Flex Time 5
Flex Time 5
Flex Time 5
Instructional Resources:
Fraction blocks, paper, pencils, computer, projector, powerpoint, IPad, computers.
Consideration of Learners:
How have you responded to your diverse learners? Consider UDL (Multiple means of Engagement, Representation,
Action & Expression) & principles of differentiation. If appropriate, identify individual accommodations you will make
in response to needs or interests of students.
This unit has been designed to help students develop their conceptual understanding of operations with fractions and
decimals because their teacher has determined a weakness in this area. Students are able to represent their answers
and thinking with any sort of manipulative or picture that works best for them.
We spent part of the first day talking about how we are going to struggle during these flex time sessions and do a lot of
thinking about our thinking while will be hard. However, we learn best when we struggle. When a student is
experiencing cognitive overload, I ask them to walk and get a drink to clear the mind because I know from experience
that that is how to best deal with cognitive overload.
ORGANIZATIONAL ROUTINES: (Identify ways that you have intentionally organized time, space, materials, & students
to minimize disruptions and maximize learning.)
Students will have access to all the materials that they need (pattern blocks, pencil, and paper) at the table where we
start our lesson. If students think they would learn better at another table, they can move there with their supplies.
SPECIFYING & REINFORCING PRODUCTIVE BEHAVIOR: (Note how expectations are specified, productive behavior is
reinforced and disruptive behavior is redirected.)
When students are working hard and focused, I will walk up to them and tell them that I love to see their hard work,
effort, and focus on the task at hand. Any students who are not on-task will be asked if they are on-task or what they are
supposed to be doing.
Motivation/Opening/Intro: [Think creatively about how to recruit learning.]
Teacher Does
Tell students that the end of our flex group is upon us and that it is time for us to wrap it up. Over the course of
this flex time we have done a lot of thinking about our thinking and we have learned how to multiply a unit
fraction by a mixed number, divide a whole number by a unit fraction, and divide a unit fraction by a whole
number. We are going to come up with a way to pass this knowledge on to students in other schools and future
team 3 students. We will be videoing ourselves explaining these concepts and coming up with the problems
Development: [It may help to number your steps with corresponding times.]
Teacher Does
To begin, show students the PowerPoint of the type of questions that students will have to choose from. Ask them to
take a moment to decide on which type of problem they would like to create, solve, model, and explain. Have them
say which one they would want.
Students come up with an equation that they want to solve. Once they have decided on an equation, they will
present it me to be approved and recorded.
Next, students create a story problem that is based on their equation. Once they have written this story problem
out, they will present it to me. Students will then type their story problems on a Google Doc that is shared with
Once they have created their story problem, they will solve it and model their thinking.
Next, students will show a peer how to solve and model their problem. If another rehearsal round is needed,
students can do this again.
Next, students will take turns videotaping each other explaining their problems with the purpose of other
students watching this video to learn about the skills that we’ve been practicing.
Closure: (Be creative and consider authentic audiences for the work. Think beyond giving an assignment or
independent practice.)
Congratulate students on their hard work not only today, but also through their flextime. If time allows have
students view their videos before being edited.