HKK January 2010
HKK January 2010
HKK January 2010
• Have regular
Healthy Kansas Kids
Volume 2 Issue 1 January 2010
family meals.
• Safety first,
check your
home for dan-
New Year’s Resolutions! Healthy, Safe Children!
Whether you have a tod- Keep meal time pleasant corn, raw vegetables and
• Winter fitness
dler or a teen, here are and involve kids in the raisins.
can be great five of the best strategies process. Children are Balloons are the most
fun! Just be- to improve nutrition and more willing to try things common cause of toy-
cause it’s winter encourage smart eating they helped prepare. related choking death
doesn’t mean habits in children. among children of all
you can’t find a Keep Your Child Safe! ages. Make sure toys are
Have regular family According to the National appropriate for your
variety of activi-
meals. This gives you a Safe Kids Campaign, over child’s age by following
ties and events chance to model manners 17,000 infants and chil- guidelines on the pack-
to keep you and eating a variety of dren are treated in hospi- aging. Small parts often
busy and enter- foods, as well as connect tal emergency rooms each end up in little mouths.
tained. with your child. year for choking related An inexpensive way to
incidents. Most of these test items is to use an
Serve a variety of healthy choking incidents occur at empty toilet paper roll.
foods and snacks. Chil- home. Food is a choking If it falls through the
dren may need to try a hazard because infants tube, it could be a chok-
food prepared several and young children do not ing hazard.
ways before they learn to chew their food well, and Window blind cords
like it. Be a role model by larger pieces can become are choking hazards, too.
eating healthy yourself. stuck in their throat. Al- Cut them or secure them
You control what comes in ways supervise young out of a child’s reach.
the house! Children can’t children while eating. Never place a baby’s crib
This Issue: eat junk food if it isn’t Foods that have been within reach of a blind
there. Avoid battles over identified by the American cord.
Begin the 1 food. Remember to Academy of Pediatrics as Clothing with draw-
New Year off evaluate what your child presenting choking haz- strings (on hooded jack-
right with eats over the span of sev- ards include: hot dogs, ets) can get entangled
eral days rather than at hard candy, chewing gum, on playground equipment
health and
each individual meal. nuts, whole grapes, pop- and choke your child.