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LLC "The United water Supply Company of Georgia"

Project on the Construction and Operation of Kutaisi Wastewater

Treatment Plant

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Urban Services Improvement Investment Program of Georgia

Funded by:

Government of Georgia

Kocks Consult GmbH  Stegemannstr. 32-38  D-56068 Koblenz  Tel.: +49 261 1302-0
Fax: +49 261 1302-400  E-Mail: info@kocks-ing.de  Internet: www.kocks-ing.de

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LLC "The United water Supply Company of Georgia"

Project on the Construction and Operation of Kutaisi Wastewater Treatment


Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Prepared by: Tomas Buti

Consulting Firm "Kocks Consulting"

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 General Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 7
1.2 Basis for Preparation of EIA Report ................................................................................................................ 8
1.3 Objectives of EIA ............................................................................................................................................. 8
2. Legal and Administrative Aspects ............................................................................................ 8
2.1 Law of Georgia on Environmental Protection ................................................................................................ 8
2.2 National Environmental Standards ................................................................................................................. 9
2.3 International Agreements .............................................................................................................................. 10
3. Project Implementation Alternatives..................................................................................... 11
3.1 No Action Alternative.................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 WWTP Location Alternatives ....................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Technological Alternatives of the Wastewater Treatment Process ............................................................ 12
4. Description of Selected Project Alternative........................................................................... 13
4.1 General Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Project Criteria ............................................................................................................................................... 18
4.2.1 The Dynamic of Population Growth and Service Area ........................................................................... 18
4.2.2 Growth Dynamic of the Demand on Water Consumption ..................................................................... 19
4.2.3 Wastewater Flow ....................................................................................................................................... 19
4.2.4 Design Loads .............................................................................................................................................. 21
4.2.5 Wastewater Pollutant Standard ................................................................................................................ 21
4.3 Project decisions and Treatment Process ...................................................................................................... 21
4.3.1 General Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 21
4.3.2 Water Inlet ................................................................................................................................................. 23
4.3.3 Wastewater Treatment .............................................................................................................................. 25 Wastewater Treatment Technology................................................................................................. 27
4.3.4 Sediment (sludge) Processing .................................................................................................................... 29 Sludge Disposal after Dewatering..................................................................................................... 31
4.3.5 Biogas Collection Ways ............................................................................................................................. 32
4.4 Organization of Construction Works ............................................................................................................ 32
4.4.1 General Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 32
4.4.2 Preparation Works..................................................................................................................................... 33 Cleaning the Area from Waste and Vegetation ............................................................................... 33 Topsoil Removal/Storage .................................................................................................................. 33 Construction Camp ........................................................................................................................... 34 Power Supply .................................................................................................................................... 34 Water Supply and Wastewater......................................................................................................... 35
4.4.3 Recultivation Works.................................................................................................................................. 35
4.5 Working Mode and the Staff ......................................................................................................................... 36
4.6 Fire-fighting Measures ................................................................................................................................... 36
5. Description of Baseline Condition of the Environment ........................................................ 36
5.1 General Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 36
5.2 Description of Physical and Geographic Environment ................................................................................ 37
5.2.1 Climate and Meteorological Conditions ................................................................................................... 37 Temperature ...................................................................................................................................... 38 Air Humidity ..................................................................................................................................... 39 Precipitation ...................................................................................................................................... 39 Wind Features ................................................................................................................................... 39
5.2.2 Geological Environment............................................................................................................................ 40 Geomorphology................................................................................................................................. 40 Geological Structure.......................................................................................................................... 41 Engineering-geological Survey Results of WWTP Area ................................................................. 42

Page 3 of 186 Engineering-geological Survey Methods .................................................................................... 42 Description of the Basic Rocks of the Study Area ...................................................................... 42 Hydrogeology .................................................................................................................................... 43 Seismic Conditions ............................................................................................................................ 44 Geological Hazards............................................................................................................................ 45
5.2.3 Hydrology .................................................................................................................................................. 45
5.2.4 Soils............................................................................................................................................................. 46
5.2.5 Biological Environment ............................................................................................................................. 46 Flora ................................................................................................................................................... 46 Fauna ................................................................................................................................................. 48 Protected Areas ................................................................................................................................. 48
5.3 Description of Socio-economic Environment.............................................................................................. 49
5.3.1 Population .................................................................................................................................................. 49
5.3.2 Employment ............................................................................................................................................... 49
5.3.3 Land Resources .......................................................................................................................................... 49
5.3.4 Healthcare .................................................................................................................................................. 50
5.3.5 Infrastructure ............................................................................................................................................. 50
5.3.6 Tourism ...................................................................................................................................................... 50
5.3.7 Historical-cultural and Archeological Monuments ................................................................................. 50
6. Environmental Impact Assessment and Analysis .................................................................. 51
6.1 General Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 51
6.2 General Principles of the Methodology of EIA ............................................................................................ 51
6.2.1 Impact Receptors and their Sensitivity ..................................................................................................... 52
6.2.2 Impact Assessment ..................................................................................................................................... 52
6.3 Impact on Ambient Air Quality .................................................................................................................... 53
6.3.1 Impact Assessment Methodology ............................................................................................................. 53
6.3.2 Characterization of the Impact ................................................................................................................. 53 Construction Phase ........................................................................................................................... 53 Emissions During the Operation of Road Construction Vehicle (Excavator) ........................... 53 Emissions During the Operation of Road Construction Vehicle (Bulldozer) ........................... 56 Emission During the Welding Works......................................................................................... 56 Emission from Diesel Generator ................................................................................................. 58 Emission from Diesel Fuel Tank ................................................................................................. 61 Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Harmful Substances in Ambient Air ...................... 62 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................... 62 Operation Phase ................................................................................................................................ 62 Calculation of Harmful Substances Emitted in Ambient Air .................................................... 63 Calculation of Emissions .............................................................................................................. 65 Parameters of Atmospheric Emissions ........................................................................................ 70 Calculation of Atmospheric Emissions ....................................................................................... 74 Results and Analysis of Calculated Emissions ............................................................................ 74 List of References Used in Calculations ...................................................................................... 75
6.3.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................................................................................. 75
6.3.4 Impact Assessment ..................................................................................................................................... 77
6.4 Noise Propagation .......................................................................................................................................... 78
6.4.1 Impact Assessment Methodology ............................................................................................................. 78
6.4.2 Characterization of the Impact ................................................................................................................. 78 Construction Phase ........................................................................................................................... 78 Operation Phase ................................................................................................................................ 80
6.4.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................................................................................. 81
6.4.4 Impact Assessment ..................................................................................................................................... 82
6.5 Impact on Surface Waters .............................................................................................................................. 83
6.5.1 Impact Assessment Methodology ............................................................................................................. 83
6.5.2 Characterization of the Impact ................................................................................................................. 83 Construction Phase ........................................................................................................................... 83

Page 4 of 186 Operation Phase ................................................................................................................................ 84
6.5.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................................................................................. 84
6.5.4 Impact Assessment ..................................................................................................................................... 86
6.6 Impact on Groundwater ................................................................................................................................ 87
6.6.1 Impact Assessment Methodology ............................................................................................................. 87
6.6.2 Characterization of the Impact ................................................................................................................. 87 Construction Phase ........................................................................................................................... 87 Operation Phase ................................................................................................................................ 87
6.6.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................................................................................. 87
6.6.4 Impact Assessment ..................................................................................................................................... 89
6.7 Impact on Soil Stability and Quality ............................................................................................................. 90
6.7.1 Impact Assessment Methodology ............................................................................................................. 90
6.7.2 Characterization of the Impact ................................................................................................................. 90 Construction Phase ........................................................................................................................... 90 Operation Phase ................................................................................................................................ 91
6.7.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................................................................................. 91
6.7.4 Impact Assessment ..................................................................................................................................... 93
6.8 Engineering-Geological Hazards, Risk of Flooding ...................................................................................... 94
6.8.1 Construction Phase .................................................................................................................................... 94
6.8.2 Operation Phase ......................................................................................................................................... 94
6.9 Possible Landscape and Visual Impact .......................................................................................................... 94
6.9.1 Impact Assessment Methodology ............................................................................................................. 94
6.9.2 Characterization of the Impact ................................................................................................................. 94 Construction Phase ........................................................................................................................... 94 Operation Phase ................................................................................................................................ 95
6.9.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................................................................................. 95
6.9.4 Impact Assessment ..................................................................................................................................... 96
6.10 Impact on Biological Environment ............................................................................................................... 97
6.10.1 Impact Assessment Methodology ......................................................................................................... 97
6.10.2 Impact on the Integrity of the Habitat and the Destruction of Vegetation........................................ 99 Construction Phase ........................................................................................................................... 99 Operation Phase ................................................................................................................................ 99 Mitigation Measures ......................................................................................................................... 99
6.10.3 Impact on Wildlife ................................................................................................................................ 99 Construction Phase ........................................................................................................................... 99 Operation Phase .............................................................................................................................. 100 Mitigation Measures ....................................................................................................................... 101
6.10.4 Impact on Protected Areas .................................................................................................................. 101
6.10.5 Assessment of the Impact on Biological Environment ...................................................................... 102
6.11 Impacts Caused by Waste Generation and Propagation ............................................................................ 103 Construction Phase ......................................................................................................................... 103 Operation Phase .............................................................................................................................. 104
6.11.2 Mitigation Measures ............................................................................................................................ 104
6.12 Impact on Socio - Economic Environment ................................................................................................. 105
6.12.1 Impact Assessment Methodology ....................................................................................................... 105
6.12.2 Characterization of the Impact ........................................................................................................... 106 Impact on Land Ownership and Use .............................................................................................. 106 Risks Related to Health and Safety ................................................................................................ 106 Impact on Employment and Economic Environment .................................................................. 106 Impacts on Transport Infrastructure, limited Traffic .................................................................... 106 Positive Impact of Treatment Plant Operation on Socio - Economic Environment ................... 107
6.12.3 Impact Assessment .............................................................................................................................. 108
6.13 Impact on Cultural and Archaeological Monuments ................................................................................. 110
6.14 Cumulative Impacts ..................................................................................................................................... 110
7. Environmental Impact Mitigation Measures ........................................................................110

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7.1 General Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 110
7.2 Mitigation Measures for the Impact Expected during Construction and Operation Phases .................... 111
7.3 Mitigation Measures – Construction Phase ................................................................................................ 112
7.4 Mitigation Measures – Operation Phase ..................................................................................................... 120
8. Environmental Monitoring Plan ...........................................................................................124
8.1 Environmental Monitoring Plan-Construction Phase ............................................................................... 125
8.2 Environmental Monitoring Plan-Operation Phase .................................................................................... 127
9. Residual Impact .....................................................................................................................129
10. Possible Emergency Situations ..........................................................................................129
11. Determination of the Ways and Means of Restoring of the Environment in Case of
Termination of the Treatment Plant Operation ..........................................................................129
11.1 Short-term Termination of the Treatment Plant or Repair Works ........................................................... 129
11.2 Long-term Termination of the Operation of the Treatment Plant or Conservation ................................ 129
11.3 Liquidation of the Treatment Plant............................................................................................................. 130
12. Public Information and Study of Public Opinion .............................................................130
13. Conclusions and Recommendation ...................................................................................131
14. References ..........................................................................................................................133
15. Annexes ..............................................................................................................................135
Annex 1. Software Printout of Air Pollutant Emission Report-Construction Stage .............................................. 135
Annex 2. Software Printout of Air Pollutant Emission Report-Operation Stage.................................................. 149
15.1 Annex 3. Waste storage, transportation and disposal conditions,generated during construction and
operation of the plant................................................................................................................................................ 166
15.2 Annex 4. Emergency Response Plan ........................................................................................................... 171
15.2.1 Emergency Response Plan Aims and Objectives ............................................................................... 171
15.2.2 Types of Emergency Situation expected during project implementation ........................................ 171 Fire/Explosion ................................................................................................................................. 171 Salvo Spillage of Hazardous Substances including Oil Products .................................................. 172 WWTP Damage and Accidental Discharge of Wastewater .......................................................... 172 Personnel Traumatism and Risks Related to their Health Safety ................................................. 172 Traffic Accidents ............................................................................................................................. 172 Emergency Situation of Natural Character .................................................................................... 173
15.2.3 General Preventive Measures for Different Emergency Situations .................................................. 173
15.2.4 Approximate Scale of Incidents .......................................................................................................... 174
15.2.5 Emergency Situation Response ........................................................................................................... 176 Response on Fire ............................................................................................................................. 176 Response on Spillage of Hazardous Substances ............................................................................. 177 Response on WWTP Damage and Wastewater Accidental Discharge ........................................ 178 Response during Accidents Related to Human Injuries and Incidents Related to Their Health and
Safety 179 First Aid during Bone Fracture ............................................................................................... 179 First Aid during Wounds and Bleeding .................................................................................. 179 First Aid in Case of Burn ......................................................................................................... 180 First Aid in Case of Electrical Trauma .................................................................................... 181 Response on Traffic Incidents ........................................................................................................ 182 Response on Emergencies of Natural Character ............................................................................ 182 Response in Case of Earthquake .............................................................................................. 182 Response on Sudden Case of Flooding .................................................................................... 183
15.2.6 Equipment Necessary for Emergency Response ................................................................................ 183
15.2.7 Necessary Qualification and Personnel Instruction .......................................................................... 184
15.3 Annex 5. Engineering-Geological Cross-Sections of Study Area.............................................................. 185

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1. Introduction
1.1 General Overview
The Urban Services Improvement Investment Program funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB),
involves the improvement of the drainage system in Kutaisi. Overall, the investment program includes
the improvement of water supply and sewerage systems in seven cities / small towns, including Kutaisi,
which will lead to the improvement of quality of life and optimization of socio - economic development.
“The executive body” of the program is the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure, while
“the Implementing body” is "The United Water Supply Company of Georgia". This document is the
Environmental Impact Assessment ("EIA") report for the project on the construction and operation of
WWTP in Kutaisi.
The investment program will be funded by ADB with multitranche financing facility (MFF), which is
divided into five tranches, each covering different projects that includes the construction and/or
rehabilitation of water supply and sanitary - technical facilities and systems.
The investment program has been developed as a response of the Government to the absence of proper
and/or safe water supply and sewerage systems throughout the urban areas of Georgia.
Wastewater treatment plant considered by the subproject will serve Kutaisi and adjacent villages. The
wastewater discharge system and the treatment facilities are not available in these areas. Collection of
contaminated waters is not organized. Therefore, there is a high risk of surface and groundwater, as well
as soil contamination by pollutants.
This subproject will solve the problems related to the wastewater drainage system and the standards of
services will be raised. The subproject is designed for the volume of services, which is required for
meeting the forecasted demand by 2040 and includes the construction of (1) a new drainage system and
(2) wastewater treatment plant ("Treatment Facility").
This document assesses the environmental impacts that are expected during the construction and
operation of the treatment plant in Kutaisi. EIA report is prepared by the consulting firm "Kocks
Consulting" under the requirements of Georgian environmental legislation and normative documents.
The contact information of LLC “United Water Supply Company of Georgia” and "Kocks Consulting" Ltd
is given in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1.

Executor company LLC “United Water Supply Company of

Legal address of the company Vaja Pshavela Ave, 76-B, Tbilisi, Georgia,
Address of the place where the activities are to be Tskaltubo Municipality, Tkachiri village
Type of activity Construction of wastewater treatment plant
Contact information of LLC “United Water Supply
Company of Georgia”
E-mail info@water.gov.ge
Contact Person Ketevan Chomakhidze
Tel: +995 577 380309
Consulting Company: "Kocks Consulting"
Contact Person Zurab Mgaloblishvili
Tel: +995 599 504434

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1.2 Basis for Preparation of EIA Report
The basis for preparation of EIA report for the project is the Law of Georgia on "Environmental Permit".
“Arrangement of wastewater treatment plant (with a capacity of 1000m3/ and more) and main sewer
collector” is the subject to ecological expertise in accordance with the Article 4, Paragraph 1, subsection
“O” of the Law. Therefore, the project of treatment plant in Kutaisi falls within the activities that are
subject to ecological expertise and its implementation should be carried out based on the conclusion of
ecological expertise. Conclusion of ecological expertise is issued by the Ministry of Environment and
Natural Resources, based on ecological expertise of the environmental impact assessment report on the
planned activities.

1.3 Objectives of EIA

Along with positive impacts, the project implementation will have some kind of negative impact on the
natural environment and socio-economic conditions of the region. The main goal of the EIA report is to
carry out quantitative evaluation and define the spatial boundaries of such negative impacts. The
following activities have been carried out:
 Collection of technical documentation of the planned activity and obtaining the information on
the natural and social environment conditions;
 Summarization and analysis of the obtained information. Identification of environmental and
social impacts of the project and its potential alternatives at different stages of the project;
 Development of the environmental management and monitoring schemes. Informing the public
on planned activities and ensuring their participation in the process;
 Development of effective mitigation measures aimed at reducing the environmental impact is
the most significant goal of the EIA report.

2. Legal and Administrative Aspects

Georgian legislation comprises the Constitution, environmental laws, international agreements,
subordinate legislation, normative acts, presidential orders and governmental decrees, ministerial
orders, instructions and regulations. Georgia is signatory of a number of international conventions,
including those related to environmental protection.

2.1 Law of Georgia on Environmental Protection

Environmental impact assessment of the project on construction and operation of the treatment plant
should to be carried out under the following Laws of Georgia on Environmental Protection (see Table
Table 2.1.1. The list of environmental laws of Georgia
Year Law Registration code Final version
1994 Law of Georgia on Soil Protection 370. 14/06/2011
1994 Law of Georgia on Road Traffic 310. 24/12/2013
1995 The Constitution of Georgia 04/10/2013
1996 Law of Georgia on System of Protected Areas 360. 27/09/2013
1996 Law of Georgia on Environmental Protection 360. 06/09/2013
1996 Law of Georgia on the Entrails 380. 21/03/2014
1997 Law of Georgia on Wildlife 410. 06/09/2013
1997 Law of Georgia on Water 400. 06/09/2013
1998 The Law of Georgia on Creation and Management of the 360. 24/12/2013

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Kolkheti Protected Areas
Law of Georgia on Protective Sanitary Zones of Health
1998 470. 20/09/2013
Resorts and Resort Localities
1999 Law of Georgia on Protection of Atmospheric Air 420. 05/02/2014
1999 Forest Code of Georgia 390. 06/09/2013
Law of Georgia on Compensation of Damage caused by
1999 06/06/2003
Hazardous Substances
2003 Law of Georgia on the Red List and Red Book of Georgia 360. 06/09/2013
Law of Georgia on Conservation of Soils and Restoration-
2003 370. 19/04/2013
Improvement of their Fertility
2005 Law of Georgia on Fire Safety 300.310. 20/02/2014
2006 Law of Georgia on Licenses and Permits 330. 27/12/2006
Law of Georgia on Regulation and Engineering Protection 360.
2007 25/03/2013
of Sea and River coasts of Georgia
2007 Law of Georgia on Ecological Examination 06/02/2014

2007 Law of Georgia on Environmental Permit 470. 13/12/2013

2007 Law of Georgia on Public Health 450. 25/09/2013
2007 Law of Georgia on Cultural Heritage 370. 20/09/2013
Law of Georgia on Recognizing Property Rights Under
2013 the Possession (Ownership) of Physical and Private Legal 360010000.05.001.017203 20/11/2013
2014 Law of Georgia on Civil Security 140070000.05.001.017468 01.07.14.

2.2 National Environmental Standards

The following environmental standards have been used in the process of evaluating the quality of
environmental objects (soil, water, air) (see Table 2.2.1.):
Table 2.2.1. List of environmental standards
Year Normative Documents Registration code
Technical Regulation – “Methods of calculation of maximum
allowable discharges of pollutants together with wastewater into
31/12/2013 300160070.10.003.017621
surface water bodies”, approved by the order №414 of the
Government of Georgia
Technical Regulation – “ on the protection of surface waters against
31/12/2013 pollution”, approved by the order №425 of the Government of 300160070.10.003.017650
Technical Regulation – “on the protection of ambient air in
03/01/2014 unfavorable weather conditions”, approved by the order №8 of the 300160070.10.003.017603
Government of Georgia
Technical Regulation – “Methods of calculation of maximum
31/12/2013 permissible emission of hazardous substances into ambient air”, 300160070.10.003.017622
approved by the order №408 of the Government of Georgia
Technical Regulation – “on the methods for air pollutant emission
06/01/2014 inventory”, approved by the order №42 of the Government of 300160070.10.003.017588
Technical Regulation – “on air pollution quality in significantly
polluted, highly polluted, polluted and non-polluted regions
31/12/2013 according to calculated air pollution indexes and level of air 300160070.10.003.017617
pollution with hazardous substances”, approved by the order №448
of the Government of Georgia

Page 9 of 186
Environmental Technical Regulation - approved by the order №17
03/01/2014 300160070.10.003.017608
of the Government of Georgia
Technical Regulation – "Environmental damage determination
14/01/2014 (calculation) method", approved by the order №54 of the 300160070.10.003.017673
Government of Georgia
Technical Regulation – “Methods of calculating the actual amount of
emissions according to instrumental methods for determining the
actual amount of emissions in ambient air from stationary sources of
pollution, list of special measuring and controlling equipment for
31/12/2013 300160070.10.003.017660
determining the actual amount of emissions in ambient air from
stationary sources of pollution and technological processes from
stationary pollution sources,” approved by the order №435 of the
Government of Georgia
Technical Regulation – provisions for “determination of soil fertility
31/12/2013 level” and “monitoring of soil conservation and fertility”, approved 300160070.10.003.017618
by the order №415 of the Government of Georgia
Technical Regulation – "on the removal, storage, use and cultivation
31/12/2013 of topsoil”, approved by the order №424 of the Government of 300160070.10.003.017647
Technical Regulation – “Maximum Allowed Concentrations of
15/01/2014 harmful substances at work places”, approved by the order №70 of 300160070.10.003.017688
the Government of Georgia
Technical Regulation – on drinking water, approved by the order
15/01/2014 300160070.10.003.017676
№58 of the Government of Georgia
Technical Regulation – “on water protection areas”, approved by the
31/12/2013 300160070.10.003.017640
order №440 of the Government of Georgia
Technical Regulation – “sanitary rules for water sampling”, approved
03/01/2014 300160070.10.003.017615
by the order №26 of the Government of Georgia

2.3 International Agreements

Georgia is signatory to many international conventions and agreements, including:
 Protection of nature and biodiversity:
o The Convention on Biological Diversity, Rio de Janeiro, 1992;
o The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat
Areas, Ramsar 1971;
o The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES), Washington, 1973;
o The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, (Bonn
Convention), 1983
 Climate Change:
o The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, New York, 1994;
o The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, Montreal, 1987.
o The Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, 1985;
o Kyoto Protocol, Kyoto, 1997;
o The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, Paris, 1994
 Pollution and environmental hazards:
o The European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement, 1987.
 Cultural heritage:
o Convention for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Europe;
o Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe.

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 Public information:
o Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access
to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention, 1998).

3. Project Implementation Alternatives

Based on the requirements of environmental legislation of Georgia, project alternatives should be
considered in EIA report. Due to the specifics of the planned activities, the following alternatives were
deemed to be considered:
 No action alternative;
 Alternatives for the location of the treatment plant;
 Technological alternatives.

3.1 No Action Alternative

No action or zero alternative means that the project will not be implemented, that is, all problems
concerning Sewage Wastewater Management issues will be left unresolved.
Kutaisi is the second city in Georgia according to population number. The water supply problems, as
well as sewerage problems remained unresolved during years, that causes the dissatisfaction of
population and hinders the social-economic development of the region.
The program covers improvement of basic urban infrastructure and service management in main and
secondary cities. Construction of sewerage system and treatment facilities is envisaged not only in
Kutaisi, but in such important settlements such as Anaklia, Marneuli, Mestia, Zugdidi, etc. Creating
sewerage and treatment infrastructure will substantial positive effect on further development of the
settlments, in terms of increased tourist potential and improved level of living of the local population.
Accordingly, project implementation will significantly contribute to the whole socio-economic
development of the country.
It is noteworthy, that Kutaisi Water Supply System Rehabilitation will be completed under the project
of Asian Development Bank, which will ensure 100 % connection to the water supply system and 24
hours potable water service, as well as metering, putting in order the issues concerning potable water
Kutaisi WWTP construction and operation project is an important component of the mentioned
program. Implementation of the project, which can be assumed as an environmental activity on regional
level, will practically solve existing dissatisfactory condition. After putting the plant into operation, the
industrial-faecal waters of Kutaisi and its adjacent settlements will be collected in an organized way.
WWTP will ensure treatment of sewage waters to standard level, after which wastewater will be
discharged into one point of surface water body. Improved management of wastewater will result
minimization of adjacent water pond pollution risks, which is very important as for biological
environment protection, so for the further development of the settlements.
In addition, implementation of WWTP construction and operation project will contribute to the
development of the local socio-economic situation, namely: it should be mentioned about creation of
temporary and permanent job places and the high possibility of employment of the local population-
according to the experience of analogous projects, only 5-10% of employed people are highly qualified
specialists, invited from other regions. Remained 90% (non-qualified staff) is selected from the local

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population through the competition, who will be provided with appropriate training. The high share of
local population will be employed on operation stage as well.
After project implementation the impact on biological environment (soil, ambient air and water quality,
etc.) is very important among other negative impacts. However, addressing appropriate mitigation
measures will reduce the scale of the most part of the impacts, in some cases it will be minimized to zero
level. In addition, large part of the impacts is expected on construction level, which will be short-term.
From all above-mentioned the following conclusion can be made: In case of implementation of no action
alternative of the project, regulated treatment of the wastewater generated in Kutaisi and its
surroundings, as well as minimization of surface water pollution risks will not be possible. Due to the
reasonable project decision and appropriate mitigation measures, WWTP construction and operation
will bring more important ecological and economic benefit, than in case of failure of the project
implementation. Accordingly, the no-action alternative of the project will not be considered.

3.2 WWTP Location Alternatives

The selected area for WWTP has no alternative in terms of environmental issues.
Firstly, it is noteworthy that selected area is in state ownership and there was the treatment plant
operated there during years. At present, building infrastructure is totaly destroyed and stripped. Area
experiences high anthropogenic load. Therefore, the implementation of the project on the area
concerned, on the one hand, significantly improve the poor sanitary-ecological situation here and on the
other hand, exclude negative impact on other receptors of the environment (soil, groundwater,
biodiversity and so on.) due to new plots.
Besides, the presence of sewer between the service zone and project area should be considered. In order
to arrange sewer to the WWTP, utilization of new corridor will not be needed and accordingly, the
impact risk on the state lands is very low.
The selected area is suitable in terms of other environmental factors, namely:
 There is significant distance between the area and the residential zone, that will substantially
reduce emissions in ambient air (including odor dispersion), noise distribution impact risks on
the population;
 The relief of the area is staright. The signs of development risks of geodynamic hazards are not
revealed, that will provide safe implementation of the project in case of appropriate project
 The project area is not distinguished with the biodiversity (vegetation, wild life);
 According to the engineering –geological study conducted, the ground water are very deep from
the ground elevation within the project area, that reduces the risks of ground water pollution,
On the basis of all above-mentioned facts, finding alternative area for WWTP and detailed discussion is
not reasonable. Through appropriate mitigation measures, implementation of the project on the
mentioned area will not cause significant environmental violations.

3.3 Technological Alternatives of the Wastewater Treatment Process

While discussion of technological alternatives of wastewater treatment process, it was considered the
required parameters of water treatment, operational conditions of the plant, accass to the technology.
In addition to the selected alternative of the wastewater treatment option, the biological treatment using
phytodepuration method can be also discussed. This method after pre-sedimentation, envisages

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wastewater treatment in cannel and pond systems, where water plants and algae grow. On the basis of
regional environment specification (climate conditions, etc.) such method is quite feasible.
However, alternatives has significant negative impacts, namely: this method is applicable for wastewater
treatment of the small size settlements . Based on the number of Kutaisi population, application of the
mentioned method will be quite complicated. Besides, the method requires flooding of large area, the
operation of treatment system will be connected to the significant technical difficulties and systematic
training of the majority of personnel. It should be considered that quite large artificial water pond of
polluted water would be created. Open water pond would contribute to propagation of insects spreading
various deceases, odour dispersion, etc.
Accordingly, the priority is given to the plant equipped with modern technology for biological
treatment of wastewater, that will provide wastewater treatment using appropriate parameters.

4. Description of Selected Project Alternative

4.1 General Overview
The area selected for Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant of Kutaisi is situated to the South of Kutaisi
city, near to the villages Tkashiri and Patriketi in Tskaltubo municipality, on the right bank of Rioni
river, at 70-75 m a.s.l. The area of project site is about 13 ha. The coordinates of the selected area are as
following (zone - 38T):
A. X - 305918; Y – 4667001;
B. X - 305824; Y – 4667328;
C. X - 306153; Y – 4667455;
D. X - 306315; Y – 4667162.
The old WWTP of Kutaisi city operated on the project area for decades. It had stopped functioning in
90s of the previous century. Today, basic infrastructure facilities of old building are damaged and it is
not possible to restore or re-use them. More or less an administrative building and its adjacent auxiliary
facilities are in normal condition.
On the old WWTP site approximately 100-1200 m3 residual waters together with atmospheric waters
are seen in the existing reservoirs (radial sedimentation tanks, contact reservoirs, etc.). After putting the
new WWTP into operation, the above-mentioned fluid wastes can be extracted.
The construction of the new WWTP is projected in the north-western part of the area, where there is
less infrastructure facilities of the old treatmet plant. The previous clorination and compressor buildings,
boiler and black oil storage area will get within the project impact area. Prior to construction works,
dismantling above-mentioned buildings and construction waste disposal is considered.
Generally, the project area was exposed to significant anthropogenic impact for decades and accordingly,
typical technogenic landscape developed. Vegetation cover mainly consists of artificially grown trees
and is presented by species of little value, originated after the treatment plant stopped operation.
Within the project area large ammount of construction waste is revealed including concrete
reinforcement of old WWTP (total ammount ≈1700 m3), ferrous metal scrap, etc.
The fencing of area is damaged and local population and domestic enimals can easily get inside.
Private agricultural lands are bordering the area from the west and north sides. Ground highway passes
from the east and south. In the south, in 230 m from the border of the site Vartsikhe 2 HPP is situated
and diversion channel of Vartsikhe HPP Cascade passes here, and Rioni river passes alongside (even

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more to the south). The nearest residential house (village Tkachiri) is located to the north—west in
about 700 m away from the site territory.
Project area layout plan is given on figure 4.1.1., and the general plan of the area – on fig. 4.1.2.

Figure 4.1.1. The Views of WWTP Location Area

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Figure 4.1.1. Project Site Situation Plan

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Figure 4.1.2. General Plan of the Project Site

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4.2 Project Criteria
This section presents data considered during selection of the project parameters for treatment plant.

4.2.1 The Dynamic of Population Growth and Service Area

The table shows the dynamic of population number within the project service area. The figure service zone of projected WWTP is depicted.
Project Area Previous Data Forecast Data
Year 2010 2020 2030 2040
Kutaisi City Population 192500 193224 193948 194671
Service Zone Village Population 4200 5109 6018 6927
Total 196700 198333 199966 201598
Fig. Sewage Network Service Zone

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4.2.2 Growth Dynamic of the Demand on Water Consumption
The table shows main project parameters of 2010, 2020, 2030 and 2040 of Kutaisi water supply
Table Water Consumption Dynamic within the Service Zone in 2010-2040

Title Dimension
2010 2020 2030 2040
Water Supply
Population (Kutaisi) 192,500 193,224 193,948 194,671
Population (Sakuslia District) 1,800 2,600 3,400 4,200
Population (village Kvitiri) 700 709 718 727
Population (village Rioni) 1,700 1,800 1,900 2,000
Total Population person 196,700 196,533 198,066 201,598
Specific water consumption (according to UWSCG
l/(pd) 140 140 140 140
Water consumption of small commercial
facilities/institutions - added % 10% 10% 10% 10%
Share of existing network % 80% 50% 25% 10%
New network share % 20% 50% 75% 90%
Existing network loss % 40% 40% 40% 40%
New network loss % 25% 25% 25% 25%
Individual loss (leakage from existing network) _
added % 37% 33% 29% 27%
Trunk main loss-added % 2% 2% 2% 2%
Commercial loss_added % 0% 0% 0% 0%
Technical water consumption for water
treatment_added % 8% 8% 8% 8%
Total specific water consumption l/(pd) 220 214 208 205
Sub-total-daily water consumption (population ) m /d
3 43,235 41,960 41,247 41,348
Water consumption of industrial facilities and large
customers m3/d 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300
Number of daily working hours h/d 12 12 12 12
Total water consumption (average) m /d
3 45,535 44,260 43,547 43,648
Daily consumption peak ratio - 1,60 1,60 1,60 1,60
Hourly consumption peak ratio - 2,40 2,40 2,40 2,40
Max. daily consumption m /d
3 55,173 55,128 55,540 56,489
Max. hourly consumption m3/h 4,783 4,656 4,585 4,595
Average hourly consumption m3/h 2,846 2,766 2,722 2,728

4.2.3 Wastewater Flow

The wastewater flows necessary for the hydraulic calculation of project sewage network, depends on
the water consumption data. While defining pipe sizes, it is considered that the amount of wastewater
makes 90% of the volume of the water consumed. Taking into account daily wastewater flow variability,
peak load ratio equal to 2.0 was used for hydraulic calculations.
Basic approach toward wastewater flow is as follows:

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Qdw = Qd + Qc + Qiw (l/s),
Where following values are used:
Qd – Household wastewater flow;
Qc – Commercial facility wastewater flow;
Qiw – Filtration (inside the system) water flow;
The following initial parameters were used during calculations of wastewater flow:
 Specific water consumption per person 140,00 (l/person/day);
 Institutions 10,00%;
 Technical demand 8,00%;
 Water demand for wastewater flow ratio 90.00 %;
 connected coverage 95,00%;
 Peak load ratio 2.0.
The table provides wastewater dynamic in 2020-2040 within the WWTP service zone.
Table The Wastewater Dynamic for 2020-2040 years

Title Dimension
2010 2020 2030 2040
Water Supply
Resident (permanent resident) person 195,000 196,533 198,066 201,598
Max. daily water consumption m /d 54,716 55,128 55,540 56,489
Max. hourly water consumption m3/h 4,746 4,656 4,585 4,595
Max. hourly water consumption m3/h 2,823 2,766 2,722 2,728
Maximum demand l/(c*d) 269 269 269 269
Wastewater (separate sewage network)

Connected coverage value % 95% 95% 95% 95%

Equation between wastewater and consumed water
% 90% 90% 90% 90%
Household wastewater amount (average) m3/d 27,543 27,759 27,976 28,475
Industrial wastewater amount m3/d 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300
Population equivalent (number) PE 11,500 11,500 11,500 11,500
Peak load duration h/d 16 16 16 16
Total amount of wastewater m /d
3 29,843 30,059 30,276 30,775
Infiltration (0,5 m³/(d- per well)
Approximate number of wells unit 5,200 5,200 5,200
Peak load ratio - 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0
Daily flow (average) m /d
29,843 30,059 30,276 30,775
Max. daily flow (including daily peak water m /d
51,980 52,372 52,763 53,665
Hourly flow (average) m3/h 1,243 1,252 1,261 1,282
Hourly flow in dry weather (max.) m3/h 1,865 1,879 1,892 1,923
Hourly flow (max.), only for hydraulic calculation m3/h 2,487 2,613 2,631 2,673

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4.2.4 Design Loads
The Table shows design load data defined for the household crude water. The values given in
the table, are defined based on multiple measurements; they are internationally recognized and
introduced in many countries as the standard values.
Table Design Loads for Household Crude Water
Parameter Dimension Value
BOD5 (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) gr/(p/d) 60
Suspended Solids gr/(p/d) 70
Total Nitrogen consistency according to Kjeldal gr/(p/d) 11
Phosphorus gr/(p/d) 1,8

4.2.5 Wastewater Pollutant Standard

The table provides EU standards for water discharge into water bodies. The efficiency of project
WWTP is given in the last column.
Table Discharge Standards and Project Efficiency

Discharge Standard
Parameter Design
according EU
BOD5,without nitrification 25 mg/l O2 25 mg/l
Discharge Standards COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand ) 90 mg/l 90 mg/l
Suspended Solids 35 mg/l 30 mg/l
Total < 100,000 PE* 15 mg/l N 15 mg/l N
Additional standards for Nitrogen (TN) > 100,000 PE 10 mg/l N 10 mg/l N
discharge into sensitive Total < 100,000 PE 2 mg/l P 2 mg/l P
water bodies Phosphorus
> 100,000 PE 1 mg/l P 1 mg/l P

River deltas, sea bays and other coastal waters are considered as sensitive sites together with other water
bodies, where water exchange is limited or which receive nutrients in large numbers. Usually, water
discharge from small settlements are of little significance for such sites, but in case of large settlements
phosphorus and/or nitrogen removal need should be considered, unless it is not revealed that discharged
water will not have an impact on eutrophication level.
Wastewater receptor water body is Rioni river. During WWTP design correspondent conditions for
sensitive sites were applied.

4.3 Project decisions and Treatment Process

4.3.1 General Overview
WWTP construction will be implemented in two stages. On the first stage, infrastructural facilities will
be arranged, which will provide full treatment of wastewater expected for 2020 (see the table
Besides, according to the design, areas necessary for auxiliary infrastructure arrangement will be located
inside WWTP building. As necessary (according to the growth of wastewater amount) the following will
be added to the facility: aero tank, final sedimentation, sludge pumping station, sludge storage area, after
which WWTP will provide wastewater treatment in an amount expected in 2040.

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The general plan of WWTP design is presented on figure
As well as in project cities, where population is more than (PE) 30 000, Kutaisi WWTP is expected to
use active sludge method together with separate anaerobic decomposition (digestion) of the sediment. In
general, above-mentioned process comprises the following elements:
 Screen filters;
 Aeration grit trap chambers;
 Primary sedimentation tanks;
 Aero tanks;
 Settler (final sedimentation tanks);
 Sludge (slime ) thickening;
 Septic tank;
 Sludge dewatering facility;
 Gas storage;
 Torch bar (candle).
In the first stage of wastewater treatment the water passes through coarse screens in order to remove
coarse material, which can damage equipment and cause a decrease in the efficiency of the process. In
general, coarse and fine filters are arranged in front of the grit trap units. The grit traps are designed to
remove granular solids from the wastewater like sand, gravel and other heavy solids, which have
significantly higher subsiding velocities and specific weights, than decomposing organic solid waste with
the same parameters.
The purpose of primary sedimentation is to remove unsolved organic material from wastewater,
resulting in reduced pollution loads on the next biological treatment stages. Removed organic material,
which is called the primary sludge, mainly contains biologically easily degradable compounds and is
very well exposed to subsequent anaerobic decomposition with high methane yield.
The second stage of technological treatment on WWTP is water treatment using method of active
sludge. This process is a wide-spread method and is applicable in many countries throughout the world.
Aerotanks measures will be selected to ensure biochemical and chemical oxygen demand removal (90-95
percent removal), caused by organic compounds , that have carbon concentrations (BOD and COD) and
nitrification. The system also includes the removal of phosphorus and microbial denitrifications.
After definite time biological solid compounds move from aerotanks to the settling tank, where certain
portion of settled sludge is digested in bioreactor in order to maintain the desired concentration of
microorganisms. The remained excess sludge is removed from the system.
The settling tank is designed considering following conditions:
 Ensure high yield of active sludge to be discharged from the fluid of reactor pool;
 Paartial consolidation of settled solids to return to the reactor pool;
 Intermediate sedimentation of the sludge extracted from the aero tank.
The disinfection of the discharged fluid is not necessary.
Sludge processing stages are:
 Primary and excess sludge initial hardening (condensation)
 Sludge anaerobic stabilization
 Bring to the acceptable grade and dry at the centrifuge.

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Figure General Plan of the Project Area

4.3.2 Water Inlet

Water intake unit comprises of coarse (with wide gaps) screens, water inlet pumping station, fine screen,
aeration grit trap chamber and primary sedimentation tank.
Coarse Screen
The channel in front of the water inlet will be of rectangular cross-section. The depth of the outlet flow
of the channel will be 1,10 m and the length - 1,90 m.
The channel can be temporarily caulked up from both ends. There will be an emergency spillway
(bypass) canal along the channel, which will be used in case of device failure.
Large mechanical cleaning will be automatically bars, while the water level difference between the
operation control means. Waste collected on the large side behind bars to restrain the bunkers.
Main design parameters:
 Design flow 3,088 m3/h
 Minimal flow in dry weather 1,242 m3/h
 Flow velocity in screen section 0,90 m/s
 Water depth 1,10 m
 Width of each screen section 1,90 m
 Screen gap size 20 mm
 Screen stem width 10 mm
 Congestion indicator 70%
 Number of screens 1
 Daily design number of waste detained by screens 4.52 m3/d.
Inlet Pumping Station
Inlet pumping station will be built in very vicinity of the coarse screen. Five submersible bore-hole
pumps (one stand-by pump) will be arranged in order to elevate water passed through the screens.

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Main design parameters:
 Maximum flow 3,088 m3/h
 Average flow 1,862 m3/h
 Minimum flow in dry weather 1,242 m3/h
 Number of pumps (including 1 stand-by aggregate) 5
 Approx. static head 6m
Fine screen
Fine screen will be arranged behind the pumping station. The water depth and width in the fine screen
rectangular channel will be respectively 0.50 m and 1,00 m. The channel will be temporarily caulked up
from both ends. There will be an emergency spillway (bypass) canal along the channel, which will be
used in case of device failure.
The fine screen will be treated automatically, and operation will be controlled by differences between
water levels. The waste detained in the screens will be collected in the bunkers situated next to the fine
Main design parameters:
 Design flow 3,088 m3/h
 Minimum flow in dry weather 1,242 m3/h
 Flow velocity in the screen section 0,90 m/s
 Water depth 0,50 m
 Width of each screen section 1,00 m
 Screen gap size 6 mm
 Screen stem width 3 mm
 Congestion indicator 70%
 Number of screens 4
 Daily design number of waste detained by screens 5,08 m3/d
Aerated grit chamber
Rectangular reservoir will serve as a grit chamber, in which sectional flow transfer into spiral one by
puishing pumped air. The sand (fine solid fraction), moving more slowly than the water, is settled in the
cavity arranged at the bottom of the reservoir, and organic substances will remain in the condition of
suspended solids.
The width of grit chamber is 3,00 m, the length – 26 m, and the water depth in the chamber will be –
3,50 m. In order to maintain organic substances in the condition of suspended solids, the outgoing water
in the chamber will be aerated using air-blowers.
The sand and fine fraction will be automatically removed by raker attached to the movable bridge,
which will be equipped by pump. The flow for sand withdrawal will pass through the open channel
arranged alongside the chamber, which is connected with pump collector and from where the sand will
move to the sand classification area.
Main design parameters:
 Design flow 3,088 m3/hr
 Hydraulic retention time 10 s
 Number of chambers 2
 Required volume of each chamber 215 m3
 Selected volume for each chamber 210
 Width 3,00 m
 Operation depth of the water 3,50 m
 Operation cross-section area 8,10 m2
 Horizontal velocity at design flow 5,3 cm/s

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 Length 26 m
 Aeration depth 2,50 m
 Total air consumption 372 Nm3/h
 The number of air-blowers (1+1) 2
 Unit amount of generated sand 9 l/(PExm)
 Annual average amount of generated sand 1,856 m3/m or 5,1 m3/d
 Sand (fine fraction) removal mode uninterrupted
Primary Sedimentation Tank
Primary sedimentation will be designed in four lines. Undissolved organics contained in the wastewater
will be settled in the settling tank. Settled solid mass (primary sludge/sediment) will be moved to the
funnel using sludge rakers, where it will be condensed. The effluent treated in the primary
sedimentation using the above-mentioned method, will overflow through the V-shaped hackly
threshold into the primary sedimentation outlet channel.
Main design parameters:
 Design flow (average flow) 1,862 m3/h
 Hydraulic retention time 1h
 Number of tanks 4
 Total required volume of the tanks 1,862 m3
 Water depth 3,00 m
 Length 30,00 m
 Width 6,00 m
 Length/depth equation 10
 Length/width equation 5,0
The reduction features of wastewater pollution in the primary sedimentation:
 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) 25%
 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 25%
 Suspended Solids (SS) 50%
 Total Nitrogen according to Kjeldahl (TKN) 9%
 Phosphorus (P) 10%

4.3.3 Wastewater Treatment

Aerotanks, settling reservoirs, return sludge station, air-blower station and venturi flowmeter are
involved in the treatment process.
Aero tank
Eight aerotanks will be built for biological treatment of waste water. These structures will be designed in
the shape of rectangular basins, and their aerated sections will serve as carbon removal sites, and
nitrogen removal will be carried out on aerated sites. Overall dimensions of pools are 60,0 x 14,0 m, and
the water depth - 6,0 m.
Aeration will take place by bringing in the air pumped from compressors, which are arranged at the
bottom of the aero tank. Air supply management will be provided using oxygen concentration
measuring devices.
The continuous circulation of the flow in the aero tank is provided by the mixers, hinged on the
concrete bridges.
Main design parameters:
Pollutant load according to BOD5 9,742 kg/d

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Load according to COD 19,483 kg/d
Load with suspended solids (SS) 7,577 kg/d
Load with Total Nitrogen (N) 2,268 kg/d
Load with TKN (Total nitrogen according to Kjeldahl) 2,268 kg/d
Load with NH4-N 1,588kg/d
Load with organic nitrogen (N-organic) 680 kg/d
Load with total phosphorus (TP) 351 kg/d
Mixed liquid of suspended solids (MLSS) 3,15 \kg/m3
Design temperature 12°C
Required age of activated sludge for denitrification 13,23 day
Sludge load (Equation of organic substance amount with microorganism amount
- F/M): 0,077kg Jbm5/(kg MLSS *d)
Number of reservoirs 8
Length 60,0 m
Width 14,0 m
Depth 6,0 m
Total volume 40,320 მ3
Volume per reservoir 5,040 m
Hydraulic retention time for average daily water flow (DWF) 32,5 h
Design aeration parameters:
Oxygen transmission rate for aerated unit depth: 15 გ O2/(Nm3 x m)
Transmission ratio α 0,6
Aeration depth 5,60 m
Storage ratio 1,2
Required air flow (average) 17,345 Nm3/h
Required air flow (peak) 26,370 Nm3/h
Number of air-blowers (including 1 stand-by) 5
Final Sedimentation Tank:
Final sedimentation tank will be of circular shape and the liquid will be supplied from the distribution
chamber. Like primary sedimentation tank, the settled sludge is moving continuously to the inlet
chamber in the center of the tank, from where it is pumped to the return sludge pumping station.
Rotating sludge rakers transfers the floating sludge into the collecting well, from where it gets to the fine
screen (clarifier).
Main design parameters:
DDesign flow 3,088 l/s
Mixed liquid suspended solids (MLSS) 3,15 kg/m3
Sludge volume index 120 ml/g
Sludge surface volume load on the surface 230 l/m2h
Percentage share of return sludge 0,75
Return sludge MLSS 7,35 gr/l
Water depth 3,80 m
Tank diameter 40,00 m
Net general surface area 4,974 m2
Total volume 18,900 m3
Hydraulic retention time (at max. flow) 6,1 h
Number of tank 2
Return Sludge Pumping Station

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Return sludge pumping station is located at the final sedimentation tanks. Four submersible pumps will
be arranged here (including one hot stand-by), through which return sludge is supplied to the aero tank
inlets. Each pump will be connected to the separate vertical penstocks in the separate vertical well.
Main Design Parameters:
Design flow (return sludge) 1,862 m3/h
Number of pumps (including 1 stand-by) 4
Pump capacity per pump 621 m /h

Static head approx. 5 m

Air –blower Station
Air-blower station will be arranged in the front side of aero tanks, next to the operational building. Five
air-blower aggregates (one stand-by) will be arranged here for pumped air supply.
Main Design Parameters:
Average oxygen demand 17,345 Nm3/h
Maximum oxygen demand 26,370 Nm3/h
Number of aggregate (1 stand-by) 5
Capacity per aggregate 6,592 Nm3/h
Venturi Flowmeter
Venturi flowmeter channel section will be arranged to measure wastewater inflow. It will be possible to
measure up to 3,088 m3/h flow in this section. The water level detector-sensor will be installed in the
section in order to transfer data into the control room (in the operator room). Wastewater Treatment Technology

Proposed WWTP operation principle is based on biological process involving various types of
microorganisms. Wide range of bacteria are generally presented in industrial-fecal wastewater, which
ensure degradation/dissolution of existing organics in the wastewater. WWTP structure and associated
technological processes contribute to the creation of optimal conditions for the vitality and breeding of
the bacteria. Following main biological processes take place involving bacteria activated in the
• biological oxygen demand (BOD) reduction;
• chemical oxygen demand for oxidation (COD) reduction;
• decomposition of nitrogen-containing organic matter (nitrogen removal);
• decomposition of organic substances containing phosphorus (phosphorus removal).
Nitrogen Removal:
Nitrogen removal will be provided at different stages. At the first stage, organic nitrogen and ammonia is
changed into nitrite, and then – nitrates. The process takes place in anaerobic environment, where
nitrate is converted to gaseous nitrogen. At this point there should be no free oxygen and BOD needed
bacterium. As a result, in the nitrogen removal process, also, the certain amount of BOD will be
reduced. Above mentioned biological reactions are given below.
1. Ammonia converted into nitrite
2 NH4+ + 3 O2 = 2 NO2- + 2 H2O + 4 H+
2. Nitrite converted into nitrate
2 NO2- + O2 = 2 NO3-
1+2 ammonia converted into nitrate
NH4+ + 2 O2 = NO3- + H2O + 2 H+

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3. Nitrate converted into nitrogenous gas
2 NO3- + BOD = N2 + 4 H2O + 2 OH

Phosphorus Removal:
The removal of phosphorus is provided using two ways, chemical and biological. In case of chemical
removal of phosphorus chemical reagents (iron chloride, iron sulfate or calcium salts), in the result of
their activity, insoluble deposits are received,that will be settled in the sedimentation tank of the
treatment facility. Typical chemical reaction, occurring in the process of chemical sedimentation is given
1 metal+++ + PO4 3- = MPO4
The used method for phosphate removal is insufficient, because it is connected to the high costs of using
chemicals and generation of waste (sludge) in large amount.
The other way for phosphorus removal is biological method. In this case the phosphorus is incorporated
in the biomass, already existing in the system. The ongoing processes in the WWTP provide
reproduction of organisms (Acinetobacter) that facilitates phosphorus accumulation, in comparison with
other bacteria. Bacteria for phosphorus accumulation can use more phosphorus, than it is needed for
their growth. Excess amount of the phosphorus will be removed by the regular flow of waste. In order to
stimulate phosphorus accumulation bacteria, they need products with easy fermentation (i.e. acids).
Given that the acids are available for anaerobic system, the bacteria release certain amount of
phosphorus ortopospatis; When the bacteria gets in aerobic conditions, it takes much more amount of
phosphorus than is required for its growth. This biological process is described in the picture

Figure Biological Process for Phosphorus Removal with the Participation of Specific Bacteria

To ensure availability of the required amount of fermentation products (acids), the tank (sedimentation
tank) will be arranged in front of the activated sludge tank. The retention time in the tank is depended
on the number of available products with easy fermentation features in the untreated wastewater, ex:
large sewage system, equipped with many pressure pipelines, will have significantly higher
concentration of acid, as biological reactions take place.

