Changes of Waste Generation in Australia

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Waste Management 83 (2019) 142–150

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Changes of waste generation in Australia: Insights from structural

decomposition analysis
He He a, Christian John Reynolds b, Zixiang Zhou c,⇑, Yuan Wang d,⇑, John Boland a
Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Mawson Lakes Campus, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes Boulevard, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Sheffield, UK
College of Geomatrics, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, China
School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Waste generation is linked to consumption both in households (Final demand) and in the supply chain.
Received 7 May 2018 Gaining understanding into the driving forces that change of waste generation in the supply chain can
Revised 23 October 2018 contribute to solving issues of waste management. The environmentally-extend input-output model is
Accepted 3 November 2018
an effective tool with which to investigate the relationship between economic activities and waste gen-
Available online 15 November 2018
eration. In this paper structural decomposition analysis (SDA) is employed to analyse the determinants of
changes of waste generation in Australian economy from 2007–2008 to 2013–2014. Empirical results
indicate that the major determinant for the increase of waste generation was change in Final demand’s
Input-output analysis
Structural decomposition analysis
overall level of economic activity. Changes in the production mix of Final demand (mix effect) was
Waste generation responsible for a decrease of waste generation in Australian economy during the period. The
Manufacturing sector was found to have the highest waste generation intensity. Meaning that each mil-
lion $AUD output of the Manufacturing sector resulted in the most amount of waste generation. In addi-
tion, technological change has contributed the largest waste generation effect for the Construction sector
in 2011–2012. These findings suggest that Final demand, technological changes and sectoral changes are
identified as the drivers of Australian waste generation historically. To reduce waste generation, policy
must be targeted at altering behaviour of consumption and waste generation, and increasing innovation
of new ecological technologies for Australian industry.
Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction environmental policies need measurement and analysis of the

driving forces of waste generation so that they can be correctly
Waste generation occurs throughout the supply chain. Supply addressed, and economic growth can be decoupled from environ-
chains consist of different stages including the extraction of raw mental degradation (Bentley, 2008; Cellura et al., 2012; Zhang
material, production of goods, distribution of goods, and consump- and Lahr, 2014).
tion of goods. In an efficient supply chain the amount of waste gen- However, the lack of information about the determinants of
erated at each stage is linked to the wider economic system and waste generation hinders the effectiveness of waste management
the demands of the society that the supply chain is within. Cur- policies. Therefore, before starting the design of environmental
rently, sustainable production initiatives embedded throughout policies as well as assessing the effectiveness of the published
supply chains aim to lower waste generation, enhance the effi- environmental strategies and implemented measures, policy mak-
ciency of production, and otherwise improve economic activities. ers should identify the drivers of the development of environmen-
In addition governmental environmental policies are aimed at tal issues (energy consumption, carbon dioxide emission, water
reducing or eliminating future waste generation. The development consumption, and waste generation).
of sustainable production initiatives and the design of The development of the economy has led to an alteration of pro-
duction and consumption of patterns, and, as a consequence, to a
plain change of waste generation through the supply chain.
⇑ Corresopnding authors. Because the amount of waste generation depend largely on pro-
E-mail addresses: (H. He), duction and consumption patterns (Organisation for Economic
uk (C.J. Reynolds), (Z. Zhou), (Y. Wang), Co-operation and Development, 2015). (J. Boland).
0956-053X/Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. He et al. / Waste Management 83 (2019) 142–150 143

