Papers 4
Papers 4
Papers 4
Research Paper
Keywords: The presence of cracks in soil slopes is of major concern to researchers and engineers, as this phenomenon is
Cracks typically considered to be an early indication of instability and potential landslides. In this study, the kinematical
Stabilizing piles approach of limit analysis was applied to evaluate the three-dimensional (3D) stability of soil slopes with pre-
Soil slope existing cracks and the reinforcement effects of piles. A vertical crack was accommodated in the classical 3D
Limit analysis
rotational failure mechanism by introducing a velocity discontinuity surface. Formulas for the external work
Factor of safety
rates and internal energy dissipation rates of the failure mechanism were derived within the framework of limit
analysis. An optimization program was developed in combination with the strength reduction method to search
for the most critical failure mechanism and the corresponding upper-bound factor of safety. A new parameter,
the maximum crack depth coefficient, was introduced for evaluating the sensitivity of slopes to the presence of
cracks. The numerical results indicated that slopes with large inclination angles are extremely sensitive to
natural cracks, whereas gentle slopes are less likely to be affected. It was also found that stabilizing piles could
effectively restrict the depth of the crack opening and thus, improve the stability of fissured slopes; the re-
inforcement effect was extremely dependent on the installation location and the density of the pile group.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (X.L. Yang), (S. Zhang).
Received 30 December 2019; Received in revised form 12 March 2020; Accepted 12 March 2020
0266-352X/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X.L. Yang and S. Zhang Computers and Geotechnics 122 (2020) 103544
failure mode was highly related to the relative stiffness between the pile
and soil. A numerical study of the stability of pile-reinforced slopes was
presented by Won et al. [18]. The results showed that neglecting the
coupling effect of the pile-slope system would lead to a more con- r'0
servative solution, and that the pile head conditions and bending A' 2φ
stiffness have important influences on the reinforcement effect of the
piles. Ausilio et al. conducted an upper-bound stability analysis of E' r0
slopes reinforced with piles [19]. The piles were considered by as- D
rm B A
suming that a lateral force and a moment were both applied at the
depth of the potential sliding surface. A similar study was presented on P' h x
the influences of pile location and deployment density, and estimated
the resistance force acting on piles using an equation proposed by Ito p(z) C
hp H
and Matsui [20–21]. d1
In the previous literature concerning slope stability, few studies
have examined the stability of 3D slopes with cracks. Moreover, the β P x
reinforcement effects of stabilizing piles on fissured slopes have not E
been fully investigated. Based on the upper bound limit analysis the- d2
orem, this study investigated the stability of a homogeneous frictional/ XF y
cohesive soil slope with a pre-existing vertical crack and pile re-
inforcement. A novel 3D rotational failure mechanism was postulated Fig. 1. Rotational failure mechanism for slopes with cracks and stabilizing
for a slope containing a vertical velocity discontinuity surface. The piles.
results for the upper-bound factor of safety were calculated through an
iteration program and are presented in the figures. The coupling effects
of the pre-existing crack and pile reinforcement were illustrated to fa- Crack plane
X.L. Yang and S. Zhang Computers and Geotechnics 122 (2020) 103544
Table 1 d
Comparison of the results of γhcr/c.
γhcr/c φ = 10° φ = 20° φ = 30° φ = 40°
Chen (1975) 4.56 5.47 6.63 8.21
Michalowski (2013) 4.58 5.50 6.69 8.29 π /8+φ/4
This study (2D) 4.58 5.52 6.69 8.31 π/4+φ/2
This study (B/H = 5) 4.64 5.58 6.81 8.48 A E
This study (B/H = 2) 4.73 5.73 7.02 8.75
This study (B/H = 0.8) 5.03 6.11 7.60 9.71 plastic
D2 D1 x deformation
In the above, c is the soil cohesion, and is the unit weight of the soil.
However, the solution derived from the limit equilibrium method is not A' E'
a lower or upper bound, as only the equilibrium condition is satisfied.
Chen [22] employed the plastic limit theorems and found that the π /4- φ/2
critical height of an unsupported vertical cut is as follows: B'
hcr = tan +
4 2 (6)
Fig. 3. Plastic deformation zone around piles (after Ito and Matsui, 1975).
