INTAS Trasformers Descr PDF
INTAS Trasformers Descr PDF
INTAS Trasformers Descr PDF
Introduction to measurement
of losses
Table of Contents
The aim of the INTAS project is to provide technical and cooperative support, as well as capacity building
activities, to Market Surveillance Authorities (MSAs). The need for the INTAS project arises from the difficulty
that MSAs and market actors face in establishing and verifying compliance with energy performance
requirements for large industrial products subject to requirements of the Ecodesign Directive, specifically
transformers and industrial fans. Therefore, the project aims to:
Support European Member State MSAs deliver compliance for large products (specifically for
transformers and large fans);
Support industry to be sure of what their obligations are under the Ecodesign Directive and to deliver
compliance in a manner that will be broadly accepted by MSAs;
Foster a common European approach to the delivery and verification of compliance for these
instrument transformers, specifically designed to supply measuring instruments, meters, relays and other
similar apparatus
transformers with low-voltage windings specifically designed for use with rectifiers to provide a DC
transformers specifically designed to be directly connected to a furnace
transformers specifically designed for offshore applications and floating offshore applications
single-phase transformers with rated power less than 1 kVA and three-phase transformers less than 5
transformers, which have no windings with rated voltage higher than 1 000 V
testing transformers
welding transformers
explosion-proof and mining transformers
It is to be pointed out that for the INTAS scope all the transformer above have been considered large
products even if the current EN definition of large power transformers is more stringent.
Industrial and Tertiary Product Testing
and Application of Standards
A formal classification of power transformer has been introduced by CENELEC TC14 and EU Regulation N
348/14 (
- Small power transformer: a power transformer with a highest voltage for equipment not exceeding
1,1 kV.
- Medium power transformer: a power transformer with a highest voltage for equipment higher than
1,1 kV, but not exceeding 36 kV and a rated power equal to or higher than 5 kVA but lower than 40
- Large power transformer: a power transformer with a highest voltage for equipment exceeding 36 kV
and a rated power equal or higher than 5 kVA, or a rated power equal to or higher than 40 MVA
regardless of the highest voltage for equipment.
With reference to the type of installation, a pole mounted transformer is a power transformer with a rated
power of up to 315 kVA suitable for outdoor service and designed to be mounted on the support structures of
overhead power lines.
Liquid-filled transformers, most often used by electric utilities, have several performance advantages over
dry-type transformers. Liquid-filled transformers tend to be more energy performant, have greater overload
capability and have a longer service life. This longer service life is due to a greater ability to reduce coil hot-
spot temperatures and to have higher dielectric withstand ratings. Liquid-filled transformers are also
physically a smaller than dry-type for a given rating, which can be important in areas with restricted space.
However, liquid-filled transformers are often filled with mineral oil which has a higher flammability potential
than dry-types and local environmental laws may require containment troughs or other facilities to guard
against insulating fluid leaks.
Dry-type transformers tend to be used most often by commercial and industrial customers. Generally, the
installation location can be a critical consideration here – higher-capacity transformers used outdoors are
almost always liquid-filled, while lower-capacity transformers used indoors are often dry-type. Dry-type
transformers typically are housed in enclosures, with the windings insulated through varnish, vacuum
pressure impregnated (VPI) varnish, epoxy resin or cast resin.
Industrial and Tertiary Product Testing
and Application of Standards
2. Losses
Power transformer losses can be divided into two main components: no-load losses and load losses. These
types of losses are common to all types of transformers, regardless of transformer application or power
rating. There are, however, two other types of losses; extra losses created by non ideal quality of power and
losses which may apply particularly to larger transformers – cooling or auxiliary losses, caused by the use of
cooling equipment like fans and pumps.
Hysteresis losses, caused by the frictional movement of magnetic domains in the core
laminations being magnetized and demagnetized by alternation of the magnetic field. These
losses depend on the type of material used to build a core. Silicon steel has much lower
hysteresis than normal steel but amorphous metal has much better performance than silicon
steel. Hysteresis losses can be reduced by material processing such as cold rolling, laser
treatment or grain orientation. Hysteresis losses are usually responsible for more than a half of
total no-load losses (~50% to ~80%). This ratio was smaller in the past (due to the higher
contribution of eddy current losses).
Eddy current losses, caused by varying magnetic fields inducing eddy currents in the laminations
and thus generating heat. These losses can be reduced by building the core from thin laminated
sheets insulated from each other by a thin varnish layer to reduce eddy currents. Eddy current
losses usually account for 20% to 50% of total no-load losses
There are also less significant stray and dielectric losses which occur in the transformer core, accounting
usually for no more than 1% of total no-load losses.
used to achieve the required low resistance while controlling eddy current loss. Effectively, this
means that the ‘winding’ is made up of a number of parallel windings. Since each of these
windings would experience a slightly different flux, the voltage developed by each would be
slightly different and connecting the ends would result in circulating currents which would
contribute to loss. This is avoided by transposing the conductors to average the flux differences
and equalise the voltage.
