrit sutra that means “My intentions have
infinite organizing power.” When you enter a
meditative state and repeat this sutra, you The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire
strengthen the power of your intentions. Here is
how to use it:
Spend a few minutes in meditation, allowing your
mind to settle. Now imagine that the entire universe
is a vast ocean of consciousness and that your
intentions emerge from your heart and ripple out
into this ocean, where they are fulfilled with
effortless ease. Then say silently to yourself, “San Read the book that inspired The Chopra
Kalpa.” Center’s
signatureSynchroDestiny workshop!
For every intention, whether for healing, a new Deepak’s classic bestseller offers a powerful
relationship, wealth, or opportunity, envision the overview of the laws that govern the
desired outcome in your mind and repeat the sutra, universe and shape our destiny. Order your
letting it resonate deep within you. copy here

Let Your Intentions Flow

We have seven major chakras or energy centers
running along the axis of our spine. Each chakra
governs a specific aspect of our life and is
associated with a sound vibration and a color. In
this exercise we will focus on opening our third
chakra, the chakra of power of intention.
Manipura Chakra or Third Chakra
Location: Solar plexus
Aspect: Seat of our power behind the
manifestation of our intentions and desires.
Color: Yellow
Sound: Ram
Begin by closing your eyes and visualize a
beautiful golden light filling the area of your
solar plexus. Take a deep breath, and on the
exhalation, say "Rammmmmmmm" aloud in one
long syllable.
Feel the sound vibration and notice the energy
flowing effortlessly through your body. Continue
breathing deeply and repeat the sound Ram on
each exhalation until you feel infused with a
feeling of strength and possibility.

The Chopra Center Resources

Learn how to harness

the power of
intention. Read more
the life-changing
workshop led by Deepak
The Chopra Center On-Line Library. Read
about Ayurveda, mind-body healing, and more at
our on-line library.
Free Intro to Meditation Class. Learn about our
free introduction to meditation class, offered
each week in the beautiful setting of The Chopra
Center in Carlsbad, California.
Spend a week at The Chopra Center, where you
will be immersed in the healing practices of
Ayurveda as you learn daily practices for health
and emotional wellbeing.
Speak with a program consultant at
MANIPURA CHAKRA or solar plexus energy center is located above the navel. It’s like the morning sun. It
resonates with the  yellow color and its characteristic element is AGNI-fire. It gives us the energy, power, self-
esteem, a strong will. Its fiery quality supports our metabolism, burning the stuff. The corresponding aspect of who
we are is the Achiever, whose primary qualities are commitment 


SRI RAM is the age-old mantram coming from Treta Yuga. It is the name of the Solar God who incarnated as the
Solar King named as Rama.

The sound R is the seed sound of the Cosmic Fire. RHA is also known to the American Indians as the Sun
God. RHA-AAM is also the God of Fire of the Egyptians. The God RA is shown in "The Book of the Death",
beaming in his egg (the sun) and starting off as soon as the solar energy awakens and gives him the impulse. He is
said to be in the solar egg. The solar God exclaims: "I am the creative soul of the celestial abyss. None sees my
nest; none can brake my egg. I am the Lord". RA is the mighty one and the egg is the symbol of Light, of
immortality and eternity as per the understanding of the Greeks.

The sound is uttered repeatedly to burn up the impurities in all the 3 planes, physical, emotional and mental,
making the personality transparent. The sound has the power to purify, protect and direct. It generates intuitional
following of the Law, Dharma.

sWhat does Rama Represent?

Rama is the personification of pure thoughts, noble virtues and utter triumph. Rama is a warrior and is relentless.
He is a winner, is absolutely self-righteous and compassionate. There is nothing he cannot do. The positive energy
of Rama will remove any disturbing thoughts and give mental peace so that you are focused and clear, with the
attitude of a winner. It will stabilize your mind and gift you with an unblocked flow of positive, goal-oriented

One of the important archetypes and an avatar (incarnate) of Vishnu is Rama. Known
for his courage, solidarity and compassion, Rama incarnate is the bringer of victory and abundance to those who
invoke his energies.
Rama is referred to within Hinduism as “Maryada Purushottama”, literally the Perfect Man or Lord of Self-Control
or Lord of Virtue.

The word Rama was in existence even before the birth of incarnation of Rama. It is the mantra (quantum sound)
used by Siva himself, it existed and continues to do so as the most powerful mantra (sound) to attain material
pleasures and enlightenment.

Another mantra (quantum sound) given by Dr. Pillai to invoke Rama is Sri Moola Ramo Vijayathe  ,  this mantra
was given by Sri Raghavendra of the Madhava tradition. The continued recitation of this mantra brings in not only
the energies of Rama, but also victory to all of one’s endeavors. It invokes the primordial energies of Rama.

3. Passionate

The third chakra is located just above the kidneys and is associated with digestion and regulation of water,
electrolytes and nutrients that the body needs to maintain balance. The associated hormones are produced by the
adrenal glands. The term "fire in the belly" is often used to describe the third chakra. Emotionally this "fire" is what
we are passionate about, what "gets us going." It is our ability to meet challenges and accept change.

Careers that utilize this strength: singer, actor.

Solar Plexus Chakra : Manipura

Known as the : Solar Plexus or Third Chakra or by the Sanskrit name of Manipura
Colour : Yellow
Location : Between bottom of sternum and navel 
Crystals to Balance : Citrine; Yellow Calcite 
Element : Fire
Mantra :   RAM

The Solar Plexus Chakra concentrates on personal power and strength.  The "filing cabinet" of our life, holding the
emotions, self-control, willpower, confidence  and urges to succeed are all concentrated in this area.  


Location : 8th thoracic vertebra, upper part of abdomen just below notch where ribs come together
Color : Bright yellow
Mantra : RAM
Glands : Pancreas and adrenal glands
Element : Fire
Organs : Liver, spleen, pancreas, intestines, gall bladder
Functions : Centre of power and wisdom, provides energy to entire body, pleasure, helps maintain normal body
temperature, digestion, self-confidence, plays an important role in the formation of our personality, transforms our
hope and aspirations into reality, fat metabolism
Malfunctions : Skin diseases , allergy, digestive troubles like indigestion, acidity and gastric problems, diarrhea,
vomiting, liver disorders, diabetes, hypo glycaemia, frequent mood swings occur resulting in an unstable
personality, chronic fatigue, hypertension, nervous disorders
Gemstones : Citrine, amber,  topaz
- See more at: http://miracleofreiki.com/chakras#sthash.uZeFsSo0.dpufTHIRD CHAKRA MEDITATION
"Manipura chakra is as radiant and bright as the sun dominating the dawn. Draw in the prana and hold it here
while meditating on the fire element for two hours. The meditation dispels the deeply ingrained fear of death" -
Gheranda Samhita

Third chakra meditation activates and opens your power chakra. 

Also called the manipura (city of jewels) chakra, it is the seat of your self and sense of unique identity.

This is the place from where you project your power and charisma into the world.   

Fire is the element of the third chakra signifying change or, more aptly, transformation.

Just as fire transforms solid into liquid and liquid into gas, the inner fire helps you transform your life and your

Yellow, the color of fire and sun, is the color of the third or solar plexus chakra. A ten petalled lotus is the aureate
symbol of the third chakra. 

A blocked third chakra could lead to low self-esteem, hyper-sensitivity to criticism and attention seeking behavior.
The resultant indecisiveness, poor self-confidence and self-image, and fear of rejection can prevent you from
accomplishing important tasks and turning dreams into reality.
On the other hand, an overactive solar plexus chakra can turn you into an arrogant, self-centered power grabber.
You end up chasing name and fame to the exclusion of everything else. Soon enough the 'my way or the highway'
lifestyle inevitably results in dysfunctional relationships and high levels of stress.

Hypertension, ulcers, insomnia, muscle spasms are some health disorders related to an overloaded third chakra.
Sluggishness, poor appetite and digestion, chronic fatigue and weak muscle strength indicate a weakened power

The following third chakra meditations will help you awaken, align and balance your solar plexus chakra. Do them
to re-kindle the 'fire in your belly.'