In contrast with Eq. (5), the equilibrium condition, boundary con-
ditions, and stress–strain relationship are all satisfied for Eq. (6); thus, it p (z )
is a valid upper bound solution. After some rearrangements, the critical (N 1 2 tan + N 1)
height of an unsupported cut can be written in a dimensionless form, as D1
= cD1
γhcr/c. The results for γhcr/c, as obtained by different methods, are D2
listed in Table 1. 1 D1 D2
To better demonstrate the effects of natural cracks on slope stability, exp N tan tan + 2N1 2 tan 1
N tan D2 8 4
a maximum crack depth coefficient kmax was introduced in this study. It
is defined as kmax = hcr/H, where hcr is the maximum depth of the 2 tan + 2N1 2
+N 1 2
2 tan + 2N1 2
+N 1 2
+ c D1 2D2
crack. As the results for the critical slope height obtained by the kine- N1 2 tan +N 1 N1 2 tan +N 1
matical approach are upper-bound solutions, the hcr of a 3D slope could
be obtained by optimizing the formula for the critical height of a ver- N 1 2
tical slope. The least value of hcr is the maximum crack depth.
(N 1 2 tan + N 1)
z D D1 D2
2.3. Reinforcement with a row of stabilizing piles + D1 1 exp N tan tan + D2
N D2 D2 8 4
XF + rh cos h = rp cos p (8) Based on the theory of perfect plasticity, the kinematical approach
assumes that the soil around the slip surface follows the flow rule, and
In the above, rh/rp and θh/θp are the coordinates of point E/P in the thus solves for the critical parameters without the complexity of a step-
polar system, respectively. by-step elastic–plastic analysis [25–28]. The upper bound solutions for
Although many research studies have been conducted on the effects ultimate failure can be determined by equating the external work rate
of reinforcing piles, the previous research presents relatively limited to the internal dissipation rate in a kinematically admissible velocity
theoretical solutions regarding lateral force distribution models for the field [23], as follows:
piles. In this respect, a widely employed estimation equation was pro- W = Dint + Dp (10)
posed by Ito and Matsui [21], in which two types of plastic states
around piles, namely, the theory of plastic deformation and the theory Here, W is the external work rate, andDint andDp are the energy
of plastic flow, were respectively considered, so as to derive analytical dissipation rates owing to internal friction and the resisting force of the
solutions for the lateral force acting on piles. As shown in Fig. 3, they piles, respectively.
assumed that the soil in the area of AEBB E A undergoes plastic de-
formation and the angle between EB and the × axis is ( 4 + 2) , and 3.1. Calculation of external work rate
it was estimated that per unit thickness of soil layer, the lateral force
acting on each pile is as follows: The crack is assumed to be dry, and groundwater pressure is not
X.L. Yang and S. Zhang Computers and Geotechnics 122 (2020) 103544
considered in this study. Thus, the rate of external work is determined D3D = D SACE D SAC = cwr03 (g5 g6 ) (21)
by the soil weight only, i.e., W = Wγ. The work rate based on self-
weight consists of two portions which are calculated separately, as Details regarding g5 and g6 are reported in the Appendix. D SACE is
follows: equal to the internal energy dissipation of an intact slope (i.e., without a
crack), and can be obtained. D SAC can be obtained using the same for-
W =W 3D +W insert (11) mula as that for DACE with the slope angle modified to be 90°. Likewise,
In Eq. (11), Wγ-3D and Wγ-insert are the work rates for the curvilinear the energy dissipation for the plane insert mechanism is expressed as
cone and plane insert mechanism, respectively. For the former, as the follows:
block ADC stays static, Wγ-3D is determined by subtracting the work of Dinsert = D ACE D AC (22)
block ADC from the work of block ABE, as follows:
In the above, the integral domains ΓACE and ΓAC represent the cy-
W 3D = WABE WADC (12) linder sliding surfaces ACE and AC in Fig. 1, respectively. The energy
For the sake of brevity, the derivations and formulas for calculating dissipation on an infinitesimal element is calculated as follows:
the work rates are presented in the Appendix. By introducing a local rd
coordinate system x-y, WABE can be obtained through multiple in- Dinsert = b cv cos = bcw r 2d
cos (23)
tegrations. After some rearrangements, WABE can be expressed as fol-
lows: Here, is a generic integral domain, v denotes the velocity at any
point on the sliding surface, and v = r .
