Environment Economic Survey Industry 2017
Environment Economic Survey Industry 2017
Environment Economic Survey Industry 2017
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Cabinet decree no. (211) of 13-1-1437H gave the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) the right to
conduct surveys in the economic, social and population fields on behalf of the kingdom and publishing
them periodically. Based on this right, GASTAT has installed programs and surveys that aim to create a
statistical database on the environment. The civil society has showed an increasing interest in issues of
environment and ecological pollution and problems caused by unbalanced activities. The environment
has recently become a hot issue and a concern for decision makers and the citizens alike. The industrial
sector is the biggest source of pollution that causes environmental degradation as a result of its solid
wastes (which are produced during the industrialization stages according to a circle that aims at trans-
forming the raw materials into prepared materials). The more transformation stages increase, the more
The provision of modern data and information about this sector that are fit to international standards
Environment Statistics
and classifications has become an urgent necessity to help decision-makers and policy-makers to follow
إحصاءات البيئة
the successful methods to develop the environment of the industrial sector and reduce the resulting
pollution. Results of this survey will enable GASTAT to meet the requirements of the beneficiaries and
highlight the status of the economic (industrial) environment of the Kingdom through creating accu-
rate and comprehensive statistical indicators that meet the repeated requests raised by local and inter-
national organizations and entities. GASTAT also thanks all partners and clients from the entities con-
cerned with the Economic and Industrial Environment Survey for their cooperation to complete this
bulletin. It is worth mentioning that their cooperation, after the guidance of Allah, had a great impact
on issuing such bulletin. At the same time, it is hoped that everyone will provide us with proposals via
the e-mail (info@stats.gov.sa) Such proposals will improve the content of this bulletin and further de-
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
1 1
2 Tables Index 3
3 Index of figures 5
6 Publishing tables 33
Environment Statistics
إحصاءات البيئة
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Tables Index
Tables number Topic Page number
1 Quantity of water consumed in economic establishments (industrial) 33
2 Percentage of producing water in economic establishments (industrial) 34
3 Quantity of water produced in economic establishments (industrial) 34
4 Quantity of water produced from fresh ground water in economic establish- 35
ments (industrial)
5 Quantity of water produced from seawater in economic establishments (indus- 35
6 Quantity of water produced from saline groundwater in economic establish- 36
ments (industrial)
7 Quantity of water produced from fresh surface water in economic establish- 36
ments (industrial)
8 Quantity of Waste Produced in economic establishments (industrial) 37
Environment Statistics
10 Disposal methods of Liquid chemical material waste in economic establish- 39
ments (industrial)
11 Disposal methods of ferrous waste in economic establishments (industrial) 40
12 Disposal methods of non-ferrous waste in economic establishments (industrial) 41
13 Disposal methods of electronic waste in economic establishments (industrial) 42
14 Disposal methods of rubber waste in economic establishments (industrial) 43
15 Disposal methods of wood waste in economic establishments (industrial) 44
16 Disposal methods of plastics waste in economic establishments (industrial) 45
17 Disposal methods of paper in economic establishments (industrial) 46
18 Percentage of industrial consumption of waste in economic establishments (in- 47
19 Quantity of the most important waste that used in economic establishments 47
20 Quantity of the most important purchases of waste in economic establishments 48
21 Quantity of energy used in economic establishments (industrial) 49
22 Percentage of energy used in economic establishments (industrial) 50
23 Quantity of Gasoline91 used in economic establishments (industrial) 51
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Index of figures
Figures number Topic Page num-
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
The statistical work stages are divided into eight connected stages, in addition to a ninth stage
إحصاءات البيئة
The Economic Industrial Environment Survey Bulletin is one of GASTAT products, and its meth-
odology has been developed according to these stages, which will be stated in details in below:
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Produced water:
Water that was produced or extracted by the establishment.
Purchased water:
All kinds of water that were purchased from the National Company, private sector, individuals or any other
source for
consumption inside the establishment or in the production processes;
stored water:
The water that is kept inside designated storages to be later used by the establishments.