From 1999–2000 to 2007–08, Australia’s gross domestic pro- recycling of electrical home appliances (Nakamura and Kondo,
duct (GDP) grew 3.4% on average per year (ABS, 2012a). The Aus- 2006), direct and indirect emission induced by households’ con-
tralian economic performance drop to 1.6% in 2009–10 due to sumption patterns (Takase et al., 2005), formation of a waste
the global financial turmoil and improved in the following years, supply-use (WSU) format and its application in Australia (Lenzen
with GDP growth averaging 2.7% from 2010–11 to 2013–14 and Reynolds, 2014; Reynolds et al., 2014), publication of an
(FOCUSECONOMICS, 2018). Australian Multi-Regional Waste Supply-Use framework (Fry
During the period 2006–07 to 2014–15, waste generation et al., 2015), and direct and indirect waste arising in the UK
(including fly ash) increased from 57 megatonnes to 64 megaton- economy (Salemdeeb et al., 2016). These models comprehensively
nes (Department of the Environment and Energy, 2017). It means capture the relationships between industrial sectors and waste
that an average increase of 1.2 per cent occurs every year. treatment sectors. For this paper SDA is used with the most basic
Therefore, there is a need to analyse how the fluctuation of the form of WIO (which considers waste only as a pollutant) to
Australian economy after the global financial turmoil drives the determine how the economic activity affects waste generation.
change of waste generation. The purpose of this paper is to understand the changes of the
The identification of the driving forces (such as pollution inten- drivers that affect changes of waste generation in Australian econ-
sity, the technology effect, and Final demand) of waste generation omy. Section 2 describes the SDA methodology that is used to
and pollution assists policy-makers to design environmental quantify the effects of drivers of waste generation and sources of
strategies. In this paper we use the structural decomposition data. Results of the decomposition for Australia’s waste generation
analysis (SDA) methodology with an environmentally-extend from 2007–2008 to 2013–2014 are presented in Section 3. Sections
input-output (EEIO) model to analyse drivers of Australian waste 4 and 5 provide discussions and conclusions with policy
generation from the perspectives of economic structural change implications.
and Final demand (consumption).
The SDA method has been previously used to conduct effective 2. Methodology
analysis regarding how the economy affects the environmental
issues in terms of structural decomposition components, including 2.1. SDA methodology
the changes in pollution generation per unit of output (pollution
intensity); the changes between and within sectors (technology The SDA method based on the time-series IOTs is a robust
effect), the effect of changes in product mix of Final demand toolkit to illustrate how the determinants affect the change of envi-
(mix effect); and the effect of changes in the overall level of Final ronmental issues (Hoekstra, 2005). We use the notation described
demand (level effect) over long periods (Hoekstra and Van Den in Hoekstra and Van Den Bergh (2002) and Chapter 13 from Miller
Bergh, 2002; Muñoz and Hubacek, 2008). and Blair (2009) to introduce the additive structural decomposition
The SDA method mainly aims at analyzing the change of the of the SDA methodology. We use superscripts 0 and 1 to represent
total gross outputs between two periods by the drivers of changes IO tables for two year periods. Assuming that the matrix of IO
in technology and changes in Final demand. This research analyses coefficients, A, defines the basic form of IO model as
the drivers of waste generation by considering the variable of 0 1
waste generation, which depends on the total gross outputs x0 ¼ A0 x0 þ f and x1 ¼ A1 x1 þ f ð1Þ
(Miller and Blair, 2009, p. 606). where x = gross output, f = the vector of Final demand.
It has widely been applied on environmental issues, such as The solution of Eq. (1) is given by the matrix expression for the
energy use (Chen and Rose, 1990; Alcantara and Duarte, 2004; IO table with Leontief inverse:
Weber, 2009; Su and Ang, 2017), greenhouse gas emissions
0 1
(Casler and Rose, 1998; Guan et al., 2008; Brizga et al., 2014; x0 ¼ L0 f and x1 ¼ L1 f ð2Þ
Wei et al., 2017), air pollutants (De Haan, 2001; Liu and Liang,
where L = Leontief matrix.
2017), and waste (De Haan, 2001). Liao et al. (2015) have analysed
Then the change in total outputs over the period is
the driving forces of waste generation with 353 types of industrial
0 0
waste and 26 treatment methods through a high-resolution waste 0
Dx ¼ x1  x ¼ L1 f  L f
input-output model.
However, the method has never been applied in economic If we use year-0 weights exclusively, L1 and f are replaced by
system of Australia to analyse the drivers of waste generation 0 0
L þ DL and f þ Df , then Eq. (3) can becomes
due to the lack of time-series Australian input-output tables (IOTs)
and corresponding waste accounts. 0 0 0
Dx ¼ L0 þ DL f þ Df L0 f ¼ ðDLÞf þ L0 ðDf Þ þ ðDLÞðDf Þ: ð4Þ
Environmentally-extended input-output (EEIO) is a method– a
mathematically defined procedure – that is applied to economic We use year-1 weights exclusively, and Eq. (3) then becomes
and environmental accounts to determine the direct and indirect   
1 1 1
effects of industrial sectors on environmental issues, such as green- Dx ¼ L1 f  L1  DL f  Df ¼ ðDLÞf þ L1 ðDf Þ  ðDLÞðDf Þ:
house gas (Lenzen, 1998; Chen and Zhang, 2010; Meng and Sager,
2017), water (Lenzen and Foran, 2001; Velazquez, 2006; Deng
et al., 2014), energy (Liang et al., 2007; Nässén et al., 2007; Liu We calculate the average of the Eqs. (4) and (5), which has been
et al., 2010), and waste (Huang et al., 1994; Nakamura and examined by Dietzenbacher and Los (1998). The average result is
Kondo, 2002; Wang et al., 2013). shown as follows.
As a branch of EEIO analysis, waste input-output (WIO) con-     1 
1 0 1
nects monetary flow between industrial sectors and the Final Dx ¼ ðDLÞ f þ f þ L0 þ L1 ðDf Þ ð6Þ
2 2
demand with physical waste flows. It is constructed by
(Nakamura and Kondo, 2002) and has been applied to tackle with The first term on the right-hand side indicates changes in the
a series of problems in the domain of waste management including Leontief inverse matrix L when the Final demand does not change.
the emission of waste (Nakamura and Kondo, 2002), material flow The second term represents changes in the Final demand when the
analysis (Nakamura and Nakajima, 2005; Nakamura et al., 2007), Leontief inverse matrix does not change.
144 H. He et al. / Waste Management 83 (2019) 142–150

