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Keywords: A large number of field investigations of earthquake damage have shown that sometimes slopes instability occurs
Slope stability as a result of a series of post-seismic ripple effects rather than of merely seismic load or ground motion, among
Seismic response which a combination of earthquakes and post-seismic rainfall is a typical contribution for slope instability. In this
Unsaturated infiltration paper, taking a slope in Southwest China as an example, failure mechanism and stability of slope under seismic
Plant reinforcement technology
load and heavy rainfall are analyzed with consideration of dynamic load and unsaturated infiltration using
GeoStudio software. Results indicate that, the acceleration of earthquake is sharply amplified at the top of the
slope, resulting in instantaneous tension stress, which causes tension cracks and therefore reduction in tensile
strength at the top of the slope. The existence of cracks contributes to the post-earthquake infiltration of rain-
water slows down the dissipation of excess pore water pressure. Slope instability is ultimately caused by per-
manent damage due to seismic load or ground motion and secondary damage on account for heavy rainfall.
Furthermore, the Plant Reinforcement Technology is put forward to reinforce the slope and satisfactory results
are obtained. Therefore, this research provides a theoretical basis to analyze and control slope stability in other
similar engineering geology problems.
1. Introduction rainfall have been reported in some cases. After the 1999 Taiwan
Earthquake, the area of landslides induced by heavy rains can reach
Earthquake triggered landslides have been studied in the seismic three times that of landslides directly induced by earthquakes (Lin
regions as a major type of geological disasters (Sepúlveda et al., 2005; et al., 2006). After the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, Beichuan area with
Chang et al., 2012; Jibson and Harp, 2016; Marc et al., 2017; Salinas- high seismic high intensity suffered the largest heavy rainfall with the
Jasso et al., 2019). However, a large number of field investigations of precipitation amount up to 250–350 mm, which led to further activity
earthquake damage show that slopes instability is a result of a series of of landslides and a large number of new landslides (Yin et al., 2009;
ripple effects caused by earthquakes rather than of merely seismic load Huang and Fan, 2013; Tang et al., 2009; Jun et al., 2018). Rainfall also
or ground motion (Lin et al., 2006; Chen and Hawkins, 2009; Liu et al., triggered many small-scale landslides from May to October after the
2013; Yano et al., 2019). Especially, seismic activity with consequent Kobe earthquake on January 17, 1995 in Japan (Kanaori and
rainfall pose a challenging threat to slope stability. Kawakami, 1996).
The crustal stress, stress field or failure at a fault that triggers Theoretical analysis (Bishop, 1955; Pantelidis and Griffiths, 2013a;
earthquakes will affect precipitation in the short term after an earth- Pantelidis and Griffiths, 2013b) have been performed to study the dy-
quake. A related effect of massive landslides after earthquakes will in- namic response and failure characteristics of slopes. Although the the-
crease a large number of dust and particles in the air, which are the best ories to assess slope stability is becoming increasingly mature, the
condensation nodules of water droplets; Furthermore, the seismic shock mechanism of slope instability under complex external forces remains
wave will continuously release energy into the air, causing air vibra- confusing. Shaking table model tests were conducted to investigate the
tions (shock waves) as well as a large number of condensation nodules failure modes as well as causes of landslides, and discuss the stage
and nodules over the earthquake area. Water vapor molecules collide failure characteristics of slopes under shaking table conditions (Hong
constantly, combine fully, which may eventually cause heavy rainfall et al., 2005; Lin and Wang, 2006; Hu and Chen, 2011). Aided with
(Huang and Fan, 2013). Slope instability due to earthquake-induced numerical simulation, a large number of practical slope instability cases
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (G.-Y. Liu).
