Request For Proposal - Enterprise Content Management (ECM) : Fnha - Contracts@fnha - Ca
Request For Proposal - Enterprise Content Management (ECM) : Fnha - Contracts@fnha - Ca
Request For Proposal - Enterprise Content Management (ECM) : Fnha - Contracts@fnha - Ca
RFP # 2018RFP-10
Closing date/time Proposals must be received before 16:00 hours (4:00 pm) Pacific Time on: September 5, 2017
All enquiries related to this RFP including any requests for information, questions, and
clarification, are to be directed to the following email address:
FNHA Contact Information
and Questions FNHA will respond if time permits. Information obtained from any other source is not official
and should not be relied upon. Enquiries and any responses will be recorded and may be
distributed to all Proponents at the FNHA’s option.
Two (2) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy (saved on a USB in a Microsoft compatible
format) of your proposal must be delivered by hand or courier to the closing location at:
First Nations Health Authority, Attention: Procurement and Contracts
Delivery of proposals 300 – 1166 Alberni Street, Vancouver, BC, V6E 3Z3
Proposal envelopes should be clearly marked with the name and the address of the proponent,
the RFP number and the RFP project name. Proposals may not be sent by regular mail, facsimile
or email.
For those Proponents which have not been contacted by end of business day on September 8,
Short Listed Proponents
2017 will serve as notice that their proposal submission was unsuccessful.
A person authorized to sign on behalf of the proponent must complete and sign the Proponent
Proponent’s submissions Section (below), leaving the rest of this page otherwise unaltered and include the originally-
signed and completed page with the first copy of the proposal.
Proponent Section
To be completed by proponent and included as the “cover page” of the Proponents Response
The enclosed proposal is submitted in response to the above-referenced RFP including any addenda. Through submission of this
proposal we agree to all of the terms and conditions of this RFP and agree that any inconsistencies in our proposal will not be
considered. We have carefully read and examined the RFP including the Administrative Section and have conducted such other
investigations as were prudent and reasonable in preparing the proposal. We agree to be bound by the statements and
representations made in our proposal.
Signature of Authorized Representative: Legal Name of Proponent (and Doing Business As Name, if
Authorized Representative email address (if available): Authorized Representative phone, fax (if available):
Request for Proposal – Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
Table of Contents
1. Summary of the Requirement..................................................................................................................3
3. Services....................................................................................................................................................3
6. Evaluation................................................................................................................................................5
7. Evaluation Scoring...................................................................................................................................6
8. Proposal Format.......................................................................................................................................7
FNHA seeks to implement an ECM (Enterprise Content Management) system and strategy for managing and organizing its
electronic and physical information
The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) is a health services delivery organization created and mandated to support BC
First Nations to implement a number of guiding agreements and documents seeking to elevate BC First Nations health
outcomes through creation of a more effective health care system.
FNHA’s Innovation and Information Management Services (IIMS) department is responsible for services related to
eHealth, Core Technology, Information and Records Management, Privacy, Project Management, Applications and
Business Intelligence/Analytics.
FNHA assumed custodianship of an estimated 45,000 physical records previously held by FNIHB. These consist primarily
of health records, but also include financial records, agreements, contracts, program and project files. The physical files
are distributed across the province in a variety of geographic locations, and are currently managed using a legacy
system, LiveLink Records Server, which tracks the records such as location, description and ID/barcode number. Because
the system belongs to Health Canada, FNHA seeks to replace this functionality in its own environment. Currently data
about the records is maintained in this system by Health Canada on FNHA’s behalf, in accordance with a standard
Operating Procedure between the parties.
Due to growth in the number of records in its own file rooms and space constraints, FNHA uses off-site record storage.