The first term on the right-hand side in Eq. (6) can be further 1   0 0 h i
De ¼ Dbe L f þ L1 f þ ðDLÞ be0f þ b
1 1 0
decomposed because the changes in the Leontief inverse matrix L 2 2
depend on the changes in the input coefficient matrix A  
b 0 0 b 1 1
þ ð1=2Þ e L þ e L ðDf Þ ð13Þ
(Hoekstra and Van Den Bergh, 2002). Therefore, the changes in
the Leontief inverse matrix L cam be written as:
DL ¼ L1 ð DAÞL0 ð14Þ
DL ¼ L1 ð DAÞL0 ð7Þ
This model applies Eqs. (11), (13), and (14) to assess the effect of
Here, we disaggregate the DA into column specific changes. For
waste intensity, technology effects, and Final demand effects (level
an input coefficients matrix with n-sectors (Miller and Blair, 2009),
effect and mix effect). The process of decomposition by three types
2 3
a011 þ Da11    a01n þ Da1n of effects can be written as:
6 .. .. 7    1 
A 1 ¼ A 0 þ DA ¼ 6
4 . .
5 ð8Þ 1   0 0 h i
De ¼ Dbe L f þ L1 f þ L1 ð DAÞL0 b e0f þ b
1 1 0
a0n1 þ Dan1    a0nn þ Dann 2 2
2 3 þ ð1=2Þ b e0L þ b
e1L1 0
ð1=2ÞDf B0 d þ B1 d
0 Da1j 0
6 .    ..    .. 7   
Let DAð jÞ ¼ 4 .. 5 represent changes in sector j’s
 .  .
0 1 1 0
þ ð1=2Þ f d þ f d ðDBÞ ð15Þ
0 Dn1j 0
technology. Then The first term of the right-hand side means waste intensity
ð1 Þ j n change. The second term of the right-hand represents technology
DA ¼ DA þ    þ DA þ    þ DA ð9Þ
change. The third term of that means the Final-demand change,
The DA in the Eq. (9) represents the technology change (TC) in in which the former represents the level effect of Final demand
sector j. The decomposition of DA can be introduced into the first (changes in the overall level of economic) and the latter means
term on the right-hand side of the Eq. (6), which is shown like this: the mix effect (changes in the composition of Final demand).
    1h   i 
1 0 1 0 1
ðDLÞ f þ f ¼ L1 DA1 L0 f þ f þ    2.2. The process of aggregated Australian IO tables and waste accounts
2 2
1   i 0 1

The Australian IOTs of 2007–2008, 2008–2009, 2009–2010,
þ L 1 DA n L 0 f þ f ð10Þ
2 2010–2011, 2011–2012, 2012–2013, and 2013–2014 were chosen
for the structural decomposition analysis (SDA) of waste genera-
As for the composition of changes in Final demand. If the Final
tion in the Australian economic system. The Australian IOTs of
demand matrix has dimension n  p, where p is the number of
2007–2008, 2008–2009, 2009–2010, 2012–2013, and 2013–2014
Final demand categories. We decompose the Final demand into
(ABS, 2011, 2012b, 2013a, 2015, 2016b) have been aggregated in
the following determinant effects by the method shown in Lin
Appendix A, corresponding to Tables A.1–A.3, A.6, A.7. The Aus-
and Polenske (1995):
tralian IOTs in the years of 2007–2008, 2008–2009, 2009–2010,
0 1 0 1 1 0
Df ¼ ð1=2ÞDf B0 d þ B1 d þ ð1=2Þ f d þ f d ðDBÞ 2010–2011, 2011–2012, 2012–2013, and 2013–2014 have been
  estimated based on the method described by He et al. (2017) and
0 1
þ ð1=2Þ f B0 þ f B1 ðDdÞ ð11Þ shown in Appendix A, corresponding to Tables A.4 and A.5.
The Australian waste accounts have been published for only
The matrix B is defined as the bridge coefficients matrix, which two years (2009–2010 and 2010–2011) (ABS, 2017a). Therefore,
equals the Final demand matrix elements divided by their corre- the lack of waste accounts hinders the application of SDA on waste
sponding column sums. The vector d represents the distribution generation in Australian economic system. The total waste
of each Final demand category in the total Final demand. The first accounts of 2007–2008, 2008–2009, 2011–2012, 2012–2013, and
term of the right-hand side in the Eq. (11) means the Final-demand 2013–2014 were calculated from the index of waste generation
level effect. The second term of the right-hand represents the Final- (ABS, 2016a). The index considers the amount of waste in 1996–
demand mix effect. The third term of that means the Final-demand 1997 as a base (100). The amount of Australian waste generated
distribution effect. in 2009–2010 with the index of 219.1 were 53753.21 (1000 ton-
The SDA approach can not only conduct decompositions of DL nes). Therefore, the amount of Australian waste in other years
and Df, but also analyse decompositions of changes in some eco- can be calculated. The total waste accounts in Australia are shown
nomic and environmental variables, such as employment rate, in Table 1.
energy consumption, and CO2 emission. For instance, if we have The proportions of waste generation in different industrial sec-
a set of waste generation coefficient – the amount of waste gener- tors before 2009–2010 are estimated in terms of the proportions of
ation per dollar of output in industrial sector j at time t (etj ), which waste generation in different industrial sectors in 2009–2010,
while the proportions after 2010–2011 are estimated in terms of
represents etj ¼ et1 ;    ; etn , then the vector of waste generation,
that in 2010–2011. The proportions of waste generation in
by industrial sectors, associated with the output at t will be
et ¼ be t xt ¼ be t L1 f 1 , the changes of the vector of waste generation
Table 1
in two year periods is
The total amount of waste generation in Australia (1000 tonnes).
De ¼ e1  e0 ¼ be 1 L1 f  be 0 L0 f
1 0
ð12Þ Year The total amount of waste (1000 tonnes)