Received 1 April 2019; Received in revised form 15 November 2019; Accepted 18 December 2019
Available online 20 December 2019
0013-7952/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Y.-L. Chen, et al. Engineering Geology 266 (2020) 105461
have been studied (Iwata et al., 2013; Huang and Xiong, 2017) whereas Elevation / m Geological fault
there is usually no information about the actual pore pressure devel- 520
colluvium & talus accumulation
opment, especially the dynamic pore water pressure due to the earth- Severe weathering strata
quake, which largely limits the reliability of the calculation. 460
Mild weathering strata
Heavy rainfall is another main trigger of slope instability (Tang 1# (C#)
et al., 2009; Kimoto et al., 2013; Sasahara and Sakai, 2014). The in- 400
filtration of pore water under rainfall elevates the free surface of the
groundwater in the slope, weakens the rock and soil at the potential slip D# A#
surface, and thus reduces the stability of the slope, leading to the for- 4#
mation of the landslide. Actually, it is crucial to the slope stability that
the infiltration of rainfall in rock and soil mass of slope experienced a
280 5# (E#)
Y.-L. Chen, et al. Engineering Geology 266 (2020) 105461
Table 1
Average rainfall and rainstorm statistics (Unit:mm).
Mouth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Average 34.3 36.9 126.7 284.7 361.6 406.7 384.7 262.7 144.7 54.7 33.5 32.4
24 h MX 52.3 71.2 111.4 145.4 154.3 358.9 403.0 422.7 341.9 323.2 157.6 62.6
Y.-L. Chen, et al. Engineering Geology 266 (2020) 105461
τf = c′ + (σ − ua) tan φ′ + (ua − u w ) tan φb (4) capacity of soil, so rainwater will all infiltrate. Therefore, the pressure
head at each point on the rainfall boundary should be satisfied: h ≤ 0.
where c' is cohesion; φ is the total normal stress on the failure surface;
ua and uw are net normal stress and matrix potential, respectively; φ' is (2) Runoff
the internal friction angle related to the net normal stress state variable
(σ − ua); and φb is the rate at which the shear strength increases with The rainfall boundary can be treated as the head boundary.
the matrix suction (ua − uw). Considering the inclination of the slope, surface water will flow fast.
A combination of stress state variables (σ − ua) and (ua − uw) with Therefore, the pressure head on the slope is 0, i.e., h = 0.
the pore gas pressure ua as a benchmark was adopted by Eq. (4), which At this time, the rainfall intensity is greater than the infiltration
is essentially an extension of the Mohr-Coulomb shear strength formula capacity of soil, and rainwater cannot infiltrate completely. Therefore,
for saturated soils. When the soil is saturated, uw is equal to the ua, so the discharge on the rainfall boundary should be satisfied:
the matrix suction (ua − uw) is equal to zero, achieving a transition
from unsaturated to saturated.
⎡k s k (h) ∂h + k s k (h) ⎤ n <p
Domenico and Schwartz (1997) provided a comprehensive theore- ⎢ ij r ∂x j
i3 r ⎥ i
tical review of groundwater flow through porous media. Saturated- ⎣ ⎦ Γ (8)
unsaturated porous seepage continuum equation is obtained on the According to the local weather station in Sichuan, the rainfall
assumption that fluid seepage in porous media follows the law of fluctuated little in five days period after the earthquake. 10e−6 m/s,
conservation of mass and Darcy's law (Lam et al., 1987; Gottardi and with a considerable similarity to the actual rainfall intensity, is chosen
Venutelli, 1993). as the precipitation boundary. The accumulated precipitation reached
∂ ⎛ ∂h ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂h ⎞ ∂h 86.4 mm in 24 h.
kx + kz = mwγw
∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠ ∂t (5)
where x and z indicate the horizontal and vertical directions, respec- 3.3.3. Selection of calculation parameters
tively; h is the total hydraulic head, kx and kz are the permeability A strong motion record of the earthquake on May 23rd recorded by
coefficients function of unsaturated soil; γw is the unit weight of water; the seismic station was chosen to simulate the earthquake with 10 s and
mw is the coefficient of water volume change in respect of the change in a peak acceleration of 0.81 m/s2. The attenuation relations of ground
matric suction, which can be obtained from the slope of the soil-water motion were reported that the isoseismal lines of earthquakes above
characteristic curve; and t is the time. moderate intensity are mostly in the shape of ellipse in NWW direction.