Transferred water:
The water that is transferred from the establishment to another establishment without obtaining a fee.
Water sales:
The water sold by the establishment to individuals or other establishments.
Used water:
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
The quantity of consumed (used) water in the establishment that cannot be returned to its main source after
being withdrawn;
Desalinated Water:
The volume of water obtained from desalinating seawater or saline groundwater
Water that was withdrawn from the seawater and used in the establishment;
surface water:
Water that was extracted from any surface water source such as rivers, lakes or permanent and temporary rains;
Fresh groundwater:
Fresh water that was extracted from wells and contains a little concentration of salts, making it fit for use or
treatment for
Environment Statistics
Saline groundwater:
إحصاءات البيئة
Water that was extracted from wells and used in the establishment; It has a less concentration of salts than sea-
Treated wastewater:
Wastewater that was chemically, mechanically or biologically treated for reuse;
Waste sale:
Wastes that are sold to other companies for recycling or inserting them in other industries such as raw materials;
It is one of the waste disposal tools
Waste combustion
Systematic combustion of wastes, which may or may not be associated with restoring energy from them; it is one
of waste disposal tools
Waste recycling:
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
A process of re-processing wastes in accordance with a production process with a view to moving them out of
the wastes line. An exception is the reuse of wastes as a fuel. This definition includes the re-processing for ob-
taining the same product or for other purposes. Waste recycling is one of the waste disposal tools
Waste containers:
Containers used in temporarily keeping wastes and other unwanted materials. It is one of waste disposal tools.
Contracting with a specialized company for waste disposal:
Solid wastes that are disposed by another contracted company. This company collects these wastes.
Solid wastes of chemicals:
Solid materials produced during the industrialization stages such as: Dust of chemical materials as pesticide pow-
ders and dust of industrial processes as cement and asbestos (Amiant), which enter via the nose and mouth.
Liquid wastes of chemicals:
Liquid materials produced during the industrialization stages such as: Organic liquids - acids - paints - liquid de-
Environment Statistics
Plastic wastes:
Manufactured polymers, which are oil derivatives; Plastics are considered a basic material in many industries
Ferrous metal residues:
A category of ferrous metals; all these metals contain iron. Iron composition differs from one metal to another.
An example of ferrous metals is: Magnetite hematite (iron oxide) is the colored black crystal with natural mag-
netic characteristics and others.
Non-ferrous metal residues:
Metals that don't contain iron; they contain one or more elements other than iron. Examples of non-ferrous met-
als are: Copper, silver and gold.
Paper wastes:
The wastes that have defined characteristics due to its formation from paper or cardboard, which can be gener-
ated from any economic activity or as a result of the establishment’s waste such as paper or cardboard.
Electronic wastes:
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Wastes of electronic and electric devices, whose duration period have expired; Such as: TVs, computers, tele-
phones and other communication tools and visual and sound recording devices, household devices and other
devices and tools used in our daily life.
Rubber (tiers):
The rubber disc used for vehicle wheels and blown with compressed air.
A material that can be formed and comes from wood plants, specifically trees and shrubs.
The manufacture of threads from fibers. Those threads are installed for textile manufacturing.
Production of energy:
The quantity or value of the energy products produced by the establishment, such as (oil derivatives, natural gas
Environment Statistics
and oil)
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Energy purchases:
The purchases of energy products by the establishment to be used as fuel, electricity production or other uses.
Energy storage:
The energy products that are kept in designated storages to be sold or used by the establishment in the future.
Sold energy:
The Energy products which are sold to clients for profit.
Used energy:
The energy used by the establishment as fuel, electricity production or other purposes.
Gasoline 91:
A hydrocarbon fuel that is mainly used in internal combustion engines. Octane 91 and this number represents
the primary combustion resistance.
Gasoline 95:
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
A hydrocarbon fuel that is mainly used in internal combustion engines. Octane 95 and this number represents
the primary combustion resistance.
A hydrocarbon fuel that is extracted through crude oil distillation; It is a heavy oil that is distilled between 220 -
380 Celsius.
Butane (cooking gas):
A chemical compound that is derived by oil distillation or during natural gas extraction processes.