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4.3.4 Sediment (sludge) Processing
Sludge(sediment) processing involves:
 Primary sludge pumping station
 Excess sludge pumping station
 Preliminary sludge mechanical thickening bed;
 Septic tank
 Sludge storage tank
 Sludge mechanical dewatering station.
Primary Sludge Pumping Station
Primary sludge pumping station will be arranged next to the primary sedimentation tanks. The primary
sludge will be pumped to the preliminary condensation site. Three pumps will be installed at the station
((including one stand-by).
Main Design Parameters:
Number of pumps (including 1 stand-by) 3
Daily operation time 4 h/d
Capacity per pump approx. 32 m3/h
Static head approx. 10 m
Primary sludge efficiency 7,577 kg/d
Dry solids concentration 3,0 %
Sludge volume 253 m3/d
Excess Sludge Pumping Station
Excess sludge pumping station will be arranged at the return sludge pumping station. Excess sludge will
be pumped to the preliminary sludge mechanical thickening bed. Three pumps will be installed at the
station ((including one stand-by).
Main Design Parameters:
Number of pumps (including 1 stand-by) 3
Daily operation time 12 hr/day
Capacity per pump Approx. 55 m3/hr
Static head Approx. 10 m
Primary sludge efficiency 9,702 kg/day
Dry solids concentration 0,73 %
Sludge volume 1,320 m3/day
Preliminary Sludge Thickening bed
Primary sludge came out from primary sedimentation will be thickened (condensed) in two preliminary
gravity thickener tanks with circular section, which is equipped with screens in the shape of fencing for
liquid/solids separation. Sludge thickener will be built to the south of sludge mechanical dewatering
station. Liquid floated on the surface of sludge (sediment), together with other waters generated in the
result of turbulent processes, will move to the sludge processing station inlet. Thickened sludge
pumping station will pump thickened sludge to the suction chamber of septic tank supplying pumps.
Main Design Parameters:
Primary sludge efficiency 7,577 kg/d
Solid concentration before thickening 3,00%
Solid concentration after thickening 5,00%
Sludge concentration before thickening 253 m3/d
Sludge concentration after thickening 152 m3/d
Volume of the liquid on the sludge surface Approx. 101 m3/d
Actual load on the tank surface 67,0 kg/m2*d

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Number of tanks 2
Diameter 12 m
Total surface area 113 m2
Actual water depth average) 4,00 m
Thickened Sludge Pumping Station
Thickened sludge pumping station consists of two pumps with eccentric screw type conveyers (1 on-
duty, and 1 stand-by ). Pumps will be installed in the sludge dewatering facility, next to the sludge
thickening bed.
Main Design Parameters:
Sludge volume 152 m3/d
Solid concentration after thickening 5,00%
Number of pumps (including one stand-by) 2
Daily operation time 5,0 h/d
Capacity per pump 31,1 m3/d
Static head approx. 25 m
Sludge Mechanical Thickening Bed
Excess sludge thickener will be installed in the dewatering facility. The thickening system includes two
belt filter presses. The system will operate for 13.2 hours every day. The dry solid concentration in the
extracted sludge will be minimum 6%.
Thickeners will be supplied with sludge through eccentric screw type conveyers of feed pumps installed
at the sludge dewatering station.
Main Design Parameters:
Total amount of solids 9,702 kg/d
Solid concentration before thickening 0,73%
Total sludge volume after thickening 6%
Sludge concentration after thickening 162 m3/d
Number of devices (including one stand-by) 2
Daily operation time 13,2 h
Capacity per device 50 m3/d
Working day number a week 7
Preliminary thickened sludge, as well as excess sludge finally will get into two settlers, where their
anaerobic decomposition will take place at 35 0C temperature. Sludge will be pumped into settler
through the thermal exchanger. The sludge will continuously be mixed with feed and circulation pumps.
During decomposition in the settler organic substance concentration in the sludge will be reduced by
Main Design Parameters:
Total solid amount before decomposition 17,279 kg/d
Total organic solid amount before decomposition 12,095 kg/d
Total amount of mineral solids before decomposition 5,184 gr/d
Anaerobic decomposition (retention) time at35 0C 20 d
Required settler capacity 6,265 m3
Number of settlers 2
Diameter of settler 16,0 m
Total settler height 23,00 m
Reduction of organic solid concentration 40%
Organics remained after decomposition 7,257 kg/d

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Total amount of substances after decomposition 12,441 kg/d
Sludge (sediment) remained after decomposition 313 m3/d
Specific yield of biogas 340 l/kg org.SS
Sludge Feeding Pumps:
- Number of aggregates (including one stand-by) 2
- Capacity per pump 30 m /h

- Static head 35,0 m

Sludge Circulation Pumps:
- Number of aggregates (including one stand-by) 2
- Capacity per pump 120 m /h3

- Static head 5,0 m

Sludge Storage Tank
Sludge extracted from the settler should be temporarily collected in the sludge storage tank, which will
be built near the sludge pre-thickening tank. The sludge storage will be equipped with mixer.
Main Design Parameters:
Solid amount after decomposition 12,441 m3/d
Solid concentration before dewatering 3,98%
Total sludge amount before dewatering 313 m3/d
Retention time in the sludge storage tank 12 h
Required capacity of sludge storage tank 481 m3
Tank diameter 12,00 m
Tank depth 4,00 m
Sludge Mechanical Dewatering Site
After anaerobic decomposition of the sludge in the settler, the sludge will be thickened in the secondary
thickener (thickener after decomposition). After that, the stabilized sludge will pass mechanical
dewatering process, resulting in dry mass concentration reduction in the sludge to 20%.
Main Design Parameters:
Total solids after anaerobic decomposition 12,441 kg/d
Solid concentration before dewatering 3,98 %
Total sludge amount before dewatering 313 m3/d
Solid concentration after dewatering 20%
Total sludge amount after dewatering 62,2 m3
Daily operation time of dewatering device 12,5 h
Sludge volume per device operation hour 25 m3/h
Capacity per dewatering device 25 m3/h
Actual number of devices (including one stand-by) 2
Sludge solution volume generated by the process 251 m /d
3 Sludge Disposal after Dewatering

Dewatered sludge will be temporarily disposed on a special allocated site within the WWTP area.
At WWTP operation phase it is recommended to conduct laboratory examination to define toxic metal
concentration in the sludge. If examination results show that there are no toxic pollutants in the sludge,
the decision will be made to dispose the sludge to Kutaisi landfill (the mentioned landfill is situated to
the south of the city, namely, on the area between Kutaisi and WWTP). In case of defining high

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concentration of toxic metals in the sludge, it will be handed to the organization, holding the
appropriate permit on hazardous waste management.
Besides, the alternative method for sludge extraction from WWTP is discussed for future perspective,
namely: As it is known, after corresponding processing (composting) the sludge can be reused as the
fertilizer on agricultural lands. In case of interest, the sludge stored on the temporary storage areas can
be handed to the interested people after corresponding processing, free of charge. In such case, the pH
characteristics and heavy metal concentration of the ground should be defined in order to reach the
optimum level of dosing.
The important fact is that the Georgian legislation does not regulate the sludge usage issue for
agricultural purposes. In order to regulate this field, the European legislation can be used, according to
which it is forbidden to use the sludge:
 On lands, which are used for grazing or if 3 weeks are left before forage crop harvest;
 Vegetable cultivation plots during crop vegetation period;
 On plots, where cultivation of vegetables or fruits is planned, that are in constant contact with
the soil or that are used for food in raw form, 10 months before harvest time and during the
harvest period.
In case of using the sludge as a fertilizer, it is necessary to provide sludge sampling as well as the plot
soil sampling and periodic laboratory tests should be implemented, where the sludge will be examined.
Considering the fact, that the demand on using the sludge as a fertilizer will be seasonal (in early spring
and autumn), the main sludge management method is its disposal to the landfill.

4.3.5 Biogas Collection Ways

Released biogas in the result of anaerobic decomposition in the settler, prior to re-usage, will be
temporarily collected in the tank for gas storage. The emergency torch bar (candle) of the gas will also be
installed here.
Main Design Parameters:
Biogas efficiency (production) 4,112 m3/d
The volume of gas storage tank 1,178 m3
Tank diameter 10,0 m
Tank height 15,0 m
Calorific value of biogas (energy capacity) 6,4 kW/m3

4.4 Organization of Construction Works

4.4.1 General Overview
As noted initially, the projected area is the territory of significant techno genic meaning. Accordingly,
at the initial phase of project implementation it will be necessary to clean the area from wastes of old
infrastructure and in a small amount from vegetation.
The ground road is arranged for the access to the area, which is in quite satisfactory condition.
Consequently, the project does not require arrangement of new access roads.
The main works include:
 Ground works, the preparation of foundation for buildings, excavations etc.;
 Construction works of treatment plant;
After finishing construction works, recultivation will be provided prior to plant operation.

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The works considered to be implemented in the preparation period, should be supplied with
construction structures and handicrafts from the factories located within the district. The volume of
preparation works and the order of their performance, as well as the types and number of machinery
used, are defined by Constructor Contractor.
The types and number of machinery used during construction works are defined according to the
structure and the amount of the works. Their number is calculated considering the variability in the
rhythm of load supply and delivery.

4.4.2 Preparation Works Cleaning the Area from Waste and Vegetation
The cleaning works of the area from existing infrastructure will be implemented in two stages.
At the first stage, the building situated in the north of the area will be demolished. According to
preliminary assessment in the result of demolition approximately 450-500 m3 concrete wastes 400-500 მ3
will be generated. The existing construction waste (concrete waste, excess ground) or generated in the
result of demolition, should be collected and disposed from the territory with trucks. They will be
finally disposed at Kutaisi landfill for construction waste.
On the cleaned area the construction works of new WWTP facilities will be started. After completion of
construction works the concrete reservoirs situated in the south of the site will be dismantled. Before
starting demolition, the fecal waters in the reservoirs will be discharged in the operating WWTP and
will be treated. .At the second stage, during demolition approximately 1000-1200 m3 concrete waste will
be generated.
After demolition 40-50 t metal waste can be produced. The metal wastes will be collected and passed to
the contractor after implementation of corresponding procedures (scrapyards).
The selected area is not distinguished by multiple and diverse vegetation. Generally, low value bushes
and grass plants are presented (the description of vegetation species are given in corresponding section of
the EIA). Nevertheless, the vegetation clearance works at the preparation stage will be provided under
relevant supervision, to ensure that all works are implemented within the designated area and to prevent
additional damage of the plants.
The vegetation cover removal works will be implemented under the supervision of qualified personnel.
Removed vegetation will be temporarily stored on the separated area. Topsoil Removal/Storage

As it was mentioned, old structures are presented on the project area. Accordingly, topsoil removal
works will be implemented on the part of the area (mainly in the north peripheries). The total area of
the place where topsoil removal works will be implemented is nearly 2 ha. Considering the average
topsoil depth (15 cm), the topsoil amount to be removed will be about:

20000 x 0,1 = 2000 m3

The ground works will be implemented following the requirements of the regulation, approved by the
decree No 424 of Georgian Government on “Removal, Storage, Usage and Recultivation of Topsoil”,
dated by December 31, 2013.
Removed topsoil will be temporarily stored on the separated section (GIS coordinates of assumed area
for temporary topsoil storage is attached to the EIA report), which will be protected from external

Page 33 of 186
impact factors. After completion of construction works, the removed topsoil will be used for
recultivation of degraded area or for improvement of less productive agricultural lands (see section
4.4.3.). Construction Camp

Selection of suitable area for arrangement of the construction camp is the precondition for organized and
timely implementation of plant construction works. This will reduce negative impact scope on the
environment (the impacts related to the excessive traffic, etc.). It is vital to consider following
recommendations from analogous plant construction results during selection of the area for the camp:
 Arranging of construction camp close to construction site and easy access of the territory, in
order to limit traffic operation scope and to enable easy movement;
 To provide suitable engineering-geological conditions;
 Selected territory and relief must be favourable for arranging infrastructure without major
ground works;
 Camp must be arranged on the territory where population disturbance due to pollutant
substances emission in the air, noise propagation level and movement of machinery will be at
 To select the area poor with topsoil and vegetation;
 Keep distance between the area and the surface water body, that will lower the risk of surface
water pollution;
 Construction camp must be easily supplied with potable and industrial water and must be
ensured with power supply, as well as organized discharge of wastewater from the site;
The selection of the optimum area for construction camp and its organization is the prerogative of
contractor constructor, selected by holding the competition. According to preliminary suppositions, all
temporary infrastructures necessary for the construction will be arranged on the eastern periphery of
the WWTP designated section (see then figure 4.1.2.). This decision will significantly reduce the scope
of negative environmental impact.
Following infrastructural units will be included in the construction camp:

 Parking;
 Warehouse;
 Fuel and water tanks;
 Administration and workers resting units (containers);
 Workshop;
 Diesel-generator;
 Storage and others.
Inert materials and ready-made concrete mixture necessary for the construction works will be delivered
from the industrial units of the natural and legal persons operating in the region. Considering the scope
of construction works, there is no need in arrangement of crushing-grading mill and concrete plant.
Arrangement of permanent housing containers is not planned either. Power Supply

Power supply of the construction camp is assumed from the existing network, using temporary scheme.
It is also assumed using movable power plant (diesel-generator).

Page 34 of 186 Water Supply and Wastewater
Construction works will need as potable-industrial, so technical water supply.
The potable-industrial water will periodically delivered by tankers. The water storage reservoir will be
installed on construction camp site, from where the separate units of the camp will be supplied by means
of internal water supply system.
Considering the fact that the arrangement of the concrete plant and crushing-grading mill is not planned
on the site during construction works, the technical water flow will not be high. If necessary, the
technical water will be supplied from Rioni River and Vartsikhe HPP channel.
On the construction phase consumption of potable and industrial water depends on number of labourers
and water consumption per person. Every working day approximately 60 people will work and potable-
industrial water consumption per working day comprises 25 litres.
If calculate this for 300 work days per annum and considering single-shift working schedule, potable and
industrial water design flow will be approximately:
60 × 25 = 1500 l/d, or 1,5 m3d; 1,5 × 300 = 450 m3/y.
. Considering the duration of construction works (15 months, or considering holidays about 350 work
days), total consumption amount of potable-industrial water will be 525 m3.
In addition, it is possible to arrange showers, two points, on the construction camp. The water flow for
one shower point per day will be 500 l. The required amount will be:

2 x 500 = 1000 l/d, or 1 m3/d; 1 x 300 = 300 m3/y and 1 x 350 = 350 m3/dry weather.
Total amount of potable-industrial water used during construction works will be:
525 + 350 = 875 m3
The technical water will be needed for fire-fighting purposes. The approximate amount of the water
necessary for fire-fighting water storage and for the training of the personnel will be approx.1000-1500
For collection of faecal wastewater pressurized cesspool with the capacity of 20-25 m3 is considered,
which will be treated periodically by cesspoolage truck.
The volume of industrial-fecal wastewater is determined according to the volume of potable- industrial
water consumed, minus 5% loss. Therefore, the approximate volume of industrial-fecal water during
construction works shall be:
875 x 0,95 = 831,5 m3/y.
During the year the construction camp cesspool will be discharged thrice a month, depending on the
working day number.

4.4.3 Recultivation Works

After completion of the construction works, recultivation works will be implemented following the
requirements of the regulation, approved by the decree No 424 of Georgian Government on “Removal,
Storage, Usage and Recultivation of Topsoil”, dated by December 31, 2013, namely:
All types of damaged and deteriorated soil, as well as the area adjacent to it, which partially or fully lost
productivity under the negative impact of damaged and deteriorated soils, are subject to recultivation.
Recultivation of degraded soils is implemented for restoration for agricultural, forestry, water industry,
construction, recreation, environmental, health and other purposes.

Page 35 of 186
The operator company is obliged to ensure the maintenance of topsoil integration and its fertility nearly
to its initial condition, which requires consideration of the following issues:

 To remove topsoil and fertile layer (see section, store it on a special designated place
and to protect from deterioration of topsoil quality ( protection from mixing with other soil
layers and rocks, pollution, washing out, dispersal and others ) in order to protect and reuse it;
 In case of pollution of the area, liquidation of pollution sources and recultivation of polluted
sections in the shortest period of time, by restoring integrity of the topsoil;
 Protect adjacent area from damage and degradation.

According to the same technical regulation, the recultivation works should be implemented according
recultivation project. The recultivation project of Kutaisi WWTP will be developed after revealing the
contractor constructor (since the area for construction camp and other technical issues will be defined),
based on the active environmental, health, construction, water industry, forestry regulations and
standards, considering regional natural climate conditions and the location of damaged land section. The
project will cover technical and biological recultivation stages.

4.5 Working Mode and the Staff

WWTP construction works will last about 15 months (≈350 working days). 50-60 people will be
employed on construction works.
Taking into account the specification of the works, the WWTP will be operated during the whole year,
with 24-hour work mode. At operation phase about 15-20 people will be employed.

4.6 Fire-fighting Measures

In order to minimize the risks concerning fire emergence and spreading, the following is significant
among planned activities:
 Electric devices Proper technical functionality control;
 Providing technical firefighting means in the workplace with fire risk,
 Provide regular training and testing of WWTP personnel on firefighting issues;
 Assign person responsible for fire safety.
It is noteworthy, that considering the specification of WWTP operation conditions, the fire
emergence/spreading risk will be low.

5. Description of Baseline Condition of the Environment

5.1 General Overview
WWTP construction is planned to the south of Kutaisi, near the villages Tkachiri and Patriketi of
Tskalutbo municipality. Accordingly, in the present chapter the baseline condition of Tskaltubo
municipality will be described. The environmental-social conditions, characteristic for Kutaisi are also
The information is based on literary sources and fund materials, statistic data, materials delivered by the
client and field work results conducted within the study area. The given information later will be used
to define possible impact types and scale of construction and operation of the plant.

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Tskaltubo municipality is situated in the eastern part of Kolkheti Lowland, in the valley of rivers Rioni
and Gubistskali. Kutaisi, Tkibuli and Terjola municipalities are bordering it from the east, Samtredia and
Khoni-to the west, Tsageri and Ambrolauri from the North, and Baghdati and Vani municipalities from
the south (see the figure 5.1.1.) .
Figure 5.1.1. Administrative Division Scheme of Imereti District

Implementation Area

5.2 Description of Physical and Geographic Environment

5.2.1 Climate and Meteorological Conditions
Imereti is mostly located in the humid subtropical climate region. The impact of the sea is reduced in the
low and medium mountain regions. however, humid climate is characterized. The winter is cold and the
summer is relatively dry and hot here. The temperature in January is +2, +5, the maximum temperature
in summer is +38, + 40C. Precipitation is 100-200 mm. Average number of days with precipitation is 150
per year.
The climate is subtropical in Tskaltubo municipality, with short winters and hot summers. According to
the average annual air temperature, Tskaltubo is one of the warm regions of Georgia. The average annual
temperature is +15 0. The average temperature of the hottest month- August is + 280. The average
temperature of the coldest-January-February is -50. The average annual humidity is 76%. Eastern wind
dominate from ambient flows, which are charecteraized by high temperature in the conditions of
Tskaltubo. Western winds and sea breezes reduce the hot and bring Tskaltubo near to the comfortable
cmiate zone.

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Kutaisi climate characteristic features are: relatively dry and hot in summer, short droughts, mild
winters, early spring, well-defined foehn winds and excessive precipitation. In Kutaisi slightly, but still it
is revealed altitudinal climatic zonality, particularly, in the north and north-east, due to the elevation
of the area, the air become cooler and accordingly the number of precipitation increases.
Rioni river valley is significantly broadened in the north and south and is characterized by good
circulation of air masses. The temperature background is peculiar in the broadened part: during high
waters it is somehow lower, and during shallowness, due to the warming of stony surface of Rioni
riverbed, the temperature grows.
The climatic features of the study area and their recurrence parameters are presented in the following
tables and diagrams, according to the closest meteorological stations of the project area – Kutaisi airport
data. Temperature
Ambient Air Temperature 0C
Abs. Abs.
Month I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Ave. Min. max.
Ann. Ann.
5,2 5,8 8,4 12,9 17,9 21,0 23,2 23,6 20,5 16,4 11,5 7,5 14,5 -17 42
Source: Construction Climatology ( პნ 01.05-08)

Period <80C with average monthly Average temperature at 13

Ave. of the coldest period
Ave. of the coldest 5 days
Ave. max. of the hottest

Ave. of the coldest day

temperature o’clock

For the For the

Duration in days coldest hottest
month month

28,9 -3 -6 4,9 91 5,9 7,7 27,4
Source: Construction Climatology პნ 01.05-08

Page 38 of 186 Air Humidity
Relative Humidity According Months, %


68 68 68 65 69 72 76 75 74 71 64 63 70
Source: Construction Climatology პნ 01.05-08

Average relative humidity at 13 o’clock Average relative humidity per diem

For the hottest For the hottest
For the coldest month For the coldest month
month month
Kutaisi Airport 60 58 11 29
Source: Construction Climatology პნ 01.05-08 Precipitation
Precipitation per annum, mm Max. Precipitation per diem, mm
1386 166
Source: Construction Climatology პნ 01.05-08 Wind Features

Max. Wind velocity occurrence in 1,5,10,15,20 yy once in a year m/s
1 5 10 15 20
Kutaisi Airport 31 35 37 38 39
Source: Construction Climatology პნ 01.05-08

Ave. Max. And min. wind velocity m/s

January July
Kutaisi Airport 15,9/3,2 7,0/2,0
Source: Construction Climatology პნ 01.05-08

Wind directions and reoccurrence of windless days (%) per year

Kutaisi 1 3 53 2 1 3 35 2 27

Page 39 of 186
Source: Construction Climatology პნ 01.05-08

5.2.2 Geological Environment Geomorphology
Within the lower part of Rioni River, fom geomorphological point of view, 3 main relief types is
 Technogenic-accumulative relief;
 Technogenic-erosion relief of northern Kolkheti;
 South Imereti foothill relief.
 The study area lies within the technogenic-accumulative relief. This type of relief is distinguished
by the following subtypes:
 Accumulative plains slightly inclined from the south to the east, within its borders marine-
accumulative relief forms prevail.
 Rioni river and its tributaries Holocene-alluvial lowland. The inclination of the eastern part of the
lowland is 0,005–0,008, which is reduced in the west to 0,0003–0,0005 m. The absolute elevation of
the lowland ranges between 0-8 m. The low (0.5-1.0 m) and high (1.5-2.5 m) wetlands are
developed on both banks of the current river-bed, which are 0.5 km at the beginning, and to the
Black Sea – 4-5 km width. In the western part Rioni River wetlands are 1.0-4.5 m above the Kolkheti
Lowland hypsometrically, which often cause flooding the lands. Till Samtredia town, Rioni riverbed
lithology is represented by gravel, pebbles and sand, which change into relatively fine-grained
material to the Black Sea confluence.
 The slightly inclined modern and quaternary alluvial lowland of Rioni river and its tributaries covers
the major part of Kolkheti Lowland and is situated between the current riverbeds. The lowland
surface is characterized by calm, straight relief. Absolute elevation ranges between 30 to 140 m. The
average inclination - 0,02–0,05, which is reduced from the east to the west and from the south to the
north. From Khanistskali confluence till Sajavakho, the left bank of the river is terraced lowland,
where I terrace is distinguished between 2-4 m and so-called ,,Vartsikhe” terrace is mainly
represented by gravel, pebbles and sands with clay fillers. In the upper part of 50 m depth section,
the number of sandy fillers grows.
Within north Kolkheti technogenic-erosion relief, the following can be distinguished:
 Hilly relief, developed on the substrate of Neogene sand-clay carbonate rocks. It starts from Chishuri
river and gradually increases to the west. Absolute elevation ranges between 130-200 meters.

Page 40 of 186
 Kvirila River quaternary terraces.
 South Imereti foothill relief is developed on the Sarmatian clay-sandy horizon. It is represented in
foothill line, in the surroundings of Pirveli Sviri and Meore Sviri villages, where in spite of dissected
relief, subdued forms also are identified. The absolute elevation of the relief ranges between 150-300
As it was mentioned, technogenic-accumulative relief is presented within the WWTP location area. The
absolute elevation of the area ranges between 70-75 m. It is slightly inclined to the south (Rioni
riverbed) and west. Geological Structure

According to geotectonical zoning, study area (lower part of Rioni River) belongs to the west molasses
depression (Rioni Intermontane Trough) of the Transcaucasian Intermontane Lowland. The overburden
mainly consists of the Neogene-Quaternary molassas deposits overlaying the slightly dislocated
Cretaceous and Paleocene strata.
Within the study region, the Neogene (N1) is represented by 4 horizons:
Loamy deposits horizon (N12 tr) - sandstones, clays, marls, total thickness of the horizon -10 m.
 Chockrak horizon (N12C) -conglomerates, sandstones, limestones and marls. Total thickness -
 Karagan horizon (N12kr) -sandstones, marls and shell limestones) Total thickness – 90 ;
 Sarmatian horizon (N13S) - clays, sandstones– Total thickness – 300 m
The Quaternary deposits (Q) are extensively distributed within the large river basins (including Rioni
River basin), where the recent deposits of the lower and upper Quaternary period are identified.
The lithological structure of the early and late Quaternary alluvial deposits (aQI–III) comprise the pebbles
and cobbles with pebble-sandy, sandy, clayey and loamy filler. According to thickness, these deposits are
divided in two parts: Rioni-Tekhura middle-river, where thickness is 250–300 m and Kvirila depression-
the thickness ranges within 10 and 100 m.
The recent late Quaternary alluvial-delluvial deposits (edoQIII–IV) overlay the preQuaternary deposits,
which in turn as a rule are built by clays and loams along with the rubble. The thicknesses of such
alluvial-delluvial formations vary in the range from 1m to 20m with maximum reached at the zone of
development of the clay-marl and sandstone deposits.
Thickness of the Holocene (QIV) layer is 40-50 m generally including the alluvial, alluvial-marine,
marine and biogenic deposits.
The area is mainly covered by alluvial deposits (aQIV), lithologically represented by: coarse grained,
unclassified soils in the north-east and east of the area, and in the south-west - by sandstone and loamy-
clayey well-developed material. The thickness of current bed and floodplain sediments is 10-20 m.
Alluvial-marine (am(QIV)) and marine (mQIV) deposits are mainly distributed near the Black Sea coast,
accordingly, it is far from study area. Lithologically these deposits are presented by different grained
sans, clay, loamy-clayey material.
Quaternary biogenic deposits (bQIV) take place among modern marine, upper quaternary and modern
alluvial deposits on the Kolkheti Lowland.
According to engineering-geological features, within lower part of Rioni river two types of ground can
be distinguished: cemented deposits and uncemented deposits.

Page 41 of 186
Sarmatian complex of cemented deposit soils ((N13S1), In the lower part of Rioni River, are presented in
Kvirila River basin and partially in the region of Meore Sviri village. There is the following lithological
consistency: clay and sandstones. The total thickness of the complex – 300m.
Middle Miocene complex of cemented deposit soils (N12) are developed in Kvirila River basin and
adjacent to Kveda Simoneti village. The complex is overlaid with clay-gravel material of alluvial-
delluvial genesis. The lithology is represented by sandstones, marls, limestones, clays and conglomerates.
Thickness - 10 to 90 meters.
Uncemented ground within the study area, particularly in the riverbeds of Rioni and its tributaries,
floodplains and sometimes on the first terraces, are presented by modern alluvial (aQIV) deposits. The
lithology of the complex is represented by loamy -clay, clays and sandstone, middle layers of sand and
gravel and lenses.
In comparison with Rioni river and its tributaries, among uncemented soils on old terraces, it must be
mentioned about early and late quaternary alluvial deposit (aQI–III), the lithology of which is
represented by loamy-clay, clays, sandy material, the total thickness of the complex is 1-10 m. Engineering-geological Survey Results of WWTP Area Engineering-geological Survey Methods
Engineering-geological survey of WWTP area was conducted by BT LTD and GEOTECHSERVICE LTD.
The field works were carried out on 6-13 December of 2011, and laboratory examination – 13-22
December of 2011. Desk works were implemented on December 1523.
During field works 7 bore-holes were cut on the WWTP site (bore-holes №№136-142. Numbers are
taken according to the bore-holes within the internal network) with total length of 43.9 m (approx. 6.3
m per bore-hole). Construction standards and rules (პნ 02.01-08) have been applied for guidance
Samples of integrated and disintegrated structures were taken from waste rocks for their further
laboratory examinations. The samples are taken from every type of the ground. The number of samples
allowed describing all revealed engineering-geological elements in details. Description of the Basic Rocks of the Study Area

Four main engineering-geological elements were distinguished in the boreholes drilled on WWTP site,
 EGE 1 – boulder, gravel, grit and gravel with clayey filler. On average, the carbonate material is
revealed in every borehole, except №138;
 EGE 1a - boulder, gravel, grit and gravel with clayey filler. On average, the carbonate material is
revealed in every borehole;
 EGE 2 - clay - rusty brown, hard-plastic, with grit and gravel inclusions (15-20%). On average,
the carbonate material is revealed in every borehole, except №138;
 EGE 2a – clay brown, soft-plastic, averagely carbonated. Revealed only in the borehole №138.
Cross-sections of the study area, based on the drilled boreholes, are given in the annex 5.
According to chemical consistency, EGE 2 grounds are very aggressive toward Portland and sludge-
Portland cements, as for sulphate-resistant cement, EGE 2 reveales average and weak aggressiveness
toward it. Grounds show average aggressiveness toward chlorides. EGE 2a is averagely and weakly
aggressive only toward Portland cement. EGE 1 grounds are weakly aggressive toward Portland cement.
Established level of ground waters in the boreholes is 6,0 m and deeper.

Page 42 of 186
Ground water reveal weak aggression toward hydrogen ion value. Environmental aggressive impact
quality is average and weak to metal structures. The aggressive impact quality of rocks are average to
carbon steel below the ground water, for those rocks with filtration ratio >0.1m/per diem.
The seismicity of soils were defined considering the location of the construction site within the 8 pont
seismicity zone and their physical and mechanical properties (,,Seismically resistant construction” პნ
01.01-09). Accordingly, based on seismicity: EGE 1 and EGE 1a belongs to the II category, while EGE 2
and EGE 2a belongs to the III category.
All design properties of the distinguished engineering-geological elements necessary for the
construction, are given in the table


Traction in water saturated condition, C, KPa

Single Axis Compressive Resistance Rc, მპა

Internal Friction Angle, Water saturated

Temporary Slope

Mineral Part Tightness s, gr cm3

СНиП-IV-2.02.01-85) R0, KPa

Ground Category by Processing
Ground Category by processing

Ground Category by Seismicity

(drilling –explosion -IV-2-82)

Design Ground Resistance

Total Deformation Model,
Natural Humidity W, %

Water Saturated E0, KPa

(mechanized, -IV-5-82)

Plasticity Number Ip
Tightness , gr/cm3

Porosity Ratio e
(პნ 01.01-91)


5.0 მ
1.5 მ

3.0 მ

1 - 6g-IV II 1:0 1:0.25 1:0.5 1.94 2.72 22.5* 13.0* 0.719* 30000** - 38.0** 4** 400
1a - 6g-IV II 1:0.5 1:0.75 1:1 1.63 2.65 14.7 - 0.864 40000** - 40.0** 1** 500
2 - 8გ-III III 1:0 1:0.25 1:0.5 1.85 2.72 33.7 22.0 0.961 8778 - 18.3 33.7 220
2ა - 8ვ-III III 1:0 1:0.25 1:0.5 1.85 2.72 35.1 23.6 0.986 8516 - 12.9 30.8 180 Hydrogeology
In respect of hydrogeologic zoning, the given area is located in artesian zone of the Georgian block and
is within the region of porous, fissure and fissure-karst waters of Tskaltubo Artesian basin. Artesian
basin covers the major part of Imeretian lowland and Sagurali range. In this basin, as well as in
neighbouring districts, the main artesian horizons are well-shaped: lower Cretaceous limestones, upper
cretaceous-paleogenic limestones and quaternary gravel. Lower cretaceous limestones include fissure
and fissure-karst pressurized underground water, including –low-radioactive therms of Tskaltubo. The
radioactivity of underground waters of Tskatubo artesian basin is 5-7 Mache units and is characterized
by high debits 200-220 l.s. Upper cretaceous-paleogenic limestones aquifer has limited distribution and
insignificant capacity. This horizon contains fissure and fissure-karst ground waters.
There is a high consistency of porous ground water in quaternary sand-gravel horizon. The outlets are
very different from quantitative point of view – outlets of Partskhanakanebi, Gocha-Jikhaishi and other
streams are measured by several hundred liters per second. From north and north-eastern part to the
west of the basin ground water becomes pressurized. The waters are of low mineralization, calcium
bicarbonated, with good potable qualities.
Jurassic sediments are revealed by separate boreholes (Bajocian porphyritic series of sandstones and
bathonian sandstone) containing highly mineralized waters with sodium chloride or calcium.

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District undergroundwater resources is 15 m3 / ms.
Within the hydrogeological district several aquifers and complexes are distinguished.
Modern alluvial aquifer sediments (aQIV) are developed in Rioni River and its tributaries, with the form
of different width (0,2-2,5 km) stripes. The aquifer is a few kilometres down from the river mouths
within boulder and pebble-boulder deposits, and lower sandstones, sands and loamy deposits are
dominated in the basic rocks of the horizon.
Groundwater is characterized by a free mirror surface, which is inclined to the direction of flow of the
rivers, i.e. from east to west. Mirror positioning depth is 0,5-2,0 m. Filtration characteristics depend on
the type of basic rocks. In pebble layers filtration ratio is 3-300 m/days and in the sandy and loamy
horizon - 1-3 m / days. The boreholes digged out within the distribution zone of pebble rocks, the
ground water debit ranges from 5 to 30 l/s/. In sandy and loamy layers - 0,5-5 l/s. The total
mineralization of waters is 0,3-1,0 gr/l, hardness- 3-8 mg/eqv. According to the chemical composition
these waters are with calcium-bicarbonate, hydrocarbonate-magnesium and calcium-sodium
consistency. The aquifer are mainly fed by river waters, precipitation represents the secondary feeder.
Aquifer of alluvial-delluvial deposits (ed QIII-IV) are distributed in some places. Sporadic aquifer involves
loamy-gravel deposits. The waters are fresh and without pressure. The depth of distribution is 1-15 m.
Mineralization – 0,06-0,8 gr/l. Hardness-0,6-1,47 and 6,7-87 mg/eqv. According to the chemical
composition these waters are with hydrocarbonate-calcium-natrium or magnesium and hydrocarbonate
–sulphate-calcium-natrim consistency. Springs and wells represent the discharge areas.
Aquifer of early and quaternary alluvial deposits (aQI-III) are wide-spread within the borders of Rioni
river and Kvirila river alluvial slopes, where aquifer is presented by pebbles and boulder-pebbles,
gradually submerging into alluvion loamy formation to the south-west of Samtredia. The capacity of
these deposits changes from 5-20 m (Kvirila Depression) to 300 m (Rioni basin). The standing height of
groundwater is 6,5-10,0 m. The ground filtration ratio is 5-10 and more m/days. According to the
chemical composition these waters are with bicarbonate-calcium, bicarbonate-calcium-natrium and
calcium-magnesium concentration. The total mineralization of groundwaters increases from the east to
the north-east and south-west – from 0,1-0,3 to 0,5-1,0 gr/l. The hardness ranges between 1,5 and 6,0
mg/eqv. The horizon is mainly fed by the strong streams under the riverbeds of Rioni River, Gubistskali
River and other rivers.
Water-bearing complex of Miocene deposits (N1) is developed in the basin of Kvirila river and further to
the west – to the village of Simoneti. Sandstones, limestones and conglomerates are water-bearing layers,
which consist of porous-fissure unpressurized and pressurized waters. The water flow is 0,1-0,5 l/s. The
water-bearing is reduced in the depth. Water mineralization is more than 0,5 g/l. According to the
chemical composition these waters are with hydro calcium-natrium concentration. Water-bearing
complex is mainly fed by ambient precipitation and river waters. According to the engineering-
geological survey conducted on the study area, the established ground water level is 6,0 m and above. Seismic Conditions
According to the corrected scheme of seismic zoning of the Georgian territory, Kutaisi and its
surroundings belong to 8-point active seismic zone (Order №1-1/2284 of the minister of Economic
Development of Georgia, dated on October 7, 2009, Tbilisi, on approval of construction regulations and
rules- “Seismically-Resistant Construction” (პნ 01.01-09)) (see the figure

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Figure Seismic Map of Georgia

The dimensionless ratio of the seismicity for the closest communities: Kutaisi - 0.13; Villages Patriketi
and Tkachiri - 0.11. Geological Hazards

Within the study area from geodynamic processes mudflows, erosive and flooding processes are mainly
revealed, that is caused by the impact of Rioni river and its tributaies (Khanistskali, Sulori, Gubistskali
rivers. Villages, agricultural lands and pastures, located on the wetlands and terraces of Rioni river and
its tributaries are exposed to the risk related to the flooding and mudflow processes.
There is no geodynamic process is identified within the study area. The area is far enough from the
surface water body and accordingly, flooding risk is not actually expected.

5.2.3 Hydrology
The nearest river to the study area, as well as the water body, receiver of treated water from WWTP is
Rioni river.
Rioni river flows across the whole Georgia. The length is 327 km, basin area- 13400 km². The river Rioni
heads at mount Pasi, on the southern slope of Caucasioni Ridge, at 2620 meters above sea level and flows
into the Black Sea at the city of Poti.
The river flows from the mouth to the village Glola in the south-east broad, deep valley, which is U-
shaped till the confluence with the river Zofkhituri. It develops the broad floodplain and forks. Below
Saglolo it flows first to the south-west and develops narrow discontinuous floodplain. At Oni it turns to
the west and flows till the village Alpana. Below Kutaisi, on Kolkheti lowland comes out and develops
broad floodplain, forks and creates small islands.
Rioni turns to the west at the village Vartsikhe and flows in this direction until the confluence. The
floodplain is especially broad from Vartsikhe to the village Basha. Here the river is expended and creates
many islands, the part of them are flooded during the flood.
Below the village Bashi Rioni is less branched, below the village Sajavakho the riverbed becomes slightly
deep, and intensively meanders. At the village of Japana it develops the former river lakes (Narionali).
The river in the lower downstream is between artificial dikes and embankments, which is caused by the

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fact that in case of the wind, the water becomes excessive and Rioni not only can not flow into the
Black Sea, but also the unti- flow is developed on it, which is spred on the several kilometers from the
confluence, the river is impounded and overflows the banks.
Rioni basin is characterized by diverse landscape. It has the substantial impact on its hydrological
regime. It is fed by glacier, snow, ground and rain waters.
The river floods mainly in spring to summer, as the result of snow melt and rains.The flooding period
starts in the early April, in the middle stream- in the first part of March, and in the downstream – at the
end of February. The maximum flood period is in June, in the middle stream- at the last decade of May,
downstream- in early May. The flooding period lasts till the end of August. The second period of
flooding is the end of September, which reaches the maximum in October-June. The lowest level is in
winter (December-February). In the downstream it is cut off due to the floods caused by heavy rains.
The average annual flow of Rioni River at Glola is 27,3 m³/s, at Kutaisi- 134 m³/s, at Sakochakidze- 406
m³/s, maximum flow at Glola- 345 m³/s, at Kutaisi- 1440 m³/s, at Sakochakidze- 3000 m³/s, minimum
flow at Glola- m³/s, at Kutaisi– 22,0 m³/s, at Sakochakidze – 34,0 m³/s.
Rioni river flow according the water seasons: in spring it is 38,8% of annual flow, in summer- 28,5%, in
autumn – 18,4%, in winter– 14,3%. Flow distribution according the feeding component is as following:
Ground water – 34,7%, rain – 32,5%, snow – 28,2%, glacier water– 4,6%. Rioni annually discharges
into the Black Sea 12,9 km³ water and large amount of solid runoff. The average annual solid runoff is
increased from the mouth to the confluence: At the village Ghebi it is 96 thousand tones, at Khidikari –
2,2 b.t., at village Namokhvani- 4,9 b.t., at Sakochakidze – 6,9 b.t.
Rioni is characterized by icing at the edges,slush ice, pancake ice and, ice-drift. In the middle and
upstream, in especially severe winter, the ice cover is created on some places.
Rioni river is characterized by average mineralization (150-300 mg/l)and in terms of ionic composition,
it belongs to the bicarbonate class.

5.2.4 Soils
The soil cover of Imereti Lowland consists of podzol and alluvial mixture, their distribution depends
mainly on the age of the relief. Relatively older elements of the surface consists of podzol soils, while
alluvial, slightly developed soils dominate on the young (upper quaternary) river terraces.
Tgo the west and south-west of Kutaisi specific old alluvial soils are developed on the quaternary
comglomerates, which are characterized by very thin layer thickness, weakly developed podzol
features, large amount of the whole cobbles, lack of humus layer. These features give to the villages
Kvitiri, Maghlaki and others such thermal properties, which is suitable for early vegetable crops. ,
The remains of old WWTP infrastructure are represented on the study area. The soil cover of this area
has no significant value.