The driving forces of three elements of waste generation in Eq. 2007–2008 49533.42
(12) are decomposed into waste generation coefficient changes, 2008–2009 51815.05
2009–2010 53753.21
technology change, and Final demand change based on the method 2010–2011 57114.31
in Eq. (6). Here this represents 2011–2012 60671.69
2012–2013 62438.11
2013–2014 64621.61
H. He et al. / Waste Management 83 (2019) 142–150 145

different Australian industrial sectors in 2009–2010 and 2010– 12000

2011 can be obtained from Australian Environmental-Economic 10000
Accounts, 2017 (ABS, 2017a). Table 2 shows the amount of esti- 8000

Waste generaon (kt)

mated waste generation in each sector for the period of 2007–08, 6000
2008–09, 2011–2012, 2012–2013, and 2013–2014.
Although the ABS has published the environment-economic
accounts corresponding to the Australian IO tables, there are only
two years’ waste data (2009–2010 and 2010–2011) with nine
types of waste and two types of waste treatment methods. In order -2000

to enhance the accuracy of the analysis, a high-resolution waste -4000

input-output model is not developed in this research. -6000
2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

2.3. The process of deflating IO tables Waste intensity Technology effect Level effect (FD) Mix effect (FD)

Fig. 1. Cumulative SDA of changes of Australian waste generation from 2007–2008

The comparative analysis of IO tables requires economic data in
to 2013–2014.
constant price (Wood, 2011, Chang and Lahr, 2016). Current prices
of Australian IO tables in 2008–2009, 2009–2010, 2010–2011,
2011–2012, 2012–2013, and 2013–2014 have been converted to was largely driven by the technology effect. The mix effect of Final
corresponding tables valued at constant prices for the base year demand was responsible for a large decrease of waste generation
of 2007–2008 by using the price index. Specifically, the producer in Australia, which partly offsets the increasing amount of waste
price indices of Australia (ABS, 2017b) are applied to adjust the generation. From 2008–2009 to 2011–2012 the technology effect
price of intermediate sectors. The consumer price index of Aus- was the driver for the increase of waste generation, while since
tralia (ABS, 2017c) was used to adjust the price of Final demand 2012–2013 it was responsible for a decrease in waste.
and the wage price index of Australia (ABS, 2017d) is used to adjust The waste intensity effect for the largest positive contributing
the value added. The coefficients for the deflation are shown in industrial sector has been found to be the Manufacturing sector,
Table 3. which contributed to the change of waste generation from
770.6kt in 2009–10 to 3755.1kt in 2013–14 (Fig. 2). Although the
3. Results amount of waste generated in the Construction sector increased
from 2007–2008 to 2013–2014 in Table 2, the waste intensity
Changes of waste generation in the Australian economy from effect of the Construction sector has decreased during the period.
2007–2008 to 2013–2014 is due to a number of drivers. These However, the negative contribution of the Construction sector is
include waste intensity, changes in technology effect, level effect unable to offset the positive contribution of the Manufacturing sec-
of Final demand, and mix effect of Final demand. A summary of tor on waste generation.
the decomposition of the change in waste generation over the per- The changes of waste generation among different sectors due to
iod according to Eq. (15) is presented in Fig. 1. The figure provides a the contribution of technology effect are displayed in Fig. 3. The
cumulative representation of the total amount of waste generation largest positive effect on waste generation caused by the technol-
in Australia in comparison with the level in 2007–2008. Regarding ogy effect occurred in the Construction sector in 2011–2012. There
the total structure, the level effect of Final demand is the primary had been a decrease trend for waste generation in the Construction
factor for the increase of waste generation during the period except sector since 2011–2012. The technology effect contributed to the
the year of 2011–2012 in which the growth of waste generation largest negative effect on waste generation in the Manufacturing

Table 2
The amount of waste generation in each sector (1000 tonnes).