Propane (from liquid petroleum gases):
A chemical compound that is derived by oil distillation or during natural gas extraction processes.
Aviation fuel:
A mixture of kerosene that fits aviation conditions and has certain characteristics such as a freezing point;
Other kerosene materials:
Environment Statistics
Kerosene is used for warming, cooking, lighting, solvents and internal combustion engines;
إحصاءات البيئة
Petroleum naphtha:
Light and semi-heavy oils distilled at 30-210 Celsius;
Gas oil:
Semi-distilled gas oils are basically composed of carbons distilled at 160-420 Celsius;
Gas oil:
Semi-distilled gas oils are basically composed of carbons distilled at 160-420 Celsius;
Gas hydrocarbons extracted from natural gas and gas refining.
Petroleum coke:
A black solid by-product obtained by cracking and carbonating feeding oils distilled from petroleum, empty bot-
toms, tar
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Crude Petroleum:
Heavy flammable liquid, which is black and tends to greenness; It can be found at the upper layer of the crustal.
It is one of important primary energy sources. It is used in producing electricity and operating factories, means of
transportation and engines.
Coal is a combustible black or brown rock but usually black, occurring in ground layers or veins and composed
primarily from carbon.
Coke oven coke:
Environment Statistics
It is a solid product obtained from carbonization of coal, principally coking coal, and is used mainly in the iron
إحصاءات البيئة
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
• Primary sampling units (enumeration areas): they are sampling units that are withdrawn during the first
• Final sampling units (establishment): they are sampling units that are withdrawn during the second
stage. Each secondary sampling unit is part of the primary sampling units.
إحصاءات البيئة
Quantity of wastes in the Waste production = sale+ burning+ recycling+ waste containers+ contracting with specialized companies+
other (method of disposal other than the above)
economic industrial
Quantity of energy used in Total energy used= Used as fuel + used to produce electricity +other ( any earning in the plant production
establishments process)
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
ISIC is the reference classification of productive activities. The purpose of using this classification in the Economic
Industrial Environment Survey is to determine the main economic activity practiced by the establishment.
The economic activity is (All activities performed or services provided by the establishment in return for money.
Environment Statistics
Sometimes, the establishment gets nothing in return, such as charities that are financed by donations).
إحصاءات البيئة
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
1. Designing and documenting the ideal plan for a frame that covers the statistical community.
2. Assigning the units ‘analytical characteristics, maps, and lists through which data providers can be se-
3. Using the mutual statistical records and frames as much as possible.
4. Determining the required metadata for the composition of a statistical frame, and composing a test
frame that can be used during the current round of the survey.
1. Designing and documenting the ideal plan for selecting the sample units from which data will be
collected, with efficient estimates. For this purpose, the survey community has been divided into non-
overlapping parts characterized by relative homogeneity in their units. Each part is a strata, and each
Environment Statistics
strata is considered an independent community. A random sample is drawn from each strata
إحصاءات البيئة
independently, and eventually, all withdrawn sampling units are combined to form the total sample .
2. The selection of sampling unitis based on the frame of the establishments’ general census (2010). For
the purpose of choosing the samples of the survey and the statistical studies that target the
establishments in general, the frame has been divided into four categories based on the size of the
establishment as follows:
3. Preparing the ideal methodology of sampling units’ selection to come up with high-quality outputs, while minimizing the
burden on data providers by using the methods of rotation and interference control.
4. Determining the required metadata to apply the statistical frame and select the sample.
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
5. Testing, evaluating, and validating the sample, and approving its use in the current duplication of the project.
2- Organizing all these procedures, and determining its appropriate sequence to come up with a methodology that meets
the objectives of this bulletin .
3- Get benefit from the previous small and medium-sized establishments bulletins to test and develop the procedures of
this bulletin .
4- Describing and documenting these procedures to facilitate the update process in the coming round.
5- Testing the statistical work procedures to make sure that they meet the requirements of the Economic Industrial Survey
Environment Statistics
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6- Approving the statistical work procedures, and making an implementation road map.