5.2.5 Biological Environment Flora
The natural vegetation cover of Imereti plain is hardly preserved, - the former oak-hornbeam forests are
almost completely destroyed by anthropogenic influence, and cultural vegetation takes their place. Due
to organized protection, the significant section is preserved only in the eastern part of Imereti plain- on
the left bank of Rioni-Kvirila. This is Adjameti forest, which is formed from Imereti and Georgian oak
and Zelkova; Yellow Azalea (Rhododendron luteum,), Butcher’s Broom (Ruscus ponticus), common

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rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum) and other species are presented in the sub-forest. The oak
forest is presented with the fewer fragment on Saghoria terrace.
The dominated type of vegetation in the western part of Imereti plain is the broadleaf flora, which in the
lower zone is presented by Oak, Hornbeam, Chestnut, and in the upper zone – by Beech. The sub-forest
is well-developed, (including ever-greens) and lianas. In the major part of settled area the mentioned
vegetation cover is devastated and modified by shrubs, meadows and crops and plantations. The existing
favorable soil-climatic conditions allow the development of valuable agricultural crops, such as citrus,
tea, laurel, orchards, vineyards, fruits and vegetables.
According to the project the new WWTP will be built on the area of old WWTP, which was exposed to
high anthropogenic load for decades and today typical techogenic landscape is developed. Accordingly,
artificially grown cultural and decorative plants are presented on the area, including: Fig, peach, apple,
plum, peach and walnut trees. From decorative species cypress and pine should be distinguished. The
mentioned plants are mainly gathered in the southern part of existing WWTP, where administrative
building and other auxiliary warehouses are located.
It should be mentioned that new WWTP infrastructure is designed in the North part of the area (see the
figure 4.1.1.) thus the destruction of above-mentioned vegetation is not expected.
Figure The Adjacent Area to the Administrative Building

On the main part of the rest of WWTP site there are thorns, blackberry, pomegranate bushes and units
of trees (including poplar, willow, black poplar and plane-tree), which grew following the suspension of
the plant operation.
According to the audit results, conducted on the area, the species enlisted in the Red List of Georgia
were not identified.
Finally, it is possible to assume that the vegetation presented on the project area is not distinguished
with high conservation value and it is not required to carry out significant measures.

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Figure One of the Site Views of the Project Area Fauna
Representative of the fauna characteristic to the Caucasus, are represented on Imereti lowland and in its
surroundings. From large animals there are: the wolf, jackal, fox, marten, weasel, and squirrel. Birds are
widely represented here: Eurasian Sparrow hawk, falcons, black kites, Eurasian jays. Passerines are
represented with large number: In lowland areas and wetlands can be found Little Egret. There are gulls
on the river banks.
From reptiles Sand Lizard and dice snake are identified.
In the rivers the following fish species are distributed: round goby, Wals Catfish, Danube bleak. Rioni
River is the spawning place for many rare fish species inhabited in the Black Sea, that have commercial
value. Five species of sturgeons should be mentioned: European sea sturgeon -Acipenser sturio, Russian
sturgeon - A. guldenstadti represented by two species: Colchis sturgeon - A. colchicus and Persian - A.
persicus), Spiny sturgeon - A. stellatus, Starry sturgeon - A. nudiventris and Beluga - uso huso.
From amphibian fauna frog, Green Toad, marbled newts, Caucasian salamander. Butterflies, insects,
horse-flies and others are represented in large number.
The study area is located in the district with significant anthropogenic load. Therefore, there are only
synanthropic species of wild animals presented here. Protected Areas

The nearest protected area to the WWTP location site is Ajameti Managed Reserve (it sis situated to the
east, in ≈6,5 km from the site).
The Managed Reserve was established in 1935, on the area of 4848 ha. It is formed from two massifs:
Ajameti oakland (3742 ha, between the left conflueneces of Rioni river- Kvirila and Khanistskali) and
Vartsikhe Massif (1106 ha, on the left side of Khanistskali).

Imeretian relic oak forests of Colchic type are preserved In Ajameti Managed Reserve (oak age ranges
between 120-200), pure groves of Caucasian Zelkova (1.5 hectares) and also Hartwiss’ Oak. There are
other forest types represented in Ajameti State Reserve: ash, hornbeam, field maple trees, wild pear, and

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wild chequer tree. From sub-forest types, the most common are azalea and hawthorn, which creates
dense brushwood in some places.

From mammals roe deer, foxes, white-necked martens, badgers, rabbits, squirrels are found. From birds
it is noteworthy the woodcock. The main goal of Ajameti Maneged Reserve is preservation, growth and
scientific examination of Colchic forest samples and tertiary Imeretian oak, Hartwiss’ Oak, Zelkova and
also fauna. Ajameti Managed Reserve is the unique monument of Georgian nature.

Considering the separation distance, significant direct impact risks on protected area during work
implementation, actually do not exist.

5.3 Description of Socio-economic Environment

5.3.1 Population
The number of population in Tskaltubo municipality is 73,5 thousand people (2014). In Imereti Region
the highest population number is in Kutaisi - 197,0 thousand people.
Table shows the number of population in Imereti Region, including Kutaisi and Tskaltubo
municipalities (2004-2014).
Table The Number of Population in Georgia, Study Area and Municipality (thousand perople).
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
4315. 4321. 4401. 4394. 4382. 4385. 4436. 4469. 4497. 4483. 4490.
2 5 3 7 1 4 4 2 6 8 5
690.2 689.0 700.1 697.6 694.2 693.5 700.4 704.5 707.5 703.9 703.3
183.8 184.5 190.1 189.7 188.6 188.6 192.5 194.7 196.8 196.5 197.0
Municipalit 72.9 72.7 73.9 73.6 73.2 73.0 73.6 73.8 74.1 73.6 73.5
According to the 2002 census, the population of the project area adjacent settlements are recorded in the
following quantities:
 Patriketi village - 1412 (including men - 669, women - 743);
 Tkachiri village - 1741 including men - 841, women - 900).
The majority of population in the settlements are Georgians.

5.3.2 Employment
58,8% of Tskaltubo population are active economically, the majority of them are unemployed.
According to economic activity, the large share comes for agricultural, hunting and forestry fields.
The majority of population in the adjacent settlements to the study area are involved also in agricultural
activities. Many green-houses are arranged in the villages of Patriketi, Tkachiri, Ofshkviti and others.

5.3.3 Land Resources

The great importance is given to agricultural, partly agro-climatic and topsoil land resources for within
the study area. The quantitative and qualitative values of land resources are revealed by slight

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inclination of the relief and the variety of the soil. Ashy soils are mainly distributed here, which have 2–
4% of humus layer. Significant changes are observed due to many years of anthropogenic impact.
The total land fund of Tskaltubo municipality, as of January 1, 2006, is 66848 hectares, the largest
portion of which- 81.1% is still owned by the state. Agricultural lands holds 43.6% of the total land
fund, where pastures are state-owned by 100%, as for arable lands, their 75.2% is privately owned, as
well as 98% of orchards, , 59.6% of perennial plants, and 98.4% of vineyards are also in private property.

5.3.4 Healthcare
Medical services of Tskaltubo Municipality are represented by the following health facilities: “Tskatubo
Regional Hospital” LTD, “District Policlinic" LTD, Tskaltubo Tuberculosis Center, Geguti Policlinic LTD
and 10 rural clinics.

5.3.5 Infrastructure
The total length of irrigation channels in the municipality is 175 km, which is used for irrigation of the
10285 ha area, that is 36,1% of the whole territory supplied by the water; 5678 families of the
municipality are provided with the irrigation water.
Potable water supply is guaranteed 24-hour a week for 4756 households, the total length of potable
water network is 149 km. In spite of the fact that in 1999-2006, 496,3 thousand GEL were invested in
irrigation and potable water networks, mobile connectivity is covered by 70% of the municipality.
The main line passes the area with 4 railway stops; Passengers are also provided by state-owned, as well
as licensed private vehicles.

5.3.6 Tourism
Tskaltubo municipality is famous for mineral waters and resort infrastructure, which suffered a great
damage during complicated political situation. Besides, balneological treatment with mineral bathes is
provided for tourists.
The municipality is characterized by mountainous landscape, with forest and mountain massifs, rich
flora and fauna, preserved areas and caves. The municipality includes famous Sataplia Preserved Area
and the dinosaur trace discovered here. It is also well-known by Sataplia, Kumistavi and Tetra caves. The
mountain riding, mountain walking and ecotourism can be developed here. The large range of karstic
caves gives the possibility for speleo tourism development, as well as good opportunity for agro-tourism.

5.3.7 Historical-cultural and Archeological Monuments

Four active museums are on Tskaltubo municipality. These are: Giorgi Akhvlediani Museum of Regional
Studies – in Tskaltubo city, the writer Niko Lordkipanidze House Museum in the village Chuneni,
Giorgi Akhvlediani House Museum in the village Derchi and Soldier House Museum in the village
From historical monuments it must be distinguished the following:
Epiphany Church of 11th century in the village Derch, the 12th century chateaux in Geguti village, the
12th-century church in the village of Zarati and unique 12th-century wooden churches in the village
Partskhanakanevi, Zeda and Kveda Meskheti villages (Upper and Lower Meskheti).

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Tskaltubo Municipality and its surroundings attract special attention with their historical, archeological
sites. There are many Speleological Sites (crystalline caves, grots and abysses) along with residential
areas, which are often combined with historic monuments and form natural and man-made
fortifications complexes.
There are no historical architectural monuments identified on WWTP area and its surroundings. Due to
the specification of the site, the late disclosure risks of archaeological monuments are very low.

6. Environmental Impact Assessment and Analysis

6.1 General Overview
Information submitted above has been discussed in this paragraph, on the basis of which the sources,
types and objects of the impact, caused by the planned activities, have been established. Changes in
quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the environmental condition have been predicted.
Environmental impact has been assessed as for the construction (construction phase) as well as for the
operation (exploitation phase).

6.2 General Principles of the Methodology of EIA

Approaches used for the environmental impact assessment, as well as the quantitative and qualitative
criteria have been developed for unification and standardization, which ensures the objectivity. Impact
assessment methodology has been developed based on the recommendations of the World Bank and
other international financial institutions (EBRD, IFC, ADB).
For quantitative criteria are used values, established in normative documents of Georgia, EU and the
International Finance Corporation / World Bank, for quality indicators of environment (air, water, soil,
etc.) in case of those factors of impact for which no quality indicators are defined (e.g. impacts on
ecosystems and population), quantitative criteria are defined on the basis of baseline data analysis,
considering the value and sensitivity of the impact.
The following scheme has been used during the assessment of the environmental and social impact
caused by the planned activities:
Stage I: Determination of the major types of the impact and analysis format
Determination of those impacts that may be significant for these types of projects based on the
general analysis of the activities.
Stage II: Baseline study
Identification of the receptors, which are expected to be impacted by the planned activities;
determination of sensitivity of the receptors.
Stage III: Characterization and assessment of the impact
Determination of the nature, probability, significance and other characteristics of the impact, taking
into account the sensitivity of the receptor; Description of the expected changes in the environment
and evaluation of their significance.
Stage IV: Identification of mitigation measures
Determination of mitigation, prevention or compensating measures for significant impact.
Stage V: Assessment of the rest impact
Identification of the magnitude of the expected changes in the environment after the
implementation of mitigation measures.
Stage VI: Processing of monitoring and management strategies

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Monitoring of the effectiveness of mitigation measures is needed to ensure that the
impact does not exceed predetermined values, to verify the effectiveness of mitigation
measures, or to identify the necessity of corrective measures.

6.2.1 Impact Receptors and their Sensitivity

The project may lead to a change in the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of physical and
biological resources of the area of influence, such as:
 Ambient air quality and acoustic environment;
 Soil stability and quality;
 Surface and ground water quality;
 Visual changes in landscape;
 The quantity of habitats, flora and fauna;
 and others;
The populations, which may be affected by the planned activities include people living in the vicinity of
the project area, workers and others (e.g. tourists, passengers). The staff is considered as potentially
sensitive receptors.
Sensitivity of a receptor is related to the magnitude of the impact and to the ability of a receptor to resist
change or recover after changes, as well as to its relative ecological, social or economic value.

6.2.2 Impact Assessment

The major influence factors have been identified for the environmental impact assessment during the
construction and operation phase. Assessment of the expected impact has been implemented in
accordance with the following classification:
 Nature - positive or negative, direct or indirect;
 Magnitude - very low, low, medium, high or very high;
 Probability of influence - low, medium or high risk;
 Impact area - district, area or region of activities;
 Duration - Short and long term;
 Reversibility - reversible or irreversible.
Expected changes in the environment and their nature, area of the influence and duration, reversibility
and probability of risk realization have been determined for both phases of the project, based on which
the significance of the impact has been assessed.
The impact is mainly determined quantitatively. Assessment of the impacted environment has been
implemented based on their quality standards. When quantitative assessment was impossible, the impact
has been evaluated qualitatively, taking into account its characteristics and pre-established criteria.
Below are the criteria established for the assessment of the impact on environmental and social
receptors; Characterization of the impact; List of relevant mitigation measures; Using established criteria
for determining significance and scope of the impact before and after the implementation of mitigation

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6.3 Impact on Ambient Air Quality
6.3.1 Impact Assessment Methodology
For the assessment of impact on ambient air quality normative documents of Georgia have been used,
which determine the air quality standards. Standards are defined for the protection of health. As the
impact on health depends on the concentration of harmful substances, as well as on the duration of the
impact, evaluation criteria considers these two parameters.
Table Assessment criteria for the impact on ambient air quality
Unpleasant odor
Short-term Dust distribution (long-
Ranking Category distribution (long-term,
concentration (< 24 h) term, or frequent)
or frequent)

1 Very low C <0.5 MPC 10% of < OUE/m3 Unnoticeable increase

10-20% of OUE/m3
2 Low 0.5 MPC < C < 0.75 MPC Noticeable increase
Slightly disturbs the
20-50% of OUE/m3
population, though has
3 Medium 0.75 MPC < C <1 MPC standard
no negative impact on

Quite disturbs the

50-100% of OUE/m3
4 High 1 MPC < C <1.5 MPC population, especially
the sensitive individuals

Population is very
> 100% of OUE/m3
5 Very high C > 1.5 MPC disturbed, has negative
impact on health

Note: C - Estimated concentrations in the environment, considering the baseline

6.3.2 Characterization of the Impact Construction Phase
The approach, where the typical construction equipment operation is considered, has been used for the
assessment of ambient air contamination.
Impact of emissions on ambient air quality expected from such technological processes, such as earth
works have been estimated and calculated. Implementation of these operations requires the exploitation
of a number of mechanisms and use of other necessary financial resources, including welding electrodes.
Given that, the following sources of pollution have been identified: Excavator and bulldozer. Emissions During the Operation of Road Construction Vehicle (Excavator)

Source of emission of the pollutant substances is road-construction vehicle engines, loading during the
work and during idle mode.
The calculation is performed according to the following methodological guidelines [4, 5]
Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of emission of the pollutant substances from the road-
construction vehicles, is given in the Table

Page 53 of 186
Table Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of emission of the pollutant substances from the road-
construction vehicles

Maximum emission, g/s Annual emission, t/a
Code Name
301 Nitrogen dioxide (nitrogen (IV) oxide) 0,0327924 0,281436
304 Nitrogen (II) oxide 0,0053272 0,04572
328 Particulate 0,0045017 0,038632
330 Sulfur dioxide 0,00332 0,028467
337 Carbone oxide 0,0273783 0,234025
2732 Fraction of hydrocarbons kerosene 0,0077372 0,066308

Calculation is made in conditions of external temperature of construction sites of the road-construction

vehicles (RCV). Number of work days – 300.
Initial data for calculation of emission of the pollutant substances is given in the Table
Table Initial data of calculations
One vehicle working time Num
Name of the
Numb Per day, hr In 30 min, min ber of
Idle mode, minute er Witho work
construction Withou With Idle With Idle
Total ut ing
vehicles (RCV) t load load mode load mode
load days
Caterpillar RCV, capacity
61-100 kW (83-136 horse- 1 (1) 8 3,5 3,2 1,3 13 12 5 300

Provisional marking, calculation formulas, calculating parameters and their explanation are given below:

The maximum of i-type substance – one-time emission is performed by the following formula:
Gi = ∑ k=1(mДВ ik · tДВ + 1,3 · mДВ ik · tНАГР. + mХХ ik · tХХ) · Nk / 1800, g/s;

mДВ ik – for k-type group, i- type substance specific emission during vehicle drive without loading, g/min;
1,3 · mДВ ik – for k-type group, i-type substance specific emission during vehicle drive with load, g/min;
mДВ ik – for k-type group, i-type substance specific emission during vehicle idle mode, g/min;
tДВ - vehicle working time with 30 minutes interval, without load, min;
tНАГР. - vehicle working time with 30 minutes interval, with load, min;
tХХ - vehicle working time with 30 minutes interval with idle mode, min;
Nk – k-type group vehicle amount working simultaneously with 30 minutes interval.

i - type substance total emission from road-vehicles is calculated with the following formula:
Mi = ∑ k=1(mДВ ik · t'ДВ + 1,3 · mДВ ik · t'НАГР. + mХХ ik · t'ХХ) · 10-6, t/a;

t'ДВ – k- type group vehicle total working time without load, min;
t'НАГР. – k- type group vehicle total working time with load, min;
t'ХХ – k- type group total working time with idling drive mode, min.
Specific emissions of pollutants during the operation of road-construction vehicles are given in Table

Page 54 of 186
Table Specific emissions of pollutants during the operation of road-construction vehicles, g/min

Type of road-construction vehicles (RCV) Pollutant Driving mode Idle mode

Caterpillar RCV, capacity 61-100 kW (83- Nitrogen dioxide (nitrogen (IV)
1,976 0,384
136 horse-power) oxide)
Nitrogen (II) oxide 0,321 0,0624
Particulate 0,27 0,06
Sulphur dioxide 0,19 0,097
Carbone oxide 1,29 2,4
Fraction of hydrocarbons
0,43 0,3

Calculation of annual and maximum single emission of pollutants is given below:

G301 = (1,976·12+1,3·1,976·13+0,384·5)·1/1800 = 0,0327924 g/s;
M301 = (1,976·1·300·3,5·60+1,3·1,976·1·300·3,2·60+0,384·1·300·1,3·60)·10-6 = 0,281436 t/a;
G304 = (0,321·12+1,3·0,321·13+0,0624·5)·1/1800 = 0,0053272 g/s;
M304 = (0,321·1·300·3,5·60+1,3·0,321·1·300·3,2·60+0,0624·1·300·1,3·60)·10-6 = 0,04572 t/a;
G328 = (0,27·12+1,3·0,27·13+0,06·5)·1/1800 = 0,0045017 g/s;
M328 = (0,27·1·300·3,5·60+1,3·0,27·1·300·3,2·60+0,06·1·300·1,3·60)·10-6 = 0,038632 t/a;
G330 = (0,19·12+1,3·0,19·13+0,097·5)·1/1800 = 0,00332 g/s;
M330 = (0,19·1·300·3,5·60+1,3·0,19·1·300·3,2·60+0,097·1·300·1,3·60)·10-6 = 0,028467 t/a;
G337 = (1,29·12+1,3·1,29·13+2,4·5)·1/1800 = 0,0273783 g/s;
M337 = (1,29·1·300·3,5·60+1,3·1,29·1·300·3,2·60+2,4·1·300·1,3·60)·10-6 = 0,234025 t/a;
G2732 = (0,43·12+1,3·0,43·13+0,3·5)·1/1800 = 0,0077372 g/s;
M2732 = (0,43·1·300·3,5·60+1,3·0,43·1·300·3,2·60+0,3·1·300·1,3·60)·10-6 = 0,066308 t/a;
Total emission during the operation of single-bucket excavator is determined by the following formula:
M = Qexc x E x Kexc x K1 x K2 x N/Tsb, g/s, where:
Qexc = Specific emission of dust from 1m3 loaded material, g/m3 [4,8]
E - Bucket capacity, m3 [0,7-1]
Kexc - Excavator coefficient [0,91]
K1 - Wind speed ratio (K1=1,2);
K2 - Moisture ratio (K2=0,2);
N – Number of simultaneously working techniques (unit);
Tec - Excavator cycle time, sec.[30]
M = Qexc x E x Kე x K1 x K2 x N/Tsb = 4,8*1*0,91*1,2*0,2*1/30=0,035 g/s.
Total dust emission during the operation of single-bucket excavator is determined by the following
G = M x 3600 x T x 10-6 = 0,035 x 3600s x 8hr x 300day x 10-6 = 0,303 t/a.

Page 55 of 186 Emissions During the Operation of Road Construction Vehicle (Bulldozer)
Gaseous emission is identical to the excavator and the maximum emissions of suspended particles shall
be calculated as follows:
G = (Qbull x Qdensity x V x K1 x K2 x N)/(Tbc x Kგკ), g/s;
Qbull - Specific emission of dust 1 t, from the transporting material, g/t - 0,74
Qdensity - Rock density (t/m3-1,6).
K1 – Wind speed ratio (K1=1,2);
K2 - Moisture ratio (K2=0,2);
N- Number of simultaneously working techniques (unit);
V - Prism displacement volume (m3) 3,5
Tbc - Bulldozer cycle time, sec. - 80.
Klr - ratio of loosening the rock (Klr -1,15)
G = (Qbull x Qdensity x V x K1 x K2 x N)/(Tbc x Klr) = 0,74*1,6*3,5*1,2*0,2*1/(80*1,15)=0,011 g/s
Total dust emission during the operation of bulldozer is determined by the following formula:
G = M x 3600 x T x 10-6 = 0,011 x 3600 sec x 8 h x 300 day x 10-6 = 0,095 t/year. Emission During the Welding Works

For the identification of pollutants emission during the welding works, the calculation methods are used
by the support of specific emission (by recalculating the used electrode on unit mass) of the pollutant
Welding aerosol, metal oxides and gaseous compounds are emitted in ambient air during the welding
works, quantitative characteristics of which depend on the elements existing in composition of the
The calculation of emission of pollutants is performed in accordance with [6]. Quantitative and
qualitative characteristics of emissions of pollutants are given in Table
Table Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of emissions of pollutants

Pollutants Maximum single

Annual emission, t/y
Code Title emission, g/s
123 Iron oxide 0,0010096 0,0043615
143 Manganese and its compounds 0,0000869 0,0003754
301 Nitrogen dioxide 0,0002833 0,001224
304 Carbon oxide 0,000046 0,0001989
337 Gaseous fluorides 0,0031403 0,013566
342 Hardly soluble fluorides 0,0001771 0,000765
344 Inorganic dust (70-20% SiO2) 0,0003117 0,0013464
2908 Iron oxide 0,0001322 0,0005712

Initial data for calculation of emissions is given in Table


Page 56 of 186
Design parameters
Characteristics, indication Unit Significance
Electric arc welding with unit electrodes УОНИ-13/45
Specific indicators of emission of the pollutant substances( "x") on per unit mass Kxm
of the consumption material;
123 Iron oxide g/kg 10,69
143 Manganese and its compounds g/kg 0,92
301 Nitrogen dioxide g/kg 1,2
304 Nitric oxide g/kg 0,195
337 Carbon oxide g/kg 13,3
342 Fluorides g/kg 0,75
344 Hardly soluble fluorides g/kg 3,3
2908 Inorganic dust (70-20% SiO2) g/kg 1,4
Waste normative of a single used electrode, no % 15
Annual cost of used electrode, B'' g/kg 1200
Cost of used electrode during intensive operation, B' g/kg 1
Intensive work time, τ hr 1
Simultaneousness of the operation - yes
Obtained provisional markings, calculation formulas, calculating parameters and their explanations are
given below.

The volume of pollutants emitted in ambient air during the welding works is determined by following
Mbi = B · Kxm · (1 - no / 100) · 10-3, kg/hr
B - Electrode consumption, (kg/hr);
"x" - Specific emission of pollutants at the expense of Kxm - electrode unit mass, g/kg;
no - Used electrode residual normative %.

When technical equipment is equipped with local draft - emission of pollutant substance from this
equipment equals to mass of emission of pollutant substance – times - local draft effectiveness (in unit
portion). Calculation of annual emission of the pollutant substances during electrode usage is calculated
with the formula:
M = B'' · Kxm · (1 - no / 100) · η · 10-6, t/year
B'' - Electrode annual consumption, kg/year;
η - Effectiveness of local draft (in unit portion)
Maximum emission is calculated with the formula:
G = 103 · Mbi · η / 3600, g/sec

Calculation of maximum on-time and annual emission of the pollutant substances in air is given below:
Electric arc welding with unity electrodes УОНИ-13/45
B = 1 / 1 = 1 kg/hr.;
123. Iron oxide
Mbi = 1 · 10,69 · (1 - 15 / 100) · 10-3 = 0,0090865 kg/hr;
M = 1200 · 10,69 · (1 - 15 / 100) · 0,4 · 10-6 = 0,0043615 t/a;
G = 103 · 0,0090865 · 0,4 / 3600 = 0,0010096 g/s.

Page 57 of 186
143. Manganese and its compounds
Mbi = 1 · 0,92 · (1 - 15 / 100) · 10-3 = 0,000782 kg/hr;
M = 1200 · 0,92 · (1 - 15 / 100) · 0,4 · 10-6 = 0,0003754 t/a;
G = 103 · 0,000782 · 0,4 / 3600 = 0,0000869 g/s.
301. 301. Nitrogen dioxide
Mbi = 1 · 1,2 · (1 - 15 / 100) · 10-3 = 0,00102 kg/hr;
M = 1200 · 1,2 · (1 - 15 / 100) · 1 · 10-6 = 0,001224 t/a;
G = 103 · 0,00102 · 1 / 3600 = 0,0002833 g/s.
304. Nitric oxide
Mbi = 1 · 0,195 · (1 - 15 / 100) · 10-3 = 0,0001658 kg/hr;
M = 1200 · 0,195 · (1 - 15 / 100) · 1 · 10-6 = 0,0001989 t/a;
G = 103 · 0,0001658 · 1 / 3600 = 0,000046 g/s.
337. Carbon oxide
Mbi = 1 · 13,3 · (1 - 15 / 100) · 10-3 = 0,011305 kg/hr;
M = 1200 · 13,3 · (1 - 15 / 100) · 1 · 10-6 = 0,013566 t/a;
G = 103 · 0,011305 · 1 / 3600 = 0,0031403 g/s.
342. Gaseous fluorides
Mbi = 1 · 0,75 · (1 - 15 / 100) · 10-3 = 0,0006375 kg/hr;
M = 1200 · 0,75 · (1 - 15 / 100) · 1 · 10-6 = 0,000765 t/a;
G = 103 · 0,0006375 · 1 / 3600 = 0,0001771 g/s.
344. Hardly soluble fluorides
Mbi = 1 · 3,3 · (1 - 15 / 100) · 10-3 = 0,002805 kg/hr;
M = 1200 · 3,3 · (1 - 15 / 100) · 0,4 · 10-6 = 0,0013464 t/a;
G = 103 · 0,002805 · 0,4 / 3600 = 0,0003117 g/s.
2908. Inorganic dust ( 70-20% SiO2)
Mbi = 1 · 1,4 · (1 - 15 / 100) · 10-3 = 0,00119 kg/hr;
M = 1200 · 1,4 · (1 - 15 / 100) · 0,4 · 10-6 = 0,0005712 t/a;
G = 103 · 0,00119 · 0,4 / 3600 = 0,0001322 g/s. Emission from Diesel Generator

In process of stationary diesel-generator operation, harmful (pollutants) substances are allotted in the
exhaust gasses into the air.
Diesel-generator device data is used for maximum one-time emission calculation, in accordance with the
technical documentation (operating capacity) and annual fuel cost – for annual emission calculation.
Calculation of emission of the pollutant substances is performed in accordance with [7]. Quantitative
and qualitative characteristics of emission of the polluted substances is given in Table

Pollutants Maximum single

Annual emission, t/y
Code Name emission, g/s
301 Nitrogen Dioxide (nitrogen (IV) oxide) 0,0457778 0,2064
304 Nitrogen (II) oxide 0,0074389 0,03354
328 Particulate 0,0027778 0,012855
330 Sulfur dioxide 0,0152778 0,0675

Page 58 of 186
Pollutants Maximum single
Annual emission, t/y
Code Name emission, g/s
337 Carbon oxide 0,05 0,225
703 Benz(a)piren 0,0000001 0,0000002
1325 Formaldehyde 0,0005972 0,002565
2732 Fraction of hydrocarbons kerosene 0,0142917 0,06429

Initial data for calculation of emission of the pollutant substances is given in Table

Fuel consumption,

Specific cost,


Group А. Manufacturer: EU countries, USA, Japan. Small

capacity, (Ne < 73, 6 kW; n = 1000-3000 turn/min). 50 15 250
Before repair.

Calculation of maximum emission of the i-type pollutant substances in air from stationary diesel-
generator is given below:
Mi = (1 / 3600) · eMi · PЭ, g/sec;
eMi - i-type emission of pollutant substances from diesel generators in nominal regime conditions,
PЭ - Diesel generator operation capacity, kW.
(1 / 3600) – Recalculation coefficient from hour to seconds.
Maximum annual emission of i-type pollutant substance from diesel generator is determined with the
WЭi = (1 / 1000) · qЭi · GT, t/year (1.1.2)
qЭi - i-type emission of pollutant substances from diesel generators on 1 kg fuel calculation, g/kg;
GT - diesel generator annual fuel consumption, t/y;
(1 / 1000) – Recalculation coefficient from kg to tone.
Flow of exhaust gases from diesel generator is determined with the formula:
GОГ = 8,72 · 10-6 · bЭ · PЭ, kg/sec; (1.1.3)
bЭ - Fuel specific cost on operation regime, g/kW*hr.
Volumetric flow of exhaust gases from diesel generator is determined with the formula:

QОГ = GОГ / γОГ, m3/sec (1.1.4)


Page 59 of 186
γОГ – Exhaust gas specific weight is determined with the formula:
γОГ = γОГ( t=0°C) / (1 + TОГ / 273), kg/m³ (1.1.5)
γОГ( t=0°C) - Specific weight of exhaust gases on 0°С, γОГ(t=0°C) = 1,31kg/m³ ;
TОГ - Temperature of exhaust gases, К.

Calculation of maximum one-time and annual emission of the pollutant substances in air is given below:

Nitrogen Dioxide (nitrogen (IV) oxide)

M = (1 / 3600) · 3,296 · 50 = 0,0457778 g/sec;
WЭ = (1 / 1000) · 13,76 · 15 = 0,2064 t/year;
Nitric oxide (nitrogen (II) oxide)
M = (1 / 3600) · 0,5356 · 50 = 0,0074389 g/sec;
WЭ = (1 / 1000) · 2,236 · 15 = 0,03354 t/year;
M = (1 / 3600) · 0,2 · 50 = 0,0027778 g/sec;
WЭ = (1 / 1000) · 0,857 · 15 = 0,012855 t/year;
Sulfur dioxide
M = (1 / 3600) · 1,1 · 50 = 0,0152778 g/sec;
WЭ = (1 / 1000) · 4,5 · 15 = 0,0675 t/year;
Carbon oxide
M = (1 / 3600) · 3,6 · 50 = 0,05 g/sec;
WЭ = (1 / 1000) · 15 · 15 = 0,225 t/year;
M = (1 / 3600) · 0,0000037 · 50 = 0,0000001 g/sec;
WЭ = (1 / 1000) · 0,000016 · 15 = 0,0000002 t/year;
M = ((1 / 3600) · 0,043 · 50 = 0,0005972 g/sec;
WЭ = (1 / 1000) · 0,171 · 15 = 0,002565 t/year;
Fraction of hydrocarbons kerosene
M = (1 / 3600) · 1,029 · 50 = 0,0142917 g/sec;
WЭ = (1 / 1000) · 4,286 · 15 = 0,06429 t/year;
Volumetric flow of exhaust gases are given below.
GОГ = 8,72 · 10-6 · 250 · 50 = 0,109 kg/sec.
- Up to 5 meters height, TОГ = 723 K (450 °С):
γОГ = 1,31 / (1 + 723 / 273) = 0,359066 kg/m3
QОГ = 0,109 / 0,359066 = 0,3036 m3/sec

Page 60 of 186 Emission from Diesel Fuel Tank
Ambient air pollution source is a breathing valve of the tank while conserving (small breathe) the oil
product and when loading (big breathe). Climate zone – 3.
The calculation of emission of the pollutant substances is performed in accordance with [8]. Quantitative
and qualitative characteristics of emission of the polluted substances are given in Table

Pollutants Maximum single Annual emission, t/y

Code Title emission, g/s Code
333 Dihydrogen sulphide (Hydrogen Sulphide) 0,000055 0,00001
2754 Alkanes C12-C19 0,0195 0,0038
(Saturated hydrocarbons C12-C19)

Initial data for emission calculation is given in Table


Amount per year, Pump Tank Simult

Product t/y Tank Design capacity, capacity, aneou
of tanks
Baut-win B sum-spr m3/hr m3 sness
Diesel fuel. Group A. 150 150 Surface vertical. Operation 20 50 4 +
Fluid temperature is regime – “measuring”. No
close to the ambient emission limiting system.
air temperature

Obtained provisional marking, calculation formulas, calculating parameters and their explanations are
given below.

Oil product vapor maximum emission is calculated with the formula:

M = (C1 · Kmaxp · Vmaxч) / 3600, g/s;
Oil product vapor annual emission is calculated with the formula:
G = (У2 · Воз + У3 · Ввл) · Kmaxp · 10-6 + Gхр · Kнп · N, t/a.
У2,У3 – Average specific emission diesel fuel tank during a year for autumn-winter and spring-summer
periods g/t is obtained according to Annex 12.
Bоз,Bвл – Liquid amount to be loaded in diesel fuel tanks in autumn-winter and spring-summer periods, t.
Kmaxp - Coefficient as a result of test is obtained according to Annex 8.
Gxp - Oil product vapor emission while keeping per tank, t/y ; obtained according to Annex 13.
Kнп - Coefficient as a result of test, obtained according to Annex 12.
N – Number of tanks.

Calculation of maximum one-time and annual emission of the pollutant substances in air is given below:
Diesel fuel
M = 3,92 · 0,9 · 20 / 3600 = 0,0196 g/s;
G = (2,36 · 150 + 3,15 · 150) · 0,9 · 10-6 + 0,27 · 0,0029 · 4 = 0,0038759 t/a;
333 Dihydrogen sulphide (Hydrogen Sulphide)

Page 61 of 186
M = 0,0196 · 0,0028 = 0,0000549 g/s;
G = 0,0038759 · 0,0028 = 0,0000109 t/a;
2754 Alkanes C12-C19 (Saturated hydrocarbons C12-C19)
M = 0,0196 · 0,9972 = 0,0195451 g/s;
G = 0,0038759 · 0,9972 = 0,003865 t/a; Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Harmful Substances in Ambient Air

Emission of harmful substances is expected during the operational phase of the plant. The maximum
single and daily average maximum permissible concentrations are given in Table
Table Maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in ambient air
Maximum permissible concentrations
№ Harmful substances Code mg/m3
Maximum single Maximum daily
1 Nitrogen dioxide 0301 0,2 0,04
2 Nitrogen oxide 0304 0,4 0,06
3 Particulate 0328 0,15 0,05
4 Sulfur dioxide 0330 0,5 0,05
5 Hydrogen Sulfide 0333 0,008 -
6 Carbon monoxide 0337 5,0 3,0
12 Benz(a)piren 0703 - 0,000001
13 Hydrocarbon oil fraction 2732 1,2 -
14 Formaldehyde 1325 0,035 0,003
15 Saturated hydrocarbons C12-C19 2754 1,0 -
16 Dust: 70-20% SiO2 2908 0,3 0,1
17 Dust: <70-20% SiO2 2909 0,5 0,15 Conclusion
Based on the requirements of the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia,
areas where there are resort areas, hospitals, outpatient facilities, etc., MPC accepted 20% more stringent
(MPL 0.8) than the norm is adopted.
The calculations showed that ambient air pollutants emitted by pollution sources during the
construction phase do not exceed maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances. MACs
will not be exceeded in standardized area of 500 meters as well. Operation Phase

Usually, degradation of organic matter in the wastewater treatment process is accompanied by a large
amount of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) emissions, which is the source of foul odor spread. Hydrogen sulfide is
generated mainly during anaerobic treatment of wastewater. Emissions of harmful substances during the
operation of the treatment plant are calculated in the following Paragraph.

Page 62 of 186 Calculation of Harmful Substances Emitted in Ambient Air
Ambient air pollution is expected due to the technological processes of Kutaisi wastewater treatment
plant. Pollutants will be emitted into the ambient air from water surface and during its evaporation.
These emissions are stationary sources of air pollution.
Emission sources are: Intake chamber, aerobic sand filter, primary settler (with pumping station), air
tank, final settling tank (sludge tank), primary thickener (secondary settler), primary mechanical
thickener (sludge compressor), sludge storage, sediment compressor (dehydration of sludge). (g-1).
The calculation is performed in accordance with [2, 3, 9].
Calculation of maximum emission of the i-type pollutant substances in air is given below:
Micc = MiB + Mis, g/sec
MiB - i-type emission of pollutant substances, emitted in a time unit as a result of evaporation from the
surface of the device (g/sec).
Mis - i-type emission of pollutant substances, emitted in a time unit from separate aerobic device (g/sec).
MiB = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+U) * F * Ci * K2 / m 0,5 * (tж +273) g/s
U - wind speed m/sec;
F – total surface area of separate device m2;
FО - the area of open surface of separate device m2;
К2 - coefficient, depending on the device covered surface ratio F0/F, which is obtained according to
the Table;
Ci - concentration in saturated vapor of i-type emission of pollutant substances (mg/m3)
(Ci - in case of concentration absence, it is possible to calculate it)
Ci = 120 * (mi * ni /273 + tж) * 10A-B/(c+t)
ni - volumetric share of pollutant substances in water that should be treated;
A,B,C – Constants for the Antoine Equation;
mi - Relative molecular mass of i-type pollutant substances is given in Annex [10];
tж - Waste water temperature,°С, average temperature of the flow 18 °С.

Mis = 0.001 ∙ Qj∙ Сi, g/sec.

QJ - Aeration air flow of purifying water for separate j-type devices (m3/sec);

The total volume of i-type pollutant substances that are emitted annually from separate devices, are
calculated according to the following formula:
Micannual = 0,0036 * M * t , t/a.
t - annual operation time of the device, hr.
Coefficient of the covered surface of the device - К2 – is determined by the ratio - F0/F , Where F-is the
total surface area of each device, while F0 – is open surface area of separate device.

Page 63 of 186

F0/F 0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 0,5 0,8 >0,8

К2 0 0,01 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,6 1,0
Intermediate value of coefficient К2 for F0/F is determined according to the following formula:

Interval Interpolarised formula К2

FO/F<= 0,0001 0
0,0001<FO/F<=0,01 10 × FO/F
0,01<FO/F<=0,1 (FO/F + 0,08) / 0,9
0,1<FO/F<=0,5 0,25 × FO/F + 0,175
0,5 < FO/F <= 0,8 FO/F – 0,2
FO/F > 0,8 1

Table Design parameters of pollutants emission

Constants for the Antoine Equation

Name Molecular mass
Nitrogen dioxide 46,01 20,5324 4141,29 3,65
Ammonia 17,03 16,9481 2132,50 -32,98
Hydrogen sulphide 34,08 16,1040 1768,69 -26,06
Carbon oxide 28,01 14,3686 530,22 -34,44
Methane 16,03 15,2243 897,84 -7,16
Methyl mercaptan 48,11 16,1909 2338,38 -34,44
Ethyl mercaptan 62,13 16,0077 2497,23 -41,77

Concentration of pollutants in the saturated vapor (mg / m3) in aerobic treatment facilities are given in










№ Name of device

1 Intake chamber 0,0032 0,022 0,0000021 0,0000037 0,069 0,0036 1,25

2 Aerobic sand filter 0,0014 0,014 0,0000013 0,0000027 0,065 0,0038 0,19
Primary settler - with
3 0,0012 0,01 0,0000015 0,0000027 0,068 0,0037 0,14
pumping station
4 Air tank 0,0012 0,011 0,0000011 0,0000027 0,06 0,0038 0,17

Final settling tank - sludge

5 0,0022 0,018 0,0000014 0,0000028 0,068 0,0039 2,04

Primary thickener -
6 0,0011 0,01 0,0000011 0,0000027 0,061 0,0035 0,15
secondary settler
Primary mechanical
7 thickener - sludge 0,0014 0,015 0,0000015 0,0000031 0,068 0,0035 0,33
8 Sludge storage 0,0010 0,01 0,0000013 0,0000027 0,060 0,0038 0,15

Page 64 of 186
Sediment compressor -
9 0,0025 0,017 0,0000016 0,0000034 0,068 0,0032 2,13
dehydration of sludge Calculation of Emissions

Calculation of emission from intake chamber: 1
M301 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 150 * 0,0036 * 1 / 46,01 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00000813 g/s
M301 = 0.00000813 g/s * 3600 s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.00026 t/a

M303 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 150 * 0,022 * 1 / 17,03 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0000816 g/s
M303 = 0.0000816 g/s * 3600s * 24 hr * 365 day * 10-6 = 0.002533 t/a

M333 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 150 * 0,0032 * 1 / 34,08 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00000839 g/s
M333 = 0.00000839 g/s * 3600s * 24 hr * 365 day * 10-6 = 0.0002645 t/a

M337 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 150* 0,069 * 1 / 28,01 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0001996 g/s
M337 = 0.0001996 g/s * 3600s * 24 hr * 365 day * 10-6 = 0.0062945 t/a

M410 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 150 * 1.25 * 1 / 16,03 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0047798 g/s
M410 = 0.0047798 g/s * 3600s * 24 hr * 365 day * 10-6 = 0.150735 t/a

M1715 = 5,47 * 10-8 *(1,312+5,1)* 150 * 0,0000037 * 1 / 48,110,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00000000816 g/s
M1715 = 0.00000000816 g/s * 3600s * 24 hr * 365 day * 10-6 = 0.0000002573 t/a

M1728 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 150 * 0,0000021 * 1 / 62,13 0,5 *(18 +273) = 0.00000000407 g/s
M1728 = 0.00000000407 g/s * 3600s * 24 hr * 365 day * 10-6 = 0.000000128 t/a
Calculation of emission from aerobic sand filter: 2
M301 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 60 * 0,0038 * 1 / 46,01 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00000343 g/s
M301 = 0.00000343 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365 day * 10-6 = 0.0001081 t/a

M303 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 60 * 0,014* 1 / 17,03 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0000207 g/s
M303 = 0.0000207 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365 day * 10-6 = 0.0006527 t/a

M333 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 60 * 0.0014 * 1 / 34,08 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00000146 g/s
M333 = 0.00000146 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365 day * 10-6 = 0.00004604 t/a

M337 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 60 * 0,065 * 1 / 28,01 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0000752 g/s
M337 = 0.0000752 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365 day * 10-6 = 0.002371 t/a

M410 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 60 * 0.19 * 1 / 16,03 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0002906 g/s
M410 = 0.0002906 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365 day * 10-6 = 0.009164 t/a

M1715 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 60 * 0,0000027* 1/48,110,5 *(18 +273) = 0.00000000238 g/s
M1715 = 0.00000000238 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365 day * 10-6 = 0.000000075 t/a

M1728 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 60 * 0,0000013 * 1/62,130,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00000000101 g/s
M1728 = 0.00000000101 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365 day * 10-6 = 0.0000000318 t/a

Page 65 of 186
Calculation of emission from primary settler with pumping station: 3
M301 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 300 * 0,0037 * 1 / 46,01 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0000167 g/s
M301 = 0.0000167 g/s * 3600s* 24hr * 365fay * 10-6 = 0.000526 t/a

M303 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 300 * 0,01* 1 / 17,03 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0000742 g/s
M303 = 0.0000742 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.002339 t/a

M333 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 300 * 0,0012 * 1 / 34,08 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00000629 g/s
M333 = 0.00000629 g/s * 3600s * 24hr* 365day * 10-6 = 0.0001983 t/a

M337 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 300 * 0,068 * 1 / 28,01 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0003934 g/s
M337 = 0.0003934 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.012406 t/a

M410 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 88,0 * 0.14 * 1 / 16,03 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00107 g/s
M410 = 0.00107 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.03374 t/a

M1715 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 300 * 0,0000027 * 1/48,110,5 *(18 +273) = 0.0000000119 g/s
M1715 = 0.0000000119 g/s * 3600s* 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.000000375 t/a

M1728 = 5,47 * 10-8 *(1,312+5,1) * 300 * 0,0000015 * 1/62,130,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00000000582 g/s
M1728 = 0.00000000582 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.000000183 t/a

Calculation of emission from air tank: 4

MiB 301 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 2880 * 0,0038 * 1 / 46,01 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.000165 g/s
Mis 301 = 0,001 * 7.85 * 0,0038 = 0.00002983 g/s
Micc = 0.000165 + 0.00002983 = 0.000195 g/s
M301 = 0.000195 g/s * 3600s * 24hr* 365day* 10-6 = 0.00615 t/a

M303 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 2880 * 0,011 * 1 / 17,03 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.000783531 g/s
Mis 303 = 0,001 * 7.85 * 0,011 = 0.00008635 g/s
Micc = 0.000783531 + 0.00008635 = 0.000682 g/s
M303 = 0.000682 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.027184 t/a

M333 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 2880 * 0,0012 * 1 / 34,08 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0000604 g/s
Mis 333 = 0,001 * 7.85 * 0,0012 = 0.00000942 g/s
Micc = 0.0000604 + 0.00000942 = 0.00006982 g/s
M333 = 0.00006982 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.002202 t/a

M337 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 2880 * 0,06 * 1 / 28,01 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.003332 g/s
Mis 337 = 0,001 * 7,85 * 0,06 = 0.000471 g/s
Micc = 0.003332 + 0.000471 = 0.003803 g/s
M337 = 0.003803 g/s * 3600s * 24hr* 365day * 10-6 = 0.119931 t/a

M410 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 2880 * 0.17 * 1 / 16,03 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.012481g/s
Mis 410 = 0,001 * 7.85 * 0.17 = 0.001334 g/s.
Micc = 0.012481 + 0.001334 = 0.013815 g/s
M410 = 0.013815 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.43567 t/a

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M1715 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 2880 * 0,0000027 * 1/48,110,5 *(18 +273) = 0.000000114 g/s
Mis 1715 = 0,001 * 7.85* 0,0000027 = 0.0000000212 g/s
Micc = 0.000000114 + 0.0000000212 = 0.000000135 g/s
M1715 = 0.000000135 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.00000425 t/a

M1728 = 5,47 * 10-8 *(1,312+5,1) * 2880 * 0,0000011 * 1/62,130,5 * (18 +273) = 0.000000041 g/s
Mis 1728 = 0,001 * 7.85 * 0,0000011 = 0.0000000086 g/s
Micc = 0.000000041 + 0.0000000086 = 0.000000049 g/s
M1728 = 0.000000049 g/s * 3600s* 24hr* 365day * 10-6 = 0.00000154 t/a

Calculation of emission from final settling tank - sludge tank: 5

M301 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 1430 * 0,0039 * 1 / 46,01 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0000839 g/s
M301 = 0.0000839 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.002645 t/a

M303 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 1430 * 0,018 * 1 / 17,03 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.000636 g/s
M303 = 0.000636 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.020056 t/a

M333 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 1430 * 0,0022 * 1 / 34,08 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.000055 g/s
M333 =0.000055 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.001734 t/a

M337 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 1430 * 0,068 * 1 / 28,01 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.001875 g/s
M337 = 0.001875 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.05913 t/a

M410 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 1430 * 2,04* 1 / 16,03 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.074367 g/s
M410 = 0.074367 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 2.34523 t/a