Year Ag Mi Ma EGW Co Pa AOI WMS Final demand

2007–2008 10376.16 4755.93 6159.86 17135.33 739.43 130.74 4838.29 1188.94 4208.76
2008–2009 11114.31 5090.37 5932.36 18175.65 762.10 135.59 4992.60 1220.77 4391.28
2011–2012 10053.07 6850.93 7298.85 21597.11 996.35 165.86 6513.64 1334.55 5861.31
2012–2013 9988.06 7666.37 7575.36 21515.11 1063.78 179.27 6874.71 1327.14 6248.31
2013–2014 9852.78 8153.19 7853.58 21985.61 1090.29 208.44 7226.35 1419.12 6832.26

Note: Agriculture, forestry, and fishing = Ag; Mining = Mi; Manufacturing = Ma; Electricity, gas, and water = EGW; Waste management services = WMS; Construction = Co;
Public administration = Pa; All other industry = AOI; Final demand = FD.

Table 3
The coefficients for the deflation based on the indices of 2007–2008.

2008–2009 2009–2010 2010–2011 2011–2012 2012–2013 2013–2014

Ag 1.00 0.99 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.89
Mi 1.04 1.02 0.95 0.91 0.90 0.88
Ma 1.07 1.04 1.01 1.01 1.01 0.98
EGW 1.00 0.99 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.89
Co 1.01 0.99 0.96 0.96 0.95 0.93
Pa 0.98 0.99 0.95 0.91 0.92 0.90
AOI 0.95 0.83 0.72 0.69 0.65 0.62
WMS 1.00 0.99 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.89
Value added 0.98 0.99 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.93
Final demand 0.98 0.97 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.90
146 H. He et al. / Waste Management 83 (2019) 142–150

Waste intensity Mix effect


Changes of waste generaon (kt)

(Waste generaon per unit of total output)
4000 500
Changes of waste generaon (kt)

2000 -1000
0 -2500
2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

-3000 Fig. 5. Changes of Australian waste generation due to changes of Final demand (Mix
2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 effect) from 2007–2008 to 2013–2014.


Fig. 5 shows the mix effect of Final demand on waste genera-
Fig. 2. Changes of Australian waste generation due to changes of waste intensity
from 2007–2008 to 2013–2014. tion. The mix effect of Final demand (effect of changes in product
mix of Final demand) for the Manufacturing sector mainly con-
tributed to decreased of waste generation during the period. This
Technology effect indicates that the change of the proportion of the Manufacturing
1800 sector’s Final demand in the total of Final demand results in the
Changes of waste generaon (kt)

decrease of waste generation. The mix effects of Final demand

for other industrial sectors showed no significant contribution to
the changes of waste generation.

4. Discussions
The analysis contributes to the growing streams of literature on
-700 the analysis of environmental issues embodied in the economy.
Even though the SDA method has becoming the dominant method
-1200 to analyse the drivers for carbon emission and energy consumption
2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014
studies (De Haan, 2001; Baiocchi and Minx, 2010; Okushima and
Ag Mi Ma EGW Co Pa AOI WMS Tamura, 2010), the method has not been applied in Australian
waste domain. This paper applies the SDA method to analyse the
Fig. 3. Changes of Australian waste generation due to changes of technology effect
from 2007–2008 to 2013–2014. driving forces of waste generation in Australian economy.
In the SDA model the main driving force for increasing waste
generation in Australia is the level effect of Final demand (effect
sector during the period. This result indicates that that new tech- of changes in the overall level of Final demand), meaning that
nologies have been applied to this industrial sector to reduce waste the growth of total consumption plays the most significant role
generation. on the increase of waste generation. The decrease of waste gener-
The level effect of Final demand (effect of changes in the overall ation caused by mix effect of Final demand (effect of changes in
level of Final demand) showed an important force for the growth of product mix of Final demand) shows that the amount of waste gen-
waste generation from 2007–2008 to 2013–2014 (Fig. 4). The eration decreases due to the drop of the proportion of each variable
changes of Final demand in the Construction sector contributes of Final demand in their corresponding total output, the Manufac-
the most waste generation, followed by the AOI sector and the turing sector in particular. Although the mix effect of Final demand
Manufacturing. This means that from 2007–2008 to 2013–2014, offsets part of the increasing waste generation, the continuing
waste generation in the Construction sector, the AOI sector, and increase of waste generation form the level effect of Final demand
the Manufacturing sector (along with other sectors) grew due to implies that the consumption of Final demand has always been the
the growth of Final demand. With the rise in economy wide waste main driver of waste generation from 2007–2008 and 2013–2014.
generation corresponding to the increase in the total of Final The contribution of effects of waste intensity on waste genera-
demand. tion is mainly due to the sharp increase of the effects of waste
intensity in the Manufacturing sector, which diminished the nega-
tive contribution of the Construction sector on waste generation.
Level effect The waste intensities in the All other industry sector, the Con-
Changes of waste generaon (kt)