Awaken the Manipura Chakra

 Sit comfortably in your normal meditation posture

 Visualize a bright yellow chakra spinning between the navel and the base of the sternum, like a radiant
internal sun
 Imagine this internal sun nourishing your digestive organs by soaking them with yellow, energizing light
just like the external sun nourishes all life on earth 
 Connect the two suns through the crown of your head
 Visualize the energy transfer between the two making your chakra spin faster  
 Meditate on this 'exchange of fire' and feel a sense of benevolent power and confidence
 Gently open your eyes after 30 minutes
RAM Meditation

The seed sound or mantra of the Fire element is RAM (pronounced as rum). Chanting this mantra helps activate the

 Sit comfortably in your normal meditation posture

 Prop the image at the top of this page in front of you, slightly below eye level
 With half-closed eyes gaze at the ten petalled, blue lotus at the outer edge of the picture in a clockwise
 After a few rotations, move attention to the downward pointing triangle that symbolizes fire 
 Now focus on the ram below the triangle denoting head-butting strength and stamina
 Silently chant the beej mantra, RAM
 Meditate for 20 to 30 minutes
 Agni or Fire Meditation    

 Sit comfortably in your normal meditation posture

 Make Agni (Fire) Mudra by closing your fists (release the thumbs) and resting them on your knees or
thighs with thumbs pointing straight up (similar to the thumbs-up sign)
 Straighten the back and relax your shoulders 
 Keep the head evenly balanced and tuck your chin slightly inwards
 Close your eyes
 Visualize a fire - if you need an aid, light a candle in front of you and gaze at it with half-closed eyes 
 Meditate upon the purifying and transforming qualities of fire  
 Make an offering of your past memories, present realities and future dreams to the fire
 Feel unburdened of the past baggage and current and future anxieties  
 Allow the energy and ideas that will help you take action and manifest your desired reality to come to you  
 End the meditation after 30 minutes
Third chakra meditation on the manipura chakra endows you with the power to lead with authority and to
command, organize and manage successfully. It is essential to leading a healthy, long and productive life.  
Following external instructions, as provided in power chakra guided meditation, can be an easier way of doing
third chakra meditation.

- See more at: http://www.do-meditation.com/third-chakra-meditation.html#sthash.EFsK8zV8.dpufBeejaksharam is

the jeevan or life force of a mantra and if we remove that then that mantra becomes useless.From Narayanaya
mantra if we remove Beejaksharam "Ra" sound then it will become Na ayanaya which means not good for
chanting ,moksha etc.Same applies while removing Beejaksharam "Ma" from Namah. Namah Shivaya mantra
becomes Na Shivaya which means not good for  Prosperity(Mangalam)The word Shiva means  prosperity which
however is achieved only when liberation is attained from all bondage. When Ra is removed Knowledge (Jñānam)
is lost and when Ma is removed Prosperity is lost.The Beejaksharams Ra and Ma together form RAMA and Rama
sound represents Knowledge and  Prosperity.

By continuous chanting of the mantra, the mantra shareeram purifies the life force to the extent that it can easily
merge in the universal being. This is the science behind the daily Japam.This shows the truth embedded in
Beejaksharam and it's impact on chanting the mantras.The end result will be the confluence of Life force (Jeeva
Shakti) and favorite deity (Ishta Devatha ) based on the mantra chanted.Rama Mantra when chanted together at
home with family brings prosperity and harmony.
RAM mantra meaning and method of Chant

RAM mantra is the most practical, powerful , effective and easy mantra to use and to recite. This has been written
in variety of scriptures likeRamayana, Vishnu Sahasranamama,Guru Granth Sahib and lots more.

Scientific Explanation of the RAM mantra:

The mantra RAM is composed of 2 sounds. RAAA and OMMMM. These 2 sounds are the sounds of 2 very
important Chakras. There are 7 chakras in the body. The 3rd chakra(Naval chakra) sound isRAAA.

The 3rd chakra is the point where all the Karmas are initiated from and is the entry point of
the Karmas. Karmas are all the thoughts words and deeds that one does in life. These Karmas are either resolved
or unresolved. The unresolved Karmasstored in the body and keep coming up to be resolved in life. So
since RAAA is the sound of the 3rd chakra and that is the entry point of all the Karmas, so the
soundRAAA contains within it all the Karmas stored in the body. Chanting RAAA stirs the pot of Karmas in the

OMMM is the sound of the 6th center. The 6th center of the 3rd eye is also the site of the inner Guru the higher self
the guide the intuition. This is the only space that resolves, destroys, demolishes, eradicates the Karmas. So
when OMMM is recited this center is ignited and stimulated.

Mixing the 2 sounds RAAA and OMMM becomes RAAAMMM or just RAM. Chanting RAM mantra will take

the stored Karmas and transport to the 3rd eye to be removed. That is the only reason that humans take birth.
Resolve Karmasstored from this life and previous lives.

RAM mantra is the perfect vehicle to do it.

How to do the RAM Mantra:

One should chant it slowly and with concentration. Concentrate on the mantra and the sound of the mantra. No
other thoughts should come. If the thoughts come then ignore the thoughts and bring the attention back to the

Chant it in a group. Chant one RAM in one breath for a few minutes. Then chant 2RAMs in one breath for a few
minutes. Then chant 4 RAMs in one breath. Everyone chants it together. A sample is posted in youtube at this

RAM mantra chanting is a very powerful mantra to do. Practical benefits where people’s illness, relationships etc
all got healed with the chanting of this mantra. Everyone should adapt to chanting this mantra at home and in a

Author: Atul Thakur. Write questions to atulthakur7@gmail.com

Such is the power of Rama Mantra. It purifies the Chitta, gives Ashta Siddhis and eventually leads to Mukti. Have
intense faith and Ananya, Avyabhicharini Bhakti towards Sri Rama. Do Antarika (from the bottom of the heart)
prayer. Chant this Name constantly with Suddha Bhava. Sing Rama Nam daily for a couple of hours with closed
eyes in a solitary room. Serve Bhaktas. You will doubtless be freed from this wheel of births and deaths. You will
certainly have Darshan of Rama and through Para Bhakti or Abheda Bhakti will merge yourself in Rama. You will
attain the Satchidananda state. There is no doubt of this.

Manipura Chakra:

Fire, Ego identity, oriented to self-definition - Located at the navel. Manipura corresponds to the solar plexus in
the physical body. The downward-pointing triangle contains the mantra RAM.

This chakra is known as the power chakra, located in the solar plexus. It rules our personal power, will, and
autonomy, as well as our metabolism. When healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and
non-dominating power.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra, the yellow lotus, is located in the abdomen region. It is the Chakra related to Fire and
Transforma- tion. It governs our sense of Personal Power and guides how we discover and utilize our strengths, as
well as, interact and respect others. The solar plexus chakra helps us stand up in the world and allow ourselves to



RIGHTS Right to Act

AGE of DEVELOPMENT 18 mos – 4 yrs

COLOR Yellow



I can do what ever I want! I accomplish tasks easily!

I honor the power with-in me!

Location - Above the navel, below the chest, lumbar center, power, expansion
Bija Mantra-               RAM
(Increase&Attract)   "Rum with rolling R
Challenge - Shame
Color - Yellow
Element - Fire
Symbol - Circle
Note - E
Rights & Responsibilities - To act.
Sense - Sight
Statement - "I want happiness."
Astrological Sign - Leo 
Spinal Contact - 8th Thoracic Vertebra
Interrelating Organ - N/A
Functions - Vitalizes the sympathetic nervous system, digestive processes, metabolism, emotions
Glands/organs - Pancreas, adrenals, stomach, liver, gallbladder, nervous system, muscles
Gems/Minerals - Citrine, gold topaz, amber, tiger eye, gold calcite, gold
Foods - Starches, yello fruits and vegetables
Qualities/Lessons - Will, personal power,authority, energy, mastery of desire, self-control, radiance, warmth,
awakening, transformation, humor, laughter, immortality
Negative Qualities - Taking in more than one can assimilate and utilize, too much emphasis on power and/or
recognition, anger, fear, hate, digestive problems

