ASTM F609 - 0horizontal Slipmeter PDF
ASTM F609 - 0horizontal Slipmeter PDF
ASTM F609 - 0horizontal Slipmeter PDF
Designation: F 609 – 05
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Nov 22 16:28:26 EST 2007
Downloaded/printed by
Philip S Zacarias (Shawcor) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F 609 – 05
NOTE 1—Total weight of slipmeter less power unit is 5.95 6 0.07 lb (2700 6 34 g). Speed of power unit is 3.5 6 0.5 in./min. Later model Chatillon
DPP-5 gages do not have a switch. Peak hold feature is found in the gage dial.
FIG. 1 Horizontal Pull Slipmeter
Chatillon DPP-5 gages. Later model gages have replaced the 10.4 Lightly brush the test feet using the non-static brush to
switch button with a peak hold mode feature. remove loose surface particles.
8.2 Grasp the slipmeter and hold in vertical position. 10.5 Place the slipmeter on its feet on the test walkway
8.3 Set the gage on zero by moving the rim on the gage. surface. The hook end shall face the power unit. Be sure all
8.4 Use a separate hook to suspend the slipmeter by the three test feet rest on the level walkway surface and not on a
hook located on one end of the slipmeter. The slipmeter should grout joint or other uneven surface.
hang freely.
10.6 Place the slipmeter power unit on the walkway surface
8.5 The needle on the dial of the gage should be within
in front of the slipmeter.
calibration range as indicated on the dial. If it is not within the
calibration range, the HPS should be sent to the manufacturer4 10.7 Put the switch that permits retention of maximum slip
for calibration. index indication in the center position. For later model Chatil-
lon DPP-5 gages with no switch, ignore this step.
9. Conditioning 10.8 Set the slip index meter on zero by rotating the bezel
9.1 For testing in laboratories, condition test feet for at least until pointer meets zero on dial. For later model gages with no
18 to 24 h in atmosphere maintained at 73 6 3.6°F (22.8 6 switch, use black knob on dial to set red needle on zero with
2°C) and 50 6 5 % relative humidity. black peak hold needle immediately to right.
9.2 When testing feet in the field or on fixed floor surfaces, 10.9 Push the switch on top of the gage toward the hookless
conditioning of test feet in accordance with 9.1 may not be end of the slipmeter to record the maximum. For later model
possible. The results obtained during the ruggedness test gages with no switch, ignore this step.
indicated that temperature could have a significant effect on the
10.10 Connect the string of the power unit pulley to the
measured slip index when tested at 50° and 85°F. Interpolation
hook of the slipmeter. The string should be parallel with the test
has not been established to make proper adjustments for
surface and in line with the pulley on the power unit. Align the
different temperature and humidity. However, it is recom-
pulley on the power unit with the hook on the slipmeter. Be
mended that the temperature and humidity be recorded, since
sure to keep the string alignment from the pulley straight (0 to
these records could help explain potential inconsistencies.
5°) with the hook on the slip meter. The string length between
10. Procedure the pulley and the hook of the slipmeter should not be too
10.1 Insert a set of three test feet in the slipmeter recesses. short, that is, no less than 4 in. or no more than two loops
Test feet can be held in place using all purpose glue. around the pulley.
10.2 Mount the abrasive paper on a flat 3 by 7-in. (76.2 by 10.11 Hold down the power unit with one or both hands to
77.8-mm) piece of 0.5-in. (12.7-mm) plywood. prevent it from moving; then depress the switch.
10.3 Sand the test feet with No. 400 abrasive paper. The
NOTE 1— Do not exceed 10 min dwell time between placing the test
sanding procedure should consist of five strokes of 5 to 6 in. in feet in contact with the walkway surface and slip index measurement. This
length, parallel to the friction measurement direction, followed dwell time is the time needed from 10.5 to and including 10.11. Slip index
by five strokes of 5 to 6 in. in length, perpendicular to the should be measured within 30 min after sanding and brushing, detailed in
friction measurement direction. 10.3 and10.11.
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Nov 22 16:28:26 EST 2007
Downloaded/printed by
Philip S Zacarias (Shawcor) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F 609 – 05
10.12 Switch off the power unit when the slipmeter begins 11.1.17 Record each slip index reading, and record the
to move. average of four readings under dry conditions.
10.13 Record the peak slip index reading shown on the slip 11.1.18 Provide any comments relative to testing.
index gage (position of black needle). Record slip index
readings in excess of 8 as >8. 12. Precision and Bias 6
10.14 Repeat 10.5 through 10.13 for a total of four times for 12.1 Six laboratories participated in the precision and bias
each location. Rotate the slipmeter 90° in the same direction testing using Trademark Neolite5 Test Liner under dry condi-
(clockwise or counterclockwise) after each time. tions with six floor materials which represented typical floor
materials used. There were 16 determinations, four in each
11. Report direction, for each floor material. The values displayed below
11.1 The recording of the following items is recommended. are slip index that are ten times static friction coefficient. The
11.1.1 Client/customer. values of Sr and SR are the standard deviations for the
11.1.2 Location/address. repeatability and reproducibility, respectively, determined in
11.1.3 Date and time of test(s). accordance with Practice E 691. The values of r and R specify
11.1.4 Cite ASTM Test Method F 609 was used. the 95 % repeatability and reproducibility limits, respectively,
11.1.5 Name of HPS slipmeter operator. for each material.
11.1.6 Address and telephone number of operator. Material Average Sr SR r R
11.1.7 Brand, model, and serial number of HPS slipmeter Glazed ceramic 9.3344 0.3781 0.9670 1.0585 2.7077
used. OVCT 8.7917 0.6597 1.1251 1.8472 3.1502
11.1.8 Test foot preparation protocol. Glazed porcelain 8.3396 03753 0.7738 1.0507 2.1665
Red quarry 8.1667 0.2861 0.5416 0.8012 1.5164
11.1.9 Specific floor location and orientation of HPS slip- Unglazed porcelainA 8.1427 0.2400 0.5233 0.6721 1.4653
meter where test was performed. Glazed ceramic roughA 8.5469 0.2888 0.6692 0.8087 1.8738
11.1.10 Type of test foot material. A
Random texture pattern
11.1.11 Slope of surface tested. 12.2 Bias—The bias for the HPS is yet to be determined.
11.1.12 Floor material and texture. Provide details of grout
joints and floor texture for tile and brick floors, and so forth. 13. Keywords
11.1.13 Floor Finish—Indicate type of finish (for example, 13.1 shoe heel; shoe soling; slip index; static coefficient of
wax, polish, or paint) applied, if any, and condition of the friction
11.1.14 Floor Conditions—Indicate surface condition.
11.1.15 Indicate dry testing. 6
Supporting data are available from ASTM Headquarters. Request RR
11.1.16 Temperature and relative humidity (if relevant). F-13:1001.
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Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Nov 22 16:28:26 EST 2007
Downloaded/printed by
Philip S Zacarias (Shawcor) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.