M1715 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 1430 * 0,0000028 * 1/48,110,5 *(18 +273) = 0.0000000589 g/s
M1715 = 0.0000000589 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.00000185 t/a

M1728 = 5,47 * 10-8 *(1,312+5,1)* 1430 * 0,0000014 * 1/62,130,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0000000259 g/s
M1728 = 0.0000000259 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.000000816 t/a

Calculation of emission from primary thickener - secondary settler: 6

M301 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 65 * 0,0035 * 1 / 46,01 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00000342 g/s
M301 = 0.0000753 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.000107 t/a

M303 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 65 * 0,01 * 1 / 17,03 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0000016 g/s
M303 = 0.0000016 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day* 10-6 = 0.0000504 t/a

M333 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 65 * 0,0011 * 1 / 34,08 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00000125 g/s
M333 = 0.00000125 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.0000394 t/a

M337 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 65 * 0,061 * 1 / 28,01 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0000764 g/s
M337 = 0.0000764 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day* 10-6 = 0.002409 t/a

M410 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 65 * 0.15 * 1 / 16,03 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0002485 g/s
M410 = 0.0002485 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.007837 t/a

Page 67 of 186
M1715 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 65 * 0,0000027 * 1/48,110,5 *(18 +273) = 0.00000000258 g/s
M1715 = 0.00000000258 g/s * 3600s* 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.0000000813 t/a

M1728 = 5,47 *10-8 *(1,312+5,1)* 65 * 0,0000011 * 1/62,130,5 * (18 +273) = 0.000000000925 g/s
M1728 = 0.000000000925 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.0000000291 t/a

Calculation of emission from primary mechanical thickener - sludge compressor: 7

M301 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 108 * 0,0035 * 1 / 46,01 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00000568 g/s
M301 = 0.00000568 g/s * 3600s * 24hr* 365day * 10-6 = 0.0001791 t/a

M303 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 108 * 0,015 * 1 / 17,03 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00004 g/s
M303 = 0.000004 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day* 10-6 = 0.00126 t/a

M333 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 108 * 0,0014 * 1 / 34,08 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00000264 g/s
M333 = 0.00000264 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day* 10-6 = 0.00008325 t/a

M337 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 108 * 0,068* 1 / 28,01 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0001416 g/s
M337 = 0.0001416 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.004465 t/a

M410 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 108 * 0,33 * 1 / 16,03 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.000908 g/s
M410 = 0.000908 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.028634 t/a

M1715 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 108 * 0,0000031 * 1/48,110,5 *(18 +273) = 0.00000000492 g/s
M1715 = 0.00000000492 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.000000155 t/a

M1728 = 5,47 * 10-8 *(1,312+5,1) * 108 * 0,0000015 * 1/62,130,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00000000209 g/s
M1728 = 0.00000000209 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day* 10-6 = 0.0000000659 t/a

Calculation of emission from sludge tank: 8

M301 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 65 * 0,0038 * 1 / 46,01 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.000003716 g/s
M301 = 0.000003716 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.000117 t/a

M303 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 65 * 0,01 * 1 / 17,03 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.000016 g/s
M303 = 0.000016 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.000504 t/a

M333 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 65 * 0,0010 * 1 / 34,08 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00000113 g/s
M333 = 0.00000113 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.0000356 t/a

M337 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 65 * 0,060 * 1 / 28,01 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0000752 g/s
M337 = 0.0000752 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.002371 t/a

M410 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 65 * 0.15 * 1 / 16,03 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0002485 g/s
M410 = 0.0002485 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.007837 t/a

M1715 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 65 * 0,0000027 * 1/48,110,5 *(18 +273) = 0.00000000258 g/s
M1715 = 0.00000000258 g/s * 3600s * 24hr* 365day * 10-6 = 0.0000000813 t/a

Page 68 of 186
M1728 = 5,47 * 10-8 *(1,312+5,1)* 65 * 0,0000013 * 1/62,130,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00000000109 g/s
M1728 = 0.00000000109 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.0000000343 t/a

Calculation of emission from sediment compressor - dehydration of sludge: 9

M301 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 106 * 0,0032 * 1 / 46,01 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0000051 g/s
M301 = 0.000003716 g/s * 3600s * 24hr* 365dat * 10-6 = 0.0001608 t/a

M303 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 106 * 0,017 * 1 / 17,03 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.0000445 g/s
M303 = 0.0000445 g/s * 3600s * 24hr* 365day * 10-6 = 0.001403 t/a

M333 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 106 * 0,0025 * 1 / 34,08 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00000463 g/s
M333 = 0.00000463 g/s * 3600s* 24hr * 365day* 10-6 = 0.00014601 t/a

M337 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 106 * 0,068 * 1 / 28,01 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.000139 g/s
M337 = 0.000139 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.004383 t/a

M410 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 106 * 2,13 * 1 / 16,03 0,5 * (18 +273) = 0.005755 g/s
M410 = 0.005755 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.18148 t/a

M1715 = 5,47 * 10-8 * (1,312+5,1) * 106 * 0,0000034 * 1/48,110,5 *(18 +273) = 0.0000000053 g/s
M1715 = 0.0000000053 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.000000167 t/a

M1728 = 5,47 * 10-8 *(1,312+5,1) * 106 * 0,0000016 * 1/62,130,5 * (18 +273) = 0.00000000219 g/s
M1728 = 0.00000000219 g/s * 3600s * 24hr * 365day * 10-6 = 0.000000069 t/a

Total Emission of Pollutants:

Max. Single Total emission,
emission, g/sec t/a
Nitrogen dioxide
0,000325076 0,010253
Ammonia 0,001596 0,0559821
Hydrogen sulphide 0,0001506 0,0047491
Carbon oxide
0,0067784 0,2137605
Methane 0,101482 3,200327
Methyl mercaptan 0,000000231 0,00000729
Ethyl mercaptan 0,000000092 0,00000289

Page 69 of 186 Parameters of Atmospheric Emissions
Parameters of atmospheric emissions are given in Tables
Table Characterization of sources of emissions of harmful substances
Volume of
Source of emission of harmful substances Source of generation of harmful substances Harmful substances
Name of the harmful
station, device or Number of substances
site #* Name Number #* Name Number working days Name Code emitted from a
working time
in a year source, t/a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nitrogen dioxide 301 0,00026
Ammonia 303 0,002533
Hydrogen sulphide 333 0,0002645
1 Intake chamber 150m2 7 24 8760 Carbon oxide 337 0,0062945
Methane 410 0,150735
Methyl mercaptan 1715 0,0000002573
Ethyl mercaptan 1728 0,000000128
Nitrogen dioxide 301 0,0001081
Ammonia 303 0,0006527
2 Aerobic sand filter 60 m2 7 24 8760 Hydrogen sulphide 333 0,00004604
Carbon oxide 337 0,002371
Methane 410 0,009164
Methyl mercaptan 1715 0,000000075
Ethyl mercaptan 1728 0,0000000318
wastewater Unorganized
1 Nitrogen dioxide 301 0,000526
treatment system გ-1
1 Ammonia 303 0,002339
Hydrogen sulphide 333 0,0001983
Primary settler with
3 7 24 8760 Carbon oxide 337 0,012406
pumping station 300m2
Methane 410 0,03374
Methyl mercaptan 1715 0,000000375
Ethyl mercaptan 1728 0,000000183
Nitrogen dioxide 301 0,00615
Ammonia 303 0,027184
Hydrogen sulphide 333 0,002202
4 Air tank 2880 m2 7 24 8760 Carbon oxide 337 0,119931
Methane 410 0,43567
Methyl mercaptan 1715 0,00000425
Ethyl mercaptan 1728 0,00000154
ჩამდინარე არაორგანიზებუ Nitrogen dioxide 301 0,002645
Final settling tank
წყლის ლი 5 7 24 8760 Ammonia 303 0,020056
(sludge tank) 1430 m2
აერაციული Hydrogen sulphide 333 0,001734

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სადგური Carbon oxide 337 0,05913
Methane 410 2,34523
Methyl mercaptan 1715 0,00000185
Ethyl mercaptan 1728 0,000000816
Nitrogen dioxide 301 0,000107
Ammonia 303 0,0000504
Hydrogen sulphide 333 0,0000394
Primary thickener
6 7 24 8760 Carbon oxide 337 0,002409
(secondary settler) 65 m2
Methane 410 0,007837
Methyl mercaptan 1715 0,0000000813
Ethyl mercaptan 1728 0,0000000291
Nitrogen dioxide 301 0,0001791
Ammonia 303 0,00126
Primary mechanical Hydrogen sulphide 333 0,00008325
7 thickener (sludge 7 24 8760 Carbon oxide 337 0,004465
compressor) 108 m2 Methane 410 0,028634
Methyl mercaptan 1715 0,000000155
Ethyl mercaptan 1728 0,0000000659
Nitrogen dioxide 301 0,000117
Ammonia 303 0,000504
Hydrogen sulphide 333 0,0000356
8 Sludge storage 65m2 7 24 8760 Carbon oxide 337 0,002371
Methane 410 0,007837
Methyl mercaptan 1715 0,0000000813
Ethyl mercaptan 1728 0,0000000343
Nitrogen dioxide 301 0,0001608
Ammonia 303 0,001403
sediment compressor Hydrogen sulphide 333 0,00014601
9 (dehydration of 7 24 8760 Carbon oxide 337 0,004383
sludge)106m2 Methane 410 0,18148
Methyl mercaptan 1715 0,000000167
Ethyl mercaptan 1728 0,000000069

Page 71 of 186
Table Description of sources of emissions of harmful substances

Coordinates of emission sources in coordinate

Parameters of dust/gas/air mixture near the system of the facility, m
Parameters of emission sources Code of Volume of emitted harmful substances
outlet of the emission sources
# of emission harmful Point
Linear source
sources substanc source
Diameter or es First end Second end
Velocity, volume, Temperature
Height dimension of g/s t/a X Y
m/sec m3/sec , t0 C X1 Y1 X2 Y2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
301 0,000325076 0,010253
303 0,001596 0,0559821
333 0,0001506 0,0047491
გ-1 2 - - - 18 337 0,0067784 0,2137605 - - 49,0 45,0 133,0 5,0
410 0,101482 3,200327
1715 0,000000231 0,00000729
1728 0,000000092 0,00000289

Table Description of air filter and dust collector

Quality of purification of air

Harmful substance Air filter and dust collector Concentration of harmful substances, g/m3
filter and dust collector, %
# of source of generation # of source of Code Name Number, unit Prior to the treatment After the Design Actual
of harmful substances emission of treatment
harmful substances
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Air filter and dust collector are not considered in technological cycle

Page 72 of 186
Table Atmospheric emissions, their treatment and utilization

Harmful substance Including Trapped % of

Volume of trapped
harmful Total volume of emissions
substances Emitted without treatment emissions compared
emitted from Passed the (column 3- to emitted
From Utilized
Code Name sources (column treatment Total column 7) (column 7/
organized Total
4 column 6) Total facility column.3)X
sources 100
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
301 Nitrogen dioxide 0,010253 0,010253 - - - - 0,010253 0,00
303 Ammonia 0,0559821 0,0559821 - - - - 0,0559821 0,00
333 Hydrogen sulphide 0,0047491 0,0047491 - - - - 0,0047491 0,00
337 Carbon oxide 0,2137605 0,2137605 - - - - 0,2137605 0,00
410 Methane 3,200327 3,200327 - - - - 3,200327 0,00
1715 Methyl mercaptan 0,00000729 0,00000729 - - - - 0,00000729 0,00
1728 Ethyl mercaptan 0,00000289 0,00000289 - - - - 0,00000289 0,00

Page 73 of 186 Calculation of Atmospheric Emissions
Based on the visual audit, there are no stationary sources of air pollution within or in the vicinity of the
project area. Therefore, recommendations provided in Article 5 Paragraph 8 of the № 408 Decree of the
Government of Georgia (on the approval of technical regulations for calculating standards of permissible
discharges of harmful substances in the ambient air) should be considered during the assessment of
atmospheric ambient air pollution within the project area.

Based on the number of population, background values equal to zero. According to the Table 4.2.1 of the
EIA, population of Kutaisi and its adjacent settlements by 2020 will be 75 000 people.
As the distance between the project area and the nearest settlement is 0.29 km (control point № 7) to the
East and 0.25 km (control point № 6) to the West direction, modeling [11] the spread of hazardous
substances performed with regard to the control points (N 1,2,3,4) located in 500 m standardized zone
from additional sources.
Proposed rectangle - 1800 * 1400 meter, increment – 100m. Geometric center of the treatment plant is
considered to be the source of coordinates.
Reference points
№ Coordinates (m) Height Type of the control point Comment
1 48,00 607,00 2 On the border of 500 meters zone To the North
2 653,00 -16,00 2 On the border of 500 meters zone To the East
3 -10,00 -572,00 2 On the border of 500 meters zone To the South
4 -493,00 64,00 2 On the border of 500 meters zone To the West
Control point on the border of the Residential house to the East
6 391,00 7,00 2
populated area
Control point on the border of the Residential house to the West
7 -331,00 -57,00 2
populated area

7 individual substances were included in emission calculation. MPC criteria are adopted according to [5].
Baseline pollution is included in calculation according to [4]. Results and Analysis of Calculated Emissions

The summary table shows the maximum concentrations of contaminants within control points according to

MPC of harmful substances from the object

Name of harmful substances On the border of the nearest On the border of the
settlement nearest settlement
1 2 3
Nitrogen dioxide 0,04 0,05
Ammonia 0,0058 0,0026
Hydrogen sulphide 0,01 0,0,0061
Carbon oxide 0,1 0,1
Methane 0,0015 0,00066
Methyl mercaptan 0,0017 0,00073
Ethyl mercaptan 0,0013 0,0006

Page 74 of 186
Calculation results shows that during the operation of the treatment plant, air quality of the adjacent
areas on the borders of 500 meters radius and residential zone will not exceed the limits prescribed by
the law, namely: Concentration of pollutants in the 500 meters radius and near the residential zone is
equal or less than 0.1 MPC. Therefore, the operation of the plant will not cause the deterioration of air
quality. Emissions can be classified as maximum allowable emission.
Print version of emission calculations is given in Annex 2. List of References Used in Calculations

1. საქართველოს კანონი „გარემოზე ზემოქმედების ნებართვის შესახებ“.
2. საქართველოს კანონი „ატმოსფერული ჰაერის დაცვის შესახებ“.
3. საქართველოს მთავრობის 2014 წლის 6 იანვრის დადგენილება № 42 „ატმოსფერული
ჰაერის დაბინძურების სტაციონარული წყაროების ინვენტარიზაციის ტექნიკური
რეგლამენტის დამტკიცების შესახებ“
4. საქართველოს მთავრობის 2013 წლის 31 დეკემბრის №408 დადგენილება „ატმოსფერულ
ჰაერში მავნე ნივთიერებათა ზღვრულად დასაშვები გაფრქვევის ნორმების
გაანგარიშების ტექნიკური რეგლამენტის დამტკიცების თაობაზე“.
5. საქართველოს შრომის, ჯანმრთელობისა და სოციალური დაცვის მინისტრის 2003 წლის
24 თებერვლის ბრძანება №38/ნ «გარემოს ხარისხობრივი მდგომარეობის ნორმების
დამტკიცების შესახებ».
6. საქართველოს ეკონომიკური განვითარების მინისტრის 2008 წლის 25 აგვისტოს ბრძანება
№ 1-1/1743 „დაპროექტების ნორმების-„სამშენებლო კლიმატოლოგია“.
7. საქართველოს მთავრობის 2013 წლის 31 დეკემბრის დადგენილება № 435 „დაბინძურების
სტაციონარული წყაროებიდან ატმოსფერულ ჰაერში გაფრქვევების ფაქტობრივი
რაოდენობის განსაზღვრის ინსტრუმენტული მეთოდის, დაბინძურების სტაციონარული
წყაროებიდან ატმოსფერულ ჰაერში გაფრქვევების ფაქტობრივი რაოდენობის დამდგენი
სპეციალური გამზომ-საკონტროლო აპარატურის სტანდარტული ჩამონათვალისა და
დაბინძურების სტაციონარული წყაროებიდან ტექნოლოგიური პროცესების მიხედვით
ატმოსფერულ ჰაერში გაფრქვევების ფაქტობრივი რაოდენობის საანგარიშო მეთოდიკის
შესახებ ტექნიკური რეგლამენტის დამტკიცების თაობაზე“.
8. «Методическое пособие по расчету, нормированию и контролю выбросов загрязняющих
веществ в атмосферный воздух», СПб., 2005.
9. Методические указания по определению выбросов
загрязняющих веществ в атмосферу из резервуаров".2000 г.
10. “Расчета количества загрязняющих веществ
выделяющичся в атмосферныи воздух от неорганизованных источников загрязнения
станций аерации сточных вод “ Москва 1994 год
11. УПРЗА ЭКОЛОГ, версия 3.00 ФИРМА "ИНТЕГРАЛ" Санкт-Петербург 2001-2005 г.

6.3.3 Mitigation Measures

Mitigation measures for air pollution have been developed for the construction and operation phases.
 Construction phase:
o To ensure proper maintenance of the machinery;
o To extinguish engines or working with a minimum rotation when they are not used;
o To protect the optimal speed of the traffic (especially on earth roads);
o Maximum limited use of roads in populated areas;
o Precautionary measures (e.g. restriction of material dropping from height during the
loading and unloading);

Page 75 of 186
o To cover properly the vehicles while transporting materials from which dust is expected
to be easily spread;
o In the storage areas for such materials from which dust is expected to be easily spread, a
special pavement or watering is required in order to prevent windblown dust from
o To locate generators and other equipment away from sensitive receptors;
o Ensure personnel with an appropriate protection equipment (Respirators);
o Instruction of the personnel;
o Recording of complaints and relevant response to them.

 Operation phase
o Mitigation measures for air pollution during the repair and maintenance work are identical
of measures considered for the construction phase;
o Planting of trees within the perimeter of the project area should be considered at the
construction stage;
o In order to prevent the spread of unpleasant odor, a systematic control of a proper operation
of the plant is required;
o In case of identifying some violations during the monitoring, relevant corrective measures
should be developed and implemented. For instance: changing of operation conditions of the
plant, covering-sealing the pollution sources, if necessary, coal filters should be used for gas
purification, etc.

Page 76 of 186
6.3.4 Impact Assessment
Table Summary of impacts on ambient air quality
Residual Impact Assessment
Description of impacts and impact sources Impact receptors Probability
Nature Influence area Duration Reversibility Residual impact
of influence
Construction Phase:
Combustion products, welding aerosols and other
harmful substances emitted into ambient air
 Combustion products sources - activities requiring
construction and special machinery. These include
earth works, transportation of building materials, Medium term Low, Taking into
Construction site
construction/arrangement of infrastructural units, Direct, Medium (Depends on the account the
and adjacent Reversible
diesel generators, etc. Negative risk duration of mitigation measures
 Welding aerosols source - Installation of metal construction works - very low
Residents of nearby
 Other sources of harmful substances - Gaseous
settlements, staff,
emissions of chemical substances (fuel - lubricants,
biological environment
fuel tanks, etc.).
Medium or low,
Dust emissions
Construction site Taking into account
 Source – earth works, transportation, storage and Direct,
High risk and adjacent Medium term Reversible the mitigation
usage of bulk construction materials, movement of Negative
areas measures
equipment and vehicles, and others.
- Very low.
Construction site
Foul odor emission Direct, Medium
and adjacent Short term Reversible Very low
 Source - painting works. Negative risk
Operation phase:
Combustion products, welding aerosols and other
Construction site
harmful substances emitted into ambient air during the Direct,
Low risk and adjacent Short term Reversible Very low
maintenance works. Negative
Population, technical areas
staff, biological
Medium, Taking into
Foul odor emission environment Construction site
Direct, Medium account the
- Degradation process of organic matter in treatment and adjacent Permanent Irreversible
Negative risk mitigation measures
plant. areas
- Low.

Page 77 of 186
6.4 Noise Propagation
6.4.1 Impact Assessment Methodology
Noise levels in Georgia are regulated by normative document – sanitary norms 2.2.4/2.1.8 003/004-01
“noise in workplace, in housing, public buildings and residential areas”. The noise level should not
exceed the values set by these standards.
Table Evaluation criteria of the impacts related to the noise
Working, industrial or
Ranking Category Residential zone
commercial zone
Acoustic background will increase by less than 3 Acoustic background will
1 Very low dBA, at residential zone, during the daytime up to increase by less than 3 dBA and
<50 dBA, while during night hours up to <45 dBA up to <70 dBA
Acoustic background will increase by 3 – 5 dBA, Acoustic background will
2 Low at residential zone, during the daytime up to <55 increase by 3 – 5 dBA and up to
dBA, while during night hours up to <45 dBA <70 dBA
Acoustic background with sensitive receptors will up to <70 dBA, Acoustic
increase by 6-10 dBA, at residential zone, during background with sensitive
3 Medium
the daytime up to <55 dBA, while during night receptors will increase by 6-10
hours up to <45 dBA dBA
Acoustic background with sensitive receptors will up to >70 dBA, Acoustic
increase by more than 10 dBA, at residential zone, background with sensitive
4 High
during the daytime up to >70 dBA, while during receptors will increase by more
night hours up to <45 dBA than 10 dBA
Acoustic background with sensitive receptors will
increase by more than 10 dBA, at residential zone,
during the daytime up to <70 dBA and up to >70 dBA, accompanied by
5 Very high
accompanied by a tonal or impulsive noise, while a tonal or impulsive noise
during night hours up to <45 dBA

6.4.2 Characterization of the Impact Construction Phase
Construction of wastewater treatment plant includes intensive activities, which are likely to affect the
background noise.
Calculation of noise emissions is implemented in the following sequence:
 Determination of noise sources and their characteristics;
 Selection of reference points on the border of protected areas;
 Determination of noise direction from noise source to the reference point and calculation of
acoustic of the environmental elements, affecting the distribution of noise (natural screens,
green plantation, etc.);
 Determination of noise levels at reference points and its comparison to allowable levels of
 Determination of noise level reduction measures, if necessary.
The main sources of noise is assumed to be the machinery and transport equipment working
simultaneously in construction sites and camps, namely:
 Bulldozer, the noise level of which is 90 dBA;

Page 78 of 186
 Dump truck (85 dBA),
 Crane (92 dBA).
The reference point is the residential house to the northwest (Tkachiri village), which is 700 m away
from the projectarea.
Octave sound pressure levels in the reference point are calculated according to the following formula:

a r
L  Lp  15 lg r  10 lg Ф   10 lg ,
1000 (1)
Lр – Octave level of the noise source capacity;
Ф – noise source direction factor, non-dimensional, is determined through trial and changes from 1
to 8 (depends on spatial angle of sound radiation);
r – Distance from the source of the noise to the reference point;
 – Spatial angle of sound radiation, which will be:  = 4- when located in the space;  = 2-
when located on the surface of the area;  =  - double ribbed angle;  = /2 – triple ribbed angle;
а – Sound damping in the air (dBA/km) tabular description.

Average geometric frequencies of the octave

63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
lines, H Hz.
а dBA/km 0 0.3 1.1 2.8 5.2 9.6 25 83

Noise source levels on the noise-generating section are summarized according to the formula:
10 lg 100,1Lpi
i 1 (2)
Lрi – is i-type noise source capacity.
Following assumptions are made to perform the calculation:
1) If distance between some noise sources, located on the same site is less than distance to the
reference point, sources are combined into one group.
2) To assess the total level of noise sources combined into one group, as a distance to accounting
point was used their distance from geometric center;
3) For simplicity, the calculations are performed for the sound equivalent levels (dBA) and average
value of its octave indicator is taken as sound damping coefficient in the air βave=10.5 dBA/km;
The calculation was conducted for simultaneous operation of all the machinery-equipment on the
selected site, considering the minimum screening of the noise (worst case scenario).
By putting the data in the second formula, we will obtain the total noise level from the generation point:
10 lg 10 0,1Lpi  10lg (100,1x90+ 100,1x85+ 100,1x92)= 94,6 dBA
i 1

By putting the data in the first formula, we will obtain noise level from reference point, the nearest
Residential house. L  L  15 lg r  10 lg Ф   10 lg , 94,6 – 15*lg700+10*lg2–10.5*700/1000-10xlg2 π=39,6
1000 =
The calculation results are given in Table, where the results are compared with the permissible

Page 79 of 186
Table Noise propagation calculation results
Equivalent Noise
Distance to Equivalent Noise
Level at
Area Main Machinery the Nearest Level at Nearest Norm 1
Generation Point
Receptor [m] Receptors [dBA]
Construction o Bulldozer During the day - 55
camp and o Dump truck dBA.
94,6 700 39,6
construction o Crane During the night
site time – 45 dBA

Based on the results of calculation, noise levels will not exceed neither daytime nor nighttime.
Therefore, the risk of impact on the above mentioned receptors (nearest population) due to noise
propagation is very low.
In addition, a number of circumstances should be considered that makes it possible to conclude that the
construction activities will not cause a significant negative impact on residents. These circumstances are:
 Construction works will be conducted only in daytime;
 The main sources of noise are less likely to work simultaneously. Even then it will not be a long
lasting process;
 The vegetation between the noise sources and referance points, which will be a noise prevention
 Impacts caused by noise during the construction will be of short term.

Noise propagation will cause negative impact on construction stuff. The noise level at the construction
site may reach 95 dBA. Personnel employed on the construction (especially when working near the
equipment causing significant noise), will be equipped with safety equipment (ear-flaps).
Noise propagation may have negative impact on local wildlife as well, which will be connected to the
migration of animal species (especially birds). However, construction site and surrounding areas are not
distinguished with diversity of animal species. Animal species that are spread within this area are
adapted to the intensive activities of humans. The impact is temporary and after completion of the
construction works, the majority of species will be returned to its old habitats. Operation Phase

The main source of noise propagation during the operation of treatment plant will be electric engines of
pumping stations.
3 pumps may work simultaneously within the treatment plant area. In addition, source of noise
propagation may be electrical substation (transformer).
Based on literary sources, noise generated from pumping stations usually reach 60-90 dBA. Capacity of
the proposed transformer would not be significant and its noise level will be about 81 dBA.
According to the second formula given in previous paragraph, total maximum noise level from the
generation point will be:
10 lg 10 0,1Lpi  10lg (100,1x90+ 100,1x90+ 100,1x90+ 100,1x81)= 95 dBA.
i 1

Installations will be arranged in closed premises. Besides, noise propagation will be limited by the
infrastructure of treatment plant. Overall, the total noise level at generation point will be reduced by 25
dBA and it will be 70 dBA.

1 sanitary norms on “noise in workplace, in housing, public buildings and residential areas”.

Page 80 of 186
Obtained results are consistent with the established norms for both, the day and night hours. Therefore,
impact caused by noise propagation will not be significant.

6.4.3 Mitigation Measures

It is recommended to implement the following mitigation measures in order to minimize noise levels
during the construction phase:
 To ensure proper maintenance of the machinery;
 To implement works that cause noise during the daytime only;
 To limit implementation of noisy works simultaneously;
 Temporary barriers (screens) should to be arranged between a significant noise source and the
houses, if necessary. The screens can be arranged by using a variety of structures (e.g. shields
made from wood materials). The quality of noise protection depends on the material type and
thickness of the boards. For instance:
o Fencing by pine boards (with thickness of 30mm – 12 Dba);
o Fencing by oak boards (with thickness of 45mm - 27 Dba);
 If necessary, equip personnel with proper protective equipment;
 Frequent change of personnel that are employed for noisy works;
 Instruction of the personnel prior to the beginning of construction works and then, after every
six month;
 In case of complaints, they should be recorded and appropriate action should be taken.
Though, exceedance of noise levels near the sensitive receptors is not expected during the operation
phase, following mitigation measures will be implemented:
 High-quality pump installations will be arranged within the territory of the treatment plant.
Much less noise is generated from pumps, which are made of stainless steel or cast iron. Low-
cost pumps, which are made of thin steel sheets produce more noise;
 During the installation of pumps, noise-insulating material such as foam plastic will be used as
far as possible;
 Pumps will be arranged on vibration isolation platforms, for which thick rubber sheets can be
 If necessary, equip personnel with proper protective equipment;
 Frequent change of personnel that are employed for noisy works;
 Instruction of the personnel prior to the beginning of construction works and then, after every
six month;
 In case of complaints, they should be recorded and appropriate action should be taken.

Page 81 of 186
6.4.4 Impact Assessment
Table Summary of the noise impact
Residual Impact Assessment
Description of impacts and impact
Impact receptors Probability of
sources Nature Influence area Duration Reversibility residual impact
Construction phase:
Noise Propagation in the Air
 Noise propagation from Low or Medium.
Adjacent to the About 0.35 km radius Medium term
construction equipment and Population, project stuff, Taking into account
Direct, populated area – adjacent to (depending on the
construction operations; animals inhabiting in Reversible the mitigation
negative medium risk. Area of construction site and duration of the
 Noise caused by adjacent areas. measures
activities – high risk. construction camp. construction works)
construction/installation works; - low or very low
 Noise caused by vehicles.
Operation phase:
Noise Propagation in the Air
 Exploitation of electric engines; Population, project stuff,
Direct, They are adjacent to
 During the maintenance / repair animals inhabiting in Low risk Long term Reversible Very low
negative the treatment plant
works - used vehicles and spec. adjacent areas.

Page 82 of 186
6.5 Impact on Surface Waters
With regard to the impact on the surface waters only the risks related to the deterioration of water
quality is discussed in this document. Due to the specifics of the planned activities, impacts, such as
changes in water debit, limited movement of river sediment, violation of stability of river-bed and river
banks and so on are not discussed.

6.5.1 Impact Assessment Methodology

Table Assessment criteria of the impact on the surface waters

Ranking Category Water quality deterioration

Background concentrations of substances and water turbidity has changed

1 Very low
Concentrations of substances or water turbidity have increased by less than 50%,
2 Low
though it does not exceed MPC.
Concentrations of substances or water turbidity have increased by 50-100%,
3 Medium
though it does not exceed MPC.
Concentrations of substances or water turbidity have increased by more than
4 High
100%, or have exceeded MPC.
Concentrations of substances or water turbidity have increased by more than
5 Very high
200% and have exceeded MPC.

6.5.2 Characterization of the Impact Construction Phase
The major impact receptor during the construction works will be Vartsikhe HPP channel and Rioni
Contamination of surface water bodies during the construction phase is possible in the following
 Oil spill in case of violating the rules of their storage or the rules of construction equipment and
vehicles maintenance;
 In case of contaminated water discharge during the earth works;
 In case of discharging vehicles or equipment wash down water;
 In case of improper management of construction waste;
 In case of improper management of agricultural-fecal and storm waters, etc.
Surface water contamination risk on construction phase is considerably depended on implementation of
environmental management measures by building contractor as well as waste management and
machinery maintenance quality. Soil protection from contamination is important as well.
According to the project, industrial- fecal wastewater generated from the construction camp area will be
collected through sanitation pits. Potentially contaminating areas will be protected from atmospheric
Based on the above mentioned, impact on the surface water during the construction phase will not be

Page 83 of 186 Operation Phase
During the operation of wastewater treatment plant, purified wastewater is planned to be discharged
into one section of Rioni River. Consequently, the river water pollution risk is related to the discharging
of untreated or incompletely purified wastewater.
An effective system is proposed for biological treatment of wastewater, which, in case of protecting the
operational rules, provides standardized treatment of wastewater. Consequently, the risk of
contamination of the river water will be minimized.
Implementation of the project will have significant positive impact on the quality of Alazani River and
other surface waters of the region. At present industrial-fecal wastewaters are discharged into the above
mentioned surface waters without any treatment, which cause their pollution. In total, implementation
of the project will have highly positive impact on the quality of water bodies in region.
It should be noted that the project on “maximum permissible discharge of pollutants” from wastewater
treatment plant will be developed and submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.
Impact on water quality may occur during the maintenance works as well. The impact will depend on
the type and volume of works. Impact mitigation measure during construction works will be similar to
the expected one.

6.5.3 Mitigation Measures

Surface water pollution prevention measures during the construction phase are:
 To ensure proper maintenance of vehicles / equipment;
 Vehicles / equipment and potentially polluting materials should be located less than 50 meters
away from surface waters (where it is possible). If this is not possible, the permanent control and
safety measures should be implemented in order to prevent water pollution (especially within
the construction site);
 Prohibition of washing vehicles in river-beds;
 Management of contaminated wastewater generated from construction camps will be
implemented in accordance to the conditions determined by the project (sanitation pits will be
used, which will be cleaned timely);
 Drainage / water channels should to be arranged throughout the perimeter of potentially
polluting sites of wastewater;
 Roofing of potentially polluting sites (arrangement of sheds);
 Proper management of materials and waste;
 All potential pollutants should be removed after the completion of works;
 In case of spillage of oil/lubricants, spilled product should be localized / cleaned;
 Implementation of mitigation measures related to the protection of soil quality;
 Instruction of the staff.

Surface water pollution prevention measures during the operation phase are:
 Maximum permissible discharge of pollutants will be protected;
 Possibility of sampling the wastewater, as well as purified water prior to the discharge into the
river will be considered;
 Relevant authorities of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Georgia will be
provided with an accurate information about the volume and composition of wastewater;
 In case maximum permissible discharge of pollutants are exceeded, appropriate measures will be
taken to remedy the situation promptly (appropriate repairs and maintenance works will be
implemented). At the same time, a person in charge of environmental protection should

Page 84 of 186
immediately notify the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Georgia about the
existing situation. Information should contain the causes and preventive measures that will be
implemented in order to eliminate the problem, as well as extreme levels of accidents and
related pollution of water bodies;
 Systematic control over implementation of measures considered by the waste management plan;
 Control of the efficiency of wastewater treatment plant operation and in case of possible
malfunction implementation of appropriate corrective measures;
 Appropriate drainage system will be arranged on the perimeter of the wastewater treatment
plant. Atmospheric waters generated on sludge bed will be treated by technological process.
 Systematic supervision on fuel/oil storage and usage rules;
 In case of fuel/oil emergency spill, localization of the pollution and implementation of measures
to prevent deterioration of the surface waters;
 According to the monitoring plan, laboratory analysis of wastewater will be carried out
 Instruction of personnel on environmental and safety issues.

Page 85 of 186
6.5.4 Impact Assessment
Table Summary of the impact on surface water quality
Residual Impact Assessment
Description of impact and its sources Impact receptors Probability of
Nature Influence area Duration Reversibility residual impact
Construction phase:

Contamination of Alazani River water and related

water bodies with suspended particles, Direct. In some
hydrocarbons and other substances cases - indirect
 Source of contamination with suspended particles - (e.g. inflow of Medium risk,
Contaminated surface runoff, construction works Rioni River and Medium term Medium,
Residents of contaminated taking into
close to the river-bed; Vartsikhe HPP channel, (The impact is Taking into
nearby surface water account
 Source of contamination with hydrocarbon / section adjacent to the limited with the Reversible account the
settlements, river runoff in rivers, mitigating
Chemical Substances - due to their spillage, inflow of project area and construction mitigation
contaminated surface water runoff, or their spillage in
inhabitants. as a result of measures – low
downstream phase) measures - low
the water bodies; spilled risk
 Other pollution sources - Construction or pollutants).
household solid / liquid waste generated form Negative
construction camps.

Operation phase:
Contamination of Alazani River water and related
Residents of
water bodies with suspended particles and organic Rioni River water,
nearby Direct,
substances Low risk downstream from the Permanent Reversible Very low
settlements, river Negative
 Source of contamination – wastewater discharged discharge point
into the river from treatment plant

Page 86 of 186
6.6 Impact on Groundwater
6.6.1 Impact Assessment Methodology
Table Assessment criteria of the impact on groundwater

Ranking Category Changes in groundwater debit Deterioration of groundwater 2 quality

The background concentration of
1 Very low Debit has changed invisibly
substances have changed invisibly
Ground-water levels has declined markedly, Concentration of substances of the II
2 Low though, it has not affected water levels in group3 is below the permissible limits
wells or flow of water for drinking water
Concentration of substances of the II
Ground-water levels and water extraction
3 Medium group is more than the permissible
from wells has declined markedly.
limits for drinking water
Wells are not working temporarily,
discharge of water has reduced in surface Hazardous substances of I group is
4 High
water bodies, which will cause a seasonal observed
Wells are drying, water is not discharging in Concentration of substances of the I
5 Very high surface water bodies, and there is a great group is more than the permissible
risk of drought and ecological impact. limits for drinking water

6.6.2 Characterization of the Impact Construction Phase
There are certain risks of groundwater pollution at the construction phase (earth works). Deterioration
of groundwater quality may be caused by accidental spillage of oil and movement of pollutants into the
deeper layers of the soil, as well as by the excavations.
Due to the specifics of the project, direct impact of the wastewater treatment plant construction on
groundwater debit is expected to be minimal. Though, there is a risk of indirect effects (e.g. reduced
infiltration). The scale of the impact is very small and can be described as minor. Operation Phase

Risk of groundwater contamination during the operational phase will be related to the damage of
equipment and technological pipeline of the treatment plant, namely: Sewage spill within the territory
of the treatment plant. At this phase, risks of negative impact on groundwater will be entirely related to
the effectiveness of surface water and soil pollution preventive mitigation measures.

6.6.3 Mitigation Measures

In order to reduce the probability of groundwater pollution it is necessary to implement the measures
related to the protection of soil and groundwater quality.
Construction Phase:
 To ensure proper maintenance of vehicles / equipment. In case of damage and fuel / oil spillage,
they should be immediately repaired. Damaged vehicles are not allowed on the construction site;

Groundwater quality is not regulated by the law of Georgia. Therefore, drinking water standard is used for the assessment
EU Directive 80/68/EEC, December 17, 1979, "Protection of groundwater from contamination by certain hazardous substances"
Page 87 of 186
 Strict observance of the boundaries of the corridor in order to prevent "neighboring" areas from
possible contamination, topsoil damage and compaction;
 Machinery / equipment and potentially contaminating materials should be at least 50 meters
away from surface water body (where possible). If it is not possible, control and safety measures
should be taken in order to prevent water pollution;
 Prohibition of washing vehicles in river-beds;
 Proper management of contaminated wastewater generated from construction camps;
 Drainage / water channels should to be arranged throughout the perimeter of potentially
polluting sites of wastewater;
 Proper management of materials and waste;
 All potential pollutants should be removed after the completion of works;
 Cleaning and recultivation of the area after the completion of works;
Operation Phase:
 Systematic control over the technical maintenance of equipment and technological pipelines of
the treatment plant. If necessary, appropriate corrective measures should be taken;
 Insulating layer (clayey compacted soil) will be arranged within the territory of the treatment

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6.6.4 Impact Assessment
Table Summary of the impact on groundwater
Residual Impact Assessment
Description of impact and its
Impact receptors Probability of
sources Nature Influence area Duration Reversibility Residual impact
Constriction Phase:

Population, animals, surface Construction

Very low, or impact is
Changes in groundwater debit waters with a hydraulic Indirect Low risk camps and ≈1 year Reversible
not expected
connection construction sites

Deterioration of groundwater
 As a result of pollutants Population, animals, surface Construction Medium. Considering
movement into the deep layers waters with a hydraulic Medium risk camps and ≈1 year Reversible the mitigation
of soil, or contamination of connection (Alazani River) construction sites measures – low
surface waters;
 Earth works
Operation Phase:

 Changes in groundwater debit Project area and

Population, animals Indirect Low risk Long-term Irreversible Very low
Reduced infiltration surroundings

Deterioration of groundwater
Population, animals, surface indirect, in
 As a result of pollutants Project area and
waters with a hydraulic some cases Low risk Short-term Reversible Low or very low
movement into the deep layers surroundings
connection (Alazani River) direct and
of soil, or contamination of
surface waters

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6.7 Impact on Soil Stability and Quality
Negative impacts on soil during the construction and operation of wastewater treatment plant may be
related to:
 Impact on soil integrity and stability. Topsoil loss and damage;
 Soil contamination.

6.7.1 Impact Assessment Methodology

Impact values on soil have been assessed by the following parameters:

 Intensity, scope and duration of the impact;

 Their sensitivity to the changes;
 Their ability to recover.

Table Impact assessment criteria

Ranking Category Topsoil destruction Soil contamination

Eternal destruction of less than 3% of the

1 Very low Baseline of soil is changed invisibly
project area
Concentrations of pollutants is increased by
Eternal destruction of 3-10% of the project less than 25%, though it is less than the
2 Low
area allowable value; Soil / ground quality
restoration could take up to 6 months
Concentrations of pollutants is increased by
Eternal destruction of 10-30% of the 25–100%, though it is less than the allowable
3 Medium
project area value; Soil / ground quality restoration could
take up to 6-12 months
Eternal destruction of 30-50% of the
Concentrations of pollutants is increased by
project area; small sections are damaged
100%, or exceeds the maximum permitable
4 High even outside the project area, recultivation
value; Soil / ground quality restoration could
of which is possible after completion of
take up to 1-2 year
construction works
More than 50% of the project area is
Concentrations of pollutants is increased by
damaged or destructed; small sections are
more than 100% or exceeds the maximum
5 Very high damaged even outside the project area,
permitable value; Soil / ground quality
recultivation of which is possible after
restoration could take up to 2 year
completion of construction works

6.7.2 Characterization of the Impact Construction Phase
Impact on Soil Stability:
As mentioned above, there are the remains of old structures on the proposed area, therefore the major
part of the area is remained without topsoil, while the thickness of the observed topsoil is minor and less
valuable (see paragraph
However, impact on soil stability should be considered during the construction phase. Impact on topsoil
and soil stability is mainly expected during the preparatory and construction works, which will be
caused by the arrangement of the construction camp, construction site, replacement of the equipment,
earthworks, arrangement of temporary and permanent infrastructures, etc.

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Places where topsoil is more or less represented should be marked during the preparatory stage. At these
areas, topsoil should be removed and stored on the pre-selected area till the completion of construction
In process of removal of the fertile soil layer and temporary storage, soil erosion may occur. In addition,
fertile soil layer removal and transfer into the bund may cause loss of its certain amount, reduce soil
fertility, impoverish seed stock, change pH and chemistry and structure of the surface layer.

Soil Contamination Risks:

Soil contamination is expected during preparatory and construction works.
The following negative impacts are to be expected on soil quality during the construction phase:
 In case of oil spillage / leakage from vehicles or other equipment used throughout the project
 In case of misuse and spillage of such hazardous substances such as paints and other toxic
 In case of improper management of a removed soil layer during the construction phase.
 In case of improper management of industrial-fecal waters generated during the construction
phase. Operation Phase

Impact on the integrity and stability of soil or the loss and damage of the topsoil is not expected during
the operational phase.
Possible causes of soil contamination during the operational phase are:
 Violation of the rules of storage-usage of fuel and lubricants;
 Improper management of municipal and other solid wastes (contaminated wipes used for
equipment cleaning, dirty work gloves);
 Emergency situations (spillage of wastewater in case of damage of pipelines or other

The impact is also expected during the maintenance works. During implementation of repairing works
mitigation measures and impact avoidance measures should take place during construction phase.

6.7.3 Mitigation Measures

In order to prevent the damage and contamination of soil, the construction contractor will be required
to take into account the following environmental requirements:
 Surface layer of the soil should be removed and stored temporarily in pre-selected locations. The
soil should be stockpiled separately. Stockpiles should be protected from wind and atmospheric
precipitation and should be at least 50 meters away from surface water body;
 Storage for topsoil should be arranged in accordance with the relevant rules: the height of stock
pails should not exceed 2 meters; the tilt angles of the slopes of stock pails should be 450; If
necessary, water discharge channel should be arranged; after the completion of the construction
activities, stored soil should be used for recultivation works;
 Strict protection of the boundaries of construction sites in order to prevent possible
contamination of "neighboring" areas, damage and compaction of topsoil;
 Protection of the roads used by the vehicles and techniques (prohibition of turning off from the
road), in order to reduce the probability of soil compaction;

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 Vehicles and equipment should be checked regularly. In case of damage and fuel / oil leakage, it
should be repaired immediately. Damaged Vehicles should not be allowed on the construction
 Waste should be collected and stored in a designated area;
 Materials / waste should be disposed so that to prevent erosion;
 Proper management of industrial and fecal wastewater according to the conditions provided by
the project;
 In case of fuel tank arrangement, the tank should be fenced by concrete or clay material, inner
volume of which should not be less than 110% the reservoir capacity. In this case it is possible to
prevent the oil propagation during the accidental spillage of oil;
 In case of spillage of pollutants, spilled material should be localized and contaminated site should
be immediately cleaned; Staff should be provided with appropriate means (adsorbents, shovels,
etc.) and with personal protective equipment as well;
 Contaminated soil and ground for further remediation should be taken out from the territory by
the contractor equipped with an appropriate permit on these activities;
 Staff should be instructed prior to the construction works;
 Area should be cleaned and recultivated after the completion of works.
 After completion of construction works, all kind of waste (including hazardous waste) will be
collected and removed from the area. Hazardous waste should be removed for further
management by the licensed contractor.

The following measures must be ensured by the operator company, in order to prevent soil
contamination during the operational phase:
 Control of the fuel/oil storage and usage rules;
 Waste management plan provides the systematic supervision of fulfilling the measures;
 In case of fuel/oil spill, cleaning of the territory and withdrawal of the contaminated soil and
ground for further remediation;
 Training of the personnel on environmental and safety issues during recruitment and then once
a year;
 In process of repair works, implementation of the mitigation measures considered for the
construction phase.

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6.7.4 Impact Assessment
Table Summary of the impact on soil
Residual Impact Assessment
Description of impact and its sources Impact receptors Probability of
Nature Influence area Duration Reversibility Residual impact
Construction Phase:
Impact on integrity and stability of soil. Medium risk,
Lose of topsoil Vegetation, taking into Construction camp, Low - taking into
Reversible. In
 Vehicle and construction equipment movement; animals, Direct, account construction sites Medium or long- account mitigation
exceptional cases
 Earth works, arrangement of access roads and population Negative mitigation and corridors of term measures – very
- irreversible
various facilities; measures – low roads for vehicles low
 Waste management. risk
Direct (in case
of siltation Medium-term Medium, taking
Soil contamination Construction camp,
Vegetation, surface with sediment (Limited to the into account
 Spillage of oil or other chemical substances, construction sites
and ground waters, contaminated Medium risk duration of the Reversible mitigation
pollution by waste. and corridors of
population water – construction measures – very
roads for vehicles
indirect). phase) low.
Operation Phase:

Soil contamination Vegetation, surface Areas adjacent to

 Spillage of oil or other chemical substances, and ground waters, Low risk the treatment Long-term Reversible Low or very low
pollution by waste population facility

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6.8 Engineering-Geological Hazards, Risk of Flooding
6.8.1 Construction Phase
Based on the results of engineering - geological surveys, the risk of development of dangerous
geodynamic processes preventing construction process is not expected.
Based on the above mentioned, in terms of development dangerous geodynamic processes during the
construction of the treatment plant and diversion pipeline, impact can be assessed as very low.

