04 Skills Audit Document
04 Skills Audit Document
04 Skills Audit Document
• Able to produce a well-structured and well I have past experiences on writing reports, they were a
written report of substantial length. 1 2 3 4 5 decent amount of length not only this but I have done
Communication -
reports at my work placement weekly.
• Have confidence and control when writing I have written a lot of documents all in different styles as
Write clearly and in a
different types of document in various styles. the target was for different ages. I have written documents
style appropriate to 1 2 3 4 5
aimed at adults but I have also written documents aimed at
purpose, e.g reports,
assignments, letters.
• Able to demonstrate proficient report writing I have written a few reports but obviously I am not the best
skills. 1 2 3 4 5 at them yet and there is still room for improvement on
I am not so good at this because I once did a presentations
and I had to answer questions at the end and based on the
• Able to present work fluently and confidently, 1 2 3 4 5 questions I got a little confused and started to give half
and able to respond clearly and persuasively to answers that didn’t really make sense which then caused
questions and comments. me to start stuttering.
• Able to plan, organise and evaluate a In school we had to produce a project but first I had to
given project. make a plan so that I knew what I had to do and so that I
1 2 3 4 5
was familiar with my role which made it easier for me to
Project management understand what I needed to do.
skills • Able to execute a project plan which For this project I was given 2 weeks and the plan I made
Apply effective project follows a designated schedule to produce a helped me keep my time management whilst I was doing
management through finished piece of work within a given time 1 2 3 4 5
this. I did the project in time before it was due which meant
the period I had enough time to make any changes if it was necessary.
setting of goals,
intermediate • Able to set and prioritise a number of
milestones and intermediate goals within an individual 1 2 3 4 5
prioritisation of or group project and to develop an effective I am not familiar with developing strategies as I have never
activities strategy and timetable for meeting them. done that . This is something I want to try in the future.
• Able to make plans and balance competing I always try my best to be punctual and submit my work in
demands on time effectively. 1 2 3 4 5 on time and never try to hand in work late which shows I
know how to manage my time.
• Understand what effective negotiation I had to once negotiate and persuade my teacher as a little
requires. test to see how good our negotiation skills were in the end
1 2 3 4 5
me and the teacher negotiated what was best for both of
• Demonstrate where I have carefully explored
my position and the other person’s position,
with the goal of finding a mutually acceptable 1 2 3 4 5 I have not yet had a chance to do this, obviously as time
compromise, that gives us both as much of
goes on this is a skill that I would like to gain as it is a skill
what we want as possible.
that is required with the job I want to be doing.
Negotiation skills
• Have negotiated in a situation where you
have found what the other person wants
matches what you are prepared to trade, and 1 2 3 4 5 As I said before I have not gotten much into the full
that you are prepared to give what the other
negotiation skill but it is a skill that I will be improving in the
person wants.
• Able to demonstrate my awareness of the I have some knowledge on how it would impact me if I was
power dynamic in a negotiating situation and 1 2 3 4 5 to lose a negotiation, the outcome will have failed but if the
how this can impact on me winning or losing a negotiation goes well that will mean the outcome I was
negotiation. looking for has not failed.
Managing self • Able to manage competing demands on your I can manage demands in my own time. This is a skill that I
time. am good at as I like to get things done quick and not leave
1 2 3 4 5 them till late. However I sometimes I can be a bit late and
not manage my time very well this means that I need to get
better at this and I can do by managing my time.
• Able to efficiently prioritise tasks I prefer to organise my tasks, set them in an order like a
series of events. I get them done and then I move on to the
next task. For example at work I will go in and i’ll have a few
1 2 3 4 5
things that I need to update in my section so I am ready and
set for the day, I have an order for doing these tasks and get
them done efficiently.
Managing others • Understand the skills and attributes of a I know what it takes to be a good leader. You must possess
leader. some good qualities with various skills, I believe I possess
some of these skills and I am someone that people have
1 2 3 4 5 looked up to in the past for example some new staff joined
and they were being inspired by the way I work. This is
because I have a lot of experience of where I work as I have
been working there for nearly 2 years.
• Have experience of managing or leading I am the head waiter at where I work this means I control
another team or group. the other waiters and I choose which section they work on.
1 2 3 4 5
I control the team and make sure they are doing their job
correct and that customers are happy.
• Have experience of motivating a group and I was the captain of my school team in PE and I used to
giving them responsibility. delegate some things to my teammates and let them take
1 2 3 4 5
the responsibility for it. For example if we were to get a
penalty or free kick I would let them take it.
• Listen to team members and encourage I have listened to some of my other colleagues at work and
involvement. asked them what they thought best, they were actually
1 2 3 4 5
disagreeing with what I thought and in the end I let there
idea go ahead and I encouraged it and it paid off in the end
• Experience of training or coaching people to
equip them to succeed 1 2 3 4 5
This is one thing I have not done yet but I would like to do.
• Plan the work of a team, considering all that
must be accomplished, the various deadlines or
timeframes to be met, and the work steps 1 2 3 4 5
I have been in charge of a team before but I haven't
explored this part yet.
• Delegate tasks and review progress to I have delegated tasks to teammates during football and let
achieve goals. my other teammates be in charge and take control, they
1 2 3 4 5
have sometimes failed but have also passed and achieved
the end goal.
• Able to demonstrate awareness of individuals
in a team, learn their strengths and 1 2 3 4 5
weaknesses and challenge them to achieve to I haven't got this far into this skill so I haven’t explored
the best of their abilities. everything but it is something I want to do in the future.
• Can demonstrate fairness and impartiality At work I treat all my colleagues the same, if one of them is
and be consistent when holding everyone to working away and the other is just doing nothing then i’ll
1 2 3 4 5
the same standards and expectations. make them work together and get the task done so it makes
it easier for both of them.