The vectorial equation of soil unsteady seepage can be expressed as Thus, the constrained model of elliptical attenuation of earthquake
follows (John, 2008): intensity considering long and short axis was adopted in this work. On
the basis of the Seismic Hazard Analysis Package (ESE) which con-
[K]{H } + [M ]{H } = {Q} (6) siders the heterogeneity of seismic activity and is recommended by the
China Earthquake Administration(CEA), the time history curve of
where [K] is the unit eigenmatrix; {H} is the node head vector; [M] is
ground motion with the exceedance probability of 10% was set up.
the unit mass matrix and {Q} is the node flow vector.
Comprehensive analysis for the earthquake conditions was conducted
at each interval step (a time step of 0.02 s for modeling, totally 500
3.3. Boundary conditions and parameters
interval steps for a 10-s vibration). The revised simulated time series of
seismic ground motion with a seismic acceleration (horizontal accel-
3.3.1. Dynamic boundary conditions
eration in this paper) of 0.3 g is shown in Fig. 3
The dynamic boundary treatments included that: (1) the bottom
The calculation parameters were selected for stability evaluation in
boundary (i.e. the bottom of bedrock) was fixed horizontally and ver-
accordance with actual geological conditions as well as the modes of
tically; (2) in order to reduce the impact of seismic wave rebound in the
destruction in simulation areas. The engineering geological survey was
sliding body, the impedance boundary was set at the front and rear
carried out and the field direct shear test and field deformation test of a
boundary of the slope and displacement consolidation boundary verti-
rock mass were conducted. Then combined with relevant field reports,
cally and horizontally were set at lower part of the slope; (3) the top of
the material characterizations such as internal friction angle, cohesion
the slope was set as free boundary horizontally and vertically.
3.3.2. Seepage boundary conditions
Fixed boundary is often used in numerical simulation due to the
complexity of rainfall infiltration boundary. Actually, it is a constantly 0.2
changing boundary with rainfall duration, so runoff should be taken
Acceleration / m s-2
(1) No runoff.
The rainfall infiltration boundary can be treated as the flux
boundary: -0.1
⎡k s k (h) ∂h + k s k (h) ⎤ n =p
⎢ ij r ∂x j
i3 r ⎥ i -0.2
⎣ ⎦ Γ (7)
Y.-L. Chen, et al. Engineering Geology 266 (2020) 105461
Table 2
Mechanical parameters for rock and soil mass structural surfaces.
Category of rock and soil Unit weight (KN/m3) Shear strength (C/(MPa)) Elastic modulus (MPa) Poisson's ratio (μ)
Conductivity / m s-1
the relationship between water content and suction, and the hydraulic Severe weathering strata
conduction equation (HFC) representing the relationship between per- 1E-4
meability coefficient and suction are two important hydraulic char- 1E-5
acteristics in the analysis of unsaturated soil infiltration. Soil-water 1E-6 Colluvial deosit
characteristic curve according to VG model (Van Genuchten, 1980) is as 1E-7
follows: 1E-8
Fitting data
θs − θr 1E-9 Experimental data
⎧ θr + h<0
θ (h) = [1 + (α |h|)n]m 1E-10
⎩ θs h≥0 (9) 1E-11
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
where θ is volumetric water content (%); θs is saturated water content Matric suction / kPa
(%); θr is residual water content (%); α and n are curve shape para-
meters, and the unit of α is m−1; m = 1–1/n. 0.6
The corresponding functional expression of the hydraulic conduc-
Volumetric water content / m3 m-3
tion equation is as follows (Mualem and Yechezkel, 1976; Ippisch et al., 0.5
n−1 n −m 2 0.4
⎧ k s {1 − (α |h|) [1 + (α |h|) ] } h<0
k (h) = [1 + (α |h|)n]m /2 Severe weathering strata
⎨ 0.3
⎩ ks h≥0 (10)
(b) Colluvial deosit
where ks is saturated permeability coefficient. 0.2
Based on the field data, the saturated permeability coefficients in
bedrock and mild weathering strata (including geological faults) are Fitting data
close to constant, 1.25e−6 and 1.0e−10 m/s, respectively. The saturated Experimental data
permeability coefficients in colluvium and talus accumulation and in-
tense weathering strata are 0.75 and 1.02 m/s, respectively whose soil- 0.0
water characteristic curve and permeability coefficient curve are esti- 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
mated by Eqs. (9) and (10), as shown in Fig. 4. Matric suction / kPa
Fig. 4. Parameter curve for unsaturated permeability: (a) HFC; (b) SWCC.