6.8.2 Operation Phase

Vertical layout of the treatment plant area is one of the most important measures to prevent the
flooding. In particular, the elevation of the area should be raised and the infrastructure should be
arranged at an elevation of at least 0.5-1.0 m from the surface. In addition, insulating layer will be used,
which includes clay roofing or arrangement of geo-membrane. Proper storm water drainage system will
be arranged on the territory

6.9 Possible Landscape and Visual Impact

6.9.1 Impact Assessment Methodology
Visual-landscape impact assessment is more or less subjective. Impact area and duration, as well as the
relative ecological value of the landscape is taken as an evaluation criteria.
Table Assessment criteria of the impact on landscape and visual
Duration of landscape changes and spatial
Ranking Category Impact on visual receptors
boundaries / landscape quality and value
Invisible change in the landscape, or
1 Very low Invisible change in the view
landscape is not valuable
Some slight change of view is observed
Insignificant change in the landscape, or
2 Low from certain points, which is easily
landscape restoration takes 1-2 years
The view has changed noticeably from Some sites of the natural landscape have
3 Medium many points of view, though it is easily changed, or landscape restoration takes 2-5
adaptable years
The view has changed noticeably from A large area of natural or high-value
4 High most of the points, though it is easily landscape has changed, or landscape
adaptable restoration takes 5-10 years
The view has completely changed from A large area of natural or high-value
5 Very high every place, hardly adaptable impact on landscape has changed, or landscape
receptors is expected. restoration is not possible

6.9.2 Characterization of the Impact Construction Phase
There will be some visual and landscape impact during the preparatory and construction works due to
the increased traffic flow, construction sites and working equipment and personnel, structures under
construction, construction materials and waste. Implementation of the construction works will partially
change the normal view and landscape.
Receptors sensitive to visual and landscape changes are the residents of the nearest settlement and
passengers. In addition, potential receptors of visual changes will be animals inhabiting in the vicinity of

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the project area. However, the project area is not a significant habitat for animals, so the impact is
expected to be low.
After completion of construction works, vehicles and equipment, materials and waste will be removed
from the construction sites, temporary structures will be dismantled and removed, workers will be
withdrawn, the area will be recultivated. Operation Phase

The major factor of visual and landscape changes during the operational phase will be the existence of
the treatment plant, though it should be considered that currently sanitary and environmental
conditions of the area is very poor, which cause negative impact on the visual receptors (population,
passengers and animals). After the completion of the construction, a new building of treatment plant
will be presented instead of old structures. In case of implementing planned recultivation and greening
works, significance of a positive impact will be increased. Hence, the project will bring positive effects
in terms of visual and landscape impact.
Some impacts are expected due to the maintenance and rehabilitation works. This impact is similar to
the one of the construction phase, though much smaller.

6.9.3 Mitigation Measures

Visual and landscape impacts can be mitigated by reasonable selection of color and design for the
structure. In addition, temporary structures, materials, and waste should be disposed so that to be less
noticeable for visual receptors. Decorative trees and plants should be planted throughout the treatment
plant area and its perimeter.

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6.9.4 Impact Assessment
Table Summary of the visual and landscape impact
Residual Impact Assessment
Description of impact and its
Impact receptors Probability of
sources Nature Influence area Duration Reversibility Residual impact
Construction Phase:
Visual and landscape impact: Areas adjacent to
 Construction camp and construction camps and
temporary structures; Animal species inhabiting Direct, sites. (Distribution area Medium. In some
Medium risk Medium term Reversible
 Waste disposal; in the vicinity, population Negative depends on local sections – low
 Works related to construction landscape, or visibility
and transportation. conditions)
Operation Phase:
Positive impact is expected

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6.10 Impact on Biological Environment
6.10.1 Impact Assessment Methodology
For the assessment of the impact on biological environment qualitative criteria are introduced for the
following categories:
 Integrity of the habitat, where the possible loss or fragmentation of habitats, reduction of the
potential capacity of ecosystem and the impact on natural corridors are estimated;
 The loss of species. Impact on species behavior, where the assessment is implemented about
changes in their behavior that are caused due to the physical changes, including visual impact,
noise and atmospheric emissions, as well as about the impact on breeding, nesting, spawning,
daily and seasonal migration, activity, and mortality;
 Protected habitats, protected areas, protected landscapes and monuments of nature.
The criteria used to assess the environmental impact significance:
 The probability of the impact, intensity, scope and duration, which is used to determine the
magnitude of the impact;
 Sensitivity of the habitat or species to the direct impact, or the impact caused by the change;
 Restoration capabilities of species and habitats;
 Ecological value of impact receptors, including species, populations, communities, habitats,
landscapes and ecosystems;
 Impact on protected receptors is assumes as a high impact.
Criteria established for estimating impact on ecological systems are given in Table

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Table Assessment criteria of the impact on biological environment

Category Impact on habitat integrity Loss of species. Impact on species behavior Impact on protected habitats
Negligible impact on the integrity of the habitat. Changes in behavior are invisible; death of not valuable No impact is observed throughout the areas
After the completion of recultivation works, species of small mammals / fish is expected; there is no protected by country's legislation or
Very low
recovery of the habitat in a short period of time risk of spreading invasive species. international conventions
(<1 year)
Noticeable impact on the integrity of low-value Changes in behavior may be revealed by standard A temporary, short-term, minor impact is
habitat, including the loss of less valuable habitat methods; death of not valuable species of small expected throughout the areas protected by
Low of 10-20 acres of land. mammals / fish is expected; there is no risk of spreading country's legislation or international
After the completion of recultivation works, invasive species. conventions, which will not cause a long-
recovery of the habitat in two years. term violation of ecological integrity
Significant impact on the integrity of locally Changes in behavior of endemic and other valuable A minor impact is expected throughout the
valuable habitat, its reduction, reduction of species may be revealed by standard methods; death of areas protected by country's legislation or
valuable habitats, or less valuable 20 - 50 ha of less valuable animal species are to be expected; international conventions, though
terrestrial habitat loss. appearance of invasive species is expected. ecosystem will be restored within 3 years.
After the completion of recultivation works,
recovery of the habitat in 2-5 years
Reduction of locally valuable habitats, or less Changes in behavior of protected species may be Impact is expected throughout the areas
valuable 50-100 ha of terrestrial habitat loss. revealed by standard methods. The death and reduction protected by country's legislation or
After the completion of recultivation works, of protected and valuable animal species is expected; international conventions. Mitigation
recovery of the habitat in 5-10 years. Spread of invasive species measures are to be implemented in order to
restore the ecosystem. It will need 5 years
to be restored.
Reduction of locally valuable habitats, or less Changes in behavior of an internationally protected There is an impact on the areas protected by
valuable more than 100 ha of habitats loss. After species may be revealed by standard methods. Protected country's legislation or international
Very high the completion of recultivation works, recovery or valuable species of animals die and there is a conventions.
of the habitat in more than 10 years. probability of disappearing these species. Spread of
invasive species

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6.10.2 Impact on the Integrity of the Habitat and the Destruction of Vegetation Construction Phase
Based on botanical studies, trees are less represented within the project area. Mostly, thorny and liana
plants are common there. None of the Red List Species have been observed.
Therefore, only bushes and grass of low value will be subjected to the removal throughout ≈ 6000-7000
m2 area, which is not a significant habitat for animal species.
After completion of construction works the area will be recultivated and this will significantly reduce
the quality of the impact.
Based on the above mentioned, a medium impact is expected on vegetation and local habitats. Project-
related impacts can be reduced by proper organization/management of the works and appropriate
mitigation measures. Operation Phase

Considering the specifics of the planned activities, negative impact on vegetation is not expected during
the operational phase of the treatment plant. Indirect impact may occur during the performance of the
maintenance works (propagation of dust and combustion products), but the impact will be short-term
and low intensity.
Potential impacts on vegetation cover during the operation phase can be assessed as very low-quality
impacts. Mitigation Measures

Mitigation measures for the impact on vegetation and the integrity of habitat during the construction
phase are:
 The issue related to the removal of vegetation from the proposed corridors should be agreed with the
local self-governing bodies;
 After the completion of the construction works, recultivation and landscaping works should be
carried out throughout the construction camp and treatment plant area, in order to compensate the
damage caused to vegetation. Local decorative plants should be used for landscaping works;
 Besides, in order to avoid too much damage of plants, construction contractor must take into account
the following environmental measures:
o In order to protect vegetation from too much damage, the boundaries of construction sites and
traffic routes should be strictly defined;
o Prior to the construction works the staff should be instructed about the issues related to the
protection of vegetation.
Mitigation measures for the impact on vegetation established for the construction phase should be
carried out while performing maintenance works during the operational phase.

6.10.3 Impact on Wildlife Construction Phase
There are no significant species of animals within the project area. There mainly inhabit animal species
that are adapted to human activities (rodents, reptiles and so on.). Cleanup of the area (removal of
construction and household waste) will reduce these species, which will lead to positive results on the
one hand (reduces risk of disease spread by animals and population disturbance). On the other hand,

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food base for animals species that are hunting on above mentioned species will be reduced as well.
Construction works might affect biodiversity:
 Increased disturbance of birds and chiropteran nesting in the vicinity of roads and construction
 During the excavation works, trenches create a certain risk for small mammals: they may fall
into trenches, injure or die;
 Noise and vibration, emissions of dust and other harmful substances in the ambient air will be
increased during the construction. Certain species of animals will migrate from the project site;
 Destruction of vegetation will have a negative impact on vertebrate and invertebrate animal
feed base and their reproduction;
 Contamination of the environment by waste and visual-landscape changes may lead to animal
death or migration;
 In case of polluting water and soil by harmful substances, populations of fish, amphibians, birds
and otter inhabiting near the water, as well as the animals living near the contaminated area will
be damaged;
 Due to the arrangement of temporary structures free movement may be restricted, a temporary
fragmentation of habitats.
 Due to the artificial lighting at night, animals may be frightened, or disorientation of certain
species of birds, which will cause their damage/death.
Therefore, the wildlife will be directly (collision / damage, habitat fragmentation) and indirectly
(migration due to the noise / vibration, emissions, etc.) impacted. The major sources of the impacts are:
 Traffic;
 Vehicles and equipment, as well as the staff working on the construction site;
 Excavation works and construction of temporary structures;
 Artificial lightening system.
Based on the above mentioned, impact on the wildlife during the construction phase can be assessed as a
medium. In case of implementing mitigation measures and constant monitoring, it will be possible to
reduce impact to a “low” or “Medium” significance. Operation Phase

Among the possible negative impacts on wildlife during the operational phase of the wastewater
treatment plant the most noteworthy are:
 Impact related to noise propagation;
 Impact related to odor propagation;
 Impact on birds caused by night lighting systems;
 In case of contamination of surface water bodies, impact is expected on water related birds and
It should be noted that the levels of noise propagation will not be high during the operational phase and
that in case of implementing optimization measures for the night lightening system, impact would not
be significant. The proposed effective and reliable system for wastewater treatment will minimize the
risk of discharging incompletely treated water.
Based on the above mentioned, impact on the wildlife during the operational phase can be assessed as a
low impact.
It should be noted that the project will have an important positive impact on the improvement of
wildlife habitat environment. At present, due to the poor management of wastewater risks of polluting

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individual components of the environment are quite high. Such risks will be significantly reduced in
case of project implementation. Mitigation Measures

Mitigation measures of the impact on terrestrial animals during the construction phase are:
 Strict observance of the boundaries of traffic routes and construction sites;
 Selection of the optimum speed for traffic in order to reduce the probability of direct impact on
animals (collision);
 Pits and trenches should be fenced in order to avoid animals falling into them – a sharp-colored
ribbon should be used for large-sized species, while for small animals all flat materials can be
used - iron, polyethylene and others. Long boards or logs should be put into the trenches and
pits at night time, so that small animals could come out of there. Inspection of pits and trenches
before filling with soil;
 To use the minimum amount of light in order to reduce the spread of light;
 Activities causing too much disturbance of animals should be implemented in a short period of
 Recultivation of the construction camp and the treatment plant area after the completion of
construction works;
In addition:
 Proper management of waste;
 Implementation of mitigation measures of the impacts on water, soil and ambient air, noise and
so on (see the relevant chapters).
The most significant mitigation measures during the operational phase are: Systematic maintenance of
the treatment plant and associated devices and optimization of night lightening systems. Systematic
control of the efficiency of the treatment plant in order to minimize the impact on water related animal

6.10.4 Impact on Protected Areas

There are no protected areas in the vicinity of the project corridor. Therefore, the impact on protected
areas is not expected.

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6.10.5 Assessment of the Impact on Biological Environment
Table Summary of the impact on biological environment

Residual Impact Assessment

Description of impact and its sources Impact receptors Probability of
Nature Influence area Duration Reversibility Residual impact
Construction Phase:
Vegetation destruction / damage. Habitat loss /
 Direct impact area –
construction camp
 Direct impact: Area selected for Low.
and construction site Reversible. On
o Vegetation removal from the area; the construction of Direct and Medium term. Considering
 Indirect impact area construction
o Damage of vegetation caused by violating the treatment indirect, Medium risk Permanent on the mitigation
– areas adjacent to site -
traffic routes. plant, wildlife, negative construction site measures – very
the construction irreversible
 Indirect impact: population low.
camp and
o Water pollution;
construction site.
o Soil contamination and erosion.
Impact on terrestrial fauna, including:
 Direct impact:
o Traffic collision, falling down in trenches
and others.
 Indirect impact:
o Damage of vegetation. Mainly medium.
Animal species Direct and Areas adjacent to the Duration is limited
o Ambient air pollution Mostly Considering
inhabiting in the indirect, Medium risk construction camp and by the construction
o Change in acoustic background reversible mitigation
project area negative construction site. phase
o Change in background illumination at measures – low.
o Possible pollution of ground and surface
o Soil contamination and erosion
o Visual impact
Operation Phase:
Impact on fauna, including:
Area selected for
 Noise and odor propagation; Direct and
the construction of Areas adjacent to the Mostly
 Contamination of Alazani River water; indirect, Medium risk Long term Very low
the treatment project area irreversible
 Lightening; negative
plant, wildlife
 Visual impact, etc.

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6.11 Impacts Caused by Waste Generation and Propagation Construction Phase
Types and quantities of currently existing waste are described and their further management issues are
described in paragraph
Generation of a number of hazardous and non-hazardous waste is expected during the construction
Inert waste:
 Inert waste generated in the process of excavation works;
 Packaging and sealing materials;
 Ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal;
 Household waste and others.
Generated inert waste will be selected and disposed at construction waste landfill in Kutaisi. Part of the
dumped soil may be used for construction works. Steel waste will be collected and transferred to the
contractor after completing the formalities (iron reception).
Given that an average amount of per capita household waste collected per year is 0.7 m3, total amount of
household waste generated during the construction works is estimated to be 60*0,7=42 m3/a. Household
waste will be stored in closed containers with an appropriate marking. Accumulated household waste
will be stored throughout the construction camps and then will be removed from the project area to the
Kutaisi landfill. Packaging and sealing materials will be also disposed at Kutaisi landfill.
Hazardous waste:
 Paint waste and packaging - 120-150 kg/a;
 Fuel and lubricant waste - 140-160 kg/a;
 Outdated and damaged accumulators 10-12 unit/a;
 Oil filters of construction equipment and vehicles, etc. - 15-20 unit/a;
 Used rubber tires - 20-30 unit/a;
 Welding electrodes – 80-100 kg/a;
 Luminescent lamps - 20-25 unit/a;
 Laser Cartridges - 8-10 unit/a;
 In the case of accidental spill of oil, soil polluted with petroleum hydrocarbons – the volume
depends on the magnitude of the spill.
A special storage should be provided for temporary disposal of other hazardous waste throughout the
construction camp (preferably a container of 20-25 m2 capacity), which will have an appropriate
marking and will be protected from the impact of precipitation. Racks should be arranged for waste.
Stored waste shall be labeled.
Waste should be removed from the temporary storage facility according to the accumulation, but no
later than 3 days. Hazardous waste disposal from temporary storage facilities for further management
(utilization, disposal) should be carried out by the appropriate licensed contractor. Recording of
quantities and types of such waste is required.
In case of small spills, remediation of soil (3-5 m3) contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons is possible
on site. In case of large spills, contaminated soil should be removed from the site and remediated outside
the area. Recultivation works should be carried out throughout the contaminated area. Contaminated
soil should be remediated by an appropriate licensed contractor.
Violation of the above mentioned terms of waste management may cause a number of adverse
environmental impacts on different receptors, for example:
 Incorrect management of waste (dumping into water, scattering) may lead to water and soil
pollution, as well as to deteriorated sanitary conditions and adverse visual changes;

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 Improper disposal of construction waste and waste rock (generated during the excavation works)
may cause damming of the roads and may lead to erosion processes, etc.
Therefore it is necessary to protect waste management conditions. Waste management terms are given
in detail in Appendix №3. Operation Phase

The annual amount of household waste generated during the operational phase will be about 20*0.7=14
m3/a. Based on the agreement, waste will be removed from the area to Alazani landfill.
The following hazardous waste is expected to be generated during the operational phase:
 Outdated and damaged accumulators 2-3 unit/a;
 Oil filters of vehicles, etc. – 4-6 unit/a;
 Used rubber tires – 8-10 unit/a;
 Welding electrodes -5-10 kg/a;
 Luminescent lamps – 10-15 unit/a;
 In the case of accidental spill of oil, soil polluted with petroleum hydrocarbons – the volume
depends on the magnitude of the spill.
Further management of hazardous waste should be carried out by an appropriate licensed contractor.
Special attention should be paid to the issues related to the management of the waste accumulated on
the grille of the shield system, as well as to the removed sludge. After the proper treatment
(dehydration, drying), the sludge will be temporarily stored on a special bed and then will be removed
from the area to the Kutaisi landfill.
The use of dehydrated sludge for agricultural purposes is also considered and in case of the relevant
demand, pre-treated sludge will be given to interested persons free of charge. If we consider that the
demand on using the sludge for agricultural purposes will be seasonal (early spring and fall), the main
method of sludge management will be their disposal at the landfill (sludge management principles after
dehydration are given in Paragraph

6.11.2 Mitigation Measures

Construction contractor is obliged to ensure that the waste management planned activities are
implemented during the construction phase, including:
 Household waste generated within the construction camp will be removed to Alazani landfill;
 Labeled hermetic containers should be arranged in construction sites for a temporary storage of
hazardous waste. Special storage facilities should be arranged on construction camps;
 Appropriate trained personnel should be hired for waste management; they should receive
periodic training and testing;
 Hazardous waste for further management should be removed from the construction camp by the
appropriate licensed contractor.
Special storage facility should be arranged for temporary disposal of hazardous waste during the
operational phase, which should be in compliance with environmental requirements, namely:
 The floor and walls of the storage facility should be finished with ceramic tiles;
 The ceiling of the storage facility will be painted by waterproof paints;
 Storage should be equipped:
o Exhaust ventilation system;
o Wash stand and tap for irrigation;
o Trap for intake.

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 Shelves and racks for waste disposal;
Appropriate trained personnel should be hired for waste management; they should receive periodic
training and testing. Hazardous waste for further management should be removed from the construction
camp by the appropriate licensed contractor. Recording of quantities and types of such waste is required.

6.12 Impact on Socio - Economic Environment

6.12.1 Impact Assessment Methodology
Negative as well as positive aspects of the project have been discussed during the assessment of the
impact on socio-economic environment. Impact is assessed according to three categories - low impact,
medium impact and high impact (see Table

Table Assessment criteria of the impact on socio-economic environment

Ranking Category Impact on socio - economic
 Employment rate in region has increased by less than 0.1%.
 Average income of the local population has increased by 10%.
1 Low  Budget revenues of the region has increased by 1%.
 Local infrastructure / power supply has been slightly improved, resulting in improved local
population living / subsistence and economic environment.
 Employment rate in region has increased by 0.1%-1%.
 Average income of the local population has increased by 10-50%.
 Budget revenues of the region has increased by 1-5%.
2 Medium
 Local infrastructure / power supply has been significantly improved, resulting in significantly
improved local population living / subsistence and economic environment, which contributes
to the economic development of the region.
 Employment rate in region has increased by 1%.
 Average income of the local population has increased by more than 50%.
 Budget revenues of the region has increased by more than 5%.
3 High
 Local infrastructure / power supply has been significantly improved, resulting in significantly
improved local population living / subsistence and economic environment, which contributes
to the economic development of the region.
 A short time delay in the availability of resources or infrastructure is expected, though it will
not affect the income of the local population. In addition, it will not be followed by long-term
negative impacts on the economic activity of the local population.
 Quality of life of the local population will be lowered for a short period of time, though it will
1 Low not be followed by a long-term negative results.
 Health will not be affected.
 Impact on safety is negligible.
 A long-term, but easily adaptable impact on environment is expected.
 Local population will increase by 10% due to migration.
 A short time delay in the availability of resources or infrastructure is expected, due to which
the local population will have to change their lifestyle for a short period of time. However, it
will not have any long-term negative impact on the economic activities of the local
 Quality of life of the local population will be lowered for a short period of time, though it will
2 Medium
not be followed by a long-term negative results.
 A certain impact on health is expected, but there is no increased mortality risk.
 There are some risks related to safety.
 Complaints from citizens are expected about some of the impacts.
 Local population will increase by 10-30% due to migration.
 A short time delay in the availability of resources or infrastructure is expected, due to which
3 High
the local population will have to change their lifestyle for a short period of time, which will

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have a long-term negative impact on their economic activities.
 Quality of life of the local population will be significantly lowered.
 There is a significant impact on health. There is a high risk of increasing mortality rate.
 There are some risks related to safety.
 Corrupt deals related to employment or nepotism.
 People are constantly complaining about the influence of certain factors. In this regard,
conflicts arise between residents and staff.
 Local population will increase by 30% due to migration. Cultural environment for the local
population is significantly changed. Creation of new settlements is expected.

6.12.2 Characterization of the Impact Impact on Land Ownership and Use
Area selected for the construction of treatment plant is a state-owned non-agricultural land. In the past,
similar plant was operating on the project area. Currently, the area is used as an unlicensed dump area.
It is important that none of the buildings are located within the construction zone.
Therefore, the planned activities will not be related to physical or economic resettlement. Risks Related to Health and Safety

Except indirect impact (deterioration of air quality, spread of noise and electric fields, etc., which are
described in the relevant subsections) there is a direct risks of impact on health and safety (residents and
staff working within the project) during the construction phase.
Direct impacts may be: Vehicle collision, power hit, falling from height, injuries while working with
construction techniques and others. Strict security measures and a permanent supervision should to be
protected in order to prevent direct impacts. Security measures include:
 Personnel should to be trained on safety and labor protection issues;
 Personnel working at height must be secured with ropes and special mountings;
 Warning, prohibiting and indicative signs should to be arranged throughout the construction sites
and camps;
 Maximum protection of safety rules during the transportation;
 Transportation should to be limited to a minimum in populated areas;
 Risk assessment should be conducted regularly in order to determine specific risk factors for the
population and for appropriate management of such risks;
 Construction personnel shall be provided with personal protective equipment (special - clothing,
helmets, etc.). Impact on Employment and Economic Environment

A certain amount of local specialists and workers will be employed by the construction contractor,
which is the positive impact on employment.
Building materials of local production (such as inert materials) will be required for construction works,
which will also have a positive impact on activation of building materials manufacturing business. Impacts on Transport Infrastructure, limited Traffic

Paved roads (Khubulava street, to the north of the project area) and earth roads, which joins the area
from the paved road will be used for transportation of building materials and labor during the

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construction phase. During the construction works road pavement will be damaged and traffic will be
increased. The risk of accidents will be also increased.
The roads should be maintained throughout the construction phase. Blocking roads with construction
and other materials is prohibited. After completion of construction works, local roads should be
Taking into account the intensity of the background traffic flow, limited traffic on local roads (so called
traffic jams) is less expected. The impact may be relatively noticeable on the road used for transportation
of construction materials.
Construction contractor shall plan construction activities so as to minimize the impact on roads, namely:
 Selection of an optimal bypass route to the construction site;
 Possible restrictions on the movement of vehicles on public roads (especially paved roads of
 Maximum limitation of the movement of crawlers;
 Population should be provided with the information about the time and duration of works, if
 All damaged sections of the road should be recovered, in order to make them available for the
 Specially designated personnel (standard bearer) should control the movement of vehicles, if
 Relevant banners will be arranged along the road, through which passengers will be informed about
the ongoing works within the project area;
 Complaints should be recorded and an appropriate action should be taken.
The use of vehicles during the operational phase will be necessary for repair works. Accordingly, traffic
will not be intensified and impacts on traffic are not expected. Positive Impact of Treatment Plant Operation on Socio - Economic Environment

The project is expected to have a significant positive impact on social environment, namely:
 Issues related to municipal wastewater drainage and treatment will be regulated and sanitary and
ecological situation will be improved in Kutaisi and adjacent settlements;
 Prevention of discharging untreated agricultural-fecal wastewater into the surface water bodies,
which is important for the improvement of surface water quality in Kutaisi Municipality.
Positive impact is expected on habitats of wildlife;
 Implementation of the project ensures the sustainable development of local infrastructure,
which is important for socio-economic development of communities and regions;
 15-20 people from local population will be employed during the treatment plant operation,
which is a small though positive impact in terms of employment of local population.

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6.12.3 Impact Assessment
Table Summary of the impact on socio-economic environment
Residual Impact Assessment
Description of impact and its sources Impact receptors Probability of
Nature Influence area Duration Reversibility Residual impact
Construction Phase:
Restriction of access to resources::
 Impact on land owners -
implementation of any type of Duration is limited
Direct, Area adjacent to the
activity on their lands, or damage Local population Low risk by the construction Reversible Low
negative treatment plant
of their property; phase
 Limited use of water resources,
Duration is limited
Positive impacts related to the Direct,
Local population High probability Population of Alazani by the construction Reversible Medium
employment Positive
Negative impacts related to the
 Expectations for employment and
dissatisfaction of the local
population; Construction sites and Duration is limited
Construction staff and Direct,
 Violations of workers' rights; Medium risk nearby populated areas by the construction Reversible Low
the local population negative
 Reduction of employment after phase
the completion of the project s
and dissatisfactions;
 Disagreement between the local
residents and workers.
Risks related to health and safety:
 Direct (e.g. Vehicle collision,
power hit, falling from height,
Medium risk,
injuries while working with
Direct or considering Construction sites and Duration is limited
construction techniques and Construction staff and
indirect, mitigation nearby populated areas by the construction Reversible Low
others.) and the local population
negative measures – low phase
 Indirect (Atmospheric
emissions, increased acoustic
background, water and soil

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Damage of road pavement
 Movement of heavy equipment
loaded traffic flow Roads used for the
Duration is limited
 Movement of all types of Local infrastructure, Direct, project activities, as
Medium risk by the construction Reversible Low
vehicles and equipment population negative well as by the
Limitation of movement population
 Closing the local roads for the
security purposes
Contribution to the economy and
 Activation and development of The city's economic Duration is limited
Direct, Impact area may be a
building materials manufacturing activity, the local High probability by the construction - Medium
Positive city-wide
business and its satellite business; population phase
 Creation of jobs;
 Increased budget revenues.

Operation Phase:
Risks related to health and safety of
 Indirect - spread of unpleasant
Plant staff and local Direct Adjacent residential
odor; In case of maintenance Low risk Long-term Irreversible Very low
population Negative zone
works atmospheric emissions,
increased acoustic background,
water and soil pollution

Employment of local Direct
 Creation of jobs; High probability Alazani city Long-term - Low
population positive

Improvement of local wastewater Local population and Direct Alazani city and
High probability Long-term - High
infrastructure (positive impact) tourists positive adjacent settlements

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6.13 Impact on Cultural and Archaeological Monuments
According to the results of fieldwork, there are not any historical-cultural monuments in the project
area. It should be mentioned that previously an old treatment plant has been operating on the project
area. Thus, late detection of archaeological sites during the construction phase is less expected.
However, during the implementation of excavation works some archeological sites can be discovered.
Based on the requirements of the law of Georgia on “cultural heritage”, in case of detection of an
archaeological monument, construction works should be immediately stopped and the construction
contractor shall invite the specialists of the competent authority in order to determine the significance
of the archaeological monuments and make decision about the extension of works.

6.14 Cumulative Impacts

The main objective of the cumulative impact assessment is to identify those types of impact, which do
not represent any serious risks to the environment, but together with the similar kind of effect that may
be caused by other current or prospective projects, will cause a much higher and significant negative or
positive consequences.
Any important industrial enterprises and other objects that will have significant effect on the
environment, does not function in the vicinity of the project area. Based on the available information,
similar projects are not planned to be implemented in the future as well. Only paved road adjacent to the
area should to be considered. Construction works and traffic will have certain cumulative effect in terms
of pollutants emission in ambient air and noise propagation. Due to the low intensity of construction
works the cumulative impact will not be significant. Low-scale cumulative impacts are not subject to
detailed consideration.

7. Environmental Impact Mitigation Measures

7.1 General Overview
Hierarchy of environmental measures is following:
 Impact prevention;
 Impact reduction;
 Impact mitigation;
 Compensation.
Prevention and mitigation of impact is possible by using best practice during construction and operation
processes. Project development considers outlining mitigation measures. However, as it is impossible to
prevent all impacts, in order to ensure maximum extent of environmental friendliness, corresponding
mitigation measures were developed for all receptors during all life cycles of the project.
The plan is “live” document which will be detailed and adjusted on the basis of monitoring/observation.
Responsibility for implementation of environmental monitoring and management lies on individual
assigned to these task by the Customer. During construction stage, responsibility of environmental
management is divided between construction contractor and the Customer.

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7.2 Mitigation Measures for the Impact Expected during Construction and Operation Phases
Tables below give information concerning mitigation measures developed for construction and
operation phases and necessary monitoring work, namely:
I. Column presents: description of expected impact according to specific receptor, due to which works
may this impact occur and expected scale (classification was conducted according to 5 point scale):
„Very low“, „Low“, „Moderate“, „High“ or „Very high“);
II. Column - Description of mitigation measures’ main goals and objectives;
III. Column - List of mitigation measures, which will prevent or mitigate expected impact, residual
impact (after implementation of measures) which is also classified by aforementioned 5 point scale;
IV. Column -
 Responsibility for implementation of mitigation measures;
 On which phase of project implementation will the mitigation measure be most efficient;
 Evaluation of costs necessary for implementation of mitigation measures (3 point classification
system was used: „Low“ - <25000$; „Moderate“ - 25000-100000$; „High“ - >100000$);
V. Column–Brief description of necessary monitoring work.

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7.3 Mitigation Measures – Construction Phase
Mitigation Measures:
Task Responsibilities, Time-frames and Monitoring
Impact Description Description
Inorganic dust distribution in To minimize dust emission a. Ensure that vehicle’s speed is optimal (esp. on ground Responsible for implementation of Environment and
ambient air: in order to reduce roads); mitigation measures: security manager
 Dust due to earth works; environmental impact, such b. To restrict traffic on the motorway that passes the Executor of works – work site designated by the
 Dust due to transportation as: settlements; managers executor of the works,
operation;  Disturbance of people c. Take preventive measures (e.g. prohibition of material Time-frames for implementation of will carry out daily
 Dust due to inert material (population, staff) and dropping from height during loading/unloading); mitigation measures: visual examination,
loading/unloading; negative impact on their d. Water the work area and roads in dry weather; a, b – constantly during transport inspect transport
 Dust due to construction health; e. To cover properly the body of the vehicle during operations; operations, monitor
works;  Disturbance of animals transportation of materials, that easily form dust; c – During earth works and material issues, not related to
and their migration;; f. To use special covering or water the storage areas for loading/unloading; the additional expenses
Significance: „medium“  Dust vegetation cover easily dust-forming materials, to prevent their d, e, f – Periodically, esp., in dry and
and to prevent their distribution by wind; windy weather;
growth and g. Equip personnel with proper protecting equipment g, h – Before starting works and then
development. (masks) as needed; time to time;
h. Instruct personnel; i – After entry of the complaints;
i. Identify/register and response properly to complaints; Cost for implementation of mitigation
Significance of residual impact : „low“ Activities considered by paragraphs
d, f, g , will be connected with “low”

Distribution of combustion To minimize exhaust in a. Ensure proper working conditions of machinery; Responsible for implementation of Environment and
products in the ambient air: order to reduce b. Arrange generators and other machinery far from mitigation measures: security manager
 Exhaust from vehicles, environmental impact, such sensitive receptors (residential zone, area covered with Executor of works – work site designated by the
building machinery; as: vegetation); managers executor of the works
 Exhaust from generators  Impact on human health; c. To choose optimal route and speed during vehicle Time-frames for implementation of will carry out visual
and other machinery;  Deterioration of animal movement; mitigation measures: examination of
 Welding aerosols; habitat and migration; d. To turn off the engines or work at minimum turn, when a, b – Before starting works – on vehicles once in two
they are not in use; preparation stage, time to time; weeks; record vehicle
Significance: „low“ e. Instruct personnel; c, d- constantly during transport maintenance; inspect
j. Identify/register and response properly to complaints; operations; transport operations,
monitoring are not
Significance of residual impact : „very low“ e – Before starting works and then related to expenses.

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time to time;
f - After receiving claims;
Mitigation measure implementation
Not related to additional costs.

Noise in work zone :  Reduce impact on the  Ensure proper working conditions of machinery; Responsible for implementation of Control proper
 Noise and vibration due to health of the personnel a. Arrange noisy machinery far from sensitive receptors mitigation measures: working of machinery;
transportation operations; (resting room for workers); Executor of works – work site If necessary carry out
 Noise and vibration due to b. Using special acoustic protector (noise suppressing hood, managers instrumental
construction/dismantling etc.) when necessary, with compressors, generators and Time-frames for implementation of measurements (during
works; other noisy devices; mitigation measures: intensive noisy work
 Noise and vibration due to c. Often shift the staff executing the works related to the a, b, c– On preparation stage; process). Expenses will
building machinery and high level of noise; d, e- During intensive noisy work be related to
construction operations. d. Monitor noise levels. process; instrumental
e. Ensure personnel with personal protective equipment f, g – Before starting intensive noisy measurements.
Significance: „medium“ (ear-protectors); work .
f. Instruct personnel; Mitigation measure implementation
Significance of residual impact : „ low“ Activities considered by paragraphs
c, f, g - will be connected with “low”

Spreading noise on the border To minimize noise in order a. Ensure proper working conditions of machinery; Responsible for implementation of Control proper
of residential zone, impact on to reduce environmental b. Arrange generators and other noisy machinery far mitigation measures: working of machinery;
other receptors: impact, such as: from sensitive receptors (residential houses); Executor of works If necessary,
 Noise and vibration due to  Disturb population; c. Carry out noisy works and intensive transport Time-frames for implementation of instrumental
transportation operations;  Disturbed animals and operations only in the day-time; mitigation measures: measurement.
 Noise and vibration due to migration. d. Define noisy work time considering social issues; a, b - - On preparation stage; time to Expenses will be
building machinery and e. Inform and give explanation to population about time; related to instrumental
construction operations. noisy works; c, d, e – While planning and before measurements.
f. Instruct personnel; starting of works;
Significance: „medium“ or “low k. Identify/register and response properly on claims; f - Before starting works and then
 Provide instrumental measurement at the border of periodically;
sensitive areas (residential zones), g- - After receiving claims

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 As far as possible reduce noise on the place of its Cost for implementation of mitigation
production (noise suppressing hoods) and restrict measures::
spreading using artificial screening. Activities considered by paragraph
Significance of residual impact : „low, very low“ ,,g” can be connected with “low”

Pollution of surface waters: Prevention of surface water a. Ensure proper working conditions of machinery; Responsible for implementation of Control waste
 Pollution due to improper pollution and reduction of b. Arrange machinery and potentially pollutant materials mitigation measures: management plan
solid and waste impact on the environment, in not less than 50 m from surface water body (where Executor of works – work site implementation;
management; such as: possible). If impossible, carry out continuous control managers Visual control of soil,
 Pollution by fuel/oil  Impact on water and security measures to prevent water pollution; Time-frames for implementation of water and wastewater
spilling;. biodiversity; c. Proper management of wastewater, produced on mitigation measures: condition.
 Pollution of ground construction camp site; a, b, c, d, e, f – Before starting works;
Significance: „medium“ water; d. Arrange drainage / diversion channels along the areas, g – During work process;
 Impact on receptors, potentially polluting the storm waters; h –After completion of works;
depending on water e. Roof the areas, potentially polluting the storm waters, i – In case of pollution, in the
resources (animals, as possible (to arrange building like a shed); shortest period of time and as
population). f. Instruct personnel; necessary.
g. Prohibit car-washing near the riverbeds; Cost for implementation of mitigation
h. Remove all polluting materials after completion of measures::
works; Activities considered by paragraphs
i. Localize and clean spilt fuel/oil in case of fuel/lubricants c, d, e, i - can be connected with
spillage; “medium” expenses.
Significance of residual impact : „low“
Impact on the groundwater: Reduce impact on receptors  Provide all measures avoiding soil quality deterioration Responsible for implementation of Proper maintenance
 Quality deterioration due (population, biodiversity) (see the corresponding paragraph). mitigation measures: control; Control of
to polluted surface waters depending on groundwater  Provide all measures avoiding surface water quality Executor of works waste management
or soil; resources. deterioration (see the corresponding paragraph). Time-frames for implementation of plan implementation;
 Due to fuel/oil spilling mitigation measures: Visual control of soil,
during construction During work implementation water condition. If
works(esp. earth works). Significance of residual impact : „low“ process; necessary, conduct
Significance: „medium“ laboratory monitoring.
Cost for implementation of mitigation
Not related to additional expenses.

Soil/ground stability  Keep topsoil and use it a. Follow safety norms introduced for the projected works; Responsible for implementation of Regular visual
disruption, fertile soil layer while recultivation; b. Strict adherence of the borders of the road and mitigation measures: observation on the
destruction:  Prevention of construction sites to prevent additional damage of the Executor of works landfill for removed

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 Disruption of stability soil/ground erosion soil; Time-frames for implementation of topsoil. Monitoring is
during construction works; processes c. Keep the integrity of the road surface by maintenance; mitigation measures: not related to the
 Fertile layer destruction d. Removal and temporary storage of the topsoil should be a, b, c – During construction works additional expenses.
during cleaning of area for provided according to following rules: on a regular basis;
construction site e. Height of the dumps shall not exceed 2 m; d –During preparing construction
preparation. f. Slopes of the dump area should be given sites;
Significance: „low“ appropriate tilt (450) angle; e – Before starting the works and
g. Water discharge canals should be arranged within then periodically;
the dump area and it should be protected from Cost for implementation of mitigation
wind dispersal. measures:
h. Instruct personnel. Activities considered by paragraphs
Significance of residual impact : „ very low“ ,,d “can be connected with “low”

Soil pollution: Prevention of soil pollution a. Ensure proper working conditions of machinery; Responsible for implementation of Maintenance control;
 Soil pollution by wastes; and accordingly, reduction b. Safe storage/placement of potential pollutants (oil, mitigation measures: Monitoring waste
 Soil pollution due to fuel/oil of indirect environmental lubricants, etc.); Executor of works – work site management plan
or other substance spilling. impact, such as: c. In case of arrangement of storage reservoir, it will managers implementation;
 Deterioration of animal have concrete or clay fencing, with a capacity less than Time-frames for implementation of Visual control of the
Significance: „medium“ habitat; 110 % of the total volume of the reservoir; mitigation measures: soil condition and
 Indirect impact on d. Ensure the gravel layer coverage for fuelling a, b, c, d, e –On preparation stage , laboratory monitoring
vegetation; station; time to time; as necessary.
 Pollution of ground and e. Provide corresponding equipment (containers, f – During waste handling process; Monitoring expenses
surface waters; spill collection implements, etc.); g – After finishing the works; can be related to
f. Ensure proper waste management, including h, i – Promptly after pollution; laboratory control.
separation and reuse as possible, store waste not j - Before starting the works and then
appropriate for reuse in special containers and move out periodically.
of the territory ; Cost for implementation of mitigation
g. Remove all potential pollutants when works are measures::
finished. Activities considered by paragraphs
h. If necessary, provide laboratory monitoring of soil c, d, e, h, i can be connected with
quality; “medium” expenses.
i. Localize and clean spilt fuel/oil;
j. Instruct personnel ;
Significance of residual impact : „ very low“

Development of geodynamic  Prevent waterlogging; a. Temporary protective structure (clay diaphragm) Responsible for implementation of the Control over the
and other dangerous events  Safe implementation of arrangement; mitigation measures: groundwater inflows

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the construction b. Pumping the groundwater from the cavern; Building contractor
Significance: activities.
„Low“ Significance of the residual impacts: Time frames for the implementation of
„Very low“ mitigation measures:
a – After the cover arrangement;
b – As required
The costs of the mitigation measures:
Implementation of the measures
might be related to “Low” costs.
Visual-landscape alteration:  Reduce dissatisfaction of a. During arrangement of temporary facilities, using Responsible for implementation of Visual monitoring to
 Visual-landscape alteration people; natural materials and reasonable colouring, as possible; mitigation measures: control sanitary-
due to construction site and  Prevention of alteration b. Storage of materials and waste in places invisible Executor of works environmental
construction camp. of animal habitat and for visual receptors, as possible Time-frames for implementation of condition of the area.
 Visual-landscape alteration migration. c. Choose optimal route while vehicle movement mitigation measures:
due to increased traffic (bypassing settlements); a, b - On preparation stage , time to
flow; d. Clear and recultivate the territory time;
Significance: „medium“ Significance of residual impact : „low“ c – During transport operation;
d–After finishing works.
Cost for implementation of mitigation
Not related to additional expenses.
Impact on flora, loss, damage  Minimize risks a. In order to minimize the risk of damage of the Responsible for implementation of Ensure daily
of habitats. connected to loss and existing vegetation, strict protection of construction mitigation measures: monitoring during
 Cleaning from vegetation of damage of habitats; camp borders and definition of vehicle movement; Executor of works cleaning works of the
projected area;  Conservation and b. Instruct personnel about the vegetation protection Time-frames for implementation of area from vegetation to
 Impact related to the corresponding issues; mitigation measures: protect work scope and
arrangement of the management of habitats. c. Trees and plants cutting down works should be a, b – Before cleaning or work area prevent additional
construction camp and conducted under the supervision of authorized from vegetation; damage of vegetation.
temporary facilities. specialists; c – During cleaning of area from
Significance: „medium“ d. Landscaping works. vegetation;
In addition, d – After finishing works.
 Carry out measures related to visual-landscape alteration
(see the corresponding paragraph).
 Carry out measures on water, soil and ambient air Cost for implementation of mitigation
pollution (see the corresponding paragraph); measures:
Significance of residual impact : „low“ -Low
Impact on behaviour of species:  Minimize direct and a. Control traffic routes and building site borders; Responsible for implementation of Waste management
 Impairment of indirect impacts on b. Define optimal vehicle speed to reduce direct mitigation measures: control; Inspect
reproduction and animal species. impact (collision) risk; Executor of works periodically drivers.

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habitability. Animal c. It is recommended to fence working sites, Time-frames for implementation of Monitoring is not
migration; tranches and others to avoid animal falling in mitigation measures: related to additional
 Direct impact – animal ditches; a, b – During transport operations. expenses.
deaths, harm. d. Minimize direct light usage to reduce light spreading; c, d, e, -Regularly on construction
Significance: „medium“ e. Provide implementation of works that cause animal phase.
disturbance, in the shortest period of time.
In addition, Cost for implementation of mitigation
 Proper management of waste;; measures:
 Carry out mitigation measures on water, soil and Can be connected with low or
ambient air pollution (see the corresponding paragraph). medium expenses.
Significance of residual impact : „low“
Risks of environment pollution Prevention of disorganized a. Adequate waste management generated due to the Responsible for implementation of Waste management
with waste: waste distributing into the cleaning of the area and dismantling; mitigation measures: plan implementation
 Construction waste; environment and b. Deliver materials necessary for construction and other Executor of works –a person designated control by the person,
 Hazardous waste; accordingly reduction of purposes as many as required for the project; for waste management. designated for waste
 Domestic waste. environmental impact, such c. Use removed ground for the project. Storage of Time-frames for implementation of management. Record
as: the remained part in pre-prepared places by following mitigation measures: waste volume and
Significance: „High“ or very  Negative impact on appropriate rules. a, b, e, i – On preparation stage. type, keep appropriate
high human health and d. Reuse of waste as, possible; c, d, f , g, h – During waste journal. Monitoring
security; e. Special warehouse storerooms should be arranged on management process. expenses can be related
 Pollution of water the territories of construction camps for temporary Cost for implementation of mitigation to the employment of
environment; disposal of hazardous waste and hermetic containers measures: additional staff.
 Direct negative impact with special marking to be placed on the construction Activities considered by paragraphs
on animals; sites; d, f, h can be connected with
 Negative visual- f. Maximum protection of security norms while waste “medium” expenses.
landscape alteration; transportation (covering vehicle body, etc.);
 And others. g. Removal of the waste from the construction camps for
the further management to be done by the contractor
having an appropriate permission on these activities.
h. Establish appropriate recording mechanism and keep
appropriate journal for waste generation, temporary
storage and further handling processes;
i. Appropriately trained staff to be provided for the waste
j. Instruct personnel.
Significance of residual impact : “medium”
Impact on land ownership and  Restrict local resources at a. Implementation of the works, related to restriction of Responsible for implementation of Investigate opinion of
use. Availability of resources: minimum, for the short the local resources, in the short period: mitigation measures: population and set
 Impact on neighbouring period of time. b. Identify/record claims, set mechanism form their Client, executor of works appropriate
land owners; discussion and proper response; Time-frames for implementation of mechanism for

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 Use of water and other Significance of residual impact: is not expected mitigation measures: recording claims
resources due to a - During work process
construction works. b – After receiving claims.
Significance: „Low“ Cost for implementation of mitigation
- It is likely not connected with
additional expenses.
Employment and related  Eliminate disagreement a. Develop personnel hiring policy and publish in Responsible for implementation of Establish appropriate
negative impact risks, namely: of project employees and local(office), at municipal (building of Gamgeoba, etc.) mitigation measures: mechanism on
 Employment expectation of local population. and regional levels; Executor of works recording and
local population and b. Hiring personnel according appropriate testing; responding claims.
Time-frames for implementation of
dissatisfaction; c. Sign individual contract with each employee; Make disciplinary
mitigation measures:
 Violation rights of d. Include articles in employee’s contract about all records.
a, b, c, d, e, f, - Before starting the
employees; plans, procedures and mitigation measures, as well as
works (before hiring and in the
 Shortage of job-places and including articles concerning security plan monitoring
process of hiring personnel), as well
dissatisfaction due to and accident reports. as when taking decision about hiring
elimination of the project; e. Provide personnel with information about their
new personnel during work process;
 Disagreement between local job – develop code of conduct; g, h, i – During work
population and f. Inform all non-resident personnel about local
implementation process.
employees(non-resident). customs and culture;
Cost for implementation of mitigation
Significance: „medium“ g. While purchasing different materials, local
products and support of local enterprises will have
Activities considered by paragraph
“g” can be connected with “low”
h. Develop the mechanism of employees’ claim
expenses (difference in prices).
review and its practical implementation;
i. Keep record book for claims of personnel;
Significance of residual impact : “ low“
Impact on traffic flow and  Maintain road surface a. Ensure that population’s passage is minimally Responsible for implementation of Continuous
infrastructure: and facilitate the free obstructed; mitigation measures: monitoring of road
 Damage of road surface; movement; b. Choose optimal - bypass route to the access road to Executor of works quality.
 Heavy traffic flow;  Minimize traffic threats, construction site; Time-frames for implementation of
 Obstruction of movement. traffic jams; c. Limit vehicle movement on public roads, as possible; mitigation measures:
Significance: „medium“  Eliminate dissatisfaction d. Maximum restriction of movement of caterpillar a, b, c, d, e, - During work process-
of population. machine; transport operations;
e. Notify population about work time-frame; f – After finishing works;
f. Maximum restoration of damaged sections of the road to g – After receiving claims.

