REACH, Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) & Articles: Dr. Rashmi Naidu
REACH, Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) & Articles: Dr. Rashmi Naidu
REACH, Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) & Articles: Dr. Rashmi Naidu
Clientele spread across Asia, Europe and growing rapidly to other continents
What is an Article
• PBT substances
• vPvB substances
• CMR category 1, 2 substances
Conditions of Restriction
What is an article
Definition of an “Article” as given in REACH regulation
Preparation Article
REACH Requirements for Substances in Article
Article 33(2):
Consumers can request the same information. The information
should be provided within 45 days, free of charge.
Sample undertakings/certificates (SVHC)
Undertaking in case SVHC is greater than 0.1%wt/wt
I hereby declare that this REACH Declaration Form is truthful and complete.
All products that we have delivered to XYZ company comply with the
requirements of the REACH “ Restriction Substances List” in its latest
valid edition. Furthermore, we will provide XYZ company with safety data
sheets should this be requested.
In case of any change, I will immediately inform and update the