RAWE Research Paper
RAWE Research Paper
RAWE Research Paper
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(7): 4429-4436
is offered and RAWE programme is being
Agricultural education is an important tool in conducted for last 10 years. Other colleges
ensuring increased agricultural productivity, affiliated by the SAUs do not offer post
sustainability, environmental and ecological graduate degree in Agriculture.Hense only
security, profitability, job security and equity. these three colleges have been selected for the
Different committees (ICAR Review study. 30 students from each college selected
Committee 1979; Deans Committee 1981) randomly. Thus the sample was comprised of
recommended for strong linkage of 90 students. There were 74 students given
agricultural education with actual farming attitude about educational tour because, 16
situation through the programme [1]. students from total 90 were taken their UG
Considering the importance of agricultural degree from RCA, Udaipur and there was no
knowledge on socio-economic behaviour of education tour conducted.
the farmers, Agricultural Graduates during
internship have to work and study in rural The data were collected with the help of
areas as per university norms. In India, questionnaire consisting of measuring devices
Randhawa Committee (1992) recommended of variables along with face to face contact
the Rural Agriculture Work Experience from the respondents. In formulating the
(RAWE) Programme for imparting quality, questions and statements for the
practical oriented education for the agriculture questionnaire, the investigator has taken
degree programme. It is a course offered by opinion and guidance of the experts and other
SAUs normally in the final year (VII or VIII extension personnel. Collected data were
semester) of undergraduate degree tabulated and analyzed by using mean score,
programme. In 12th plan, Rural Agriculture standard deviation, percentage and rank.
Work Experience (RAWE) Programme has
been reconstructed and proposed as 'Rural Results and Discussion
Entrepreneurship and Awareness
Development Yojana' (READY). The Attitude of students towards village
programme aims at entrepreneurship attachment in RAWE programme
development among the youth.
The data given in table no. 1 indicate that
Materials and Methods respondents possessed most favourable
attitude on the statements like “RAWE has
The present study was conducted in the State helped me to get familiar with rural life”
Agriculture Universities of Rajasthan. there which secured highest mean score (4.51 MS),
were 5 SAUs namely, SKRAU Bikaner and hence this statement was ranked first. The
MPUAT Udaipur, SKNAU Jobner, AU Kota second highest mean score (4.46 MS) secured
and AU Jodhpur. Out of the 5 universities 3 by the statement “RAWE has helped me to
universities were having UG and PG degree increase in knowledge on crops / enterprises”
programmes. So these universities have been which was ranked second followed by
selected for the study.There are 3 Agriculture “RAWE has helped me to develop favourable
colleges Viz. S.K.N. College of Agriculture, attitude towards farming enterprise and the
Jobner (SKNAU, Jobner), Rajasthan college farmers” (4.11 MS), and “RAWE has helped
of Agriculture, Udaipur (MPUAT, Udaipur) me to learn experiences of rural setting” (3.88
and college of Agriculture, Bikaner (SKRAU, MS) ranked third and fourth, respectively.
Bikaner) where the PG degree in agriculture The results obtained might be due to facts that
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(7): 4429-4436
farmers allotted to the students in the yield of crops / enterprises”, “RAWE is not
particular area of KVK were very cooperative helpful for exposure with social system and
and told about the cultural background of that institutions”, “RAWE has not helped me to
area to students, which might have helped in reduce cost of cultivation” owing to the mean
convincing students about village attachment, score 2.87, 2.85, 2.76 and 2.67 respectively.
which has resulted in changing the attitude of
students towards village attachment in RAWE This might be due to the facts that most of
programme. students have favourable attitude towards
village attachment and faced less constraints
The data given in the table also revealed that in doing agricultural practices as they belong
the students have moderate attitude towards to rural areas. Further the duration of village
other statements of village attachment in attachment in RAWE programme is less, so
RAWE programme like “RAWE has helped students are not able to understand total
me to gain practical experiences” (3.78 MS), practices to reduce cost of cultivation. The
“RAWE has helped me to understand farmers findings of this study support the findings of
problems” (3.64 MS), “RAWE has helped me [2, 3,].