WABE = r0 4g1 ( 0, h, r 0 r0) (13) By substituting Eq. (1) into Eq. (23) and performing some re-
WADC is calculated in the same way, except that the slope angle is arrangement, D ACE and D AC can be obtained as follows:
90° as the crack is assumed to be vertical. The formula of WADC is ex- e 2( h 0 ) tan 1
pressed as follows: D = bcwr02
2 tan
WADC = r0 4g2 ( 0 , C, r 0 r0 ) (14)
e 2( C 0 ) tan 1
Thus, the external work rate of the 3D portion is as follows: D = bcwr02
2 tan
W 3D = r0 4 (g1 g2) (15) Thus, the total energy dissipation rate for the plane insert me-
Here, g1 and g2 are two parameters determined by the geometry of chanism is as follows:
the failure mechanism. The calculations for g1 and g2 are presented in e 2( h 0) tan e 2( C 0 ) tan
the Appendix. Dinsert = bcwr02
2 tan (26)
Following the same methodology, the external work rate of the
plane insert mechanism is expressed as follows:
3.3. Work dissipation rate of stabilizing piles
W insert = W ABE W ADC (16)
In Eq. (16), W'ABE and W'ADC are the work rates of the plane insert The work dissipation per unit thickness of the layer for a single pile
blocks ABE and ADC, respectively. As the plane insert mechanism is in a is equal to the product of the lateral force at a certain depth and the
plane strain state, its external work rates can be obtained by multi- corresponding velocity:
plying the corresponding work rates under a 2D situation by its width b.
dDp = p (z ) l (z ) dz (27)
According to Chen, the external work rate of block ABE under 2D
analysis is as follows [22]: In the above, p(z) is the lateral force along the piles, and l(z) is the
2D arm of the lateral force. As shown in Fig. 4, P P is the active length of the
WABE = r03 (f6 f7 f8 ) (17)
stabilizing piles (piles intercepted by the slope surface and sliding
Therefore, surface), and dp is the active width of a pile group at any depth.
W ABE = r03 b (f6 f7 f8 ) = r04 g3 (18) O
θ θ θ' p active length of
The work rate of the block ADC can be obtained in the same way, as p
stabilizing piles
follows: P'
r pc
l(θ) z
Additional details regarding g3, g4, and f6–f11 are presented in the
Appendix. dθ
r pcosθ pdθ/cos2θ
3.2. Calculation of internal energy dissipation rate
rp x
As the rotational mechanism is assumed to be a rigid body (volume active width
strain is neglected), the internal energy is only dissipated on the sliding of piles in a row
surface. Moreover, the crack opening process is not included here, as
the crack forms before the slope failure. Therefore, the internal energy
dissipation rate is expressed as follows: y
Dint = D3D + Dinsert (20) dp
Here, D3D and Dinsert are the work dissipated on the 3D portion (arc
surface) and 2D portion (cylinder surface), respectively. D3D is calcu- Fig. 4. Illustration of work dissipation on an infinitesimal length of stabilizing
lated by subtracting the energy dissipation rate on 3D sliding surface piles.
SAC from that on sliding surface SACE and is expressed as follows:
X.L. Yang and S. Zhang Computers and Geotechnics 122 (2020) 103544
Factor of safety
XF + rh cos h rp cos p =0 (29) FS=(FS1+FS2)/2
rp cos p
dp = 2 R2 rm
cos (33)
4. Comparison and parametric analysis
l ( ) = rp cos p tan (34)
4.1. Comparison with 2D conditions
X.L. Yang and S. Zhang Computers and Geotechnics 122 (2020) 103544
Table 2
Comparison of dimensionless critical height γH/c under 2D conditions.
γH/c no crack pre-existing crack
β = 45° φ = 10° 0.3555 0.4336 0.4492 0.4648 1.5
φ = 20° 0.2852 0.3477 0.3633 0.3711
φ = 30° 0.2461 0.2930 0.3008 0.3086 20
β = 60° φ = 10° 0.5039 0.5820 0.5898 0.6055 1.0 2D
φ = 20° 0.4180 0.4883 0.5039 0.5898
φ = 30° 0.3633 0.4258 0.4414 0.4648 10
0.0 0
steep slopes is highly risky, and must be prevented. 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
The decreasing rate of FS values for slopes with smaller B/H values Slope angle (°)
is less than that for 2D slopes, indicating that the presence of natural
cracks has a slight impact on slopes with restricted widths, in ac-
(b) 3.0 50
open crack
cordance with the results for kmax shown in Table 3. Furthermore, it can
2.5 intact slope
be seen from Fig. 6 that as compared to a 3D analysis, a traditional 2D B/H=0.8 40
analysis tends to overestimate the influence of cracks on the 3D slope
stability. This is consistent with the expectation that the solutions from 2.0 2D
B/H=2 B/H=2 30
a 2D stability analysis will be more conservative.