Rama Mantra
Rama is one of the important archetypes of 2011, an incarnation of Vishnu; Rama is the personification of pure
thoughts, noble virtues and utter triumph. Rama is a warrior and is relentless. He is a winner, is absolutely self-
righteous and compassionate. There is nothing he cannot do. The positive energy of Rama will remove any
disturbing thoughts and give mental peace so that you are focused and clear, with the attitude of a winner. It will
stabilize your mind and give you an unblocked flow of positive, goal-oriented thoughts.
Dr. Pillai has revealed a powerful sound frequency to invoke the energies of the Archetype of Rama:
Sri Moola Ramo Vijayate 
Dhig Vijaya Ramo Vijayate 
Sri Jaya Ramo Vijayate 
Siva Rama 
Siva Rama 
Siva Rama 
Siva Ramo Vijayate
The meaning of this chant is, "Let victory come to me through the primordial Rama, the God. Let victory come to me
through Rama. It's not that I am involved in creating the victory; it is going to come through him."
This powerful sound frequency (mantra) was used by Siva himself, as the mantra pre-dates the incarnation of Rama.
This sound frequency existed since primordial times for enlightenment and the creation of abundant material
'Moola' means primordial, 'Rama' is an aspect of Vishnu, and 'Vijayathe' refers to triumph. Together, these sounds
invoke the energy of Vishnu for victory in all endeavors, including material goals.
Jaya means victory that comes not through your efforts but through the efforts of Rama. He is going to bring in the
victory for you; your karma will not get you the desired job, money and life you want. To negate the bad karma you
need intervention, and this intervention comes in the form of 'Moola Ramo Vijayate.'
Sivarama is a combination of Rama and Siva giving you a 200 percent life of both material and spiritual wealth.
Rama gives you wealth and Siva gives you god.
Proxy Writing of Quantum Sound Frequencies for Solving Life Issues
This Quantum Sound Frequency writing brings in the energies to change your karma. It is basically a kind of
outsourcing of a practice, your personal chore, to India. You will benefit both inwardly and materially.
The service will be closely monitored by our Indian Pillai Remedy Center staff. They will daily inspect the writing
work to ensure it is carried out exactly according to our instructions and with the correct number of repetitions.
Sri Moola Ramo Vijayathe: 10,008 Proxy Sounds Writing for All-Round Victory
On your behalf, we will get a proxy person to write the sound 'Sri Moola Ramo Vijayathe' 10,008 times. 'Moola'
means primordial, 'Rama' is an aspect of Vishnu, and 'Vijayathe' refers to triumph. Together, these sounds invoke
the energy of Vishnu for victory in all endeavors, including material goals. This is one of the powerful sounds
revealed by Dr. Pillai for creating miracles throughout 2011.

RAM mantra is the most powerful, life altering, karma busting mantra. Doing it the right way over comes the most
difficult obstables. It can be used for evil eye, for making a relationship right, getting the right person for a
relationship, getting prosperity making more money and above all spiritual upliftment. More details are at the
following blog. Read it and write comments on the post.

House of Ram
When our internal life doesn't match our external life we create cavities in our aura, opening the way for
mental, emotional and physical disturbances. The seed sound RAM seals the aura and restores harmony. When
you vibrate RAM your aura becomes infused with the pure energy of the Sun, deflecting the negative influences
of Uranus present in this Age. RAM is a simple, yet powerful spiritual tool that allows you to receive the
healing and protective light of the Sun. Vibrate RAM so that the Grace of God can envelop you. By vibrating
RAM, you are working with the Sun, you are creating the proper conditions for the descent of the Spirit of God
within you. It will open your soul to Divine Power so that you may have the strength to overcome any
RaMa RaMa RaMa RaMa RaMa RaMa Ram Ram Ram Ram
Mystic Light
This mantra builds confidence, attracts opportunities and clears your spiritual path. It creates a powerful
energy of self trust that makes others invest in your trustworthiness. Ra Ma Ram Ram develops the attitude of
prosperity that lets you sustain your projection in the midst of all the experiences that you attract. The sound
RaMa balances the energy of the sun and the moon within us. The sound Ram deflects Uranus's negative,
confusing and disturbing influences, prevalent during this age, while protecting and magnifying your aura.
Furthermore, consistently meditating with this mantra will help you understand others better by giving you the
perceptive ability to discern their moods and read their thoughts. In turn, you will become more understanding,
tolerant and compassionate. Within this track, the spiritual sciences of Universal Kabbalah and Naam Yoga
are woven to bring vitality and generate a continuous energy of success for those who work with it.
The Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura
Posted on May 5, 2013 by Aware Awakening

Quick Facts:
Location: The solar plexus.
Color: Yellow.
Element: Fire.
Planet: Mars.
Sense: Sight.
Glands: Pancreas.
Mantra: RAM.
Note: E.
Body Parts: Liver, digestive system, stomach, spleen, gall bladder, autonomic nervous system, muscles and lower
Scents: Bergamot, Grapefruit, Rosemary, Lemongrass.
Traits: Personal power, self confidence, self esteem, willpower, courage, responsibility, spontanity.
Crystals:  Amber, Tiger’s Eye, Citrine, Pyrite.
Affirmation: I accept myself completely, my personal power is growing stronger everyday, I can do whatever I
choose to do.
The Solar Plexus Chakra:

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra, known as the Manipura in sanskrit, helps invigorate healthy metabolism, while minimizing
the stagnating effects of couch potato syndrome.
Characteristic Description

Location midway between navel

and base of sternum

Sanskrit Name Manipura

Color Yellow

# of Petals 10

Element Fire
Characteristic Description

Mantra Ram

Mind personal power

Emotion expansiveness

Spirit Growth

Suggested use: roll on pulse points,

solar plexus

The Solar Plexus Chakra (What is a chakra?) is the third energy center
among the 7 traditional ones. It is seen as yellow in color and is located in your solar plexus below the chest. This
chakra is connected to your personal power, courage, confidence and willpower.
When in balance, you will be more responsible and reliable, your confidence and self esteem will be greater so you
will also be able to meet challenges easier. You will have more spontaneity and playfulness. There will be a greater
sense of inner peace, balance and harmony, which also leads to a warmer personality.
When overcharged, you will feel a need to always be right or have the last word. You will be a bit too stubborn and
even arrogant. Excess of energy here also leads to being overly aggressive, domineering and controlling. There
might also be a power hunger and an overly competitive attitude.
With insufficient energy, you will have a weak willpower and become an easier target for manipulation. You will
lack discipline and following through with things. There will be a sense of victim mentality and blaming others for
issues. You will be unreliable and feel poor self worth.
Physical imbalances might be: puffed or bloated, belching and gas, indigestion, diarrhea or constipation, sugar or
salt cravings, restless sleep, middle back pain, frequent thirst, easy to anger.
How to clear and balance your solar plexus chakra:

Dare to be yourself, dare to make decisions and face challenges. If overcharged do a good exercise or punch on a
punching bag, let out anger. It is also good to sit or be in the sun and intend to take in the sunlight into your solar
plexus. Breathing deeply into the chakra is also a good way of balancing it.

Yellow crystals are clearing and balancing for the sacral chakra. Use these in meditation or carry them in your
pocket or as jewelry and they will help in this.Amber, Pyrite, Citrine and Tiger’s Eye are all common and popular
crystals for this chakra. You can place one of these crystals on your chakra to clear and balance it.

Eating yellow foods and fruits is also balancing the solar plexus chakra.
As for all chakras you can do Yoga and the connected exercises for the chakra.
Give yourself healing or receive healing from a healer to clear, balance and heal your chakras. Book a healing
session HERE.

This was general information about the solar plexus chakra with some examples and tips. May this be of assistance
to you and may you find your way to balance and to empower yourself.


~ Alahi ~
"Manipura chakra is as radiant and bright as the sun dominating the dawn. Draw in the prana and hold it here
while meditating on the fire element for two hours. The meditation dispels the deeply ingrained fear of death" -
Gheranda Samhita

Third chakra meditation activates and opens your power chakra. 

Also called the manipura (city of jewels) chakra, it is the seat of your self and sense of unique identity.

This is the place from where you project your power and charisma into the world.   

Fire is the element of the third chakra signifying change or, more aptly, transformation.

Just as fire transforms solid into liquid and liquid into gas, the inner fire helps you transform your life and your

Yellow, the color of fire and sun, is the color of the third or solar plexus chakra. A ten petalled lotus is the aureate
symbol of the third chakra. 

A blocked third chakra could lead to low self-esteem, hyper-sensitivity to criticism and attention seeking behavior.
The resultant indecisiveness, poor self-confidence and self-image, and fear of rejection can prevent you from
accomplishing important tasks and turning dreams into reality.
On the other hand, an overactive solar plexus chakra can turn you into an arrogant, self-centered power grabber.
You end up chasing name and fame to the exclusion of everything else. Soon enough the 'my way or the highway'
lifestyle inevitably results in dysfunctional relationships and high levels of stress.

Hypertension, ulcers, insomnia, muscle spasms are some health disorders related to an overloaded third chakra.
Sluggishness, poor appetite and digestion, chronic fatigue and weak muscle strength indicate a weakened power

The following third chakra meditations will help you awaken, align and balance your solar plexus chakra. Do them
to re-kindle the 'fire in your belly.'