Although data about records in offsite storage will be maintained by FNHA’s offsite storage provider in their system, FNHA
requires a system to track box and/or file contents in order to be able to locate records in a timely manner, when
FNHA seeks to move from a physical to a digital records model using ECM technologies. The scope of this may increase
over time. A solution with features such as electronic document management, optical character recognition (OCR), text
search (metadata and text within documents), scanner integration, and customizable hierarchies, is desired. FNHA’s
electronic documents are currently stored in a variety of systems including SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013, business
applications, network drives and email. It is envisioned that the solution sought by this RFP will ultimately be the central
repository for FNHA’s electronic records
The following lists the number of users by type and function for purposes of cost estimation and licensing for the various
phases of delivery:
3. Services
a) Install and support the solution to operate within FNHA’s technical environment, outlined in Appendix G –
Technical Environment; and
b) Support the development and implementation of a solution which meets the criteria identified in Appendix G –
Implementation and Support Services; and
c) Supply a team of resourses with the required experience and subject matter expertise (business and technical) to
advise the FNHA and successfully deploy the solution according to its schedule and budget constraints; and
d) Lead regularly scheduled status meetings and provide weekly (or as agreed to) written status reports (using MS
Word/Excel) summarizing deliverables achieved/remaining, progress to date, expected delivery due dates of each
as well as issues and concerns affecting specific deliverables, schedule or any other aspect of the project; and
e) Provide comprehensive and high-quality documentation critical to the success of the project for knowledge
transfer, ongoing use and operation of the solution by FNHA staff, and for audit purposes. For each of the
deliverables as detailed in the “Deliverables” section below, the Proponent will provide written reports and related
documentation using MS word; and
f) Such other services that may be reasonably requested by FNHA from time to time.
4. Deliverables
The short-term scope of the project is to implement a solution which meets the requirements to enable:
a) Physical record management and import of 52,000 data files and records from LiveLink record server operated by
Health Canada as an ECM. Data about physical records currently residing on an old version of LiveLink Records
Server need to be transferred to the FNHA as soon as practicable. Paper records are also tracked in Excel and on
SharePoint. The information management systems and business processes must be designed and implemented
with minimal interruption of file management services to FNHA departments.
b) Such other deliverables that may be reasonably requested by FNHA from time to time.
c) FNHA is looking for an ECM tool that will provide the following as a Consumer Off the Shelf Solution (COTS) that
is configurable for FNHA needs and does not require any customization. This tool will:
1. Allow FNHA IM to discontinue use of legacy Health Canada LiveLink Records Server
2. Facilitate automated retention and disposition schedule(s) on paper and electronic documents
3. Facilitate placing of legal holds on paper and electronic documents
4. Manage paper records located in offsite storage
5. Allow staff at remote locations to create & print file labels for community files
6. Expedite and automate document scanning and data capture with Optical Character Recognition (the
software for digitization)
7. Capture metadata from scanned documents
8. Be able to work with network drives including search and find content from network drives.
9. Allow configuration of Workflows to automate document processing workflows such as e-signature, FOIP
request etc.
10. Support the ability to work off-line and to share and synchronize documents with remote sites with very
low network bandwidth utilization
11. Provide a Central Repository to manage all contents, electronic and physicals records in one place
12. Streamline cases or business workspaces to manage information such as employee files, legal matters etc
13. Allow end enable the use of mobile ready user interfaces
14. Allow classification and cataloguing of physical and electronic library and archival materials with user-
created classification (Brian Deer Classification System)
15. Allow tracking of library inventory and check in/check out of items
a) Have the full cooperation of First Nations Health Authority staff and access to information necessary to meet the
accountabilities set out in this request for proposal and respond to reasonable inquiries.
a) Provide a reasonable level of resources (human and financial resources) to the successful proponent to meet the
accountabilities set out in this request for proposal.
6. Evaluation
An evaluation committee will be formed by the FNHA and shall include employees and contractors of the FNHA. All
personnel will be bound by the same standards of confidentiality.
The mandatory and desirable criteria against which proposals will be evaluated are identified below. Proponents should
ensure that they fully respond to all criteria in order to be comprehensively evaluated.
