Mae4326 Lesson Plan 1 Template
Mae4326 Lesson Plan 1 Template
Mae4326 Lesson Plan 1 Template
Students will be able to multiply by 2s and 4s by using multiple strategies to solve multiplication sentences.
Multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 (e.g., 9 × 80, 5 × 60) using strategies
based on place value and properties of operations
Pre/Post Standards: List the standards that come before this skill to serve as prerequisites to the standards
you are covering. Then list the standards that come after this concept that you are preparing the students for.
5 points
MAFS.3.OA.1.1: Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 × 7 as the total number of objects in 5
groups of 7 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a total number of objects can be expressed
as 5 × 7.
2. Areas of concern: (any students you KNOW will struggle based on preconceptual development
needs; any misconceptions you know will come up, etc)
I think that my students are going to be confused about multiplying by 4s in the sense that 4 is double
2 and the way that I have seen multiplication taught now compared to how I learned I will have to
make sure they understand the mechanics of multiplication.
3. If any, how are you planning to address these in your lesson?
I plan on addressing these concerns by using many visuals that they already know how to do like arrays
to show how the multiplication of 2s and 4s are related.
4. Formative Assessment Planned to monitor progress during lesson? (how will you know they’re
keeping up throughout your lesson?)
Because there are students online and, in the classroom, I will go based off of body language, along
with picking one or two questions for students to do independently on whiteboards and then have
them share answers.
What students’ interests and backgrounds will be taken into consideration when planning this lesson? 2
I know that my students love music and singing songs, so I will include multiplication songs in the lesson so
that there is music integration.
Review 0s and 1s:
What accommodations or considerations were made for ESOL and learning disabilities? 5 points **MELTS
1. What academic language (vocabulary) is in your lesson plan?
Repeated Addition
Commutative Property of Multiplication
Identity Property of Multiplication
Zero Property of Multiplication
2. How will you use ESOL accommodations to help beginning, intermediate, and advanced ELs notice
and learn the academic language of your lesson plan?
I will give ESOL students a vocabulary bank with definitions so that they can see the words. For
beginning and intermediate ESOL students the vocabulary bank will include a picture or visual.
Students will have manipulatives to use as I draw my models and arrays on the board so they can
physically see the multiplication sentences.
I will use nonverbal sentences like thumbs up or down so that students don’t have to speak if they do
not feel comfortable, but so that they can still participate in the lesson.
Sentence frames will be utilized so that students can better understand vocabulary, as well as how
sentences in English look, and so they can express their mathematical thinking.
Good morning students! Today we are going to learn a new multiplication skill! We are going to learn
about multiplying by 2s and 4s, but first we are going to review multiplying by 1s and 0s. Remember
yesterday we learned about the zero and identity property of multiplication, so let’s do a little warmup
to get our math trains chugging along.
-I will then display warmup problems on the board and we will do the first row together. After we
finish the first row, students will complete the last three rows on their own and I will ask students to
SHOW the answers with their fingers since there are students online and in class.
2. Sequence/Steps/Explore Phase – 5 points Students work on the problem. INCLUDE the examples
you will use and expected responses. Consider if you will group students, how to manage materials,
and incorporation of technology.
Following this warm up I will then show a video on how to multiply with 2s:
After watching this video, we will begin multiplication with 2s. I will use the cards inserted below to
show multiplication of 2s with repeated addition and model by grouping (review from last chapter).
“Okay students let’s look at this first sentence, 2 groups of 1, we know that this is the identity property of
multiplication so the 1 tells 2 to stay the same, so 2 groups of 1 is 2. Now, 2 groups of 2 we can see there are 2
groups of cherries with 2 cherries in each group, and if we use repeated addition, we would have 2+2 so 2
groups of 2 is 4. Let’s see if you all can try the next one on your own.” Students will then do 2x3 on their own,
have students share answers and the strategy they used to find the answer. Then have them complete the
Once students have finished the next 5 problems, I will ask if they see any patterns with multiplying by 2s.
I will then tell students that when they see a 2 in a multiplication sentence that the 2 tells the other number to
double itself. For example: “let’s look at 2x7 or 2 groups of 7. The 2 looks at 7 and says, ‘hey 7 I’m 2, you can
double yourself!’” then have the whole class try it. “okay look at 2x10, the 2 says hey 10 I’m 2, you can double
yourself! And the class will say so 2x10 or 2 groups of 10 is 20!” practice this for multiple sentences.
Students will then complete the worksheet below to solidify their understanding of multiplying with 2s and we
will go through the answers after 5 minutes.
We will then continue on to introduce multiplication of 4s, I will explain to the class that when we multiply by
4, we are using the multiple of 2 because 2 is double 4.
Then, we will skip count as a class to fill in our 4s facts.
Following skip counting, explain to students that we can solve 4s by drawing arrays and equal groups.
“we are going to solve 4x7 by doubling 2x7, because we know that 4 is a multiple of 2” then draw 2 groups
with 7 in each group. “So, 2x7 is 14 so now if we double the product, we would have 14+14 which is 28,
therefor, 4x7 is 28”. **Be sure to show both sentences with equal groups
Then have students try doubling by using 2x5 and 4x5.
After they try on their own… “2x5 we know, we see our 2 and it tells 5 to double itself and we get 10, then we
double the product and have 10+10=20, so 4x5 is 20”
If students need another practice have them try 2x6 and 4x6.
3. Check for Understanding: 5 points At this point, you could guide the students to demonstrate a
skill or concept, extend a concept (or apply it), work samples, and repeat operations. You could
also check for students’ understanding by asking questions, observing operations, adjusting
problems. Students can share solution strategies selected by you that emphasize the objective.
I will check for student understanding by first having them scale how they feel on a 1-5 by showing
their fingers.
We will then go on to work on multiplying by 4s independently, I will monitor students and encourage
that they ask questions if they need help.
I will give students two multiplication sentences with 4 and ask them to complete each section of the
paper below so that they can visually see all the strategies to multiply by 4. After they have finished, I
will have students a home show their work to the camera and students in class will hold their papers
4. Discussion and Summarize Phase: 5 points What will you or your students do to conclude (give
closure to the lesson)? Example: The students will summarize in their own words the mathematics
they have learned during this lesson, complete an exit ticket, etc.
To conclude this lesson, I will have students share verbally what they did to solve the problems above
and discuss each as a class to cover any confusion.
In order to assess students for this lesson, they will have a google classroom assignment to complete on their
own. I will insert text boxes into the blanks so that each student can put their answers into the sheet below.
Materials Needed for the Lesson Plan: 1 point
List all the essential materials needed for each of the following:
1. For the teacher: PowerPoint presentation that includes each of the worksheet problems so that I
can easily flip through the lesson. White board to present the material on to.
2. For the students: copies of the worksheets so that they can follow along
I first looked at the lesson framework provided by the county to get an understanding of the material.
Then, I looked at the “Go Math” book in order to see how they were displaying the information and based my
activities off of that.
I got all of the worksheets off of teachers pay teachers and snipped the content to fit my needs.
My supervising teacher and I have spent lots of time finding out which way is best to present lessons, so we do
everything on the board so that the students in class can see everything and then we have a camera pointed
at the board for online students.
L. Attachments for Lesson Plan: Evaluation tool and student work samples
Self-evaluation of the Lesson: 30 points
After you teach the lesson(s), you should answer the following in detail (be specific, give examples, and be
F. How did incorporating the Mathematics Practice Standards enhance the lesson?
G. ESOL strategies and accommodations for ESOL and learning disabilities: Were you successful
incorporating these into your lesson? Explain. What would you do differently the next time?