Resume Sample
Resume Sample
Resume Sample
Employment Experience
Teacher, Jupiter English Boarding school, 2011 January to 2014 september
-Worked as a teacher in Jupiter english boarding school for three years. Focused in
the mental and social development of students.
Other Experience/Volunteering
Agricultural Training
Agricultural Training , Israel 09/2014-09/2015
- 11 months extensive training to upgrade the skills in areas relating agriculture,
learn the agriculture system in Israel to imitate and implement in the Nepalese
scenario, and develop the critical understanding of various relevant aspects like
irrigation system, use of modern agricultural technology, and so on.
IT Skills
- Recent trips have included mountainous regions of central Nepal. Travel has
provided an amazing perspective on development and planning and has helped me
better understand a range of cultures.
-Possess driving license of motorbike.
Available on request.