The FNHA may request and receive clarification from any Proponent when evaluating a proposal. The evaluation
committee may invite some or all of the Proponents to appear before the committee in order to clarify their proposals. In
such event, the evaluation committee may consider such clarifications in evaluating proposals.
Proponent responses must clearly demonstrate that they meet the following mandatory criteria or they will be
excluded from further consideration during the evaluation process:
a) The Proponents proposal must be received at the closing location before the specified closing time;
b) The Proponents proposal must be in English and MUST NOT be sent by regular mail, facsimile or email;
c) Proponents must submit Two (2) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy (saved on a USB in a Microsoft
compatible format) of their proposal to the following address:
d) Proponents must submit one (1) Request for Proposals cover page, with the Proponent Section in its
original form, unaltered, fully completed and signed;
e) Description of the Proponents organization, size and structure. Indicate if appropriate, if the Proponent is
a small or minority-owned business;
FNHA procurement activities will be governed to ensure all vendors are treated fairly and have equal access
to procurement activities; to the extent possible preference in awarding contracts will be given to First Nation
organizations and/or First Nation individuals.
7. Evaluation Scoring
Once the following two requirements are met, the responses will be evaluated based on the evaluation criteria table
1) All responses must satisfy the Regulatory and Security Environments described herein to be considered.
2) The responses must pass all the mandatory criteria to be considered. Responses not satisfactorily meeting
all mandatory requirements may be excluded from further evaluation at the discretion of the evaluation
3) Evaluation criteria:
3.0 Qualitative(See Proponents are to demonstrate, in detail, how the proposal will 55%
Appendix G) meet all of FNHA’s requirements.
4.0 Value Adds New/innovative and value added approaches to the solution. 5%
Total 100%
8. Proposal Format
The following format, sequence, and instructions should be followed in order to provide consistency in Proponent
response and to ensure that each proposal receives full consideration. All pages should be consecutively numbered, and
as follows:
a) One (1) unaltered and completed Request for Proposals cover page , including Proponent Section
completed in original form as per instructions;
b) Table of contents including page numbers;
c) A short (one or two page) summary of the key features of the proposal;
d) The body of the proposal, i.e. the “Proponent Response”;
e) Completed costing sheet (Appendix D) in MS Excel;
f) Provide a list of value added technologies and prices; and
g) Complete Requirements Matrix (Appendix E, F & G)
The first and only provincial First Nations Health Authority in Canada. Transforming health services for First
Nations and Aboriginal people in BC.
Statistically significant health disparities exist for First Nations people in BC and across Canada with health
outcomes that consistently lag behind those of other Canadians. The First Nations Health Authority aims to reform
the way health care is delivered to BC First Nations to close these gaps and improve health and wellbeing.
BC First Nations, the Province of BC, and the Government of Canada have all determined that First Nations health
disparities are no longer acceptable. A New Relationship between these Tripartite Partners was forged and a
series of precedent-setting agreements led to the creation of a First Nations Health Authority. The FNHA is
mandated by two health agreements (the Transformative Change Accord: First Nations Health Plan [2006], and
the Tripartite First Nations Health Plan [2007] – collectively “the Health Plans”), the BC Tripartite Framework
Agreement on First Nation Health Governance [2011] and resolutions at the annual Gathering Wisdom events and
the Framework Agreement.
In 2013, the First Nations Health Authority assumed responsibility for the design and delivery of health programs
and services for BC First Nations formerly delivered by Health Canada’s First Nations Inuit Health Branch – Pacific
Region. The FNHA has a broad mandate to improve health services for BC First Nations through new
partnerships, closer collaboration, and health systems innovation.
As the First Nations Health Authority has assumed responsibility for the historic transfer of programs, resources,
assets, staff, and responsibilities, we are developing an organization that reflects First Nations culture and
philosophy. Establishing a strong foundation prepares us to innovate, transform, and redesign health service
delivery with guidance from BC First Nations in the coming years.