3.4. Stability analysis of earthquake and consequent rainfall
action of earthquake, the seismic acceleration is sharply amplified at
Based on the Morgenstern-Price method, we calculated the slope
the top of the slope due to the topographic amplification effect, re-
stability for five selected areas, including underlying bedrock, weath-
sulting in an instantaneous tension load, which causes tension cracks
ering zones, colluvium and talus accumulation and so on by using
subsequently and weakening of the tensile strength at the top of the
GeoStudio software. In order to evaluate the slope stability on the two
slope. Fig. 5 (c) shows the distribution of the stress field at the end of
conditions, that is, natural state plus earthquake conditions in the first
the seismic loading. It can be seen that the maximum tensile stress near
stage; and post-earthquake rainfall conditions based on the first stage of
the geological fault at the top of the slope exceeds 0.5 MPa, causing a
stress and displacement fields and underground water level in the
large number of fine tensile cracks.
second stage, the cutting-in and cutting-out methods were adopted to
Fig. 6a and b show the pore water pressure distribution at different
examine the potential sliding surface position. Detailed analysis such as
stress states. The pore water pressure of slope increases continuously,
stress field and displacement field on the two conditions was carried
with both the increasing duration of seismic motion and the elevation of
the observation point. In strata with poor permeability, such as bed-
rock, the excess pore-water pressure increases linearly. While in the
3.4.1. Analysis on stress field of slope under seismic activity poor weak strata with large permeability coefficient, which are usually
Comparing the initial effective stress distribution (Fig. 5a) with the located at the slope surface (monitoring point 1#, monitoring point 2#,
effective stress contours after Earthquake (Fig. 5b), the slope perfor- etc.), the excess pore water pressure increases linearly at first, and then
mance is reduced due to the lowered shear strength, especially in the tends to be stable gradually. It can be seen that the excess pore water
colluvium and talus accumulation at the foot of the slope with weak pressure around the geological faults at the foot and top of the slope is
rocks lithology. The effective stress decreases by > 50%. Under the
Y.-L. Chen, et al. Engineering Geology 266 (2020) 105461
Elevation / m
300 0s
(a) 4s
250 6s
370 372 374 376 378 380 382 384
Pore-water pressure / kPa
M.P 1#
30 M.P 2#
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Seismic duration / s
Y.-L. Chen, et al. Engineering Geology 266 (2020) 105461
Fig. 7. Development of displacement field over time under seismic load: (a) Displacement distribution after 1 s; (b) Displacement distribution after 3 s; (c)
Displacement distribution after 5 s; (d) Displacement distribution after 8 s; (e) Displacement distribution after 10s.
0.1 Under seismic load, due to the effect of topographic amplification,
high displacement rates are usually located in the lower consolidated
0.0 debris and soils while the acceleration of earthquake is sharply ampli-
fied at the top of the slope. This results in instantaneous tensile stress,
-0.1 which causes tension cracks and decreases in tensile strength at the top
of the slope. The existence of cracks contributes to subsequent rain-
-0.2 water infiltration after earthquakes where the increase of pore water
pressure in slope leads to the reduction of effective stress in soil mass
-0.3 and the activation of potential sliding mass.
Y.-L. Chen, et al. Engineering Geology 266 (2020) 105461
0.8 the colluvium and talus accumulation and intense weathering layers
(H = 425 m).Moreover, it can be seen that the matrix suction in the
0.7 M.P A unsaturated area of intense weathering layers begins to increase with
M.P B# the continuous rainfall, and the matrix suction tends to decrease at
M.P C#
X-Displacement / m
M.P D# due to the small permeability coefficient, the excess pore water pressure
0.3 dissipates so slowly, which rainfall infiltration has little effect on.
