Customs of The Tagalog: Political Organization
Customs of The Tagalog: Political Organization
Customs of The Tagalog: Political Organization
Character traits
TRIAL BY ORDEAL examples are dipping one's hand in boiling water, holding a
lighted candle that must not be extinguished, plunging into a
river and staying underwater for as long as possible.
chewing uncooked rice and spitting, etc.
men were in general, decent; while their wives called ASAWA and
concubines called friends
they also showed respect for animals and plants like the
crocodile, crow, tigmamanukan. Some trees were not cut
because they were thought to be divine and are dwelling
places of spirits. Disease were thought to be cause by the
temper of the environmental spirits
Cultural Practices and Traditions
mourning for the dead chief is called LARAW, and this was
accompanied by certain prohibitions like engaging in petty
BURIAL PRACTICES/BELIEFS quarrels, wars, carrying daggers with hilts in the normal
position, singing in boats coming from the sea or river, and
wearing loud cloths
the celebration held on the ninth night after the death of the
person is called pasiyam, in which a play called TIBAW is
staged to honor the dead
relatives of the dead who was murdered would not end their
mourning until they have exact vengeance or BALATA
they also believe in magical power of amulet and charms
such as anting-anting,kulam and gayuma or love potion.