Awaken the Manipura Chakra

 Sit comfortably in your normal meditation posture

 Visualize a bright yellow chakra spinning between the navel and the base of the sternum, like a radiant
internal sun
 Imagine this internal sun nourishing your digestive organs by soaking them with yellow, energizing light
just like the external sun nourishes all life on earth 
 Connect the two suns through the crown of your head
 Visualize the energy transfer between the two making your chakra spin faster  
 Meditate on this 'exchange of fire' and feel a sense of benevolent power and confidence
 Gently open your eyes after 30 minutes
RAM Meditation

The seed sound or mantra of the Fire element is RAM (pronounced as rum). Chanting this mantra helps activate the

 Sit comfortably in your normal meditation posture

 Prop the image at the top of this page in front of you, slightly below eye level
 With half-closed eyes gaze at the ten petalled, blue lotus at the outer edge of the picture in a clockwise
 After a few rotations, move attention to the downward pointing triangle that symbolizes fire 
 Now focus on the ram below the triangle denoting head-butting strength and stamina
 Silently chant the beej mantra, RAM
 Meditate for 20 to 30 minutes
 Agni or Fire Meditation    

 Sit comfortably in your normal meditation posture

 Make Agni (Fire) Mudra by closing your fists (release the thumbs) and resting them on your knees or
thighs with thumbs pointing straight up (similar to the thumbs-up sign)
 Straighten the back and relax your shoulders 
 Keep the head evenly balanced and tuck your chin slightly inwards
 Close your eyes
 Visualize a fire - if you need an aid, light a candle in front of you and gaze at it with half-closed eyes 
 Meditate upon the purifying and transforming qualities of fire  
 Make an offering of your past memories, present realities and future dreams to the fire
 Feel unburdened of the past baggage and current and future anxieties  
 Allow the energy and ideas that will help you take action and manifest your desired reality to come to you  
 End the meditation after 30 minutes
Third chakra meditation on the manipura chakra endows you with the power to lead with authority and to
command, organize and manage successfully. It is essential to leading a healthy, long and productive life.  
Following external instructions, as provided in power chakra guided meditation, can be an easier way of doing
third chakra meditation.

- See more at: http://www.do-meditation.com/third-chakra-meditation.html#sthash.jZOYWrYH.dpuf

Third: This chakras Sanskrit name is “Manipura” meaning “Lustrous gem” relates to personal power. It's flower
symbol is an yellow lotus with 10 petals. It is known as our fire center. Associated with the element of fire, the
power of combustion, and the inner processes of digestion and metabolism, this energy center manifest our abilities
of creativity and transformation.

Solar Plexus Chakra: “Manipura” Location: Between navel and base of sternum Color: Yellow Element: Fire
Mantra: Ram Meditation: I do Affirmations: I move toward my goals smoothly and enjoyably. I fully step into my
power and use it in service of love and light. Related to: Power, will, and action Asana: Sun salutations, warriors,
eagle, crow, boat, bow, revolved triangle, pyramid, twists & core strength Breath: Breath of fire


Chakra Three: Fire, Ego identity, oriented to self-definition. This chakra is known as the
power chakra, located in the solar plexus. It rules our personal power, will, and autonomy, as
well as our metabolism. When healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity,
and non-dominating power.

 Meaning: City of Gems.
 Location: Solar Plexus.
 Fire Element: Hunger, Thirst, Sleep, Lethargy and Digestion.
 Attributes: Anger.
 Desire: Achievement and Supremacy.
 Activity: Hard Labor.
 Symbol: Fiery Red Triangle, surrounded by 10 Blue Petals (like the hottest part of the
 Mantra: Repetition of Bijan Mantra-Ram, increases Absorption and longevity. Each
petal has a Sanskrit letter (Damm, Dhamm, Namm, Tam, Tham, Dam, Dham, Nam,
Pam and Pham).
 Deities: Each Chakra has a Manifestation of the Shiva and Shakti Deities. Rudra -
Old Shiva, God of Destruction. Powerful Angry and Detached. Lakini Shakti -
Goddess of Independence and Fire. Ram - Carrier of the Bija Mantra-Ram. Strong,
Proud and Charges Head First.

 The benefit of writing The holy Shri Ram name:

 Writing Sri Rama Jayam is called Likitha Jap- Writing Meditation. This gives one a complete sense of
surrender to an inner conscience and peace while writing the golden words. All the sences are engaged in
the service of lord.

 • You can write this in any language of your choice. It is the connecting chords with the divine and your
inner self.

 • It is believed that a calmness engulfs as one indulges in writing the Sri Rama Jayam bringing in more
clarity of mind, tolerance and strength to withstand obstacles in life

 • The mantra forms an unending stream of bliss and a inner noise proclaiming that the Universe is just
expanding giving in more opportunities and prosperity.

 • As you write this matra – in small measures, every day, as and when possible, with due respect, it makes
everything else of life’s needs fall in place automatically., just like a miracle of nature guiding its forces.
You may
not get what you want but it will purify things and bring to you in a refined way.

 • The mythological references states that the name of Rama is more strong and divine than the Lord Rama

 • Vedas tell that as the sun dispels the darkness, the chanting of Rama Nama dispels all evil and obstacles
of life. It is a way of liberation and salvation of human suffering.

 • When you think, that all roads are blocked to walk away from day to day problems, writing ‘Sri Ram Ram
Ram’ gives you the most needed clarity of thoughts to find away out of odd situations

 • Preserve the completed books carefully and donate them to us. These books are preserved byb us for
humanity benefit.

 • Ramacharitra Manas, Vibhishana Gita the divinity of Rama Nama japa. It is called a writing tapas

 • Hindu way of living is seeing humanity in everything around. Writing Rama Jayam gives you a inner
awakening towards to human mind, being kind , calm
and serene.

 • The act of writing Ram Naam is important and keep his thoughts while doing so, is more important than
the script, language or number., though for all longevity of the process a number in mind is planned while
making a start

 • A selfless and non-expectation while writing gives you more happiness and potential than expecting
something writing. For you are a god’s child, and
God knows what you want and will give you what you are destined for and deserve. You don’t need to ask
God for anything.

 • Devotion of service of life and its varied forms is devotion to God. So there is no right or wrong way of
writing this. The very thought and process to write is a connection with god and finds a inner meaning.

 • It is a gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual upliftment. The chanting of Ram Mantra protects
you with divine flow of energy transforming a balanced progressin your materialistic well being and
spiritual wellness.
 • It disolves all other sounds with it's vibration and create accoustic silence.

 • Ram is the beej mantra of manipur chakra. this manipur chakra is the psychic center of human body
where Sanchit karmasare stored. Ram nam writing helps to clean those karmas. It also helps to release
suppressed emotions, negative samskaras from subconscious mind and unresolved issues of past.

 • It creates dharana shakti in you which is far more powerful than normal forced concentration.It also
helps in natural control of bad habits through sence withdrawal.

i Ram purifies mind

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 5:25:43 AM
RAM, Naam
‘Ram Naam’ is a blessing which millions of Hindus have treasured in their hearts since ages past. It is the supreme
purifier of the mind of man, the bestower of perennial joy, the giver of peace and the key to the gate of Immortality.

Power of ‘Ram Naam’ 

‘Ram Naam’ is a blessing which millions of Hindus have treasured in their hearts since ages past. It is the supreme
purifier of the mind of man, the bestower of perennial joy, the giver of peace and the key to the gate of Immortality.
The Ramarahasyopanishad says that the letters ‘Ra’ and ‘Ma’ are the essence of the two most important Mantras,
viz., Ashtakshara and Panchakshara, which, when the letters ‘Ra’ and ‘Ma’ are removed from them, respectively,
not only lose their primary meaning but give the opposite meaning. When Ram Nam is chanted, a significant change
takes place in the entire organism of the person chanting it. There is a twofold effect product by the utterance of the
Divine Name. 

The Mantra Sakti or the power generated by the juxtaposition (dictionary meaning: The act of positioning close
together) of the letters of the Mantra and by the utterance of the same, the whole nervous system of the chanter of
the Mantra is set in vibration—a vibration which brings about rhythm, harmony and equilibrium in it. When the
nervous system is in such a harmonized state, the breath, too flows rhythmically and the mind rests in a state of
tranquillity. It is in this peaceful state of the mind that the divine Consciousness is reflected and the supernal joy of
the Eternal is experienced. 