M.P E#
0.2 Fig. 14 shows the change of safety factor with rainfall. The safety
factor decreases with the continuous increase of rainfall, which may
(b) 0.1 lead to a failure. Among them, the critical slip surface will lose stability
on the fourth day of rainfall, and the range of landslide will expand
0.0 with the continuous rainfall.
-0.1 On the one hand, the infiltration of rainwater leads to an increase in
the water content in the unsaturated zone of the slope, which reduces
-0.2 the matrix suction, resulting in a decrease in the shear resistance of the
soil. Furthermore, it slows down the dissipation of excess pore water
8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
pressure. On the other hand, the contact with the loose sliding soil
Seismic duration / s causes the soil to soften and the shear surface to penetrate, which
further accelerates the deformation and eventually destabilizes the
Fig. 9. Development of cumulative displacement over time under seismic
loading: (a) X-displacement curve; (b) Y-displacement curve.
Safety Factor after earthquake Critical Slip Surface
Safety Factor
0 2 4 6 8 10
Seismic duration / s
Y.-L. Chen, et al. Engineering Geology 266 (2020) 105461
Fig. 11. Development of slope water level during a 5-day rainfall period.
Y.-L. Chen, et al. Engineering Geology 266 (2020) 105461
1st Day
3rd Day 12 1st Day
(a) 4
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
2 4 6 8 10 12
Time /Day
Time / Day
1st Day
Excess Pore-water Pressure / KPa
3rd Day
25 5th Day
2 4 6 8 10 12
Time /Day
Fig. 13. Effect of rainfall on dissipation of excess pore water pressure in different strata: (a) for the colluvium and talus accumulation; (b) for the intense weathering
strata; (c) for the bedrock.
Tr Shear Zone
Y.-L. Chen, et al. Engineering Geology 266 (2020) 105461
Data availability
The erosion effect of water flow on the slope surface is weakened, or
the slope surface is protected from erosion and water-proof erosion
Some or all data, models, or code generated or used during the study
through weakening the splash erosion of raindrops and inhibiting the
are available from the corresponding author by request.
erosion of runoff on the slope surface. Runoff is reduced by 68% and
Data in this paper are presented in the form of Figs. 3–15 and
98% while the sediment produced by erosion is reduced by 95% and
Fig. 18, which are available from the corresponding author by request if
98%, respectively for slopes with vegetation cover of 60% and 100%
the source data needed.
with rainfall intensity of 0.81 mm/min and duration of 30 min (Wang
et al., 2004; Li et al., 2004). In the model, the hydrologic effect of stem
Declaration of Competing Interest
and leaf was quantitatively described as the decrease of runoff on the
slope surface.
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
In the simulation, the surface layer of colluvium and talus accu-
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
mulation and part of intense weathering layer are used as vegetation
ence the work reported in this paper.
growth layer. And deep-rooted shrub Quercus humilis is planted near
the geological faults in the stress-stretching area at the top of the slope
and in the colluvium and talus accumulation. Herbal shallow-rooted
herb vetiver was used on the downslope surface. The parameters of the
This work was supported by the National Natural Science
simulation are selected according to the Morris and Stormont (1997),
Foundation of China (Grant No. 51608323) and Natural Science
Zornberg et al. (2003) and Burylo et al. (2011). The root diameter is set
Foundation of Shanghai (Grant No. 16ZR1423300). The authors would
0.19–1.48 mm, and the density is 0.5 kg/m3. LAI = 1 is selected for
like to thank Dr. Rafig Azzam, Dr. Ning Li and Dr. Suran Wang for
shrubs and root depth is 0.8 m; LAI = 2 is selected for herbs, and root
helpful discussions, research team under Dr. Youlian Chen and Ning Li
depth is 0.2 m.
for financing this study.
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