Page 118 of 186

ensure accessibility for population; Cost for implementation of mitigation
g. Identify/record claims and proper response; measures:
Significance of residual impact : “ low“ Activities considered by paragraph
“f” - can be connected with “low”
Health and security hazards:  Ensure human health a. Personnel training on safety and labor issues; Responsible for implementation of Control of proper
 Possible impact on health and safety. b. Equip personnel by personal protection equipment; mitigation measures: working of machinery.
and safety of population; c. Install warning signs on areas and roads dangerous for Executor of works Record incidents and
 Possible impact on health health; Time-frames for implementation of accidents.
and safety of employed d. Fencing dangerous areas; mitigation measures: Unscheduled
personnel. e. Provide standard medical sets on the areas dangerous a – When hiring personnel and examination-inspect of
for health and on construction camp; further several times a year; personnel.
Significance: “medium” or f. Ensure proper working conditions of machinery - Before starting works;
„low“ g. Maximum observation of safety rules during transport b, c, d, e, - Before starting works and
operations; continuous update;
h. Restrict traffic on the roads, that pass the settlements; f, g, h, i, j, k, l – Continuously during
i. Control getting and moving of strangers at the work process.
workplace without special permit or without special Cost for implementation of mitigation
protective equipment; measures:
j. Onsite risk assessment to identify certain hazards and Activities considered by paragraphs
appropriate handling of them for the security of b, c, d, e, f can be connected with
population; “medium” expenses.
k. Personnel insurance with ropes and special fasteners
during the work on height;
l. Keep register for accidents and incidents.
m. In addition, carry out all measures to prevent ambient
air, water and soil quality deterioration. Carry out noise
mitigation measures.
Significance of residual impact : “ low“
Impact on historical-cultural  Minimize the risks of Stop works whenever any artefact is discovered. The Responsible for implementation of Visual control of earth
and archaeological damage/destruction of National Agency of Cultural Heritage Preservation of mitigation measures: works.
monuments: cultural and Georgia should be informed about the discovery Executor of works
 Damage of cultural heritage archaeological immediately. Qualified archaeologists should examine the Time-frames for implementation of
sites; monuments artefact. Ensure its conservation or delivery to a vault. mitigation measures:
 Damage of unrecorded Continue works only after permission is obtained. In case of discovery of any artefact.
archaeological heritage sites Cost for implementation of mitigation
due to implementation of Significance of residual impact : “ Not expected“ measures:
earth works; Not connected with expenses.

Significance: „low“

Page 119 of 186

7.4 Mitigation Measures – Operation Phase
Mitigation Measures:
Task Responsibility, time-frame and Monitoring
Impact Description Description
Odor nuisance in the air Minimize disturbance risks a. Plant/grow of coniferous plants on the perimeter of Responsible for implementation of Control proper
within the work zone and in of workers engaged in treatment plant site (esp. on the North perimeter); mitigation measures: working of the
the ambient air. construction and b. Supervise observation of treatment plant operation rules; Operator company. machinery. Conduct
population, related to odor c. Provide appropriate monitoring. In case of revealing Time-frames for implementation of a population and
Significance: „High“ propagation . violations by monitoring, appropriate corrective measures mitigation measures: staff survey. Carry
should be developed and implemented (see, the a-Construction phase; out corrective
corresponding paragraph) b – Continuously while operation; measures in case of
c – In case of revealing violations by failure, if necessary.
Significance of residual impact : “ Low“ monitoring during operation;
Cost for implementation of
mitigation measures:
Can be connected with “low” or
“medium “expenses.
Noise propagation within the Minimize noise a. Installation of high quality pumping stations on Responsible for implementation of Control proper
work zone. Impact on other propagation. Reduce treatment plant site; mitigation measures: working of the
receptors: environmental impact, such b. Using noise-insulation materials during installation of Operator company. machinery. If
 On operation phase as: pumping station; Time-frames for implementation of necessary, carry out
propagation of noise produced  Impact on human health; c. Arrangement of pumps on vibro-isolating platform, for mitigation measures: instrumental
by the working of electric  Animal disturbance and that thick rubber sheets can be used; a, b, c, d –On design and construction measurement.
motors. migration. d. Place pumps in closed containers, special shells. phases;
Significance: „Low“ e. Frequent shift of workers, working with noisy devices. e – On operation phase.
Cost for implementation of
Significance of residual impact : “ very Low“ mitigation measures:
Can be connected with “low”
Pollution of surface waters: Prevention of surface water a. Enable sampling prior to discharging wastewater, as well Responsible for implementation of Control efficiency of
 Surface water pollution pollution and accordingly, as treated water into the river; mitigation measures: plant operation;
with untreated wastewater. reduction of the b. Instruct personnel on environmental and safety issues; Operator company. Periodically
Significance: „High“ environmental impact, such c. Consider maximum allowable rates of discharge of Time-frames for implementation of laboratory control of
as: pollutants with discharged wastewater; mitigation measures: water. Control of
 Impact on water d. Control efficiency of plant operation; a,– On design and construction waste management
biodiversity; e. Regular supervision on observation of rules related to the phases; plan
 Ground water pollution fuel/oil storage and usage; b – Before launching to Operation; implementation.
 Impact on receptors f. Supervision on implementation of accident preventive c, d, e, f, - On operation phase, Control of

Page 120 of 186

depended on water measures; regularly. observation of rules
resources (animals, g. In case of fuel/oil spill, localization of the spilled product g – Promptly after oil spillage; related to the fuel/oil
population). and take preventive measures to avoid surface water h – As required.. storage and usage;
pollution; Visual control of soil
h. Inform The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Cost for implementation of and water condition.
Natural Resources of Georgia about the amount and mitigation measures:
consistence of wastewater; Can be connected with “medium”
Additionally, expenses.
 Systematic control of implementation of measures,
considered by waste management plan (see the
corresponding paragraph);
 Carry out mitigation measures considered for soil
protection from pollution; (see the corresponding
Significance of residual impact : “ very Low“
Deterioration of ground water In case of emergency a. Arrangement of hydro isolating layer on treatment plant Responsible for implementation of Control of proper
quality: situations, prevention of site; mitigation measures: working of WWTP
In case of pollutant movement accidental pollution of b. Control of proper working of WWTP machinery and Operator company. machinery and
in deep layers or due to surface ground water technological pipelines, and carry out appropriate Time-frames for implementation of technological
water pollution. corrective measures as required. mitigation measures: pipelines
Significance: „low Significance of residual impact : “ very Low“ a - Construction phase ;
b– On operation phase, regularly.
Cost for implementation of
mitigation measures:
Can be connected with “low”
Soil pollution: Prevention of soil pollution a. Provide the facility with appropriate technical equipment Responsible for implementation of Control of waste
 Soil pollution with wastes; and accordingly, reduction and inventory (containers, spill collector chambers , etc.). mitigation measures: management plant
Pollution in case of fuel/oil of environmental impact b. In case of pollution with fuel and oil spill , removal of Operator company. implementation. Oil
spill. such as: polluted layer of the soil and carry out remedial Time-frames for implementation of machinery
Significance: „low  Deterioration of animal measures; mitigation measures: maintenance control.
habitat; c. Proper waste management; a, b, c, d, e –Operation phase; Visual control of soil
 Indirect impact on d. Carry out mitigation measures considered for Cost for implementation of and ground water.
vegetation; construction phase during repairing work process; mitigation measures:
 Pollution of ground and Significance of residual impact : low or “ very Low“ Can be connected with “low”
surface waters; expenses.

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Visual- landscape alteration: Considering unsatisfactory sanitary-environmental condition on the area, the positive effect is expected.

Impact on behaviour of  Minimize indirect and a. Optimization of night lighting system; Responsible for implementation of Control of
species: direct impact on animal b. Protection of technological process of WWTP; mitigation measures: implementation of
 Animal migration; species. Additionally, Operator company. mitigation measures.
 Deterioration of animal  Proper waste management; Time-frames for implementation of
habitat due to the pollution  Carry out mitigation measures on water, soil and ambient mitigation measures:
of waters of River Alaskan. air pollution (see the corresponding paragraph). a - Construction phase ;
Significance: „medium” b – On operation phase, regularly.
Significance of residual impact : “ very Low“ Cost for implementation of
mitigation measures:
Implementation of activities will not
be connected to additional expenses.

Risks of environment pollution Prevention of system less a. Disposal of dewatered sludge extracted from WWTP on Responsible for implementation of Control of waste
with wastes: waste distribution in the Kutaisi landfill; mitigation measures: management plan
 Hazardous waste; environment and b. Arrangement of appropriate storage infrastructure for Operator company. implementation by
 Domestic waste. environmental impact, such temporary storage of hazardous waste on plant site; Time-frames for implementation of the person
as: c. Place appropriate container for household waste; mitigation measures: designated for waste
Significance: „medium”  Negative impact on d. Appropriately trained staff to be provided for the waste a, b, c, d, e – On operation phase, management; Record
human health; management, which will be periodically trained and regularly. amount and type of
 Pollution of water tested; Cost for implementation of waste, Keep
environment; e. Instruct personnel; mitigation measures: appropriate register.
 Negative impact on f. Removal of the hazardous waste for the further Implementation of activities can be
animals; management to be done by the contractor having an connected with “low” expenses.
 Negative visual- appropriate permission on these activities.
landscape alteration, etc. Significance of residual impact : “ very Low“

Health and safety risks:  Ensure human health a. Train personnel on health and labor protection Responsible for implementation of Control proper
 Possible impact on health and safety . issues; mitigation measures: working of
and safety of population; b. Provide staff with personal protective equipment; Operator company. machinery. Keep
 Possible impact on health c. Fencing work areas dangerous for health; Time-frames for implementation of register for accidents
and safety of employed d. Provide medical kits on the plant; mitigation measures: and unscheduled
personnel. e. Ensure proper working of machinery; a – When hiring personnel and examination of
f. Control getting and moving of strangers at the then several times a year; personnel.

Page 122 of 186

Significance: „medium” workplace without special permit or without special b , c, d, e, - Before starting the
protective equipment; works and continuous update;
g. Onsite risk assessment to identify certain hazards f, g, h – Continuously during work
and appropriate handling of them for the security of process.
personnel; Cost for implementation of
h. Keep register for accidents and incidents. mitigation measures:
In addition, Activities considered by paragraphs
 Carry out all measures to prevent ambient air, water and b, c, d, e - can be connected with
soil quality deterioration. Carry out noise mitigation “medium” expenses.
measures. (see appropriate paragraphs).
Significance of residual impact : “ very Low“

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8. Environmental Monitoring Plan
Environmental monitoring plan, developed for treatment facility construction and operation project
aims at solving following problems:
 Monitoring of compliance with environmental legislation during construction and operation
 Ensuring controllability of risks and environmental impacts;
 Provision of stakeholders with relevant environmental information;
 Confirmation of mitigation measures’ implementation, determination of their efficiency and
their adjustment whenever necessary;
 Permanent environmental control throughout the project implementation period (construction
works and operation).

Environmental monitoring plans for construction and operation phases are given in paragraphs 8.1 and
8.2. It is noteworthy that this is a general plan and it may be detailed and adjusted during the working

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8.1 Environmental Monitoring Plan-Construction Phase
Responsible for
Subject/action to monitor Control/sampling spot Method Frequency/time Goal
1 2 3 4 5 6
Air (emission and dust)  Construction camp  Visual  In the process of groundworking,  Ensuring the compliance of  Building contractor;
 Construction sites  Monitoring the regularly in a dry weather; ambient air quality to the  Client – “United
 The construction site functionality of the  During the construction; normative one Water Supply
access roads equipment  During the intensive transport operations  Minimum public disturbance Company of
 The nearest receptor  Instrumental and in the dry weather;  Ensuring the personnel safety Georgia” LLC.
(residential zone) measurement  Check for the technical functionality  Minimal effect on vegetation
during pre-construction; cover/flora and fauna
 Measurement – if necessary (after
receiving the grievances).
Noise and vibration  Construction camp  Monitoring the  Checking the functionality of the  Meeting the health and safety  Building contractor;
 Construction sites functionality of the technology daily before the work gets standards  Client – “United
 The nearest receptor equipment started  Ensuring the comfortable Water Supply
(residential area)  Instrumental  Instrumental measurement regularly conditions for the personnel Company of
measurement and/or after receiving the grievances.  Maintaining the state of Georgia” LLC.
 Minimal disturbance of the
fauna and population
Soil  Construction camp  Control, observation  Regular check-up  Maintaining the soil stability  Building contractor;
 Construction sites  Monitoring the  Monitoring after the work finalization and quality  Client – “United
 Materials and waste functionality of the  Lab research in case the pollutants gets Water Supply
storage area equipment spilled Company of
 The access roads’ corridor  Lab control Georgia” LLC.
Water  Construction camp  Visual  During the arrangement of the work site;  Ensure water quality  Building contractor;
 Vartsikhe HPP canal and  Monitoring the  Through the working processes; maintenance  Client – “United
Rioni river functionality of the  While transporting/warehousing the Water Supply
equipment solids; Company of
 Solid waste management  Check for the functionality of the Georgia” LLC.
monitoring equipment – before the work;
 Monitoring the  Lab research in case the pollutants gets
agricultural-fecal and spilled
storm water management
 Lab control

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Vegetation cover  The areas of construction  Visual monitoring  Permenently, while cleaning the  Preventing the excess damage  Building contractor;
camp and construction  Inspection vegetation cover (by the quilifiesd of the vegetation cover;  Client – “United
sites;  Supervision over personnel);  Evaluating the effectiveness of Water Supply
 The Surroundings protection of the area  Regular inspection to protect the work mitigation measures; Company of
 Access road corridors borders area Georgia” LLC.

Animals/habitat  The surroundings of  Observing the animal  Observing the animal species (incl. The  Minimizing negative impact  Building contractor;
construction camp and species and comparing to species near the water) – regularly during on the animal environment;  Client – “United
construction sites; the baseline and after the construction;  Evaluating the effectiveness of Water Supply
 Access road corridors  Visual observation of the  Inspecting the pits – before they are filled mitigation measures; Company of
pits Georgia” LLC.

Waste  The surroundings of  Visual observation of the  Regularly, especially through the windy  Maintaining the quality of soil  Building contractor;
construction camp and area weather and water  Client – “United
construction sites;  Monitoring the waste Water Supply
 Waste storage areas management Company of
Georgia” LLC.
Occupational safety  Work area  Inspection  A regular control during the works  Ensure the compliance with  Building contractor;
 Regular check for the health and safety standards  Client – “United
availability and usability  Avoid/minimize traumatism Water Supply
of personal protection Company of
equipment Georgia” LLC.

Page 126 of 186

8.2 Environmental Monitoring Plan-Operation Phase
Responsible for
Subject/action to monitor Control/sampling spot Method Frequency/time Goal
1 2 3 4 5 6
Unpleasant odor spread  Plant area  Monitoring the functionality of the  Regular control  Minimal disturbance of the  - “United Water
 Nearest receptor WWTP equipment; personnel/population Supply Company of
(residential zone)  Surveying the personnel and Georgia” LLC.
Noise  Nearest receptor  Ensuring technical functionality of  Regular control  Ensuring the compliance with  - “United Water
(residential zone) the equipment  Instrumental measurement health and safety standards Supply Company of
 Instrumental measurement – In case the grievances are  Minimal effect on fauna Georgia” LLC.
 Or after the repair works
Surface water quality Rioni water  Lab analysis for the river water with Once in a quarter  Compliance of the river water  “United Water
200 meters downstream the the following parameters: with the Georgian Supply Company of
discharge point o Suspended particles; environmental standards Georgia” LLC.
o BOD;
o COD;
o Total Nitrogen;
o Total Phosphorus;
o Fat;
o Detergents
o Lactose Positive E. coli.
Quality of the treated Near the discharge point  Lab analysis for the treated  Standardized treatment of  - “United Water
wastewater wastewater: wastewater Supply Company of
o Suspended particles; Daily Georgia” LLC.
o BOD; Daily
o COD; Daily
o Total Nitrogen; Once a month
o Total Phosphorus; Once a month
o Fat; Once a quarter
o Detergents Once a quarter
o Lactose Positive E. coli. Once a quarter
Soil quality  Plant area;  Visual monitoring Lab research in case of the  Soil quality protection  - “United Water
 Waste disposal sites.  Lab analysis – if necessary emergency spill of  Avoiding risks of the surface Supply Company of
pollutants water pollution with Surface Georgia” LLC.
 Avoiding the groundwater

Page 127 of 186

Biological environment  Surroundings of the  Researching the protected animal  Once a year  Identifing the possible effects  - “United Water
WWTP species on the terrestrial and aquatic Supply Company of
ecosystems Georgia” LLC.
Waste  WWTP area  Visual observation of the area  Regularly  Soil/water protection  - “United Water
 Waste disposal areas  Waste management control Supply Company of
Georgia” LLC.

Dewatered sludge from the  The area for temporary  Analysis of the dewatered waste  Once a month - the first  Soil/water protection;  - “United Water
WWTP placement of the samples to identify the content of stage of WWTP operation.  Solving the dewatered sludge Supply Company of
dewatered sludge toxic metals Later - once a year manamgement related issues Georgia” LLC.
(removal or/and agricultural

Occupational safety  Working area  Inspection  Regular control in a  Ensuring the compliance with  - “United Water
 Existance of the individual safety working process health and safety standards; Supply Company of
equipement and regular check for its  Avoiding/minimizing the risks Georgia” LLC.
functionality of traumatism

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9. Residual Impact
According to the Environmental Impact Assessment, the residual impact of high and low levels, caused by
the construction works is not expected. According to the international methodology, the impact of low-level
residual impact is not subject to review.

10. Possible Emergency Situations

The possible options for emergency situation development were determined, according to which future
emergency situations must be avoided. Before the formation of the preventive measures the evaluation of
risk-factors should be assessed, which aims to facilitate decision-making in terms of the feasibility of the
project on the one hand and on the other hand, to form the basis for the prevention of negative impacts or for
development of significant mitigation measures.
Environmental impact on different receptors is the last link in the chain of cause and effect chain and its
main components are:
 Development of risky situations (fire and etc.) associated with some activities outlined by the
technological scheme;
 Negative impact on sensitive receptors (ambient air, soil, ground surface, some species of habitat).
Therefore, one side measures may aim at minimization of impact possibility, on the other hand – they may
aim at minimization of impact levels. The best measures within our possibilities are ones that fully terminate
negative impact.
Possible emergency situations:
 Fire (landscape fire);
 Spill of hazardous substances;
 Damage of the treatment facility and emergency discharge of wastewater;
 Accidents related to safety;
 Traffic accidents;
 Natural type emergency situations.
See Emergency Response Plan in Annex N4.

11. Determination of the Ways and Means of Restoring of the Environment in Case of Termination
of the Treatment Plant Operation
11.1 Short-term Termination of the Treatment Plant or Repair Works
In case of temporary termination of the treatment plant operation or in case of maintenance (current and
capital) of the existing facilities, operational service is obliged to develop operational plan related to a
temporary suspension of activities or repair works, which should include security requirements in the first
place and should be coordinated with the local self-government and all interested legal persons. Municipal
wastewater discharge plan will include alternative ways.

11.2 Long-term Termination of the Operation of the Treatment Plant or Conservation

In case of long-term termination of the treatment plant operation or conservation, administration shall
establish a liquidation body, which will develop the plan for long-term termination of the operation or

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conservation. Long-term termination or conservation plan should be coordinated with the authorized
agencies. The major content of the plan is safety requirements.
The following measures are to be carried out before the termination of the activities:
 Internal audit of the area – to record the technical condition of infrastructure, to identify the risks of
emergency situations, as well as environmentally problematic areas and to solve the problem;
 Temporary demobilization of supporting infrastructure – to release the warehousing from stockpiled
material, waste, as far as possible, and to allocate a special area for equipment and vehicles;
 To provide warning and prohibition signs throughout the outer perimeter of the area.

11.3 Liquidation of the Treatment Plant

In case of liquidation of the treatment plant, a special project should be developed in order to identify the
ways and means of restoring previous condition of the environment.
This project should be developed by the operator company. Under the current rules, a special project of
termination should be agreed with the competent authorities and the information should be provided to all
interested individuals and legal entities.
The rules and the sequence of termination of technological processes, dismantle of facilities and equipment,
terms and conditions of demolition works, safety and environmental protection, terms and conditions of
neutralization and disposal of hazardous waste, recultivation works and other issues should be considered in
this project.

12. Public Information and Study of Public Opinion

According to article 37 of Georgian constitution, the citizen of Georgia has a right to:
 All citizens of Georgia have right to live in harmless environment and use natural and cultural
environment. Everyone is obliged to take care of natural and cultural environment;
 A person has a right to get full, objective and timely information about conditions of his/her working
and living environment.
Considering aforementioned, during EIA process of treatment facility construction and operation project,
population will be provided with objective, true and full information in order to exclude further discontent
and ensure development of friendly relations between stakeholders.
Notifications about public hearings were published in ----- edition of the newspaper "24 hours". Public
hearing will be held on ------, 2015 in Tskaltubo Municipality building (Address: ------------)
Documentation concerning planned activities is available at following addresses:
 Tskaltubo City, Tskaltubo Municipality building;
 The head office of Ltd United Water Supply Company – V. Pshavela ave. 76, Tbilisi, Georgia; Tel:
+995 (32) 2 93 00 00.

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13. Conclusions and Recommendation
The following key conclusions and recommendations have been developed during preparation of the present
report on assessment of possible environmental impacts caused by WWTP construction and operation

 According to the project, the normalized treatment of wastewater will be provided in Kutaisi and
some other nearby settlements, if the effective system of wastewater treatment is implemented;
 The discharge of untreated wastewater into the reservoirs near Kutaisi will be minimized if the
planned activity is implemented, which serves the improvement of the local water quality;
 WWTP project implementation serves the sustainable development of the local infrastructure,
which holds a significant importance in terms of the social-economic development of the region;
 The selected area for WWTP is exposed to significant anthropogenic load. Reinforced concrete
constructions of the old treatment plant have remained at the area, and most part is contaminated
with the household and construction waste. The existing antisanitary state endangers individual
environmental receptors (incl. impact on the animal habitats, surface water pollution risks, high
chance of disease spread and the riscs of effecting the population health);
 Project implementation results in territory cleanup and significant improvement of the existing
sanitary-ecological conditions, reducing the abovementioned risks considerably;
 Jobs will be created through the construction and operation phases of the treatment plant, which
is important in terms of the employment of local population;
 According to the calculations made through the environmental impact assessment process, the
impacts related to the decrease of ambient air quality will not be significant, during the
construction and operation of the treatment plant;
 There is no high risk of the impact on water environment at the construction and operation
phases in case the appropriate mitigation measures are taken and the terms of operation are
satisfied; WWTP operation phase is assessed positively in terms of the impact on water
 There is a small portion of fertile soil layer at the project area. The amount of soil is scarce and has
no special value. The effect on ground and soil will not be significant;
 The engineering-geological researches made withing the area have revealed that there are
minimal risks of dangerous processes to develop; There is no need to take significant mitigation
measures in this regard;
 The cleanup of vegetation cover at the project area will not be necessary during the construction
phase of the WWTP; Represented on ≈4000-5000 m2 area, the barbed and liana-like insignificant
vegetation is a subject to cutting. No vegetation included in Red List was found. In terms of
appropriate mitigation measures and monitoring, the impact on vegetation cover will be
 The selected area has a high anthropogenic load and the existing animals are accustomed to the
intensive anthropogenic activities. In case the project is carried out, the effect on animals will not
be significant. Some positive impacts are expected as well;
 There are minor risks of negative impacts expected on protected areas, as they are significantly far
from project area. Only the minor indirect impacts might occur;
 The plant construction process will be related to visual-landscape changes, which might reduce
considering the planned mitigation measures. Overall, the project implementation is associated
with positive consequences in this regard.
 No historical or cultural monuments have been spotted at the project area and it’s surroundings to
be effected by the project;

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 The construction area is state owned, non-agricultural land. Project realization is not related with
either physical or economical resettlement;
 Local, natural resources can be used for the plant construction (sand-gravel storages, water
resources for industrial water and drink purposes, etc.), which is also notable in terms of the
effect on local environment.

1. Both the implementer company and the building contractor are obliged to establish a strict control
over the implementation of the activities regarding mitigation measures defined by economic
expertise as said in the environmental impact assessment report;
2. Provide the personnel working on construction site and those involved in later operation phase with
periodic (once every 6 months) training and examinations regarding environmental protection and
professional safety issues;
3. It is necessary to ensure the personnel engaged in construction and operation activities with
individual protective equipment;
4. The project documentation should include the recultivation and greenery planting activities of the
construction camp and site. The local varieties of trees and plants are preferable for greenery planting
5. In case of the arrangement of the fuel storage reservoir at the construction camp, the reservoir should
have concrete or clay fencing, with a capacity of no less than 110% of the tank volume. Fencing of
the reservoir enables the prevention of spread in cases of accidental spills of oil.
6. During the construction process, the temporary storage for hazardous waste should be built on the
constriction camp site, and during the exploitation process, the storage must be built on the area of
wastewater treatment plant (WWTP); Hazardous waste storage must be arranged in the following
 The storage must have waterproof bottom.
 The ceiling will be painted with moisture resistant paint;
 There will be the shelves and racks for disposal of the waste inside the storage;
 The storage will be equipped with the following: Indoor and outdoor lighting systems
exhaust ventilation system, wash stand and tap water for washing the area, water intake
trap, fire stand, warning and prohibiting signs.
7. The disposal and management of the hazardous waste generated from the process of construction and
operation should be carried out by the contractors with the appropriate, special license.
8. Dewatered sludge from the treatment plant, to be placed at Kutaisi sanitary landfill on the contractual
9. Systematic monitoring of the technical soundness of the treatment plant system and the effectiveness
of wastewater treatment is necessary for control management.
10. Periodic surveys should be conducted with the population and personnel regarding the spread of
unpleasant odor in order to assess the effectiveness of the prevention measures;
11. Planting the pine trees on the perimeter of the site in order to prevent the spread of unpleasant
12. Periodic laboratory tests of purified water and River Rioni in accordance with Monitoring Plan.

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14. References
1. УПРЗА ЭКОЛОГ, версия 3.00 ФИРМА "ИНТЕГРАЛ" Санкт-Петербург 2001-2005г.
2. «Методическим пособием по расчету, нормированию и контролю выбросов загрязняющих
веществ в атмосферный воздух», СПб., 2005.
3. საქართველოს გარემოსა და ბუნებრივი რესურსების დაცვის მინისტრის 28.07.03 წლის
ბრძანება № 67 “დაბინძურების სტაციონარული წყაროებიდან ატმოსფერულ ჰაერში
გაფრქვევების ფაქტობრივი რაოდენობის განსაზღვრის ინსტრუმენტული მეთოდის,
დაბინძურების სტაციონარული წყაროებიდან ატმისფერულ ჰაერში გაფრქვევების
ფაქტობრივი რაოდენობის დამდგენი სპეციალური გამზომ-საკონტროლო აპარატურის
სტანდარტული ჩამონათვალისა და დაბინძურების სტაციონარული წყაროებიდან
ტექნოლოგიური პროცესების მიხედვით ატმოსფერულ ჰაერში გაფრქვევების ფაქტობრივი
რაოდენობის საანგარიშო მეთოდიკის შესახებ”;
4. МЕТОДИКА проведения инвентаризации выбросов загрязняющих веществ в атмосферу для баз
дорожной техники (расчетным методом) Москва 1998.
5. Расчет выбросов загрязняющих веществ при проведении горных работ в соответствии с
«Методикой расчета вредных выбросов (сбросов) для комплекса оборудования открытых
горных работ (на основе удельных показателей)»: Люберцы, 1999.
6. Методика расчета выделений (выбросов) загрязняющих веществ в атмосферу при сварочных
работах (на основе удельных показателей). СПб, 1997» (с учетом дополнений НИИ Атмосфера
2005 г.).
7. Методика расчета выделений загрязняющих веществ в атмосферу от стационарных дизельных
установок. СПб, 2001
8. Методические указания по определению выбросов загрязняющих веществ в атмосферу из
резервуаров». Новополоцк, 1997 (с учетом дополнений НИИ Атмосфера 1999, 2005, 2010 г.г.).
9. “Расчета количества загрязняющих веществ выделяющичся в атмосферныи воздух от
неорганизованных источников загрязнения станций аерации сточных вод “ Москва 1994 год;
10. საქართველოს კანონი “ლიცენზიებისა და ნებართვების შესახებ“ თბილისი 2005 წ;
11. საქართველოს კანონი "გარემოს დაცვითი ნებართვის შესახებ". საქართველოს პარლამენტის
ნორმატიული აქტები გარემოს დაცვის სფეროში. ასოციაცია "სამართლებრივი საზოგადოება",
თბილისი, 2000.
12. საქართველოს კანონი "სახელმწიფო ეკოლოგიური ექსპერტიზის შესახებ". საქართველოს
პარლამენტის ნორმატიული აქტები გარემოს დაცვის სფეროში. ასოციაცია "სამართლებრივი
საზოგადოება", თბილისი, 2000.
13. საქართველოს კანონი "ატმოსფერული ჰაერის დაცვის შესახებ". საქართველოს პარლამენტის
ნორმატიული აქტები გარემოს დაცვის სფეროში. ასოციაცია "სამართლებრივი საზოგადოება",
თბილისი, 2000.
14. საქართველოს კანონი "წყლის შესახებ". საქართველოს პარლამენტის ნორმატიული აქტები
გარემოს დაცვის სფეროში. ასოციაცია "სამართლებრივი საზოგადოება", თბილისი, 2000.
15. საწარმოების, ნაგებობებისა და სხვა ობიექტების სანიტარიული დაცვის ზონები და
სანიტარული კლასიფიკაცია. სანიტარული წესები და ნორმები (სანწდან 2.2.1./2.1.1. 000-03).
16. ატმოსფერულ ჰაერში დამაბინძურებელ ნივთიერებათა ზღვრულად დასაშვები გაფრქვევის
ნორმების გაანგარიშების მეთოდიკა. საქართველოს ბუნებრივი რესურსებისა და გარემოს
დაცვის სამინისტრო, თბილისი, 1999.
17. კლიმატის ცნობარი – ჰაერი, ნიადაგი, ტემპერატურა. მე-14 გამოშვება, ჰიდრომეტგამი.
18. კლიმატის ცნობარი – ქარი. მე-14 გამოშვება, ჰიდრომეტგამი.
19. სნწ II-7-81*. მშენებლობა სეისმურ რაიონებში.
20. სნწ 2.01.02-85*. ხანძარსაწინააღმდეგო ნორმები.

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21. სანიტარიული წესები და ნორმები _ «ჰიგიენური მოთხოვნები სასმელი წყალმომარაგების
ცენტრალიზებული სისტემების წყლის ხარისხისადმი. ხარისხის კონტროლი» (სანწდან 2.1.4.
000 _ 00).
22. სანიტარიული წესები და ნორმები _ «ჰიგიენური მოთხოვნები არაცენტრალიზებული
წყალმომარაგების წყლის ხარისხისადმი. წყაროების სანიტარიული დაცვა» (სანწდან 2.1.4.
000 _ 00).
23. სანიტარიული წესები და ნორმები _ «წყალმომარაგების წყაროებისა და სასმელ-სამეურნეო
დანიშნულების წყალსადენების სანიტარიული დაცვის ზონები» (სანწდან 2.1.4. 000 _ 00).
24. სანიტარიული წესები და ნორმები _ «ზედაპირული წყლების გაბინძურებისაგან დაცვის
შესახებ» (სანწდან 2.1.5. 000 _ 00).
25. მეთოდური მითითება _ «წყალმომარაგების სისტემებში გამოყენებული მასალების,
რეაგენტების, მოწყობილობებისა და ტექნოლოგიების ჰიგიენური შეფასების შესახებ» (მმ მმ
2.1.4. 007-04).
26. გოსტი “ცენტრალიზებული სასმელ _ სამეურნეო წყალმომარაგების წყაროები.
შერჩევის წესები და ჰიგიენური და ტექნიკური მოთხოვნები».
27. დებულება “გარემოში მავნე ნივთიერებათა ემისიისა და მიკროორგანიზმებით გარემოს
დაბინძურების ზღვრულად დასაშვები ნორმების შესახებ”, 1997 წელი.
28. დებულებით “მავნე ნივთიერების წლიური გაფრქვევის ზღვრული მნიშვნელობისა და მავნე
ნივთიერების წლიური გაფრქვევის დროებით შეთანხმებული მნიშვნელობის გაანგარიშების
მეთოდისა და ლიმიტის შევსების წესის შესახებ”, 2000 წელი.
29. დებულებით “დაბინძურების სტაციონარული ობიექტების იდენტიფიკაციისა და
ინვენტარიზაციის წესის შესახებ”, 2001 წელი.
30. ინსტრუქციით "არახელსაყრელ მეტეოროლოგიურ პირობებში ატმოსფერული ჰაერის დაცვის
წესების შესახებ", 2002 წელი.
31. ინსტრუქციით “ავარიის შედეგად ატმოსფერულ ჰაერში მავნე ნივთიერებათა ავარიული
გაფრქვევის შემთხვევაში ატმოსფერული ჰაერის დაცვის წესების შესახებ”, 2002 წელი.
32. ხმაური სამუშაო ადგილებზე, საცხოვრებელი, საზოგადოებრივი შენობების სათავსოებში და
საცხოვრებელი განაშენიანების ტერიტორიაზე, 2001 წ.
33. ჰიგიენური ნორმატივებით «დასახლებული ადგილების ატმოსფერული ჰაერის
დამაბინძურებელი ნივთიერებების ზღვრულად დასაშვები კონცენტრაციები (ზდკ)» ჰ.ნ. 2.1.6.
002 - 01, 2003 წელი.
34. დასახლებული ადგილების წყალმომარაგებისა და წყალგამყვანი სისტემების ტექნიკური
ექსპლოატაციის წესები, თბილისი 2000 წ.
35. მეთოდური მითითებები «დასახლებული ადგილების ნიადაგების მდგომარეობის
ჰიგიენური შეფასების შესახებ» (მმ
36. www.geostat.ge

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15. Annexes
Annex 1. Software Printout of Air Pollutant Emission Report-Construction Stage

УПРЗА ЭКОЛОГ, версия 3.1

Copyright © 1990-2010 ФИРМА "ИНТЕГРАЛ"

Serial Number 01-01-2568, Scientific-Research Firm Gamma

Plant No 342; WWTP

Kutaisi City

Initial Data Option: 2, construction

Calculation Option: Construction
Calculation is implemented: For summer
Calculation Module "ОНД-86"
Calculation Constants: E1= 0, 01, E2=0,01, E3=0,01, S=999999,99 km2.

Meteorological Parameters

Average air temperature for the hottest month 27° C

Average air temperature for the coldest month 4,9° C
Atmosphere stratification temperature depended ratio 200
Maximum Wind velocity for given area (exceeding temperature within 5%) 5,1 m/s

Plant Structure (Sites, workshops)

No Site (workshop) title

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Emission Source Parameters

Record: Source types:

"%" - The source is considered excluding the baseline condition; 1 - Point;
"+" - The source is considered without excluding the baseline condition; 2 -Linear;
"-" The source is not considered and its share is not included in the baseline condition. 3 – Non-organized;
In case of absence of benchmarks the source is not considered. 4 – Set of point sources, united for one flat surface calculation;
5 – Non-organized, with changeable emission intensity;
6 – Point source, with horizontal(umbrella) dispersion;
7 – Set of horizontal dispersion point sources;
8 - Highway.
Record Site № Worksh Source Source Title Altern Type Source Diameter Air-gas Air-gas Air-gas Relief Coord. X1 Coord. Y1 Coord. X2 Coord. Y2 Source
during op № № ative height (m) mixture mixture mixture ratio axis (m) axis (m) axis (m) axis (m) width (m)
reporti (m) consistency velocity temperatur
ng (m3/s) (m/s) e (°C)
+ 0 0 3 Diesel fuel storage 1 1 3,0 0,25 0,0083 0,16909 30 1,0 2,0 -68,0 2,0 -68,0 0,00
Substance code Substance Dispersion (gr/s) Dispersion (t/y) F Summ.: Cm/MPC Xm Um Wint.: Cm/ MPC Xm Um
0333 Hydrogen Sulphide 0,0000550 0,0000000 1 0,412 7,8 0,5 0,412 7,8 0,5
2754 Saturated hydrocarbons C12-C19 0,0195000 0,0000000 1 1,169 7,8 0,5 1,169 7,8 0,5
+ 0 0 4 Excavator 1 3 5,0 0,00 0 0 0 1,0 29,0 112,0 34,0 112,0 5,00
Substance code Substance Dispersion (gr/s) Dispersion (t/y) F Summ.: Cm/ MPC Xm Um Wint.: Cm/ MPC Xm Um
0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide) 0,0330000 0,0000000 1 0,695 28,5 0,5 0,695 28,5 0,5
0304 Nitrogen (II) Oxide (Nitrogen Oxide) 0,0053000 0,0000000 1 0,056 28,5 0,5 0,056 28,5 0,5
0328 Carbon black (soot) 0,0045000 0,0000000 1 0,126 28,5 0,5 0,126 28,5 0,5
0330 Sulphur Dioxide 0,0033000 0,0000000 1 0,028 28,5 0,5 0,028 28,5 0,5
0337 Carbon Oxide 0,0270000 0,0000000 1 0,023 28,5 0,5 0,023 28,5 0,5
2732 Oil Fraction 0,0077000 0,0000000 1 0,027 28,5 0,5 0,027 28,5 0,5
2909 Inorganic Dust: up to 20% SiO2 0,0350000 0,0000000 1 0,295 28,5 0,5 0,295 28,5 0,5
+ 0 0 5 bulldozer 1 3 5,0 0,00 0 0 0 1,0 38,0 97,0 23,0 56,0 10,00
Substance code Substance Dispersion (gr/s) Dispersion (t/y) F Summ.: Cm/ MPC Xm Um Wint.: Cm/ MPC Xm Um

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Record Site № Worksh Source Source Title Altern Type Source Diameter Air-gas Air-gas Air-gas Relief Coord. X1 Coord. Y1 Coord. X2 Coord. Y2 Source
during op № № ative height (m) mixture mixture mixture ratio axis (m) axis (m) axis (m) axis (m) width (m)
reporti (m) consistency velocity temperatur
ng (m3/s) (m/s) e (°C)
0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide) 0,0330000 0,0000000 1 0,695 28,5 0,5 0,695 28,5 0,5
0304 Nitrogen (II) Oxide (Nitrogen Oxide) 0,0053000 0,0000000 1 0,056 28,5 0,5 0,056 28,5 0,5
0328 Carbon black (soot) 0,0045000 0,0000000 1 0,126 28,5 0,5 0,126 28,5 0,5
0330 Sulphur Dioxide 0,0033000 0,0000000 1 0,028 28,5 0,5 0,028 28,5 0,5
0337 Carbon Oxide 0,0270000 0,0000000 1 0,023 28,5 0,5 0,023 28,5 0,5
2732 Oil Fraction 0,0077000 0,0000000 1 0,027 28,5 0,5 0,027 28,5 0,5
2909 Inorganic Dust: up to 20% SiO2 0,0110000 0,0000000 1 0,093 28,5 0,5 0,093 28,5 0,5
+ 0 0 6 Generator 1 1 3,0 0,15 0,303 17,14629 450 1,0 20,0 -40,0 20,0 -40,0 0,00
Substance code Substance Dispersion (gr/s) Dispersion (t/y) F Sum.: Cm/ MPC Xm Um Wint.: Cm/ MPC Xm Um
0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide) 0,0450000 0,0000000 1 0,557 51,7 3,2 0,555 51,8 3,2
0304 Nitrogen (II) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide) 0,0074000 0,0000000 1 0,046 51,7 3,2 0,046 51,8 3,2
0328 Carbon black (soot) 0,0028000 0,0000000 1 0,046 51,7 3,2 0,046 51,8 3,2
0330 Sulphur Dioxide 0,0150000 0,0000000 1 0,074 51,7 3,2 0,074 51,8 3,2
0337 Carbon Oxide 0,0500000 0,0000000 1 0,025 51,7 3,2 0,025 51,8 3,2
0703 Benzo(a)pyrene (3,4-Benzipyrene) 0,0000001 0,0000000 1 0,025 51,7 3,2 0,025 51,8 3,2
1325 Formaldehyde 0,0006000 0,0000000 1 0,042 51,7 3,2 0,042 51,8 3,2
2732 Oil Fraction 0,0150000 0,0000000 1 0,031 51,7 3,2 0,031 51,8 3,2
+ 0 0 7 Welding 1 3 5,0 0,00 0 0 0 1,0 61,0 31,0 67,0 31,0 5,00
Substance code Substance Dispersion (gr/s) Dispersion (t/y) F Sum. Cm/ MPC Xm Um Wint.: Cm/ MPC Xm Um
0123 Iron Oxide 0,0010000 0,0000000 1 0,011 28,5 0,5 0,011 28,5 0,5
0143 Manganese and its compounds 0,0000080 0,0000000 1 0,003 28,5 0,5 0,003 28,5 0,5
0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide) 0,0002800 0,0000000 1 0,006 28,5 0,5 0,006 28,5 0,5
0304 Nitrogen (II) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide) 0,0000500 0,0000000 1 0,001 28,5 0,5 0,001 28,5 0,5
0337 Carbon Oxide 0,0030000 0,0000000 1 0,003 28,5 0,5 0,003 28,5 0,5
0342 Gaseous Fluorides 0,0001700 0,0000000 1 0,036 28,5 0,5 0,036 28,5 0,5

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Record Site № Worksh Source Source Title Altern Type Source Diameter Air-gas Air-gas Air-gas Relief Coord. X1 Coord. Y1 Coord. X2 Coord. Y2 Source
during op № № ative height (m) mixture mixture mixture ratio axis (m) axis (m) axis (m) axis (m) width (m)
reporti (m) consistency velocity temperatur
ng (m3/s) (m/s) e (°C)
0344 Slightly Soluble fluorides 0,0003000 0,0000000 1 0,006 28,5 0,5 0,006 28,5 0,5
2908 Inorganic Dust: 70-20% SiO2 0,0001300 0,0000000 1 0,002 28,5 0,5 0,002 28,5 0,5

Page 138 of 186

Emission According to the Source Substances

Record: Source types:

"%" - The source is considered excluding the baseline condition; 1 - Point;
"+" The source is considered without excluding the baseline 2 -Linear;
"-" - The source is not considered and its share is not included in the 3 – Non-organized;
baseline condition
In case of absence of benchmarks the source is not considered. 4 – Set of point sources, united for one flat surface
(-) marked or unmarked () In total sources are not considered 5 – Non-organized, with changeable emission intensity;
6 – Point source, with horizontal (umbrella) dispersion;
7 – Set of horizontal dispersion point sources;
8 - Highway.