The idea of the Divine Being generated in the mind at the time of the repetition of the Name, gives a direct fillip to
the mind in its attempt to unite itself with the Divine Being. The nervous system is in a state of perfect harmony
when the vibration produced by the chanting of the Divine Name pervades it with a force of integration. The Divine
Name is not merely a sound; it is a force which can overcome all the destructive forces in the human system and
render it pure and make it fit for the experience of Sattva, the highly transparent medium through which the
Immortal Being is reflected. 

Ram Nam like the Ashtakshara or the Dvadasakshara Mantras, is a powerful aid in destroying the animal passions
in man. Passions are agitative forces, and Ram Nam is a tranquil force. When one adheres to Ram Nam with
exclusive and genuine devotion, it becomes the destroyer of all pains. But one’s faith must not be divided between
two or more Mantras. One should stick to ‘Ram Nam’ with full confidence in it. The more the faith and
concentration, the quicker does the Lord’s Name destroy the evils in man. The votary of Rama prays: 

"Apadam-apahartaram dataram sarva sampadam; Lokabhiramam Sri Ramam bhuyo bhuyo namamyaham—I
prostrate myself, again and again, before Sri Rama, the Saviour from all calamities, the Giver of all prosperity, the
Delight of the world." Such is the glory of Ram Nam. It bestows on one the beatitude of Absolute Independence or
Kaivalya. But Ram Nam should not be used for the sake of obtaining worldly ends. Ram Nam is the saviour of man
from the afflictions of mortality itself. It raises man from all penury and exalts him to the status of an undaunted
sovereign over himself. Why do you use a gun to destroy a mosquito? Ram Nam can cure the disease of Samsara
itself; what to speak of lesser wants and turmoils. Therefore, use Ram Nam as a Moksha Mantra and not as a
servant to fetch you the glittering glass-pieces shining in the form of the objects of the world. Ram Nam is the
guardian in your body, protecting you at all times against all attacks, preserving your purity and virtue, and
warding off the inimical urges of desire, passion and anger. 

The repetition of the Mantra should be done with Bhava or deep feeling. A tremendous effect is produced when
repetition of the name is attended with a consciousness of the relation of the chanter to the deity of the Name. This,
however, does not mean that a mechanical repetition of the Mantra without feeling is absolutely devoid of all
beneficial results. The Name is potent enough to cause a change in the psychological and the physical being of man
even when it is mechanically repeated. Ram Nam is a Mantra, and a Mantra is formed by significant letters, which
by the very fact of their being uttered, produce a result, even if this result may not be directly connected with the
consciousness of the chanter of the Mantra. There is a very peculiar process of physical and psychical
transformation taking place at the time when the Mantra is repeated. Unconscious and mechanical repetition
produces no direct psychical change, but causes biological change through the nervous system which is
immediately influenced by the vibrations set up by the chanting of the Mantra, and these biological changes
indirectly, bring about psychological changes; for these two natures in man are related to each other as effect and
cause, respectively and the effects are so intimately related to their causes that any change in the effects will be felt
by the causes, and vice versa. 

The devotee should not test the Lord by the chanting of His Name. For example, one should not use the Name as an
excuse for the deliberate perpetration of evil acts. The Name can overcome the effects of even such acts, but the
implications of such acts would be that the devotee who uses the Name thus has not genuine aspiration and devotion
to the Lord, and his mind is still being attracted to things other than those that pertain to the Lord and to His Way.
Hence the condition for chanting the Divine Name is well laid out. 

"Trinadapi sunichena tarorapi sahishnuna, Amanina manadena kirtaniyah sada harih—He who is humbler than a
blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree, who does not crave for respect, but respects others, is the one fit to repeat
the Name of Hari." 

God helps those who help themselves. The best possible effort that one is capable of exercising under the
intellectual circumstances provided by God should be put forth, and only beyond this effort, should one seek the
grace of God. Idleness is not self-surrender. Surrender of the self to God becomes complete only when the
individual consciousness is flooded over the love for the Divine. God’s grace descends when the efforts exercised
are found to be inadequate for the realisation of God. 

Ram Nam has a transforming effect not only on the psycholgical but also the biological personality. Even physical
ailments can be overcome by the chanting of the Divine Name. Ram Nam is unfailing in its action, infallible in its
operation. Ram Nam, properly understood, is the same as Omkara, the symbol of the Absolute, and Rama to the true
devotee is the Absolute itself. Sri Rama is all-pervading; He is in the heart of all beings as the Antaryamin. What a
power and glory should His Name possess! Even ordinary names of things of the world have the power of
stimulating a corresponding mode of consciousness in man. How much more powerful should the Name of God be! 

Saint Tulasidas says: The name is even superior to the Lord, because the Nirguna and Saguna aspects of Brahman
are tasted and realised by the power of the Name. Rama delivered a single woman, Ahalya, while His Name has
purified crores of wicked people. Rama gave salvation to two of his faithful servants, Jatayu and Sabari, but His
Name has been the saviour of countless wicked persons. Blessed is the son and blessed are his parents who
remember Sri Rama in whatsoever way it may be. Blessed are even the Chandalas who repeat the Name of Rama
day and night. What is the use of high birth to one who does not repeat Ram Nam! 

What a mighty power is latent in Ram Nam! Only those who are endowed with devotion know it. The scientists now
declare that sound vibrations have such a tremendous force that they can direct this power to silk fabrics and clean
them of all dirt more thoroughly than a washerman can. 

The moment you utter the word Rama, the form of the Lord is aroused in your consciousness. So the advanced
devotees say that the Divine Name is the exclusive support of those afflicted by the tribulations of Samsara. 

The Valmiki Ramayana is the standard history of Sri Ram: 

"Vedavedye pare punsi jate Dasarathatmaje; vedah prachetasadasit sakshadramayanatmana.—Verily, a Veda by

itself was revealed by Maharshi Valmiki, in the form of Ramayana when the Supreme Being, to be known through
the Vedas, manifested Himself as the son of Dasaratha." The Ramayana of Valmiki is a majestic epic, expounding
Dharma by way of depicting the great heroic life of the ideal person, Sri Rama. The greatness of the Valmiki
Ramayana cannot be adequately described. It is a huge didactic poem which has its main aim in constraining
people to follow the path of righteousness, and towards this end, it employs the popular technique of appealing to
the hearts of people by narrating in a homely style, the story of a life devoted to Dharma. The picturesque life of Sri
Rama described by Valmiki is a grand glorification of the greatness of Sri Rama. Hence the Ramayana is in a way
an expanded form of the Name and glory of Sri Rama. 

The hearing or the study of the Ramayana is a contemplation on the various divine qualities of Sri Rama, which
purifies the mind of man and renders it spiritual. 

May Sri Ramachandra bless all with spiritual illumination, prosperity and Kaivalya Moksha!

Solar Plexus

 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus)

Manipura (Mani: brilliant as a gem)

Element: fire
Colours: yellow
Sense: sight, form and colour
Mantra: RAM

 Color - yellow
 Physical Location - Upper abdomen in the stomach area.
 Purposes - mental understanding of emotional life
 Spiritual Lesson - acceptance of your place in the life stream. (self-love)
 Physical Dysfunctions- stomach ulcers, intestinal tumors, diabetes, pancreatitis, indigestion,
anorexia/bulimia, hepatitis, cirrhosis, adrenal imbalances, arthritis, colon diseases
 Mental and Emotional Issues - self esteem, fear of rejection, oversensitivity to criticism, self-image fears,
fears of our secrets being found out, indecisiveness
 Information Stored Inside Sacral Chakra - personal power, personality, consciousness of self within the
universe (sense of belonging), knowing
 Area of Body Governed - upper abdomen, umbilicus to rib cage, liver, gallbladder, middle spine, spleen,
kidney, adrenals, small intestines, stomach
Academic preparation
Saraswati, [goddess of
eng, em, enga, ema, aing, from kindergarten to
learning. music, speech
aim, ainga, aima college, typically given
and fine arts]
for ages 5 to 24
Career development,
gaining wealth to support
Mahalakshmi or Lakshmi,
shiring, shirim a family, typically given
[goddess of wealth]
for ages 18 to 32, when
an individual is working
Parenting, transmission
Bhuvaneswari, or of values and wisdom to
hring, hirim Mahamaya [goddess of the next generation,
wisdom] typically given to parents,
ages 25 to 40
Integration of the
experiences of life,
fulfillment of remaining
Kalika [goddess of
personal aspirations and
kiring, kirim fulfillment of desires,
desires, given for middle
destroyer of obstacles]
age and above when the
children are grown, as
early as age 40
Attraction of a life mate,
may be typically given at
any age from 18 to 36,
Krishna [the god of love,
shyam, shyama when issues of loneliness
the all-attractive one]
or being single are
paramount for the
Personal mastery and
overcoming obstacles in
career or life, given as an
alternate mantra for the
same age groups as
Shiring or Shrim when the
individual is seeking
ram, shri ram Agni [the god of fire]
achievement and success
in their career as their
primary objective; this
mantra is associated with
the achievement of
leadership and personal
Naam Ram Naam