struction sector, the Electricity, gas, and water sector, and the Pub-
lic administration sector have a decreased trend since 2009–10. It
indicates the proportions of the increase of waste generation are
1500 lower than that of the total outputs in these industrial sector. It
1000 is corresponding to the background of the Australian waste gener-
ation with average increase of 1.2% and GDP growth averaging 2.7%
from 2010–11 to 2013–14.
2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014
The change of technology effect from the positive contribution
to the negative contribution during the period for the waste gener-
ation manifests that the consumption of the Australian material
Fig. 4. Changes of Australian waste generation due to changes of Final demand flow has been diminished via the improvement of technology.
(Level effect) from 2007–2008 to 2013–2014. Our results confirms the relationship between innovation,
H. He et al. / Waste Management 83 (2019) 142–150 147

technology and waste reduction in Australia. This was relationship and competiveness of companies to better use resource and reduce
was previously discussed via practical case studies in ‘Construction waste generation (Zero Waste South Australia, 2016). The shift of
and demolition waste guide – recycling and re-use across the sup- technology effect benefits the development of the Australian econ-
ply chain’ (Australian Government Department of Sustainability, omy towards a circular economy from the perspective of waste
Environment, Water, Population and Communities, 2011). How- management.
ever, our results also provide economic evidence of the historic The results suggest to policy makers that the most important
impact of innovation, technology upon waste generation. This way to reduce indirect waste generation is to ensure a reduction
should enable further investment in waste reduction via innova- of Final demand because Final demand is the main driver of the
tion and technology schemes. growth of waste generation. The reduction of Final demand mainly
focuses on the reduction of household consumption. The best way
to reduce direct waste from the consumption by households is to
5. Conclusions and policy implications adjust the human behaviour of waste management. Therefore,
local, state and federal government bodies must invest in interven-
The research presented here applies the additive decomposition tions that alter human behaviour of consumption and waste gener-
of the SDA method on time-series waste IO tables for Australian ation as a priority. Dual consumption and waste generation
economy. It is the first application of the SDA method in Australian reduction focused initiatives — such as Container Deposit Schemes
waste management. It aims at assessing the trend of waste gener- in Australia (Recycling Near You 2017) and Compostable and Reu-
ation affected by four types of drivers: waste intensity, technology sable Coffee Cup Pilot in the City of Adelaide (City of Adelaide
effect, level effect and mix effect of Final demand. 2017) — must be introduced to tackle both waste generation of
The results of the research identify that the level effect of Final consumers and the supply chain effects of their purchases. To be
demand always play an important role on the growth of waste gen- effective these interventions must be evidence based according
eration in the examined period, especially Final demand of the to state of the art research.
Construction sector, the AOI sector, and the Manufacturing sector.
A sector level analysis leads to allocating the impact of technology
effect to different industrial sectors and also to identify which sec-
tors are the most important on waste generation and reduction.
The authors received financial support from the Cooperative
The results of this chapter shows that a series of novel technologies
Research Centre (CRC) for Low Carbon Living Project RP2002: Inte-
in the Construction sector for enhancing the efficiency of resource
grated Energy, Transport, Water and Waste (ETWW) Demand
and reducing the waste generation from the origins to a large
extent can lessen the environmental pressure. For example, steel
piling on construction sites as a temporary structure to hold back
soil or water can be reused 5–6 times per year in the UK. The appli- Appendix A. Australian aggregated input-output tables
cation of steel piling diminishes the waste generation in the Con-
struction sector (Allwood et al., 2012). Zero Waste SA’s Industry The Appendix shows the Australian aggregated input-output
program supports a series of projects to improve the productivity (IO) tables with value added from 2007–08 and 2013–14.

Table A.1
The Australian aggregated IO table, 2007–2008.