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
The candidates selected to participate in this survey according to criteria related to the nature of the work, where the focus was
placed on their educational level. Also, it is preferable to choose the candidate who had experience and participated in the field
works carried out by GASTAT in prior periods, provided that he must be good conduct and behaviour, without disabilities, medically
and psychologically fit to work 20 years old at least, in addition to that he must pass the training program of Small and Medium-
sized Establishments Survey.
Then, all candidates, whether they are collaborators from outside the Authority or even the staff of it, have been rehabilitated and
trained through special training programs as follows:
• Conduct a training program for the specialized staff of the main center in the Authority.
• Conduct similar training programs for the collaborators of inspectors, monitors and researchers in various regions in
Saudi Arabia.
Environment Statistics
إحصاءات البيئة
The training programs include lectures with a number of technical, technological, administrative and awareness subjects. The
lectures contain an explanation of electronic instruction manual, survey objectives and the method of data collection as well as
the way of using maps. They also provide a detailed explanation of all survey questions as well as technical and administrative
tasks of all participants in the survey at their different administrative levels.
In the beginning of the training program, all trainees were provided with tablet devices. Trainees with these tablet devices can
do the following:
• Read the instruction manual and identify its contents when specialized trainer explains instructions.
• Check the survey electronic form and try to fill it out when applying that in workshops of the training program.
• Access to " the auto-assessment system of the training program", where the trainee has the right to express his opinion of
the training program level evaluation in order to improve the training programs quality in the future. Additionally, this
evaluation included many criteria; the most important ones are: (know to what extend the lecturer was knowledgeable of
his subject, committed to the time defined in the training schedule and comprehensive of all survey aspects as well as the
adequate level of the training hall and some suggestions to improve training program quality).
• Access to "the auto-assessment system for trainees " at the end of the training program, in which the trainees' under-
standing levels of the survey concepts and instructions can be determined.
Finally, the force labor is nominated to participate in the survey according to their automatic results from the "auto-assess-
ment system for trainees" to ensure speed, accuracy and impartiality when determining candidates and their competencies.
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Validate Collected Data and Follow Up with Data Collectors and Providers:
The collected data are validated by reviewing them through the researcher himself, inspector responsible for him and supervisor of
the survey in the supervision area. Further, all areas of work are monitored and reviewed by the Data Quality Room in the GASTA
Environment Statistics
headquarters. The room also controls and monitors the performance of all field team in concurrence with the implementation time
إحصاءات البيئة
of data collection process from the first day to the last day. The most important tasks of the Data Quality Room are the following:
• Review the collected data and send feedback to field teams at different levels through an automated desktop sys-
tem that is linked with the tablets of the researchers, so they can access the feedback quickly in their place of work.
• Call establishments and ask them some questions from the survey to check researcher data integrity and his
compliance with the instructions when he visited them, obtain the missing data that have not been received yet
as well as thank them for their co-operation.
• Assign a technical team in the Data Quality Room to respond to field inquiries either from the employees or data
• Check where the survey was completed by matching its coordinates with the coordinates recorded in the sam-
ple file.
Fifth stage: Disaggregation:
In this stage, the data (raw data) are disaggregated based on the classification and coding inputs that were made during data col-
lection process, whether the classifications and statistical coding guides mentioned in the design stage is the National Classifica-
tion for the Economic Activities, or other classifications and encodings. Here are some of the main procedures of this stage:
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Data matching:
With the goal of assuring the quality and accuracy of the bulletin statistics, the data are reviewed and matched to ensure that they
are accurate and correct in a way appropriate to the nature of such data. The data of the current survey are compared with the
previous survey in order to ensure data integrity and logicality in preparation for processing, extracting and reviewing the results
in the next steps of the disaggregation stage.
Research the administrative records of some official entities for data that measure the amount of water and electricity in the in-
dustrial sector and compare our outputs with those data and search for causes of variation.
To keep the data confidential, identifiers are removed from the data set, such as: hiding establishment’s name, address and other
identifiers to ensure the protection of establishments’ privacy.