4.3. Influence of reinforcing density of pile group 1.0
Moreover, the reinforcement effect of the piles is more pronounced 1.5 B/H=0.8
when D1/d < 2.5. Therefore, it is suggested that piles placed in a row
should be placed close enough to form a compact pile group, so as to 1.0
achieve a better reinforcement effect.
Fig. 8 shows the maximum crack depth coefficient along with the 10
density of the pile group. It is indicated that the reinforcement from the
pile group could effectively restrict the depths of cracks, and thereby
improve the stability of fissured slopes. As combined with Fig. 7, the 0.0 0
40 50 60 70 80 90
numerical results revealed a significant negative correlation between
Slope angle (°)
the FS and kmax. In this sense, kmax could be regarded as an effective
index for evaluating the sensitivity of slopes to natural cracks. Fig. 6. Comparison of FS for intact slopes and fissured slopes with H = 10 m,
γ = 20 kN/m3, c = 20 kPa, n = 0 (a) φ = 10°; (b) φ = 20°; (c) φ = 30°.
X.L. Yang and S. Zhang Computers and Geotechnics 122 (2020) 103544
2.1 2.1
1.8 1.8
1.5 1.5
1.2 1.2
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
D1/d D1/d
Fig. 7. FS versus D1/d with different B/H values for n = 0.7 (a) Case 1; (b) Case 2.
4.4. Optimal installation location of the pile group in fissured slopes to the numerical results, the main conclusions are drawn as follows.
Based on the illustrative examples described above, the values of FS for 1) The impact of the pre-existing crack on the slope stability is mainly
different installation locations of pile groups are presented in Fig. 9. It can dependent on the slope inclination angle. When slope inclination
be observed that the ‘end effect’ has a significant influence on fissured angle β < 40°, the stability of slopes is almost unaffected by natural
slopes, with the FS increasing by nearly 20% and 50% when the failure cracks. However, for steep slopes (β greater than 60°), the stability
mechanism changed from the 2D condition to B/H = 2 and B/H = 5, could be severely weakened owing to the presence of cracks.
respectively. The curves in Fig. 9 show evident unimodal characteristics, Therefore, the presence of natural cracks in steep slopes is highly
and the FS reaches its peak when n is approximately 0.7 or 0.8. Accord- risky and needs to be prevented.
ingly, reinforcing piles should be installed within the upper half of slopes 2) The FS of the slopes shows a significant negative correlation with
to attain their maximum effectiveness. Moreover, the curves are almost the maximum crack depth coefficient kmax. In this sense, kmax could
parallel to each other, indicating that the optimal installation location of a be regarded as an effective index for evaluating the sensitivity of
pile group is independent from the value of B/H. slopes to natural cracks.
3) For slopes with a smaller width-to-height ratio, the maximum crack
5. Conclusions depth coefficient is smaller, and the differences in the FS values
between intact slopes and fissured slopes are also smaller. This in-
As common phenomena in slope engineering, the presence of cracks dicates that under the same slope height, slopes with a smaller
and their corresponding impacts on slope stability are of vital im- width-to-height ratio are less likely to be affected by the presence of
portance in stability analysis. Considering that natural slopes are typi- cracks.
cally limited by neighboring rock formations or existing structures, the 4) The reinforcement effect of a pile group is closely related to its in-
3D stability of slopes with a vertical crack and pile reinforcements were stallation location and deployment density. It is suggested that piles
studied, based on the kinematical approach of limit analysis. An opti- placed in a row should be placed close enough to form a compact
mization program was developed to search for the most unfavorable pile group, to attain their maximum effectiveness. The optimal lo-
failure mechanism. The coupling effect of the pre-existing crack and cation for reinforcing piles is located within the upper half of slopes.
reinforcing piles was investigated using a parametric study. According
0.10 0.20
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
D1/d D1/d
Fig. 8. kmax versus D1/d with different B/H values for n = 0.7 (a) Case 1; (b) Case 2.
X.L. Yang and S. Zhang Computers and Geotechnics 122 (2020) 103544
1.6 1.6
1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
n n
Fig. 9. FS versus pile location coefficient n with D1/d = 2.5 (a) Case 1; (2) Case 2.