12th April 2011

Dicourse by H. H. Bhanudas
      Today, we will not talk on Ramayan, Ramcharitamanas or the life of Shri Rama but will discuss about
chanting of Ramnaam (name of Shri Rama) and the power of this chant. This very power transformed the wretched
Valya Koli into Maharishi Valmiki who wrote a great epic like the Ramayana. It transformed a mere mortal into a
godly being. In the Ramayana, there is an episode describing how Shri Rama liberated Sita from Ravana. It was
decided to build a bridge over the sea for invading Lanka. When the construction work began, Hanuman and his
army of monkeys carried large rocks and dropped them in to the sea. The sea just swallowed them and all the rocks
went under water. Finally, Hanuman started writing ‘Shriram’ on each rock before throwing it in water. And then it
was observed that each of the rocks with ‘Shriram’ written on it remained afloat! If Ram Naam could make rocks
float over the sea it can certainly uplift humans too! The very fact that Hanuman wrote ‘Shriram’ on the rocks
indicates that he must have been chanting the same. This very chant must have brought peace to his mind by making
it thought-free. Ram Naam not only liberated Hanuman but even made him immortal.

    In the modern society uttering of Ram Naam is considered to be a mark of lack of sophistication. In olden
days, people (in India) used to greet each other by saying ‘Ram Ram’ when they met and again utter ‘Ram Ram’
while parting. ‘Ram Ram’ for greeting and ‘Ram Ram’ for parting too! Saint Ramdas said,

At dawn contemplate on Ram in the mind 

And then utter Ram at the start of speech

    By greeting each other with ‘Ram Ram’ people would ensure that they uttered Ram at the start of speech.
Today we greet people and start the conversation with ‘Hi’ and ‘Hello’ and end it with ‘Bye’. Aping of western
practices in each and every aspect of our living has robbed us of our cultural heritage. It is appalling how we can
forgetten our ‘Ram’.

    In order to understand the power of chanting Ram Naam one must know what Ram is. That is, the ‘Ram’ in
Ram Naam. We will examine the power of the name ‘Ram’ in the Ram Raksha Stotra, a hymn in praise of Lord Ram
that is chanted for one's protection. We will scrutinise the same closely. In this hymn, there are approximately 300
words combining the consonant ‘R’ with different vowels. We find repeated impact of these syllables. The name
‘Ram’ occurs nearly 70 times in these verses. On account of the hard hitting sound of these syllables, one develops
a sense of self confidence and a fearless attitude while reciting the Ram Raksha Stotra. This is because of the strong
vibrations radiating from these syllables that cleanse the whole environment. Apart from cleansing the external
environment, these vibrations purify the mind by making it completely thought-free. This develops a feeling of an
unusual power within and this certainly is a singular and special feature of Ram Naam.

     Let us now examine Ram Naam from the Aksharabrahma (energy of the chant syllables) point of view.
Aksharabrahma consists of vowels, consonants, and beejaksharas (seed or root sounds). Beejaksharas are an
extremely important part of Aksharabrahma. Mantras are always associated with beejaksharas. Om, Eim, Srim,
Hreem, Kleem, Hum, Hoom, Hram, Thram, Kroom, Lroom, etc. are some of the well known beejaksharas. You may
observe that 'Om' as also the other beejaksharas are written in Sanskrit with the sound ‘ma’ indicated by a dot over
the preceding syllable. In the case of beejaksharas, a dot over the preceding syllable is pronounced as ‘ma’ without
the vowel ‘a’ similar to the way 'm' is pronounced in the words 'farm', 'harm', 'tram', 'pram', etc. The ‘m’ ending
denoted by this dot causes the hard sounding syllable to end softly. The hard sounds generate vibrations while the
soft sounds create resonance.

     Goddess Chamunda Devi is considered to be a very powerful form of energy. The associated mantra is ‘Om
Eim Hreem Kleem Chamundayei Vicchai’. It can be seen that there are many sounds ending with ‘m’. A special
feature of any mantra is that it normally resembles a sentence. Take for example the mantra ‘Om Namah Shivaya’.
In this ‘Om’ is a beejakshara and the sound of ‘Shivaya’ softens as it is pronounced as ‘Shivay’ i.e. the last syllable
without the ending vowel. As ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ is repeated over and over, the mind slowly dissolves itself
completely. This dissolving of the mind is important and one should aim for it. Similar other mantras are ‘Om Gung
Ganapataye Namah’, ‘Om Sri Ramachandraya Namah’, and ‘Om Hum Hanumate Namah’.

     One might have observed that it is not mandatory for every beejakshara to have a dot over it. There are other
beejaksharas like ‘Hut’, ‘Phat’ etc. having different kinds of vibrations. The power of a particular chant depends on
the vibrations it creates. Now let us look at Ram Naam from the beejakshara viewpoint. The well known mantra is
called the mantra with thirteen syllables. It is ‘Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama’. The thirteen syllables are
‘Sri’ ‘Ra’ ‘Ma’ ‘Ja’ ‘Ya’ ‘Ra’ ‘Ma’ ‘Ja’ ‘Ya’ ‘Ja’ ‘Ya’ ‘Ra’ ‘Ma’. In reality however, this is not a mantra with
thirteen syllables but a mantra with seven beejaksharas. With seven beejaksharas it must be a tremendously power
packed mantra. As we saw earlier, ‘Sri’ is a beejakshara. ‘Rama’ is also a beejakshara as it is pronounced as
‘Ram’ and not as ‘Rama’. It should be noted that though we write as ‘Rama’ it is pronounced as ‘Ram’ as though
there is a dot on the syllable ‘Ra’. Nobody has thus far figured out this magical transformation of ‘Rama’ into a
beejakshara. Now if you try to pronounce the mantra as a thirteen syllable mantra as ‘Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya
Jaya Rama’ it will not sound right. It will not sound sweet to the ear even if you set it in a melodious tune. The
vitality of the chant can be experienced only when ‘Rama’ is pronounced as a beejakshara i.e. as ‘Ram’. Similarly,
‘Jaya’ is written as shown but pronounced as ‘Jai’ i.e. the second syllable is pronounced as ‘ya’ without the vowel
‘a’. Thus the mantra has seven beejaksharas as it is pronounced - ‘Sri’ ‘Ram’ ‘Jai’ ‘Ram’ ‘Jai’ ‘Jai’ ‘Ram’.

     ‘Om’ is a beejakshara representing renunciation. The beejakshara ‘Sri’ represents abundance or affluence
while ‘Jai’ stands for victory. When soldiers go to war they are blessed with the words ‘Jai Ho’ or ‘Vijayi Bhava’
meaning ‘may victory be yours’. ‘Jai’ is a power packed syllable which makes one feel charged with positive
energy. When we say ‘Bharat mata ki Jai’ we can feel the power in the word ‘Jai’. No wonder the Indian song ‘Jai
Ho’ won the most sought after and celebrated Oscar award last year.

     Coming back to the subject of Ram Naam, it is emphasised that the mantra is a seven beejakshara mantra ‘Sri
Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram’ with enormous power. It is not a thirteen syllable mantra as normally thought of, and
most importantly, it is not merely the name of Shri Rama. And that is precisely the reason why it is recommended to
every human being for continuous chanting so as to uplift one’s life. At the same time it is important to chant the
mantra with ardour, a feel of love, faith and reverence. Also, set the mantra to a melodious tune for chanting
repeatedly, as the musical notes do help in developing the above feel and reach unto the supreme energy field.