Substance: 0123 Iron Oxid

№ № № Type Recor Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 7 3 + 0,0010000 1 0,0105 28,50 0,5000 0,0105 28,50 0,5000
Total: 0,0010000 0,0105 0,0105

Substance: 0143 Manganese and its Compounds

№ № № Type Recor Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 7 3 + 0,0000080 1 0,0034 28,50 0,5000 0,0034 28,50 0,5000
Total: 0,0000080 0,0034 0,0034

Substance: 0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide)

№ № № Type Recor Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 4 3 + 0,0330000 1 0,6947 28,50 0,5000 0,6947 28,50 0,5000
0 0 5 3 + 0,0330000 1 0,6947 28,50 0,5000 0,6947 28,50 0,5000
0 0 6 1 + 0,0450000 1 0,5572 51,71 3,2004 0,5546 51,81 3,2314
0 0 7 3 + 0,0002800 1 0,0059 28,50 0,5000 0,0059 28,50 0,5000
Total: 0,1112800 1,9526 1,9499

Substance: 0304 Nitrogen (II) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide)

№ № № Type Recor Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
Page 139 of 186
0 0 4 3 + 0,0053000 1 0,0558 28,50 0,5000 0,0558 28,50 0,5000
0 0 5 3 + 0,0053000 1 0,0558 28,50 0,5000 0,0558 28,50 0,5000
0 0 6 1 + 0,0074000 1 0,0458 51,71 3,2004 0,0456 51,81 3,2314
0 0 7 3 + 0,0000500 1 0,0005 28,50 0,5000 0,0005 28,50 0,5000
Total: 0,0180500 0,1579 0,1577

Substance: 0328 Carbon black (soot)

№ № № Type Recor Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 4 3 + 0,0045000 1 0,1263 28,50 0,5000 0,1263 28,50 0,5000
0 0 5 3 + 0,0045000 1 0,1263 28,50 0,5000 0,1263 28,50 0,5000
0 0 6 1 + 0,0028000 1 0,0462 51,71 3,2004 0,0460 51,81 3,2314
Total: 0,0118000 0,2989 0,2986

Substance: 0330 Sulphur Dioxide

№ № № Type Recor Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 4 3 + 0,0033000 1 0,0278 28,50 0,5000 0,0278 28,50 0,5000
0 0 5 3 + 0,0033000 1 0,0278 28,50 0,5000 0,0278 28,50 0,5000
0 0 6 1 + 0,0150000 1 0,0743 51,71 3,2004 0,0739 51,81 3,2314
Total: 0,0216000 0,1299 0,1295

Substance: 0333 Hydrogen Sulphide

№ № № Type Recor Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 3 1 + 0,0000550 1 0,4123 7,79 0,5000 0,4123 7,79 0,5000
Total: 0,0000550 0,4123 0,4123

Substance: 0337 Carbon Oxide

№ № № Type Recor Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 4 3 + 0,0270000 1 0,0227 28,50 0,5000 0,0227 28,50 0,5000
0 0 5 3 + 0,0270000 1 0,0227 28,50 0,5000 0,0227 28,50 0,5000
0 0 6 1 + 0,0500000 1 0,0248 51,71 3,2004 0,0246 51,81 3,2314
0 0 7 3 + 0,0030000 1 0,0025 28,50 0,5000 0,0025 28,50 0,5000
Total: 0,1070000 0,0728 0,0726

Page 140 of 186

Substance: 0342 Gaseous Fluorides

№ № № Type Recor Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 7 3 + 0,0001700 1 0,0358 28,50 0,5000 0,0358 28,50 0,5000
Total: 0,0001700 0,0358 0,0358

Substance: 0344 Slightly Soluble Fluorides

№ № № Type Recor Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 7 3 + 0,0003000 1 0,0063 28,50 0,5000 0,0063 28,50 0,5000
Total: 0,0003000 0,0063 0,0063

Substance: 0703 Benzo(a)pyrene (3,4-Benzopyrene)

№ № № Type Recor Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 6 1 + 0,0000001 1 0,0248 51,71 3,2004 0,0246 51,81 3,2314
Total: 0,0000001 0,0248 0,0246

Substance: 1325 Formaldehyde

№ № № Type Recor Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 6 1 + 0,0006000 1 0,0425 51,71 3,2004 0,0423 51,81 3,2314
Total: 0,0006000 0,0425 0,0423

Substance: 2732 Oil Fraction

№ № № Type Recor Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 4 3 + 0,0077000 1 0,0270 28,50 0,5000 0,0270 28,50 0,5000
0 0 5 3 + 0,0077000 1 0,0270 28,50 0,5000 0,0270 28,50 0,5000
0 0 6 1 + 0,0150000 1 0,0310 51,71 3,2004 0,0308 51,81 3,2314
Total: 0,0304000 0,0850 0,0848

Page 141 of 186

Substance: 2754 Saturated Hydrocarbons C12-C19

№ № № Type Recor Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 3 1 + 0,0195000 1 1,1694 7,79 0,5000 1,1694 7,79 0,5000
Total: 0,0195000 1,1694 1,1694

Substance: 2908 Inorganic Dust: 70-20% SiO2

№ № № Type Recor Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 7 3 + 0,0001300 1 0,0018 28,50 0,5000 0,0018 28,50 0,5000
Total: 0,0001300 0,0018 0,0018

Substance: 2909 Inorganic Dust: up to 20% SiO2

№ № № Type Recor Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 4 3 + 0,0350000 1 0,2947 28,50 0,5000 0,2947 28,50 0,5000
0 0 5 3 + 0,0110000 1 0,0926 28,50 0,5000 0,0926 28,50 0,5000
Total: 0,0460000 0,3874 0,3874

Source Emissions according to Total Exposure Groups

Record: Source types:
"%" The source is considered excluding the baseline condition; 1 - Point;
"+" The source is considered without excluding the baseline condition; 2 - Linear;
"-" The source is not considered and its share is not included in the 3 – Non-organized;
baseline condition
The source is not considered if benchmarks are absent. 4 – Set of point sources, united for one flat surface calculation;
(-) marked or unmarked () In total sources are not considered 5 – Non-organized, with changeable emission intensity;
6 – Point source, with horizontal (umbrella) dispersion;
7 – Set of horizontal dispersion point sources;
8 - Highway.

Total Exposure Group: 6009

№ № № Typ Reco Code Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sour e rd (g/s)
ksho ce
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 4 3 + 0301 0,0330000 1 0,6947 28,50 0,5000 0,6947 28,50 0,5000
0 0 4 3 + 0330 0,0033000 1 0,0278 28,50 0,5000 0,0278 28,50 0,5000
0 0 5 3 + 0301 0,0330000 1 0,6947 28,50 0,5000 0,6947 28,50 0,5000
0 0 5 3 + 0330 0,0033000 1 0,0278 28,50 0,5000 0,0278 28,50 0,5000
0 0 6 1 + 0301 0,0450000 1 0,5572 51,71 3,2004 0,5546 51,81 3,2314

Page 142 of 186

0 0 6 1 + 0330 0,0150000 1 0,0743 51,71 3,2004 0,0739 51,81 3,2314
0 0 7 3 + 0301 0,0002800 1 0,0059 28,50 0,5000 0,0059 28,50 0,5000
Total: 0,1328800 2,0825 2,0795

Total Exposure Group: 6035

№ № № Typ Reco Code Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sour e rd (gr/s)
ksho ce
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 3 1 + 0333 0,0000550 1 0,4123 7,79 0,5000 0,4123 7,79 0,5000
0 0 6 1 + 1325 0,0006000 1 0,0425 51,71 3,2004 0,0423 51,81 3,2314
Total: 0,0006550 0,4547 0,4545

Total Exposure Group: 6039

№ № № Typ Reco Code Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sour e rd (gr/s)
ksho ce
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 4 3 + 0330 0,0033000 1 0,0278 28,50 0,5000 0,0278 28,50 0,5000
0 0 5 3 + 0330 0,0033000 1 0,0278 28,50 0,5000 0,0278 28,50 0,5000
0 0 6 1 + 0330 0,0150000 1 0,0743 51,71 3,2004 0,0739 51,81 3,2314
0 0 7 3 + 0342 0,0001700 1 0,0358 28,50 0,5000 0,0358 28,50 0,5000
Total: 0,0217700 0,1657 0,1653
Total Exposure Group: 6043

№ № № Type Recor Code Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d в-ва (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 3 1 + 0333 0,0000550 1 0,4123 7,79 0,5000 0,4123 7,79 0,5000
0 0 4 3 + 0330 0,0033000 1 0,0278 28,50 0,5000 0,0278 28,50 0,5000
0 0 5 3 + 0330 0,0033000 1 0,0278 28,50 0,5000 0,0278 28,50 0,5000
0 0 6 1 + 0330 0,0150000 1 0,0743 51,71 3,2004 0,0739 51,81 3,2314
Total: 0,0216550 0,5422 0,5418

Total Exposure Group: 6046

№ № № Type Recor Code Dispersion F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d в-ва (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 4 3 + 0337 0,0270000 1 0,0227 28,50 0,5000 0,0227 28,50 0,5000
0 0 5 3 + 0337 0,0270000 1 0,0227 28,50 0,5000 0,0227 28,50 0,5000
0 0 6 1 + 0337 0,0500000 1 0,0248 51,71 3,2004 0,0246 51,81 3,2314
0 0 7 3 + 0337 0,0030000 1 0,0025 28,50 0,5000 0,0025 28,50 0,5000
0 0 7 3 + 2908 0,0001300 1 0,0018 28,50 0,5000 0,0018 28,50 0,5000
Total: 0,1071300 0,0746 0,0745

Page 143 of 186

Calculation Conducted According to Substances (according to Total Exposure)

Code Substance Maximum Permissible Concentration *MPC Baseline Concentr.


nal safety
impact level

Type Reference Value Used in the Record Interpretation

0123 Iron Oxide MPC ave. d/v 0,0400000 0,3200000 0,8 No No
0143 Manganese and its compounds Max. U. 0,0100000 0,0080000 0,8 No No
0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Max. Unit 0,2000000 0,1600000 0,8 Yes No
0304 Nitrogen (II) Oxide (Nitrogen Max. U. 0,4000000 0,3200000 0,8 No No
0328 Carbon black (soot) Max. U. 0,1500000 0,1200000 0,8 No No
0330 Carbon Dioxide Max. U. 0,5000000 0,4000000 0,8 Yes No
0333 Hydrogen Sulphide Max. U. 0,0080000 0,0064000 0,8 No No
0337 Carbon Monoxide Max. U. 5,0000000 4,0000000 0,8 Yes No
0342 Gaseous Fluorides Max. U. 0,0200000 0,0160000 0,8 No No
0344 Slightly Soluble Fluorides Max. U. 0,2000000 0,1600000 0,8 No No
0703 Benzo(o)pyrene (3,4- MPC ave. d/v 0,0000010 0,0000080 0,8 No No
1325 Formaldehyde Max. U. 0,0350000 0,0280000 0,8 No No
1715 Methanethiol (methyl mercaptan) Max. U. 0,0001000 0,0000800 0,8 No No
1728 ethanethiol Max. U. 0,0000500 0,0000400 0,8 No No
(ethyl mercaptan)
2732 Oil fraction Organizationa 1,2000000 0,9600000 0,8 No No
l safety impact
2754 Saturated Hydrocarbons C12-C19 Max. U. 1,0000000 0,8000000 0,8 No No
2908 Inorganic Dust 70-20% SiO2 Max. U. 0,3000000 0,2400000 0,8 No No
2909 Inorganic Dust: 20% SiO2 Max. U. 0,5000000 0,4000000 0,8 Yes No
6009 Incomplete total exposure group, Group - - 0,8 Yes No
ratio "1,6": Total exposure group
(2) 301 330
6035 Total exposure group: (2) 333 Group - - 0,8 No No
6039 Total exposure group (2) 330 342 Group - - 0,8 No No
6043 Total exposure group (2) 330 333 Group - - 0,8 No No
6046 Total exposure group (2) 337 2908 Group - - 0,8 No No

*Applicable when significant regulatory requirement is needed to use. Parameter “correction ratio/organizational safety impact level”,
In case adjustment of the value, the standard meaning of which is 1, calculated maximum concentration values should be compared
not with ratio value, but with 1.

Page 144 of 186

Background Concentration Measurement Point

Point № Title Point Coordinates

0 New point 0 0

Subs. code Substance Background Concentration

Calm North East South West
0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide) 0,015 0,015 0,015 0,015 0,015
0330 Sulphur Dioxide 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02
0337 Carbon Monoxide 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4
2909 Inorganic Dust: up to 20% SiO2 0,15 0,15 0,15 0,15 0,15

Selection of Design Meteorological Parameters

Automatic Selection

Automatic Selection of Wind Velocities

Wind Direction

Sector Beginning Sector Ending Wind selection bid

0 360 1

Calculation Area

Calculation Sites

№ Type Full Description of the Site Width Bid Height. Note

(m) (m) (m)
Middle Point Coor. Middle Point Coor.
I side (m) II side (m)
1 Given -800 0 1000 0 1400 100 100 2

Claculation Point

№ Point Coordinates (m) Height Point Type Note

1 48,00 607,00 2 At 500 m zone border North
2 653,00 -16,00 2 At 500 m zone border East
3 -10,00 -572,00 2 At 500 m zone border South
4 -493,00 64,00 2 At 500 m zone border West
6 391,00 7,00 2 Point at the settlement border Residential house to the East
7 -331,00 -57,00 2 Point at the settlement border Residential house to the West

Substances, calculation of which is not feasible

Calculation Feasibility Criteria E3=0,01

Code Title Sum

0143 Manganese and its Compounds 0,0042106
0344 Slightly Soluble Flourides 0,0078948
2908 Inorganic Dust: 70-20% SiO2 0,0022807

Page 145 of 186

Calculation Results according to the Substances
(Calculation Points)

Point Types:
0 – User Calculation Point
1 – Point at the protection zone border
2 – Point at the industrial zone border
3 – Point at the sanitary safety zone border
4 – Point at the settlement zone border
5 –At the Development border

№ Coord. X(m) Coord. Y(m) Height (m) Concentr. Wind Wind Background Before Point type
(MPC share) Direction Velocity (MPC excluding
share) the

Substance: 0123 Iron Oxide

5 318 66 2 1,6e-3 262 1,60 0,000 0,000 1

6 391 7 2 1,1e-3 274 3,82 0,000 0,000 4
7 -331 -57 2 8,4e-4 77 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
4 -493 64 2 5,4e-4 93 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
1 48 607 2 5,1e-4 178 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
2 653 -16 2 4,9e-4 275 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
3 -10 -572 2 4,7e-4 7 5,10 0,000 0,000 3

Substance: 0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide)

5 318 66 2 0,28 267 0,64 0,094 0,094 1

6 391 7 2 0,24 273 0,64 0,094 0,094 4
7 -331 -57 2 0,24 80 1,27 0,094 0,094 4
1 48 607 2 0,22 182 5,10 0,094 0,094 3
3 -10 -572 2 0,21 3 5,10 0,094 0,094 3
4 -493 64 2 0,19 95 0,64 0,094 0,094 3
2 653 -16 2 0,17 273 0,64 0,094 0,094 3

Substance: 0304 Nitrogen (II) Oxide (Nitrogen Oxide)

5 318 66 2 0,02 266 0,64 0,000 0,000 1

6 391 7 2 0,01 273 0,64 0,000 0,000 4
7 -331 -57 2 0,01 79 0,64 0,000 0,000 4
1 48 607 2 0,01 182 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
3 -10 -572 2 9,5e-3 3 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
4 -493 64 2 8,3e-3 95 0,64 0,000 0,000 3
2 653 -16 2 6,5e-3 273 0,64 0,000 0,000 3

Substance: 0328 Carbon Black (Soot)

5 318 66 2 0,03 273 0,92 0,000 0,000 1

6 391 7 2 0,02 278 0,92 0,000 0,000 4
7 -331 -57 2 0,02 74 0,92 0,000 0,000 4
1 48 607 2 0,02 182 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
3 -10 -572 2 0,01 3 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
4 -493 64 2 0,01 92 0,92 0,000 0,000 3
2 653 -16 2 0,01 275 0,92 0,000 0,000 3

Substance: 0330 Sulfur Dioxide

5 318 66 2 0,07 250 5,10 0,050 0,050 1
7 -331 -57 2 0,07 86 1,02 0,050 0,050 4
6 391 7 2 0,07 265 1,02 0,050 0,050 4
Page 146 of 186
4 -493 64 2 0,06 100 1,02 0,050 0,050 3
3 -10 -572 2 0,06 3 1,02 0,050 0,050 3
1 48 607 2 0,06 182 1,02 0,050 0,050 3
2 653 -16 2 0,06 270 1,02 0,050 0,050 3

Substance: 0333 Hydrogen Sulphide

7 -331 -57 2 5,4e-3 92 5,10 0,000 0,000 4

5 318 66 2 5,1e-3 247 5,10 0,000 0,000 1
6 391 7 2 3,9e-3 259 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
3 -10 -572 2 2,8e-3 1 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
4 -493 64 2 2,7e-3 105 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
2 653 -16 2 2,1e-3 265 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
1 48 607 2 2,0e-3 184 0,67 0,000 0,000 3

Substance: 0337 Carbon Oxide

5 318 66 2 0,11 262 0,71 0,100 0,100 1

7 -331 -57 2 0,11 81 0,71 0,100 0,100 4
6 391 7 2 0,11 270 0,71 0,100 0,100 4
1 48 607 2 0,10 182 5,10 0,100 0,100 3
3 -10 -572 2 0,10 3 5,10 0,100 0,100 3
4 -493 64 2 0,10 97 0,71 0,100 0,100 3
2 653 -16 2 0,10 272 0,71 0,100 0,100 3

Substance: 0342 Gaseous Fluorides

5 318 66 2 5,4e-3 262 1,60 0,000 0,000 1

6 391 7 2 3,8e-3 274 3,82 0,000 0,000 4
7 -331 -57 2 2,9e-3 77 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
4 -493 64 2 1,8e-3 93 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
1 48 607 2 1,7e-3 178 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
2 653 -16 2 1,7e-3 275 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
3 -10 -572 2 1,6e-3 7 5,10 0,000 0,000 3

Substance: 0703 Benzo(a)pyrene (3,4-Benzopyrene)

5 318 66 2 6,9e-3 250 5,10 0,000 0,000 1

7 -331 -57 2 5,8e-3 87 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
6 391 7 2 5,3e-3 263 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
4 -493 64 2 2,9e-3 101 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
3 -10 -572 2 2,8e-3 3 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
2 653 -16 2 2,0e-3 268 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
1 48 607 2 1,9e-3 182 5,10 0,000 0,000 3

Substance: 1325 Formaldehyde

5 318 66 2 0,01 250 5,10 0,000 0,000 1

7 -331 -57 2 1,0e-2 87 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
6 391 7 2 9,0e-3 263 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
4 -493 64 2 4,9e-3 101 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
3 -10 -572 2 4,8e-3 3 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
2 653 -16 2 3,5e-3 268 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
1 48 607 2 3,3e-3 182 5,10 0,000 0,000 3

Substance: 2732 Oil Fraction

5 318 66 2 9,0e-3 261 0,74 0,000 0,000 1

7 -331 -57 2 7,9e-3 82 0,74 0,000 0,000 4

Page 147 of 186

6 391 7 2 7,7e-3 269 0,74 0,000 0,000 4
1 48 607 2 5,6e-3 182 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
3 -10 -572 2 5,6e-3 3 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
4 -493 64 2 5,5e-3 97 0,74 0,000 0,000 3
2 653 -16 2 4,4e-3 272 0,74 0,000 0,000 3

Substance: 2754 Saturated Hydrocarbons C12-C19

7 -331 -57 2 0,02 92 5,10 0,000 0,000 4

5 318 66 2 0,01 247 5,10 0,000 0,000 1
6 391 7 2 0,01 259 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
3 -10 -572 2 7,9e-3 1 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
4 -493 64 2 7,7e-3 105 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
2 653 -16 2 5,8e-3 265 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
1 48 607 2 5,6e-3 184 0,67 0,000 0,000 3

Substance: 2909 Inorganic Dust: Up to 20% SiO2

5 318 66 2 0,42 278 1,60 0,375 0,375 1

6 391 7 2 0,41 285 3,82 0,375 0,375 4
7 -331 -57 2 0,40 66 3,82 0,375 0,375 4
1 48 607 2 0,40 182 5,10 0,375 0,375 3
4 -493 64 2 0,40 86 5,10 0,375 0,375 3
2 653 -16 2 0,39 281 5,10 0,375 0,375 3
3 -10 -572 2 0,39 3 5,10 0,375 0,375 3

Substance: 6009 Total Exposure Group (2) 301 330

5 318 66 2 0,22 266 0,66 0,090 0,090 1

7 -331 -57 2 0,19 79 0,66 0,090 0,090 4
6 391 7 2 0,19 272 0,66 0,090 0,090 4
1 48 607 2 0,17 182 5,10 0,090 0,090 3
3 -10 -572 2 0,17 3 5,10 0,090 0,090 3
4 -493 64 2 0,16 95 0,66 0,090 0,090 3
2 653 -16 2 0,15 273 0,66 0,090 0,090 3

Substance: 6035 Total Exposure Group (2) 333 1325

5 318 66 2 0,02 249 5,10 0,000 0,000 1

7 -331 -57 2 0,01 89 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
6 391 7 2 0,01 262 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
4 -493 64 2 8,3e-3 103 0,75 0,000 0,000 3
3 -10 -572 2 8,3e-3 3 0,75 0,000 0,000 3
2 653 -16 2 6,4e-3 267 0,75 0,000 0,000 3
1 48 607 2 6,2e-3 183 0,75 0,000 0,000 3

Substance: 6039 Total Exposure Group (2) 330 342

5 318 66 2 0,02 255 0,86 0,000 0,000 1

6 391 7 2 0,02 267 0,86 0,000 0,000 4
7 -331 -57 2 0,02 84 0,86 0,000 0,000 4
4 -493 64 2 0,01 99 0,86 0,000 0,000 3
3 -10 -572 2 0,01 4 0,86 0,000 0,000 3
1 48 607 2 0,01 182 0,86 0,000 0,000 3
2 653 -16 2 0,01 270 0,86 0,000 0,000 3

Substance: 6043 Total Exposure Group (2) 330 333

5 318 66 2 0,03 250 5,10 0,000 0,000 1

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7 -331 -57 2 0,02 87 0,87 0,000 0,000 4
6 391 7 2 0,02 264 0,87 0,000 0,000 4
3 -10 -572 2 0,01 3 0,87 0,000 0,000 3
4 -493 64 2 0,01 101 0,87 0,000 0,000 3
1 48 607 2 0,01 183 0,87 0,000 0,000 3
2 653 -16 2 0,01 269 0,87 0,000 0,000 3

Substance: 6046 Total Exposure Group (2) 337 2908

5 318 66 2 7,8e-3 262 0,70 0,000 0,000 1

6 391 7 2 6,4e-3 271 0,70 0,000 0,000 4
7 -331 -57 2 6,4e-3 81 0,70 0,000 0,000 4
1 48 607 2 4,8e-3 182 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
3 -10 -572 2 4,7e-3 3 5,10 0,000 0,000 3
4 -493 64 2 4,4e-3 97 0,70 0,000 0,000 3
2 653 -16 2 3,5e-3 272 0,70 0,000 0,000 3

Annex 2. Software Printout of Air Pollutant Emission Report-Operation Stage

УПРЗА ЭКОЛОГ, версия 3.1

Copyright © 1990-2010 ФИРМА "ИНТЕГРАЛ"

Serial No 01-01-2568, Scientific-Research Firm Gamma

Plant No 342; WWTP

Kutaisi City

Initial Data Alternative: 1, new alternative of initial data

Calculation Option: New calculation option
Caculation is implemented: For summer
Calculation Module "ОНД-86"
Calculation Constants: E1= 0,01, E2=0,01, E3=0,01, S=999999,99 km2.

Meteorological Parameters

Average air temperature for the hottest month 27° C

Average air temperature for the coldest month 4,9° C
Atmosphere stratification temperature depended ratio 200
Maximum Wind velocity for given area (exceeding temperature within 5%) 5,1 m/s

Plant Structure (Sites, workshops)

No Site (workshop) title

Page 149 of 186

Emission Source Parameters

Record: Source types:

"%" - The source is considered excluding the baseline condition; 1 - Point;
"+" - The source is considered without excluding the baseline condition; 2 -Linear;
"-" The source is not considered and its share is not included in the baseline condition. 3 – Non-organized;
In case of absence of benchmarks the source is not considered. 4 – Set of point sources, united for one flat surface calculation;
5 – Non-organized, with changeable emission intensity;
6 – Point source, with horizontal(umbrella) dispersion;
7 – Set of horizontal dispersion point sources;
8 - Highway.

Record Site № Worksh Source Source Title Alterna Type Source Diameter Air-gas Air-gas Air-gas Relief Coord. X1 Coord. Y1 Coord. X2 Coord. Y2 Source
during op № № tive height (m) mixture mixture mixture ratio axis (m) axis (m) axis (m) axis (m) width (m)
reporti (m) consistency velocity temperatur
ng (m3/s) (m/s) e (°C)
% 0 0 1 Torch 1 1 12,0 0,50 1 5,09296 150 1,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,00
Substance code Substance Dispersion (gr/s) Dispersion (t/y) F Summ.: Cm/MPC Xm Um Wint.: Cm/MPC Xm Um
0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide) 0,0013000 0,0000000 1 0,002 105 1,4 0,002 109,8 1,5
0337 Sulphur Dioxide 0,0032600 0,0000000 1 0,000 105 1,4 0,000 109,8 1,5
% 0 0 2 Open Surface of WWTP 1 3 2,0 0,00 0 0,00000 0 1,0 49,0 45,0 133,0 5,0 120,00
Substance code Substance Dispersion (gr/s) Dispersion (t/y) F Summ.: Cm/MPC Xm Um Wint.: Cm/MPC Xm Um
0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide) 0,0000325 0,0000000 1 0,006 11,4 0,5 0,006 11,4 0,5
0303 Ammonia 0,0015966 0,0000000 1 0,285 11,4 0,5 0,285 11,4 0,5
0333 Hydrogen Sulphide 0,0001506 0,0000000 1 0,672 11,4 0,5 0,672 11,4 0,5
0337 Carbon Oxide 0,0067784 0,0000000 1 0,048 11,4 0,5 0,048 11,4 0,5
0410 Methane 0,1014820 0,0000000 1 0,072 11,4 0,5 0,072 11,4 0,5
1715 Methanethiol (Methyl Mercaptan) 0,0000002 0,0000000 1 0,083 11,4 0,5 0,083 11,4 0,5
1728 Ethanethiol (Ethyl Mercaptan) 9,200000e-8 0,0000000 1 0,066 11,4 0,5 0,066 11,4 0,5
- 0 0 3 Diesel fuel storage 1 1 3,0 0,25 0,0083 0,16909 30 1,0 2,0 -68,0 2,0 -68,0 0,00
Substance code Substance Dispersion (gr/s) Dispersion (t/y) F Summ.: Cm/MPC Xm Um Wint.: Cm/MPC Xm Um

Page 150 of 186

Record Site № Worksh Source Source Title Alterna Type Source Diameter Air-gas Air-gas Air-gas Relief Coord. X1 Coord. Y1 Coord. X2 Coord. Y2 Source
during op № № tive height (m) mixture mixture mixture ratio axis (m) axis (m) axis (m) axis (m) width (m)
reporti (m) consistency velocity temperatur
ng (m3/s) (m/s) e (°C)
0333 Hydrogen Sulphide 0,0000550 0,0000000 1 0,412 7,8 0,5 0,412 7,8 0,5
2754 Saturated Hydrocarbons C12-C19 0,0195000 0,0000000 1 1,169 7,8 0,5 1,169 7,8 0,5
- 0 0 4 Excavator 1 3 5,0 0,00 0 0,00000 0 1,0 29,0 112,0 34,0 112,0 5,00
Substance code Substance Dispersion (gr/s) Dispersion (t/y) F Summ.: Cm/MPC Xm Um Wint.: Cm/MPC Xm Um
0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide) 0,0330000 0,0000000 1 0,695 28,5 0,5 0,695 28,5 0,5
0304 Nitrogen (II) Oxide (Nitrogen Oxide) 0,0053000 0,0000000 1 0,056 28,5 0,5 0,056 28,5 0,5
0328 Carbon Black (soot) 0,0045000 0,0000000 1 0,126 28,5 0,5 0,126 28,5 0,5
0330 Carbon Dioxide 0,0033000 0,0000000 1 0,028 28,5 0,5 0,028 28,5 0,5
0337 Carbon Oxide 0,0270000 0,0000000 1 0,023 28,5 0,5 0,023 28,5 0,5
2732 Oil Fraction 0,0077000 0,0000000 1 0,027 28,5 0,5 0,027 28,5 0,5
2909 Inorganic Dust: up to 20% SiO2 0,0350000 0,0000000 1 0,295 28,5 0,5 0,295 28,5 0,5
- 0 0 5 Bulldozer 1 3 5,0 0,00 0 0,00000 0 1,0 38,0 97,0 23,0 56,0 10,00
Substance code Substance Dispersion (gr/s) Dispersion (t/y) F Summ.: Cm/MPC Xm Um Wint.: Cm/MPC Xm Um
0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide) 0,0330000 0,0000000 1 0,695 28,5 0,5 0,695 28,5 0,5
0304 Nitrogen (II) Oxide (Nitrogen Oxide) 0,0053000 0,0000000 1 0,056 28,5 0,5 0,056 28,5 0,5
0328 Carbon Black (soot) 0,0045000 0,0000000 1 0,126 28,5 0,5 0,126 28,5 0,5
0330 Carbon Dioxide 0,0033000 0,0000000 1 0,028 28,5 0,5 0,028 28,5 0,5
0337 Carbon Oxide 0,0270000 0,0000000 1 0,023 28,5 0,5 0,023 28,5 0,5
2732 Oil Fraction 0,0077000 0,0000000 1 0,027 28,5 0,5 0,027 28,5 0,5
2909 Inorganic Dust: up to 20% SiO2 0,0110000 0,0000000 1 0,093 28,5 0,5 0,093 28,5 0,5
- 0 0 6 Generator 1 1 3,0 0,15 0,303 17,14629 450 1,0 20,0 -40,0 20,0 -40,0 0,00
Substance code Substance Dispersion (gr/s) Dispersion (t/y) F Summ.: Cm/MPC Xm Um Wint.: Cm/MPC Xm Um
0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide) 0,0450000 0,0000000 1 0,557 51,7 3,2 0,555 51,8 3,2
0304 Nitrogen (II) Oxide (Nitrogen Oxide) 0,0074000 0,0000000 1 0,046 51,7 3,2 0,046 51,8 3,2
0328 Carbon Black (soot) 0,0028000 0,0000000 1 0,046 51,7 3,2 0,046 51,8 3,2
0330 Carbon Dioxide 0,0150000 0,0000000 1 0,074 51,7 3,2 0,074 51,8 3,2

Page 151 of 186

Record Site № Worksh Source Source Title Alterna Type Source Diameter Air-gas Air-gas Air-gas Relief Coord. X1 Coord. Y1 Coord. X2 Coord. Y2 Source
during op № № tive height (m) mixture mixture mixture ratio axis (m) axis (m) axis (m) axis (m) width (m)
reporti (m) consistency velocity temperatur
ng (m3/s) (m/s) e (°C)

0337 Carbon Oxide 0,0500000 0,0000000 1 0,025 51,7 3,2 0,025 51,8 3,2
0703 Benzo(a)pyrene (3,4-Benzopyrene) 0,0000001 0,0000000 1 0,025 51,7 3,2 0,025 51,8 3,2
1325 Formaldehyde 0,0006000 0,0000000 1 0,042 51,7 3,2 0,042 51,8 3,2
2732 Oil fraction 0,0150000 0,0000000 1 0,031 51,7 3,2 0,031 51,8 3,2
- 0 0 7 Welding 1 3 5,0 0,00 0 0,00000 0 1,0 61,0 31,0 67,0 31,0 5,00
Substance code Substance Dispersion (gr/s) Dispersion (t/y) F Summ.: Cm/MPC Xm Um Wint.: Cm/MPC Xm Um
0123 Iron Oxide 0,0010000 0,0000000 1 0,011 28,5 0,5 0,011 28,5 0,5
0143 Manganese and its Compounds 0,0000080 0,0000000 1 0,003 28,5 0,5 0,003 28,5 0,5
0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide) 0,0002800 0,0000000 1 0,006 28,5 0,5 0,006 28,5 0,5
0304 Nitrogen (II) Oxide (Nitrogen Oxide) 0,0000500 0,0000000 1 0,001 28,5 0,5 0,001 28,5 0,5
0337 Carbon Oxide 0,0030000 0,0000000 1 0,003 28,5 0,5 0,003 28,5 0,5
0342 Gaseous Fluorides 0,0001700 0,0000000 1 0,036 28,5 0,5 0,036 28,5 0,5
0344 Slightly Soluble Fluorides 0,0003000 0,0000000 1 0,006 28,5 0,5 0,006 28,5 0,5
2908 Inorganic Dust: 70-20% SiO2 0,0001300 0,0000000 1 0,002 28,5 0,5 0,002 28,5 0,5

Page 152 of 186

Emission According to the Source Substances

Record: Source types:

"%" - The source is considered excluding the baseline condition; 1 - Point;
"+" The source is considered without excluding the baseline 2 -Linear;
"-" - The source is not considered and its share is not included in the 3 – Non-organized;
baseline condition
In case of absence of benchmarks the source is not considered. 4 – Set of point sources, united for one flat surface
(-) marked or unmarked () In total sources are not considered 5 – Non-organized, with changeable emission intensity;
6 – Point source, with horizontal (umbrella) dispersion;
7 – Set of horizontal dispersion point sources;
8 - Highway.

Substance: 0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide)

№ № № Type Recor Emission F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 1 1 % 0,0013000 1 0,0020 105,04 1,4120 0,0019 109,79 1,4919
0 0 2 3 % 0,0000325 1 0,0058 11,40 0,5000 0,0058 11,40 0,5000
0 0 4 3 - 0,0330000 1 0,6947 28,50 0,5000 0,6947 28,50 0,5000
0 0 5 3 - 0,0330000 1 0,6947 28,50 0,5000 0,6947 28,50 0,5000
0 0 6 1 - 0,0450000 1 0,5572 51,71 3,2004 0,5546 51,81 3,2314
0 0 7 3 - 0,0002800 1 0,0059 28,50 0,5000 0,0059 28,50 0,5000
Total: 0,0013325 0,0078 0,0077

Substance: 0303 Ammonia

№ № № Type Recor Emission F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 2 3 % 0,0015966 1 0,2851 11,40 0,5000 0,2851 11,40 0,5000
Total: 0,0015966 0,2851 0,2851

Substance: 0333 Hydrogen Sulphide

№ № № Type Recor Emission F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 2 3 % 0,0001506 1 0,6724 11,40 0,5000 0,6724 11,40 0,5000
0 0 3 1 - 0,0000550 1 0,4123 7,79 0,5000 0,4123 7,79 0,5000
Total: 0,0001506 0,6724 0,6724

Page 153 of 186

Substance: 0337 Carbon Oxide

№ № № Type Recor Emission F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 1 1 % 0,0032600 1 0,0002 105,04 1,4120 0,0002 109,79 1,4919
0 0 2 3 % 0,0067784 1 0,0484 11,40 0,5000 0,0484 11,40 0,5000
0 0 4 3 - 0,0270000 1 0,0227 28,50 0,5000 0,0227 28,50 0,5000
0 0 5 3 - 0,0270000 1 0,0227 28,50 0,5000 0,0227 28,50 0,5000
0 0 6 1 - 0,0500000 1 0,0248 51,71 3,2004 0,0246 51,81 3,2314
0 0 7 3 - 0,0030000 1 0,0025 28,50 0,5000 0,0025 28,50 0,5000
Total: 0,0100384 0,0486 0,0486

Substance: 0410 Methane

№ № № Type Recor Emission F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 2 3 % 0,1014820 1 0,0725 11,40 0,5000 0,0725 11,40 0,5000
Total: 0,1014820 0,0725 0,0725

Substance: 1715 Methanethiol (Methyl Mercaptan)

№ № № Type Recor Emission F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 2 3 % 0,0000002 1 0,0825 11,40 0,5000 0,0825 11,40 0,5000
Total: 0,0000002 0,0825 0,0825

Substance: 1728 Ethanethiol (Ethyl Mercaptan)

№ № № Type Recor Emission F Summer Winter

Site Wor Sourc d (gr/s)
ksho e
Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s) Cm/MPC Xm Um (m/s)
0 0 2 3 % 9,200000e-8 1 0,0657 11,40 0,5000 0,0657 11,40 0,5000
Total: 9,200000e-8 0,0657 0,0657

Page 154 of 186

Calculation Conducted According to Substances (according to Total Exposure Groups)

Code Substance Maximum Permissible Concentration *MPC Baseline Concentr.


onal safety
impact level
Type Reference Used in the Type
Value report
0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Max. Unit 0,2000000 0,1600000 0,8 Yes No
0303 Ammonia Max. Unit 0,2000000 0,1600000 0,8 No No
0333 Hydrogen Sulphide Max. Unit 0,0080000 0,0064000 0,8 No No
0337 Carbon Monoxide Max. Unit 5,0000000 4,0000000 0,8 Yes No
0410 Methane Organizational 50,0000000 40,0000000 0,8 No No
safety impact
1715 Methanethiol (methyl mercaptan) Max. Unit 0,0001000 0,0000800 0,8 No No
1728 ethanethiol Max. Unit 0,0000500 0,0000400 0,8 No No
(ethyl mercaptan)

*Applicable when significant regulatory requirement is needed to use. Parameter “correction ratio/organizational safety impact level”, In case
adjustment of the value, the standard meaning of which is 1, calculated maximum concentration values should be compared not with ratio
value, but with 1.

Background Concentration Measurement Point

Point № Title Point Coordinates

0 New point 0 0

Subs. code Substance Background Concentration

Calm North East South West
0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide) 0,015 0,015 0,015 0,015 0,015
0330 Sulphur Dioxide 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02
0337 Carbon Monoxide 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4
2909 Inorganic Dust: up to 20% SiO2 0,15 0,15 0,15 0,15 0,15

Page 155 of 186

Selection of Calculating Meteorological Parameters
Automatic Selection

Automatic Selection of Wind Velocities

Wind Direction

Sector Beginning Sector Ending Wind selection bid

0 360 1

Calculation Area

Calculation Sites

№ Type Full Description of the Site Width Bid Height. Note

(m) (m) (m)
Middle Point Coor. Middle Point Coor.
I side (m) II side (m)
1 Given -800 0 1000 0 1400 100 100 2

Claculation Point

№ Point Coordinates (m) Height Point Type Note

1 48,00 607,00 2 At 500 m zone border North
2 653,00 -16,00 2 At 500 m zone border East
3 -10,00 -572,00 2 At 500 m zone border South
4 -493,00 64,00 2 At 500 m zone border West
6 391,00 7,00 2 Point at the settlement border Residential house to the East
7 -331,00 -57,00 2 Point at the settlement border Residential house to the West

Calculation Results and Shares according to the Substances

(Calculation Points)
Point Types:
0 – User Calculation Point
1 – Point at the protection zone border
2 – Point at the industrial zone border
3 – Point at the sanitary safety zone border
4 – Point at the settlement zone border
5 –At the building border

Substance: 0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide)

№ Coord. Coord. Height (m) Concentr. Wind Wind Backgroun Before Point type
X(m) Y(m) (MPC Direction Velocity d (MPC excluding
share) share) the

Page 156 of 186

2 653 -16 2 0,06 272 2,54 0,062 0,094 3
4 -493 64 2 0,05 97 2,54 0,053 0,094 3
3 -10 -572 2 0,05 1 2,54 0,047 0,094 3
1 48 607 2 0,04 184 2,54 0,044 0,094 3
6 391 7 2 0,04 269 2,02 0,034 0,094 4
7 -331 -57 2 0,04 80 2,02 0,034 0,094 4
5 318 66 2 0,02 258 2,02 0,019 0,094 1

Substance: 0303 Ammonia

№ Coord. Coord. Height (m) Concentr. Wind Wind Backgroun Before Point type
X(m) Y(m) (MPC Direction Velocity d (MPC excluding
share) share) the
5 318 66 2 8,6e-3 261 0,89 0,000 0,000 1
6 391 7 2 5,8e-3 274 0,89 0,000 0,000 4
7 -331 -57 2 3,8e-3 79 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
2 653 -16 2 2,6e-3 274 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
1 48 607 2 2,5e-3 176 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
4 -493 64 2 2,5e-3 94 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
3 -10 -572 2 2,4e-3 10 0,67 0,000 0,000 3

Substance: 0333 Hydrogen Sulphide

№ Coord. Coord. Height (m) Concentr. Wind Wind Backgroun Before Point type
X(m) Y(m) (MPC Direction Velocity d (MPC excluding
share) share) the
5 318 66 2 0,02 261 0,89 0,000 0,000 1
6 391 7 2 0,01 274 0,89 0,000 0,000 4
7 -331 -57 2 9,1e-3 79 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
2 653 -16 2 6,1e-3 274 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
1 48 607 2 5,9e-3 176 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
4 -493 64 2 5,9e-3 94 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
3 -10 -572 2 5,7e-3 10 0,67 0,000 0,000 3

Substance: 0337 Carbon Oxide

№ Coord. Coord. Height (m) Concentr. Wind Wind Backgroun Before Point type
X(m) Y(m) (MPC Direction Velocity d (MPC excluding
share) share) the
2 653 -16 2 0,10 274 1,05 0,098 0,100 3
4 -493 64 2 0,10 94 1,05 0,098 0,100 3
3 -10 -572 2 0,10 9 1,05 0,098 0,100 3
1 48 607 2 0,10 177 1,05 0,098 0,100 3
6 391 7 2 0,10 273 1,05 0,097 0,100 4
5 318 66 2 0,10 261 1,05 0,096 0,100 1
7 -331 -57 2 0,10 80 5,10 0,097 0,100 4

Page 157 of 186

Substance: 0410 Methane

№ Coord. Coord. Height (m) Concentr. Wind Wind Backgroun Before Point type
X(m) Y(m) (MPC Direction Velocity d (MPC excluding
share) share) the
5 318 66 2 2,2e-3 261 0,89 0,000 0,000 1
6 391 7 2 1,5e-3 274 0,89 0,000 0,000 4
7 -331 -57 2 9,8e-4 79 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
2 653 -16 2 6,6e-4 274 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
1 48 607 2 6,4e-4 176 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
4 -493 64 2 6,3e-4 94 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
3 -10 -572 2 6,1e-4 10 0,67 0,000 0,000 3

Substance: 1715 Methanethiol (methyl mercaptan)

№ Coord. Coord. Height (m) Concentr. Wind Wind Backgroun Before Point type
X(m) Y(m) (MPC Direction Velocity d (MPC excluding
share) share) the
5 318 66 2 2,5e-3 261 0,89 0,000 0,000 1
6 391 7 2 1,7e-3 274 0,89 0,000 0,000 4
7 -331 -57 2 1,1e-3 79 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
2 653 -16 2 7,5e-4 274 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
1 48 607 2 7,3e-4 176 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
4 -493 64 2 7,2e-4 94 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
3 -10 -572 2 6,9e-4 10 0,67 0,000 0,000 3

Substance: 1728 Ethanethiol (Ethyl Mercaptan)

№ Coord. Coord. Height (m) Concentr. Wind Wind Backgroun Before Point type
X(m) Y(m) (MPC Direction Velocity d (MPC excluding
share) share) the
5 318 66 2 2,0e-3 261 0,89 0,000 0,000 1
6 391 7 2 1,3e-3 274 0,89 0,000 0,000 4
7 -331 -57 2 8,9e-4 79 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
2 653 -16 2 6,0e-4 274 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
1 48 607 2 5,8e-4 176 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
4 -493 64 2 5,7e-4 94 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
3 -10 -572 2 5,5e-4 10 0,67 0,000 0,000 3

Maximum Concentrations and Shares by Substances

(Calculation Sites)

Substance: 0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide)

Site: 1

Page 158 of 186

Maximum Concentration Line

Coord. X(m) Coord. Y(m) Concentr. (MPC Wind Direction Wind Velocity Background Before excluding
share) (MPC share) the background
1000 -700 0,08 305 0,50 0,081 0,094
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 1 2,0e-4 0,24
0 0 2 2,1e-5 0,03
1000 700 0,08 235 5,10 0,081 0,094
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 1 2,0e-4 0,25
0 0 2 1,8e-5 0,02
1000 -600 0,08 301 0,50 0,080 0,094
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 1 2,1e-4 0,26
0 0 2 2,3e-5 0,03
1000 600 0,08 239 5,10 0,080 0,094
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 1 2,2e-4 0,27
0 0 2 1,9e-5 0,02
900 -700 0,08 308 5,10 0,080 0,094
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 1 2,3e-4 0,29
0 0 2 1,5e-5 0,02

Substance: 0303 Ammonia

Site: 1

Maximum Concentrations Line

Coord. X(m) Coord. Y(m) Concentr. (MPC Wind Direction Wind Velocity Background Before excluding
share) (MPC share) the background
100 100 0,04 190 0,50 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 0,04 100,00
0 0 0,03 82 0,50 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 0,03 100,00
100 0 0,03 352 0,50 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 0,03 100,00
100 -100 0,02 356 0,67 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 0,02 100,00
200 100 0,02 236 0,67 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 0,02 100,00

Substance: 0333 Hydrogen Sulphide

Site: 1

Maximum Concentrations Line

Page 159 of 186

Coord. X(m) Coord. Y(m) Concentr. (MPC Wind Direction Wind Velocity Background Before excluding
share) (MPC share) the background
100 100 0,09 190 0,50 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 0,09 100,00
0 0 0,07 82 0,50 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 0,07 100,00
100 0 0,07 352 0,50 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 0,07 100,00
100 -100 0,06 356 0,67 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 0,06 100,00
200 100 0,05 236 0,67 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 0,05 100,00

Substance: 0337 Carbon Oxide

Site: 1

Maximum Concentrations Line

Coord. X(m) Coord. Y(m) Concentr. (MPC Wind Direction Wind Velocity Background Before excluding
share) (MPC share) the background
1000 -700 0,10 308 0,53 0,099 0,100
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 1,8e-4 0,18
0 0 1 1,9e-5 0,02
1000 700 0,10 234 0,53 0,099 0,100
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 1,9e-4 0,19
0 0 1 1,9e-5 0,02
1000 -600 0,10 304 0,53 0,099 0,100
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 2,0e-4 0,20
0 0 1 2,0e-5 0,02
1000 600 0,10 238 0,53 0,099 0,100
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 2,0e-4 0,20
0 0 1 2,0e-5 0,02
900 -700 0,10 311 0,53 0,099 0,100
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 2,0e-4 0,20
0 0 1 2,1e-5 0,02

Substance: 0410 მეთანი

Site: 1

Maximum Concentrations Line

Coord. X(m) Coord. Y(m) Concentr. (MPC Wind Direction Wind Velocity Background Before excluding
share) (MPC share) the background

Page 160 of 186

100 100 9,5e-3 190 0,50 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 9,5e-3 100,00
0 0 7,9e-3 82 0,50 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 7,9e-3 100,00
100 0 7,5e-3 352 0,50 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 7,5e-3 100,00
100 -100 6,0e-3 356 0,67 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 6,0e-3 100,00
200 100 5,5e-3 236 0,67 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 5,5e-3 100,00

Substance: 1715 Methanethiol (Methyl Mercaptan)

Site: 1

Maximum Concentrations Line

Coord. X(m) Coord. Y(m) Concentr. (MPC Wind Direction Wind Velocity Background Before excluding
share) (MPC share) the background
100 100 0,01 190 0,50 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 0,01 100,00
0 0 9,0e-3 82 0,50 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 9,0e-3 100,00
100 0 8,5e-3 352 0,50 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 8,5e-3 100,00
100 -100 6,8e-3 356 0,67 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 6,8e-3 100,00
200 100 6,3e-3 236 0,67 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 6,3e-3 100,00

Substance: 1728 Ethanthiol (Ethyl Mercaptan)

Site: 1

Maximum Concentrations Line

Coord. X(m) Coord. Y(m) Concentr. (MPC Wind Direction Wind Velocity Background Before excluding
share) (MPC share) the background
100 100 8,6e-3 190 0,50 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 8,6e-3 100,00
0 0 7,2e-3 82 0,50 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 7,2e-3 100,00
100 0 6,8e-3 352 0,50 0,000 0,000

Page 161 of 186

Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 6,8e-3 100,00
100 -100 5,4e-3 356 0,67 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 5,4e-3 100,00
200 100 5,0e-3 236 0,67 0,000 0,000
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 5,0e-3 100,00

Maximum Concentrations and Shares by Substances

(Calculation Sites)

Point Types:
0 – User Calculation Point
1 – Point at the protection zone border
2 – Point at the industrial zone border
3 – Point at the sanitary safety zone border
4 – Point at the settlement zone border
5 –At the building border

Substance: 0301 Nitrogen (IV) Oxide (Nitrogen Dioxide)

