Red Cross Application
Red Cross Application
Red Cross Application
I am enclosing two copies of pass port size photographs. Following are my particulars.
I am interested and wish to work as a volunteer and associate myself in the following activities of
Red Cross (Please see the list of activities overleaf and write the code no, and activity you are interested.
I can spare_________ hours a week (approximately) for Red Cross activities. I shall be a disciplined
member and shall abide by rules and regulations of IRCS and I am willing to undergoing training if
Date:_________ Signature_____________________________________
Inspired by the narration of experience of war of Solferino by Henry Dunant the Red Cross
Organization was formed in the year 1864.The first Geneva Convention has adopted Red Cross and its
emblem for the amelioration of conditions of wounded in the battle field. The nucleus of Indian Red Cross
Society which is a part of the International movement was formed in the year 1920, though as act of
parliament(Act XV of 1920).
The Andhra Pradesh State Branch as come into existence in the year 1956.H.E.The Governor of
Andhra Pradesh is its President and Lady Governor is Chairperson
Red Cross provides assistance to victims of War, Natural Calamities, Diseasters, Epidemics without
discrimination of race, religion, creed, nationality, politicial opinions. In addition to its relief activities in
emergencies, it promotes and undertakes activities of development and prevention of ill health, disease and
preparedness of disasters.
Any person can help this international humanitarian effort by donation in cash or kind, and by
enrolling as a member and serving voluntarily in any of its activities.