DLL For CSS Division Demo..
DLL For CSS Division Demo..
DLL For CSS Division Demo..
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of concepts and principles in
maintaining and repairing computer systems and networks.
B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to maintain and repair computer systems and
networks based on acceptable standards in computer’s software and hardware.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Write the LC code for each.
- Enumerate and define the different types of Diagnostic Utility Software.
- Identify the procedures in using USB SHOW as one of the diagnostic utility
- Value the importance of USB SHOW as a diagnostic utility software.
- Perform on how to recover files using USB SHOW.
II. CONTENT MODULE 4 (Diagnostic Software Utility)
(Sub-topic) USB Show
A. References TVL-ICT-CSS Learners’ Module pp. 1 (Migrated Module from CHS)
B. Other Resources https://cssnc2site.wordpress.com/maintain-and-repair-computer-systems-and-
C. Materials Laptop/Computer, USB Flash Drive, Printed Media
A. Daily Routine Prayer
Checking of Attendance
Classroom Rules
B. Reviewing the Previous What are the procedures in conducting SFC /SCANNOW?
Lesson or Presenting the new What is the purpose of SFC /SCANNOW in the computer system?
Lesson Strategy: Memory Recall
C. Establishing a purpose for the Flashing of pictures
lesson - What can you say about the pictures?
- Which among of the pictures do you think has a virus?
Picture Analysis
Strategy: 2 pics 2 words
Presentation of the subject matter and reading of objectives.
D. Presenting Unlocking of Terms
examples/Instances of the - Let the students identify the keyword that best describes the statement
new lesson by placing the keyword before the number.
Diagnostic - concerned with the diagnosis of illness or other problems
Utility - the state of being useful, profitable, or beneficial
Software - is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate
computers and execute specific tasks
Executable - able to be run by a computer
Retrieve - get or bring (something) back; regain possession of
Strategy: Pick and Match!
Video Analysis
What do you see on the video?
What can you say about it?
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills # 1 Group Activity: Differentiated Tasks
- The teacher groups the students into four.
- Students are given 10 minutes to do their tasks.
- Students’ outputs are rated based on the rubric.
G1 and G2 –Mix and Match– Match the types of Diagnostic utility software to the
given definition.
G3 and G4 – Arrange Me - Arrange the following procedures in using USB
F. Discussing new concepts and Ask one student to perform and explain on how to recover files using USB show.
practicing new skills # 2 Strategy: Recover Me!
G. Developing mastery Who wants to be a millionaire?
(leads to Formative Assessment 3) - Who among you here wants to be a millionaire?
H. Finding practical application - Group the students into six.
of concepts and skills in daily - Let the students work for 5 minutes.
living - Let the students sing a song after they are done with their task.
Instruction: Recover the hidden files made by the viruses in the flash drive.
Strategy: Hands-On!
b. Click/select computer.
c. Use your files again.
d. None of these
K. Additional activities for Research about FILES RECOVERY using COMMAND PROMPT. Write your
application or remediation answers on a one-haft (1/2) sheet of paper.
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