• Have proven ability to challenge and/or
discipline a team member for failing to adhere 1 2 3 4 5
to standards and expectations Never really been in the situation for this to happen yet.
Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
Application of IT • Effective use of Microsoft Office including I have made many Word and Powerpoint presentations in
Word and Powerpoint. my lifetime. This is something I've been doing since primary
school and it is a skill that has been developing more as the
1 2 3 4 5
years go on and I use IT in my daily life. I know the
importance of IT nowadays especially with the high use of
technology every day.
• Able to use Excel and develop and Just like documents and presentations I have made many
manipulate spreadsheets. 1 2 3 4 5 spreadsheets so I know how to code the spreadsheets too. I
learnt this skill back in IT in my secondary school.
• Proficient in the use of email and Internet.
1 2 3 4 5 This is a part of my daily lifestyle I am regularly on the
internet and on my phone checking my emails.
• Knowledge of computer hardware and how I know how to troubleshoot and I have good knowledge on
to troubleshoot. 1 2 3 4 5 computer hardware, I like to always know what the
processor is like on computers and compare them to other
computers to see which is better, their CPUs and their RAM
• Can use printer and photocopier efficiently. Printed and photocopied a lot of times, I have printed out
some documents so I know how to print and how to use a
1 2 3 4 5
printer, how to fill it up with paper too by inserting the
paper into the tray.
• Able to access online research databases Back in school I used to revise using my laptop and I would
do this by getting onto a lot of websites that were made for
1 2 3 4 5
research and I would revise off of them. This is what help
me pass my GCSE’s.
Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
• Able to raise vital questions and problems, I can raise some vital questions that come into my head if I
formulating them clearly and precisely. am unsure with something, in everything I always like to get
1 2 3 4 5
my thoughts across and get any questions in my head out
the way so everything is made clear to me.
• Gather and assess relevant information, using
abstract ideas to interpret it effectively. 1 2 3 4 5 Not accessed this area too much but I would like to gain
knowledge on this skill.
• Come to well-reasoned conclusions and
When I give my final word I always think of the outcomes in
solutions, testing them against relevant criteria
1 2 3 4 5 my head and I try to choose the one with the best outcome
and standards. that works both ways and that has a low percentage rate of
Critical thinking
• Think open-mindedly within alternative
systems of thought, recognising and assessing,
as need be, your assumptions, implications, 1 2 3 4 5
and practical consequences.
Never really been put in this scenario but I would like to
gain this skill.
• Communicate effectively with others in
figuring out solutions to complex problems, 1 2 3 4 5
without being unduly influenced by others' Same with this I haven’t explored this skill yet but would
thinking on the topic. definitely look into it.
Problem solving • Able to identify, clarify and describe a I know when there is a problem and I can clearly identify
problem (s). 1 2 3 4 5 it.I have the knowledge and understanding when something
is not right, I can easily address the problem.
• Ability to analyse the causes of a given I can analyze what is causing the problem and then I will
problem(s). 1 2 3 4 5 think of other ways around the problem, how to get rid of
• Ability to identify and assess alternative I can start to think of other ways with the problem. I can
solutions. 1 2 3 4 5 get rid of the issue and think of a new solution to help get
rid of the issue.
• Able to choose a solution and implement it. Once I am confident of the solution I will choose which one
1 2 3 4 5 I think is best suited and implement it into the situation
with the outcoming getting rid of the problem.
• Able to evaluate whether the problem(s) was I can determine whether the problem was solved or not
solved or not. 1 2 3 4 5 just from the outcome. If my outcome is achieved that
means the problem is solved.
Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
• Able to generate new ideas and approaches. I love to think differently as it lets me be unique from
1 2 3 4 5 others, I always try to give new ideas and have different
approaches as sometimes they may be the better option.
• Able to develop new methodologies as
Creativity required. 1 2 3 4 5
I don’t have good knowledge in this skill.
• Able to find and implement solutions to
difficult problems. 1 2 3 4 5 I have implemented solutions to problems but not difficult
problems that have been too hard.
• Pursue appropriate training to develop skills
and knowledge. 1 2 3 4 5 I know what I need to do if I want to gain knowledge in
something that I need to get to know.
Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
Appreciate the need for • Active member of a professional
and show commitment to institution or body. 1 2 3 4 5
continued professional
I represent where I work as a team member.
• Regularly attend seminars or
presentations outside formal 1 2 3 4 5
curriculum timetable. Not got much experience in this but I can go to Open days.
• Have ownership of, update and
regularly review a Personal Development 1 2 3 4 5
Plan (PDP) I don’t have a PDP
Take ownership of and • Aware of potential employers, general I am always trying to look for employers and impress the,, I
manage one’s recruitment practices and effective 1 2 3 4 5 know how to impress employers and how to catch their
career progression, set job hunting techniques. attention.
realistic and achievable
goals, and identify • Have considered own career direction
and develop ways to post-graduation and set realistic and 1 2 3 4 5 I have made a 5 year career plan which clearly outlines my
improve employability achievable career goals. future goals.
• Have identified ways to improve your
employability and acted upon them. 1 2 3 4 5 I have looked at skills that I am not so good at and always
looked at how I can improve them.
Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
Demonstrate an insight • Aware of the range of career
into the transferable opportunities within and outside
nature the property sector.
1 2 3 4 5
of skills developed
as part of your degree
to other work I am aware of the different sectors out there.
environments and the • Fully able to demonstrate the
range of career transferable nature of the skills developed
opportunities within as part of your degree to other work 1 2 3 4 5
I have improved my skills as I have a job and work
and outside the sector. environments. placement.
• Use social networking to keep in touch with
latest trends within my specialism.
1 2 3 4 5