Reigh R. Granlund: Beechcraft Baron E55 N138Tl Engine Teardown Technical Inspection Report
Reigh R. Granlund: Beechcraft Baron E55 N138Tl Engine Teardown Technical Inspection Report
Reigh R. Granlund: Beechcraft Baron E55 N138Tl Engine Teardown Technical Inspection Report
FAA Designated Airworthiness Representative
The subject engines were overhauled on December 8th, 2000 by Victor Aviation Service, Inc. under work orders
#12457 (S/N 267651-R) Left Engine and #12458 (S/N 267738-R) Right Engine as “Power-By-Victor” Black Edition
Engine Series thirteen years ago on December 8th, 2000.
Engines were installed in Beechcraft Baron Model E55 registration number N138TL serial number TE1076 for the
aircraft owner - Kenneth Copeland, in Fort Worth, Texas on January 22nd, 2001. The aircraft is currently owned
by Tracy Harris from Texarkana, Arkansas. Since the engines were installed they have been operated for 1,879.5
hours and thirteen calendar years with no major repairs performed to them. The engines are now in the process
of being overhauled by Victor Aviation for the second time and are being upgraded to Victor's XR Black Edition VII
Engine Series under Work Order numbers #16891 and #16892.
From inspection of the aircraft engine log book records these engines have not been removed from the aircraft or
disassembled since the original date of installation on January 22nd, 2001. No modifications to the engines from
their original type design have been performed with the exception of a Bracket Air Filter S.T.C. ASE09217SC and
Flowed Fuel Injectors S.T.C. SA71GL.
#12457 (S/N 267651-R) Left Engine #12458 (S/N 267738-R) Right Engine
2. Inspection and observation of the disassembled engines were impressive. The engines crankcases,
cylinders and pistons showed no defects, signs of overheat or cracking. Engine crankcases were in good
condition with no cracks or corrosion observed and no fretting on the crankcase parting surfaces or
indications of any bearing movement. Piston rings were free and rotating in all piston ring lands and some
cylinders still showed the machined barrel surface cross hatch marks from the original cylinder machining
at Victor Aviation with minimum barrel wear observed.
After Black Electrostatic Powder Coating Removed - Crankcase ENGINE S/N 267651-R
3. Both of the engine’s crankshafts, counterweights, counterweight bushings, counterweight pins and plates
dimensions were measured and checked and still remain within the engine manufacturer’s new parts
limits and wear was minimally detectable. This would indicate a very high degree of engine balancing was
performed on these engines.
LEFT ENGINE S/N 267651-R 1,879.5 hours SMOH RIGHT ENGINE S/N 267738-R 1,879.5 hours SMOH
Connecting Rod Journal Measurements: Engine S/N 267738-R Crankshaft S/N 860632U
#1 - 2.2491 #2 - 2.2492 #3 - 2.2493 #4 - 2.2493 #5 - 2.2492 #6 - 2.2493
Connecting Rod Journal Measurements: Engine S/N 267651-R Crankshaft S/N C219702N
#1 - 2.2495 #2 - 2.2495 #3 - 2.2495 #4 - 2.2494 #5 - 2.2494 #6 - 2.2494
Camshaft Part #649322 Lifters Part # 653877, 653888 ENGINE S/N 267738-R
5. Dimensional check of all internal engine parts were measured to still be within the original manufacturers
new parts limits listed under Teledyne Continental Motors Overhaul Manual X30039 dated October, 2013.
6. Connecting rods were all in good condition with no signs of wear, fretting or misalignment.
A side by side comparison was performed with the same part numbers from the randomly selected 520
model engines with the parts removed from the IO-520-C engines observed. The difference was apparent.
The two IO-520-C engines I was asked to observe showed little wear in comparison to the randomly
selected comparison parts of the same part numbers on engines that came from other suppliers and
factory engines.
8. One significant observed difference stood out. The internal engine gears listed below on these two IO-
520-C engines observed, had been put through a process that impregnates a black iron manganese
phosphate to them at overhaul by Victor Aviation. Wear and corrosion to these gears was nonexistent
compared to the other randomly selected gear samples from similar model 520 engines.
Magneto & Accessory Drive Gear Part # 641728 Governor Drive Bevel Gear Part # 629748
Oil Pump and Tach Shaft Gear Part # 631075 Camshaft Bevel Gear Part # 629747
Alternator Drive Face Gear Part # 632018 Camshaft Gear Part # 631845
- LEFT HAND ENGINE: Engine manufacturer: TCM model IO-520-C. Serial number: 267651-R.
LEFT ENGINE S/N 267651-R 1,879.5 hours SMOH RIGHT ENGINE S/N 267738-R 1,879.5 hours SMOH
10. Left and Right engines were documented to be 179.5 hours over TBO.
11. Left and right engine compression checks of all 12 cylinders were recorded normal throughout the 1,879.5
engine hours operated and within the manufacturers acceptable limit as per TCM03-3. The 12 cylinders
have not had any replacement of valves, valve seats, springs, pistons or piston rings.
Left -
Superior Cylinder Part #SA5H52000-A1
ENG S/N 267651-R
13. An oil analysis was performed twice on both the left and right engines during the 1,879.5 hour period. The
results of all analysis reports were considered normal.
14. Both engines had two Supplemental Type Certificates (STC's) incorporated: ASE09217SC fuel injectors and
an SA71GL Bracket air filter.
In my opinion based my many years in the industry of inspecting Teledyne Continental Motors model 520 engines,
the condition of these engines and the minimum wear level of parts observed by far exceeds what is generally
found during an engine examination of engines that have been operated to the manufacturers TBO.
It appears that these engines could have been operated for a significantly longer period of time before engine
overhaul would have been required. These engines included Victor Aviation's FAA accepted optional overhaul
procedures under their FAA repair station certificate #BJ3R399L, including electrostatic powder coating, cylinder
flow matching, iron manganese phosphate impregnation of gears and engine balancing. It appears that these
procedures and the overall machine work applied to these engines have contributed to the increase in the
durability and longevity of the engine parts observed.
Reigh R. Granlund
FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector, San Jose Flight Standards District Office – Retired
FAA Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic – Current 11/20/13
FAA Designated Airworthiness Representative – Current 11/20/13