№ Coord. Coord. Height (m) Concentr. Wind Wind Backgroun Before Point
X(m) Y(m) (MPC Direction Velocity d (MPC excluding Type
share) share) the
2 653 -16 2 0,06 272 2,54 0,062 0,094 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 1 5,5e-4 0,88
0 0 2 4,3e-5 0,07
4 -493 64 2 0,05 97 2,54 0,053 0,094 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 1 8,1e-4 1,50
0 0 2 4,0e-5 0,07
3 -10 -572 2 0,05 1 2,54 0,047 0,094 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 1 6,7e-4 1,41
0 0 2 2,4e-5 0,05
6 391 7 2 0,04 269 2,02 0,034 0,094 4
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 1 1,1e-3 3,08
0 0 2 9,8e-5 0,28
7 -331 -57 2 0,04 80 2,02 0,034 0,094 4
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 1 1,3e-3 3,65
0 0 2 6,7e-5 0,19

Substance: 0303 Ammonia

Page 162 of 186

№ Coord. Coord. Height (m) Concentr. Wind Wind Backgroun Before Point
X(m) Y(m) (MPC Direction Velocity d (MPC excluding Type
share) share) the
6 391 7 2 5,8e-3 274 0,89 0,000 0,000 4
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 5,8e-3 100,00
7 -331 -57 2 3,8e-3 79 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 3,8e-3 100,00
2 653 -16 2 2,6e-3 274 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 2,6e-3 100,00
1 48 607 2 2,5e-3 176 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 2,5e-3 100,00
4 -493 64 2 2,5e-3 94 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 2,5e-3 100,00

Substance: 0333 Hydrogen Sulphide

№ Coord. Coord. Height (m) Concentr. Wind Wind Backgroun Before Point
X(m) Y(m) (MPC Direction Velocity d (MPC excluding Type
share) share) the
6 391 7 2 0,01 274 0,89 0,000 0,000 4
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 0,01 100,00
7 -331 -57 2 9,1e-3 79 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 9,1e-3 100,00
2 653 -16 2 6,1e-3 274 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 6,1e-3 100,00
1 48 607 2 5,9e-3 176 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 5,9e-3 100,00
4 -493 64 2 5,9e-3 94 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 5,9e-3 100,00

Substance: 0337 Carbon Oxide

№ Coord. Coord. Height (m) Concentr. Wind Wind Backgroun Before Point
X(m) Y(m) (MPC Direction Velocity d (MPC excluding Type
share) share) the
2 653 -16 2 0,10 274 1,05 0,098 0,100 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 4,3e-4 0,43
0 0 1 4,1e-5 0,04

Page 163 of 186

4 -493 64 2 0,10 94 1,05 0,098 0,100 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 4,1e-4 0,41
0 0 1 6,3e-5 0,06
3 -10 -572 2 0,10 9 1,05 0,098 0,100 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 3,9e-4 0,40
0 0 1 4,3e-5 0,04
6 391 7 2 0,10 273 1,05 0,097 0,100 4
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 9,6e-4 0,98
0 0 1 8,6e-5 0,09
7 -331 -57 2 0,10 80 5,10 0,097 0,100 4
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 6,5e-4 0,67
0 0 1 9,1e-5 0,09

Substance: 0410 Methane

№ Coord. Coord. Height (m) Concentr. Wind Wind Backgroun Before Point
X(m) Y(m) (MPC Direction Velocity d (MPC excluding Type
share) share) the
6 391 7 2 1,5e-3 274 0,89 0,000 0,000 4
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 1,5e-3 100,00
7 -331 -57 2 9,8e-4 79 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 9,8e-4 100,00
2 653 -16 2 6,6e-4 274 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 6,6e-4 100,00
1 48 607 2 6,4e-4 176 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 6,4e-4 100,00
4 -493 64 2 6,3e-4 94 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 6,3e-4 100,00

Substance: 1715 Methanethiol (methyl mercaptan)

№ Coord. Coord. Height (m) Concentr. Wind Wind Backgroun Before Point
X(m) Y(m) (MPC Direction Velocity d (MPC excluding Type
share) share) the
6 391 7 2 1,7e-3 274 0,89 0,000 0,000 4
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 1,7e-3 100,00
7 -331 -57 2 1,1e-3 79 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 1,1e-3 100,00
2 653 -16 2 7,5e-4 274 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %

Page 164 of 186

0 0 2 7,5e-4 100,00
1 48 607 2 7,3e-4 176 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 7,3e-4 100,00
4 -493 64 2 7,2e-4 94 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 7,2e-4 100,00

Substance: 1728 Ethanethiol (Ethyl mercaptan)

№ Coord. Coord. Height (m) Concentr. Wind Wind Backgroun Before Point
X(m) Y(m) (MPC Direction Velocity d (MPC excluding Type
share) share) the
6 391 7 2 1,3e-3 274 0,89 0,000 0,000 4
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 1,3e-3 100,00
7 -331 -57 2 8,9e-4 79 5,10 0,000 0,000 4
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 8,9e-4 100,00
2 653 -16 2 6,0e-4 274 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 6,0e-4 100,00
1 48 607 2 5,8e-4 176 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 5,8e-4 100,00
4 -493 64 2 5,7e-4 94 0,67 0,000 0,000 3
Site Workshop Source Share in MPC Share %
0 0 2 5,7e-4 100,00

Page 165 of 186

15.1 Annex 3. Waste storage, transportation and disposal conditions,generated during construction and operation of the plant
Safety conditions during storage and Waste processing, burial or
№ Waste Title Waste Management
transportation utilization conditions
1 2 3 4 5
1. Domestic Waste
1.1. Domestic and food waste Waste collection and delivery to DSWL 8
 It is prohibited to put 1, 2 and 3 hazard class
Paper and cardboard pieces, plastic  Collection and disposition of waste – in special Burial: According to sanitary and
1.2. waste in solid domestic waste containers,
bags containers placed in construction sites. landfill operation rules.
including luminescent bulbs, oily waste and
Crushed glass, rubber and plastic  Removal from operation grounds by municipal Responsibilry: contractor
others, those are not allowed for disposal to
1.3. waste, used and defective trucks under agreement. organization
domestic solid waste landfill.
incandescent bulbs
 Solid domestic waste shall be transported to
Swept waste, fallen leaves final disposal site by special vehicles to avoid
pollution of environment.
* DSWL - Domestic Solid Waste Landfill
2. Hazardous class 3 and 4 waste allowed for disposal to domestic waste landfill
Broken roofing slates, asbestos- Waste collection and delivery to DSWL It is pprohibited: Burial: According to sanitary and
cement waste  collection in the area of the production unit and • Placement of industrial waste in containers landfill operation rules.
2.2. Paronite, plastic and rubber waste disposal allocated for domestic solid waste. Responsibilry: contractor
2.3. Paper and wooden packaging waste  broken roofing tiles, asbestos waste – to be packed • Removal of 3 and 4 hazard class is done only organization
2.4. Wood waste, chips in plastic bags and kept in enclosed open-air sites. following consent from the landfill management
 paronite, plastic and rubber pipes, glass fibre, and availability of relevant ‘control slip’
foam plastic waste – within bounded open • During transportation safety measures required to
ground. avoid pollution of environment must be put in
Plastic pipes, glass fibre, sandpaper,
2.5.  wood waste, chips – under shed or open areas place.
abrasive dust waste
covered with plastic.
Delivery to domestic solid waste landfill using private
3. Industrial waste prohibited for disposal to domestic waste landfill
3.1. Mercury containing and material waste:
Collection - accumulation – removal to storage  Burned out luminescent tubes, used or broken Shall be delivered to temporary
 Collection on operation grounds: tubes containing mercury are replaced and storage facility. Handed over to
 Placement of used luminescent tubes in dry, collected by adequately trained staff. authorized contractor for
integer packaging, which exclude the risk of any It is prohibited: subsequent utilization.
damage during transportation;  Storage in the open air;
3.1.1. Luminescent tube waste
 Damaged or broken lamps must be placed in  Storage in open premises;
plastic bags, tied up and placed in cardboard  Storage unpacked;
boxes. Premises – ventilated.  Piling;
 Accumulation of this type of waste on operation  Placement on the ground;
ground is prohibited.  Handing over to organization not authorized

Page 166 of 186

 Delivery to the temporary storage facility is done for processing of this type of waste.
on private vehicles in compliance with the  During transportation of mercury containing
completed document. lamps safety measures required to avoid
pollution of environment must be put in
Collection - accumulation – removal to storage It is prohibited: Shall be delivered to temporary
 Placement of mercury thermometers in storage facility. Handed over to
 Accumulation on production sites in tight plastic containers allocated for domestic solid waste authorized contractor for
bags and then in integer cardboard boxes; disposal. subsequent utilization.
 Accumulation of this type of waste on operation  Storage in the open air and without
3.1.2. Mercury thermometer waste
ground is prohibited; packaging.
 Removal – to temporary storage on the basis of  Litter around.
necessary formal documents.  In case of damage and spillage of mercury
treatment/neutralisation of premises must be
carried put.
3.2. Waste Chemicals
Collection - accumulation – removal to storage It is prohibited: Shall be delivered to temporary
 Collection – in tight plastic bags and then into  Disposal of chemicals in containers allocated storage facility. Handed over to
undamaged boxes correspondingly labelled with for domestic solid waste disposal. authorize contractor for
Chemical salts and substances, weight and date indicated.  Storage in the open air and without subsequent utilization.
3.2.1 medicine with with passed expiry  Storage – in premises with adequate ventilation. packaging.
date Relevant record made in register.  Litter around.
 Removal to storage with appropriate  During transportation of waste chemicals
documentation. safety measures required to avoid pollution of
environment must be put in place.
3.3. Lead Containing Waste
Collection - accumulation – removal to storage It is prohibited: Shall be delivered to temporary
 Accumulation – on maintenance site, in premises  Placement of accumulator waste in containers storage facility. Handed over to
to be ventilated. allocated for domestic waste disposal; authorize contractor for
Waste lead accumulators (not  Collection – in premises to be ventilated, in  Disposal of accumulator acid into sewer. subsequent utilization.
drained of accumulator acid) wooden boxes placed on metal support.  Mechanical processing of accumulators.
 Removal to waste storage based on relevant  Long-term storage on the spot of generation
documents (>1 week).

3.4. Waste slightly contaminated with oil (oil content <15%)

3.4.1 Oily rags Collection - accumulation – removal for utilization It is prohibited: Handed over to authorized
 Accumulation – in special labeled container, on  placement of oily waste in containers contractor for subsequent
the spot of generation. allocated for domestic waste disposal utilization.
 Removal for utilization (incineration) under  Scattering around
agreement with contractor  During transportation safety measures

Page 167 of 186

required to avoid pollution of environment
must be put in place.
Collection - accumulation – removal to storage It is prohibited: Shall be removed to temporary
 Accumulation – on the spot of generation, in  Placement of oily waste in containers storage. Handed over to
plastic bags placed in cardboard boxes allocated for domestic waste disposal authorized contractor for
 Removal to waste storage based on relevant  Scattering around subsequent utilization.
documents.  During transportation safety measures
3.4.2 Used oil filters required to avoid pollution of environment
must be put in place.

3.5. Waste Oil and Petroleum Products

Collection - accumulation – removal to storage It is prohibited: Shall be removed to temporary
 Aaccumulation - on the spot of generation, in  Spillage of oil. storage. Handed over to
closed plastic or metal containers.  Disposal of waste oil into industrial-storm authorize contractor for
3.5.1 Used industrial oils and lubricants  Removal to waste storage based on relevant water drainage system, pouring on soil or subsequent utilization.
documents. disposal into water body.

Collection - accumulation – removal to storage It is prohibited: Shall be removed to temporary

 Accumulation - on the spot of generation, in  Spillage of oil. storage. Handed over to
Used transformer oils, which do not closed plastic or metal containers.  Disposal of waste oil into industrial-storm authorized contractor for
3.5.2 contain stable organic pollutant, in  Removal to waste storage based on relevant water drainage system, pouring on soil or subsequent utilization.
particular PCB documents. disposal into water body.
 Waste oil transportation with other materials
or substances.
3.6. Plastic and rubber waste
Collection - accumulation – removal to storage Burning of rubber articles is strictly prohibited.
 Collection – on the spot of generation in premises
under solid cover.
3.6.1 Waste tyres
 Accumulation on site- not recommended.
 Removal to waste storage based on relevant
Collection-disposal to SDWL*  Placement of used cartridges in containers  Burial: According to sanitary
 Accumulation - on the spot of generation, in allocated for domestic solid waste. and landfill operation rules.
plastic bags. • Removal of waste is done only following consent Responsibilry: contractor
3.6.2 Waste laser printer cartridges
 Accumulation – in long-term storage. from the landfill management and availability of organization
 Removal – by their own vehicle relevant ‘control slip’
During transportation safety measures required to

Page 168 of 186

avoid pollution of environment must be put in
* SDWL – Solid Domestic Waste Landfill
3.7. Medical Waste
3.7.1 Used cotton wool and syringes. Collection - accumulation – removal for utilization It is prohibited to dispose medical waste in Utilization is carried out by
 I plastic bags, on the site of generation. containers allocated for domestic waste or contractor organization
3.7.2 Expired medical supplies  Removal for utilisation (incineration) under scattering around.
agreement with contractor.
Collection - accumulation – removal to storage It is prohibited: Shall be removed to temporary
 Collection – in wooden boxes, on the spot of  Placement of paint and metal drums in storage. Handed over to
generation. containers allocated for domestic waste authorized contractor for
 Accumulation – on the spot of generation, in disposal. subsequent utilization.
3.8. Waste paint and paint cans
closed premise or under a shed on solid base, until  Scattering/spilling around.
completion of works.
 Removal - to long-term waste storage facility
based on relevant documents.
3.9. Waste metal
Collection - accumulation – removal to storage It is prohibited: Shall be removed to temporary
 Collection – within specially allocated area on the  Placement of metal waste in containers storage. Handed over to
spot of generation. allocated for domestic waste. authorized contractor for
 Accumulation - within specially allocated area on subsequent utilization.
Scrap metal
3.9.1 the spot of generation until completion of
maintenance works. The area must be sloped
towards industrial-storm water collector well.
 Removal – to long-term waste storage based on
relevant documents
Collection - accumulation – removal to storage It is prohibited: Shall be removed to temporary
 Collection – on the spot of generation. Placement of metal waste in containers allocated storage. Handed over to
 Accumulation – in metal drums or wooden boxes, for domestic waste. authorized contractor for
3.9.2 Waste welding electrodes on the spot of generation up to completion of subsequent utilization.
maintenance works.
 Removal – to waste storage based on relevant
3.10. Wood Waste
Accumulation – removal by private persons It is prohibited: Handed over private persons on
• Collection – in situ, at certain places  Placement of wood waste in domestic waste contractual basis or terms
3.10.1 Wooden pieces • Removal – delivery to pre-agreed place using the containers established by the company
company’s or rented vehicles

Page 169 of 186

3.11. Waste heavily contaminated with oil
Collection – accumulation – removal of petroleum- It is prohibited:  Is subject to removal to
contaminated soil to temporary storage  Placement on soil or open ground. temporary storage of
• Collection – in metal tanks (on the spot of  Discharge into collecting system. contaminated soil.
generation).  Pouring on the ground or discharge into the  Is subject to remediation
3.11.1 Contaminated soil and sand
• Accumulation - on the site of generation is not water body.
recommended.  During transportation –spill prevention
• Placement – in temporary storage of petroleum- measures put in place.
contaminated soil, based on relevant documents
3.12. Solid Waste Generated on the WWTP Shield System Screens and Extracted Activated Sludge
Collection – accumulation – removal by authorized It is prohibited:  To be handed for further
contractor  Placement on soil or open ground. utilization to authorized
 Collection on plant site in special containers;  Discharge into collecting system. organization having
Solid Waste Generated on the
1.12.1.  Accumulation in situ is not recommended;  Pouring on the ground or discharge into the appropriate permit;
 Disposal on domestic waste landfill possessing water body.  Disposal on domestic waste
environmental permit.  During transportation –spill prevention landfill possessing
measures put in place. environmental permit.
Extraction – dewatering – removal by authorized It is prohibited:  To be handed for further
contractor  Placement on soil or open ground. utilization to authorized
 After dewatering, placement in special closed  Discharge into collecting system. organization having
containers;  Pouring on the ground or discharge into the appropriate permit;
1.12.2. Extracted Activated Sludge
 Accumulation on WWTP site is not water body.  Subsequent management –
recommended;  During transportation –spill prevention composting or disposal on
 Composting and re-using in agriculture as the measures put in place. the landfill possessing
fertilizer is possible. special permit.

Page 170 of 186

15.2 Annex 4. Emergency Response Plan
15.2.1 Emergency Response Plan Aims and Objectives
The aim of Emergency Response Plan is to establish and define guidelines for personnel of Wastewater
Treatment Plant construction and operation, in order to ensure managing activities of the people and
other personnel engaged in any large-scale technogenic incidents and accidents, and other emergency
situation response and liquidation process in a reasonable, coordinated and effective way, to protect
personnel, population and environment security.
The objectives of Emergency Response Plan are:
 To define types of expected emergency situations considering the specification of planned works
during work implementation (WWTP construction and operation);
 To define the staff, equipment, emergency response plan and responsibility for each emergency
response team; ;
 To define internal and external communication systems, their consiquence, communication
ways and methods and to ensure notification (information) about emergency situations;
 Prompt activation of internal resources and mobilization of additional resources under
established rules, if necessary, and to determine appropriate procedures;
 To provide emergency response management system;
 To provide compliance with legislative, regulatory and industrial safety bylaw requirements
during emergency response process.
Emergency Response Plan envisages requirements of Georgian laws and legislative acts.

15.2.2 Types of Emergency Situation expected during project implementation

Considering specificities of planned activities, following types of emergency situations are expected:
 Fire / explosion;
 Spill of hazardous substances, including oil spill;
 Accidental damage of WWTP and accidental discharge of untreated wastewater;
 Personnel traumatism and incidents related to their health safety;
 Traffic accidents;
 Emergency situations of natural character (marginal weather conditions, earthquake, flood, etc.).
It is noteworthy, that emergency situations, listed above, may be subsequent and development of one
emergency situation may initialize another one. Fire/Explosion
Risk of fire eruption-propagation and explosion occurs both during construction and operation phases.
The main factor of accident may be anthropogenic, namely: indifference of personnel and violation of
safety norms, violation of storage rules for fuels, oils and other explosive substances and etc. However,
fire and explosion may also be caused by the natural disaster (e.g. earthquake).

Subsequent process of fire/explosion may be:

 Salvo emission/spill of hazardous substances;
 Traumas of personnel or population and accidents related to their health.

Page 171 of 186 Salvo Spillage of Hazardous Substances including Oil Products
Oil spill risk may be related to a violation of the conditions of their storage, fuel or oil leakage from
vehicles and equipment and so forth during construction and operation process of the plant. This may
cause hazardous substance spillage and spreading in the soil and water.
Sensitive districts, where hazardous substances spill may occur are construction camps and all
construction sites, where machinery and other equipment are intensively used.
High-risk areas during the operation phase are oil products and other hazardous materials storage areas.
Subsequent processes of such emergencies may be:
 Fire/explosion;
 Poisoning of personnel or population. WWTP Damage and Accidental Discharge of Wastewater

During WWTP operation process the reason of accidental discharge of wastewater may be technical
malfunctioning, inadequate attention of the staff or insufficient knowledge, natural disasters, etc.
In case of accidental discharge of wastewater, Chkhoushi River will be severely polluted, which will be
especially active for tourist season.
The main mitigation measure to minimize negative impact on the environment, is the prevention of
WWTP accidental damage, and in case of emergency situation, immediate repairing of the damaged
treatment plant. Besides, one of the mitigation measures can be using reservoir volumes of the
treatment plant and pumping station of sewer for temporary retention of the wastewater. In low season
the wastewater retention in the reservoirs is possible for about 12-24 h, while in the high season only for
1,5-2,5 h. Personnel Traumatism and Risks Related to their Health Safety
Except incidents related to other emergency situations, personnel traumatism may also be related to:
 Incidents related to heavy machinery/equipment used for project implementation;
 Fall from large heights;
 Poisoning with used chemical substances;
 Electric shock, during working near aggregates under high voltage. Traffic Accidents

Trucks and heavy machinery will be used during construction works. During their movement on public
and access roads, following are expected:
 Collision with transport means, real estate or livestock of local population;
 Collision with local population;
 Collision with project personnel;
 Collision with other project machinery;
 Collision with local infrastructure facilities;

As a rule, during operation of the plant the intensive transport operations are not planned, so traffic
accident risks will not be high.
Subsequent possible processes of emergencies may be:
 Fire/explosion;
 Traumatism and incidents related to the health issues of personnel or population.

Page 172 of 186 Emergency Situation of Natural Character
During work implementation, it is very important to provide timely, proper and orderly response on
emergency situations of natural character, as the natural disaster may be the foregoing factor of any of
the above-listed emergency situations.

15.2.3 General Preventive Measures for Different Emergency Situations

Preventive measures for fire/explosion:
 Periodical training and testing of personnel on fire prevention issues;
 Storage of easily flammable and explosive substances at safe places. Installation of corresponding
warning signs at their warehouses;
 Implementation of fire safety rules and arrangement of functional fire-fighting equipment at the
 Implementation of electricity safety rules; Arrangement of lightning conductors in open
substations and monitoring their functionality.;
 During operation inadvertently scattered fire-hazardous, flammable substances should be
carefully collected and placed in a waste box. Places where there were remains of fire-hazardous
substances or where these substances were spread, must be thoroughly cleaned until removal of
the debris.

Preventive measures for hazardous substance spill:

 Strict supervision over implementation of fuel and chemicals’ storage and use terms. Fitness of
storage vessel must be checked before storing;
 The technical functionality of oil containing equipment should be periodically monitored;
 Termination of works / suspension of equipment and machinery operation and implementation
of maintenance work after detection of minor spill, so that incident would not become large-

Preventive measures for WWTP damage and accidental discharge of wastewater:

 Systematic control of the technical functionality of the plant and following operation rules;
 Periodical training and testing of personnel on technical safety issues;
 Periodical training and testing of personnel on environmental issues;
 Scheduled and if necessary current repairing of technological systems of the plant;
 Promptly correction of technical failure causing emergency situations.
Preventive measures for personnel traumatism/injury:
 Periodical training and testing of personnel on labor safety issues;
 Provision of personnel with individual protection equipment;
 Dangerous place should be fenced and warning signs should be arranged within the dangerous
zones, easily visible at night (at night, besides the fencing, it is necessary to install lightning
around the excavations);
 Personnel must be insured by special ropes and cartridges during implementation of high
elevation works;
 In appropriate places arrangement of medical boxes;
 Arrangement of warning signs and safety lightning in dangerous places;
o Safety lightning should provide minimal illumination of the work surface, within the 5% of
work surface normalized illumination meaning and less than 2 luxes inside and 1 lux outside of
the building perimeter;
 Preparation of special staff, which will control implementation of safety norms at construction
sites and will register facts of violation

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Preventive measures for traffic accidents:
 Any vehicle should go through technical inspection prior to the starting the works. Especially
the brakes should be checked. Dumpers will be checked for functionality of body lifting
 Selection of optimal transport movement routes and speed restrictions (the speed of transport
movement should not exceed on straight sections – 10 km/h, and on turnings – 5 km/h);
 It is prohibited working of excavators, cranes and other machinery under any voltage,
transmission lines.
 Loading ground on vehicles is permitted only from the side or back of the board;
 Material for concrete trenching -silos, grits, and ladle must be equipped with shutters,
preventing accidental giving out of the mixture. Concrete discharge height should not exceed
1.0m. In case of exceeding 300 of inclination of the surface, that has to be concreted, works are
carried out in the using protecting belt;
 Improvement of temporary and permanent access roads and their maintenance throughout the
whole cycle of the project;
 Installation of warning, prohibiting and pointing road signs at access roads and construction
 During movement of special and oversized machinery they should be escorted by specially
equipped machinery and trained experienced personnel.

15.2.4 Approximate Scale of Incidents

Considering the expected emergencies, liquidation resources and legislative requirements during
construction and operation of the plant, accidents and emergency situations are sorted according 3 main
levels. Table gives description of emergency situations according to their level, indicating corresponding

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Table Description of Emergencies according to their Levels

I level II level III level
The internal resources are sufficient for External resources and workforce are needed for Involvement of regional and country resources for
emergency liquidation emergency liquidation emergency liquidation
Local fire, which does not need any external
A large fire, which spread rapidly. The ignition risk of
interference and is easily controlled. The Comparatively large fires, which spread quickly due to
surrounding neighbourhoods and provocation of other
meteorological conditions are not conductive to the weather conditions. There are
Fire /Explosion emergencies is high. The approach to the territory is
the rapid spread of the fire. There are no inflammable/explosive areas/ warehouses and
complicated. The inclusion of the regional fire service for
inflammable and explosive sections/ warehouses materials. It is necessary to call the local fire squad.
the liquidation of the incident is necessary.
and materials.
Local spillage, which does not need external
Large spills (more than 200 tons). As during construction
interference and can be eliminated with internal Large spills (spills of hazardous substances 0.3 tons to
Hazardous and operation, use and storage of hazardous substances in
resources. The risks of spreading of the substance 200 tons). There are risk of substance spreading in the
substance spillage large amount is not planned, III level emergency risks are
on large areas and river contamination do not area and the risk of the river pollution.
WWTP damage and Damage of technological units of the plant, Damage of plant tanks and technological pipelines,
accidental discharge which can easily be repaired in a short period of which will be connected with the long-term discharge -
of wastewater time. of wastewater without treatment
 Several traumatic accidents;
 One incident of traumatism;  Individual cases of traumatism;
 Severe fracture - Articular fracture etc.;
 Light fracture, bruises;  Severe fracture - a fracture of the joints of the
 III and IV degree burns (skin, hypodermic tissues and
Personnel injury /  I degree burns (skin surface layer damage); middle;
muscle lesions);
Traumatism  Assistance to injured personnel and the  II degree burns (deep layer of the skin lesions);
 There is the need to move injured personnel to the
liquidation of the incident is possible by on-site  There is the need to move injured personnel to the
regional or Tbilisi medical service centres with relevant
medical service. local medical facility.
The damage of the equipment, vehicles, infrastructure and
The damage of equipment, vehicles, The damage of the equipment, vehicles, infrastructure
highly valuable objects. There is the high risk of
Traffic Incidents infrastructure and non-valuable items. Human and valuable objects. There is the threat to human
development of other emergencies. There is the threat to
health is not in danger. health or II level traumatism is registered.
human health or III level traumatism is registered.
Natural phenomenon, the scale of which is unusual for
Natural phenomenon, that is characteristic to the Very dangerous natural phenomenon, for e.g.: earthquake
the region. The damage is posed to the stability of
region on a seasonal or occasional basis (heavy and others, that poses a danger to the stability of structures
Emergency of structures and security of machinery. It is necessary to
rain, snow, and flood). It is necessary to provide and safety of machinery. The personnel or population
natural character eliminate the risk in the shortest period, in order to
standard measures, to ensure security of security risks are high. It is necessary to call for regional and
prevent provocation of other emergencies. Additional
machinery and human health. central rescue teams to response emergency situation.
resource engagement is recommended.

Note: Considering the specification of the planned works and project area location, , the anticipated emergency situations will be mainly of I levels and less likely of II level.

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15.2.5 Emergency Situation Response Response on Fire
The strategic actions of the person and the personnel working in the vicinity, who detected fire or
smoke, are as follows:
 Termination of works on every site, except for safety measures;
 Assessment of the situation, reconnaissance of fire hearth and adjacent territories;
 Withdrawal of the equipment-devices from the areas, where the fire spreading is possible;
 Electrical equipment should be turned out from the circuit;
 In case if fire is strong and it is hard to approach the fire hearth, some kind of fire or explosive
hazardous sites/substances are located adjacently, then:
o Get away from the danger zone:
o During evacuation follow indications of the evacuation plan/billboards of the building;
o If you need to cross smoky space, lean down as the air is the freshest near the floor, put wet
piece of cloth on your mouth and nose;
o If you cannot evacuate because of the inflamed exit, call loudly for help;
o Inform senior manager/operator about the accident;
o Wait for emergency service and when they appear, inform them about the fire reasons and the
situation in the vicinity of fire hearth;

 In case if the fire is not strong, the fire hearth is easily approachable and getting near to it is
not dangerous for your health. At the same time, there are certain risks of fire distribution on
adjacent territories, then, act as follows:
o Inform senior manager/operator about the accident;
o Search for the nearest fire stand and supply yourself with necessary fire inventory (fire
extinguisher, axe, crowbar, bucket and etc.);
o Try to liquidate fire hearth with fire extinguisher, in accordance with the instruction shown
on the fire extinguisher;
o In case if there is no fire stand on the site, use sand or water for fire hearth liquidation or
cover it with less flammable thick cloth;
o In case if the electrical equipment turned into the circuit are near the fire hearth, it is
prohibited to use water;
o In case of fire in the closed space, do not window the room (except for special needs),
because the fresh air supports fire and fire scale growth.

Strategic actions of site manager/chief operator in case of fire:

 Gathering detailed information on fire hearth location, existing/stored devices-equipment in the
vicinity and substances;
 Inform personnel and fire service;
 Visiting the accident place and reconnaissance of the situation, risks analysis and assessment of
expected fire scales (I, II or III scale);
 Ask whole personnel to use vehicles and fire extinguishing equipment;
 Controlling and managing the personnel actions.

Strategic actions of work manager/chief of the facility in case of fire:

 Inform the fire service;
 With H&SE officer monitor internal personnel activity and manage hem until local and regional
fire teams will arrive (after that fire team head manages the staff) ;
 Support fire team activity (additional equipment which is not on the site may be needed, etc.);

გვ 176- 186-დან
 To carry out liquidation measures after elimination of the incident with H&SE officer;
 Preparing the report and deliver to the executor company/operator company;

In case of landscape fire, emergency service is participating in fire liquidation measures. As well as
involving WWTP personnel and local population in case of necessity. During forest fire extinguishing,
except for the above listed instruction, also are used the following basic approaches:
 Forest fire lower boundaries sweeping with green branches, brooms and bag cloths;
 On the low fire boundaries of the forest, throwing ground with shovels and spades;
 Blocking line or channel arrangement to stop the fire distribution;
 Inhibiting channel arrangement must take place in direction of construction camps, construction
sites and in direction to the territories where easily flammable and explosive substances are
disposed, in case of fire distribution risks. Response on Spillage of Hazardous Substances

This section discusses only I and II scale emergency response strategy. The types of hazardous substances
spill response are significantly determined by ground surface, also, the initial condition. Consequently,
emergency response is presented for the following scenarios:
 Hazardous substances spill on impervious surface (asphalt, concrete cover);
 Hazardous substances spill on pervious surface (ground, gravel, vegetation)
 Spill of the hazardous substances in the river.

In case of hazardous substances (mainly oil products) spill on the impervious surface, it is necessary to
implement the following strategic actions:

 Inform other personnel or rescue team;

 Stopping every device-equipment working on the site;
 Blocking the pollution source (if any);
 Ask personnel to mobilize equipment and personal protection means for emergency response;
 Block the entrances of household-fecal sewage systems (lids of wells);
 In case of necessity, it is necessary to arrange barriers with suitable impervious material (sand
bags, plastic sheets, plastic coat and others) in such way, that it will stop spilled material or limit
its movement;
 Barriers must be arranged in shape of horseshoe, so that the open side will be directed to meet
the substances flow;
 Gather the spilled oil products by using brooms and linens;
 For drying in the spilled substances, absorbent pads usage is necessary;
 Gather the oil products in such way, that it will be possible to collect them in container and then
 After absorption of the oil, these pads should be placed in polyethylene bags (if needed, these
pads might be reused);
 The site should be completely cleaned from residual oil products, in order to exclude the wash-
off of the pollutants by the rain water;
 After completion of cleaning operations, every cleaning material must be collected, wrapped and
warehoused in relevantly safe areas.

In case of hazardous substances spill on the pervious surface, it is necessary to implement the following
strategic actions:

 Information transfer to other personnel and emergency service;

გვ 177- 186-დან
 Stopping every device-equipment working on the site;
 Ask personnel to mobilize equipment and personal protection means for emergency response;
 Block the entrances of household-fecal sewage systems (lids of wells);
 Absorbents should be placed together in such way to create continuous barrier (fence) in front of
the edge of moving oil products. Ends of the barrier must be folded in front, so that it will have a
shape of a horseshoe;
 Spilled oil products containment place must be covered with polyethylene membrane sheets, in
order to prevent the oil occurrence in the lower layers of soil;
 It should be noted, that if it is not available to lay down the polyethylene sheets, then the barrier
arrangement will cause the oil accumulation on one place, which in turn will cause soil
saturation with oil and oil products occurrence in the lower layers;
 For drying in the spilled substances, absorbent pads usage is necessary;
 Gather the oil products in such way, that it will be possible to collect them in container and then
 After absorption of the oil, these pads should be placed in polyethylene bags (if needed, these
pads might be reused);
 The site should be completely cleaned from residual oil products, in order to exclude the wash-
off of the pollutants by the rain water or reaching the lower layer of the soil;
 After completion of cleaning operations, every cleaning material must be collected, wrapped and
warehoused in relevantly safe areas.
 Processing of vegetation and upper layer of the soil on existing on the ground surface must begin
right after removal of the pollution source or after stopping the leakage;
 When the whole spilled oil products will be cleaned, removal and remediation works
implementation must start under supervision of construction works manager/head of the facility
and invited specialists with a relevant competence.

In case of oil products spill in the river or drainage channels, it is necessary to implement the following
strategic actions:

 Information transfer to the other personnel or emergency service;

 Information of population living downstream the river about the spill;
 Stop every device-equipment working on site;
 Blocking the pollution source (if any);
 Ask personnel to mobilize the necessary equipment for emergency response and personal
protection means;
 Clear the vegetation existing on the river bank with the scythe;
 Immediately fence the polluted section of the river with wood boards. In case of additional
necessity, usage of ground filled bags is available;
 Removal of oil products gathered on the river surface must be carried out with sanitation
 Absorbent pads must be used for drying the oil products spilled on the soil;
 After absorption of the oil, pads must be placed in polyethylene bags for waste. Response on WWTP Damage and Wastewater Accidental Discharge

WWTP damage and accidental discharge risks can be represented as the I and II emergency situation
levels. In the first case, it will be possible to solve emergency situation in a short period of time by plant
personnel, and in the second case, emergency service may be needed.

გვ 178- 186-დან
One of the measures of emergency response is its timely liquidation and elimination wastewater
discharge into Chkhoushi River. There are no reducing measures for river water pollution quality during
emergency situation. The water will be treated by self-treatment process. Response during Accidents Related to Human Injuries and Incidents Related to Their Health
and Safety
The person, who is taking care of injured person, must notify ambulance about an accident as a first
action. Before the rescue will appear, injured person must receive first aid service in accordance with the
tactics given below in following chapters. Before carrying out medical service, it is necessary to assess
the situation and determine if approaching and helping an injured person might create some threat. First Aid during Bone Fracture

Open and closed bone fractures are being distinguished:
 For the open fracture is characterized the violence of skin cover integrity. In this case, there is
wound and bleeding in the damaged area. There is a high risk of infection in case of open
fracture. In case of open fracture:
o Promptly call helper, so that helper will immobilize the damaged area of the injured person,
while you will process the wound;
o Cover the wound with clean cloth and directly press on it to stop the bleeding. Do not press
directly on broken bone fragments;
o Without touching the wound with fingers, surround the damaged area with a clean cloth and
fit ix;
o If the broken bone fragment is seen in the wound, place the soft cloth around the bone
fragment in such way, that the cloth will not be removed and the bandage would not impact
on bone fragments. Fix the bandage in such way, that it will not disrupt the blood circulation
below the wrapped place;
o Carry out a broken bone immobilization, in the same way as during covered fracture;
o Check pulse, capillary filling and sensitivity below the wrapped place once in every 10
 We are dealing with a closed fracture, if the skin integrity is not damaged in the injured area. In
this case, haemorrhage and edema are observed in the injured area. In case of closed fracture:
o Ask injured person to stay still and fix the damaged part of the fracture above and below it by
hand, before it will be immobilized (fixed);
o For a good fixation, fix the injured part of the body on uninjured part. If the fracture is on the
hand, fix it on the body with triangle bandage. If the fracture is on the leg, fix the damaged
leg on another leg;
Check pulse, sensitivity and capillary filling below the wrapped place once in every 10 minutes. If the
blood circulation or sensitivity is reduced, make a less tight bandage. First Aid during Wounds and Bleeding

There are three types of bleeding:
 There is a little blood. In this case there is infection risk:
o Clean the wound of injured person with any colourless liquid suitable for drinking;
o Wrap the wound with clean cloth.
 There is a lot of blood. In this case there is a risk of blood loss:
o Cover the wound with several layers of cloth and make press bandage;
o If the blood is still leaking, tight the cloth to the wound again (do not take of the blood-
drenched cloth) and strongly press on blood source area.

გვ 179- 186-დან
 The blood is pouring like a fountain from the wound. In this case the blood loss is very fast. In
this case you must push finger (or fingers) on the artery projection area to avoid this and then
put a bandage.
The areas of load on the artery are: the lower third of an arm and upper third of the thigh. The
bandage should be fixed like this:
o The bandage is fixed only in extreme case, because often it leads to irreversible damage;
o The bandage is fixed above wound;
o The location where the bandage will be fixed must be covered with cloths. If the wound area
is bare, we should place clean cloth under the bandage;
o First bandage must be tight (fixed as possible), then the bandage is getting tight and in
addition placed 3-4 times (rope, belt and etc. can be used instead of bandage);
o The bandage should be fixed for 1 hour in winter and for 2 hours in summer. Then we
should release and after 5-10 minutes fix it slightly above from the original location;
o Check if the bandage is properly fixed – if it is properly fixed, there should be no pulse on
o What we should not do;
o Do not put a hand in the wound;
o Do not take anything from the wound. If some foreign body is seen in the wound, we should
try to maximally fix it (put a bandage around this body).

 Internal bleeding is hardly determinable damage. Suspect internal bleeding, when the shock
signs are observed after getting injured, but there is no significant blood loss. In case of internal
o Lay injured person on his back and rise his legs up;
o Release tight clothes on neck, chest, waist;
o Do not give food, medicine or drinks to injured person. If injured person is conscious and is
very thirsty, just wet his lips;
o Warm injured person – cover with blanket or cloth;
o Check the pulse
in every 10 minutes, as well as breathing and consciousness. If the person is losing mind,
place him in safe location. First Aid in Case of Burn

The burn might be developed by hot objects and steam impact (thermal burn), by chemical substances
impact on the skin (chemical burn), electricity impact (electrical burn). In order to properly carry out
first aid, you must determine the degree of burn, which depends on damage depth and damage area (on
what part is the burn distributed).
The first aid measures during the burn are:
o It is dangerous to breath in the smoke, so if there is a smoke in the room and it is not
available to air quickly, remove the injured person on a safe place, on a fresh air;
o If the clothes are burning on the person, do not start to roll his body, pour the water on the
body (in case of electrical burning, usage of water next to the equipment in the circuit, is
o If there is no possibility to use water, cover the body with non-synthetic cloth;
o It is necessary to start cooling the burnt area in time with cold water (in case of I and II scale
burn, water it for 10-15 minutes, in case of III and IV scale burn wrap it with clean wet cloth
and then cool it in the stable water in such wrapped conditions);
o Remove the cloth and other objects, from the damaged area, which may interrupt blood
flow. Do not remove cloth pieces, which are stick to the damaged area;

გვ 180- 186-დან
o Cover the damaged area with sterile wrapping. This would reduce the likelihood of
o Breathing in a hot air is possible when burnt, which leads to the burning of respiratory
tracts. If the victim has hard noisy breathing, facial or neck burn, singed hair cover of face
and nose, swelled mouth and lips, swallowing difficulty, cough, hoarseness voice – suspect
the respiratory tracts burn and wait for the medical service;
o Constantly check breathing and pulse before the medical service will come, be ready to carry
out reanimation measures;
o It is not allowed to take off the clothes particles from the burnt skin, cause this may lead to
the deepening of the damage;
o It is not allowed to destroy the integrity of blebs, because the skin cover is damaged and it
makes a favourable conditions for the invasion of infection in the body;
o Do not use ointments, lotions or oils for processing the damaged parts;
o It is prohibited to process the chemical burn areas with neutralizing solutions/ For example,
alkaline caused burn treatment with acid. First Aid in Case of Electrical Trauma

There are three types of electrical trauma:
 The trauma caused by high-voltage electricity. The damage developed as a result of high
voltage traumas, are fatal in most cases. Severe burns are being developed at this time. Due to the
strong muscle compression the injured person is often threw away on a significant distance,
which leads to serious injuries. In case of high-voltage power trauma:

o It is prohibited to get close to the injured person, before the electricity will be turned off and
if necessary, the isolation will be made. Remain 18 m radius safe distance. Do not let other
witnesses to approach the injured person;
o After receiving electric trauma, as soon as approaching the injured person, open the
breathing ways without moving head back, by moving the lower jaw in front;
o Check breathing and circulation signs. Be prepared to make reanimation measures;
o If the injured person is unconscious but is breathing, place him in a safe location;
o Carry out first aid in case of burns and other injuries.
The electrical trauma caused by low-voltage electricity. Low-voltage electricity trauma may
turn into serious damages and even death reason. Often, this kind of electrical trauma is caused
by damaged plugs, wiring and equipment. When standing on a wet floor or touching undamaged
electrical wiring with wet hands, the risks of getting the electrical trauma are sharply increasing.
In case of low-voltage power caused trauma:
o Do not touch the injured person, if he is touching the power source;
o Do not use metal object for removing the power source;
o If you are able, stop power supply (turn off the power switch). If it is not available, turn off
the electrical equipment from the power source;
o If you are not able to switch off the electricity, then stand on dry insulation thing (for
example: a plank of wood, on rubber or plastic pad, on book or pile of newspapers);
o Remove the victim’s body from the power source by broom, stick, and chair. You can move
the victim’s body away from the power source, or vice versa, the power source away from
the body, if it is more convenient;
o Without touching the body of injured person, tie a rope around his foot and shoulders and
move away from the power source;
o At least, grab the injured person in dry not-tight cloth and move him away from the power

გვ 181- 186-დან
o If the victim is unconscious, open the airways, check the breathing and pulse;
o If the victim is unconscious, is breathing and has a pulse, place in a safe location. Cool the
burned areas and wrap it;
o If the visible injuries are not seen on the victim and he feels good, advice to take a rest.

 The electrical trauma caused by lightning/thunder:

Various traumas, burns, face and eyes damage is often by the electrical trauma. Sometimes the lightning
may cause a sudden death. Quickly move damaged person from the place of the accident and serve with
first aid as in case of different type of the electrical trauma. Response on Traffic Incidents

During the accident of road transport, it is necessary to implement the following strategic actions:
 To stop vehicles/equipment;
 Transmission of information to the appropriate services (police, emergency medical service);
 In case if there is no danger for human health and there are no risks of provoking other
emergency situations (for example: collision of other vehicles, explosion, fire, oil spill, or others),
o Get out of the vehicle/equipment or get away from the accident place and stand on a safe
Wait for the police/rescue team to come.
 In case of further threats, act as follows:
o Get out of the vehicle/equipment or get away from the accident place and stand on a safe
o In case of fire, oil spill, act in accordance with the strategy given in the relevant paragraphs;
o In case if there is a threat on the health of a person, do not try to move the body;
o If the injured person is lying in the middle of the street, cover him with something and
confine the accident location, so that it will be seen from a distance;
o Remove everything from him, which might be making asphyxia (belt, scarf);
o Provide first aid to the injured in accordance with the first aid strategy given in the relevant
paragraphs (but remember, by extra movement of the injured person, you might create
additional risks to his health). Response on Emergencies of Natural Character Response in Case of Earthquake
Response on earthquake begins promptly after the very first pull is felt, if earthquake is weak, stay
where you are and do not panic. After the staff feel safe, it should act according the following strategy:
• Ask all personnel to switch off all construction equipment, machinery, construction and operation
with appropriate sequence;
• Prior appearing the rescue team, operation manager/ chief of the facility leads the earthquake result
liquidation measures following the strategy:
o To take injured people out of the ruins and save those you get into partly destroyed and
inflamed building;
o Liquidate and eliminate emergencies of those technological lines, which pose a threat to
human life;
o Easily inflammable and explosive materials should be removed from dangerous zones;

გვ 182- 186-დან
o Reinforcement or compulsory destruction of building and structures in dangerous
o It is prohibited during emergencies, without necessity, to walk on ruins, go into
destroyed buildings, be near them when there is the threat of their further demolition, ,
o In case of getting in heavily smoky and blocked buildings, it is necessary to fasten the rope
around the waist, the end of which will be in the hand of a person, who will be standing in
the entrance;
o It is necessary to use personal protection equipment during rescue and liquidation
operations. Response on Sudden Case of Flooding

Personnel being near natural disaster, should act using following strategy:
 Provide immediate evacuation from dangerous zone in case of threat;
After the staff feel safe, it should act according the following strategy:
 If necessary ask personnel to switch off all construction devices and machinery, as well as
switching off devices operating during operation of the plant with appropriate consequence;
 Prior appearing the rescue team, operation manager/ chief of the facility leads the earthquake
result liquidation measures with the following strategy:
o To take personnel out of dangerous zone;
o Easily inflammable and explosive materials should be removed from dangerous zones;
o სამაშველო და It is necessary to use personal protection equipment during rescue and
liquidation operations.

15.2.6 Equipment Necessary for Emergency Response

In process of construction and operation, in terms of accident development, the standard equipment
must exist on high risk sites, namely:
Personal protection means for emergency response: on construction stage – on construction camps; on
operation stage – in special room in power house. Personal protection equipment is:
 Helmets;
 Safety glasses;
 Uniforms with reflective stripes;
 Waterproof boots;
 Gloves.
Fire extinguishing equipment:
 Standard fire extinguisher:
 Buckets, sand, shovels and etc.;
 Properly equipped fire stands;
 Fire truck – the local fire fighters team truck will be used.
Emergency medical service equipment:
 Standard medical boxes;
 Ambulance car – the ambulance car of local medical center will be used.
Spill response equipment:
 Heavy duty plastic bags;
 Absorbent pads;
 Gloves;
 Drip trays;

გვ 183- 186-დან
 Buckets;
 Polyethylene film.

15.2.7 Necessary Qualification and Personnel Instruction

Testing of each system of emergency response must be periodically implemented, obtained experience
must be documented and weak spots should be improved in Emergency Response Plan (the same should
take place in case of accident realization).
The whole staff of the project must undergo introductory training. Personnel additional training
registration system should exist and be kept at offices of customer or contractors.

გვ 184- 186-დან
15.3 Annex 5. Engineering-Geological Cross-Sections of Study Area

გვ 185- 186-დან
გვ 186- 186-დან

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