The Center of Ethical energy within us. How we use this energy in connection with sex, money and power.
3rd Chakra
Name: Manipura (City of Jewels)
Location: Navel region
Color: Yellow
Seed sound: RAM
Predominate sense: Fire
Sense organ: Sight
Work organ: Eyes
Work organ: Feet and legs
Sacred Truth Attributes: Honor Oneself.
Agni Tatva: Ram

For activating the Agni Tatva (fire element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments relatedto this
 Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural

Agni Tatva: Ram

For activating the Agni Tatva (fire element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments relatedto this
element. Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak toaccess all
supernatural powers.
In our physical body these elements are in different proportions. Their role is illustrated in the following table:

Element What it Does Sense with which it is Organ with which it is Related
(Tatva) linked linked Chakra
Prithvi Gives Solidity Smell Nose and Anus Muladhaara
Jal (Water) Gives Attractive Taste Tongue and Genitals Swadishthana
Vayu (Air) Gives Movement Touch Skin and Hands Anahata
Agni (Fire) Gives Energy Sight Eyes and Feet Manipura
Aakash Fills all space Hearing, Sound Ears and Vocal chord Vishudha

Agni the Source of Our Energy …

In this article we are focusing on the Agni Tatva only. It is important because energy is very essential for living a
zestful and meaningful life.

The Truth about ‘Fire in the Belly’ …

Our Management experts often speak of having a “Fire in the Belly”, which means to have an unquenchable urge
for achievement. Well what a truth in this saying, the place of this tatva in our body is the umbilicus or in other
words the Manipura Chakra located in the belly.

What Our Scriptures Say about Agni? …

The Vedas, considered the original source of all knowledge contain mantras about Agni. Here are the two mantras
of the Veda called Saamveda:

This mantra says: ‘O God (Agni), the giver of all matter and preacher of duties come and appear in our hearts or
yajna to give us wisdom, the best pious matters and mind’


This mantra says:‘O God (Agni) you are the lord of all types of yajnas in other words you are established in
mankind as the learned of Vedas’
There are many mantras on Agni in the Veda called Rigveda. We quote here one of the mantras which in fact is the
first mantra of this Veda:


In Rigveda:Agni is one of the three supreme deities of the Rig Veda, viz., Agni, Vayu and Surya. These three Gods
preside over earth, air and sky respectively. 
This mantra says: ‘O Agni, I adore Thee, 
O priest, O divine minister who officiates at the divine Sacrifice,

Who is also the invoker, the Summoner, 

Who most bestows the divine wealth upon us’

Apart from the Vedas Agni is described in Puranas (Hindu Scriptures) as well. The text of the Purana called ‘Agni
Purana’ is believed to be dictated by the deity ‘Agni’ directly to the famous sage Vashishtha. Another Puranaknown
as the ‘Vishnu Purana’ describes Agni as the eldest son of Lord Brahma who was married to ‘Swaha’

The Christian Belief …

Christianity considers Fire (Agni) as the transforming energy of the ‘Holy Spirit’ or the ‘Holy Ghost’. The Holy
Spirit is the spirit of God.

A Technique to Spark-Up Your Daily Life …

Sit comfortably facing east. Draw the curtains so that the room has dim light. Place a lighted candle at eye level at
about three feet from you. Focus your eyes at the center point of the flame. Keep your eyes open till you feel tired
and no more able to keep the eyes open. Then close the eyes and focus your attention on the Manipura Chakra viz.
the Umbilicus. Visualize (Imagine) a tiny spark at that point and let it slowly grow in brightness and then turn into a

Pray to the deity:“Oh Agni Deva let me be as dynamic as YOU. Give me good digestion and a constant inspiration
to achieve my goals in life” 

Bow in respect to the Agni deity and proceed for your daily routine.

In case you have any question regarding this topic and concerning your life you may order our
product: Personalised Ask a Question Report

 RAM opens your Solar Plexus Chakra, the seat of your personal power. Chanting “RAM” will increase
your ability to stand up for yourself, control negative impulses, and exercise greater self-control. Your self-esteem
will increase as you chant “RAM” and you will become more confident and self-assured – and your frequent
stomach anxiety and pains will subside!

Ram – Fire energy.  Very powerful and works on the solar plexus chakra.

This is the third Chakra, located at Navel; Solar Plexus is called energy power house. All the great warriors have
this chakra well developed. It gives strength and vigor, if you bring your both hand together — distance opposite to
each other — at the top of this chakra, and just hold for some time, you can feel the energy. Fear and guilt usually
block this Chakra.
Chakra Name – Manipur Chakra

English Name – Solar Plexus

Number of petals – Ten

Chakra Element – Fire

Element color – Vermillion

Chakra shape – Triangular

Beej Mantra for Solar Plexus – RAM

Plane for Chakra – Celestial plane

Sense organ for Muladhara – Eye

God/ Goddess of the Chakra – Vriddha Rudra and Lakini

Reason for Solar Plexus Blockages

Childhood abuses, fear, guilt, psychological traumas and problems, and bad eating habits etc.

Ways to clear Solar Plexus Blockages

Release unwanted memories. Forgive others and yourself, practice harmlessness and give unconditional love to

Meditation for Solar Plexus Chakra – Chant ‘RAM’

Benefits when Solar Plexus awakens

Feeling of fearlessness and freedom. Power of will comes, and the ability to stand against injustice. If you see
ancient Indian history, most of the great enlightened souls like Ram, Krishna and Parshuram were warriors. Even
they were enlightened souls; they killed hundreds of people for justice.

Kundalini and Solar Plexus Chakra

When, coming from Muladhara and Swadhisthan, Kundalini reaches to this Chakra. A man feels full of energy, he
feels fearless, free and intuitive. But improper use of this energy often leads to a man – nowhere, proper use of this
energy helps to defend again injustice.

The Solar Plexus chakra or Manipura is a very important centre in the process of kundalini awakening. It is the
centre ofDynamism, energy, willpower and accomplishments.
It is often compared with the power of Sun because as Sun continually radiates energy to the planets and is
responsible for life on earth, in the same way the Solar plexus chakra radiates and distribute prana or the life force
to whole human framework and is responsible for various activities of organs and other processes of life.

Manipura is derived from two words Mani meaning 'jewel' and pura meaning 'city'. Therefore literally Manipura
means 'city of jewels'.

Now since this chakra is the source of the 'vital force' in the body, if this chakra does not function properly, then you
will feel lifeless and devoid of energy.You will be hindered by poor health, lack of motivation and commitment,
and depression in life.

Therefore awakening of Solar plexus is necessary for all those who wants to enjoy life more fully.

The Location Point:

The Solar Plexus chakra is situated in the spinal chord directly behind the navel. Physiologically, this chakra is
related to digestive system and regulates heat in the body.

The Manipura chakra is symbolized by a ten petalled lotus. On each petal one of the ten letters: pham, dam, dham,
nam, tam, tham, dam, dham, nam, pam is inscribed.

In the centre of the lotus is the region of fire, symbolized by the triangle. And within the triangle Ram is written,
which is the beeja mantra of the manipura chakra.

By meditating on solar plexus chakra, you will gain knowledge of the entire physical system, your body will become
disease-free. And once your kundalini reaches Manipura, your consciousness will not fall back into the lower
According to Buddhist tradition and also according to many tantric texts, the real awakening of kundalini starts
from Solar Plexus Chakra as they consider Sacral and root chakra as the higher realms of the animal life whereas
the higher man consciousness predominates from manipura onwards.

This is also because of the reason that manipura onwards, there is no danger of downfall of consciousness. Up to
this point kundalini may rise and fall several times, but awakening of manipura confirms the real awakening.

It is said that in sincere aspirants, kundalini is mostly in Solar plexus chakra. If you are exposed to spiritual life,
practise yoga and have a strong desire to find a guru, side by side with the work you are doing, it means
kundalini is not in muladhara, it is in Manipura or one of the higher centres.

As i have already told you on this site, that there are five parts of prana i.e. The life force, the first two of the Five
Pranas are 'prana' and 'apana'.

The prana moves up and down in the region between navel and throat while apana flows up and down between
perinium and navel. This movement of prana can be experienced by you also through relaxed breath awareness
in the psychic passage between throat and navel.

With the inspiration. prana moves up from navel to throat and with exhalation, it moves down from throat to navel.

Generally, 'prana'and 'apana' functions seperately but When the manipura chakra awakens, these prana and apana
gets united in the manipura chakra.

Awakening of kundalini in the Solar plexus takes place like a blast, as the prana and the redirected apana meet in
the navel region. It is the like the collision of two great forces in the Solar plexus region.

The evolution of human consciousness takes place through seven planes in the form of seven chakras.

When kundalini is in Root or Sacral chakra, these higher planes of consciousness cannot be seen by the aspirant,
but when aspirant reaches the Manipura chakra, he becomes able to experience these planes.