3. Measurement of losses
A * W*
A *W
The transformer shall be approximately at factory ambient temperature. Usually the no load losses are not
corrected for any effect of temperature.
Industrial and Tertiary Product Testing
and Application of Standards
Each approach offers certain strengths, but also has some weaknesses. Hereunder the different approaches
are shortly discussed in light of the experience built up with the new European Regulation.
Table 1 - Categorization of main metrics used for assessing energy-performance of power transformers.
One of the most important goals of standardization is unification. Unification allows to open a
horizontal market, with very important implications for future developments of scale economies,
interchangeability, etc...
No load and load losses are never greater than a certain value regardless of the applied load, which
is generally difficult to predict on rms, on a daily, seasonal or life cycle basis across the stock of
identically rated transformers. This means that a minimum level of performance is assured whatever
the level of loading applied to the transformer.
Maximum losses are not dependent from the application but only from the product while efficiency is
an index depending on the application and this introduces additional uncertainty.
In the most situations, the expected load profile is known with a quite high uncertainty. The
knowledge of the load profile to be used for optimization ex ante is typically not enough to reach the
theoretical optimum promised by efficiency approaches.
Flexibility related to efficiency approaches is a pro but leaves more space than a loss list to distorted
behavior of the market and frauds etc.
Setting a mandatory maximum level of load and no load losses does not mean that it’s not possible
to standardize or simply to choose other values optimizing each specific application.
Industrial and Tertiary Product Testing
and Application of Standards
All these considerations are valid for medium power transformers, which are typically produced in
large series and do not allow single special optimization neither by the user nor by the manufacturer.
For such reasons the European Regulation of energy performances of medium power transformers
was based on maximum no load and load losses.
An alternative to having separate requirements for maximum no-load and load losses is to combine
the total losses into one value. Similar to the minimum efficiency set, there will be an implicit least
cost point of manufacturer at a given loading point, which may or may not be optimal for a given
market. If this loading point does not match the load where the least cost transformer is being
installed, the least cost transformer’s optimal performance point would not coincide with the
installation loading, resulting in lost energy savings.
The defined power can be either input power (EN) or output power (IEEE) resulting in two methods for
calculation of efficiency and historically both methods have been used.
Industrial and Tertiary Product Testing
and Application of Standards
The peak efficiency index is a unit-less metric, which was developed as a regulatory option for the European
ecodesign process.
The Peak Efficiency Index is obtained when no-load loss equals load loss and is given by
substituting k in equation with kPEI as in the expression below:
P0 is the no-load loss measured at rated voltage, rated frequency and on rated tap
Pc0 is the electrical power required by the cooling system for no-load operation derived from the
type test measurement of the power taken by the fan and pump motors.
Pk is the measured load loss at rated current and rated frequency on the rated tap corrected to
reference temperature according to IEC 60076-1.
Pck(k) is the additional electrical power required (in addition of Pc0) by the cooling system for
operation at load factor k, derived from the type test measurement of the power taken by the fan and
pumps motors
is the additional electrical power required (in addition of Pc0) by the cooling system for
operation at kPEI.
The formula for calculating Peak Efficiency Index (PEI) is therefore given by equation:
The value of equation depends on the ratio Sr /√PK which does not vary significantly if Sr is changed (for
example by changing cooling mode) provided that PK is measured at Sr.
Industrial and Tertiary Product Testing
and Application of Standards
take into account also energy performances of units required to transform reactive power only
have an index not depending from the application but related to the product only
Such index includes both no-load and load losses, but the equation is written in such a way that it does not
require a specified loading point. Instead, the index finds the point where the no-load loss equals the load
loss, and calculates the value. This approach has an advantage over others, because it does not require
prescribing or implying a loading point.
At the same time, considering that in a competitive market environment all manufacturers are trying to
minimize their costs, prescribing only minimum values for the PEI can be somehow risky. In fact, there may
be a mismatch between the no load and load loss ratio which minimizes the transformer cost and the one
which optimizes the energy performance during service (provided that in both cases the minimum PEI value
is fulfilled). For this reason, it is important that transformer users prescribe suitable capitalization figures or
specify minimum efficiency values at certain load factors in order to obtain the highest energy savings. The
importance of this issue is higher for smaller units, while larger power transformers tend to be already today
state of the art for what concerns efficiency.
Industrial and Tertiary Product Testing
and Application of Standards
More information
about the INTAS project activities
and all of its results
are published on:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement Number 695943.
The sole responsibility for the content of this document lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the
EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.