In this stage, outputs are validated and explained by applying a number of steps:
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
In this stage, the product is prepared to be published according to the following steps:
Preparing and processing the results designed for publishing:
1. Downloading the data results from the database of the department of Environment statistics
2. Preparing publishing tables and charts of data and indicators
3. Preparing the metadata and writing the work’s methodology
4. Reviewing the bulletin before the publishing
After receiving the bulletin in its final version from the concerned department “Environment Statistics
إحصاءات البيئة
Department” , the media departments at GASTAT prepare a press statement and an infographic of the
bulletin’s main results. Also, they prepare specific press reports to be sent to some papers. The media kit is
approved in coordination with the environment statistics department.
Data publishing:
In this stage, the following steps are carried out:
1. Upload the bulletin to GASTAT website
2. Coordinate with media departments of partners about the publication date of promotional mate-
3. Send the press statement to (Saudi Press Agency, paper and electronic newspapers, channels and
broadcasters as well as International Press Agencies).
4. -Publish tweets and infographics on Twitter
5. -Send the bulletin to clients list via the e-mail " President
6. Monitor what is published on media on a daily basis and deal with it according to the material
Responding to client’s inquiries:
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Questions and inquiries of clients about Economic Industrial Environment Survey Bulletin and its
results through five available channels: (website- email- official letters- call center- visits). The
client’s request is answered after coordinating with the concerned department through the
appropriate channel by providing the information from the available statistical library on GASTAT
official website or from the concerned statistical department itself if necessary.
and systems, personnel skills, standards as well as statistical work frameworks by using the following steps
إحصاءات البيئة
The assessment is conducted by analyzing collected evaluation inputs and comparing the results of this
analysis with the results expected previously. Therefore, a number of possible improvements and solutions are
identified and discussed with concerned staff in various relevant departments in the Authority, or with their
clients of Bulletin partners. Further, during this step, clients' performances and satisfaction levels of using
Survey results are measured, in addition, dissatisfied clients are contacted and provided with clarifications.
It is worth mentioning that based on these procedures, the recommendations for obtaining high quality data
for the next survey Bulletin are agreed upon
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
The quantity of water consumed in (2017) in the industrial economic sector was (978) million cubic
meters. The total water that produced from industrial economic establishments has reached (3.27)
billion cubic meters. The quantity of water produced from fresh groundwater reached (20.5) million
cubic meters, the quantity of water produced from sea water reached (3.2) billion cubic meters, the
quantity of water produced from saline groundwater reached (12) million cubic meters, and the
quantity of water produced from surface water reached (410) thousand cubic meters. Figure (1)
shows that the establishments that produce water represent 3% of the industrial economic establish-
إحصاءات البيئة
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
• Waste
The quantity of Waste Produced in economic establishments is about (20.2) million tons. The percentages were varied accord-
ing to the type of waste as shown in the figure below.
Environment Statistics
إحصاءات البيئة
The results show that the most common disposal methods used in economic establishments (industrial) as follow:
1. By selling:
• The disposal method of electronic waste by selling represents 89%.
• The disposal method of non-ferrous metals waste by selling represents 82%.
• The disposal method of ferrous metals waste by selling represents 78.9%.
• The disposal method of paper waste by selling represents 60%.
• The disposal method of rubber waste by selling represents 53.8%.
• The disposal method of wood waste by selling represents 50.6%.
2. By recycling:
• The disposal method of plastic waste by recycling represents 70%.
• The disposal method of solid chemical material waste by recycling represents 45%.
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
• The disposal method of Liquid chemical material waste by recycling represents 38%.
Figure (3) illustrates the percentage of disposal methods of solid chemical material waste which is as follow: by recycling 45%, by
contracting 43%, by selling 3%, by garbage containers 3%, and by other 6%
Figure (4) illustrates the percentage of disposal methods of Liquid chemical material waste which is as follow: by recycling 38%,
by contracting 7%, by selling 17%, by garbage containers 2%, by other 33%, and by burning 3%.