The First Nations Health Authority is part of a unique health governance structure that includes political
representation and advocacy through the First Nations Health Council, and technical support and capacity
development through the First Nations Health Directors Association. Collectively, this First Nations health
governing structure works in partnership with BC First Nations to achieve our shared vision.
• Plan, design, manage, deliver and fund the delivery of First Nations Health Programs in British Columbia;
• Receive federal, provincial and other health funding for or to support the planning, design, management
and delivery of First Nations Health Programs and to carry out other health and wellness related
• Collaborate with the BC Ministry of Health and BC Health Authorities to coordinate and integrate their
respective health programs and services to achieve better health outcomes for First Nations in British
• Incorporate and promote First Nations knowledge, beliefs, values, practices, medicines and models of
health and healing into the First Nations Health Programs, recognizing that these may be reflected
differently in different regions of BC;
• Be constituted with good governance, accountability, transparency and openness standards;
• Establish standards for First Nations Health Programs that meet or exceed generally accepted standards;
Request for Proposal – Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
• Collect and maintain clinical information and patient records and develop protocols with the BC Ministry of
Health and the BC Health Authorities for sharing of patient records and patient information, consistent
with law;
• Over time, modify and redesign health programs and services that replace Federal Health Programs
through a collaborative and transparent process with BC First Nations to better meet health and wellness
• Design and implement mechanisms to engage BC First Nations with regard to community interests and
health care needs;
• Enhance collaboration among First Nations Health Providers and other health providers to address
economies of scale service delivery issues to improve efficiencies and access to health care;
• Carry out research and policy development in the area of First Nations health and wellness;
• The FNHA may undertake other functions, roles and responsibilities connected to health and wellness of
First Nations and other aboriginal people in BC.
The FNHA is governed by members of the Board of Directors who collectively brings years of experience in First
Nations health, community development, financial management and political expertise at all levels of government.
The Board provides leadership and oversight for all corporate activities of the FNHA.
The FNHA was created in conjunction with the First Nations Health Council, providing support services while the
political consensus was being built among BC First Nations. As a result, the FNHA website –
uses the FNHC name. For more information please visit the website or contact us at:
1. Definitions
a)“Contract” means the written agreement resulting from this Request for Proposals executed by the FNHA
and the Contractor;
b) “Contractor” means the successful proponent to this Request for Proposals who enters into a written
Contract with the FNHA;
c)“the FNHA” means the First Nations Health Authority;
d) “must” or “mandatory” means a requirement that must be met in order for a proposal to receive
e)“Proponent” means an individual or a company that submits, or intends to submit, a proposal in response
to this Request for Proposals;
f) “Request for Proposals” or “RFP” means the process described in this document; and
g) “Should” or “desirable” means a requirement having a significant degree of importance to the objectives
of the Request for Proposals.
4. Late Proposals
Proposals will be marked with their receipt time at the closing location. Only complete proposals received and
marked before closing time will be considered to have been received on time. Late proposals will not be accepted
and will be returned to the Proponent. In the event of a dispute, the proposal receipt time as recorded at the
closing location shall prevail.
5. Eligibility
Proposals may not be evaluated if the current or past activities or interests of the Proponent, or any sub-
contractors proposed by the Proponent, may, in the FNHA’s opinion, give rise to an unresolved conflict of interest
in connection with the project described in this RFP. This includes but is not limited to, involvement by a
Proponent or any proposed sub-contractors in the preparation of this RFP. If a Proponent is in doubt as to
whether there might be a conflict of interest, the Proponent should consult with the FNHA Contact Person
identified in this RFP.
Proposals from not-for-profit agencies will be evaluated against the same criteria as those received from any
other Proponents.
6. Evaluation
7. Negotiation Delay
If a written Contract cannot be negotiated within thirty days of notification of the successful Proponent, the FNHA
may at its sole discretion at any time thereafter, terminate negotiations with that Proponent and either negotiate
a Contract with the next qualified Proponent or choose to terminate the RFP process and not enter into a
Contract with any of the Proponents.