Ag Mi Ma EGW Co Pa AOI WMS Final demand Total output

(Million $AUD)
Ag 10861.86 85.73 25693.53 17.10 396.61 151.53 4903.53 0.18 18762.91 60873.00
Mi 59.77 13012.57 34736.14 4181.95 909.27 216.33 3310.47 0.54 81231.96 137659.00
Ma 5329.43 8379.22 73522.17 2337.57 39721.47 4456.56 63981.86 138.05 181107.67 378974.00
EGW 892.34 1779.14 6296.29 6650.07 1232.88 867.60 10757.65 14.02 21815.01 50305.00
Co 889.95 4742.00 2411.60 3797.79 72756.96 3868.77 18038.42 4.26 173039.25 279549.00
Pa 52.71 441.61 1199.41 132.42 987.71 2539.11 7145.88 2.07 88544.07 101045.00
AOI 11868.35 18684.54 66168.64 8700.41 64178.34 27053.59 391799.24 231.84 686587.04 1275272.00
WMS 1.49 47.28 107.58 56.04 1736.72 22.75 314.19 0 970.95 3257.00
Primary input 30917.1 90486.91 168838.6 24431.64 97629.04 61868.76 775020.8 2866.04 191594.13 1443653.00
Total input 60873.00 137659.00 378974.00 50305.00 279549.00 101045.00 1275272.00 3257.00 1443653.00 3730587.00

Table A.2
The Australian aggregated IO table, 2008–2009.

Ag Mi Ma EGW Co Pa AOI WMS Final demand Total output

(Million $AUD)
Ag 12726.19 159.57 28384.09 20.93 375.32 166.10 6046.16 0.26 21392.36 69271.00
Mi 77.88 16732.28 32547.65 4047.23 856.05 115.40 2927.03 1.52 124860.96 182166.00
Ma 5731.21 9268.14 76710.72 1890.07 42653.67 5469.56 69195.52 115.75 182361.36 393396.00
EGW 955.64 2192.07 5626.39 13840.27 1286.48 590.19 10013.97 13.05 21668.94 56187.00
Co 1459.84 6410.60 3289.25 2644.74 77006.71 5595.63 26663.40 10.06 174031.77 297112.00
Pa 60.85 526.85 1108.12 121.17 1024.00 3211.59 8417.25 2.72 95828.44 110301.00
AOI 13917.13 25188.85 70445.94 6723.02 67057.29 29732.45 398989.62 427.55 712848.15 1325330.00
WMS 2.58 44.24 125.96 48.70 1771.88 26.42 314.92 0.00 1010.31 3345.00
Primary input 34339.68 121643.39 175157.87 26850.88 105080.59 65393.66 802762.13 2774.08 195433.72 1529436.00
Total input 69271.00 182166.00 393396.00 56187.00 297112.00 110301.00 1325330.00 3345.00 1529436.00 3966544.00
148 H. He et al. / Waste Management 83 (2019) 142–150

Table A.3
The Australian aggregated IO table, 2009–2010.

Ag Mi Ma EGW Co Pa AOI WMS Final demand Total output

(Million $AUD)
Ag 13420.64 200.87 24772.39 34.25 571.12 175.60 6784.67 1.00 19917.47 65878.00
Mi 64.29 18979.43 29647.24 3426.72 1399.34 99.48 2826.65 1.42 106070.44 162515.01
Ma 5099.91 7253.39 72764.32 1899.70 44135.63 4383.00 64633.10 102.90 173394.06 373666.01
EGW 1057.32 2499.78 6213.25 17311.37 1304.40 633.32 11422.44 13.85 23770.28 64226.00
Co 1104.48 7569.35 3049.72 4266.23 81429.02 6760.20 29083.91 138.92 180232.18 313634.01
Pa 62.82 520.55 1275.65 150.54 1100.35 3184.70 8717.94 2.26 100736.19 115750.99
AOI 12648.48 23691.54 69747.18 7742.55 71020.60 31563.06 404647.88 389.92 748848.79 1370300.00
WMS 1.81 49.55 128.87 52.96 2039.10 30.50 319.70 0.01 1108.51 3731.00
Primary input 32418.24 101750.56 166067.39 29341.70 110634.43 68921.14 841863.71 3080.73 197135.10 1551213.00
Total input 65878.00 162515.00 373666.00 64226.00 313634.00 115751.00 1370300.00 3731.00 1551213.00 4020914.00

Table A.4
The Australian aggregated IO table, 2010–2011.

Ag Mi Ma EGW Co Pa AOI WMS Final demand Total output

(Million $AUD)
Ag 13881.67 277.23 24956.53 28.22 543.46 174.54 6054.83 0.52 24024.81 69942.13
Mi 114.39 17264.46 33299.39 3115.48 2077.38 130.89 3459.11 7.87 119579.73 179044.12
Ma 5059.59 8497.98 69093.36 1714.33 48124.90 3993.37 61747.67 74.44 170778.89 369103.56
EGW 1074.62 2813.77 6904.18 19755.70 1413.32 1526.03 12204.49 27.53 25982.09 71691.63
Co 1348.29 8509.97 2799.20 3882.16 90890.39 6384.47 29401.81 17.52 197650.57 340965.34
Pa 63.04 820.31 1327.41 153.58 1366.49 3471.88 9116.67 1.99 125294.43 141615.99
AOI 12805.48 30393.45 68546.79 9371.92 72741.79 33503.98 434305.70 808.07 795521.30 1457730.70
WMS 93.68 44.21 282.00 104.02 604.79 108.02 2635.58 41.08 1167.61 5081.00
Primary input 39878.85 130671.73 158201.11 42168.56 147817.09 84701.42 998605.67 4101.97 235915.60 1842062.00
Total input 74455.00 214268.00 347884.00 86836.00 389164.00 137045.00 1605361.00 5081.00 1842062.00 4702155.99

Table A.5
The Australian aggregated IO table, 2011–2012.