to gaining knowledge on time utilization
pattern of rural people” (3.62 MS), “RAWE Attitude of students towards skill training
has helped me to provide opportunity to meet in RAWE programme
role models in agriculture” (3.47 MS),
“RAWE has helped me to understand farming The data given in table no. 2 indicate that
systems prevailing in the village” (3.43 MS), respondents possessed most favourable
“RAWE has not helped me to getting attitude regarding “RAWE has helped me to
Knowledge on rural cultural background” improve my skills in the related area” which
(3.25 MS), “RAWE has not helped me to secured highest mean score (3.90 MS), hence
learn need assessment and programme this statement was ranked first. The second
Planning” (3.13 MS), “RAWE has not helped highest mean score (3.80 MS) secured by the
me to understand the sentiments of farmers” statement “RAWE has helped me to improve
(3.12 MS), “RAWE has not helped me to my communication skills” which was ranked
developing right attitude towards farming second followed by “RAWE has helped me to
community” (3.11 MS) and “RAWE has not improve the technical skill in performing
helped me to know about the economic status various agricultural operations” (3.73 MS),
of farmers” (2.95 MS). The reason is because and “RAWE has helped me to improve
staff of KVK and farmers took this managerial skills” (3.64 MS) ranked third and
programme very seriously for the students. fourth, respectively.
Farmers were in regular touch with the KVK.
It means programme provided to students The results so found might be due to facts that
about village attachment bring significant skill training programme of RAWE
improvement in knowledge of students about programme was seriously implemented by the
rural area and agriculture. state agricultural universities and gave more
attention on communication, technical skill
The students expressed least favourable and managerial skills respectively. Teachers
attitude towards statements of village were also very skilled in a particular area of
attachment in RAWE programme like skill training, which has resulted in changing
“RAWE has not helped me to exposed to the attitude of students towards skill training
rural livelihood security and survivility”, in RAWE programme.
“RAWE has not helped me to increase in
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(7): 4429-4436
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(7): 4429-4436
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(7): 4429-4436
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(7): 4429-4436
The data further reveal that students have status of different states” which was ranked
moderate attitude towards other statements of second followed by “RAWE has helped me to
skill training in RAWE programme like live in discipline” (3.90 MS) and “RAWE has
“RAWE has developed capacity in me to start helped me to know about various
an enterprise”, “RAWE has not helped me to technologies developed by different
develop leadership quality”, “RAWE has not agricultural institutions of different states”
helped me to develop confidence and (3.72 MS) ranked third and fourth,
professional competence”, and “RAWE has respectively.
not helped me to develop ability of
cooperation and team work” with score 3.47, Such results might be due to fact that
3.30, 3.12 and 3.10 mean score respectively. educational tour is very important activity in
SAUs which is helpful in exposure of the
The reason being these aspects minimized the students with new institutions and
risk in startup of any enterprise. It reflects that technologies. Students were so cooperative in
skill training implemented for students bring educational tour and spots visited very well
significant improvement in students for under the guidance of good staff. This has
development of the skill. resulted in to increased favourable attitude
towards educational tour of RAWE
The students expressed least favourable programme.
attitude towards statements of skill training in
RAWE programme like “RAWE has not The data given in table also reveal that
helped me to develop favourable attitude students have moderate attitude towards other
about the related enterprise” and “RAWE has statements of educational tour in RAWE
not helped me to improve the marketing skill” programme like “RAWE has helped me to
owing to the mean score 2.85 and 2.84 know about the culture of different states”,
respectively. This might be due to the facts “RAWE has helped me to know about the
that most of students have better knowledge training programmes organized at different
in entrepreneurship and marketing. This agricultural institutions and organisations for
might be due to the reason that personal transfer of technology”, “RAWE has not
interest of students was in private sector. The helped me to know about the objectives and
findings of this study support the findings of mandate of different agricultural institutions
[2, 5,]. and organisations”, “RAWE has not helped
me to know about the agro climatic zone wise
Attitude of students towards educational location of agricultural institutions in the
tour in RAWE programme different states” and “RAWE has not helped
me to know about the historical places of
The data given in table no. 3 indicate that different states” with score 3.71, 3.64, 3.18,
students possessed most favourable attitude 3.10 and 3.08 mean score respectively.
regarding “RAWE has helped me to develop
ability to live in a group” which secured The students expressed least favourable
highest mean score (4.27 MS), hence this attitude towards statements of educational
statement was ranked first. The second tour in RAWE programme like “RAWE has
highest mean score (4.22 MS) secured by the not helped me to know about the working
statement “RAWE has helped me to know pattern of different agricultural institutions
about the climate, soil, cropping system, land and organisations”, “RAWE has not helped
use pattern, irrigation sources and fertilizer me to know about the total geographical area,
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(7): 4429-4436
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Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(7): 4429-4436. doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2017.607.462