8. Debriefing
At the conclusion of the RFP process, all Proponents will be notified. Unsuccessful Proponents may request a
debriefing meeting with the FNHA. FNHA may, in its sole discretion provide such debriefing, at which time, FNHA
may advise the proponent in a general manner, of the reason for the non acceptance of the proponent’s
proposal. Only that proponent’s proposal will be reviewed
9. Alternative Solutions
If alternative solutions are offered, please submit the information in the same format, as a separate proposal.
17. Sub-Contracting
The use of a sub-contractor must be clearly defined in the proposal. This includes a joint submission by two
Proponents having no formal corporate links. In such a case, one of the Proponents must be prepared to take
overall responsibility for successful performance of the Contract and this must be clearly defined in the proposal.
Where applicable, the names of approved sub-contractors listed in the proposal will be included in the Contract.
No additional sub-contractors will be added nor other changes made, to this list in the Contract without the
written consent of the FNHA.
Neither acceptance of a proposal nor execution of a Contract will constitute approval by the FNHA of any activity
contemplated in any proposal that requires any approval, permit, or license pursuant to any federal, provincial,
regional district or municipal statute, regulation or by-law.
20. Contract
By submission of a proposal, the Proponent agrees that should its proposal be successful, the Proponent will
enter into a Contract with the FNHA.
26. No Lobbying
Proponents must not attempt to communicate directly or indirectly with any employee, contractor or
representative of the FNHA, including the evaluation committee and any officials of the FNHA, or with members
of the public or the media, about the project described in this RFP or otherwise in respect of the RFP, other than
as expressly directed or permitted by the FNHA.
Please fill out this form in order to advise the FNHA that you intend to submit a proposal for this RFP
FNHA CONTACT INFORMATION AND QUESTIONS: All enquiries related to this RFP including any requests for information,
questions, and clarification, are to be directed to the following email
CLOSING DATE/TIME OF RFP: Proposals must be received before September 5, 2017 16:00 hours
(4:00 pm) Pacific Time.
Company: ______________________________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________________________
Please see the attached Costing excel sheet located as an attachment of this RFP posting.
ID Area Questions Mandatory (3= highest,
Please provide one time license cost for the solution (e.g.: base
fees, licensing fees) on a per user basis and in total as per the
1 number of users described in the RFP. Please list each of these Yes 3
costs separately, and by user type (e.g. read/write/manage). If
necessary, provide additional information in an attachment.
One-time Please identify any other one-time costs that FNHA can expect
3 2
Cost to incur when implementing the solution.
Describe your pricing options for Canadian (hosted solely in
6 and Support 1
Canada) cloud storage vs FNHA hosted on premise storage
ID Area Question (3= highest,
5 Does your company have software escrow services in place? 2
11 Experience Is your company in the Gartner top right Magic Quadrant for ECM? Yes 3
13 Experience Is your ECM or EIM the primary business of your company? Yes 3
ID Area Questions Mandatory (3= highest,
Describe the solution's ability to specify mandatory metadata
1 fields when users save records into the system for each 3
content type and record type
Content Describe how your system can categorize and index files and
38 2
Management documents based on the document or content type.
Content Describe how your system can capture x-ray image files and
39 1
Management associate with a case record if required.
Privacy & Does your product support roles based and rules based
12 Yes 1
Security access? Please describe how this is done. (users and groups)
Privacy & Does your product audit facility bind the user ID of the
17 Yes 1
Security audited event to the audit record for that event?
Privacy & Describe how the product securely transmits event logs to
18 Yes 1
Security an external audit collection facility.
81 Technical Does your product have Azure certification? Please describe Yes 3
ID Area Questions Mandatory (3= highest,
Project Explain the project scheduling for the different phases and
6 3
Management how you will achieve FNHA's critical milestones.
ID Area Questions Mandatory (3= highest,