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Figure (5) illustrates the percentage of disposal methods of ferrous waste which is as follow: by recycling 10%, by contracting 9%,
by selling 78.9%, by garbage containers 2%, and by other 0.1%.
Environment Statistics
إحصاءات البيئة
Figure (6) illustrates the percentage of disposal methods of non-ferrous waste which is as follow: by recycling 12%, by contracting
6%, by selling 82%, and by garbage containers and by other have recorded the lowest proportion.
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Figure (7) illustrates the percentage of disposal methods of electronic waste which is as follow: by selling 89%, by garbage con-
tainers 10.5%, while the contracting has recorded the lowest proportion which represents 0.5%.
Garbage containers
Environment Statistics
Figure (8) illustrates the percentage of disposal methods of plastics waste which is as follow: by selling27%, by recycling 70%, by
contracting 2.6%, while the garbage containers has recorded the lowest proportion which represents 0.4%.
Garbage containers
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Figure (9) shows that the waste of ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, paper and plastics are the most important wastes used in
economic establishments. The quantity of plastic used is about (385) thousand tons, the quantity of ferrous metal waste used is
about (207) thousand tons, the quantity of non-ferrous and paper wastes used (44) and (129) thousand tons, respectively.
metals metals
إحصاءات البيئة
Figure (10) shows that the most important purchases of waste in economic establishments (industrial) are ferrous metals, non-
ferrous metals, paper, and plastic waste, which reached (2.5) thousand tons, (5.8) thousand tons, (84.8) thousand tons, (8.9) thou-
sand tons, respectively.
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
The figure (11) shows the percentage of establishments that consumed waste which was 11%, while the percentage of establish-
ments that do not consumed waste was 89%. The most consumed wastes were ferrous, non-ferrous, paper and plastic.
Environment Statistics
إحصاءات البيئة
• Energy
Figure (12) illustrates the energy used in the industrial establishments which are butane (2.2%), natural gas (66%), crude oil
(1.9%), gasoline 91 (10.3%), gasoline 95 (0.7%), fuel oil (18.7%), Kerosene (0.2%). They were used as fuel or to produce electric-
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Figure (13) shows that the percentage of gasoline 91 that used in the industrial establishments as fuel which represents 98%,
whereas the percentage of gasoline 91 that used in order to produce electricity represents 0.6% and the percentage of gasoline 91
Environment Statistics
98% As fuel
1.4% other
Figure (14) shows that the percentage of natural gas that used in industrial establishments as fuel which is 63%, whereas the per-
centage of natural gas used to produce electricity is 10%, and the percentage of natural gas used for other purposes is 27%.
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
As fuel
for electricity
Figure (15) shows that the percentage of the used of diesel (fuel oil) in economic establishments (industrial) as fuel represents
95%, where the percentage of diesel (fuel oil) that used in order to produce electricity represents 1%, and the percentage of diesel
Environment Statistics
• Electricity:
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
The results of the economic environment (industrial)survey show that the percentage of establishments that produce electricity is
2%. While The percentage of establishments that do not produce electricity is 98%, as shown in Figure (16).
