Problem 1. (3 Points) : Homework # 4, Electrodynamics 1: 7110
Problem 1. (3 Points) : Homework # 4, Electrodynamics 1: 7110
Problem 1. (3 Points) : Homework # 4, Electrodynamics 1: 7110
Problem 1. [3 points]
Consider point particle of mass m moving in three dimensions. Its potential energy is a
function of cylindrical coordinates (ρ, ϕ, z) such that V = V (ρ, αϕ+z), where α is a constant
with a dimension of length. Thus the Lagrangian reads
L = (ρ̇2 + ρ2 ϕ̇2 + ż 2 ) − V (ρ, αϕ + z).
Identify symmetry transformation which leaves this Lagrangian invariant and derive the
corresponding conserved quantity. Use the following Noether’s theorem: if the Lagrangian
of some system remains invariant under a change from coordinates qi to coordinates Qi (qi , ξ)
that depend on qi and some continuous variable ξ, so that at ξ = 0 the two sets of coordinates
are the same, Qi (qi , ξ = 0) = qi , then the following quantity remains constant (is an integral
of motion):
X ∂L ∂Qi
= const.
i ∂ q̇i ∂ξ ξ=0
Can you think of a system that would realize this kind of potential energy?
F=− r̂ (1)
on a particle of mass m. The particle is initially located at a distance r0 from the center.
At t = 0, the particle is given initial velocity v0 in the radial direction, v0 = v0 r̂, away from
the center. Determine how much time it will take for the particle to fall on the center.
Problem 3. [4 points] Find the scattering angle θ(ρ) as a function of the impact parameter
ρ of a non-relativistic particle with rest mass m scattered by an infinitely massive center.
Potential energy of interaction of the particle with the center is U (r) = K/r2 . (Assume
that K > 0.) Use polar coordinates r and ϕ as generalized coordinates.
a) Show that the generalized momentum l = ∂L/∂ ϕ̇ is the integral of motion and use it to
express ϕ̇ via r.
b) Using the conservation of energy, express dr/dt in terms of r, l and E.
c) Using appropriate substitution exclude time t from the result of the previous task and
replace it with the angle ϕ to obtain a differential equation for r(ϕ).
d) Solve that differential equation and express the scattering angle in terms of a definite
e) Calculate the integral and obtain θ = θ(E, l).