Ursu Mariana Limba Engleza Lesson Plan - Auction
Ursu Mariana Limba Engleza Lesson Plan - Auction
Ursu Mariana Limba Engleza Lesson Plan - Auction
DATE: 12.11.2018
FORM: the 6th form
LEVEL: elementary
TOPIC: Save our nature (Lesson 3, Unit 2)
TYPE OF THE LESSON: Non-traditional, lesson-auction
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: speaking, listening, writing and reading
Communicative and Pragmatic Competence - Producing oral messages and interactions
(Spoken Interaction)
Communicative Competence - Receiving written messages (Reading)
Communicative and Pragmatic Competence – Producing written messages and
interactions (Writing, Grammar)
1.3. Listening to the speaker’s instructions to perform simple classroom tasks and following
them appropriately.
2.1. Providing oral responses to a spoken prompt from the teacher on a familiar topic at an
appropriate level of difficulty.
3.3. Identifying the main ideas of the text (silent reading).
3.5. Producing written messages based on the text.
4.3. Using words (phrases, sentences) and simple forms to describe the students’ personal
information in letters to their pen-friends.
7. Cooperating with classmates to fulfill some study activities, showing responsibility,
respect and tolerance in the course of communication.
By the end of the lesson the students will be able:
Knowledge: to name at least 5 new words connected with the topic and the environmental
Skills: to talk about the nature importance, the causes and the effects of the pollution, the
ways of saving our planet; using the appropriate vocabulary and applying the studied
grammar rules;
Attitude: to express their attitudes towards nature protection, enumerating at least 3 rules
they are going to respect in order to save the nature.
GRAMMAR FOCUS: Conditional Mood, Modal verbs (must and mustn’t, should and
shouldn’t, used to and didn’t use to).
Methods and techniques: Questioning, Communicative Method, Add something more,
Brainstorming, TIC-TAC technique, Collaborative learning, Think-Pair-Share, Footprints on
the sand technique, Open letter.
Visual aims: Student’s textbook, chalk and board, video, computer, speakers, white
screen, worksheets, posters, felt-tip-pens, wooden hammer, a lectern.
Class management: Whole class, individual, group and pair work
Time: 45 minutes
This lesson plan was presented in the lesson plan competition organized within the
national project "Integration of the UNIT UNITS Sustainable objectives in the
formation of the English language" by the Academy for Innovation and Change
through Education, awarded with a 1st Degree Diploma at the conference closing the
project on May 17th , 2019 (Annex 1).
"If people throw litter everywhere, they pollute the soil and the
"If the waters are polluted the fish die".
"If the forests are cut down, the animals are endangered".
Annex 5
Annex 6
Open letter
Dear parents,
I want to tell you that the English lesson today was …
During the English lesson I’ve learnt some new words...
We have talked about…
It can name ...
It was difficult to...
We have participated at an auction and
I’ve bought … item/items.
I think my mark is ...