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
Environment Statistics
إحصاءات البيئة
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Publishing tables
Quantity of water consumed in economic establishments (industrial)
Table1 Quantity: M3
16 2,193,415
manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials
إحصاءات البيئة
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Total 100%
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Table 4 Quantity: M3
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Table6 Quantity: M3
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
08 Other mining and quarrying 17,786 2,484 1,673 2,883 257 1,158 10,450 36,691
10 Manufacture of food products 1,882 54 56,777 212,431 63,122 11,882 8,979 32,260 283,133 38,282 807,355 1,516,156
11 Manufacture of beverages 9,981 8,638 32,651 27,833 2,015 2,035 11,728 43,381 9,598 193,525 341,385
12 Manufacture of tobacco products 5,900 295 6,195
13 Manufacture of textiles 1,609 106,312 2,360 107 14,161 107,707 232,256
14 Manufacture of wearing apparel 125,097 8,162 710 1,952 1,420 22,180 159,521
15 Manufacture of leather and related products 26 3,914 52 3,991
17 Manufacture of paper and paper products 38 6 7,159 1,271 6 37,761 1,641 13 47,894
18 Printing and reproduction of recorded media 250 3,028 25 25 125 65,910 3,003 75 72,441
20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 75 1,050 12,298 3,534 2,326 2,057,405 11,405 3,753,873 6,640 5,848,608
22 Manufacture of rubber and plas tics products 344 3,031 2,209,04 112,189 734,157 15,226 6,951 23,642 1,980 3,106,568
23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 1,356 927 2,454 357,493 18,892 239,043 73,286 15,546 351,676 133,103 1,193,775
24 Manufacture of bas ic metals 144 144 47,120 5,271 1,639 36 2,796,141 216,711 3,067,207
29 Manufacture of motor vehicles , trailers and s emi-trailers 63 53 222 55,172 5,293 5,071 11 65,885
30 Manufacture of other trans port equipment 222 758 980
31 Manufacture of furniture 262,868 4,946 24,729 52,982 84,882 5,688 5,502 6,182 804 4,513 742 453,837
32 Other manufacturing indus tries 62 3,210 1,708 1,050 1,296 864 2,284 1,914 12,389
33 Repair and ins tallation of machinery and equipment 2,745 549 275,338 296,475 1,922 22,510 37,059 1,098 637,697
35 Supplies of electricity, gas , s team and air conditioning 111,972 1,032 12,040 1,806 597,098 11,180 3,784 946 1,204 741,062
36 Water collection, treatment and s upply 18,519 86,133 25,840 66,753 75,367 10,982 126,185 4,737 56,633 471,149
38 Was te collection, treatment & dis pos al activities ; materials recovery 1,998 111 2,442 111 4,662
Total 606,634 237,977 178,176 361,694 3,339,678 2,107,415 1,278,710 2,396,320 630,442 7,382,285 1,732,116 20,251,448
Source: Survey of the Economic Environment (indus trial)
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Disposal methods of of Sol id c hemic al mater ial waste in ec onomic establ ishments (industr ial )
Table 9 Quantity: Ton
22 Manufacture of rubber and plas tics products 2,344 2,425 7,355 11,518 23,642
23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 121,195 5,577 110,693 113,387 824 351,676
24 Manufacture of bas ic metals 722 72 2,794,733 614 2,796,141
25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products , except machinery and equipment 12,097 177 1,829 39,360 78,661 590 132,715
33 Repair and ins tallation of machinery and equipment 15,922 16,471 3,294 1,373 37,059
35 Supplies of electricity, gas , s team and air conditioning 172 1,032 1,204
36 Water collection, treatment and s upply 431 4,307 4,737
38 Was te collection, treatment & dis pos al activities ; materials recovery 111 111
Total 199,881 2,616 3,346,665 199,031 3,181,384 452,708 7,382,285
Source: Survey of the Economic Environment (indus trial)
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
19 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 730 95,289 9,447 105,465
20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 319,448 65,144 889,305 1,538 4,502 777,468 2,057,405
21 Manufacture of pharmaceutics and basic pharmaceutical products 4,396 16 4,404 8,816
22 Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 15,125 101 15,226
23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 61,979 601 9,609 1,098 73,286
24 Manufacture of basic metals 1,639 1,639
25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 59 4,426 649 5,134
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
ISIC 4 EconomicActivities
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Contracts with
ISIC 4 Garbage
Selling Recycling specialized other total
16 Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials 78 78
18 Printing and reproduction of recorded media 25 25
19 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 46 46
20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 2,138 8 180 2,326
22 Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 734,147 10 734,157
23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 125,725 113,233 86 239,043
25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 146,464 41,366 236 68,334 295 256,696
27 Manufacture of electrical equipment 1,069 9 232 1,311
