Management Development Institute Post-Graduate Programme in Management
Management Development Institute Post-Graduate Programme in Management
Management Development Institute Post-Graduate Programme in Management
Sel'tion A and n
(Closed Book)
l . How can FIRO-B and Transactional Analysis concepts be used for improving
interpersonal relations? (6 Marks)
2. Explain Situational Leadership and how you can decide on a decision style based on the
two criteria of Qualitv and Acceptance of a decision. (7 Marks)
Case Incident:
You are the CEO of a company. A few days ago your Sales Manger, Mr. Gupta apprised you of
a very big order he was able to procure from one of the top companies. You complimented Mr.
Gupta for his achievement. One day you were taking one of your usual rounds. You heard the
following conversation between Mr. Gupta and Mr. Vikas. the Production Manager.
Guplu: We 'vej11.11 got a hig orderfiw11 Topco. lf'e need 10 delirer !his order by nexl hy
nexl Friday as 01/wnrise Ihey will gire 1he ordtr lo some 11/her company.
Vikas . H . e are not geared up to take such
· ow can
Order at su h ·h \\'e deliver ii by next Fnday, \V h set up and it will Jake c, I a big
. All the machmes
c s or1 no/lee. . . have een 01 0'Jr11-rne
to reset them.
Vikas: Thal may be so but you should find oul if we can do 1:e J;b.J efvre you go off
making wild promises. There 's no way we can do a big 0rder y n ay. We are fully
Gupta: You ''production people " let me down. It takes a lot of ~(fort and time on my
part to get an order from Topco and then you are not prepared to put yourself out to
supply them.
You bel~eve in your managers ability to resolve their problems at the!r own lev~l an? therefore
y_ou decide not to intervene. However )'OU are also aware of the gravity of th e situation and the
hme l'imitation
· · within which your ' managers need to deal wit· h the .issue an d aIso the
consequences of not dealing with it effectively.
As soon ~s you reached your room, you called Mr. Gupta to enquire about the order. Mr. Gupta
shar~d with you what transpired between him and Vikas and expresse<l hi 5 concern reg,1-rding
the hmely delivery of the order.
l . What are the causes for the conflict between Sales Manager and Production Manager? What
~ of conflict do you see in the case? (4 Marks)
2. As the CEO, how would you like to address the issues and resolve the conflict between the
two. What are the different ways in which you can ensure timely delivery of the order to
Topco. (6 Marks)
3. What measures would you take so that such instances do not happen in future? (3 Marks)