The horizontal lengths of the slope crest AB and AD are denoted by L1 and L2, respectively. According to geometric relations, H/r0, h/r0, L1/r0,
and L2/r0 can be expressed as follows.
H r0 = sin he
( h 0 ) tan sin 0 (A1)
h r0 = sin Ce
( C 0) tan sin 0 (A2)
sin( 0 + ) sin( h + )
L1 r0 = e( h 0 ) tan
sin sin (A3)
1 ( 0 ) tan
r0 ( 0 ) tan
f1 ( ) = e + e
2 r0 (A5)
1 ( 0 ) tan
r0 ( 0 ) tan
f2 ( ) = e e
2 r0 (A6)
WABE and WADC are integrated in a local coordinate system x-y first, as shown in Fig. 1(a), which gives their values as follows:
B x1 y h x2 y
WABE = 2 (rm + y )2cos dydxd + (rm + y ) 2cos dydxd
0 0 a B 0 d1 (A7)
D x1 y C x2 y
WADC = 2 (rm + y )2cos dydxd + (rm + y ) 2cos dydxd
0 0 a B 0 d2 (A8)
sin( + h) ( 0 ) tan
d1 = r0 e h rm = r0 f4 ( )
sin( + ) (A10)
cos C ( C 0 ) tan
d2 = e rm = r0 f5 ( )
cos (A11)
sin 0 1 ( 0) tan
r0 ( 0) tan
f3 ( ) = e + e
sin 2 r0 (A12)
sin( + h ) ( 0 ) tan
1 ( 0 ) tan
r0 ( 0 ) tan
f4 ( ) = e h e + e
sin( + ) 2 r0 (A13)
cos C ( C 0 ) tan
1 ( 0 ) tan
r0 ( 0 ) tan
f5 ( ) = e e + e
cos 2 r0 (A14)
X.L. Yang and S. Zhang Computers and Geotechnics 122 (2020) 103544
Substituting the above expressions into Eq. (A7) and Eq. (A8), the following expressions are obtained.
g1 ( 0 , h, B, r 0 r0 ) = 2 (f22 f3 8 f33 4 2f1 f32 3 f12 f3 2 + 2f1 f22 3) (f22 f32 )
+2 (f22 f4 8 f43 4 2f1 f42 3 f12 f4 2 + 2f1 f22 3) (f22 f42 )
+2 (f22 f5 8 f53 4 2f1 f52 3 f12 f5 2 + 2f1 f22 3) (f22 f52 )
cos C e( C 0 ) tan
D = arccos
cos2 (A18)
2( 0) tan
Ce + sin
1 L1 L1
f7 ( 0, h) = sin 0 2cos 0
6 r0 r0 (A20)
1 ( 0 ) tan
L1 L1 ( h 0 ) tan
f8 ( 0, h) = e h sin( h 0) sin h cos 0 + cos he
6 r0 r0 (A21)
The formula of g3 is expressed as follows:
b ( h 0) tan
g3 ( 0, h, b H) = (f f7 f8 )[sin he sin 0]
H 6 (A22)
Similarly, g4 is expressed as follows:
b ( C 0 ) tan
g4 ( 0 , C, b H) = (f f10 f11 )[sin Ce sin 0]
H 9 (A23)
Here, f9, f10, and f11 are expressed as follows:
1 3( C 0) tan
f9 ( 0 , C) = [(3 tan cos C + sin C )e (3 tan cos 0 + sin 0 )]
3(1 + 9tan2 ) (A24)
1 L2 L2
f10 ( 0, C) = sin 0 2cos 0
6 r0 r0 (A25)
f11 ( 0, C) = cos2 Ce
2( C - 0) tan
3 r0 (A26)
The expressions g5 and g6 are obtained as follows.
g5 = f2 (4f1 + f3 ) f22 f32 + f2 (2f12 + f2 2 ) arc cos(f3 f2 ) d
+ f2 (4f1 + f4 ) f2 2 f4 2 + f2 (2f12 + f22 ) arc cos(f4 f2 ) d
D (A27)
g6 = f2 (4f1 + f3 ) f22 f32 + f2 (2f12 + f2 2 ) arc cos(f3 f2 ) d
+ f2 (4f1 + f5 ) f2 2 f5 2 + f2 (2f12 + f2 2 ) arc cos(f5 f2 ) d
B (A28)
X.L. Yang and S. Zhang Computers and Geotechnics 122 (2020) 103544
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