Ag Mi Ma EGW Co Pa AOI WMS Final demand Total output

(Million $AUD)
Ag 12894.99 285.06 25998.88 17.29 409.76 150.38 4915.96 0.00 24217.658 68889.9784
Mi 33.38 15703.03 56214.41 2963.22 1516.89 49.85 4974.00 3.90 126859.9 208318.578
Ma 9178.41 16751.96 95710.64 3343.76 68707.16 6012.65 93574.69 178.87 1,56,454 449912.136
EGW 1129.67 3445.43 7312.70 22622.28 1564.74 2633.50 12696.43 21.86 25222.164 76648.7741
Co 1151.65 7646.73 1201.86 3250.73 97351.21 5550.60 19361.35 44.70 192538.88 328097.706
Pa 62.03 1130.70 1327.97 161.11 1689.38 1960.09 9035.71 2.10 111125.97 126495.057
AOI 15209.55 41161.58 68397.33 11212.07 78560.28 37824.65 490171.80 692.31 776187.22 1519416.79
WMS 74.10 47.11 241.07 92.88 1243.73 72.85 1803.75 36.34 1094.0586 4705.88865
Primary input 33079.07 111980.45 105953.34 35015.01 110612.95 82732.73 884066.31 3464.11 376858.05 1743762.02
Total input 72812.85 198152.05 362358.20 78678.35 361656.10 136987.30 1520600.00 4444.19 1790557.9 4526246.93

Table A.6
The Australian aggregated IO table, 2012–2013.

Ag Mi Ma EGW Co Pa AOI WMS Final demand Total output

(Million $AUD)
Ag 13053.21 453.97 25324.81 16.17 488.13 130.00 4595.14 0.52 30393.05 74455.00
Mi 264.06 13834.54 40603.70 2493.00 4144.78 384.93 5936.66 7.87 146598.46 214268.00
Ma 4978.94 10987.15 52571.40 1412.30 53120.13 3214.13 55976.82 74.44 165548.70 347884.02
EGW 1167.35 4016.16 7898.00 24725.01 1707.48 4004.35 13768.60 27.53 29521.51 86836.00
Co 1835.92 10341.71 2298.16 3114.02 108036.80 5633.00 30037.63 17.52 227849.24 389164.00
Pa 63.49 1546.29 1430.91 172.25 2105.45 3585.54 10044.54 1.99 118094.54 137045.00
AOI 13119.49 42372.23 59273.91 12630.67 71139.34 35283.62 483760.36 808.07 886973.31 1605360.99
WMS 93.68 44.21 282.00 104.02 604.79 108.02 2635.58 41.08 1167.61 5081.00
Primary input 39878.85 130671.73 158201.11 42168.56 147817.09 84701.42 998605.67 4101.97 235915.60 1842062.00
Total input 74455.00 214268.00 347884.00 86836.00 389164.00 137045.00 1605361.00 5081.00 1842062.00 4702155.99
H. He et al. / Waste Management 83 (2019) 142–150 149

Table A.7
The Australian aggregated IO table, 2013–2014.

Ag Mi Ma EGW Co Pa AOI WMS Final demand Total output

(Million $AUD)
Ag 14187.29 633.39 29123.65 24.63 522.09 138.18 4871.85 0.31 30334.62 79836.00
Mi 274.66 15667.00 32944.21 2388.86 4242.29 431.03 6054.95 5.16 166138.84 228147.00
Ma 5645.67 10923.42 50112.03 1851.35 52611.01 2784.09 57530.06 84.55 165527.84 347070.02
EGW 1725.01 4480.51 9344.93 24637.17 2043.18 3388.38 15590.42 16.21 30028.19 91254.00
Co 2040.18 9996.01 2139.42 4034.81 114766.74 6449.99 33292.21 12.72 233559.95 406292.01
Pa 56.87 1269.56 1402.35 224.61 1948.13 2834.40 9648.14 2.00 119423.94 136810.00
AOI 14596.52 39823.03 59880.43 15076.13 72498.15 33203.17 502933.75 756.22 934540.59 1673307.97
WMS 96.03 37.76 314.12 131.98 571.48 97.86 2659.19 28.67 1205.93 5143.00
Primary input 41213.77 145316.32 161808.86 42884.46 157088.95 87482.91 1040727.44 4115.18 242880.13 1923518.02
Total input 79836.00 228147.00 347070.00 91254.00 406292.00 136810.00 1673308.00 5021.02 1923640.00 4891378.02

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