28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 216 1,150 1,366
Environment Statistics
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Contracts with
ISIC 4 EconomicActivities Garbage
Selling Burning Recycling specialized other Total
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Contracts with
ISIC 4 EconomicActivities Garbage
Selling Recycling
s pecialized Total
25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 2,478 118 2,596
27 Manufacture of electrical equipment 121 121
إحصاءات البيئة
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
in economic establishments (industrial)
Plastic 8,971
Ferrous metals 2,580
Non-ferrous metals 5,839
paper 84,864
Total 102,253
Source: Survey of the Economic Environment (industrial)
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Table 21 Quantity: L
Total amount used
ISIC 4 EconomicActivities
Butane natural gas crude oil Gasoline 91 Gasoline 95 Fuel oil kerosene Total
06 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas 27,846,000 15,408,729 43,254,729
07 Mining of metal ores 1,897,500 825,000 2,722,500
08 Other mining and quarrying 1,235 6,576,348 2,221,248 16,302,213 25,101,045
10 Manufacture of food products 88,753,060 1,236,625 78,705,159 630,131,839 1,881,821 800,708,504
11 Manufacture of beverages 11,356,986 54,042,157 65,399,143
13 Manufacture of textiles 5,425,037 1,072,778 6,497,815
14 Manufacture of wearing apparel 3,111,983 887 3,112,870
15 Manufacture of leather and related products 2,575,000 3,862,500 6,437,500
16 Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture;manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials 6,908,640 11,626,821 18,535,461
17 Manufacture of paper and paper products 2,364,342 5,909,289 8,273,632
18 Printing and reproduction of recorded media 8,270,011 500,455 8,770,466
19 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 1,004,995,143 1,915,200 91,200 1,007,001,543
20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 32,007,102 1,163,770,470 30,013,423 11,887,717 666,958 27,621,481 14,550,507 1,280,517,657
21 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 437,125 81,250 1,411,491 1,929,866
22 Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 4,794,228 333,414 2,915,249 8,042,890
23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 51,645,775 17,159,142 46,876,560 346,219 135,728,787 251,756,483
24 Manufacture of basic metals 43,322 2,908,500,538 93,864,407 36,922,063 380,887 51,109,928 3,090,821,144
25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 141,625,442 5,901,060 264,694,764 2,951 84,301,010 496,525,226
27 Manufacture of electrical equipment 24,176,830 5,219,482 29,396,311
28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c 40,680,009 10,246 24,797,992 65,488,247
Environment Statistics
29 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 208,135 15,848 243,000 466,983
30 Manufacture of other transport equipment 233,333 926,847 1,160,180
إحصاءات البيئة
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
natural Gasoline Gasoline
Environment Statistics
2.2% 66% 1.9% 10.3% 0.7% 18.7% 0.2% 100%
Source: Survey of the Economic Environment (industrial)
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
table 25 Quantity: L
The amount of butane used in economic
Total amount
ISIC 4 Economic Activities establishments
As fuel other
10 Manufacture of food products 88,430,462 322,598 88,753,060
20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 78,613 31,928,489 32,007,102
23 Manufacture of non-metallic products 51,620,036 25,739 51,645,775
24 Manufacture of basic metals 43,322 43,322
Total 140,172,433 32,276,826 172,449,259
Source: Survey of the Economic Environment (Industrial)
Environment Statistics
إحصاءات البيئة
table 26 Quantity: L
The amount of other kerosene materials
ISIC 4 Economic Activities Total amount used
As fuel other
10 Manufacture of food products 1,612,989 268,832 1,881,821
20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 144,064 14,406,443 14,550,507
31 Furniture industry 11,684 11,684
Total 1,768,738 14,675,274 16,444,012
Source: Survey of the Economic Environment (Industrial)
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
table 27 Quantity: L
The amount of natural gas used in economic establishments
ISIC 4 Economic Activities Total amount used
As fuel for electricity production other
08 Other mining and quarrying activities 1,235 1,235
Environment Statistics
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Total amount
ISIC 4 Economic Activities for electricity
As fuel other used
16 Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture;manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials 11,626,821 11,626,821
Environment Statistics
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Table 30 Value: MW
16 Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture;manufacture 1,438,154
of articles of straw and plaiting materials
17 Manufacture of paper and paper products 291,232
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Total 100%
Environment Economic Survey (Industry)
Environment Statistics
إحصاءات البيئة