He is able to visualize the infinite state of consciousness and its spiritual perspective.

In the face of this vision, all his views and opinions completely changes. The personal prejudices, complexes are
gone away and an endless beauty and perfection of the higher worlds dawn within his consciousness.

As long as the evolution is in the planes of Sacral and Root Chakra, you will have mentaland emotional problems
and you will see the world correspondingly but when you will reach manipura, you will start seeing the world with
noble ideas and greater perspective.

That is why, psychic powers gained by Muladhara and Sacral chakra are dominated by dark aspect of the lower
mind but powers gained through Solar plexus chakra are really benevolent and compassionate.

The different powers gained by awakening Solar Plexus Chakra are the ability to create and destroy, self-defence,
the knowlwdge of hidden treasures, fearlessness from fire, freedom from diseases and the power to withdraw energy
to sahasrara.

Manipura (Navel/Solar Plexus - Chakra)

Mantra: RAM (I can)
Manipura is located in the spine right behind the navel.
It is the center of:
Power, self-esteem, self-confidence & manifestation.
Balanced it helps:
The stomach, the pancreas, the liver & the gall bladder.

Located  in the stomach, the Manipura Chakra/Fire Chakra or the Solar Plexus Chakra deals with will power and
is blocked by shame. Yellow is the color for this chakra and the musical note is E. RAM is the mantra and DA is the

The sense of sight is controlled by this chakra and the aromas are Lavender, Rosemary, Bergamot, Cinnamon,
Coriander, Ginger, Marigold, Cardamom and Orange. The best therapies for this chakra are Belly Dancing and
conscious breathing.

Daily Exercise: Hug yourself as tightly as possible, and then puff your chest out as far as possible. Twist and hold
each direction. Repeat.

The second Chakra is called Sacral or SVADHISTHANA

COLOR: Orange / SOUND: VAM / PRINCIPAL: Sexuality, family, sensations, appetite /SYSTEM: Reproduction
and assimilation /CHARACTER STONE: Carnelian, amber

This Chakra relates to your sexuality, family, appetite and creativity. Close your eyes and relax. Breathe in and as
you breathe out say the mantra VAM…VAM…VAM quietly. Once you open this Chakra you will feel intimately
connected with a creative power of the universe.

The third Chakra is called Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura

COLOR: Yellow / SOUND: RAM / PRINCIPAL: Willpower, immortality, fame, freedom, intellect// SYSTEM:
Digestive system, muscles /CHARACTER STONE: Golden Beryl, tiger’s eye

The third energy center governs your ability to digest your life. When the fire is burning on this Chakra brightly,
you feel empowered in your ability to manifest your intentions in the world. Blocked, this Chakra creates feelings of
frustration, hostility and aggression. Breathe in the color yellow and let go of your frustration and hostility. Close
your eyes and relax. Breathe in and as you breathe out say the mantra RAM…RAM…RAM quietly
Rama Nama.

"Ram" has more than one application in Sanskrit. It is the

"Beeja Mantra" (seed sound) for the manipura chakra (solar plexus chakra). Manipura could be translated as "City
of jewels". Meditation on this chakra yields occult powers and this is one of the important chakras responsible for
radiating 'prana' or life-force energy throughout the body.
By reciting the mantra, 'RAM' the manipura chakra is activated to be able to handle the flow of kundalini energy.
Secondly, 'Ra' and 'Ma' that forms the name 'Rama' are interpreted as follows: 'Ra' which is associated with the
solar energy flows through the right side of the human body whereas 'Ma' which is associated with lunar energy
flows through the left side of the human body. Repeating the mantra, 'RAMA' (even mentally) one is able to balance
the solar and lunar energies for sound mental and physical health. Sidhdhi of Rama Nama blesses the entity with
spiritual powers and elevation of soul.

Following are 3 powerful Rama Mantras:-

1)Om Namo Bhagavathey Raghunandanaaya Rakshognya Vishadaaya Madhura Prasanna Vadanaaya

Amithatheyjasey Balaaya Raamaaya Vishnavey Namaha Om!!

The above sloka if recited one lakh times will grant "mantra-siddhi".

2)Om Kleem Namo Bhagavathey Raamachandraaya sakalajana vashyakaraaya Swaaha!!

Above sloka is meant for general success and attraction.

3)Dasha Raama Naama Sthothram:-

Dhyaayaami RAAMA MabhiRAAMA

GiRAAMAranda DhaaRAAMAdhagna
MithaRAAMA MareyrviRAAMAm
AaRAAMA Madbhutha ThaRAAMAlasadgunaanaam
GhoRAAMAyagnya MasuRAAMAravandithaanghrim!!

The above if recited yields the benefit of chanting the powerful name of Lord Rama ten times within one sloka,
My personal advice is to begin slowly – write a page or 108x of a short mantra – preferably a bija. Rama is the
absolute ideal as it has immense power to overcome all negativity, obstacles, karma and problems in your life.

Start slow and build up

My personal advice is to begin slowly – write a page or 108x of a short mantra – preferably a bija. Rama is the
absolute ideal as it has immense power to overcome all negativity, obstacles, karma and problems in your life.
Then once a routine is set, increase this by a page a day. If enthusiasm takes you, there is no harm in writing more!
But try to keep a steady minimum for daily writing.

Motivation is key
Rama is preferred as the mantra is a perfect compromise between the abstract (like Om or Soham, Aham
Brahmasmi etc) and the conceivable (picture Lord Rama and all his perfect qualities).

However, if this still plots a path which is beyond your near term requirements, then by all means focus your needs
on mantras like Kleem or Shreem for material benefits.

In any case, divinising one’s goals or placing the fruit of your labour at the feet of the Guru will undoubtedly pull
you quickly to your destination.

Writing Sri Rama Jayam is called Likitha Jap- Writing Meditation. This gives one a complete sense of surrender to
an inner conscience and peace while writing the golden words. All the sences are engaged in the service of lord.

• You can write this in any language of your choice. It is the connecting chords with the divine and your inner self.

• It is believed that a calmness engulfs as one indulges in writing the Sri Rama Jayam bringing in more clarity of
mind, tolerance and strength to withstand obstacles in life

• The mantra forms an unending stream of bliss and a inner noise proclaiming that the Universe is just expanding
giving in more opportunities and prosperity.

• As you write this matra – in small measures, every day, as and when possible, with due respect, it makes
everything else of life’s needs fall in place automatically., just like a miracle of nature guiding its forces. You may
not get what you want but it will purify things and bring to you in a refined way.

• The mythological references states that the name of Rama is more strong and divine than the Lord Rama himself.

• Vedas tell that as the sun dispels the darkness, the chanting of Rama Nama dispels all evil and obstacles of life. It
is a way of liberation and salvation of human suffering.

• When you think, that all roads are blocked to walk away from day to day problems, writing ‘Sri Ram Ram Ram’
gives you the most needed clarity of thoughts to find away out of odd situations

• Preserve the completed books carefully and donate them to us. These books are preserved byb us for humanity

• Ramacharitra Manas, Vibhishana Gita the divinity of Rama Nama japa. It is called a writing tapas
• Hindu way of living is seeing humanity in everything around. Writing Rama Jayam gives you a inner awakening
towards to human mind, being kind , calm
and serene.

• The act of writing Ram Naam is important and keep his thoughts while doing so, is more important than the script,
language or number., though for all longevity of the process a number in mind is planned while making a start

• A selfless and non-expectation while writing gives you more happiness and potential than expecting something
writing. For you are a god’s child, and
God knows what you want and will give you what you are destined for and deserve. You don’t need to ask God for

• Devotion of service of life and its varied forms is devotion to God. So there is no right or wrong way of writing
this. The very thought and process to write is a connection with god and finds a inner meaning.

• It is a gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual upliftment. The chanting of Ram Mantra protects you with
divine flow of energy transforming a balanced progressin your materialistic well being and spiritual wellness.

• It disolves all other sounds with it’s vibration and create accoustic silence.

• Ram is the beej mantra of manipur chakra. this manipur chakra is the psychic center of human body where Sanchit
karmasare stored. Ram nam writing helps to clean those karmas. It also helps to release suppressed emotions,
negative samskaras from subconscious mind and unresolved issues of past.

• It creates dharana shakti (pure possessive power) in you which is far more powerful than normal forced
concentration.It also helps in natural control of bad habits through sence withdrawal.

For Transcendental Ram Nam Audio : http://www.ramalay.in/Sound%201.mp3

Source : http://ramalay.in  email : info@ramalay.in 

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